Its time to discuss the greatest FPS ever made
Its time to discuss the greatest FPS ever made
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opyжиe oбpaл
>time to talk about thing
>doesn't say what thing is
Nothing will ever compare to stalker. All the different shades of jank somehow cancel each other out to make something totally convincing.
>I want to be included in a discussion about something I know nothing about
>anomeme 3.0 comes out at the same time as classic
Reminder CoC is shit and you should feel bad for playing it
I have never, ever felt bad about it and I never will
Play OLR
Anyone here ever played Outbreak Venom or whatever it was these lads made pre-stalker? Is it worth a look out of historical interest or just total shit?
Its okay
If you like stalker builds youll love it
Gothic ?
STCoP just added real scopes, bros
graphics too good
bolt on the proper side of the gun
not STALKER, shit game
Its the greatest FPS of all time
If SoC had CoP gunplay it would be perfect
never played any, I'll give it a look though
>greatest fps of all time
>didn't put in Halo CE or Halo 3
you had one job nigger
>those shoes
He reached peak slavness
>Putting PSO-1 on carbines.
This makes my pp the big pp. Aks47u with a PSO-1 and a suppressor looks so cool. Like a bootleg VSO.
>he doesn't know
Why am I always surprised to find out younger people don't know about things like this? I should be used to it but it just keeps happening
mr. dyatlov, i don't feel so good....
Fucking teleport anomalies
>save duty member in the basement of the abandoned factory
>he runs off while I continue looting the base
>notice a massive pack of dogs in the distance towards garbage
>a few seconds later the green dot in my minimap turns to white
Why is the zone so cruel bros?
I've played SoC and CoP and it didn't look anywhere near as good as some of these webms. What are some "must-have" mods to make sure the game doesn't look like dogshit?
Then lurk you dumb nigger
Which STALKER is this?
3.0 is out? What did it add?
what mod?
ignore butthurt replies it's a buggy mess and calling it the greatest FPS ever made is just silly
It really do be like that sometimes
It only looks that way because of Enhanced Dynamic Lighting and atmosphere/skybox improving mods. Only Clear Sky and CoP have enhanced dynamic lighting so they usually manage to look prettier than SoC. For CoP, the latest version of Atmosfear and Absolute nature both do a great job of making ugly ass vanilla CoP into something pretty.
Too much shit to list but these two were probably the biggest additions.
t.never played stalker.
The Stalker trilogy is pretty solid all around and definitely worth playing, but CoCk and all it's derivatives are pretty shit though.
Stalker doesnt have bugs
It only has undocumented anomalies
Retarded zoomer faggot lurk moar
They hated him because he spoke the truth
I saw some user say that Anomaly includes non lore-friendly monsters like ghouls from Fallout, this this true? Was going to pick it up but probably won't if this is true.
Is the weapon from the WEBM from the Anomaly mod or it's from some obscure Stalker mod that I never heard about?
I've been waiting months for the new release to drop so I can get back into stalker. thanks anons, fuck wow classic
Not that guy but the series IS a buggy mess
All you пpидypoкs talking about Anomaly 3.0 while im out here waiting for the only 3.0 that matters
>have to redownload everything again and can't just patch my game or download 1.5 as standalone
based, russians crazy mods are the shit, there was that one where you could drive a car while shooting spiders from shotgun and sky was full of naked bitches
It doesn't include ghouls from Fallout. It adds some enemies from Metro that don't fit very well and are easy to mod out.
Never saw them in 2.5,i'm only 2 hours in 3.0 and i've only seen boars and a psuedogiant
Funny how some spergs on /sg/ shit on Anomaly for being "non lore friendly" when every single russian mod throws the STALKER lore in the garbage,even that giant piece of shit that is Dead Air.
Is now a good time to play anomaly? Or wait until its done cus its still in beta, right?
Also, is it the story from CoC or CoP?
I would like to know this as well
Now is a good time because it takes months and months and months between each major update.
OLR isnt a crazy russian mod
at least not at its core
but thats not doom
Seems stable enough for a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod,which means that its going to crash once in a while and some bugs here and there.
