ummmmmm bros?
Astral Chain higher than FIFA 20 on Amazon UK
Other urls found in this thread:
Chavs don't pre-order
>GOTY ranks #1 at least once
This. Nothing will ever outsell FIFA or CoD on our isles.
The game is also completely out of stock.
>download codes out of stock
what the actual fuck
rev up that eshop cause i'm ready for it.
Ok, if AC is in first place on FUCKING UK then no way it can flop.
I don't understand how it is topping all the Amazon charts besides France where it is doing terribly.
France is literally Europes Nintendo Land and weeb central. What's going on?
Seems like frogs might be bigger physical fags than I thought
On the one hand I'm happy for Platinum for having a success.
On the other hand, is it really surprising? I mean what is it even up against except Control (which is right there next to it)?
well you can't even buy it anymore
can't top the rankings if there are no copies to sell
Maybe cause it's fucking unavailable
Deanos don't pre-order off amazon because they deliver a day late, they go tesco at midnight instead
Damn, did Nintendo of Europe seriously undership this like they did Fire Emblem?
Wtf, is it just severely understocked or is the demand huge? Little bit of both?
In any case it's good news I guess.
muslims don't have money to pay for 60$ games.
Control is multiplat with Sony fun bucks helping with marketing. Astral Chain doing that given its circumstances is pretty impressive.
>pre-ordered the game when it was 45€ on amazon
>the release date was wrong ( a week earlier)
>now it just says they don't know when the game will be shipped
They fucked up and I'm getting the game later right?
Undership for sure yeah, they probably count on digital sales to make up for the rest, more money for them.
Maybe the buzz behind Nier actually did give Platinum some lasting publicity. Too bad it's publicity for Astral Chain and not Bayo 3, but I guess it's not a huge deal. I hear the game's a bit on the easy side, which is unfortunate.
>Pre order it for £40
>It immediately goes up to £50 after I place my order with a message saying that day 1 stock is gone
I'm nervous bros
It's not that surprising. UK is home of fifa and cod. Everyone would have been expecting the game to not sell as much.
They have been undershipping “anime” games but over shiped that shitty marvel game lol
Nintendo literally heavily promoted that marvel game over FE over summer for what??? Lol for it to flop.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance had a gameinformer cover, pax demo, e3 demo, retail demo (Best Buy, target etc) multiple ads.
Lmao. The backfire. Endgame hype couldn’t even save that game.
They honour whatever price you order it at, every time in my experience.
Glad I jumped on it yesterday.
MUA3 did great though. why are you stupid?
Please don't go up in price I only didn't order before today because I thought I might wait for a price drop
It literally outsold even the most optimistic predictions, fag
This will probably be Bayonetta 2 all over again, it will top the sales charts in the first week but then it will dissapear from every chart in the second week because everyone who was interested in the game will have already bought it. Platinum games never have legs to keep up their initial momentum.
UK fucking finally getting some god damn taste.
anime tiddies are haram
Yeah the price I'm not concerned about, it's the fact that I seemingly got the last copy
Hope they didn't miscount
when is this gonna stop
No. Fifabros how could this happen.
Ma, it flopped period.
>This will probably be Bayonetta 2 all over again
In more ways than one
>People will start trashing the combat for various reasons
>Everyone will attribute it to exclusivity salt instead of actual mechanical understanding
>Also there will be tons of exclusivity salt anyway
Then post source
MUA3 sold better than what they predicted, so MUA4 is probably gonna be a nintendo exclusive aswell.
It's low because it already sold out. France actually bought it the most. Weeb country
which version of bayonetta 2 was that
What if it's the next splatoon?
>which version of bayonetta 2 was that
Then I look forward to playing them in smash
Is it first on the eshop or is FE still on that spot?
This is still hilarious to read.
Talking to some of the lads at work and they’re saying Fifa’s getting less popular anyway because of all the microtransaction shit
one of em just brings out his old PS2 and plays Pro Evo instead
UK eshop, Minecraft is first
Astral Chain is 22
>Astral Chain does very well
>But as a result, Daemon X Machina flops immediately because they're two weeks apart and it's definitely going to have less review cred for not being Platinum/Nintendo
That's good news. Europe and Fifa are the main thing preventing EA from ever facing any damage from the shit they pull so if it's losing momentum EA may need to change.
>actually visiting neofag and its forums
time to go back
His expectation ma. He’s not an Nintendo employee.
The game debuted on 4 on the npd which is below three houses despite three houses releasing at the very end of the month on top of major stock issues.
I’m starting to think Doug Bowser hates anime that’s why were not getting special editions of games any more even XC2 had one.
Did the user ever eat his bag of crows and dicks
I've said it before, DxM is getting FUCKED in the ASS
it's gonna get Opoona'd HARD
This, not only will shit games be falling off but EA will hopefully get its shit together or fall apart.
Armored core is niche anyway. They definitely budgeted for it. There's a target audience that will definitely buy the game no matter what so I think they'll be fine even though it won't sell great.
>I’m starting to think Doug Bowser hates anime
We all hate weebs around here though. It's one thing liking things from Japan, another liking things BECAUSE they're from Japan.
September is bottlenecked as fuck. Astral Chain, DQXI that just had a fantastic demo, Daemon X Machina and Link's Awakening all weeks apart, shit's crazy. DXM has no chance.
No one has asked the most important question: how is the story of this game?
Probably standard affair level shit, nothing to sing abut.
3H actually sold extremly well.
So MUA being below dosent tell very much
why are french people so weeb
Anime. You can probably figure out most of it just from the trailers
Why are switch games so expensive? i got bayonetta 2 and monster hunter for £50 together, but zelda is still £45 plus should have gone down by now.
The abysmal writing and excuse-plot in DMC5 were the only things that prevented me from fully enjoying what could've been a truly great game.
