Other urls found in this thread:
Any other user up for some bug slaying?
>Illegal access to satellite orbit
Remember to always bring your waifu into battle.
I'd play it in co-op, but I have no friends, and EDF5 is too expensive. I could get EDF4 instead, but this doesn't solve the first problem.
thanks for you blog appreciate it man really
It's early morning fellow solider. We're all just no getting our coffee.
I can set an Hardest room in a couple of minutes fellow human
No password
Hardest mission 47+ for medals and shit
Just leaving this here in case
Anyone who joins the EDF gets 3 friends upon signing up, and another 5 after 3 months of service
>you will never invite satellitechan out for coffee and have to listen to her mockyou for it
>she will then never quickly agree to it but says its only because shes humoring you.
I wish ranger was more viable in Inferno, the snipers feels so weak. Yes I know you can still play ranger and kill a lot, but everytime I play ranger I feel I'm not doing much since by comparison the other class are doing a much better job.
Ranger is still decent as a bodyguard for the AR and NPCs. His shotgun kills close range mobs as well as anybody else.
I wish more rangers played bodyguard when I play as AR.
yeah, ranger feels like a civilian on inferno
>The next mission is extra dangerous. Please be super duper careful!
Why did they write the game like this
i consider ranger to be a challenge mode.
it makes sense since he's not part of some elite unit with special tech but just some random poor fuck that is lucky enough to survive hell on earth
I'll join later
I realized I got burned out by playing all day long at EDF5 for the past week
>That is too risky! Each attack is really scary!
With Ranger you just don't go for mission objects online
You go for bodyguard support duty
Is EDF5 good?
Is it hard?
It's good
It's easy except on the latest difficulty, but you just need a bit of a brain to do it
So it's easy
Join EDF!
depends on how well you can master the mechanics
Trying sticking close to them. If they're not retards that run in too deep, then you should naturally benefit from them killing off insects.
It's hard because the menus are complicated, weapon descriptions are unclear, and you don't know what to expect from enemies. Mobs can kill you instantly, and you have to generally put half a mag into even the smallest bitch monsters in the game. Idk why people say it's mindless shooting when going in with a Call of Duty or L4D mentality will get you completely owned. One of the common complains from people who stop playing within the first 20 levels is that the mobs feel too strong and the guns feel too weak. Once you get a better idea of how the game is supposed to play, it's easier.
Also, everyone posting in these threads has 100+ hours probably so if they call something easy it's not with the mentality of a new player.
Nice bait faggot
Don't go straight to hardest/inferno without armor/weapons and you'll be find
>L4D mentality
l4d on on highest difficulties and versus does require strategy too though
>Don't go straight to hardest/inferno without armor/weapons
nigger, you can't even play those difficulties until you finished hard. and by that point you'll have more than enough armor
when properly geared:
>Hard mode: normal
>Hardest mode: easy
>Inferno: normal
fight me
Just have 70% completion and use DLC weapons lmao u fag
>l4d on on highest difficulties and versus does require strategy too though
Yeah, but EDF is balanced around every enemy being able to do 1/4 of your HP instantly at least. In L4D, that's expert mode. In EDF, that's just hard mode.
>play hard
>a spider thread does like 1/12 of your damage
i would put inferno into easy category too, since you gain stupidly powerful equipment relative to the other difficulties, especially with fencer
I need to get 5 one of these days
Yeah and they attack in swarms, sneak around buildings, are programmed to get behind you, and fire 8 webs at once.
I'm not saying it's dark souls or whatever, but don't give new players incorrect expectations of what the game will be like by acting like it's a brainless shitstomp, just because you know every level inside and out when you're 200 hours in.
>what is looking at the radar
>normal, hard difficulties are brainless with randomers
>hardest is brainless with the correct teammates
>inferno needs a bit of brain or OP weapons and ton of armor, just do the previous difficulties before
Stop being a faggot
Are you mentally retarded? I'm talking about new players. I don't give a shit about higher difficulties because I'm not talking about that. The difficulty for new players comes from not knowing what to expect. Not knowing what enemies do, not knowing what guns do, not knowing the intended playstyle of each class yet. One of the consistent turnoffs for new players is feeling too weak and dying a lot in the early missions, because they're trying to play it like L4D.
Once you have the levels and guns all memorized you can march through Hardest/Inferno without much resistance, that's not what this is about. But flex more about something literally everyone else can do I guess.
