Doesn't this game fuck up the future lore of the series?

>trivializes the Metal Gears
>You can't fight in the new universe unless you're at least a small god
>MGS was always ridiculous but this makes it downright goofy

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It's so far in the timeline that it doesn't fuck anything up

who cares

>>trivializes the Metal Gears
Metal Gears are impractical, but most augmented soldiers still can't deal with them.

Its the best Metal Gear storywise since MGS1, mainly because it leaves behind all the crap Kojima had been pilling over the years

Metal gears have been trivialized in 2 also

what would the sequel focus on

Raiden was implied to become a big boss like person at the end of MGR

>future lore
Are you actually expecting a sequel of some kind?

It’s the only metal gear story worth caring about

>MGS isn't goofy as hell
Did you play the games?


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>Future Lore

This series has no future. It's over.

Still better storyline than 90% of the whole series

this game's main reason for existence was to be fun.
don't worry to much about lore user.
really a shame that konami no longer makes real games, a sequel would be awesome

Who cares? It's not canon anyways.

Metal Gears were always impractical, the only one capable of standing its ground in frontline combat was REX (and even that was suggested to require squad support from a military force to cover its weaknesses and blind spots, the very ones Snake exploited).
The rest were jokes like MG-D and TX-55, capable in their element but otherwise extremely limited like RAY, or literally didn't work like Sahelanthropus. Metal Gears were meant for the symbolism of being a ground-mobile nuclear weapons platform, and not a real threat in battle.

Platinum turning the absurdity up to 20 can be handwaived away as exaggerated presentation for the sake of gameplay. Toning it back down to "human" levels if you aren't playing Raiden or some other top-model cyborg, having a playable human stand their ground against such super murder robots shouldn't be an issue.

>dude turn your brain off
back to plebbit

MGS1/MGS2 trivialized the Metal Gears when REX's blueprints went to the black market. Philanthropy is implied to have stopped many many Metal Gears, probably using Snake and a Stinger missile launcher. They're inherently trivial anyway if one guy with a missile launcher can take them down.

>fuck up
you meant set straight
MGR was the best thing that could have happent to the metal gear series

>>trivializes the Metal Gears
>Hasn't played a single Metal Gear Game
if it's not Rex or Ray it's trash

It literally salvaged Metal Gear as a franchise

Amazing to think that this was truly the logical next step for the series rather than V.

>tfw the whole metal gear story was just a corporate plot to scam US taxpayers that went too far

I mean, all Platinum would have to do is make another one of these games.

It's a confirmed non-canon spin-off, you fucking dumb retarded nigger faggot.

tpbp, it saved Raiden's character after the cluster fuck that was 4

Agreed. Kojima failed utterly with 4, and this is a nice clean slate.

It is though, Portable Ops too. Don't suck Kojima's dick so hard dude.

Raiden literally stopped Arsenal Gear dead in its tracks in MGS4. Kojima had already made him an insanely powerful force by that game.

You fight Ray clones in MGR which are canon inferior to the Marine RAY, and the game even explains that Raiden is special as he's using a completely unique body with top of the line equipment not available elsewhere. Your standard cyborg still can't do shit to a clone Ray.

Wrong, Kojima himself said it's canon.

It's less ridiculous for a cyborg to stop giant robots than it is for one normal guy who's just really good at running and shooting.

The Desperado RAYs are as powerful as the originals with the only diference being the plasma cannon

This, Raiden was using a custom cyborg body which was limited in some areas and not practical for much outside of slaughtering everything in sight. Doc explains this in the opening, he's a killing machine and about nothing more or less. He can't even recover from wounds naturally.
Also Metal Gears were getting fucked up by single guys since their first iteration, they really were just mobile ballistic missile platforms or bunker busters, super tanks in a sense with all of the weaknesses you'd expect. They would still need support in any form of combat.
Sure they got better over time, but so did cyborgs and NANOMACHINES.

Back in Snakes day all he needed was a rocket launcher

i was under the impression Reddit was full of pretentious people like yourself. which is it, Yea Forums?

Snake was special and you know it.

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How the fuck was Sam able to keep with everyone if he was just human all along?

Does that mean if he got cybernised he would have beaten Raiden?

Sam is brazilian.

Is he the only likeable Brazilian in any video game?

this. have you seen the asses of brazilian women vs. other women? it's kinda like that.

Superior genes.

This is long after all the other main characters are dead, I don't think the storywriters have anything to worry about

exo suit

>Does that mean if he got cybernised he would have beaten Raiden?
No doubt.

It was put after MGS4 precisely because absolutely nobody gives a shit about what happens after MGS2.

Raiden says he was barely a cyborg or something similar, which is vague, we don't really know exactly how far from or close to human he was

only his arm was cyber

Cyborg blood is supposed to be white, it was changed back to red for the international release. Sam's blood is red even in the Japanese version.
"Barely" probably meant not at all.

>MGG Franchise

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The arm was replaced between Sam DLC and main story, but the rest of him still had an exo-suit so he wasn't all musclepowered.

>trivializes the Metal Gears
How exactly?
Raiden could beat a dozen of Metal Gear Rays in 2 without problems too. In Rising there's Metal Gear EXCELSUS which takes a while to kill.

