Girl builds her grave in Minecraft and commits suicide

13yo Polish girl builds her grave in Minecraft, leaves a suicide letter in a Minecraft book and kills herself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's pretty creative, even though it's sad.

I can't read pseudo-Russian. It's funny though, that girls looks like my niece, who is 14 and also a bit autistic.


Did you smash?

The Kino Lolicide vs. The Cliche Incel Mass Shooter

you can google translate the article with 2 clicks

>can read polish

I know that was bait, but someone might think you’re serious

poor thing, rest at peace

That grave doesn't look very polished.

Ban minecraft now!

>google translate

ok now this is based

was it on a public server or how did anybody manage to find it?

Fucking Pewdiepie

Lock your autistic sister in a cage and turn her into a sex slave

white people are too smart for their own good

>googletranslating kurwas

she left a note

Unironically kill yourself
These country related puns make my blood boil, the faggots who say them think they're hot shit and they've said it for the first time
I so fucking hate it aaaa

cute and depressed!

she killed herself in minecraft?

>anti adblock cancer
How did she die

Polish mutt can't read lmao kys subhuman

truly hilarious

she was bullied because no one loved her. I would loved her. what a shame

She's polish retard

>That's pretty creative
No it was in survival



How did she die?

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they say if you type her name 10 times ingame, in the bottom layer, while standing in a circle of red stone bricks, summons her ghost and kills the player.


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yes, the whitest country in the world. your point?

Have video games gone too far?

Your country is shit lmao

>so racist can't even tell who's white and isn't

what a waste of good cunny

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>Emi Emi Emi...

stoned to death

>tfw no consenting underage gf

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whiter than you will ever be jamal

based loli
shame she didn't realise there are millions of people in the world who would worship a 13 yo girl like a princess... But I guess that's illegal! Thanks jews for killing another little white girl

>Emilka hanged herself at night in a skipping rope, in the attic of her house in Lipnica Dolna in Podkarpacie.

translated with google translate

No whites east of the Rhine empirelet continental scum

>Macabre! He murdered a biker with a brick!

How would you ironically kill yourself user?


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You will never be as good at role-playing in a game as this girl Yea Forums, what’s your excuse?

Imagine having the same situation but just living a shell of a life for 13 years longer haha
Just wasting away alone infront of a computer every day haha.

I know user, until Orbán & friends are leading this shithole it won't improve
Sadly they have the old people lobby, so elections are fucking busted

Sleep tight cunner



Mad slav mutt. Is your grandfather a Russian rapist or German rapist?

>أريد أن الهجن الحلو الهرة


I'm gonna make a tally of mad people and denmark one down for you.

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please delete this

Somebody bury this thing.

im going to take was molested by a family member for $200

you kill yourself in minecraft

I have a feeling user planted that joke, but it's so well written it's great.

The only mutts here are inbred hicks like you.

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Most people are bullied for a reason she was probably annoying as fuck


What is wrong with p*lacks?

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Tragic. It’s awful whenever a child does this. As silly as it sounds that she did some strange Minecraft memorial, it’s still damm sad

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That grave looks like shit

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sound's like you're Finnished lmao


t.56% mutt

haha that would be crazy !

>When a little girl can actually go through with killing herself and not do it for attention

Unironically both based and sad. Rest in peace

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That's a pretty comfy looking grave, looking forwards to seeing some more builds from her.

Time to ban minecraft for encouraging suicide among teenagers.

3D = PD user. She was ruined from birth.

how to acquire suicidal gf and save her before she actually goes through with it?

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i wish i could kill myself

Based and kekked


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I'll never believe in anything this shit paper is saying
>lately she was spending a lot of time playing games
>parents blame everything on game
>s-she was a good kid, even asked for raspberry pie for tomorrow

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Why did she kill herself?

based 13yo grill

How do you google translate a screenshot, you mong

I feel that Pewdiepie giving this game spotlight again makes him partially responsible.

get hooker


Real children are not for sex you sick fuck. Stick to your cartoons.

Fuck you.
I am polish and I find that quote funny.

Her uncle is probably celebrating by himself somewhere. Never got caught pounding that cunny.


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somebody get this guy out of here before he hurts himself sperging out

Don't you worship niggers and krauts?

>faggots pretend to care about random dumbass kid
This place is getting closer to reddit everyday

stevefags on suicide watch

>Sadly they have the old people lobby, so elections are fucking busted

yeah man we need the young in power and open polands borders!

>skipping rope
Damn. That makes it even sadder.

Samefag, your joke was not funny.

>if your paternal ancestry isn't comprised of soldiers from every neighboring country you are inbred and also somehow a mutt
lmao have fun not exist in a few years, like always.

based, she killed herself right before the years life goes to shit

Why you gotta be so hurtful, country puns aren't so terrable. There's a whole world of opportunities there. Give a gaia break.

What are they saying in that pic? Something about Jerusalem?

I beg your pardon, it's polished shit, thank you very much

BASED and blackpilled, life is not worth living

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With the google translate app.

protip: A man can't save a fucked up woman. It's some left over evolutionary bullshit that lets men take in retarded chicks, but the man will always get shit on in the end. If you want to help her tell her she's a fucking psycho and to leave you alone until she cleaned her shit up.

