>keep telling myself that people like what they like, a game may seem boring to me but others might find something they enjoy in it, just live and let live
>see pic related
>keep telling myself that people like what they like, a game may seem boring to me but others might find something they enjoy in it, just live and let live
>see pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to do quest
>see line
>fuck off outa there and just kill every mob i see until i get to the next questing zone and enjoy doing it cause i picked a FUN class
imagine actually waiting in line or running around stressing about getting tags. I was actually enjoying grinding around and goofing off and im pretty sure i leveled faster than the line queuers.
The DMV is much worse than this what the fuck is that guy on
thats what you get for rolling on a ridiculously populated server asshole
Fuck, i remember Elysium lines being like 10-15 people long, and on a 6-8k people server without sharding.
>go to do quest
>see line
>go to front of line and do quest
fucking autists
it's a meme, no one actually does this
there's no chairs, no bathrooms, and it's in a dang winter wonderland. it's worse than the dmv
I like how people are acting as if this is new or a sign Classic is going to last.
Private servers were almost all like this on day one, too. Come back in a week, not even a month, and 80% of the players will leave.
What’s to stop you just going to the front? Can you be harmed for doing so?
What makes them all leave so quickly? Isn't classic supposed to make them "relive" their childhood?
No, once you realize there's not a lot of things stopping you from doing anything you want you realize that that's the point of society. Don't be a nigger
when it comes to video games that you pay for, that's called being a cuck.
When it's a video game that you pay to play with thousands of other people that's called a community
The fact that they're playing a 15 year old game with no redeeming qualities other than hype.
You honestly think if it wasn't for this dumb nostalgia shit, anyone would even look twice at an mmo with unironic 2 button rotations and endless 'kill 12 boar' quests?
The game just purely isn't fun.
What if someone tells you they're having fun?
communities are a spook.
zoom zoom
I'll ask them to explain how, given they've been standing in queues waiting to get into the server, then waiting in other queues for mob respawns, then clicking on a mob a few times before rinse repeating.
It's just the same old shit, people hype up a new game, all hop onto it in droves, then move on to the next shiny thing.
wait in line to pay to wait in line to log in to wait in line to do a quest
>given they've been standing in queues waiting to get into the server
That's a normal part of trying to play the biggest MMO release of the year on day one. You don't have to stare at the queue to continue going through it you know that right?
>then waiting in other queues for mob respawns
I haven't done that once, and if you don't want to do that quest don't stand in line. Nobody is forcing you in to it silly
> then clicking on a mob a few times before rinse repeating.
Welcome to any video game ever
If the games you play are 'click on a mob over and over' then I honestly feel really sorry for you.
>Vanilla is so much harder you brainlets just dont understand
Boomers suffer more than anyone in the world
The poor things were actually so excited for months in advance to thins outdated shit
look at that, how can you muster the energy to play something so ugly and outdated
I'm a lvl 3 undead Warlock I don't care
>he thinks all games are "click on enemy, wait for auto attacks till enemy is dead"
Ho boy play better vidya, maybe ones that require proper timing, accuracy and more complex inputs/movement etc
Sounds hardcore, something you can really brag about at your wedding
Im just looking forward to corpse camping autistic alliance noobs with my undead mage.
good thing I'm too busy to play wow, but not busy enough not to laugh at neckbeards on Yea Forums
It could have cutting edge graphics, it still a fucking awful game to play.
Not him but nice projection incel. As if you'd ever get married anyway.
What games do you play where that isn't the case on some shape or form?
What does it matter if someone else wastes their own life? Given the competitive nature of the reality we live in, it's literraly a bonus for you if your competition is doing something ineffective.
Weak fag shit lol. You've gotta do better than that when you're paying $15 a month to put the circle in the circle-shaped hole and the cube in the square-shaped hole
I'm sorry I'm having fun, don't know what more to tell you
>Stop. Liking. What. I. Don't. Like!!!
What are the fun classes even?
Enjoy being blacklisted for life retard. You’ll never find a raid group
What people making fun of this think
>wtf they're in a line
What people in the line think
>wtf we are in a line lmao!
unironically paladin
Xir forgets where they are.
I don't get it.
>playing shit vidya makes you cool marriage material
Hate to break it to ya but chicks aren't scouting for wow players, certainly not brainlets that stand in a virtual que
>missing my point that girls aren't scouting for Sekiro players either
Classic feels way too empty and barren, I can't really get into the environment that much and the music doesn't really help. FFXI feels more fun than this shit even if that's a TP building simulator.
>if allowed
BC was better, but the last patch ruined it
WoW (and most mmos) are designed to give people who can't actually achieve anything a sense of progression and accomplishment. It's giving the slow kid at the back of the class a medal. Look, you clicked enough mobs, look at how big your numbers are! Such a good boy! Here, have some armor, now you can click mobs a little faster!
MMOs were primarily always like this. There's nothing challenging, thought-provoking or fun about WoW. It's literally just there for people too incompetent, stupid or braindead to play games that are stimulating in any way. It's there for people who want to just press a button and get a dog treat, while everyone else is eating a full course meal.