>are you mentally retarded
Nice projecting, tranny. Thinking, believing and arguing that EDF is difficult for new players is a new level of stupidity. It's pure arcade shooting and just requires to aim at stuff while running around.
Aggro management isn't exactly a big brained concept.
Conquering most levels is pretty intuitive, the dialogue pretty much tells you everything. Like that first level with Deroy where it shits several out of you? Immediately told to destroy the legs. Ayys? Game says you can remove their limbs. Flying monster aggro? Same thing.
This game is not braindead, but it functions on pretty basic principles.
The only thing I was ever unsure about in this game is the most effective way to attack the hive. Whether I needed to get all outer segments off the nest or focus on the inner layer under it. It did not take long to learn it was the latter.
imagine getting carried so hard you actually believe this
Imagine being so bad you think EDF can be hard
Failing in EDF is extremely rare, except on higher difficulties which you don't care about because muh newplayers
Do you play with boxing gloves or something? Or did your mother aimed for the floor when birthing you?
>game tells you to pick Ranger first time you play
>pick ranger first
It is that easy.
pirate version can do online if you're strapped for cash atm
>Aggro management isn't exactly a big brained concept.
Tell that to the air raiders nuking the map.
Tbf EDF does have some tougher missions, like Brutal Battlefield. But for the most part assuming you are not playing with brain dead mouthbreathers its not really hard.
You'll be surprised, multi targets can easily aggro the whole map too. No idea how to fix that though. Although now I think I know why most multi targets have relatively short ranges.
any rooms for pc buyfrogs up?
1 but it's full and not passworded, you can probably make another
none of that really matters when you can just kite everything with fencer and WD.
the only real challenge is playing as ranger
>muh spooders
just sidestrafe them
>when you're 200 hours in
nigger I'm referencing my first playthrough. once you figure out the good all rounder setups for your class, nothing will be able to stop you
Honest question, did you play with randoms online at all? On their first playthrough on hard most people will fail missions repeatedly.
when should i be doing the dlc? just now cleared hard mode campaign
Never, it's way too hard.
I did, and not really. Outside of the acknowledged roadblocks failure is pretty rare.
it gets crazy but it's not impossible. only around the 10~15 missions does it get a bit bullshit. when the description said it's hard they weren't lying. kite smartly and be with a group that's willing to communicate and use different and niche strats.
dlc is harder than story inferno, you should be entering dlc with story inferno weapons.
>Brutal Battlefield
it's basically one big kiting mission. unless you're ranger it shouldn't be an issue after the initial shock
I do think Ranger is meant to hang around the AR, since Ranger can use all the vehicles. When vehicles start getting stronger, tanks and rail guns are great for switch-shooting, and properly used and positioned Nixes can be really powerful. By nature of being the simplest class, Ranger weapons are generally only good for one thing at a time (barring DLC), so being able to take more specialized weapons and then having vehicles cover the ensuing weaknesses makes him outright effective, not just playable.
Not the other user - I feel like the first fifty missions or so are snot easy to the point where an AR can blow everything up as it spawns, then they start picking up, and the last few missions in the game definitely require coordination in online play. 107 is a nightmare in pubs, since the waves are so large and the tadpoles ignore aggro until they reach the starting area that everyone has to be pulling their weight or coordinating to push out to one of the far corners until the pylons drop or things quickly go out of control.
For higher difficulty settings, having 4000 armor instead of 2000 is tactically important for kiting and generally being able to weather what doesn’t explode from a safe distance of ‘across the map’, but when a single spider or ant can wipe you and especially vehicles out at point blank regardless, when a laser ayy can whittle you all down if nobody can manage it or the person who could got caught by something else, and when fliers can hamper the fastest of classes if not handled quickly, the game is far from brainless. It’s deceptively simple, and that’s why it’s so fun. There’s plenty of ways to cheese, though, like by hiding in buildings or having someone stand on top of a transport ship.
Then you get to the DLC and start considering things like having everybody throw themselves into the same web as enemies draw near since it’s preferable to choking on an endless stream of silvers and golds, among other things.
>hit one ayy
>aggro every single ayy despise being around a billion soldiers, tanks and bargas
The mission is stupid.
>constant discussion about pirated copies playing together in Yea Forums rooms
were you born this retarded or was it something that required practice
>having 4000 armor instead of 2000 is tactically important for kiting
not really since it's basically impossible to be hit while kiting as fencer or WD
>when fliers can hamper the fastest of classes if not handled quickly
maybe on hard and below but once you get access to 4 dashes, you can always remain mobile even when recharging boost jump for dashjumps.