Did they catch the family member who was raping her?

Kraut are mutts, which makes poles hyper mutt rapebabies

And that's amerifats for you.

Who the fuck is caring retard? Everyone is laughing at this.

Crimea river, dumbass

>gentlemans care about random cunny
Yikes. Go back redditor.

kek, nah, it says "Pope John Paul 2nd let
into Heaven"


Central Asian DNA. Same issue with Germans, Hungarians, and Anglos.

>shitter shattered polish pole polishing poledancer

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Well, if you had to kill yourself, this was certainly the best way to do it

>she kills herself anyways
>now everyone thinks you did it

it says the pope John Paul II let Jaruzelski into heaven (the USSR puppet who sent army after protesting people)

If you die in the game you die in real life

seeth, moralfag

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One less jailbait for anons, sad

fukkin lol

And frogs are the 56% of Europe. What's your point?

There's norway anyone could dislike country puns.

Honestly Poland like Canada, news zealand, everything south of Mexico, and Africa need to be merged because they don't matter at all

Not gonna lie that is pretty ebic, but why is this paper in slavrunes?


think she lost her virginity to a hairbrush?

Dude, Fakt is known from making things up in Poland. No one normal reads it and treats seriously. But they write cool hilarious shit

She got molested or bullied maybe both

no wonder she killed herself, life'spain

>beautiful young dirty blonde green eyed girl kills herself

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Don't jokes generally require a punchline?

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You don't.
You google translate the link dummkopf

Hahahahaha what an autistic fucking retard

pizda je Polski jezik smesen

mad kraut never have empire

Ukraine not react like this at a simple joke.

yes, or a pen
i bet she pissed herself when she first came

Go fuck yourself zoomer. Resetera is where you belong.

Visualising a loud splash or an explosion appeals to young kids. Boys really like mischief and chaos

Upvoted fellow gentleman

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you know your country isn't your race right?

wish I was there

hoes mad

>Live life on easy mode
>Still kill yourself
I will never understand white women.
Or white guys for that matter.

>skipping rope

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She had no signs of wanting to kill herself earlier and appeared to be perfectly healthy mentally. But she had no friends, and sees no point in life.

ez joke, but I still got a chuckle

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>Saying anything about asian DNA

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imagine the smell

You don't want to. I dated a girl who was prone to depression, nowhere even near to suicidal, and it was goddamn exhausting. She was amazing when it was a good day but you never knew when waking up if the day was going to be hell or not. You can't really even do anything no matter how you try and help.

smesan bado hehe hoho kurw kurwa

They're jokes for minecrafters

It's not easy when you're all too aware of the stench of subhuman minorities

Spotting a nigger in any town that's not Warsaw is really fucking hard. I saw 3 total in my lifetime so far.

imagine being a sugardaddy to a hot jailbait like that. you could impress her with your appartment, your money, your car. you could show her what it's like to be an adult. ahh how sweet it would be.
but too bad you're a failed adult with no money, you couldn't even impress an underage girl with your current way of life :(

does anyone have the full journal from in game?

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They will somehow find a way to blame Minecraft instead of the garbage parents.

>The first fact wrote about the tragedy in Lipnica. After this publication, teenagers who were friends of the girl in the virtual world came forward. They knew each other for several years, though they never saw each other. They corresponded with each other over the internet. They claim that there was nothing wrong with this game. It was they who, just after the girl's death, found Emilka's grave in the game. Inside were letters in the form of a story. It is hard to believe in what mental state the 13-year-old child was. She herself admitted in her letters that the internet and computer were asylum.
>Emi wrote that she felt lonely, she had no friends, that she did not see the meaning of life.

>girl had depression and killed herself
>hurr dur its games fault
modern parenting at its finest

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go to bed.

she sounds nice, wish she didn't do that to herself

>Our pope let Jeruzalieski into heaven.
No clue who that Jeruzalieski guy is though.

no you punchtrees.

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>internet I jej

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Watch out for your niece then.
Look at her skill & tell me how not white she was... Anyway, it doesn't matter.
That reason might be on the bully side too. (if someone is annoying, it doesn't mean that you can annoy them in return,instead of just ignoring them)
They're humans, like me & you. That's what's wrong.

Slavs aren't white.

I'm not dropping my adblock to read this.

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I see this in hentai all the time. Is it a real thing? Do girls just start peeing when they cum? What the fuck.

What a shame and a waste of a prime cunny, I could've taken her in to be my wife.


I know it's Yea Forums, but you're trying too hard to fit in faggot.


Jamacian hoes mad

well france started ww1 because they were jealous of the german empire, so? also shouldn't you cheer to Griezmann or Mayer?

She hanged herself using jumping rope.

kys racemixer

>gentle men
more like
sick weeabo

i guess germans and the irish aren't either right?

Choosing a mentally unstable person? Genius choice!

t. stevefag

their bladders are shorter and sometimes they press up on the bladder through their vaginas, i think its possible

ce je pa res
pejt lizat kurcka

I wonder who's behind this post.

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Living in Poland is not easy mode.

