Those fucking queues

Those fucking queues

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so it was announced months ago
they pretty much just re released an older version of the game
and this took them months
and they fucked it up
just how?

Yeah I don't get this either. I never played WoW but why are so many people even wanting to play "classic" when there are private servers of the original game?

Private servers are notoriously shitty.
>buggy code, half the shit doesn't work the way it's supposed to or has the wrong stats
>scummy power mad admins
>shitty ping and laggy shitty servers due to being located in Russia
>no guarantee it will still be there the next day, all your progress could be lost at any time
Those are the main reasons I'd say. Classic may cost $15 a month, but at least it's legit.

Wait, you gotta fall in line just to play a game that was released decades ago? Lmao how much of a cuck you can be? Also what if you get disconnected because of a random internet fuckup?

>joining high pop servers
>not joining low ones
Only yourself to blame, faggot.

Both German pvp server have high pop

Warum willst du mit den Kindern spielen?

Mograine didn't have a queue yesterday. Now it's completely fucked and I already started on that server.

Auf welchem server spielst du?

Because as soon as Classic is up and running Blizzard is going to Cease and Decist all those pirate servers so they will buy classic instead. People don't want to lose all their gear and progress.

Stop speaking nazi.

>playing pvp
Only yourself to blame, faggot.

Isn't pvp better than pve?

No, pvp is full of gankers and edgy kids, always has been.

Fick dich


After Nost most servers are in Russia
Good like cease & desisting them Lmao

But that's what makes it fun?

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Only if you possess the wherewithal to not let those kids make you their bitch, unlike who you're replying to

Er ist ein Kinder Spicker!

fuck off pvpers gankers ruined my fun they teabagged my corpse and I cried and smashed my keyboard on the fricken wall is that what you want huh is that what you like?

no queue on my server

I thought it was better but I don't want to switch now anyway

they didn't fuck up anything.
everyone knew this was gonna happen, of course they are not gonna pay for more servers just to handle the launch when they can just do nothing about it and get away with it anyways

Kids are pretty nice

t. Coward

Get rekt nerds
I only had to sit in a queue once, for 10 minutes
Just finished my first session

Attached: end of day 1.jpg (1920x1080, 557K)

>retard pretends that he knows what he is talking about


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>wait in queue lines to play the game
>in the game wait in lines to talk to npcs

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at this point I think I can get back to where I left off on Mograine faster than I'll be able to log into it now
especially in a 2 more hours when I and every poor wagecuck finally comes home

lol, you fucking losers

I'm thinking of cutting my losses too and just rolling on a smaller realm. I'm just afraid that after the first few weeks it will become a wasteland.

there are NINE other realms where you can create a new character RIGHT NOW

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>tfw all realms are full on eu
should just give up an commit seppuku finally

fuck you nigger, I've been on Mograine since the launch, YOU move

>hours long queues
looks like sharding worked :^) O im sorry,I mean layering, fixed all the issues thank god :^)

US servers have no queue at the time

i've been there too
I just can't logon anymore
because TWENTY THOUSAND STUBBORN FUCKERS CAN'T fucking create a new character on a less populated realm

low iq


sounds like niggerfucker haha

Zandalartribe masterrace

also a queue isn't needed to kill the mobs, respawn is absurdly fast when needed

I might just change my schedule and sleep during afternoons/evenings and wake up at midnight and play til I have to go wageslave
what level did you get?

it took me 2 hours
no way I'm moving

ye I know, I'm at 9, just let me do the RFC chain quest aaaaaaaaaa

all the zoomers wanted to flock to the server their favorite streamers were playing on.

I was smart, missed all the queues early,
Even though I had to duck out to an appointment and hour after launch, I skipped the queue by remaining in game. Got to play for 8 hours till the server half crashed. Took that chance to relog early and was faced with a 10k queue, which was over by the time I took a piss.

From there I had easy uncontested leveling for a few hours, since most of the people who were ahead of me in the queue were waiting since launch and thus in starter zones, while I was already deep into westfall.

My only mistake was that I'm not as young as I used to be, and I fell asleep. But it's the end of prime time here in Australia the queue isn't as bad as some. 6k when I woke up, 3k now less than an hour later.

I'm literally going up in queue instead of down. Blizzard, what the fuck?

What's the best quest addon for somebody who wants to dilute their Classic experience?

where do I unsubscribe from your blog?

There are big pop no queue servers right now. everyone just wants to play on a streamer server

I logged right in to old blanchy server no queue at all.

If you are an American, it's quite easy to buy a handgun. Do so and use it on your face. Easy as that!

>Mograine is listed as medium
>2 hours queue.

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>"Current WoW is too much like an amusement park, we need to go back to the good old days."
>"No cutting in line! I've been waiting like a good boy for 2 hours to tag this mob!"




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prices for leather and ore are insanely low at the moment. should I pick mining + blacksmithing as a pala?


No one has any money now. Literally don't sell ANYTHING

Just mail them to your bank alt and wait until the economy picks up

There's no money in the economy yet

>2 hours

the fuck I've been in mograine queue for 4 hours and still 400 people to go until I get in

Realistically you have to get up at 6AM to have a hope of not getting a queue

buy and hold

Op here still waiting

>that rain

classic wow doesn't have the vanilla heavy weather anymore

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Fucked up what? This was completely expected, are you new to MMOs?

The population will eventually even out. There's no point in investing a fuck ton into more servers when its only going to be this bad for the first month or so of the game.