I pity MMO gamers, but at the same time, you can't help people who won't help themselves. MMO players have consistently been some of the dumbest people I've ever met in my life, even beyond retarded normies.
Lmao dumb dumb that's the point, they aren't scouting for either so you might as well play good vidya
Anything that isn't an MMO? How about racing games? Or plaftformers? Puzzle games?
But what am I doing mmo gamers are mostly trash who don't play anything else anyway. It's always fun to see mmotards thinking they are the apex of this hobby when they couldn't be more bottom of the barrel.
Genuine question, can someone find a video game good if you don't personally?
wow, 10 guys blocked me, i'm doomed
I won't bother replying properly because you'll just greentext or shit on them with some vague, shitty reasoning. Either way, you admit that Classic is literally just that, that's all I wanted, I'm not here to spoonfeed you.
Continue to 'enjoy' your 'videogames', whatever they may be. I'll be staying well away.
Yeah but skinner boxes aren't really video games.
>$15/month for a 3 button rotation and no updates
Oh okay, a goalpost move. I can handle that.
Genuine question, can someone find something a video game if you don't personally?
are you legit autistic?
>fun classes
All classes have 3 button rotations if you're lucky. All combat in the game is slowly watching mobs die. PVP is rock paper scissors.
Embarrassing post
Meh like 95% of those players will stop in a few weeks anyway.
you know why this line thing works?
99% white people playing
now, imagine a game that niggers flood in..
i hate the dmv
MMOtards were always the bottom of the barrel and will always be.
Even assfaggots and shitty battle royales have some redeeming qualities.
Embarrassing for your sorry ass yeah. Sorry your autisic multiplayer simon says skinner boxes aren't actually video games.
stop posting anytime
Video games are hardcore, and you're the most hardcore of the video gamers
this. why can't the US just tell auto lobbyists to fuck off so we can get decent trains so I don't have to drive every fucking everywhere
This fuck mmo shit.
Some vidya is just shit, especially standing in a virtual line, im sorry but theres limits to all this "everything is equally good/shit". EA could release an abortion built to exchange kids parents money for lootboxes but who is to say paying premium prices for textures isn't FUN?
I feel you, I too wish people would stop liking what I don't personally like
>I'll ask them to explain how they're having fun
Are you unironically one of those fun is a buzzword autists? If they're having fun they're having fucking fun, dude.
Stop being a nigger.
Anything like a fps where you point and click a model to kill it? Anything like a rts where you point and click a group of mobs to kill another group if mobs?
I guess you have me at platformers. I mean your just holding "d" or right on the joystick with the jump button. No clicking necessary.
That's a reply from someone who doesn't play video games if I have ever seen one. Why are you here again? You would probably be happier on a different board.
Anything but competitive Sekiro isn't actually video games
Ahhhh *pschit* *zoom yikes wojak*, Classic™, dom...
>Americans telling lobbyists to fuck off
lol never
If I was neet I would have fun waiting in that line.
Yeah I wish people wouldn't pour money down the drain for textures, fuck me right its FUN
Oh man you're so right, if there's one thing I'm poor enough to be it's concerned with how other people spend $0.5 per day
Oof I see you haven't played a single video game in your life I see.
This is your average mmotard
Why would you interact with the world like this
To be fair it's normal to be concerned about people still giving money to Blizzard, but complaining about classic specifically over anything else is silly
I don't even feel the slightest urge to play classic, even if it were free. Seeing these screenshots makes me feel like god looking down and feeling remorse.
Why don't people just play something else until this shit dies down?
This is fucking pathetic.
I always remember the story about how in the early 20th century, GM and other car companies bought out and dismantled railroad infrastructure, just so they could have monopoly over transportation. Shit is so awful, but hey at least we got our freedom to choose which car to buy right?
It doesn't even have to be that complicated, just find one of the queuecucks who is also getting bored of waiting and team with them to bypass the starting zone entirely
>wait in line for hours on highway to get to work
>work 8 hours
>wait in line for hours on highway to get home
>wait for computer to boot
>wait in line for hours to log in to game
>wait in line for hours in the game to be allowed to do quest
>go to bed
>wake up
At some point you got to wonder if it's really worth it at all.
If you can't describe what gives you fun then why are you posting on an videogame discussion board to begin with,
Sure, that's why I haven't given them money in years and not until they released something that none of the current design team really had anything to do with
And? God knows how many players are out there that will never know you cut in line, hell those who cut lines will form their own little group and help each other.
Just cut in line, you pussy.
Honestly PC fags are so fucking pathetic. Just skip the Q you retards
Congratulations, you are a sheep being corralled by butthurt zoomer shepards
>wait in line for hours on highway to get to work
>work 8 hours
>wait in line for hours on highway to get home
>wait for computer to boot
>wait in line for hours to log in to game
>wait in line for hours in the game to be allowed to do quest
>go to bed
Don't bother with the holier than thou attitude. You come to 4channel that in itself already disqualifies you. And besides that really don't think you're anything but subhuman with that insane unhinged opinion of yours.
