Is it worth playing?
Is it worth playing?
I had a blast with it
it's janky, crashes every now and then, and I savescummed the shit out of it, but it gave me a unique experience of running a squad of like 8 dudes around and getting fisted by deathclaws and robots in realtime combat
I have played this to completion more times than I have completed any other Fallout game. It’s fun.
how would you rate it compared to 1+2?
Sure, it's great.
Nothing that came before Fallout 3 is worth playing.Everything that came after is until you hit Fallout 76.
Fallout Shelter is your call it is a decent time waster but adds nothing to the series.
it better than 1 but worse than 2. Still a solid game, tho
It's not even an RPG so I couldn't compare them.
as someone who finished it,its utter trash play jagged alliance 2 instead
Good game. If you like Fallout 2.
i always wanted to play a real time multiplayer match of this in a full lobby with low level characters. I imagine it to be the best tactics game in the world if you play it like this.
The only good fallout are 3 and 4
But Jagged Alliance is not in Fallout world.
Todd please.
Yes it is. Don't expect an rpg.
Yes. Even if it's not non-linear as the first two games, it's still worth investing time into it and playing. This, 1 and 2 are better than anything Bethesda did. FUCK YOU TODD.
Quick Save: The Game.
Anyway, it's not worth it. The game throws balance out of the window. Progression grinds to a halt once you start fighting Super Mutants. I'll explain: there are some sort of "arcs" in the game, meaning you'll be fighting the same kind of enemy for a few missions, then their arc ends and you'll fight the next enemy. IIRC, the progression is:
Raiders -> Beastlords -> Super Mutants -> Reavers -> Robots.
Once you clear an "arc", that enemy won't appear anymore, except for random battles. Anyway. Once you start fighting Super Mutants, the game grinds to a halt. That's because there are no advantages to repeatedly shooting someone in the face, they just take a little more damage. So you won't be killing those Super Mutants with your rifles. No. You have to bait them with grenades or try to shoot them from close range with the riot shotgun. And that carries a huge risk. Almost every mutant carries a minigun or rocket launcher, both of which have the probability of insta-gibbing you. And you can't out-range them. Even if you have a Sniper Rifle with 50 range and shoot them, they'll shoot you back with their 45 range minigun. And they have some pretty good chance to crit and insta-gib you.
After you fight the super muties, there's the Reavers (guys who use energy weapons) and finally the robots. The robots are strong against everything except explosives and energy weapons. So those guys you specialized in guns? Completely useless. Energy weapons or bust. The robots don't insta-gib you like the muties, but there's a ton of them in every stage.
Your armor is almost non-existent for 2/3 of the game. You can be insta-gibbed by a lucky crit. And you will be. However, when you get the first Power Armor, you can just run from room to room while being shot and your armor will deflect 99% of the shots. I'm not kidding. Instead of hiding and taking potshots on people, you can now run into their midst and shoot them in the face.
Still, the balance isn't totally skewed towards the enemies. The best exploit people found is to lob grenades at people behind walls. I'll explain: instead of something like Jagged Alliance 2 (or any other strategy game), you can't bait people into coming out of a house. No. They'll run towards the door, stop just short of appearing, and do nothing, FOREVER. If you have good Perception, you can see people behind walls (depends on distance). So the exploit is to provoke the enemies, have them get near the door, then just lob 50 grenades on them. They'll eat every single grenade, and won't move from there or fight back.
Just throw a ton of grenades around and you'll be fine. That won't help you when you need to save people, but fuck saving people. There's a shootout in a ghoul brothel that comes to mind. If you don't savescum the hell out of that, there's simple no way to save everyone inside the brothel. As soon as you fire a shot, the guys inside will murder everyone in range, and they won't run or fight back. So if you didn't position everyone perfectly beforehand (with savescumming), then no wasteland savior for you.
isnt gauss rifle enough for mutants?
idk if im mixing games
Great taste.
wut, dude, no
the game gives you heavy weapon users/sniper rifles at that point, bait them with the rifle and two heavy will chew them up, have them pop out of cover while they're shooting since mutants have zero accuracy past a certain range, but the spread fire eats up anyone around the target. Also 50 fucking cal dude, blows apart 2 at a time, useful for sticky situations.
If you have played Fallout 2 over and over again and want something different
Jesus, you are a retard.
Have a sniper on your team. give them sniper rifle as soon as possble. Muties/reavers will die offscreen so long as your sniper has a line of sight on them.
Jesus, dude, how the fuck did you play this game?
>team-based game
>not having dedicated sniper
>not having dedicated demo/engi
Get the fuck out.
NV (because first person and far more detail) > Tactics (real-time turnbased combat) > F2 ~= F1 > F3 > F4.
>first person and more detail
my sides
gamebryo engine is an atrocity and looks vissually worse than a game from 1997
new vegas strip itself has less content than new reno in fallout 2
If I am playing it for the first time, should I play it in real time or turn based mode?
No. I mean, if you could go back in time and play it in the 90's, it might not be so bad, but if you are at all accustomed to modern RTS mechanics and gameplay, the fundamental differences in this game will probably drive you crazy. Even if you play turn - based, the combat doesn't feel like FO1 and 2. I don't know why people pretend to like this game; I guess it gets some credit for being a classic Fallout title and one of the "black sheeps" of the series, but it's a chore to play, and all but the basic overtures of the story have been rendered non-canon
It's darker than all other Fallouts
>Being this contrarian
NV is worse than 3
>t. Todd
it was my first FO game ever, then came 1 and 2.
its pretty nice, just play it turn based since real time can be weird if you re used to FO 1 and 2
Turn based.
It's pretty fun, and I'd love if there was a mod that allowed me to finish its campaign in COOP mode.
I can't imagine why you'd want to play a combat only version of one of the best roleplaying games.
if i only played 3d fallouts, would i ever stand a chance at enjoying the 2d ones?
Arcanum should've had this combat system. The rtwp/tb of this was a better experience than Arcanum's implementation
Easy to do some broken builds, but it's fun.