Not UK but still Europe, here it's #7 but there's a bunch of lower price games ahead of it i.e. Cuphead and Minecraft, if we only count full price titles it's #2 behind Mario Tennis due to the recent free trial
Germany is still FIFA land
Centuries of orientalism will do that to you.
It could be great, then.
>3H actually sold extremly well.
How much are we talking about?
I feel like we constantly have this conversation. Nintendo game sales after launch fall of FAR less than other games, don't know if it's some sorta perceived timeless quality or what but as a result they never have much reason to ever lower the prices.
yeah, I can second this, FIFA is losing traction this year (to be fair it might just be Online nonsense just like Pokémon), PES seems to be gaining popularity due to previews, still I think Taura would die of happiness if AC sold 1/10th of what FIFA will sell
Record breaking
>I feel like we constantly have this conversation.
Didnt know i was in a relationship wit you my niggah
BoTW is still in top 10 selling game charts every week/month, 2 and a half years after launch
Why would it go down in price?
still pretty much Nintendo stuff
Physically best selling launch month in fanchise history, way higher than Awakening despite having several less days to sell, and digital sales in the launch month are estimated to be ~800k.
Have you seen the ammount of fanart Three Houses recieved ? The game is a massive hit (compared to previous entries), I think it will sell 3/4M which is insane. MUA will likely be a 1/1.5M seller and that's plenty
Whoa that's crazy, I thought it'd do Octopath Traveler numbers.
Amazon charts vary heavily by time sensitive things as they're based on what is selling in the last few hours, and change regularly because of that. As such it's not really indicative of anything on the larger scale of a games actual final sales.
Considering the game is out in two or three days, it's most likely just the usual burst of people preordering a game just before it releases.
fake news
>BoTW is still in top 10 selling game charts every week/month, 2 and a half years after launch
Wakfu exposes you to that sort of media.
According to shitposters logic, the game shouldn't get a massive boost at all. This ruins their "flop" narrative, some days ago they where shitposting that AC was 22 on amazon.
Now is the best selling game.
I don’t think Bayonetta 3 is going to need much publicity, just give updates on it’s development and the name alone will generate it’s own hype.
Bayonetta 3 will flop. Probably will sell less than this game.
Bayo fans love to hype it up. But the characters and that type of game in general lack mass appeal.
I agree that AC will sell more than Bayo 3 but it really depends on when it'll come out and how much AC will sell, if AC is a 2M seller (aiming a little high, but possible on the Switch) I could see enough AC players picking up Bayo to make it cross 1M, maybe even 1.5M
The COPE in that thread is hilarious.
It moves
>It will massively bomb!
>These sales are worse than they look!
>It's only doing well in japan
>it doesn't have legs and will stop selling any second!
>Wii u owners were starved for games, anybody could have guessed it will be a massive success!
You can see the same shit on Yea Forums, shows you how muhh cross pollination is between here and sonygaf
>Bayonetta 3 will flop. Probably will sell less than this game.
I dont know if you noticed but Nintendo has been marketing this game hard too.
>Nintendo “Six of the top 10 best-selling video games of July 2019 are Nintendo platform exclusives,” said Piscatella. In addition to Fire Emblem, the June release Super Mario Maker 2 finished at No. 3. Meanwhile, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3 — The Black Order, a Switch exclusive, was No. 4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
why do americans love nintendo so much
I mean we can be
heh, I don't know about that, I think the MUA3 and FE3H campaigns were much stronger
not flop but it will certainly be weak saleswise. Bayo1 was confirmed below expectations and 2 didn't even break the 1 mil
That's a very dumb statement considering Platinum's name is what gave that game its initial internet hype.
It's not about loving Nintendo, it's about other publishers releasing nothing past January
>Platinum games never have legs to keep their initial momentum
That's the genre at large unless you're God of War. Turns out action games aren't that popular with the millions of people who buy FiFA and CoD every year without fail.
>Platinum's name is what gave that game its initial internet hype
platinum games sadly always sell like ass. their name certainly didn't contribute shit to the sales
>why do americans love nintendo so much
If the other consoles were less shit maybe we'd love Sony or Microsoft or something
Oh my fucking God good reviews and good sales and looking like good gameplay doesn’t mean the game is good, fuck off
I’ve actually never played Bayonetta, and frankly find the character unappealing. I like sexy female characters, but I’m not too into playing as one if they’re not at least part of an ensemble cast of characters. Feels creepy, man.
That said, the third game will at least sell well. I don’t know about critical acclaim, but consumers love third acts in a series and tend to eat them up regardless of quality. Just hope we don't get an embarrassment of Kingdom Hearts proportions to close the series out.
based schizoposter
why is it charting high in germany then?
>That's the genre at large unless you're God of War
DMC is fairly successful tho
Yes, were you even on this website when they released the first "reveal" trailer? Platinum's name was the initial hype train, then the meme girl's design was revealed and it took off from there.
>their name certainly didn't contribute shit to sales
Yeah and neither does the work of a man who made 4 legitimate commercial bombs in his life time. If you want to "pin" that game's success on someone it's this man, not Taro.
Hopefully its niche appeal can save it.
How much did DMC5 sell again?
It's nowhere near God of War's numbers and it's still in the same "drop off the next few weeks" as Platinum's games. This genre is not popular with normalfags unless it's God of War. God of War is the Mortal Kombat of action games. Fighting games sell like shit mostly but for some reason normalfags just fucking love Mortal Kombat and it outsells everything else.
That and DxM still looks to be unoptimized as fuck. I'm sure it's oozing with style and mecha-homages but the game itself needs a miracle and a half to be half as good as we want it to be.
They claim they made framerate there #1 priority after feedback (also their other responses to feedback were great). E3 still looked rough though. Don't know if gamescom footage was any better.
Pretty much the Walmart effect
>I don’t like Walmart but no one else has anything.
Ironically because they move consoles which is weird.