You should probably kill yourself then
How the fuck can I install classic wow without the whole 70 GB? I don't get the option, just a "try for free" button
You got spanked pretty hard, might need to sit down for a moment
>being a reductiontard to make mmo's look good
Holy fuck dude stop with these sad posts lol
Lol what
Whatever soccer mom. I can't beleive we find the same thing as back then but now Yea Forums anons are writting it. It's actually fascinating in a way.
Papers, Please 2 is looking pretty good!
>dude MMO's are literally 1 button how can you have fun
>dude wtf don't reduce my hardcore video games to what they are!?
>400min queues
>player cooperation is bad
>in a MMORPG
Get the fuck out with your pedestrian opinions OP. You and everyone else. What kind of idiots are you people, really? You'd rather have chaos than a simple line? Really? REALLY? ARE YOU FUCKING SURE OF THAT?
m8, your method of communicating is lacking
>Racing games
>Puzzle games
Dead genre only being milked by Indies with low effort ""8 bit"" minimalist graphics
>lmao so quirky and random !!
You should try to get spanked less
viper you need to eat some brain pills
Defending wow for this long instead of just, y'know, playing it is pretty fucking sad.
Why aren't you in there having FUN right now?
>Why would you interact with the world like this
Concern trolling an virtue signaling. Basically saying: "You are damaged and I am not look how concerned I am"
>Anything like a fps where you point and click a model to kill it? Anything like a rts where you point and click a group of mobs to kill another group if mobs?
>I guess you have me at platformers. I mean your just holding "d" or right on the joystick with the jump button. No clicking necessary.
The insane and unhinged opinion I mentioned. Only someone detached from reality and/or insane could spout that nonsense and believe it as well.
Was this clarifying enough for you fucktard? Kill yourself.
You sure have a lot of freetime to shitpost from that queue dont you?
m8, I'm not on about your opinions, I'm on about the way you communicate like a sperg
Hey that's a cool wojak you got there. Can I steal it?
He's right, though. You have to have dicks up your ass 24/7 if you unironically enjoy these 4 genres.
The design is bad if players have to cooperate by forming a fucking QUEUE to kill a respawning monster.
Even ignoring immersion as a concept, this doesn't seem rewarding at all. And it surely isn't what most people had in mind when they got into this game.
cuckoldry is a spook
>this post
Super ultra turbo gay dx
Sometimes I pithy you mmotards for not being able to play and experience the joy of so many games out there. But then I remember you aren't really human so that feeling goes away again.
They don't have to, they choose to. Are you white enough to tell the difference?
This is how you actually stand out among the sheep. Let them wait in their pathetic little queue and watch their autistic seething while you are way ahead from them with better gear and level.
>shutting down your PC every night
stop doing this guys, it's bad on the components
The alternative is still bad game design
It wont, you fucking monkey. The game is back to Classic/Vanilla, the shit community isn't.
Im surprised aswell, when people started to talk about layers and shit i assumed there will be no queues and like 10 people in the starting zone
Don't play it
>The design is bad if players have to cooperate
You are a fucking moron.
>a fucking QUEUE to kill a respawning monster.
Yeah, better than chaos. I've seen chaos and I've seen cooperation. With chaos you get fucking nowhere and everyone gets mad. With cooperation you move along fast.
Just shut the fuck up with you stupidity. MMORPG is about cooperation, and you should cooperate with the PEOPLE ON THE SAME FUCKING SIDE AS YOU. I mean isn't that the whole deal? Alliance sticks together? Horde sticks together? Isn't that the fucking point, you fucking dumbass?
I see we've entered damage control mode. You got anally raped so all you can do now is call people with more than a room temperature IQ like you spergs.
> You have to have dicks up your ass 24/7
Coming from someone subscribing to games as a service. Good goy, good goy.
It's a valid criticism and good enough reason not to play
It's good to see anons rage like this because it's the first step toward realizing what a waste of time the game is. Don't worry buddy, you'll get there
You're trying way too hard to sound above the conversation with your salty lols
>Zoomer makes thread with inconsequential opening day screenshots to try and stir people away from classic, ignoring that it's a short lived phase confined only to the starting zone and specifically cherry picked from starting zones that two races begin at
>You admit the screenshots worked you into doing what the zoomer wanted
It's peak sheep, my friend
>Go to quest
>See line
>Pretend to be patiently waiting for my turn
>Snatch the tag from the first in line
>Get the quest done
>Watch how people become mad, threat to "blacklist" me
>See how chaos rises and line falls apart shortly after I walk away with my quest item
Cya, linecucks. Someone has to be ahead of the pack.
Joke's on you, I'm enjoying the game. I just think you people have way too much time on your hands if you find random things to nitpick about because you want classic to fail THAT badly. It's embarassing to read.
Classic will be dead in 6 months, who gives a shit
>"Noooo don't invite him into raid/guild, he didn't wait in line when he was lvl 3"
This sounds really autistic.
When was the last time you had a conversation that didn't end shortly after you began speaking, besides your therapist?
How would you even know? It's not like you played any one game in those genres to being with?
And really if anyone is a faggot it's you for falling for classic even after the 1000th time blizzard screwed you over.