What a shitty looking grave

>She wrote that she felt alone, didn't have any friends and that she doesn't see the point of live.
>Her [Minecraft] friends found her grave and letters, shortly after her death.

Way to fucking guilt trip people you're spending X hours a day to feel responsible for not being "good enough" friends.

why? just go over to germany, those guys love polish chicks. find yourself a husband with a well paying job and bam you're set for life

>tabloidowe gowno

It is when you are a woman, then you have many beta orbiters around you no matter how ugly you are.

what German empire?

it's fucking nothing
the newspaper and its website are well known for making shit up
make your grave in minecraft and kill yourself OP

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you sound ASSPAINED

What the fuck does it say?

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Some people get gratification by helping mentally unstable people, it's entirely personal gratification, has nothing to do with selflessness.

slav scum are unhappy and depressed, democracy doesn't help, they should go back to socialism

mad continental welfare baby keep seething over brexit and Russia

Disregard this faggot, I'm hungary for more

White people are weaklings honestly, especially white women.
It's going to be interesting seeing all the white women who kill themselves after they realize how badly they fucked up their own countries.
I love going to places like crystalcafe or lolcow and laughing at Euro women whining about how "misogynist" immigrants are.

shut the fuck up faggot, go back


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Same with women having trash (or even criminals) as partners : their maternal instinct tells them that they might change him.
Changing someone is hard & outright impossible if they refuse to change themselves.

Rest in Peace Baby Girl Emilki

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Jokes for autists follow completely different rules normal people can't comprehend.

Racemixing is the future white boi.

you shouldn't talk about things you don't understand

get fucked faggot

See other languages looks like shit. English is clean and the words look normal and organized, meanwhile other ones look retarded with all the letters mixed up so it doesn't make sense honestly esl should be enslaved

but then more people would kill themselves

we need Trump to legalize mail-order Easter Euro loli brides

>he thinks that poles are not white
Fucking retarded trash, kys.

>free smells

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>83 pages
Ain't no one got time for that nigga

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the one you were mad about.

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With capitalism they have ok salaries(approximately 800 euros). Much better than communism.

He was destroyed!

Germany is the America of Europe and Poland is Mexico

cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny

You're not gonna be that guy with a bunch of (You)s, sorry

Here's one out of pity

t. triggered nigger

Stfu bitch. Ur cringy joke wasnt funny

How long before she haunts the game?

pols aren't any more white than Greeks and Spaniards.

Unless you're the son of stealthy millionaires, life is Not easy.

List of successful colonies that speak German

Based and pussyfilled

Has anyone considered that maybe the reason people commit suicide is because the media gives attention to the idiots that do it?

lolis can do that?

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Maybe like 15 years ago. Ukraine is the Mexico of Europe now.

>frogs arguing with krauts who's whiter
>while French have been granting citizenship to niggers since at least WWI
Holy shit, have some dignity. You've started this le 56% meme.

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>ukrywac swoich emocji, zainteresowan
>hide her emotions, interests
so she was a furry?

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What fucking 13 year old goes through an existential crisis liek this wtf
I just wanted to play video games and eat pizza


Some teenage horse shit about being safe at home and on the internet, where she felt beautiful freedom.

Has anyone considered that maybe the reason people commit rape is because the media gives attention to the idiots that do it?

Lain certainly did.

Ahh fucking kek that joke was so bad

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Pretty small grave. Only reason for suicideis having crippled or manlet body. Everything else can be solved.

Life is much easier for a white woman than it is for pretty much anyone else on the planet, unless she was born in some shithole like South Africa.

Internet and home were her sancturaies. In those places she didn't had to hide her emotions and interests. There she felt beautiful freedom. Whenever she was in her sanctuary, her weight on the heart stopped. Or rather she could forget about it in there.

of course they are, the difference is slavs are subhumans like niggers

you bet your ass they can
don't open it

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>skipping rope
Too bad it didn't skip the part where it killed her


Here's my shitty translation.

The internet and her house has always been an asylum. At this place she did not have to conceal her emotions, interests. Tender there nice freedom . When was in the asylum, her heart tend to stop. To instead know how there about all the more to forget.

I just couldn't stand my hometown being flooded with all the people of colour.

Yes, but it's still not easy. The only thing that reliably makes life easy is wealth.


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The image cut out most of the article but here's the readable part translated for those who don't wanna use google translate:

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mad you need to speak Anglo to be white

>The internet and her house have always been her asylum. In these places she didn't have to hide her emotions and interests. She felt a beautiful freedom there. Whenever she was in her asylum her heart was stopping weighing down or rather, she was able to forget about it.

>Real children are not for sex
Then why can they be so sexy?

What an absolute madlad

Shart in mart

you don't need a reason to kill yourself
your body, your choice

fuck you, I don't want to.

Actually sad as fuck.

t. buzizsidó

how did she figure out how to tie a proper noose?

Why does NA make so much fun of Poland?

>talks about herself in the third person
We might have dodged a serial killer lads.

She obviously had no friends at school and was the awkward minecraft girl. Where her only friends were in minecraft, etc.

Is she actually writing in third person or is that just how the language works?

Most people will die anyway, so unless someone is under extreme pain, why do it.