I think the game also looks like a timed exclusive. I really hope the game comes out well on Switch, though.
The build we got in the demo was actually still the E3 build, so supposedly, framerate’s gonna be better on release
But she is pure perfection
Who do you think designed her retard, pro tip it's the picture I posted.
#1 priority doesn't mean they can magically make it run at stable framerate. It's a case of them being too ambitious and no idea how to scale it back without radically changing the game. That and it takes a good amount of experience and talent to optimize a game for the Switch apparently given how few third party devs actually managed to achieve it.
Still I wouldn't pin the success onto plat since all of their games have been fucking weak saleswise
2mil in the first two weeks. it ain't dad of war level but it's solid
the thing is though that platinum sales numbers in the first weeks are weak as fuck too and slowly climb up to 1mil after a year or two.
so it's not really an issue of weak first weeks but rather overall weak sales
Ah NPC girl.
None will ever understand my soon to be unhealthy obsession with you.
she has massive tiddies.
Looking at past switch marvelous game it can go three way:
>Multiplats like travis
>Stay exclusive like rune factory
>PC only port like Doraemon
I know Doraemon is published by BanNam but SoS is marvelous IP
I was agreeing.
That’s why I brought the art book
This dude knows his shit and how to make a pretty girl that gets struck in your head.
I want his power
She reminds me of Fio tier perfection
I regret not ordering it a few days earlier like I intended, I get the feeling it's not going to be back in stock for a while now.
I’ll be right there with you user
It already sold out physically in our country
Because of Club Dorothe, we've been exposed to anime at much younger age than most foreign populations
Ugly nerd
I’m buying DxM first and holding off on everything else precisely for that reason.
I WILL protect his smile.
Cuter when she's in the mascot.
The only bad review on metacritic is from a frog. Only rating under 80 even.
Ngl I'm buying DxM day one and hope it sells well but every time I see that developer I feel like he's a dick who hides some kind of secret
Is it the same guy that gives major releases 40s regularly?
Don't follow reviews close enough to know, I never heard of millenium.
How do we stop Nintendo guys?
Ganespot posted some gameplay.
They spoiler something so be aware. Also, what is that super bar with the "L+R" trigger? Could it be the Henshin?
We have to fix the game drought first, Sonybros and then we will crush Nintendo with the likes of Cyberpunk 2077 and Death Stranding
>If you’re just looking to mainline the story you can probably beat Astral Chain in roughly 10 hours. However, once you’ve beaten the first 11 Files, you’ll unlock even more content.
>File 12 functions as an endgame, of sorts, not really giving you a story purpose to follow, but unlocking a whole host of unique combat missions.
>These missions are the biggest challenge you’ll face in the entire game, and they can add hours more playtime on to your overall experience.
Endgame confirmed
Let me check
Yep it’s him
I swear he gets off to low review scores.
>that hitstop
jesus fucking christ why
Looks like click both sticks. So maybe a berserk mode like Raiden and A2? Would make sense with red bar and red legions.
He seems super passionate about it and he starts ranting about the smallest things like the lightning flash effects and what they wanted to do with them. In a game about giant robots with swords.
So I take if you rush the main story, it takes 10-15 hours, with side missions and activities it takes 25, and 50 is the completionist time?
Maybe is this?
Parce qu'ils ont été parmi les premiers à voir Akira, Sangoku, Ghost in the Shell,etc...
Et Club Dorothée, ouais.
yes, that's what I heard from a guy who had a review code
We won(t. And we can't.
>Like DMC
>Like MGR
>Don't like Bayonetta
I can't decide if I'll like it or not. All the slowmo shit reminds me of Bayonetta but MGR had some of that too.
>The twin joins you for good even after the obligatory corruption.
I bet Dante would say "we could be like that if you were a girl!" To Vergil which he would answer "Why I have to be the girl and not you?".
most reviewers say it's very different from Bayonetta due to the slower pace, there are definitely elements that are similar to MGR but I don't know if you'll enjoy just by that
Bro, BoTW DLC is still sitting as top 3 most selling additional content on switch. On the console where Smash and Minecraft exist.
unrelated but I'd recommend you to give bayonetta another chance. dodge offset is the kind of thing that can take multiple tries to get accustomed to but once it clicks it feels fucking great
Maybe it's something like the twin wants to help you but they turn against Neuron, because of this RAVEN group and corruption. I'm sure there will still be the obligatory mirror match fight.
Don’t forget to post about it on tumblr, fag
I didn't really like the combo system mostly. Dodge offset was fine.
Over a million at least worldwide probably even 2million.
This looks so god damn fun.
AC has dodge offset too. Has some similar branching combos by using delay/pause inputs too.
>Still using tumblr after they became moral fags.
daemon x machina would do better on pc imo
that game looks based as fuck
Amazon rankings:
US: 4
Canada: 2
Mex: 1
UK: 3
Fra: 32
Ger: 8
Ita: 4
Esp: 2
Jpn: 4, 15
Aus: 1
I kind of disagree but I think it's going there anyhow.
Reminder that the only reason it's so low in France is that it has already sold out
>besides France where it is doing terribly
The French fucking hate the popo, even worse than Americans.
Delay/pause I liked, I liked DMC for that. But I didn't like the punch/kick combos of Bayonetta very much.
why tho?
>Usa: 4
More like 1, the only things above it are fucking cards.
>Japan: 2, 15
What? Explain this.
Special and standard editions
About half of Bayonetta's combos use delay inputs.
i just think an online co-op ZoE style mecha game would do better in that market but i may be wrong
nintendo should bring custom robo back either way
>they sold more special editions than standard editions
It's hard to explain, it was easier for my brainlet self to remember the same button with pauses over remember which button combos turn into certain abilities. It didn't feel like it rolled as naturally. Like in DMC4/5 as Nero, Y Y pause Y makes him do that spinny attack that keeps them in the air longer. It felt natural to me, like he's dropping down slowly as the pause is happening only to push the enemy back up more.