Then don't play it. I don't know the last time I went in to a thread for a game I didn't want to play just to tell Anonymous how much I don't want to play that game
Not that user, but I already played Classic on a private server 4 years ago. It was fine but these quest bottlenecks were fucking obnoxious
I'm in a bad mood and regret my post anyway. Keep enjoying it user.
Yesterday with your mom
>spend all day waiting in queue to get into the game
>spend all day waiting in lines to kill a monster
Hello R*****
Zoomers love to blog their shit opinions for everyone to hear because everyone knows their favorite steamer's shit opinions too!
6? more like 1. Maybe 2 at best.
>spend all day waiting in queue to get into the game
>servers to be about to reset when i finally got it
>now to wait all day again
But user, just get some patience!
Waiting is ful part of the Vanilla Authentic Experience!
Take your time!
It's only $13 a month!
While waiting you can do a lot of things, like going to the gym or reading a book, the lines are just here to improve you!
settle down, okay
Okay good, thought the schizoid was shitting up this thread in a very different shitty way
Just go farm mats while people wait in line or kill humanoids for a higher spawn of rare items
>It's only $13 a month!
I wonder what kind of people think this is a lot for the amount of entertainment the person will get for it
>oh no I only got
>checks /played
>32 hours of fun for 15 dollars!FUARK
Realistically, how often will I get ganked/griefed on a PvP server?
Is Orc really that good for Stun Resist or does it not matter that much, looking to go Xbox Hueg tauren
But it was fake fun, user!
> the amount of entertainment
> especially Classic
Your life seems amazing.
Some of the shared zones are veritable warzones. You'll see lots of PvP.
When are the servers coming back?
That's cute, Timmy.
I know right? I personally can't imagine anybody having fun with things I don't personally find fun.
>He's not already level 20
> retarded gameplay with nonsense grinding
> amount of entertainment
Just play some korean crap then if you enjoy work that much
Do you people realize that NO MATTER what the game would be, you would find things to nitpick about it call it "bad design"?
I'm not sure you people realize just how deeply biased towards negativity of any kind you are. Yes, the game has bugs and is not perfect. You know, like every other fucking game in the world. Ever. So just say that you hate it, at least I'll respect you for being honest.
Are MMO some kind of skinner box?
Why would I do that when I enjoy WoW? The only problem seems to be you don't enjoy it
Stun resist is nice, but it really shines when you can combine it with another passive stun resist talent which I'm pretty sure only Warriors get so if you're not doing that you should be able to get away with Tauren. People are going to be very set on killing each other at least in the start though so expect a ton of pvp yes, War Stomp might help you escape at least (probably not)
>cut in line
>kill the mob
>3 messages of losers getting mad
>Kill the mob over and over for about an hour for fun
>aggro it one more time as I run back through the line
>the whole line falls apart as everyone desperately tries to kill the running mob
>There's nothing challenging, thought-provoking or fun about WoW
>playing video games to provoke thoughts
And then everyone clapped
>Think about playing Classic
>Remember my 1 hour play Nost
Everyone should have seen this coming. I don't want to wait in line, so I'll play AFTER all the casuals filter out of frustration and then I can have MY casual one week of playing line free before dropping the game
Are they waiting in line for a funeral? Let's raid it!
Here is your Classic MMO experience. Enjoy it, it's literally the same shit, but it's free.
>no updates
Imagine actually fantasizing about this and typing it out
>tfw unsure about what PvP server to commit to
>woke up nice and early at 6:45 for classic wow
>scheduled maintenance at 7
Why do I even bother?
>you mad
I see we're done here. What little braincells you have must have melted from the heat from your pc going into overdrive rendering all those retards and you standing in line. Kill yourself retard.
Like with many things today, its overpriced. Not relative to the time you can have fun with it, but relative to what the production cost is. Blizzard makes a killing, with it, even through retail is "dying" for years now, they still rake in billions. For me as a customer it just means I pay them too much.
Its the same for most consumer goods, most things are overpriced by hundreds of percent. We could easily pay a fraction of living costs including entertainment considering technical advancement, but politicians would rather have you waste your time working the same and not having the time to care about shit like these while they get a share of the profits the ones on the top make from you.
I would recommend you to look into what most things you use daily actually cost to produce, good luck.
what fucking level of fart sniffing pretentious shite are you on?
>decided to check it out, because why not
>subbed for 1 month
>+20k people
>384 minute wait
Oh well guess im not playing
easier queue boi, 'cause the servers are getting purified
>I would recommend you to look into what most things you use daily actually cost to produce, good luck.
user I don't know how to tell you this, but the idea that companies make profit isn't anything new to someone who is older than 13. Congrats on becoming a Teen though
> have to buy the game
> have to pay a monthly fee
> spend your time waiting at availabe quest giver/mob to kill
> i-it's perfect, just like I remember!
How retarded are MMO players?
someone make a trolling vid or something
selling something for 10$ which costs 0.10$ to make is beyond "profit"
and no, this example is not exaggerated
Can blizzard remaster WoW through Classic, building up on it?
I mean everything required is there, just don't fuck up the second time and make game fun and interesting.