It's kinda funny how fencer becomes easier to play on harder difficulties
ayys almost always target in groups. so if you cause one ayy to target you via damage, then the others will target you too
I did.
Failed really rarely.
Get gooder, really.
Don't worry, Yea Forums don't know how to play videogames correctly.
Post webms
Why is this game so fun?
Fuck lost connection myself
Well, i will take a break then
All it takes is one errant hornet needle to hit during a dash and then you’re at serious risk. I agree that Fencer and WD are fantastic, but there’s no silver bullet weapon to deal with ground fodder, air fodder, and priority targets all the same except mortars and plasma big
thanks doc
me and the boys taking out alien scum
any tutorials on how to do this for the tech illiterate?
and can it be done in MP?
continuing from this lobby but with a password
vdf, rage
Hardest 67
Fucking genius
what is that 5,10 frames a second? kek
need 100% completion
Maybe I'm naming it wrong, I mean Mission 40, after the ricefield one. Honestly its not really that bad, but I did redo it like 4-5 times, and only succeeded when I changed teams later.
107 is not that bad, hell I barely have memories of that, and only because I replayed it recently, just like Spritefall everything lol.4
108 otoh.
Learn to greentext nerd!
>using meme arrows
>All it takes is one errant hornet needle to hit during a dash and then you’re at serious risk
except that they can't hit you since you're always either dashing or dashjumping.
and if that isn't enough for you then you can use vulcan hammers to bridge boost jump cooldowns, nuking enemies while they can barely scratch you in your hyper armor state
>there’s no silver bullet weapon to deal with ground fodder, air fodder, and priority targets all the same
>what is dexter+jackhammer or vulcan hammer+dispersal
yea that's brutal battlefield. and like i said, it's basically a very long stretch of kiting a horde of enemies.
only thing that can seriously fuck you up are the red drones but once you realize that you can cause them to miss you by staggering them with the right weapons or dashjumping as Fencer they're not a big deal
>tfw clusterfuck on screen so you use the radar to hipfire
Works surprisingly accurately and you can instantly target anything that likes to flank.
I always knew those Big Humans are on our side. Now I can't kill them even more, they are just like us. Hell, they are us now.
>(((people))) don't check their flanks and are surprised when they're suddenly surrounded
Did you get the communicator the frogs got? Did your brain get controlled by a foreign species?
dispersal is way too good. Slow reload, but who cares if you’re the fastest thing in the game? and then you fly into some terrain or a corpse flies at you and your entire health bar vanishes in one ill-timed shot
I’m privy to the fun of hammers and Dexter, but I like blasthole+dispersal if I know I can get away with taking double flame revolvers on my other pair. Best thing about dexters is the lack of aim inertia. Cumbersome to deal with it without exo, even with 90 gamepad sensitivity
I torrented the game and it says it's multiplayer compatible. Can anyone help cause I can't find any servers whatsoever.
EDF gamepad chads unite
Ah yeah, we're on Yea Forums. I forgot about that.
>Install pirate version
>Install Steamworks Fix V2 patch to your pirate install
>Run pirate version while steam is running and logged in
This patch connects you to the steam servers and spoofs Spacewar, a free online game, allowing you to use Steam servers to connect with other pirates. You can't play with legit users, only other pirates. If you buy EDF5 later on the same account that you use for the pirated Steamworks gameplay, your save will carry over. An unpatched pirate version will not be save-compatible with the legit/Steamworks game. So if you ever plan on eventually buying EDF5 legit, you should install the Steamworks fix.
Lel, I've always played edf with a gamepad. I know it's not as accurate, but it just feels right.
Works perfectly for air raiding, too
I play the other classes with kbm but Fencer cramps my hands if I don’t use an actual controller
did it sell well?
I remember reading that single player progress (weapons/armor) don't transfer to multiplayer, is that true?
I'm so dumb the fitgirl repack actually contains this - thanks tho!
did you know king erginus is in the game data?
no longer red
that means its no longer stronger
Yeah, it's not as meaningful to play singleplayer.
Weapons/armor are shared, percent completion isn't.
