It's too linear. People are complaining that it looks underwhelming. That's because the story and gameplay are linear. It's not a sandbox.
The new Avengers game is going to bomb
>normie capeshit
It's fucking trash.
I assume it's because they showed tutorial
>over the shoulder shit
It could never be a sandbox, few games are and making it co-op would be nearly impossible. The problem is the structure
>single player campaign
>doing missions unlocks repeatable co-op missions for gear
Like what is the fucking point?
everything about this looks like shit
>characters look retarded
>some kind of retarded weightless combat
>level design/scripting looks like shit (walk into area, kill dudes, cutscene, walk into area, kill dudes)
this shit looks like it came out about 15 years too late
expect some games as a service fuckery tacked on
Also so expend most of your time wacking random grunts. If the game were focused in boss fights against super villains it would be at least something to look forward to.
>retards making assumptions based on a tutorial demo
worthless thread
man how fun were the hulk games
holy shit i forgot how fun it was to just super hero yourself around a city and shit
and that one that had you do things as banner and hulk so like stealth stuff for banner
that was nice
not great but fun
remember prototype
If Avengers fails, it won't be because its too linear. That video is the tutorial so no one cares about that.
It'll fail because people want well developed solo games like Spidey, as opposed to Games as a Service, Marvel Universe game
holy shit this game based on is not going to sell well????????????????????????????????????????
It's got the marvel name attached to it will get hordes of disgusting beard men flocking to it in tandem with it being safe western action game with no depth. It'll do very well and the people that will buy it aren't the people you'll see critiquing it online. This has happened numerous times in the past with very reproducible results.
if it has the likeness of the movie actors it would sell like hot cakes, but people don't care about it since muh RDJ is not there.
they don't care if its good or not
Both sandbox and linear game are trash. What happened to level design?
>you're mentally ill if you make an assessment based on what the developers let you see
>an individual with high IQ such as myself would never, ever speculate till the game is out, paid my money for it and played it myself
>Amerutt capeshit
who cares?
>an individual with high IQ such as myself would never, ever speculate till the game is out, paid my money for it and played it myself
exactly this
The "refund" option is there for a reason, if the product doesn't lived up to the promises and expectations, I'll get 100% of my money back and get to use it elswhere.
Are you stupid?
>Games as a Service,
What? It's a single player game
there is an avengers game?
looks like the lego games without the lego but ugly looking character designs instead
if leaks are true you will be forced to play as the new sjw marvel characters for 50% of the game anyway
It's not even linearity, the gameplay looks like boring crap. There's no fluidity in motion, it's all clunky animations and bad camera angles.
>he doesn't know
They advertised it as games as a service which is weird because they also said the game won't have leveling up and all that shit so what's the point? Why keep playot?
is it weird also holy shit i jsut realised I before E except after C doesnt even apply there, that i haven't ever thought about any of the superheroes of any side of the fence getting a videogame, when that shit used to be ultra commonplace? barring spiderman because that is just a licence to print money
really though why the fuck are there no iron man games or cpt america
even fucking black widow would sell im sure
slap a basic "agent romanov doing super spy things" story line and boom, you have female empowerment which is hueg now and super heroes AND booty, fuck i should work for EA
The combat looks like a mix between Bamham and LEGO game combat.
I don't think it looks good, but you're dumb if you think a cinematic Avengers game, at the height of the MCU, is going to flop.
Isn't this game based on the MCU? If so its bound to be boring trash.
The desire to make this a service game is going to seriously hurt it. That has been be only thought on it since it was shown really.
no it isn't based on it, they just decided to copy some of the designs (badly mind you) to sucker in normies. but of course they gave widow an ugly face since western games aren't allowed to have pretty female characters any more
Imagine how pathetic it will be if this game doesn’t end up outselling Spider-man when it has so many advantages.
>Multiple well loved heroes, spider-man will probably also be added later
>Online co-op for longevity
SE should just shut down crystal dynamics if it doesn’t sell as well as Spider-man.
Disney owns them now, good fucking luck getting a license from those turbojews with enough margin to actually turn a profit.
yeah but why the fuck do they not just drop a few hundred k or mil into some games to make double profit
i see
keep em hungry type deal
>GaaS shit
Was already confirmed at E3
>Avengers the movie: the game
I don't know who's developing this, but I hope a meteor crashes into their studio.
There were some early video game adaptations. There's also an Iron Man game in development.
Hopefully it underperforms just enough to not get any more games and so the studio can get back to deus ex
If it flops I could see SE giving them the IOI treatment.
I wonder what would happen if it just underperforms though, I really don't want more capeshit and less focus on DX but I don't want the studio to be fucked.
