Which team wins, Yea Forums?

Which team wins, Yea Forums?

Attached: tf2 teams.png (3456x1498, 154K)

what's the map


>friendly heavy



Heavy and Medic jerk around ad counter Alejandro's sentries, so the only really good BLU player is shut down.


Blu hands down. Red looks like a bunch of faggots.

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I love this image so much. Anyways, blu is attacking with engineers? Red wins desu

just draw porn of the gamergirl

>sticky spammer oneshots you when you go past the corner

Hes using the scottish resistance.

You just don't fucking learn do you
That is all that matters.
>two engineers
>vs heavy + medic and blackbox soldier
General Lee better hope he can run at 10000 miles per hour because nobody else on that retard team is going to do shit. 100% defensive team with no good defense.


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O, my random crit...!! will fuck everyone's shit up.

Team with the medic wins.


Where is slutfire?

Unless the Pyro plays out of his mind Red

Medic + Heavy steamrolls pub games

The vazquez brothers is going to carry the blu team. Joaquin clearly has been training since last time, since he has that extra zero in his name


They have a Heavy/Medic combo, and Derpy pootis could be dangerous if you underestimate him. O, my random crit can be MVP or the worst player depending on his luck in the match. minecraft10 is definitely holding the team back though.


>Red got 3 players
>While blue has 7

I think people are underrating what ballzsquasher brings to the table, he's probably stupid good
but then again any team without a medic is disadvantaged greatly

>Conch Blackbox soldier
>Heavy+Med combo
>Edgy spy main no 30341
This alone wins them the game

>Edgy spy main no 30341

kowalski does have jarate instead of a razorback so he'll probably be out of commission the whole match, however general lee ensures the spy cant do shit about the nest

>underestimating the jarate

General Lee is the only guy holding him back, otherwise he'd have free reign on the vasquez brothers

>2 engies
if it's a ctf map than blu

jarate means he checks his back though


>Underestimating Alejandro

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Are we going to have these instead of "Save the Princess" threads from now on? I for one welcome our new "Which team wins?" overlords.

>the next one has an intel princess to save

IDK about this thread, there's only one grill and she isn't very fappable.
You may have to start over with a new cast OP.

I don't think oh my random crit can beat el hermano, so blue, simply because revenge crits

Really need to specify what map they're playing on next time. If it's attack/defense or payload then blu has it in the bag. Otherwise red wins.

>blu has it in the bag
>with a team focused on defense

Ballz and gamergirl could easily destroy any "defense" red team presents when switching sides on payload or attack/defense. Those two engie brothers along with the pyro guarantee they will never lose any ground they gain when pushing.

Even a shit engi can be a nuisance. BLU has more active players, but the medic seems to swing things in red's favour.

But he'll get picked by the sniper

>by the 13 year old gibus sniper being heckled by a spy

>gibus sniper
That's not a gibus

>2006 kids are 13 years old now.
What the fuck.
but would they even play the game.

it free



Wasn't joaquinvazquez in the last thread too? If that's the case I'm starting to think he must be pretty good, considering how frequently he plays the game.

Builders League United and Reliable Excavation and Demolition

BLU - Builders League United
RED - Reliable Excavation Demolition

Memorized both, but I had to google what the R stands for.

*blocks your way*

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blu is short for blue
valve cut the e to make it a 3 letter word like red.

cl_interp spies are bullshit but all you really gotta do is shoot them. with your gun.

Nice try shooting them while they crouchjump around and take advantage of their hitboxes shitting the bed

kowalskigaming2006 is gonna carry everyone

> the size of the black box

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RED is down a player because Derpy pootis is undoubtedly sitting in spawn roleplaying by himself or sitting in a corner with a sandwich The two biggest powerhouses in red are COCOJUMBO and his medic girlfriend but their cosmetics tell me that they spend more time trading than practicing.
On the BLU side, Alejandro could clearly win the game by himself were he not obligated to babysit his younger brother, Joaquin. This could potentially lose them the game, but General Lee is a master planner who will be thinking 10 steps ahead of the enemy at all times, and KowalskiGaming is a loose cannon who's gonna save their ass when they need it most.
Everybody else on both teams is just fodder.