The story is LttZ+CoC,there is also factions to unlock.
It's really stable because it uses a 64 bit engine, most crashes in the original game with the 32 bit engine were caused by the memory limitation.
half of these mods are fucked, everything is expensive whilst you get sprayed down at pinpoint accuracy by bots with infnite ammo and guns that never jam
Lost to the Zone
Git gud faggot
>LR300 (camouflaged)
Unironically fuck whoever came up with that
You dont know how many times I had some guy ask me for an AK74 when I had one in my inventory, only for him to not accept it because it was an AK74 (Alternate)
nah i'd rather smash my cock with a rock than unironically playing these "hardcore" mods fuck off and die to your gun jamming nigger
Is dead air good?
What's the best CoC overhaul right now.
For what purpose
anomaly due to the 64bit engine
Anomaly is to Dead Air what Dead Air is to CoC
engine can also be used for normal game/other mods. used it with my own coc installation, its pretty ez.
Fuck, i might actually install.
What weapon pack?
Do they have that mod with ripped dayz clothes?
Go back to CoD and Halo kiddo
Any screenshots?
you are beyond the point of being retarded
based waiting for OLR poster
we'll be waiting a long time
Not an argument
>built a new pc
>x-ray engine still stutters
>there's no way to fix it
t. op-2 fag struggling through broken english questlogs and combing the stalker-worlds forum for retarded stash hiding spots
From what i have seen in 3.0 they now ask for a more variety of guns and not only the alternate/camoufaged/whatever the fuck version.
CoCk is fun.
Man Idk which of those 2 is better though. I played more hours of Halo CE but....ya Halo 3s gotta take it.
But damn if the Halo CE wasnt a rockin good time.
Spent many an hour on the phone with the GF blasting covies on Heroic and Legendary.
The intro music to CE still gets me sometimes for nostalgia sake. When I have kids theyll def play that game with me.
How do you make everything wet when it rains?
>not being fluent in Russian and Chinese in year 2020
chang fu debil blyat
Time to try the new disguise system
is that in the new anomaly?
shut the fuck up console shiteyes
(Tы) oдeт кaк пидp лyл
casual shoes
>want to play Call of Pripyat
>it's constantly stuttering
I really hate europoor coders.
Yes,the bar on the bottom indicates how close they are at revealing you,it was already orange at this distance.
I just found out that keeping the weapon lowered keeps the disguise for a bit longer but if you get really close to them then you are screwed,i guess i'm not going to the bar yet.
1.5 is a standalone tho
You've played Cyperpunk 2077?!
Neat. This is absolutely how uniforms should work.
what's best graphic mod for CoP?
>"Halo is the best, guys!"
>thinks he's a boomer
You need to have an outfit above a certain quality to pass though, and since everything drops at 20% quality it'll rape your wallet for any outfit above a rookie's jacket.
I'm 100% OK with a disguise system that takes effort to use. The game would be too easy if you just had any old jacket laying around be a free pass out of a firefight.
how to get into stalker? where do i start? where should i finish?
Honestly it's hard to say.
You could try the order they came out:
Shadow of Chernobyl
Clear Sky
Call of Pripyat
And then mod whichever you like best. Anomaly mod for CoP is amazing if you enjoy sandbox gameplay
Start at the beginning. But be warned, Shadow of Chernobyl IS glitchy as fuck.
Call of Pripyat is shorter, doesn't have quite as cool scenarios as SoC, but it's also much smoother and less buggy. Pick up CoP second.
Now if only i could disable that annoying breathing sound
It also depends on your rank (too low or too high rank makes it easier for enemies to spot you) and your equipment,that includes your primary weapon
SoC then CoP,CS in between if you really really love the games,CoC and its overhauls only when you completed the series
thank you anons
Nevermind,they really thought of everything
Play Shadow of Chernobyl first. If you don't like that you won't like any other part of the series
How can you turn the flashlight off when you hold it up like that? I swear I used to be able to manually switch it off, the same way the geiger used to be able to be switched over between modes
Press O?