So where are those people complaining? The screenshot you showed posts a 90% positive ratio.
>2k dislikes
So it's not going to bomb.
Why the fuck does everything have to be open world with you zoomers
Here. They're complaining here and you know how a bunch of autistic incels are indicative of the larger markets user.
Even if it underperforms it'll still probably make more money than Dude Sex ever did simply because it's capeshit. And SE aren't just gonna give up the Marvel license, they've said they'll be making multiple games.
The best possible situation is if they end up selling Eidos together with DE to someone who's willing to fund that series.
>It's too linear
No, it's just shit. People will tolerate more shit if it's open world but that aspect wouldn't be enough to save this garbage.
No it will fail because it looks like a smartphone game.
>QTE in 2020
>Iron Man rail shooter (like IM3 mobile game)
>Hulk and Thor need multiple hits on the weakest enemies to defeat them
>Musou game with 5-6 enemies max on screen
>They won't let people play it in TGS
That's not a bomb, that's a nuke
Post your dream cape games
>MGS Captain America/SHIELD game with emphasis on CQC and Shield tricks. Playable Cap, Bucky, Falcon, Black Widow and Hawkeye
>Platinum co-op Heroes4Hire game. Playable Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Misty, Colleen, White Tiger and Power Man Jr.
>Video game based on a movie is trash.
Who could have seen that coming?
>it's not open world, it's EXPANSIVE.
what the fudge did they mean by this?
Its based on a comic tho
Also pic related
Hub World to enter larger levels for missions
Maybe something like the new god of war on ps4. It's not really open world, but you can access multiple areas to explore.
Maybe it wasn't such a hot idea tho show their game for the very first time with a level that's literally a straight fucking line.
Iron Man technically has the likeness of the actor, because it's the same suit.
mvc4 died for this
Is that the fantastic four?
>It's based on a comic
Yea Forums here; stop lying you faggot shill
Its going to bomb because its not MCU Avengers.
People were hyped for it till they found out its not RDJ or Chris Hemsworth etc etc etc.
>The new Avengers game is going to bomb
>muh open world
>muh sandbox
Linear games will always be superior. You can not refute this fact.
Since when is a game being linear inherently a bad thing?
That's because they're all on mobile where they make more money on average by using less money.
Reminder that Contest of Champions made more money than the entire Marvel vs. Capcom series, and that includes X-Men vs. Street Fighter.
marveldrones ate up spiderman garbage they will eat that shit too, and ask for a sequel immediately.
>gritty soulless realistic aesthetic!!!
>what it avengers but in our world with no other superheroes existing
also it’s laughable that they are putting the VAs at the forefront of the marketing like people actually give a fuck about them. it’s like they looked at the star power and fan appeal the MCU actors have and thought if they promote the literally who voice actors in the same way it will work the same
Spider-Man was great. This game looks like trash.
You sound pretty mad about capeshit
>too linear
Sandbox fag confirmed. The problem is the fact that the combat looks like ass
Should’ve made a solo game starring Iron Man or Hulk.
I saw the video and thought it was kinda bland. Mash buttons for thor and cap, aim and shoot for ironman, jump and grab with Hulk, QTEs for Widow. Cool moves as skills with cooldown. I know it's only the tutorial and the rest of the game will probably be a little more fresh, but based on these 5 avengers alone I think it will be too braindead
Also people being pissed about Spidey in the mcu. People downplay it but regardless of who's at fault folks won't be happy at Sony.
The difference is that Infinite basically went out of its way to upset people, and had some expectations, considering it's a continuation of a franchise.
This is simply an Avengers game that already has more positive reception than Infinite ever did. It's not going to bomb you retard.
We'll see
Remember, Disney Infinity flopped despite having Marvel and Star Wars shoved into it.
What's amazing is that if you actually break it down on a graphical level what they're displaying is incredibly impressive. If you actually study what's going on in each frame it's magnificent.
You just can't see that because this might be the first AAA game I've ever seen to have absolutely no sense of style whatsoever. It has all the charisma of a mobile phone game lovingly rendered in 4k with no expense spared.
What a pitiful waste of talent.
Prototype, Infamous 2, and PS4 Spider-Man are the peak of the genre.
group games can still work if they are designed like that in mind
CD's Avengers game looks like every other 3rd person action game of the last 10 years
It's got Avengers written on the box
It will sell
fucking zoomers lmao
>People are complaining that it looks underwhelming.
It's pretty goddamn hard to make a group of characters with that diverse of a powerset work in a game that isn't a diablo clone. Especially if fucking Crystal Dynamics the team behind it.
