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Legit question, are wow fags brain damaged?
But this is wrong.
i was just playing an had no lines
is this an EU meme?
>But this is wrong.
Wotlk kids and others nostr shitters who never really saw real vanilla are literally proud of being in queue for mobs and gladly post about it on social media
As someone who actually played back in the day, I can't comprehend something like this, I would just pull mob right away
And in the meantime, FF14 players have been
>Doing any starting area quest past 5
Might aswell go farm mobs instead, way faster then waiting
Going home bros I am here I am here
now that classic has crashed and burned what do you guys wanna roll in bfa? i mean you are already subbed for it
WTF?! There a free private servers, who would ever pay (what now 15 bucks?) a month for this? Virtual queuing with your char, ultimate kek, they're the npcs now
i have a sub, but i didn't upgrade to BfA
so i won't roll anything on retail
>9k queue
For me, it's pandaren rogue.
>Love this. You won't see this any other gaming community in 2019. Kinda sad
come play FFXIV, the better game in literally every aspect
Is there a queue on Zandaren Tribe right now?!
Can someone please, PLEASE explain to me how this idiot has almost 100.000 concurrent viewers on twitch? I am not even mad at Vanilla but that this moron has such a following is just fucking incredible
>Love this. You won't see this any other gaming community in 2019. Kinda sad
Do these people live in a bubble?
>Do these people live in a bubble?
it's 2019, we're all living in bubbles
he is the chosen one by the algorithm
once in awhile the algorithm just chooses one channel and forces it heavily suggesting it constantly
and then people just click on the biggest stream
No it's a stress test meme
>500k people would rather watch people play classic rather than actually play classic themselves.
only autistic people play that shit game, i have never seen a normal person even talk about this game
you're underestimating the number of people playing while they watch their favorite streamer.
Most people watch and play at the same time
classic is also a retail game you dork
jut wait until people find out how vanillas endgame is
he cranks up his cocky personality traits to 11 and knows how to exploit the character for entertainment, and he knows bad publicity is publicity
Well I guess watching a stream while playing is valid when "playing" consists of sitting in a line for 6 hours
you know people call current WoW "retail" don't be dense, fucker.
I'd rather suck a dick than play WoW.
The fuck is it, 2006 or someting?
What endgame? There's nothing to do at max level
be a good user and suck mine, then
the division only ever came because older versions of the game were exclusively pirated "non-retail" versions, there is literally no point in calling the modern game retail
There is nothing wrong with sucking a dick so your argument is invalid
Everyones in queue mate
Just like wowfags?
post yfw you are not a delusional classic fag
>game so shit there's literally nothing else to do in an area than wait for a quest spawn.
10/10 game design there.
basically he acts over excited about minor upgrades to gear etc and people like spamming Pog in the chat
>no world pvp
>shit pvp in general
Already worse in those aspects, do you want to have a talk about the raiding scene and how you queue teleport into everything as well? how dungeons have no point beyond your expert roulette queue?
XIV trannies are in full force again it seems
classic fags would love communist Poland
Blizzard's marketing campaign for the game was focused on pushing him fucking everywhere. Shills used to make thread after thread with that exact same image on Yea Forums to try to generate hype, and the mods let it happen even though e-celeb faggotry is not video games.
Now blizzard and that faggot are fantastically rich because it worked.
Blizzard paid twitch and twitch streamers to show the game to children and pretend it's not shit. Mods on /vg/ probably made the sticky for free lol.
job centre plus thread?
>people lining up for erp
>same as people lining up to quest
Uh no
>WoW drone living in a bubble
That was a line for a borked instanced quest in the Stormblood launch that would get an error and boot you because too many people were trying to start it at the same time.
People tried out lines for a couple hours but it didn't make a difference so it was abandoned.
Sort of like the shit happening in WoW Classic right now, but that was a technical problem as opposed to a design flaw.
why not
>that chav getting sanctioned who puts all the staff on edge
>that guy who comes in on crutches and forgets to use them on the way back out
They think killing boars for 6 days straight is quality entertainment, so yes.
can someone edit this image so theres a sad wojak at the front of the line?
t. zoomer
One thing that attracts viewers is his no BS approach.
Like, if you watch other content creators, they try to behave so nice and all, proper, upstanding, positive community, etc. When they are asked: "Hey! Did you ever exploited some mechanics or were a filthy ninja looter?" They'd say: "Oh? Me?! Nooo, I would never do such a thing... I'm just a nice casual guy, oof! You know me!"
Meanwhile Asmon will tell you outright he was horrible toxic piece of shit, knows every dirty trick people used to do all the time, he'll explain why and how, and now also how to avoid the problem. Like, how many streamers you know to admit they were ninjas or scammed people via in game exploits?
Everyone's a paragon of justice and positivity... Asmon is a fucking golum