$15/month is too much to pay for a 15 year old gam-

>$15/month is too much to pay for a 15 year old gam-

...you realize $15 is the price of Starbucks 3 times a month, right? You have literally zero willpower if you can’t give up 3 cups of coffee to experience the most hyped game release since vanilla wow first released.

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you have no life if you make starbucks threads about world of warcraft

This. I never seen so many addicts in one place. Seek help, OP.

i buy coffee for a dollar a cup tho
ur a retard if u buy your coffee at starbucks, and most of their drinks dont even count as coffee youre basically just buying a sugar smoothie, might as well just drink a coca cola

its mainly hyped by zoomers though
if you fall for it you're a fucking brainlet

>not hot wings

Attached: 1545142926928.png (355x355, 144K)

>150 yo game
>have to have PC to play it

Attached: 12112.jpg (585x375, 63K)

Coffee is for niggers

>imagine not understanding that this korean basketweaving forum is contrarian, if classic was shit everyone here would be jizzin all over it

If you ever drink anything other than pic related, you are a drug addict and should kill yourself immediately.

Attached: water.jpg (1920x1152, 180K)

How the fuck can I install classic wow without the whole 70 GB? I don't get the option, just a "try for free" button

OSRS and WoW private servers are free. So why can't classic be the same? Or why isnt there a cheaper sub option for people that only want to play Classic instead of bundling the sub with Retail that nobody wants to fucking play?

No. I can't give up 3 cups of coffee to sit in a queue to get in a server, then sit in a makeshift queue in-game to kill enemies in the fucking starting area. Take me to Starbucks because Blizzard ain't gettin' shit.

You mean a 15 years old coffee i wouldnt pay $15 gor that

what type of water is that? Depending on what it is you are not drinking naturally


Word, dude, I personally have given up eating completely except for Slim Jims and Saltines so I can sit in queue for 6 hours, then wait in line around the quests with my fellow redditors xD

heres your natural water, bro

Attached: serveimage.png (1126x633, 345K)

Server queues are real, but should last a few days tops. Mob queues only last for a few hours while millions of people are on the exact same single-mob quest at the exact same time, and there's only half a dozen quests in the game across all factions that early on.

It's only coming up so much on Yea Forums literally because it's so strange and unusual

*half a dozen single-mob quests

>he drinks coffee
>he drinks starbucks coffee

My coffee costs 1.70$.

I have never played WoW before.
What is the hype around Classic about?
Is it really that good? Or is it just some nostalgiafags living in the past?
I'm genuinely curious.

it's over bros

back to BFA

Attached: F.png (1023x903, 544K)

Vanilla was an actual MMORPG where you had to socialize and rely on other players to succeed

retail is essentially diablo 3 but with more buttons and almost 0 communication required

That sounds fucking horrible, what diversity hire fuckup came up with that hot take?

>valuing video games over food

>"diversity hire"

Attached: Mega (You) X.png (770x768, 480K)

it was a death-by-a-thousand-cuts type deal. I doubt it was planned.

One little quality of life improvement this patch, another little streamline so the normies and children don't get bored and unsub that patch, and over a decade all the little bits add up.

>tfw richfag
Feels good man. I even created two subs just because I'm that rich.

Reinstall bnet if you don't get the classic option

I don't think he hated the idea of an actual MMORPG user

It was gradual. "Oh let's make a tool that automatically groups players" "And lets have instances end at the entrance so players don't have to walk a long way out" "And lets place the quest giver inside the instance so the player doesn't have to go to weird places to find it" etc. In the end everything became too smooth.

>coffee = food

They made something and you want it. Even if they made it 15 years ago, they still own it and have every right to charge 15 like they did back then. We're lucky they don't adjust for inflation. Play the game or don't.

>$15 is the price of Starbucks 3 times a month
Maybe if you buy the expensive shit, a large black coffee is less than 3 dollars

>implying water doesn't contain Jewish chems to make us all addicted to boi pussy

Nice try, goyim.

Uh, arent we all addicted to water?

I'd consider it if it was 15 bucks for three months, but one month? Hell no. I won't dish out that much money for something I might not even play.

b-but if you buy multiple months at once they give you a discount!
please come home

You realized I already played this game 15 years ago right? I aint paying shit for something that should be free. Also Classic only works in a bubble. WoW was a phenomenon due to the time not due to the game itself. In a world where Discord exists and everyone texts non stop this game has no place.

Because it only exists to try and shift some of you private server addicts to retail.

>$15 is the price of Starbucks 3 times a month
You are right, Basedbucks is completely overpriced and OP is a fag for admitting he goes there


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I remember when WoW launched some dudes in my Geometry class were making fun of WoW saying it was a worse version of Diablo 2. I guess things never change. Also Vanilla was super casual compared to the other offerings at the time, that is ironically what made it so popular.

Caffeine addicts are weak. I will have caffeinated beverages a small handful of times when I am unpredictably fatigued, but most mornings I just get up based on my own willpower and I'm the most energetic morning person around.

You're only tired in the mornings because you're addicted to caffeine and rely on it. Quit that shit, it's bad for you, and your default energy levels will rise.

>implying people don’t spend $15 on every single starcuck trip

This. I used to fall for microtransactions by rationalizing it as the price of a meal. I'd buy that shit instead of eating a meal. It's not worth it.

Water for the spirit And coffe for the gains amirite fit fellas

I love water so much. Water literally flows through my veins.


I don't care for MMOs anymore

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>retard who has never learned the value of a dollar is willing to spend $15 on three cups of coffee
Seriously, unironically, commit suicide. Die in a car crash, human waste.

>They made something and you want it.
they made it fucking wrong. what the hell is this sharding/layering crap? this is not vanilla at all. they even use the fucking BFA client instead of the vanilla client, you can find the same bugs in BFA in classic.

But those 3 Starbucks coffees are each fresh, not 15 years old.

Then you are in the right place. WoW popularized the trend of making MMOs into not-MMOs.

shut the fuck up you tiresome high horse faggot. I don't know where the hell you think you are

>I'm so poor I can't afford $15/month on entertainment

Fucking kill yourself poorfag.

I'm not joking dude, run some hot water and cut your fucking wrists open.

Just crummy water? You should be drinking pokemon creatures!

>worked 1 hour of work
>payed for my wow sub
>got a 5 dollar burger also

Imagine being a third world shitter. Imagine being such a faggot you can't afford 15 bucks. You are either 3rd world or a dumb kid.

When I was a kid playing this I went I to wallmart and stole the 60 day cards. What is your excuse dumbass?

>coffee is entertainment
I guess you're pretty easily entertained. Typical retard. Here's a video you will enjoy. Thousands of hours of entertainment for a simpleton.

Like fucking with too much lube. Everything's easier but you don't really feel anything.

>going to starbucks anyway
kill yourself

How is it not food?

>Vanilla was an actual MMORPG
funniest thing i have read in a while

Oh shit! I shouldn't go to a restaurant either and order a 15 dollar double bacon burger with a beer!


>being this fucking poor you need to rationalize tour lack of funds in this way.

Next time I'm with my wife I'm going to tell her we can't go out to eat because I value my dollar and I can make food at home! You are such fucking faggots.