As a person who started WoW in Cata and then quit in WoD. I'm actually really enjoying classic WoW
Yes, and it's provided invaluable research data esp. with the corrupted blood incident.
>selling something for 10$ which costs 0.10$ to make is beyond "profit"
If someone wants to pay 10$ for it why not make 9.90 profit? Are you a communist?
>plaz wow
>Can't even play cute space cows because it's nostalgia googles version
What's the point?
>zoomers have completely rekt brains before they are 20
No matter of what Yea Forums says, it's actually comfy as fuck
>Single player
>Glowing buttons
Looks more like retail to me
Me and my guild just ignored all the queues and finished the quests, we are currently top 1% of players on our server. Only boomers wait in line.
>choose to roll on heavily populated server
>complain that it's heavily populated
Are you retarded?
When cherry picking and misinformation doesn't work, the shill invariably switches gears to armchair psychology
>lol dude who cares about queues I get what I want bro
>wtf why is my country such a shithole it must be wypipos fault
Honestly yeah. I'm only level 6 but I've had more actual interactions with people than I ever did playing Cata-WoD. Not to mention that I have to actually read the quest text to try and use landmarks to work out where a quest objective is
>have to buy the game
I always love when zoomzooms expose they know nothing about what they're talking about immediately
Me too, I played countless hours of BFA and never made a single friend, except one time randomly in a dungeon. Yesterday I made 3 just because the world mobs are too difficult to solo
Found the retard
It's an MMO, a social experience. Something you clearly don't understand.
I'm not, but I'm a realist. Technology reformed industry and the market beyond imagination, but somehow we are expected to work the same as before. We can overproduce everything for a fraction of the price, but all we got is what, 2-3 hours less work a week over the last couple of decades?
Now we have increasing automation which removes the human completely. Nothing against it, but its not used to our benefit. Soon everything will be automated and without reform all it will do is people losing jobs and paying the same prices. Capitalism is great when it actually provides a fair playground for the nation, but our unrestricted capitalism only makes a small portion profit from it. Nearly every business is also owned by the others, which leads to price fixing, which is actually illegal, but no one gives a shit.
Technology changed everything about production, but no one changed anything about work. I think the only reasonable thing would be to make the maximum price of a product relative to the production cost. Even 500% limit on profit wouldn't even come close to what most companies make today.
>I think the only reasonable thing would be to make the maximum price of a product relative to the production cost
Ah good ol' price fixing, the ultimate tool in a Not Communist Communist's toolbox
WHITE: Respect the queue
NOT WHITE: Doesn't respect the queue
Simple as that, now we know that Yea Forums is full of niggers.
Because the current price fixing is so much better.
What server is everyone on Yea Forums playing on? I waited hours to get into Mankirk and it seems pretty barren, at least on alliance side, honestly. I don't wanna get stuck playing in a deserted server.
I don't think you understand what price fixing means. If Blizzard wanted to price their monthly subscription at 20 they can, in your communist fantasy utopia the government would have a final say over what they as a private business could charge for their product.
Go back to bed Bernie
Yes, the game boxes were totally free in 2004. Fucking retard. Don't call others "zoomzoom" when you are obviously some underage shitter.
FUck that shit. Just cut the line and be done with it, no reason to que 4hours to a game and then another 4hours to do a quest.
Fuck your safespace, fuck your morals, fuck your i need to be the nice guy and most importantly; fuck all of you who condone this shit.
so wow classic is free?
>Spending money to live within a virtual Skinner box.
why are some of you so mad about people enjoying themselves in some old ass game?
Layering has fucked everything badly. Most servers have a good chunk of players but due to how layering works good luck seeing most people. Blizzard bunch a retards I swear.
> ITT: People realizing how shit was Vanilla back in the days
How could someone expected that?
The game is, the sub isn't
>How retarded are MMO players?
They literally pay money to grind MMO players are the lowest of the low!
The rogues, the mages and the druids are laughing at your inability to kill fast
Lel ur mad
this. I played vanilla wow and I can't understand for the life of me why anyone wants to go back. It was horrible.
No matter how many times you samefag you cannot change the narrative
There's currently nothing anyone could do if, say, Google decided to expand massively and buy everything, hypothetically. Than they replace everyone with machines and set prices to whatever they want because there isn't any competition left.
That is something you, as a proud anarcho-capitalist, see as a good thing.
I would love a totally free market, but that is simply impossible. You need regulation to prevent monopolies, cartels and other exploits. A market has to benefit the people. And like I said, the main problem is that politicians have no inventive to change work itself. We need a massive reform to align it with the massive changes that technology made to the industry. But even such a reform wouldn't change the fact that a free market doesn't stay free very long. A totally free market is just an anarchists wet dream. And if accusing me as an communist is the only response you are capable of, maybe this topic isn't for you and you should go out and consume.
Are you retarded?
People are literally standing in groups of 5-15 around spawns of single mobs waiting for a chance to progress that "kill xx" quest by 1 every few minutes.
In pretty much every available layer...
Wait till they get a weapon at level 60 that they have 1 weapon proficiency in
Hey monkeys paw, I want a good sandbox rpg that isn't pvp zerg bullshit.