One thing I really like in Bayo though is how the combo continues through holding/shooting and dodging.
When will action game developers stop including shit like QTEs, slowmo after every attacks, and bullet/witch time shit in their games? This webm looks grating as fuck with those frequent pauses interrupting the combat flow. If I want to watch epic cinematic shit, I'd watch a flick or something.
I got a copy from Game
it's been a good year for action games.
Standard is #4, SE is #15
>quietly stealing 2019
Jesus Christ what's happening on the Switch? A few months ago it started gathering dust and then SMM2 came and now FE, DQ, Astral Chain and DxM are weeks apart and all look fantastic, looks like I don't even have to spend time on Pokemon.
No, they don't.
Has it leaked?
The game is straight up sold out and unavailable
You couldn’t buy it if you wanted to
>looks like I don't even have to spend time on Pokemon
You're doing yourself a favour there
Most of those sales are foreign exports
France (and sometimes Canada) are natural perverts, so they can appreciate anime tits more than other countries. Hence why stuff like Wakfu, Martin Mystery and Totally Spiez are so anime-esque.
I think that's one of the reasons they implemented the blue flashes for sync attacks, so you don't have to remember which combos end in ZL instead of ZR.
It released right in the middle of a games drought in the deadest season of the year. No shit it's doing well.
>It released right in the middle of a games drought in the deadest season of the year
Not really. We just had SMM2, FE3H and Marvel
Well I'm kinda forced to buy/play it regardless due to gf but I won't be disappointed if it sucks as I could just play a myriad of other games.
It's Nintendo's new strategy, it seems; have a relatively barren first half of the year, only to drop at least one major new title every month during the second half.
It released right in the middle of a games drought
What are you talking about?
Normalfag journalists were screaming more about scarlet than switch recently, and the E3 takeaway was omgFF7R. Look at gamescom, they jerked off the FMV game like it was the second coming of Christ, and nobody gave a single shit about it 2 days later. Journos legit have no idea what video games are about
I guess that is good? Special editions are supposed to come in lower numbers than the standard so when the SE is selling much more than the standard then your game is in serious problems.
Get a girlfriend with good taste
>Well I'm kinda forced to buy/play it regardless due to gf
His GF wants the game and he is pathetic and has to buy it for her.
user, the switch is getting like 1.5 exclusives a month for the past and future 3 months
Game Freak pays me to review the games :(
>games drought
That point was valid just up until June. September is gonna have 4 big games.
My gf loved playing Silver with her Pidgeot. I bought her a 3DS a few years ago to play New Leaf and she soon bought a few pokemon games so we could play and train them together. She complained that S/M had too many cutscenes but told me she wants to buy the new ones regardless.
>It released right in the middle of a games drought
user, we're talking about a Switch exclusive here, not a Playstation exclusive.
The fuck are you on about? People have been hype for this since they saw the Platinum logo stamped on it.
>but told me she wants to buy the new ones regardless
Okay, what does that have to do with you buying and playing the game?
that's what i guessed.
yea the combo list of bayo is pretty overwhelming at first but after some time you'll realize that it's structured very logically. the first branching (ie switching from punch to kick and vice versa or pausing) determines the function of your regular attacks (downsmash, trip, multihit) while the last branching determines the type of wicked weave you do (juggle, downsmash, forward smash)
the best way to start is to memorize just a couple of combos and their functions (eg PKP for quick weave, PPKP for weave juggle, PPKKK for powerful double weave and PPPPKK for high damage spam). From then on you could check the other combos and meld them into your combat flow
Not surprised.
Astral Chain wasn't even playable at Gamescom this year.
user... is she hot? Tell me she’s hot.
Does she have full, brown curly hair that smells like summer breeze and strawberries?
Can I have her?
DXM legit looks like shit. $60 mech dressup game. AC is pretty dumbed down from Platinum's usual, but it certainly has appeal. Imagine if you bought dark souls only for fashion souls threads? That's DXM
My birthday is in November, when the mainline games release so she buys me a version as a birthday present. She said Go looked horrible and she isn't interested in them.
Anyway, my blog ends here.
I wasnt gonna get this game because the reveal trailer turned me off, did it actually come out to be good
What that has to do with that?
Describe the back of her knees, please
I was more interested in DxM at first because holy shit are we starved for good mech games, but every new piece of information makes it sound more and more disappointing.
>AC is pretty dumbed down from Platinum's usual
Not really. By far their most ambitious game yet
>T. Xenoblade X fan.
What the fuck are you saying, every new information was about about enhancements and listening to player feedback
Nintendo losing sales in Germany because they do not advertise the game there.
Astral Chain hasn't been publicly playable anywhere.
>My birthday is in November, when the mainline games release so she buys me a version as a birthday present
So do you want the games or not? Is she buying herself the game and then giving it to you as a present, because if so that's a dick move and you should tell her to grow up.
es ist zeit fur rachten wir muss die juden ausrotten
Nintendo anything doing well in Europe is a surprise. I always understood it to be Sonyland and filled with FIFAtards.
>hit stop
>constantly removes control from the player for special attacks
>slow enemies
>obvious tells even on Ultimate Mode
>ARPG stat grinding
>boring fetch quests
Certainly not. It's just Platinum trying to recreate Automata's success without a fat robot ass.
Don't bother, tortanic faggots are losing traction with astral chain so now they have their next target in sight.
but with a skinny asian ass instead
Kek, just messing up with you. You see, when astral chain first trailer was playing, the chats were filled with desperate people saying "xenoblade X2?!" And they didn't stop until Kamiya's name came out, same thing happened with DaemonXMachina reveal.
Pretty based if you ask me
What does liking XCX have to do with not liking AC?