It's in the device slot so you can turn it on/off with 'O'
That just holsters it. Maybe I'm just crazy but I thought that it could be turned on and off while still holding it. Same as the geiger counter, which now has a visible model but pressing 8 only gives you the one Mode
Do you have a headlamp on?
Nah, just the regular torch
Yeah never used a flashlight that you can turn on and off in any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game,you either holster or unhostler.
An headlamp is pretty much what you are asking for.
>64 bit modded engine
very impressed so far, but the lightning anomaly fucked me
Then you're crazy. The flashlight has always been on-up/off-down.
What's the context of this image? Did Russian TV broadcast Arma 3 footage?
It is time to mention the greatest character in all of STALKER
Thats not Escape from Tarkov.
Seething hatchet beta players below this line
Faggot container within the lines, carry on, STALKER
Yeah they showed it on live tv claiming it's real footage of ieds from Syria. It was only split second but i saw it myself live and it was pretty funny.
What the fuck was this,it nearly gave me an heart attack
thats the fucker that got me earlier today
Just started a new 3.0 playthrough, did they finally rewrite Hip to something less cringy?
>disassemble a heavy Monolith suit
>get this
Loads of emone
Don't even know if she is still in
Is there a mod where you can take over enemy territory like faction wars in Clear Sky?
>stuck in wall
>CTD again
>sound bug
>missing script line in ai_life data error crash
>4GB limit reached
>never update a 2006 slav game
>dusn't werk!!!!
how about you record interesting content instead of making webms of random shit not worth watching, faggot
yea i've seen this at least 3 times today. probably because of the new halo. boomer fps is doom and goldeneye if you're console babby. halo 3 came out in 2007 fucking morons
>starts off a doom thread with an unrelated webm
Does anybody know what's up with call of Chernobyl? The mod seems pretty dead and that's a fucking shame. I loved all the connected maps, it was fun just to wander around and look at the world and do what you want
It still looks gorgeous. I love this game so much.
Nearly all the CoC devs stopped working on the project
lol, stalker isn't even the best FPS about an irradiated Russia.
Zoom zoom
Wrong,Metro is utter shit for movie loving brainlets
awwww to bad. Is there anything similar? Some kind of open world mod?
>Halo CE
Hey I got stuck in a quicksave by mistake in CS, now I bleed in 5 seconds and there is no way to bandage me or something, Im pursuing Sterlok now, anybody knows a command to turn into godmode, or to give a bandage?
Plenty of mods that use CoC as a base,Anomaly/Dead Air/Call of Misery/Last Day/Road to the North,half of this thread is discussing about Anomaly.
Outlaws thread?
Looks generic
Come on man somebody help me, I want to finish the game already
Ask /sg/
what modde
creeper: shadow of stalingrad
The name is written all over the thread
>reloading magazines manually
>still has a minimap
Whats the mod, i dont recognise the area. Looks like Pripyat or one of those areas like Dead City or something.
Yeah, STALKER is great.
Are there any torrents for anomaly3 or am I going to have to suffer moddbs abhorrent download speeds?
Thats how scopes should be if one is not actively looking into one. Otherwise default is correct.
how do you mod this fucking game? im retarded
just drag and drop bro:)
doubt its that easy
What game lets me kill moskals and katsaps?
what's the point, couldn't they record actual footage? Or they simply don't care?
it’s an overhaul meme mod
of course it isnt lore friendly
play vanilla for muh dev’s intent
Its Dead City
The fact that bar is occupied by Duty is retarded by itself
OP21 is fucked so you just have to deal with stutters.
Open XRay mods can get semi reliable 60/144fps wity few stutters though
>Not features.
The buggy games is part of the great thing about it, if anything you missed out on a great experience by just judging it on that merit.
Gunslinger when?
Well they are trying to control the zone by keeping the center of it under their possession
is this the most casual post in all of Yea Forums?
These mental gymnastics rival trannies. Stalkertrannies.
go get and use an empty and take better care of your guns fag
also enemys guns do jam in anomaly at least
Played Anomaly 5 hours today and it never crashed,i'm impressed
>moddb download capped at 1 MB/second
Someone spoonfeed the Anomaly 1.5 repacked torrent before I go nuclear. All Yea Forums archives were taken out behind the shed and shot so I can't find the post.