Wait... So it was nostalgia goggles all that time?!
See this while actually waiting at DMV.
10/10 can confirm
with updates is Classic going to branch out into its own thing like OSRS?
>YFW Jagex has more creativity in their small underpaid mod team than the entirety of activision blizzard
In the first zone yes. But the major cities and secondary zones are ded as fuck. I thought my server was but I got an invite that dragged me to a layer with lods o people.
>get home
>log in 14 minutes before release
>playing on RPPVP server for best experience
>buddies all in discord
>log in Q because servers are freaking out on Day 0 Hour 0
>Q is about 12 minutes
>Get in game
>layering working as intended, zone is full of people, but not so packed no one can quest
>pull bros into party layer
>everything is fine
>quest for hours
>hanging out having fun
>talking bout old times, freaking out on hairy pulls, excited over every new ability, grinding silver to buy a bag and train a profession
>got our first green
>up till 2am, work tomorrow
>who cares
>shit was great
>open Yea Forums on the shitter at work next morning
>see everyone is bitching about meme screenshots from meme servers with zoomers and streamers and retailfags and redditors doing stupid gay shit like forming lines in a game with no collision to loot a quest item for a quest that isn't a breadcrumb for anything that couldn't be grinded through in 10min
>everyone else is playing the game and enjoying themselves too much to be on Yea Forums
Lmao seethe. It's a fucking blast
>tfw you never fell into the mmo meme
Looks like they would be having more fun griefing eachother.
Fuck this shit.
Fuck you for playing it.
im still +337 mintes in this shit, started at 400. Soon to give up because even if i get in in the next +6 hours, i will be having to go to bed anyways
Because the game just launched? Because people are stuck in low lvl zones and can't progress?
Do you think that would perhaps explain why there isn't a lot of people in latter parts of the game?
> look at general chat
> everyone asking for locations
Yup, just like vanilla: retarded community who can't even handle two lines of text to find an information
>Want to go home
>Get there
>It's shit just like you remembered
And that's a good thing, answering those people can net you friendships and a reputation as a helpful guy in the server which can make people more apt to group with you
Or just play a healer/tank and just act however you want and people will still invite you to groups
Or you can just go to Thotbot
Race and faction restricted pvp was mistake. If you want to kill a mob and another dude wants to kill a mob, either team up or fight each other over it.
> friendship with nobrain players
So, that's the power of a MMO social aspect?
>the fftrannies brains have broken and are just ignoring everything posted and trying to spam vague sentences pretending they're right
This is some professional coping right here
This is going to sound crazy, but in an interlaced community you should actually help your fellow player improve. Of course some may never learn, but many can
>literally standing in line to ride the attraction
REMINDER that wow is not the good old days. WoW is what killed the mmo genre dead and build a single player themepark with occassional coop quests on top of the grave. This trashy ass game literally makes people play against each other fighting for tags and kills instead of giving everyone the quest who attacked a mob and way worse shit.
In an ideal society, sure
But wow is anything but ideal and has been like that from day one
Sure there are some cool, but also a fuckton of griefers in STV
Play GW2, you can't kill-steal there.
are you a retarded communist
because you sound like one
>People asking for locations
hahaha naw man everything was documented a decade ago.
Certainly, but you can still cultivate the positive and let the negative cannibalize itself. Maybe even gather as much of that positive together into a guild as you can
>all that effort to defend wow classic
Keep coping. It’s going to be dead in 2 months.
You sure can, user, what a clever boy
What are you gonna do when you grow up?
Easy there McCarthy, I depend on my own ability, not the government's.
> normies and casuals in charge of checking wowhead and databases instead of spamming chat
waiting is doing nothing, user. how can you have fun doing nothing?
t. Discord tranny
can you explain to me why people have to wait for quests?
never played WOW
Ground you
>literal shitposter
Everything can be fun with friends retard. Even literal garbage.
It's part of the Original Authentic Classic experience
Now pay $13 to get this Premium Fun like everyone else
You are obviously not having fun if you post on Yea Forums during the launch day of the game you defend.
Go play your childhood.
Oh daddy~ I've been bad
Playing classic is the sheep move. You're being marketed at and playing something you easily could have done for the past several years just because lots of other people are doing it now.
>discord tranny
>implying it’s not leftist ledditors that are lapping up 15 year old content
You have to wait for the one or two starting quests that require a single specific named mob or interactable, in a high population server, in the starting zones that specifically house two races instead of one, because it's launch week and everyone is bottlenecking at the start for a while
>Almost everyone upset about the ques don't actually play
Why do you let this game live in your heads rent free
> lying this bad to defend Daddy Blizzard
>mmotards have reached the point where their genre is so fucking boring they have to strip down to the very beginning to experience less content, more wait times, and stale memes just to have ""fun""" again
and the mob despawns everytime or what?
Every screenshot is of the Dwarf/Gnome and Orc/Troll starting areas though? You just seem a little angry about being exposed
>3d acceleration error
>walk past every line nigger
>stand in front
>kill mob
>walk away while calling everyone in line a retard
Dude just kill the mob.