T. Xfag who will buy a Switch for AC
I bought this because of anime DILF and Cyberpunk-ish world, sue me
what does having edelgard in smash have to do with steve not making it in?
haven't you got some shitposting to do my no games console owning friend
It's weird because although I think botw is very good it's dlc honestly kinda sucks.
I guess I did the right thing pre-ordering a copy.
I'm still fucking mad that I'm unable to buy Fire Emblem from Amazon less than one month after it came out. They better have a second run of that thing because I ain't paying full price for a digital copy.
Everything I said was factually correct, check any review video
I have a switch
>By far their most ambitious game yet
Wonderful 101 is still their most ambitious and best game yet
>constantly removes control from the player for special attacks
How does it constantly remove control when you can dodge cancel (and maybe de-summon cancel) out of most of them? Only exception is probably the finisher which isn't required to use.
>ARPG stat grinding
What grinding? The game has some basic stats but you don't grind for anything besides currency which is in every action game.
>boring fetch quests
Boring because your short attention span can't handle not mashing buttons at all times?
I didn’t do champions’ ballad yet, but master sword trial was pretty good imo
I don't even know why, but Switch games just fucking sell mate. Nintenbros just have loads a money.
There is no Stat grinding, cuck.
Seems like the snoyfag can't COPE
trial of the sword part 1 on master mode right after leaving the plateau was "fun"
16 bit minigame fuckers
A lot of finisher attacks are just a cutscene, you're unable to cancel out of them. Boring because finding a lost kitten is novel the first time you do it, but you're bored by the 20th time. Half of the game is literally padded fetchquests.
Does not mention it, moron
>right after leaving the plateau
>need 10 heart containers to even get the sword
what did he mean by this?
I mean before doing any divine beasts and rushing the 13 hearts required for the master sword
Sync attacks are not cutscenes. You can cancel out of them. The finisher is press A to rip core out, which is like a cutscene but it is not required to kill the enemy. Just fills energy meter.
>that core with those arms
Somebody just fucking trained abs without doing anything else
What? Is fucking perfect like that!
I have no idea what the fuck you are saying, it’s not fun to rush to dlc after starting the game?
You dumbass it's right fucking there at the timemark. AC will have no challenge because people will just use the best stat bonus perks on their legion.
[Mr. Taura’s Case Files 10]
“There are a variety of missions in Astral Chain, including a hidden 16-bit-style minigame. I like it a lot since you can feel some nice nostalgia while you recover mentally from all the fighting. I hope you’ll try to find it.”
Ready for bag of dicks 2: electric boogaloo?
I need some backstory info, someone remembers how W101 was doing in amazon sales a week before release?
>Hear nothing but trash about Bayonetta 2
>Finally get it eventually out of curiosity when I get my own Switch
>It's just as fine as the first game
AC could do worse than being an underappreciated gem
i really wish they could just delay daemon x machina to December or something it looks like it still needs a shit ton of polish. i'm almost certain it's going to come out run like shit and be forgotten within 1 week.
How does slotting in passive abilities remove challenge? W101 had skill slots. Bayonetta had accessory slots. The game expects you to have them, they are found in chests and handed out in the sidequests. Best stats is subjective because some of them give effects like super armor or temporarily preventing energy loss.
>platinum shit
>the quintessential "uh yes i like anime AND video games. how could you tell?" company
>Nier actually did give Platinum some lasting publicity
Ass saves the day again
Taura is sad people aren't buying it.
It already was delayed, and it seems much better performance-wise, which was really the only major issue.
They’re also not planning to drop it after release, they already said they’ll add stuff like pvp post-release.
Should I get this, or Fire Emblem?
Uh yeah it's a japanese dev team. What'd you expect.
>In Ireland
>Order Astral Chain from a local place
>They haven't even got the shipment in yet
Am I fucked bros?
Or maybe the Switch hardware is an underpowered piece of shit bringing less investment?
AC isn't out yet so FE
I want to fuck Lappy so bad.
Bayo 2 is fine on a surface level but people's complaints are with things most people won't care about. Like limited juggle opportunities and witch time spam.
It's still technically a better game than the first.
Frogs are fucking garbage at games. Maybe they're scared?
I love how the faggots who cling to those differences just straight up ignore the putrid shit glaring flaws of the first like QTEs at the end of a cutscene, 10 minute long minigames,etc.
Oh boy, only 59 more years until we invent Stands
Why would you care, man in business suit and poorly hidden Sony badge?
You do own all consoles you need and a decent to great pc for all your gaming needs right?
they didn't expect such a high demand, the game is fucking sold out everywhere, at least in europe
You played NSIC?
France is the third biggest Nintendo market in the world, though
I hope the best for this game. If it's a success, I think that Nintendo will let Platinum to publish The Wonderful 101 or even 102
Just like we have 2 more years until full dive VR :^)
kamiya never makes sequels so it means that it'd be given to some retard that would fuck it up hard a la bayo2
Who Collectors' Edition here?
>hard a la bayo2
Bayo 2 is better than 1
normalshitter detected
>sound selection
He's a reject who pretends space harrier and qtes are good.
Remember when collector's editions came with the full soundtrack across multiple CDs?
The game isn't even out smoothbrain.
I can remember when games WERE the soundtracks, but not that.
If I like something I just buy the actual soundtrack and art book instead of the neutered CE ones.
so how come three houses and smash were playable before launch
>tfw all these xbox and ps gift cards are being bought for fortnite skins
>Implying we'll get any better than a 150 page book
The fuck is wrong with you? Are you on the Naruto "gonna insert verbal ticks everywhere even in written form" phase of your teenage years?
It still has a decent amount of songs. You can see it a bit in the unboxing video.
I seem to recall some shitposters claiming that because it's a platinum game it's a flop by default.
I'm not picking this up until later this year, but I hope it sells well, it looks fun and Taura deserves success
I seriously wonder why they stopped doing that, it is not like they sell a lot of CDs later by doing it unless some few exceptions like Zelda or Persona 5.