Anyone who knew shit about video games knows that. I was telling people not to get excited at reveal because no hero will have even half the depth Batman has in the Arkham games.
they should have had 5 gameplay styles
>Captain America sections are straight up beat em ups
>Iron Man sections should be a combination of Ace Combat and Omega boost where you have a giant air space to fight in
>Hulk sections should take inspiration from Ultimate Destruction, have giant arena's to break stuff in
>Thor section should be like Dynasty Warriors where you wipe out armies
>Black Widow should be your standard stealth sections
instead they went the easy route and gave every character the same boring ass combat and levels
The tutorial is linear. The rest of the game is like destiny
So still shit
The license has a lot of potential, but the game looks like trash.
Almost as bad as Square-Enix.
i still cant believe they chose that hag black widow over based Ant Man and Wasp who could actually offer some cool gameplay
Final Fantasy XV was a single-player game, but it was released blatantly unfinished and production continued post-release with an inconsistent release window for story DLC and gameplay additions/fixes, as well as challenge modes that were online-only.
>he still thinks sales = quality
Oh you poor sweet child.
This shit will sell like hotcakes. They will make five sequels.
It's Eidos-Montreal being forced into it by Square-Enix after the latter fucked over the former with Mankind Divided's marketing/DLC.
Square should have been nuked 30 years ago. Hell, take Enix with them.
What the fuck did either of these corporations contribute to vidya? Making shitty JRPGs and turning the industry into a moviegame bonanza?
Why didn't that stupid asshole who set that animation studio on fire do it to these cancerous fucks instead?
Really wouldn't need that much gasoline either, seeing as they're all 4'6" limpdick cockroaches.
witcher 3 on suicide watch
>Being released from SE's chinkshit contract
The only blatant issue is that Eidos is like 3x the size of IO, so even if another major publisher picks them up, downsizing seems like an inevitability.
It's a shitty situation.
The best possible outcome is that some random asshole finds a Death Note and kills off every single executive at SE, and preferably all the cancerous losers who have been on promoted retainer since the good guys left two decades ago.
Lookin' at you, Nomura. Imagine sharing a board with people who praise this Inafune-type retard because they played his shitty Disney ARPGs growing up.
>Witcher 3
Forgot that movie existed
These are some pretty good ideas, user.
You're wrong. The problem is not that it's too linear. It's that it looks like shit.
The gameplay looks like garbage
The animations are garbage
The combat looks weightless, far too slow and garbage
The enemy design and AI looks absolute garbage
>You just can't see that because this might be the first AAA game I've ever seen to have absolutely no sense of style whatsoever.
I dunno, thats how I felt about Injustice 2. It's a really good looking game that got absolutely raped by shit tier art design. But then again NRS has always been terrible at that.
The problem is not that it's not a sandbox, though. It's just doesn't look good. Enemies are a joke, boss fight with task master was lame, he had lake 2,5 moves, environment is not destructible enough and combat doesn't look interesting
Devs are fucking stupid for thinking open world matters to normies. All they want is to press a button and watch their capeshitter do capeshit garbage.
This will sell just fine.
She looks like a fucking tranny
True to life indeed
>putting the VAs at the forefront of the marketing
That was really weird. Nobody gives enough of a fuck about Nolan North, Troy Baker or Laura Bailey to buy a game because of them being in it.
Sounds sick.
MUA game, but with a slasher combat, or action adventure combat like severance or sekiro. 2 players max, since team ai will just get in the way, and teammates are also useless for the most part.
It's not linear, it's just fucking boring.
Just give me Ultimate Destruction remake with some missions as Bruce banner when not mad.
As it is now, I welcome linearity. Better a well-constructed experience over yet another aimless sandbox populated with fetch quests and padding.
Expect decent looking graphics that inevitably get downgraded closer to release and not much else of any real value.
But, it's marvel. Literally everything they make is designed for the lowest common denominator. Everything spoonfed and handheld and dumbed down but pretty, because you can't put good gameplay or a detailed, well-constructed story in a trailer.
Maybe some old Japanese exec thought that burger VA industry are as big in japan
And so are most of the people in this thread :^)
You could play the entirety of Saints row 3 and IV in coop. Hell, there was an achievement for completing the game with a buddy
Borderlands 3 releases in three weeks
>Co-Op is impossible when the production is a soulless cash cow funded by the two worst companies in the entertainment industry
Why didn't they pick Scarlet Witch if they want a stronk female character? Could do more with that at least compared to Black Widow.
Sells like hotcakes because capeshit fags eat anything
Black widow is just an acrobatic woman, she is the 'girl next door' or relatable female that THOTs everywhere can emulate.