What about night elves and Zenn, you piece of shit?
>muh ffxiv boogeyman
They would be the last people to care about your stupid game. In fact they'd be glad you're finally gone. Wofugees were and still are a real thing, XIVfugees have never been a thing.
Kill credit goes to the first person to 'tag' it with direct damage. Depending on the quest you can share credit with people in your 5 man group, but raid groups of 6-40 don't get any all around
I see
thanks for the info
He cant even refute his points, guys. He's just a retarded drum-slapper who spouts shit like "how can you think this?"
oh noooooooooo
>They would be the last people to care about your stupid game
Um, isn't this topic about how there's too many people in classic
Nah it's just blizzcucks in this case
Why so low resolution OP? Let me see a higher resolution line please
You were happy for about five minutes until you realized everyone leaving just put your game six feet under maybe
I've got a thick high resolution hard one for ya
>the players having to form a line is apart of Blizzard's eloquent game design you shitposters!!!
Why didn't you post it then?
>focusing on production costs and conveniently ignoring research, human and engineering costs
Quit thinking capitalism is bad, you just have to grow up
Oh no the pet class doesn't have a bunch of damaging spells, how could that happen
>Nobody cares about the game except for the hundreds of thousands of people playing your game
I would hide in the line sniffing gnome girl butts
Finally, some real fucking commentary
> hundreds of thousands of people playing your game
Blizzdrone wet dreams
Nah only in your wildest dreams maybe. Classic won't do any real damage to xiv besides all the refugees leaving. We've got plenty of players and the game will only continue to grow. Classic due to it's very nature has no future.
And honestly like the locusts they are they'll be back to plague xiv again within month or so.
There's literally tens of thousands of people in each server que
>standing in line in complete silence like a good goy is community
actual autism
>skip traffic by line splitting in my motorcycle
>work 2 hours, spend the rest playing vidya and watching anime
>line split again in the way home
>computer boots in 3 seconds because of my SSD
>play S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>the game is free
why can't I play it?
kek, it takes like 10 minutes max to get a weapon from 1 to 300
In EU alone there's around 200k people in the ques.
Chaos is more fun tho, much more fun than autsim lines
MMOfags will deny this.
Comfy ambient music and high fantasy settings cannot cover up the fact you're basically running around a carnival for the mentally disabled.
Join a pirated, I mean, private server.
This is really pathetic.
To think that humanity hit the absolute rock bottom in 2019.
Damn, sad.
Because every normie retard and their mom will try to relive the past and get the "authentic vanilla" experience.
And of course they'll realize it wasn't all that cracked up to be when the nostalgia fever wears off and then they'll leave again. Leaving only the hardcore autists who play on private servers and the like.
Did you sub? Or did you just lose interest halfway through reading my seven word post?
>the game is free you just need to pay money monthly to play it
thanks user
Kinda feels like you're massively moving the goalposts but ok
What you said it's true.
Nonetheless, your shitty game will die in one month at best.
Yes good job reading ALL 7 words and not just 3
>people thought they wanted this
take a load of this faggot
>never played WoW
>unironically considering subbing so I can stand in a queue with a bunch of people
sounds fun as fuck
> the game is free, you just need to pay the service to access it each month
You should considere necking yourself, I am sincere, consumers like you are litterally trash
>Seething because he couldn't read
That's your fault user, not mine.
Okay you're halfway there, now click the numbers above those words, then do it again, then do it one more time (this is the hard part) and read how the guy who was being replied to seemed to think you had to buy the game and the sub separately
It's fun dipshit
i read what you wrote but it was retarded and thats why i wanted clarification
> grinding is fun
Man I love so much my job as a factory worker! I can't wait to get my welfare so I can sub to WoW again!
Not really. Having many people on launch is not out of the ordinary for these kinds of games. It doesn't translate into actual players.
>It's just the same old shit, people hype up a new game, all hop onto it in droves, then move on to the next shiny thing.
this makes me sad how true this is for modern vidya
Don't you mean my job as a movie star?
>The game is, the sub isn't
Is pretty much as straightforward as it gets, sorry you can't understand basic English
> social experience
> Blizzard community
What a social experience my dude, trully amazing
are you british wtf bro
>Not really.
I mean, you scoffed at the idea of hundreds of thousands of people being in the game, then once it was proven you said "of course, it's just the initial hype".
Seems like textbook goalpost moving in fact.
Like you wouldn't fucking believe
If he's a movie star he must be very smart! Just like Lexi Belle!
>porn stars are movie stars now
Why do you have to make silly statements that are just silly
> Cavill is somehow relevant now
The absolute state of blizzdrones
How many more gears do you have to shift there, Paul Walker?
>He doesn't know
What, were you busy on Reddit these past weeks?
That's not the point
Read again zoomzoom
fucking loser
>averaging one hour/day
Do you know where you are, faggot?
t. 4channel browser
Cavil IS relevant though
Like it or not, he's playing the Witcher
That's cute though, they probably had some funny conversations while waiting, let them have their nostalgia and you should continue with your previous mindset OP.
Do streamers also have to wait? if no whoe decide who goes in first?