I admit bayo2 improved everything except the core combat, including removing the godawful minigames.
but it dumbed down the core combat hard. In fact so hard that it's easily on par with og DmC:DmC
>forced WT breaks combat flow. instead of being hyper aggressive with dodge offset you play passively waiting for enemies to attack
>can't combo enemies nor even hit certain bosses unless in WT
>WT duration is inconsistent
>umbran climax is stupidly op and makes every other magic useless
>combo score is fucking broken due to it being entirely based on damage. spamming the highest damage attack/combo is the best way to play
>pp ranks focus on inconsistent, tight time limits rather than good combo scores
>weapons are more gimmicky but have less depth
>items have no penalty. chug reds for ez pure plats
but of course none of the normalshitters realize that since they never play bayonetta on hard let alone NSIC
>I admit bayo2 improved everything
I bet you think DmC is an improvement over DMC
shut the FUCK up paypig
I wasn't dumb enough to even play DmC. I don't even care about DMC. I dropped the series when 4 was making me run back to the start of the game. Took it back for a refund right there. Kiss my ass lazy shit developers.
who are the japanese voice actors for the sister brother depending on your gender
>bayo2 fags are normalmode shitters
Seethe more thief.
>I literally don't care about level design and will slurp up shit devs poop out regardless of quality
I don't apologize for having standards.
>i don't give a shit about the combat and instead just mash through the game looking at pretty environments
>dmc kiddies pretend to be hardcore
Your series, hell your entire "Kamiya genre" is beating up defenseless stun locked punching bag enemies. Oatmeal was 100% fucking right.
Justice has been made to the gaming industry
About goddamn motherfucking time to be honest
>defenseless stunlocked punching bag enemies
typical normalshitter
So now that it is out for piratefags, can we have early impressions?
It's weird that none of the reviewers or those with early copies ever mentioned the minigame.
Outside of Grace and Glory, that is exactly what they are. Keep failing to defend your shit game.
>stop liking what i don't like!
>reee! stop returning half finished games!
>inb4 never played nsic and cheesed everything with witch time
>Sound Selection, which probably means it isn't the full soundtrack
Bummer. Would have been nice to have a couple other feelies, too. I thought it came with a pin?
>literally lying
Sad. Hilarious part is, you have instant kill / massive damage torture attacks to get rid of them anyway.
Why do you dumb character action fags even come into these threads? Astral Chain is not a shitty dmc game. Bayo 3 is in dev hell and I look forward to it bombing. W101 was a cutscene ridden piece of shit that wouldn't let you play it longer than 5 minutes before interrupting you with story or the same qte (or whatever you want to call squiggling on the wii u pad)
Piratechads where we at?
>Squiggling on the gamepad
user your bait falls apart there. You make it obvious you literally don't play these games
user, that was literally one method of input. You sound like you haven't played the game, which isn't surprising because bayo 2 haters didn't have a wii u.
You can stop being mad you can't play Bayo 2, it isn't even an above average game. The genre stinks.
>you have instant kill / massive damage torture attacks to get rid of them anyway
so you killed one joy/fearless/gracious with 2 torture attacks. now you have 2+ left that you will have to deal with with no magic left. hope you can dodge 2+ joy whips coming from every side
also forget about getting plat since torture attacks get you almost no score points
>character action
if it wasn't obvious yet that you're a retard, it certainly is now
Nobody who actually played the game used the touch screen. It's right stick and it's for weapon selection. As that other user kept saying, Bayo 2 got rid of all the shit parts of Bayo 1 but the core combat depth (which is the point of the game) suffered too. Bayo 2 is a much better game for the average person, but a slightly worse game for hardcore action game fans. This is probably why it's so divisive.
Downloaded the update but the actual game is still being uploaded apparently
>Is getting good reviews
>Topping charts even in the UK
>Makes Yea Forums and ResetERA seethe
Everything went right.
Someone stream it.
I don’t download illegal games.
I keep hearing that the only reason why the game is on 32 place in France is because is completely sold out there, can someone confirm it?
also ass
Pls don't spoil the game for us piratefags. Maybe move to /vg/ or something.
Also if it's good I hope you guys buy it since I get annoyed at some good games in the past not selling due to piracy.
>Nobody who actually played the game used the touch screen
I didn't either, but it's funny watching butthurt faggots get triggered over obvious smart alec remarks. W101 is a piece of shit that interrupted me, I believe literally, after every single fucking fight. The game deserved to only sell 101 copies.
I'm glad games like Astral Chain and Nier Automata actually succeed unlike their stupid character action games. Bayo 3 will be garbage.
Pre reserves only.
The UK market being extremely volatile and hostile towards anything that isn't standard AAA bullshit makes this really bloody surprising, even if it's essentially a dry week. Beating Fifa is genuinely surprising for a game of this kind
I'd rather W101s cutscenes than Nier's cutscenes filled with nothing.
I still have 10-15 minutes on my SD transfer, but I can stream it if no one else is by then.
Only the update is up for now.
>praises nier automata
>the game with some of the most braindead easy combat and where everything else is worse compared to nier
just stop already
nier automata is a movie though
but even in movies cinematography takes precedence over philosophical theme and moral.
hell, the philosophical theme traditionally has alwasy been a side quality of movies, not the main focus, because otherwise it's not a movie, it's propaganda.
>all this hate agains automata.
Yet i remember Yea Forums praising it, why now they shittalk it?
The release window for DxM is pretty bad yeah
I'm still buying it day 1 though
I just feel sadness for you that you've become this petty of a person.
>nier automata is a movie though
and like i said, in everything but gameplay it's a massive step down compared to nier1
>Yet i remember Yea Forums praising it
it's mainly just lewd posters and bandwagoners that never played nier1
>action game
pick one
>inb4 RPG or multiplayer hybrids
The audio sounds like ass
So was Fire Emblem Three Houses. This gives me hope for future generations of nerds.