1 MB is not that bad,there are also google drive links that should go faster
skulker: shade of moscow
It's in the announcement post on /r/stalker. I'll seed extra, just for you.
>love comfy innawoods operating
>hate spooky monster shit
It hurts, Yea Forums
Also, I played complete and liked it.
Do you have an SSD? SSDs stop (or at least severely reduce) stuttering for most stalker mods.
Console shooter's are not good and kill never be good
>Stuck in CS
Why is it so boring? I had so much fun with SoC
Is anomaly 1.5 beta 3 out? holy shit im gonna try it
SSD are a godsend for stalker, literally insta load everything, loading screens not even once
What weapon skin is that?
t. zoomer
no fps should be played on a console
just remembered it was some crazy clear sky mod, but the jeep part was cool (although navigating in red forest with spiders behind was kinda stressful)
Unironically is one of the most unique shooters out there, good gameplay and setting. You have to worry more about the environment than Russian bandits
back to resetera
Is anomaly any good?
Keep in mind that I absolutely despise Misery.
then whats the point of operating innawoods
Halo sucks, you can insta spot a console kiddie by it, at least say some shit like MOHAA or quake 2 dday mod, or natural selection 1 if you are too into sci fi shit
Yes, it's much better than misery, less bullshit inducing, its more customizable too so you can play it very survival or more shooter like
hunting the most dangerous game of all
Halo 2 and Reach are the best though
>hud on
do I also need the texture pack for anomaly to run?
It's 7 gb and takes ages to download
Yeah i believe its not optional, probably would break a few things like HUD and icons and so on
I should really try anomaly
Does Anomaly add any new story content to SOC? I thought I was done with the series after playing through the same story three times with mods, but now I have the itch to play again.
Also, how many new weapons does it add? One of my favourite early mods was Arsenal, just because it added so many new toys to play with.
sorry to break it to you, but thats literally spooky monster stuff
man, i really want to be able to enjoy stalker and i keep seeing posts about how soc gets better once you get out of the starting area, but every time i try to play it sucks at the beginning
It's basically the mod of the mod of the mod, it improves over Last Days which improves over Call of Chernobyl which is a sandbox that unifies SoC, CoP and Clear Sky, it adds all the weapons from arsenal as far as i know, and it runs on 64 bit
you can play it story-lite with some quests regarding strelok, or you can play it sandbox-like where you choose starting faction, starting place and try to survive, ironman mode (customizable with certain amount of lives) or normal mode, also you can set how easy is the survival (loot, etc) among other things
If you like roguelikes it's a must play, also it isn't as fucked up as misery so it isn't as annoying either
You mean to CoC and yes it does
guess I'll go stalkan again after a long break
Don't worry user it took me 8 year's to get past the starting area
The beginning and the hobo phase are the best things about stalker
Hell yeah, I feel the same way. I just don't think I had a 9x39 suppressor at the time I took that,but I love the look.
>PIP rendering
>default is correct
>your eyes magically zoom when you look through an optic
While PiP rendering isn't 100% realistic it's better than what you described.
depends on the scope, pip are better for any open eye scope below 4x magnification, 2d scope is better for any thing adjustable beyond 4x like a leupold mark 4
play the complete mod version. it fixes everything.
You can though, just press O, go to 3rd person then go back to 1st and the flashlight glitches out and acts as an infinite headlamp.
This, complete is the most based and fully developed version of the game you can get, imagine thinking some bunch of drunk russian can come up with some better than based american developers
1.5 3.0 requires a full reinstall if you use even a single addon from 2.5.
Thank you
3.0 requires a new installation and save games are not compatible
is 2.5 enb compatible with the 3.0 version? pls respond
Its still in beta,i wouldn't use addons if i were you
Guys pls help
I played ages ago (vanilla and then once more with some big mod I forgot) and I want to replay it again, but I don't know which mod to install, no one makes up their mind.