Lol faggot

This, you basically just fight cheap knock off metal gears, not the legit thing

Raiden is going to completely destroy the society in MGR2.
MGS6 will have Raiden's son as a character ,in a society more similar to MGS2.

He was just wearing an augmented suit, similar to the one solidus wore

Well, something is definitively going to be announced next year, the credits of the next Contra are the last confirmation needed. but we already know it's a small project.
However, remakes are more probable than new game. i can't see a 100% new game announcement before 2025 and a MGR2 announced before 2023.
then again i may be wrong.

what would you guys prefer? for mgs to be dead or to go on without kojimbo?

I want a mgr 2 and maybe a 3rd with george as the protag

war has changed


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didnt they have 26 ray's in mgs2?

Once you accept it as a what if scenario and let go of any seriousness that the series had at that point, and also accept the fact that mgs4 already ruined the plot before this game, then the game is a lot more fun to play.

The MGS lore died with MGS4.

Go on without kojimbo, but only in the form of remasters and MGR2

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Go on of course. Kojima is a hack and I want more Metal Gear. MGS3 was originally going to be about Liquid Snake, I want that game.

Oh yes, Give me more Snake's Revenges, Twin Snakeses, and Survives.

>trivializes the Metal Gears
You didn't play MGS2? You can defeat 20+ Metal Gears using a missile launcher...
One guy did the same in the 60's with an RPG
The Metal Gears aren't impossible to destroy, they only pose a threat because of the nuke launchers in them, which RAY didn't even had, it was only a mech for the army


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>tfw most Metal Gears were built in Africa, Russia or South America and funded by some global parties
>tfw the only Metal Gears that fucking worked were REX and RAY, Made in USA
All-American, baby

it's not canon thankfully

I would prefer Metal Gear Acid 3

>Doesn't this game fuck up the future lore of the series
What future lore?

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It is

This a flamboyant dude takes on an army of them without any ninja powers and a rocket launcher

it's not though

Bring back Shinta Nojiri to create more Ghost Babel and Acid 2 level kino

it has a modular weapon bay and can be deployed both in or out of water
Ray is a better REX in every shape and form

>it leaves behind all the crap

>Ray is a better REX in every shape and form
REX canon beat RAY user. After it was blown up. It can't swim sure but it's the definitive Metal Gear.

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Snake is dead. Need a new big boss.

Only because Otakon bulshit his way into reprograming REX on the fly and because it is the series favorite

>/pol/ forgot about him
Why did they forget lads? He was the best senator Colorado had! Why'd he have to go and die mysteriously in Iraq? It wasn't fair man.
He only died a year ago too, feels like he died 10 or 20 years ago.

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Still, canon, defeated RAY. There is no arguments to be made REX is the definitive MG.

A damaged and neglected REX piloted for the first time by Snake took out a fresh RAY piloted by Liquid, a practiced Metal Gear pilot.

shut the fuck up

>future lore

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>but this makes it downright goofy
It already was you faggot. Past entries have been arguably even more goofy than MGR, far more. MGS PW and MGS4 especially.

I wanted to post this somewhere.

I hate that it uses the MGSV image for Ocelot, if it was MGSV ocelot he'd be F tier, but Ocelot in general is S.

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Sam is wearing a suit that enhances his physical capabilities, and his arm is entirely robotic.

What kind of wind is an Armstrong?

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>trivializes the Metal Gears
That's one of the themes of the game, the obsolescence of Metal Gears, replaced by "rising" technology.
MGS4 was already going in that direction.

>Cécile that high up
She might be the most pointless character in the series.

>You can't fight in the new universe unless you're at least a small god
Seems like the usual, no?
As long as you code name contains Snake in it, you'll be fine though

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She's pointless but that character has soul and was fun. Her cutscene introduction is great, all her tapes are great, she's generally a fun character.
I agree that she's pointless though. But I still like her.

>Metal Gears were meant for the symbolism of being a ground-mobile nuclear weapons platform, and not a real threat in battle.
Oh shit! It's a Metal Gear!

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I liked Quiet. And not just because she was half naked.

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Mgs no longer has a future so whi cares

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You know that one attack where he becomes Atomic Samurai for a second? He would always be like that.

It's officially considered a completely different universe. And Raiden was already fighting multiple Rays in 2.

Have you played 4?

Otacon's Rex was designed to be a front-line capable walking battle tank with extreme armor and minimal support required. He didn't even design it to launch nukes. He designed it replace a several tank platoons AND be capable of contesting for air superiority with a minimal escort and limited air support.

Ray was designed to escort Arsenal Gear, and mostly be amphibious.

Rex beats Ray on land, but Ray isn't supposed to be on land very often.

Proof women are better when the keep their mouths shut.

She makes the game atmosphere feel less lonely and depressing. Makes the ACC comfy.

Says who?

Dude, not only it's a bad game, but anything after MGS4 ruineed the series.

Peace Walker and Pòrtable Ops included.

But I liked Sniper Wolf as well and she talked alot I think I may have a thing for women using Sniper Rifles

Exactly, it's nice having a companion that can watch your back and them becoming closer over the course of the game was nice too. She wasn't a complex character or the best in MG but I liked her all the same.

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