Fans were expecting a huge mgs game like snake eater or guns of the patriots

>fans were expecting a huge mgs game like snake eater or guns of the patriots
>kojima trolled them by making a 20 minute game
>if you liked Paz in peace walker well fuck you here’s a tape of her being raped
>everything that happened in peace walker was for nothing
Can we appreciate how fucking based this game is?

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gz is peak kojimbo

>fans were expecting a huge mgs game like snake eater or guns of the patriots
It was sold as what, 30/40 dollars instead of 60? still, GZ's use of tapes is way better than the exposition dump/codec replacement they become in TPP.

GZ is like a tanker section from mgs2, nobody expected it to be a full game lmao

>20 min
The cutscenes alone are more than that. It's still essentially a small demo, but for your first playthrough, it's at least a solid hour, maybe even an hour and a half if you're slow. No need for the hyperbole to call it much less than that

FOB with Quiet is best part of MGSV.

If this was a full game, people would look back on it like they do to Shadow Moses.

Imagine if the base penetrated 10 levels underground. That would have been so dope.

Um, everyone expected both to be full games.

>Can we appreciate how fucking based this game is?
based on what?

peace walker was the best MGS title by far and a full peace walker remaster should be top priority rather than filler like GZ

Attached: serpent.jpg (480x272, 34K)

>thinking about the hype train the other day
>when we didnt even know what Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain actually were

>if you liked Paz in peace walker well fuck you here’s a tape of her being raped
oh no, something bad happening to an established character to raise the stakes? Kojima has gone too far this time

For those who keep getting a mostly blank page in the "demo" portion
>Just click on the second tab at the bottom

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tom clancy wildlands is approximately 100 times better than any kojimhack game since MGS3.

i wont even be buying stranded dead or whatever its called unless it gets discounted to $10.

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It's bottom tier.

>tom clancy wildlands is approximately 100 times better than any kojimhack game since MGS3.
Kill yourself already

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What the fuck is this?

>GZ's use of tapes is way better than the exposition dump/codec replacement they become in TPP.
they were exactly the same

>if you liked Paz in peace walker, you were rewarded with a tape of her being raped

Which tape in TPP do you have to listen that clues you in on Code Talker or any POW's location? None. You rescue Chico in GZ and not only does it do a good job of giving you context on the situation they are in and then it hints on where the next one is located. The only tape that comes near being that useful is the one about the parasite infection where you have to figure out it spreads through a certain language.

We need a version with real cutscenes instead of the comic book garbage

Wildlands is even better than MGS 3.

MGSV's script

t. retard

It's trash like most portable games. And we knew everything about BB we needed to know. Explaining more was a mistake.

is skull face medically possible?

GZ is one of the best mgs games ever. the one (1) story mission is 20 minutes long, but getting through all of the content takes a much longer time. I can S rank every mission.

it would've been goat

>stranded dead
lmao nice try redditcuck. you knew the name and got it wrong to get epic upvotes

Only because of the shitty grinding

I didn't like any of the characters much.

Peace Walker remade in the Fox Engine with real cutscenes would be a 10/10 game

MGSV with survival mechanics, more NPCs, better AI and playable Sahelanthropus would be 10/10.

Kojima has a history of getting BTFO by Ubisoft

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GZ is kino

>tfw no Battle Gear vs Sahelanthropus
>no hunting the wildlife
>no disease mechanic IN THE SAME GAME ABOUT PARASITES AND INFECTIONS or treating wounds

Attached: fultonacoonillshoottheballoon.jpg (500x500, 20K)

Garbage game, more parkour than stealth.

youve literally never played chaos theory

I have though and I still think it's garbage. I've never played a more generic, easy game.

are you fucking retarded? there is no "parkour" in chaos theory, go fuck yourself redditor

>there is no "parkour" in chaos theory

Attached: Splitjump.jpg (460x460, 13K)

woah...the split move you can do 5 times in the game means the game is "more parkour than stealth"...

Ground 0>3>2>1>4>PW>>>V
Fun fact, this is the only right tier list of mgs games

>fans were expecting a huge mgs game like snake eater or guns of the patriots
Everyone knew it was a glorified demo for The Phantom Pain before it came out. Kojima kept flip-flopping on whether it was going to be released by itself or be included as a prologue in MGSV like the Tanker chapter for MGS2. We also already seen the MGSV trailers of Mother Base being destroyed.

We need a remaster in the style of MGSV and with actual cutscenes, shit would be unironically dope as fuck

MGSV is without a doubt one of the most based video games. It made you yearn for the gameplay or feeling of the old games. But instead left you with a pain for what’s gone. One might say, a phantom pain

No, but its explained that he was kept alive by parasites

Yeah, and the stealth itself is garbage. There's no challenge when there's shadows everywhere to conceal yourself.

>it's bad on purpose
bravo kojima