Fitgirl I think uses V1, which saves to a different location than Steam does. They both work and the save should be steam-compatible but if you go legit you might have to hunt down your save location
You can only host lobbies of missions that you've completed online. So you have to start from 1 online, or find a lobby that's around where your SP progress is at. You do keep ur loots though
why are purple ants so underutilized? they only show up a couple times, and they also dont inspire nearly the clench factor as silvers or golds
they need to be way more common, and have their bite damage buffed to chew you apart super fast, so you actually fear getting caught, instead of just "lol you get time out and free resets"
every enemy in this game is at least 10m tall its not like you need precision
>tfw strong enough to survive but not to protect the NPCs
The original king erignus (i think he was named adult solas or something like that) only had added red spikes (on top of being twoce as tall ofc)
>he doesn't save NPCs trapped in web
You don't do that user, right?
Made a room for piratefags
No Illegals Allowed
Pass: benis
Difficulty: Inferno (Or Hard if prefered)
Starting from lv 1
it might work online if both people have the same thing otherwise it crashes
and instructions are in the edf reddit discord modding section
reeee if you want but I am not copying all of the info over here
Erginus is cooler than Archelus fite me irl
I just can't get over that big stupid head and face, plus his fireball attacks are pure ass and nowhere near as awesome as atomic breath.
Nevermind, power went down. I might end up hosting later I guess
yeah erginus is a godzilla type, and archelus is a gamera type
>ywn be lusted over by hundred of gamer bois with pure devotion to your cause
I'm talking about EDF2's kaiju.
Edf2 is hard as hell. Dlc 2 has some enemies from it.
Post webms or Sarge fucking dies
The bombers are complete bullshit but the final boss is fairly easy.
>when it's Sergeant
Clean your ears.
and Zilla has always been cooler than Gamera
roger that, Sarge
How do i enjoy fencer. Even ranger grew on me somewhat, but playing as this fucking clunky piece of shit is killing me.
then learn to use twin spear to simulate playing armored core 4
Doc's a bro m8
Don't talk shit about him
Ok, made a room again,
Mission 12+
Password is benis
What should I equip my Wing Diver with? I’m trying to learn how to not suck at Wing Diver. What weapons are best for different situations? What core should I use?
I'm aware how much of a bro Doc is, it doesn't stop the webm being funny
Should have played the webm from the top of erginus and end at the same point tbqh
It's too long, but I can see the potential in the funniness
1. go fast
2. go faster
4. shotgun and hammer
5. mortars or cannons situation dependent
>shotgun and hammer
>not dipseral and hammer
do people really not want to roleplay as a walking explosion factory?
>go fast
>when almost everything you do has some kind of delay or animation lock
>even turning around acts like you have mouse acceleration on or something
Dashjumping won't clear map. Especialy early on when you can do it like twice in row.
Play on late Hard or higher. Early Fencer gameplay is just insufferable.
Room: Pick up loot
Mission: 5, Hard
Passcode: lootplz
Buyfags, lootfags, don't forget to pick up loot
Increasing completion
>when almost everything you do has some kind of delay or animation lock
there are quite a lot of weapons with instant startups and no recovery like jackhammer and dexter.
and it's not a big deal either since you can utilize them mid dashjump to stay mobile
>even turning around acts like you have mouse acceleration on or something
it depends on the weapons you use. this mostly applies to cannon type weapons but even then you can learn to compensate for it
>Dashjumping won't clear map. Especialy early on when you can do it like twice in row
>equip vulcan hammer
>dashjump into enemy
>swing hammer
>get pushed away by hyper armor effect
>fire secondary
why can't people learn to compensate cooldowns with other actions
to be fair, it does require a very high IQ to play fencer
no memeing though, like this guy said fencer gets better the higher the difficulty
and not all weapons have the inertia effect, so i usually run one set for going fast and kiting mobs at close range or close range ayy/human deletion (shotty/hammer) and 1 set for long range or thinning out mobs (cannons or mortars) thatll take you through 90% of missions
you have to learn how to dash out of danger and attack back, and repeat, for example like your circling strafing a mob, dash+jump, they all miss, you land and get in some attacks, as soon as they get back on you and start attacking again, you dash+jump away again, and repeat
i love dispersal, but i find it more effective to split the sets between close and long range, especially because dispersal has jump so your not completely static and helpless, but that combo is great too
Oh boy I love talking about WD
>trying to learn how to not suck
The main thing is to get good at flying while spending as little energy as possible. The most efficient way to get somewhere is always by boosting. To cross ground cheaply, do a jump off the ground, and then boost without using jetpack. To fly somewhere cheaply, hover straight up, then when you're at about 10% energy, start spamming boosts. Energy is life, energy is damage, so don't waste it buzzing around like a bee when you could be boosting. WD is a triangle between damage, efficiency, and range. Efficiency is the best one of the three.