Which one of the top mods do you recommend? Compatible with the german version if possible.
fuck yeah
time to delete 1.5
Does anyone have a torrent for 1.5 beta 3.0?
for what game
if it's for SoC my recommendations are AMK, OGSE and Autumn Aurora
if it's for CoP then just play Anomaly or regular Call of Chernobyl
>halo 3 ever for anything
never played a slower moving fps
Check /sg/
That's not quake, faggot.
It's a pretty good RPG tho
>having non-english versions of games installed
Do you also play german 1.0 oblivion and beg for language ports of everything in existence?
Anyone using the ABR mod for CoP? Should I just switch mod?
I haven't played stalker in a year and wonder if I should continue my playthrough or not.
There's your problem
i'm a covert ops
So, what was up with Stalker 2 and Gamescom? Were those pics fake or were they actually there? What the fuck did they do?
finding investors
In Anomaly 3.0 you can repeatedly throw bolts and pick them back up and generate infinite bolts and thus infinite rubles
thats a weird way of saying DooM
do you have the infinite bolts option on or off?
Bolts are worth 1 ruble
best place for rare artefacts?
anything i missed in the past few years? haven't been stalkin' in a while, any new mods or such?
Anomaly just received a huge update
I never said they were valuable and probably. Been over a year since I played Anomaly.
I still have that bug when you lose buffs on reload or change zone in Anomaly. The icons are there but you gain no benefits. How the fuck is that possible?!
installed this once, emissions didnt work. dealbreaker.
oh my god, is it playable? please say yes.
then it's a problem on your end because anomaly has way too many emissions by default
also read the thread
i saw other people on forums saying that it was happening to them in 1.5 as well. what makes anomaly better than CoC with matching mods (questlines, artefacts etc)? isnt anomaly based on misery which was hated by Yea Forums? just a little bit too much try hard pissing contest?
No,only i can play it
What game is that OP?
>ai doesn't play on mostly the same ruleset as the player
Cringe. Guess I'll take this off my backlog.
Don't listen to that faggot,AI controlled stalkers suffer from gun jamming too.
>what makes anomaly better than CoC with matching mods (questlines, artefacts etc)?
it has a lot of new features like several new main quests and tons of new side quests, a self-repair system, a disguise system, expanded A-Life like how NPCs can buy and sell items, several new crafting systems like drug making, and lots of QoL improvements. Also it's the only mod on the 64bit engine so it's much more stable.
>isnt anomaly based on misery which was hated by Yea Forums
It's based on Call of Misery, but unlike Misery it has a lot of difficulty options so you can make it as easy as Fallout if you want. The biggest annoyance it borrows from Misery are the confusing item icons but that's really it.
Barrels are top tier for getting rid of shit you don't want
Imagine the crash log
>implying medal of honor was actually good and not just a cod clone
I'm reading shit about ai grenade throws having 100% pinpoint accuracy too, things are not boding well for my interest in this game.
I can assure you they don't have pinpoint accuracy or if they do then the guy who threw grenades at me had really bad aim
Alright, then. I'll disregard everything ITT for now. Goodbye.
if you're trying to look for excuses NOT to play it then don't even bother
Frontline and Rising Sun were great my dude, the music from the first and the fun co-op/online times I had with my brother were what I remember most.
This was before I added the VALs, VSS's and AN-94's
lmao i thought the same thing when i looked at that screenshot. I just picture thats what the game is frozen on before crashing.
>replied to myself
Fuck am I retarded.
Surprisingly Clear Sky didn't crash often for me, managed to finish it and even Road to Limansk when I got to try it.
How are all these 'mods' getting away with giving away the entire games for free? GSG isn't insolvent and the owner still owns the rights to the games.
They probably have their blessing
>rain droplets on gasmask overlay
>ability to wipe them away
3.0 is already amazing
GSC employees leaked the source code of the games, but it wasn't so much a leak and more of a BSD-style release of the license, since GSC was basically dead at the time.
Also GSC has always had a very laissez faire approach with modders, they even admitted to taking concepts and mechanics from mods for SoC and using them in CS and CoP