How did she an hero?

Imagine the free smells

It's pretty fucking easy, you'd have to be an exceptionally weak and pitiable individual to think life as a white woman in the modern world is in any way difficult because someone won't fuck you or your crush won't pay attention to you or people on the internet are mean.
It's fucking pathetic, and in this case the parents are to blame for allowing their child to wallow in all this self-pity bullshit instead of actually taking some time out of their schedule to sit down and have an actual conversation with her.

Not everyone is brainded as you.

Anglos are the original nigger immigrants that destroy society wherever they go. We'd all be Romans if not for those pig fucking subhumans.

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>writing in 3rd person
mtf tranny confirmed

Based user.

I know everyone here jokes to deal with the crippling depression in their own lives but...goddamn man. Poor girl.

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She had access to the internet
That isn't hard to find info
If you ask, someone will provide you with a guide on how to do it
Hell, just post something stupid and they'll do it

Alsace. Built the Eifel tower, designed Paris, are your sportlers. Also name one French speaking colony that did anything but claiming your women and do terrorist attacks.


She writes in third person.

she hung herself while her parents went to sleep

>females can't be robo-

>nigger streamer gets sticky
>meanwhile an underage girl who an hero same as the streamer gets nothing
the state of mods

She really wrote this in a third person.

Yeah but that can seriously backfire. Your life has enough trouble to deal with on its own, no need to add avoidable drama to it.
No weight,no substance, no lesson. It doesn't hurt,it doesn' make me laugh, it doesn't anger me, it doesn't work, man.

I do not believe in inbred on island. I cannot be Anglo.

This is a new level of post-ironic shitposting.

hogy kesereg a zümmencs

Jeez, user. You’re pretty mad. Maybe you’re just Hungary? Go have some Turkey and get back to us, see how you feel

People know Etika, nobody knows this literal who

there's always spiraling to alcoholism, hedonism and general degeneracy.

Polland is literally the Argentina of Yuroslavia


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I don't get it.

because different people have different factors to decide when the right time for suicide is
you can't put a generalization in there and think it applies to everyone
people have different tolerences for existence, and some will kill themselves over less than others
and that's fine

szkoda lolitki :/

I thought it was in hardcore mode?


>Yea Forums mocks underage girls now
just how low are you gonna get you scumbags?

Damn wanted to post this. gj

Kenya give me one good reason why?

>Lipnica Dolna
Wait was she playing minecraft or FFXIV?

What's wrong with slavs

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They're pretty damn similar outside of word frequency.

because he needs to feel good about his race because that's all he has

meanwhile I'm a "subhuman" slav employed in a FAANG company making more than he'll ever make in his pathetic life

What if it wasn't a suicide and Herobrine is the one who killed her!
I'm scared bros.

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wykurwiaj na kara

whats this fucking robot saying with his zipzap zdoidzztop language?


I mock white people of all shapes, sizes, and ages.
Stop being so easy to make fun of and I'll stop.

hang in there, buddy

>shounen jumped.png

They live in a shithole and things like games and anime are their only escapes.


Let me translate it for you into your language.

he's saying it's sad that a loli died,

This thread made me happy lol

Incredibly sad but kino

Fakt isnt infact about facts but asspulled baits

I’m never Ghana stop user, not until I run out of countries

You're confusing slavs with mongoloid hybrids.
The Slavs as written about by the ancient Greeks were a tall red headed white warrior race, the true Aryans.

So that's the language Cosby was speaking. Good to know.

This also applies to niggers and they don't kill themselves nearly as much.

>bydlo jumps off building because his favourite anime character died
this shit is the grandmother of fake news
i first heard it in around 1997 when Dragon Ball was first aired here

based and cunnypilled

You wanna talk about low?

That girls gonna be six feet low soon

That's a shitty looking fucking grave, if that's the one

Bullying should carry death penalty.

They don't have computers in the desert/savannah.

you aight frenchbois

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as a poorfag /balt/ I can confirm desu, people are rude as fuck and you try to escape your shitty life with vidya and anime

To be fair, if I was born a p*le I would kill myself too.

to be fair i can't name the prime ministers of all our neighboring countries

nobody dies in dragon ball


You'd just drag yourself down to her mental state and it's not worth it
People who genuinely want this have no idea what they're asking for

He did that. He tried to get in with the jetset party scene but then realized that everyone were disingenuous assholes chasing his money.

But you could have workded for cd projekt red.

if i was polish at least my dick wouldnt be too dark compared to my thigh and hands

>kys in minecraft
So autistic that she took it literally

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I can joke but with a minimum of respect because I know a few people who attempted to leave early (and some successfully did).
You talk to them one day, they seem happy but something is off, then your class organize a special meeting in the school chapel. (or a minute of silence for the whole school if it's a teacher)

Last time I checked, Poland is not Detroit, California, or Chicago.


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You're about to get a sneedle.

Stop crying like a little virgin island and get with the Chad landmass puns

degenarets know etik


what happens if I search for this term on emule?

Don't (YOU) me

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Shit like this reminds me I still have the ability to feel pain. No kid should end up down this road. No kid should take their own life out of a feeling of hopelessness. God damn it. It's the duty of the society to prevent this from happening, and we're failing. We're all failing.