>Budget weapons
The main thing is that you should always have at least 1 cheap weapon, or a battery powered weapon, so you can fight even when your energy is low. Lances are the best cheap weapon (especially power lance), they've actually got decent range, they cost very little and they almost always one-shot small mobs. Power lance is so cheap that while you're charging it, your energy doesn't even go down, it just pauses regen for half a second. Lances CAN carry the mission, and once you're use to them they feel like semi-automatic rifles that beat Ranger shotguns. Dragoon for heavy targets, power lance for flying/small targets. Battery weapons basically exist to keep you alive when you hit an emergency charge in a bad spot, so they usually won't be powerful enough to carry the mission. Mag blaster is the best emergency weapon, destroyer is good for hornets. Rapier is good for red ants, and spark is good for regular ants and spiders, these don't lose power as you fire them so you can spam them all day long, unlike mag and destroyer.
>What core should I use?
Large vanilla with no gimmicks. Gimmicks cost energy, and energy is life. Turbo, Side-Turbo, Bird, and Rush are acceptable if they're your biggest cores, but vanilla is the best. Pic related
>i love dispersal, but i find it more effective to split the sets between close and long range
but dispersal is both effective at close and long range. it's really fucking great for softening up a big target while you're dashjumping in, to finish em off with your striker/piercer
dont see it
Did you do this spreadsheet?
If so, you're my hero
Yea Forumsdf
mission 76 hard
pass rage
last time only one user joined but it was fun
how do you unlock DLC weapons? just playing level/difficulty with appropriate drop window like everything else?
Are we safe yet sarge?
>Main weapons
Phalanx is the best DPS in the entire game, no exaggeration. Pic related. The game tries to hide phalanx's power level, but it's the best damage. The reason you get good at flying is to drop phalanx payloads on targets. Every time you see a big scary fucker or a tanky objective, try to phalanx it. It's short-range overkill for regular enemies, and a bit too expensive to fire repeatedly, so it's best when you have specific targets mind. Plasma cannons are good, they have mediocre damage, but they're affordable in cost, have infinite range, good aoe, and they shoot very straight. The heavy cannons (17 heavy and 55 grand cannon) are WD's best anti-deroy tools.
WD shouldn't snipe. If you absolutely have to use a sniper, closed laser is a good option. It's slow dps, but you can fire in short bursts to make sure you're spending exactly as much energy as you intend to spend. Decent for cutting a limb or frying some fliers, but you won't blow up objectives with it. Monster is faster, but is much hungrier for energy, and you'll trigger emergency charge a lot with monster.
Ghost chaser is the most useful situational weapon, it knocks flying enemies out of the air instantly and at a decent range. Crap damage, but amazing CC against fliers. Sweep it across the screen while tapping it to knock an entire swarm of hornets or tadpoles on their ass. Mirage is similar, it stunlocks instead of knocking them down, and it's cheaper with good damage. Gleipnir can also do this, it auto-targets enemies and it's a good overall weapon if you're getting swarmed by enemies. Geist is GREAT for fighting slow-moving aliens at long range (Plains of Conflict), but it's a guaranteed teamkill if you shoot it at fast-moving ants or small monsters. From the special grenades try Geipnir, Heaven's Gate, and anti-air, they're all good for thinning hordes passively.
NP user, I love spreadsheets and I love playing WD
Any buyfag servers up?
yes. this means you need to play on inferno
may not agree with all of the judgements people make, but it’s still nice to see so many genuinely enjoying the game
change of plans
clearing hard from the start
This. It even does horde removal and works as a panic button to clear some breathing room, jackhammer + dispersal is such an absurdly versatile combo.
Buychads, lootbros, simple instructions
Mission like 95 inferno, Idk, clearing up the last infernos for that sweet 100%
If you want a real challenge play Inferno but online solo. There are some missions that seem damn near impossible.
What's your take on Monster Lance vs dragoon lance ZM?
>Destroying the legs on Deroys ever
Why bother? Just kill it before it can get close to you.
Wing Diver were already very strong, but that Phalanx ZAT is totally bonkers.
