how do we stop it
Sexualization of japanese girls in video games
ignoring it may fix the problem
we don't.
ones and zeros can't be sexualised
Jap games sell less and less and western games are selling more and more. Coupled with growing global anti-incel sentiment, it shouldn’t take long for cringey Jap companies to go bankrupt and/or disappear.
I do my part by buying only good western games. I haven’t spent money on Jap games in almost a decade. I either ignore them or pirate them.
consuming it
Castrate/histerectomize yourself and you'll stop noticing it.
sexualize children in video games
bam, the problem is solved and now resetera AND Yea Forums will buy your game
There is literally nothing wrong with sexualizing people, especially if they're fictional.
Why even stopping it
Why would you stop it fag?
post all evidence you have so we can judge if it really is a problem
>There is literally nothing wrong with sexualizing people
True. I sexualize my friends and jerk off to them constantly.
fucking disgusting
3dpd are gross user
Not my fault attractive woman like to dress in revealing clothing. Tv ads have created a false signs that video game women just fail to achieve.
P.s. There is no way 250lb potato chip eating Brenda from accounting can do back floops and cartwheels. If all fighting game females looked like her then my immersion would be flaccid.
Don’t know don’t care and don’t want to
Commit 40%
we can't and we won't
What about photons
>how do we stop it
By not considering it "sexualization", because it isn't. If people stopped assuming a female characters entire purpose and existence is sex, then maybe we'd have less people crying about tits and ass like limp wristed faggots. Literally the only reason why certain people even think about "sexualization" of females is because they're are 100% factually gay and the only thing gay people know how to do is rope everything into their lives and turn it degenerately sexualized. Gay is a fetish for the mentally ill and anyone who points out this myth of a problem in video games deserve to be snatched up in the middle of the night and sold off to China as slaves.
Hey, Yea Forums. Need some help with a problem. See, me and my big bro are trying to kick this middle-aged, weaboo crime boss who killed our dad out of South Town, right? But my thicc, busty Asian GF keeps distracting me, and won't stay off my dick long enough for me to get anything done.
What do I do?
Trying way too hard
By posting more Mai.
You can't
Stay the hell away from my photons you pervert.
>good western games
And that's why we all know you are lying
Weeb opinions don’t count
I support toning down the sexualization of jap games not because I'm an sjw but because dickbrained faggots just can't stop making cringeworthy and brain cell deficient games. They only focus on big titties, big butts, skimpy clothes, and whatever banal shit that's been done a million times just because it makes pps hard. As a consequence, males get skimpy clothes and sexualized treatment too, and that's gross. We just can't make human beings of either gender to be like real persons with real personality anymore. Dickbrainers abolished all forms of individuality, rationality, and emotional capacity.
Distinct personality, distinct ideas, and distinct appearance should be equally important as physical looks in making a male or female character attractive. The way they appear should be based on and affect how they behave and seen by others. Not just simply "lets draw boobs cuz we can". I have nothing against big boobs or skimpy clothes, but every character needs a RATIONAL background, conflict, and resolution that made them choose their appearance and feel about it.
>good opinions don't count
Weeb opinions don’t count.
What's this called?
Game looks neat
please post more examples of what japanese images i should avoid, I must do my duty after all and memorize them so I know to avoid when seen
Hueg bon bons
Basically this. Jizzbrains ruined everything for everyone, even themselves. If only you fucking loser incel faggots would just HAVE SEX already.
Yes post more
I'm close rn
We post more.
I'd say I'm trying hard enough to pull my weight around here considering I'm the only one actually trying. It's hard being the only one doing the work that everybody should be doing collectively when everyone is too fat and lazy to shit on queers immediately for their demented intentions with video games these days. If people sit back like this forever, you'll be pre-ordering the next Far Cry game where you're a 5 year old male to female transgender who got stranded in a Books-A-Million, specifically in the Biology section and some of the titles relating to gender are giving you an anxiety attack when an employee comes up and asks you to leave or stop spilling your soimilk latte on the carpet, so you call the police on them and get then fired for bigotry. Eat shit and try harder.
>men find pretty girls attractive
there is nothing wrong with this, regardless of what (((they))) say
Literally gay
I'll suck your dick if you don't stop
Vidya girls don't need your protection
memorize these pictures, they are your enemies.
Saving them will help greatly!
Doubling down on trying way too hard is fucking cringe as fuck, kid.
Oh this guy would be hiding his hardon in a kindergarden.
You must be homosexual.
>mfw i get really violent urges towards sexy women
is something wrong with me?
>people be legit scared of anime tits
Go to a BDSM club to let out some steam my man.