I have never even touched minecraft. I don't get the joke here.

It's almost as if............................. mental illness.................................................................................................. was a thing........................................
I kinna finna maeks u think



But they do in Baltimore, Compton, Detroit, Oakland, St Louis, Chicago, and many other shitholes full of nigs.
And again, they don't kill themselves nearly as much.

I have online friends I play video games with but I don't consider them a speck on real friends, they're international.

Any language far enough from your mother tongue looks alien to you. Some people find English strange too.

I guess there's a mode called "creative" and a mode called "survival".

>flat as a board
hnnnngg cunnyseur of the highest form right here

Hardcore lad

Sounds like this particular mental illness is a quintessentially white "thing."
You're not special, life sucks for everyone else too, white people are just giant pussies who can't handle it.

I used video games as an escapism after developing avoidance behaviours while dropping out of school.

I didn't kill myself though because video games were my escape damn this bitch stupid.

Poor girl. Now im wondering if there was any abuse coming from parents or classmates.
>13 yo hides in a virtual world
>only there can she disclose her feelings and emotions
>parents blame the game
Call SVU.

Creative and survival are modes in minecraft
You can't die in creative mode

Poles are weird. On the internet they're funny and cool, but every pole I've met has been more animal than human


don't Goku and Piccolo both die?

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Thank you, kind anons. I hope you have a wonderful day.

Why bother killing yourself when you're already getting shot from every direction

No worries.

>seething this hard

White people used to own your people, just deal with it and move on.


They are not weird but they tend to associate only with their countrymen and not with foreigners.
Really closed minded like that.


Your nation is the cum-dumpster of Europe. Every european conquerer have to first lose their v-cards with Poland.

>domek/nagrobek z gówna
o jednego górola mniej

tip tip

Oh yeah, that's a cardinal sin, nowadays

Jesus Christ

>you were born too late to save lolis on the internet

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And now white people kill themselves more than my people did when white people literally owned them and treated them like farming equipment.
Imagine being THAT weak.

Actually based.

some more translated info:
>Emilka powiesiła się w nocy na skakance, na strychu swojego domu w Lipnicy Dolnej na Podkarpaciu. Pozostawiła w rozpaczy rodziców i starszą siostrę. – Córka nie miała żadnego powodu, aby to zrobić. Jeszcze wieczorem rozmawiałyśmy i zachowywała się jak zawsze. Powiedziała „dobranoc, mamuś” i poprosiła, aby następnego dnia upiec jej ulubione ciasto malinowe – mówi nam mama.

Emily hung herself during night using a jumping rope in the attic of her house in Lipnica Dolna (name of her village) in Podkarpacie (name of the county). She left her parents and older sister in a state of despair. -She had no reason to do it. We talked that evening and she acted normal. She said "goodnight, mommy" and asked me to bake her favourite raspberry pie on the next day. -told us the girl's mom.

i'll try to translate the rest if the thread stays up

she could’ve built a way better grave, if I were going to commit suicide I would’ve gone out with a bigger bang

>No it was in survival
clearly it wasn't

yeah and we can more or less understand what russians are saying, reading is a problem

You're too busy gunning each other down in the street and aborting your children.

Go buy a popeyes chicken sandwich you subhuman.

Are you that guy who broke onto a burger king and drank galleons of cooking oil? You sound like him

Can someone send me here save ? I

it would be illegal to try and save her

>Emilka victim of the internet
Who the fuck writes those topics?

What does the suicide letter say? I don't speak your monkey language

>asked me to bake her favourite raspberry pie on the next day

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Poor girl had information that would lead to Hillary Clinton's arrest.

>abloo abloo born as the most attractive race yet life is mean :(

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Learning Cyrillic is actually piss easy, they only have like 6 letters that differ from the Latin alphabet.


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I prefer Chikfila, I only eat chicken if I know no white faggots have touched it.
But yea, you're weak, and I imagine it's because you actually listened to your retarded women instead of ignoring them like most of the rest of the planet.
I'd say it's sad, but you deserve it, so it's funny.

They externalise their issues. Someone else is always at fault, and not them - thats their reasoning. Add actual physiological issues with brain and neural functions (partially due to effects of hightened levels of testosterone) and yoiu have a human that has barely any empathy, poor impulse control, elevated levels of aggression, distorted perception of reality etc. They cannot kill themselves because they lack the capacity to reach that state - they are at the opposite end.

Everyone stuck here is a victim of the internet

god be with ye, suicide sister


So in other words, whites kill themselves because they're feminized and low test.
Sounds about right.

>I only eat chicken if I know no white faggots have touched it.
So you like your chicken jizzed on by 30 IQ niggers who will never have a better job than fast food employee?


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You can't save her, user. That's not how that works.

Goku,Goku,Vegeta,Krillin,Chiaotzu,Yamcha,Tao pai pai,Nappa,Frieza,Cell,Dr Gero,C-17 & C-18 (in the bad Trunks future),Gohan (same),C-16,C-13, Piccolo,Piccolo, Tenshinhan,Buu, Cooler,Broly,The whole Saiyan population on the planet including King Vegeta, Bardock,Sangohan the grandpa of Goku,The Ginyu Force, tons of Red Ribbon people,a farmer,Babidi,Dabura...

based and gigakek'd

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Under Carpathian? I suspect vampires.