Zoomers do indeed look more based than Millenials.
Below 50 is garbage.
This P* game needs a Star Platinum cameo
Yes, Bayonetta has halos and DMC has red orbs. In Bayonetta you definitely have to grind to buy everything. Same shit in AC.
It finally leaked, downloading it now.
>In Bayonetta you definitely have to grind to buy everything
by the time you beat hard you'll have everything unlocked and have no idea what the fuck to do with the other hundredhousands of halos
By that logic it wont be a problem in AC either after playing through standard and ultimate. The point of grinding is so you get stuff earlier and can actually use everything when playing the harder difficulties. I remember stuff in Bayonetta 2 being pretty expensive, but you could quickly get millions of halos from chapter 1.
I pre-ordered both AssChain and Fifa
what now ?
Tokusatsu Football
i'm sorry, but you are stating that
is something "people" actually want to buy? with money?
They're getting there in the UK at least. I just hope the kids take up weeb games rather than cheap cider.
that's assuming it's a shitter playthrough.
since bayo1's halo gain is based on score, if you don't drop your combochain and don't use too many scorekillers (eg torture attack while enemy still has health) you can easily unlock everything in a single run on normal
but either way it kinda sucks for AC since the best part of these games is having a final difficulty that is balanced around having everything unlocked as a final test of skill.
unless postgame does exactly that, in which case I'd have no issue
Yes you dumb contrarian faggot
Anyone got a compilation of the retards complaining about the game for having cops as main characters?
Should have bought Control instead of Shitfa.
please answer the question I've had for years
why do people buy yearly fifa instead of sticking to one game considering all of them are literally the same?
I don't buy it yearly, the last one I bought was Fifa 15
I bought this one because of the return of the fifa street mode
because kamiya and takahisa it means good? automata was 90% look-at-that-ass and bayonetta wasn't any different. this entire hack-n-slash genre of games is fucking terrible and it's sad Yea Forums has turned to groveling for shit games
COPE more.
just get a sugar daddy to buy you the cartridge
How big is your card?
But user, I gotta pirate the leak so that I can laugh at buyfags and then only play for 2 hours
I'm so desperate to play this game I'm currently downloading it on my phone because I'm at work, it better be good.
>bayonetta wasn't any different
DxM will hit PC/PS4 next year. I'm not too worried.
>not basic bitch normalfag tier
Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean they were bad games for everyone else. You're just one of those 1 in 5 weirdos who subconsciously feels the need to be unique by growing a hate boner for things that get a positive reception from the general public, similar to Andrew Dobson.
Which is not a bad thing
That's surprising, UK is Sony roach territory. Also control sucks ass. Boring to use the gun and the powers
Quite possible
>you're just one of those 1 in 5 weirdos who subconsciously feels the need to be unique by growing a hate boner for drake and nicki minaj
>on Yea Forums
okay normalfag
where do you guys download the leak? I wanna datamine the OST
Now would be a good time to ask: how's that Switch emulator?
What emulator? I'll transfer the NSP file into my Switch SD card when I get home.
iirc it's still not viable for regular play but it's making progress. give it a year or two and with luck you'll be able to play it
I can't believe this game is actually making me want to buy a Switch. Preorders are still up on Amazon and it's just $360 for the console and game but I keep finding myself trying to look for other games to justify that purchase because I'm not buying a Switch for one game.
just buy a switch and pirate everything on it if you really want to play.
beforehand i'd recommend to wait a bit for non shill reviews to appear
People were waiting for reviews, it’s sitting at 89 on metacritic so anyone who was interested was just given the green light to pre order the game that’s why it’s suddenly shot up to the number one spots.
This is the dilemma I'm facing. I'd either get a physical copy and play it on a vanilla Switch or go full pirate if physical copies sell out by the time actual player reviews are out.
Paid shills don't count.
inshallah brother, the caliphate of France is in fact the most glorious and auspicious of places!
Astral chain looks based. Cyberpunk cops with stands rule.
And Eurogamer? And IGN? And Famitsu? And Gameinformer? And Gamespot?
>nintendo game gets low score
>nintendo is doomed reee
>nintendo game gets high score
>paid reviews reee
Until player reviews and gameplay videos are shown I'm not convinced.
We have seen hours of Gameplay by now.
That's literally how it works.
>start the game
>still stuck on the character name screen
I never watched Club Dorothee since I'm not French but I recently came across a clip of said show where Jackie was showcasing an anime/manga magazine (I think he also talked about Ranma, I can't remember very well), it blew my mind since these magazines where only shown on our national TV to bash them and "warn" parents of their content.
Doesn’t matter that’s the mentality most people were holding. They take rotten tomatoes and metacritic as gospel
well yeah obviously. early access deals are invaluable since you can publish reviews before anyone else since the first reviews are the ones that garner the most views and thus admoney.
so obviously you wouldn't want to anger the publishers with a negative review when you depend on them stay relevant and thus alive
What are the random names like?
makes resetera seethe? why
nintendofags' astral chain? more like sonyfags' anal pain lol
I pressed it a few times and the only ones where Yamoto, Ryo and another name I cant remember
>japanese cyberpunk aesthetic
>you play as the police dishing out THE LAW
isn't the canon name akira?
Europe is going nuts for this game simply because they desperately fantasize about their police force actually saving them from the nightmare they live in.
nope, that's the name for the twin
Just set it to your first name and be done with it.
you play as cops and the enemy chimeras are an allegory to black people and the alternate dimension is a metaphor for africa
You and the twin are not supposed to be named Akira at the same time. Akira has their own personality as a character.
Shit like this is what makes me buy these games and want companies like Platinum to stick around.
That kind of stuff really tells you the internet is shit at predicting anything.
Because what he said was the general consensus before the switch launched.