The Golden Gate Bridge will fall.
just like anime fags
no,is not going to bomb, too many drones, NPCS, söyböys, etc will buy this game because muh capeshit
so why do weebs on here try to hate comic book shit so much
Not even a metal gauntlet...
>making a game about black widow as a playable character instead of just focusing everything on thor hulk iron man and other fucking insane OP characters
Who the fuck cares about black widow, give me captain marvel or something over her. It's a superhero game. I want to be fucking SUPER. Not just know karate and use fucking guns.
The audience was done with the source material before the game was even announced.
Also, the cast is kinda strange given how many movies there have been by now.
yeah not really sure why they picked her instead of scarlet witch, cpt america already fills the ground melee combat role.
Just being overconfident, now that Manga sells more than western comics, and I don't blame them.
you know you can just play them right you dont have to be her
>now that Manga sells more than western comics
if you think all manga does you are crazy
Saints row 4 was a pretty damn good superhero game if that counts.
What the the name of fuck is that creature on the left? Looks like it's wearing one of those shitty infinity gauntlet oven mitts lootcrate put out years ago.
>Caring about Blunderlands 3
>Buying Gearbox games after Blunder Marines
>Buying Gearbox games after Blunderborn
He's not wrong though, theres far more interesting female heroes you could then Black Widow. How is she going to play differently to Captain America who already works well for a standard punching dude, kick and do more acrobatic shit minus the shield?
I bet if were PS4 exclusive, people would defend it to death
Marvel Heroes died for this.
ok again use the characters that are not her
rent free
But why waste time adding a boring character when you could have had someone better?
Oh no, retards on the internet are saying game in pre-alpha looks like shit! Then it must be true!
I played it at Gamescom and it was alright. The combat is pretty simple but it felt satisfying for the most part. The Taskmaster boss fight was surprisingly fun, too. It had multiple phases and all that stuff.
But, of course, there were some flaws. I'm generally not a big fan of the whole special attack with a cooldown schtick. And the fact that the multiplayer missions are going to be Destiny-like with a focus on loot also worries me. And the QTEs, what were they thinking? This isn't the late 2000s anymore. As a side note, it was said that the single player campaign will play like a regular, linear game with setpieces and shit
>Being so generic of a game of such a franchise that it literally has "Hulk Smash!" as the name of an objective
I mean just really now, fucking Christ
Who was the most fun to play?
It worked for dmc, with avengers being an atcual known IP im sure it'll do fine
I'd say either Thor or Captain America. I haven't played GoW4, but it seems like Thor plays a lot like him. You can throw his hammer at enemies and call it back. You're also able to attack enemies bare handed. Cap plays similarly but it's his shield that makes him stick out. He can throw it and it'll hit tons of mooks in a row.
Thor seems to be the powerhouse (Well, a bit weaker than Hulk, of course) while Cap has a big focus on crowd control. I'm kinda disappointed with Tony, though. The flying controls felt kinda floaty and it was hard to properly aim at enemies for the most part. (Might've been just me, though.) Natasha also doesn't have a lot unique quirks from what I remember other than her two guns. Hulk plays exactly how you'd expect from the footage.
Why did they use generic versions of the movie characters instead of making it look more like the comics?
It's the faulty infinity gauntlet oven glove from one of those monthly loot boxes you can subscribe to.
>America: Endgame
wait really? another studio was working on a marvel "destinylike" and it hasn't been announced and may have been cancelled then. interesting. I thought this was that game but it's not
remember that any adult male that likes superheros lives with their mom and browses reddit all day.
i would immediately, sprint at light speed and fucking slaughter any manchild that i found out likes superheros past 16.
it is the most fucking embarrassing thing on the fucking planet earth
i just cant, i CANNOT express the shame and hatred i feel for you incel fucking pussy ass cucks that like superheros
oh god i actually want to lose my shit right now, thats how bad the killing spree i would go on would be
you fucking stupid, fucking idiot marvel and dc fans make me fester with absolute pity
im so fucking happy none of you, FUCKING, NONE, OF, YOU, will ever even see a girl your entire fucking lives.
i sleep at night peacefully knowing your stupid pathetic seed will stay dormant in your 1 inch micro penis for the rest of your wasted lives.
That's legit not bait, I am dead serious.
Yeah but Moon Knight is so cool tho
>Yeah but Moon Knight is so cool tho
Hulk can only crash through walls in cutscenes.
oof haha you got me it's a good thing you had that epic meme to own the plebbit users or else you might have had to face the fact that you don't have an argument
You lack a substantial argument as well troglodyte. Lest, you bing and wahoo to your favorite Marvel movies.
Everyone liked that!
True that
I just don't see what makes western comics so different and more childish than it's eastern equivalent shonen shit or any other genre of fantasy