A pyramide would be nice, with traps.

Slavic languages are similar, knowing Russian you can understand most of the others.

takrodj a kurva anyádba te momós szarevő.

enjoy your foot lettuce

And your race is too busy killing each others and wasting their youth and money being posers.

Not exclusive to them : see Japan for instance.

She killed herself in Minecraft. What's the big deal?

Fewer slavs = better for the world

It's better that she's dead rather than letting her marry a slav and have slav spawn.

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Death is but an illusion.

>it's because you actually listened to your retarded women instead of ignoring them like most of the rest of the planet

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I genuinely want it and I know what I'm asking for and have experienced multiple times. HELP!

Japanese do it because their society is soul draining.


>Rodzice przyczyny tragedii widzą w komputerowej grze, przy której nastolatka ostatnio spędzała całe dnie. Podejrzewają, że ktoś mógł nią manipulować.
The parents see the video game as the cause of the tragedy, recently the girl spent whole days playing the game. They're suspecting that somebody manipulated their daughter.

>Fakt pierwszy napisał o tragedii w Lipnicy. Po tej publikacji, zgłosili się nastolatkowie, którzy byli przyjaciółmi dziewczynki w wirtualnym świecie. Znali się kilka lat, choć nigdy się nie widzieli. Korespondowali ze sobą przez internet. Twierdzą, że w tej grze nie było nic złego. To oni, tuż po śmierci dziewczynki, znaleźli w grze grób Emilki. W środku były listy w formie opowiadania. Aż trudno uwierzyć w jakim stanie psychicznym było 13-letnie dziecko. Samo w swych listach przyznała, że internet i komputer był dla niej azylem.
Fakt (name of the paper) was the first to write about the tragedy in Lipnica. After the publication a group of teenagers contacted us, they were the girl's friends in the virtual world. They knew each other for a few years even though they've never seen each other. They wrote to each other on the internet. They stated that there's nothing evil about the game. It was them who found the girl's grave in the game after she passed. Inside of it were letters in a form of a story. It's hard to believe in how bad of a mental state the 13 year old girl was in. In her own letters she admitted that the internet and the personal computer were her escape.

Excuse the reddit spacing and my writing pace.


slavs are as bad as niggers


This whole thread is the synthesis of why everyone hates Yea Forums.

>attention whore accidentially succeeds
Reminder that females don't commit suicide, they just put on a show to get attention. Any actual female suicide is nothing but an accident.

>implying black people have the emotional depth to be suicidally depressed
>implying black people are capable of feeling shame, guilt, or remorse
Animals don’t commit suicide either, they’re too dumb to.


If they hate it so much they should stay the fuck away.

That's not a strawman stupid.
It is objective fact that nearly all of the problems whites face today is because of their weak and feminized population.
That's what happens when you allow women to lead you, something that blacks are also dealing with in their own special shitty way.

Trying way too hard

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...But they do it. I was writing something against "only whites commit suicide", remember?

>free smells

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polish thread without censopope?
i'm disappointed

That's not what reddit spacing is.
I swear when someone here hates another thing it's more often than not thoughtless bandwagon than something caused by a legitimate reason.

Typical current day parents not caring about they kids, let alone checking on what they're actually doing online and then blaming anyone but themselves when something goes wrong. It honestly disgusts me.

No its not. How are they supposed to bury her in it, and her character would respawn so its pretty retarded actually. All suicide is but this slighty more and now shes get fucked in the morgue

what, he's still alive

>white woman
She was a little autistic girl you fucking moron

I miss when Kill Yourself was the go-to reply for faggots like you. Telling people to dilate or have sex won't get them off the board.

Good, if you hate it then stop fucking coming here.
I hope we get more edgy as fuck threads like this so faggots like you will fuck off.

Wrong? Termites, for instance, kamikaze themselves to protect the colony.

>You're not special, life sucks for everyone else too, white people are just giant pussies who can't handle it
This was the specified white people exclusive.

I don't even understand why you're wasting your time replying to some faggot larping as a nigger.

Man, I wish, then people would stop coming here.

Let me guess, you are a straight male in your middle 20s that is constantly angry because you couldnt develop as a normal human being and know you hide yourself with dark edgy humor. Jesus I hate incels so fucking much.

Silly nigger, chik fil a is the chicken white people eat.
Kfc and popeyes are for your kind

Rip Minecraft loli ,wish it was a niglet or spawn of some haji

Being underaged and autistic doesn't mean she wasn't a white female you fucking mongoloid.

>further inquires in the chat logs showed that she had been in a close relationship with a British teen she had met in the game, who emotionally abused her and told her to kill herself
Looks like the eternal Anglo won't stop causing suffering

So she got bullied on facebook or some shit.
>got bullied through my entire school life
>never made friends at uni
>still a virgin with 28
>cannot find a job
>still never thought about killing myself
People need to toughen up for fucks sake.

goodnight Yea Forums

>emotional depth
They do, they just chimp out instead of keeping it inside

She's way too old for the greatest pole

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You just weren't man enough to give people what they want.