IRL? Cause you might wanna go to a shrink before you do something.
What about phonons?
>not having sexy times with your friends
no true friend.
Vidya girls thread?
I love touhou.
I hate this. Like, I'm all for exposing shitty business practices, but the fact that it's so common for people to lie for some simple Twitter clout, and not have to own up to it after being exposed is so fucking annoying, even thought it has nothing to do with me.
Yes, truth will come out, but most of the people who saw the initial tweets will never find out what actually happened. They'll just think that this poor gamedev had their work thrown into trash.
And it's not like lying like this actually benefits the person in any substantial way. The random Twitter peeps won't be hiring or handing out work, the ones who will be will be actually in the know about what happened, you're essentially making yourself unemployable by smearing others for no reason.
Why are people this stupid.
Why should we stop it?
With suicide. Spread the message, then kys.
Can't you just have a regular titty monster thread? No need to hide it.
it's specifically women who i'm not emotionally attracted to.
I really don't like being tempted, so when I see a sexy woman who I have no attraction to it makes me irrationally angry.
I just want people to not dress like sluts 24/7 and save it for their spouse.
sexualization is bad
Let me guess. Sex scene only when you lose. Those kind of games can fuck off.
Your Reimu and Sanae have pretty poor quality.
They were made with the intention of being sexualized
>how do we stop it
get Japan to stop making games but that would make Yea Forums shitposting a lot more bearable
It's not though.
Get help
I've actually got to the point where I fapped so much that I'm no longer sexually attracted to anything anymore.
>tfw you jerked it too many times, fried your dope' receptors and now have ED
Honestly the only viable way is posting as much as you can until everybody gets tired of those fertile 2D bodies.
Good for you.
Guess what, I live in Japan, speak fluent Japanese, and have been redpilling all the Japs about the nonsense going on in the west as a cautionary tale. So long as I live here I’ll continue to make sure that Japan keeps doing what it does best, disregards the west, and keeps giving the world anime titties.
Keep seething soifaggot.
>game has more than 2 hoes
shit title.
Now you can achieve enlightenment user.
Its probably not going to be like that
Gamerers are too low IQ to reply to this.
You remind me of that tranny that pretended to live in japan and what a big influence he has on videogames there.
Never remove her clothes, that shit is nightmare-inducing
Nah. Just stop fapping for a week and you’re back to normal. I do that every time I’m guaranteed to get laid. I just get off the porn for a while and it’s all good.
>lewd weebshit in my Nintendo games
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
WIth censoring. After they can't sell their degeneracy on civilized market they will have to obey our rules.
>cvmbrain is filtered
Nintendo is a japanese company and so is ISIS, they can't be weebs
you fucked up, mate
Why contain it?
>Japan keeps doing what it does best
why is it okay when japan does it
when the west tries to do what we want to do the jews niggers muslims and liberals stop us
tits don't work like that
The west is too cucked to do anything. That’s why I moved to Japan.
Jews are afraid of the samurai.
money, user. They have a financial stake in our behavior.
is that white bar up top the milk meter?
just nuke them
Oh trust me i know.
Had to manually replace that shit.
they do if you fill it with silicon.
>ISIS is a Japanese company
Huh. No wonder their execution videos were higher quality than needed.
yeah, your mind is playing tricks on ya. what you see is not actually what you see. it is just a trick of light so believe what you want. i know i will.
because it is just fucking haha boobies and then your brain will be producing dopamine regardless of the game being shit.
Man, that picture is sexy as fuck.
It's just boobies so why is it bad?
>how do we stop it
>implying we want to stop it
Because he’s either a white knight thinking this narrative will get him laid, or a fat bitch jealous she’s not the one getting the attention.
Stop lewding my wife
Is there any relation between penis size and hornyness? Because I'm basically constantly horny even at work and mine is small as fuck. 2 inches soft and 4 inches hard
tell her to dress modestly.
I doubt it. I'm often horby throughout the day and min is about 8.5in hard
because as I said it is like the passing fence on its lowest point kind of a thing. It will make your brain happy regardless of what the actual product is striking right into your ape brain. It is just so low. And I am underweight bi male and I love playing with myself but keeping porn as porn and other things as.. not porn.. will ensure better quality products.
>that background
based artist
We'll need to sexualize everything we can so all the game journos will have a mental breakdown and kill themselves.
If there's no one to complain or write about it, it wouldn't exists.
You're in your prime.
Go find a qt to inseminate.
>not based
you can't be this dumb
This guy knows what's up.
>passing on 4 inch dick genetics