The secrets in this game are a pile of shit...

The secrets in this game are a pile of shit. You literally have to go around every single wall pressing E so that you don't miss them. I'm glad I didn't pay money for this garbage, especially since they capitulated like pussies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


why do people still post Billy articles here


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Because he agrees with us in wanting SJW shit obliterated from the industry, namely. If you don't, you don't belong here.

t. ranny

Your reign is coming to an end, Resetranny

Attached: doesn't look quite enough like a pederast to be accurate for (566x500, 135K)

Remember yesterday when everyone here was celebrating this as a victory even though they explicitly said they were still going with the donation and sensitivity training? lol

over what, the children they've groomed?

That was obviously 3DRealms shills


>You literally have to go around every single wall pressing E so that you don't miss them

You just revealed to everyone that you actually haven't played the game.

Attached: 1380420829114.gif (150x148, 996K)

>He legitimately believes this
You've been saying this since 14 lmfao

Why isn't Billy happy that we made some progress? Sure, we aren't gonna be able to take control over the industry all at once, but the fact they listened to us in one thing and a made a step in the right direction is a good start.

>T-t-they only half-cucked us

lmao look at this cope

Just download the GOG version, goddamn.

Attached: hSxCat4.gif (300x203, 507K)

>You literally have to go around every single wall pressing E
That's Doom, not really Ion Fury.

This is only them flip-flopping and trying to cater to both sides at the same time, retard. They still gave the 10k. They still took out "fagbag". Being content with this is being content with at least half ResetEra influence in your future games.

Now this is butthurt

You are an SJW

I’m a SJW and I’ve been posting on Yea Forums for nine years.


You should be content with this because it's literally all you'll ever get, sweetie. Straight up imagining you have the power to fully erase our influence is nothing but pure delusion.

Attached: 000cf-1529704360-800.jpg (696x392, 32K)

>muh horseshoe
Ah yes, classic.

Attached: mApVk3v.jpg (1280x1109, 245K)

tranny btfo

Other way around. People who say both sides are bad are just anti-SJWs.


>Trying to subvert a widely known phenomenon's definition to put everyone who is against it as a part of it
Are there any lows you scheming kikes won't get down to?

>SJWs: We shouldn’t be dicks to women and minorities.
>Anti-SJWs: Yes we should.

If you stay neutral in the face of oppression, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

We're so desperate for victories we'll take any scrap we can get to spin it our way

Because women and minorities are subhumans

social justice is subjective

And that is why nobody will ever take anti-SJWs seriously.

Polygon you dump cunt!

Are you implying they lied about that statement or something? I don't get it.

It's shit only worth flushing like your retard brain.


SJWs will never be taken seriously, as they cannot take banter, and have no real sense of context or satire. The whole "triggered" thing is laughable, and the binary logic they employ on everything is infantile.

No, SJWs are the ones being whiny faggots about everything

Just like when pol lost its top because you could punch racists in rdr and get rewarded by it

>You literally have to go around every single wall pressing E so that you don't miss them

sounds like we're going home bros

Attached: images.png (204x247, 4K)

>you're either x or y
As mentioned: binary logic

>You either agree with me or you're a tranny

nice :)

>Famous SJW satirists: Aristophanes, Juvenal, Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Thomas Nast, Charlie Chaplin, Groucho Marx, Bill Hicks, Lewis Black, Jon Stewart, Eric Andre
>Famous anti-SJW satirists: Steven Crowder, Charlie Kirk, Ben Garrison

Sure, whatever you say.

Attached: 474320B2-615D-4250-BCC5-93E36D6AD2B2.jpg (800x800, 75K)

anti-SJW comedians rise up

Attached: libcucks BTFO.jpg (556x601, 55K)

lefties will never recover

Nice projection.
Liberal != SJW, dipshit. I'm liberal, but not a SJW. This is another reason why you fuckers aren't taken seriously. And Bill Hicks a SJW? Seriously? You must be on 70 kinds of crack.

They admitted the sensitivity training wasn't true LMAO

I'm sure you have an accurate source for this that you are about to post any second now.

>Nice projection.

Attached: bhh.png (1099x1215, 455K)

>Ben Garrison
kek, nice one user

Attached: 1566865074449m.jpg (1024x485, 76K)

In other words: Don't ever say anything even remotely negative about trannies anynwhere, including our games
They've been cucked

Actually, you are, republicans aren't automatically nazists but liberals, as 9 out of 10 democrat voters, are automatically sjw. There's no way you're a feminist globalist pro-faggot and you're not a sjw. Your vote goes to them, that agenda is blatantly in their program, you're for that shit.

In other words the sensitivity training was bullshit and a lie LMAO LOL

He LITERALLY (LITERALLY) said nothing wrong, though. This is actual straight up tranny indoctrination, holy shit. Game developers are not allowed to say anything even remotely anti-mental illness


I'm not American. SJWs are also few and far between here, as they are ridiculed by most for being dumb commies.

What the fuck is even ogay? I thought those were just some random letters put together that just happened to say gay in them.

No, don't say anything offensively wrong in a professional product you're trying to sell.


>Game developers are not allowed to say anything even remotely anti-mental illness
Correct, yes. This is our world and you are just living in it. RESETERA, BAY BAY!!!

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Doesn't concern the game itself. They can spend their money on tranny hookers for all I care.

holy fuck gamers rise up!!!

Your shit meme failed, tranny. No need to try to keep forcing it.

>Your shit meme failed, tranny. No need to try to keep forcing it.

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Attached: 1456_NPC.png (636x773, 32K)

first day here? NPCs and sóyboys would never go against trannies.

"muh tranny" is the literal npc buzzword right now, though


Social terrorists are a cancer spread in all western nations, you being american or not is an useless trivia. There is no difference between liberal and "sjw, because they afe the same thing: dumb commie, at best, what you're referfing to is center left. Yeah, good luck finding that.

Is that why you're trying too hard to force "muh /pol/" as the new buzzword?

>center left. Yeah, good luck finding that.
most of europe is center left. Only a few countries like sweden are retarded.

Because Billy advertises here

Buy a banner and have sex Billy

>Is that why you're trying too hard to force "muh /pol/" as the new buzzword?

Attached: 80c.png (645x729, 58K)

Can we nuke braindead murrica and Israel along with the Middle East already before their marxist cancer utterly destroys everything?

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absolutely seething

>absolutely seething

Attached: sgdsgd.jpg (300x300, 25K)

Attached: the discord tranny button.png (720x696, 307K)

It's time to stop.

>the discord tranny button

Attached: beep.jpg (1892x1712, 326K)

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the left can't meme

So this is what the hubbub is about? The studio that made Duke Nukem 3D donates to LGBT organizations and pays to undergo sensitive training for its 5 employees?

Fuck 'em, I'm glad they lost Duke. I was genuinely excited to play a modern build engine game, but once again, fuck 'em.

>Trying to re-appropriate the NPC meme
>In 2019
The left can't meme, but it sure knows cringe.

wow did you pull that off of youtube?

wow, did you pull your belief system off a bunch of pedophile communists?

Pulled am image off youtube? I'm not even the one who posted that, but you really need to stop embarrassing yourself, tranny.

Das left kann nicht meme

>muh left
>muh right
All mutts are retarded.
Holy fuck I can't wait until September 20th. It'll be great fun watching mongoloid sharts get shot attempting to get into area 51.

Attached: mutt.jpg (800x800, 72K)

>The left can't meme, but it sure knows cringe.

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why is this person wearing a Ted Cruz mask?

>says socialism never works, without doing any research

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