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Wish it was (You)

He came back to life thanks to the Dragon Balls. In fact,a few planets did come back to life too! You can't come back to life if you didn't live & get killed before.

that pomf, sensible chuckle

based poland

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I don't give a fuck what people want from me. If they want to see some dead person they should try to kill someone.

Reincarnation is a big thing in DB. There is no permadeath.

Suicide sucks, but I'm not going to sit on Yea Forums and pretend I'm going to personally grieve for this little girl or even remember who she is a week from now.

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whats haji

put me in the screencap

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>White people come on the internet and virtue signal about some little mini-thot on Yea Forums of all places
Weird flex, but okay.

>I so fucking hate it aaaa
I find it amazing how zoomers can't see the irony in this post.

>polish people
u americucks are really stoopid xD

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Only the purest anglo has the capacity and lacking emotions to manipulate children into suicide

>– Emi pisała, że czuła się samotna, nie miała przyjaciół, że nie widzi sensu życia. Wcześniej w naszych rozmowach czasami tylko wspominała, że nie ma wspólnego języka z rówieśnikami ze szkoły, ale zawsze po chwili, rzucała coś zabawnego. Z nami bardzo dobrze się rozumiała – opowiadają Michał i Maja. Śmierć ich koleżanki jest dla nich wstrząsem. To co wydawało się grą, a może nawet żartem, stało się okrutną prawdą. - Nawet w listach napisała nam jakie maskotki mamy przynieść na jej prawdziwy grób. A mieliśmy się pierwszy raz na żywo zobaczyć w te wakacje... - mówi smutno młodzi ludzie.
- Emily wrote that she felt lonely, didn't have any friends and that she couldn't see the meaning of life. In our earlier talks she sometimes mentioned not being able to find a common language with her school peers but usually after that she would say something funny. We understood each other very well. - say Michael and Maya. The death of their friend was a great shock to them. What seemed as just a game or even a joke became cruel reality. - Even in her letters she wrote us what mascots we should bring to her real grave. We were supposed to meet in real life for first time this summer... - the teenagers said with sadness.

>Rodzice Emilki są zdruzgotani, bo nie zauważyli niepokojących objawów. - Zawsze wydawało mi się, że mamy dobry kontakt. Gdyby tylko zauważyła, że coś się dzieje, poszłabym z nią do specjalisty - mówi matka.
Emily's parents are crushed because they didn't notice the worrisome symptoms. - We always thought we had such a good contact, if only i noticed that something was happening i would go to an expert with her - says the mother.

>Sprawę śmierci Emilki bada prokuratura.
The case of Emily's death is being investigated by the prosecutor's office.

my translation is kinda rough and the article has some grammar mistakes in the original already but it's pretty understandable i think


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Because not everyone is a pussy worshiping white knight like (You)?

Fuck off Carlos

etika off a bridge

There it is, the angloid chimpin' in a desperate hope to cause more grief and pain

Video games

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This makes me laugh every time.

Then leave

If I recall correctly,there's a condition for Shenron's resurrection...Not really sure. (that condition would definitely be a permadeath sentence)

why 13 year old would kill self?
at 13 I didn't even had sperm yet I think

Etika was a proof that niggers can be ethical too
>select all images with bridge

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>I only eat chicken if I know no white faggots have touched it.
>But yea, you're weak
lol the ironing.

That's hot

As real as the gold digger videos.

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>13yo kid is fucking lonely, her only support are online strangers
>13yo kills herself because she is fucking lonely, 13yo and her only support are online strangers

That was about when I clocked out.

Was these jokes written by a 70y old granny?

Can you make a roastie tears collection and post it on pol?

Zoomers, man...

wasn't she going to school? It's not possible to be lonely and 13

So killed herself ingame? So her shit character can die, inside her the fuck she ever build?
Because if she killed herself irl, what sense would it make, when she build her grave ingame?
Think about it Yea Forums

Pick one.


>be Polack living in Germany
>see Polack dresiarzy chimping out
Every time lmao

>Emilka hanged herself at night in a skipping rope, in the attic of her house in Lipnica Dolna in Podkarpacie.

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I think it was some mom who wrote them after her son told her about how much he and his friends loved Minecraft.

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So is it a public server, I would love to get a look at that grave.

Bitch you don't give what others want, you take what you can get. Can't give away something if you don't have nothing.

I don't understand, why I'm still alive neeting and being 26 year old virgin, being total outcast while some kid wants to die?

I think gypsy.

this but unironically

I guess it was hard to write this post while having your 5th panic attack in the day


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That's a fucking long suicide note
When I was considering killing myself it was like half a page long.

if slavs arent white can i say nigger?

>Kontrolujmy zachowanie dzieci w internecie. Dr Ireneusz Siudem, psychoterapeuta:
>Głośno było o przypadkach gry internetowej, w której ktoś wydawał dziwne polecenia, doprowadzając nieletnich uczestników do samookaleczeń, czy samobójstwa. Te przypadki były jednak bardziej faktem medialnym i nie znalazły swojego potwierdzenia. Nie ulega jednak wątpliwości, że wielogodzinne korzystanie przez młodego człowieka z komputera może być dla niego bardzo groźne i prowadzić do wielu zaburzeń. Dlatego tak bardzo ważna jest ze strony opiekunów kontrola treści i wprowadzanie limitów.