Monster lance's is weird, it's not really a lance. It doesn't have damage falloff, it does full damage at the tip, but the range is short. It's more expensive than a power lance, and doesn't have the range of high level dragoons. The damage is great, and you have to hover while shooting, so it's more like a highly accurate penetration Phalanx than anything else. It's good if you're regularly bringing a Phalanx, but don't want to be spending on the 500 energy cost of the ZAT.
Yeah ZAT is silly strong, saw a WD three-shot the DLC1 mobile base with it
Who's your daddy?
Because each leg segment drops an item. They're loot pinatas. You're not one of those people who hates loot, are you?
If each version of the Ravagers had a war, which one would win? Reminder that some games have the same Ravagers, while others are different.
>Monster Attack, Global Defense Force and Global Defense Force Tactics
>EDF 2017 and 2025/4.1
>Insect Armageddon
>EDF 5
>Iron Rain
2/4 now
come kill ants and shit
yea but my idea was to grind loot in Single player and just host multiplayer missions on harder difficult on maps I like. So basically I have to start from mission 1 multiplayer just to get basic weapons?
Weapons are shared, but the best dlc farming missions are arguably online missions.
i see, thanks
is this full?
Can you scoop up EDF soldiers? What about small enemies?
It has 100m of range, how is that short range?
The power exoskeletons are making strange noises!
It's because you don't know how to handle them.
equipment is shared but missions progress isn't meaning that you'd have to replay the entire campaign on hard anyway to be able to host your fav missions
and aside from that grinding is singleplayer is a waste of time since you can grind much faster with 4 people.
also why even bother grinding? if you want all weapons maxed then why not just cheat em
full now sorry
is this preview footage of ace combat 8?
Just started 4.1 yesterday thanks to a webm thread, had no idea what I was doing and I didn't notice the armor / weapon crates doing anything so I thought they were for another class. 15 missions later I realize they're for the items I get after the mission is over and I've been ignoring them, thinking I just get random shit based on difficulty. So I'd been playing on very hard, struggling like hell, all for nothing.
2/4 99 inferno
You can just join people who are already on harder missions, %complete is mostly a meme and they will know you are good for it by your armor level and loadout.
>have a normie friend who isn't into videogames
>very rarely play MK with him
>doesn't like anything else
>decided to try and show him the EDF
>played the splitscreen whole day, he was fucking hooked right away
What a magical game it is.
ayy lmao
how enemies are playable in this game reminds me of risk of rain 2, almost the exact same thing
do you not want dozens of items?
>made an online friend on another game
>talks about the game
>he buys it, trusting me
>we fucking play the game for 10 hours for days
EDF is just magical.
2/4 come join us
Slots open, up to 102 inferno
any pirate lobbies up?
Room closing for a bit due to a fucking tornado. Will be back up later.
i liked the 4.1 girl a little better
>favorite series are EDF and idolm@ster
>shibuya rin's birthday few weeks ago
>make EDF room that day
>name wing diver "shibuya;" make her black with a little purple just like her newest outfit
>name room that indicates it's an entertainment production office in the name of MISHIRO
>2 japanese and 1 korean player enter almost instantly
>all higher level
>but they're not playing like higher-level players
>rush in recklessly
>die and i had to revive them
that's when i realized they were trying to impress rin and maybe even be saved by her. and guess what -- we did it. we saved the day on her her birthday
Closed, was good fun
Remember EDF's pride!
>it's a "forced to switch from ranger to carry pubs through on a horde level" episode
I know they only do one every season but it's a tradition that needs to stop.
Your waifu does compensated dating.
Buyfrog Lobby up
vdf, rage
Hardest 84
now make this story a best-seller
>first try
Done for today.
Will host tomorrow.
Was really fun. Thanks guys.
You're good!
i already have big story lines, instances, sequences, etc. for some of my favorite characters. i just rename them. when i play any of the male classes, i make sure i recruit the wing divers for the old producer-and-idols
hello buyfriends. I have just started Hardest. come and gain completion and items with me
room name: Primer Removal Zone
password: rage
starting at mission 14
I dunno how you guys can stand online at higher levels. It's an Air Raider's game, and not fun if you're anyone else.
ohh yeaa
Because it's more fun to play as fencer or WD and you can look after number 1 easily if shit hits the fan.
This game looks interesting but I'm poor
>Pirate it, the MP works. You can only play with other piratefags, but there are some in here. Saves can be transfered to a legit copy, if you ever buy the game.