>minimum 3k queue on every pvp realm except one
>resub for classic
>realize that I'd rather play current WoW
the quality-of-life updates are too good
So this....is the power...of the blizzard cuckold shitter bros...
>22k queue to gehennas
i dont get it
obviously they realized things would get awful judging by the blue posts
The QoL stuff is nice, but when you pair it with BfA's mechanics I can't see how anyone would enjoy retail
Do you guys reckon Blizzard is going to shill out for the extra server space?
Or are they just going to let this roll over
I can't wrap my head around that people would wait in a fucking line to do a quest. God imagine if a Domino effect of line cutters start happening, i would but a sub and just do just that
>wait 5 hours to log in on Gehenas
>play for an hour, get dc'd
>back to the start of the 19k queue despite relogging instantly
thats when Im gonna start playing the game
What's with all the asspain? Is this thread full of zoomers without an allowance or something?
I'm not even playing classic since I played vanilla enough back in the day, but Jesus Christ the salt levels are off the charts.
people are just laughing that people waited for about a year so they could pay monthly to wait in line all day
Be glad this is WoW, cause you'd get banned in FFXI for pulling that
It honestly confuses me too. I haven't subbed for Classic yet (I'm debating if I even will) but the whole "WoW classic will fail! DoA!" mentality has been strong since it was announced. I don't even know why
Those 10 guys are feeding into to an actual blacklist shared between tons of high end guilds. They basically have a google doc with a list of names of people, what they did, how often they did it, etc. If someone is known to do it constantly then chances are they would be a problem in raids in all the good guilds.
This is absolutely true and I’m sick of my 26 year old neet kissless virgin friend asking me to play MMOs with him when I have a job to work and a degree to earn.
Can you pay to cut in line?
Part of me thinks this is just years of pent up annoyance from classic players constantly complaining about WoW not being as good as it used to. Before Classic was even announced, you'd always get some classic fan coming into WoW threads saying "WoW is dead" or some retarded shit.
>play S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
lel ur an incel
get the noose out bro
why woulda i wanna be friends with subhumans lmao
do you try to befriend chimps?
>Log in when the servers go live
>Rather than running off to do the first quest, instead took the time to just enjoy what I was seeing, reading my tooltips and familiarising myself with the UI I haven't seen in years
>Walk to the top of Northshire and see a teeming mass of players trying to kill kobolds and wolves
>Knowing that it would fruitless to try and do the quests, shrug and wander off to Goldshire to listen to that sweet sweet Elwynn Forest music and set my Hearthstone to the Inn
>Log out for the night
>Get up the next morning
>A fraction of the players are online
>Go back to Northshire and do all the quests with no trouble or waiting at all
Patience is a virtue.
What happens if you try to cut?
I am literally a 18 year old m2f from resetera and this looks pathetic.
Okay so I waited for the initial zerg rush to stop so I could start having a comfy experience and take in the same slowly since I never played Vanilla.
Turns out that apparently a huge majority of people playing either were massive tryhards 15 years ago or actually min maxed every possible quest, route and whatnot before the server launch. I'm running by several autistic groups on their own world trying to level as fast as possible without any sense of "help and community" and basically also mimicking big streamers.
Yea Forums had convinced me that "HOME" was this fucking magical idea of experience and reliving the old WoW but apparently it's the same shit as Retail all over again, everyone rushing to end game so they can actually start playing the fucking game.
FUCK I'm mad, I feel robbed. I don't know shit about Vanilla and the population keeps power leveling without much thought, while I'm here exploring alone like an idiot.
You are driven insane by a cacophony of REEEEEEEEing.
What the fuck did you expect?
Give it a week, maybe more
I'm the same way, but honestly, it literally JUST released, what were you expecting?
But WoW is even worse. I cannot think of a game that damaged the industry as much as WoW did.
>popularized subscription models
>popularized microtransactions with mounts and stash expansions
>replaced narrative in RPGs with "go to this marked place and kill x amount of y nasty creatures" and "go to this place and collect x amount of y flowers/items"
>popularized 'raids', which are just bosses or mobs you fought before but with their health cranked up to 11 to justify bringing 30 other people along so it doesn't feel like trying to dismantle a leather jacket with a potato peeler
WoW was always garbage. Blizzard should have bankrupted so Frozen Throne could go onto history as their swansong.
The biggest joke is that none of them is probably going off soon, so they are going to make lines for quests all the way up to lvl 60.
not a wowfag but saw this while scrolling.
do you actually believe this? this happened to nearly every old game that was still around, it was explicitly because of phone games. If you're looking for someone to blame for the fuck-awful state of modern video games, blame Asians
>this is like being at the DMV
LMAOO y'all needa roll horde, morgul was a fuckin breeze with how many people there were.
the lines when they added NPC pearl. then everyone stopped using them cause they were shit.
unironically and wholeheartedly "based"
It's a meme from XP days.
>you need regulation to prevent monopolies
please fuck off back to r*ddit
>people paid money so they can stay in login queue for staying in queue for quest mobs in game
I don't understand.
imagine actually subbing activision blizzard and play a decade old game.