We should control our children's activity on the internet, says doctor Ireneusz Siudem, a psychotherapist.
There were many popular cases of internet games in which someone was giving commands that lead the players to selfharm or even suicide though those cases were more of a media topic and weren't confirimed. That doesn't change the fact that a young person using a computer for long periods of time may be dangerous and can lead to many disorders. This is why it's so important for parents to control the content and introduce limitations.

The last part is about where to find help but that's obviously not worth translating. Overall a very sad case, the parents clearly had no idea what they're doing and the media is using this situation to push their anti-vidya agenda.

Didn't fuck a chad in last week = "lonely girl"

You sad little fucker.
Anyway, the answer is
>girls hormone bullshit starts early in their lives
>outcasted girls get fucked hard
>It's the age where they develop crazy, go into cringy subcultures or try to kill themselves
>this one apparently didn't just break and gave up, didn't find any emos, goths or weebs to integrate with and one day, during a prticular mood swing caused by her dumb body and brain she went and kys'd

Your life seems pointless and you're just pretending to act tough but actually you're a pussy for not trying to kys

But Stefan Molymeme said it was white!

No, only proper niggers can say nigger
Vodka niggers can't

I agree, all white people should kill themselves.
Do me a fucking favor not having to see your dogshit posts.


school is fucking nightmare
have you not been to school? fuck school

but she was 13-yo girl from poor polish family

Yeah haha imagine having no friends and wanting to die at a young age haha that would be so crazy

How fucking retarded are you jesus christ

Being a mentally retarded ugly little girl is something COMPLETELY FUCKING DIFFERENT than being a grown up mentally functioning woman you fucking bird brain

>ani jednego pędzla na głowie
i jak tu ich nie szanować

You fucking what m8
Girls bullying girls is also a thing and can be the most vicious bullshit you would think belongs to the world of fiction. That or she was just uninteresting as fuck

well whats the point then
im gonna go squat on a vodka bottle

It's possible if she doesn't go out to socialize.

Should have offered her the bike, bitches love bikes.

I don't have to hahaha

>the absolute state of Itachi fans

And she was female. Literally impossible to be lonely as a female.

Pędzel: 90-105 IQ
Narodowiec: 0-70 IQ

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There's several books. The series is called "Jokes for Minecrafters" and is dirt cheap online. They make great bathroom readers

He should have gone through with purchasing this place, might have given him some sort of purpuse in life

same, been literaly staring at the clock and daydreaming about finally booting up my PC and playing some demos at home jesus those were hard times

>be 13
>be a gamer
>like minecraft
>all the kids around me are autistif fucks that do fortnite dance all the time
>escape into my own little minecraft world
it all makes sense

You say gopnik.

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Why is existential depression such a staple of Slav life and culture?

#1 Sminem's brother?

Right, it's even EASIER being a little girl, so my point remains.

I will mock any female who gets life on easy mode and then still tries to whore for attention.

Ekita was an evil man directly contributing to the intellectual degradation of our youth with his content.
I feel far more sympathy for this girl even if she was probably getting bullied for a reason than I ever will for that piece of shit.

humans are naturally evil.

It is for females. There is literally no life easier than being a female.

being a 14 year old girl must be shit
>everything is boring
>nothing interests you except a virtual lego video game
>all males want to fuck you or dont care about you
>girls torment you unless you're better than them
>you arent growing nice titties or booty
>your face is ugly

But even after all that shit, she still wants to hang herself and put her parents through nothing but sheer pain for the rest of their lives


It's all that bleak architecture, cramped interior design and empty, ruined exteriors

gamers being opressed again
when are we going to stop it

fuck you for making me laugh.

Radar ears are a common feature in slavs
They helped the peasants survive in medieval when they were literally owned by their nobles, who would abuse them for fun, rape their women etc.

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it's all cuz of soviet union obviously, they pretty much raped every country they occupied

But I’m a shitskin

>mfw this guy unironically has a TED talk

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it's about this shit:
it was a pretty big topic in Poland

Not as down deep and low as her that's for sure.

you should look up what average wage slav countries have
here its under 300$

>giving commands that lead the players to selfharm or even suicide

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What a fucking loser

fucking zoomers back in my day we had a challange of playing NES video games and having fun outside

Herobrine retired from Minecraft haunting to write Minecraft joke books.

that's why thotism rose.

Literally traditionalism and "muh strength" worship.
Anyone smart is a faggot.

Don't blame meme communism, it was the result, not the cause.

Cry me a river and drown in it

but everything is cheaper, you can't just literally convert the currency and use that to compare the quality of living


I never quite undertood this video
Do polish hookers just stand in the woods, in the middle of nowhere?
Why does she rejects the guy at first? Because she wasnt impressed by his bike?
Why does the guy just fucking crashes his bike into the grass? Cant he fucking stop it?