Same with the vita destroying the 3ds
Pick the boy and name him Todd
Turks don't actually practice islam, they just pretend to when they want to look middle eastern
Pick Yuki for the girl or Yuuki for the guy
literally this
t. chav
Just be wary that any user review that isn't between 3 and 9.5 is full of shit. I'd expect the overall user average to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 or 8.
into the trash it goes.
>Sexy women
>Glorifying the police
It's less about the number and more about the few reviews that go in detail about what's good and bad about the game.
> have credit card until expiry date
> get email today saying payment can't be processed for pre order as card has expired
I sure as shit hope my limited edition hasn't been allotted to someone else.
>letting your card run to expiration date
You only have yourself to blame.
Sure hope so. I have a Switch, but I’d much rather play something like this on my pc or xbone x.
>I disagree with the concept of a police force
>Said by a guy that wants to disarm his nation's citizenry.
Keep the same one long enough and you fast forget.
I think it's been funded by Nintendo to a heavy degree but I agree with it being the kind of game that could do with extra presentation.
Your bank didn't mail you a new card months before expiration?
I got new cards like 6 months before my 1st credit card expired
They also sent me a new cards when they got the chip in them
Nintendo is listed as a publisher alongside marvelous. Don't know how that works from a business perspective but makes me think it might stay exclusive. A weaker point is that they went to the trouble of adding gyro as a response to feedback which seems less likely if they were going to just remove it afterwards, and Hori made a special daemon x machina controller that uses joycon attachment points and thus would be far removed from other consoles.
Nintendo is only publishing western release, in Japan its published by Marvelous. Octopath was the same with Square Enix publishing in Japan.
Really? From what little research I did before making that post it showed Square Enix as the sole publisher.
Can I fuck her in the dog suit?
It says so on nintendo's site listing for the game. You can also check the financial reports:
This one is for last year but it shows both Octopath and DXM. In US and EU they are listed as "primary nintendo products", while in Japan they are listed as third-party software with publishers being SE/Marvelous.
>Until Sonyshills can reviewbomb it I'm not convinced
Ok retard.
I love all the butthurt this game caused.
I do hope Astral Chain comes to PC eventually. The switch doesn't have enough power to do some games justice.
lol actually true
Not happening, Nintendo holds the copyright and owns the Astral Chain IP. You just have to wait for emulation.
has as much chance as bayonetta 2 coming to any other platform so no chance at all
I was reading what the other user had said and was trying to remember if Nintendo did have an IP hold.
With a lot of Switch games having an adaptive resolution would a Switch with more juice help?
Hacked switches can already overclock cpu and gpu to improve framerate some, and a couple games got hacks to remove 30fps limits. Nintendo can even allow some devs to use higher clock rate profiles if they wanted to.
Some games are more limited by the memory bandwith, which can't be helped on current model.
That's cool. My limited understanding is that there are few chips they could upgrade it to.
It's a fun game so far, movement is a bit clunky but I get it since you're essentially controlling two characters
Based and Wonder Redpilled
if it does get ported I hope they add crossplay multiplayer missions or something, that would be neat having a mech squad do some cool mecha battles and shit. I can already tell that the online community for this game is gonna die out on every system early on if there's nothing worthwhile.
>cops aren’t very cyberpunk
Ok that above all else really fucking got to me
Most of these people have never seen the original Blade Runner of Ghost in the Shell
I did something silly and forgot to update payment details and it was a store I hadn't bought anything from in 5 years. Preorder has been paid and waiting on that now.
>ban guns so only police have guns
>ban police so nobody has guns
Problem solved
They talk like playing a cop is unusal, where as protag future cop stuff in Japanese games and manga have been a common theme for decades.
Hard to say. So far the new models are running a revision of the original switch Tegra, it's far more efficient (same power for like half the fucking wattage, at ~5 watts for BotW) and it seems like a new set of ram (same size, but no one knows the exact implications as of now).
Honestly, I don't see they making a Switch Pro with a newer version of the Tegra and more RAM. It would be 4 different configurations for developers to work with (Docked and Undocked in both models). So whatever they make to improve the switch will have to come from further optimizing the current parts and allowing the developers to control more of how the system runs.
Yet they're fine with making a gimped Switch that only runs in portable mode.
But if I say the exact same thing about not wanting to play as a nigger in a video game, I get called a racist nazi?
I was about to watch this along with Appleseed.
the sad part is that the game seeks to present the police at their best, rather than their worst, as if the world needed reminding of that.
Being in a profession you can choose is not comparable to being born as someone you have no control over. So yeah, you're a shit racist nazi.
A legendary battle begins
>I bought this one because of the return of the fifa street mode
Oh fuck I can't believe I might actually buy FIFA again
Imagine if the plot of the game ends up with the alien invaders as harmless innocents while you continue killing them to the point your twin has to stop you by force.
Me. My local retailer usually sends me everything 2-3 days early. I fully expect it in the mailbox tomorrow.
I was literally listening to this song when I expanded that pic and the guy said "Dominion"
These fucking cosmic coincidences that only happen once in life man
Me. Mostly for the board as the character designer made some of my favourite anime.
I’ll just wait for the Switch “Pro” or whatever to come out. Sub-1080p/60 is inexcusable for a modern action game.
Man of Medan I guess.
For me it's less about the resolution and more about the framerate. I can't give less of a shit if it's 720p or even 480p but 30fps is a massive dealbreaker.
The game also drops to single digit frame rates constantly when there are more than 3 enemies with ranged attacks on screen
You've got to be kidding me. Are you playing a rip on your Switch already?
He's making shit up (expect a lot of this since the leak is out so people can claim to have played it), framerate dips a bit in handheld mode but thats about it.
The army will still have guns.
Leaks been out for a few hours already
go ahead and play the advanced training and tell me that isnt single digit framerate near the end
I need a video. I need to see just how bad this looks.
I just preorded it am I fucked?
gonna have some fun tonight
Nice hacks.