I want to know things most don't know
>You can change your color in your equipement by pressing y on the selected color
>Once you have finished the game once, you can pick between civilian and EDF models in your inventory
>You can cancel the end of the animation of the DNG type grenades of the ranger if you press shift to throw the grenade instead of mouse 1: just change weapon after you're thrown it with shift
>All enemies act like drones, aka what's being shot while bring enemies surrounding them: pick the edge of groups to get them bits by bits
I want to make webms
>download Webm for retards
>follow the guide
>trim to get the proper clip, resize between 800 and 400 (700 works great)
>in Encoding, put a 3mb size limit
>in Advanced, put Slices at 4
>check result
>post if satisfying
What would this pasta need for any potential EDF's op?
>that one wing diver standing on top of the lamp post
>pasta op
fuck no, last thing we need is for these threads to get banned for good
What's the deal with the bitrate? I just don't get it. What should I set it at for a video, say, 400p that's around 30 seconds long? Shorter webms, I'm fine with, of course.
Looks satisfying as fuck
I don't touch the bitrate, I just put the 3mb limit. I literally do as I described, and it works as you can see in tampon insertion webms
If I understood correctly, but I'm not sure.
Ah, I see. That's actually what I just do. I think my problem is that my webms are 30+ seconds. I should cut them down a little.
I need information! What are we fighting against?!
Yeah. The longer, the heavier. That means, with a 3mb limit, you'd have to drop some quality. Either by cropping the video, or reducing the number of frames, or optimizing the webm like gifs.
But I'm not sure if it works.
Basically, your webm's weight will be tied to:
>some other minor stuff
If you want something long, you have to lower everything else.
.t made gifs in the past, and 8s+ gifs were a pain to optimize.
yeah if youre going to do a big writeup just pastebin it. the main thing is that pirate MP works
That's an idea. I like it.
First, don't make a fucking OP pasta while threads are still on Yea Forums, keep that on /vg/.
I want to host a lobby!
>multiple rooms can have the same name
>capitalization counts when searching for named rooms
>everyone with a shitty "kek so random" room name just makes it more annoying to find
>use vdf or Yea Forumsdf so active rooms can quickly be searched for
>set a password, use the standard board pass, or you get fuckoff pubshitters
>post the name of your lobby, if it's buy or pirate, the mission number/difficulty and if it's DLC, and the pass
>be considerate and announce closed rooms
But for real, don't make an OP pasta yet
it's one of the best things. my favorite thing is when i call for a proteus and everyone hops in while i pilot it. the helicopter with the two canon seats are really good too
better not have a static OP
shit's gonna get banned and thrown to /vg/
We can always throw the pastebin inside the thread from time to time
another option would be an image guide
Does anybody have a screenshot of a frog's face?
Any writeup should have these two links
fuck. we got Tuesday Maintenanced.
sorry hamsterfriend
yeah, rip.
if you wanna resume, it's back up
>30 minutes into the destroying outpost mission
>kicked offline when about to beat it
Oof, I feel for you anons. If it's any consolation, I saw your posts and wrapped up my mission ASAP to avoid it.
This took longer than expected.
Enjoy my shitty photofiltre skills.
Thanks user.
if anyone wants to copy paste the head, here's the source
Why am I productive
Needs screen shake.
Thanks user, it's actually a really good picture
Are you scared? I'm scared to death.
Are you shaking?
don't ask stupid questions
I'll buy you a meal once we arrive at the base
They certainly came... prepared...
What matters is not the technique, but the mindset!
Brute's not bad as a ground-based tank. The flame one is good in particular
Any way to create an image guide? Like canva or something
Did you get fat?
Yeah these threads need one or two ala the Doom or Risk of Rain ones. Would help facilitate newcomers a great deal.
Hostile forces.
This is really nice
Here's also a guide to transfer saves. It worked for a friend of mine so it should work for you too, if you need it.
Fuck off carebear fags
Bipedal robots! They're bipedal robots!
Eh, the ones you were ignoring were only a couple points of armor. You probably didn't miss that much, farm some more boxes.
ok Yea Forumsros, i need a thorough rundown of this game and how i can actually play ive been seeing you anuses spam this shit constantly over the last week and i am absolutely hooked please advise what i need to buy to join the ranks asap
EDF5 on steam
Or just pirate it and play with other piratebros
Pirate at your friendly neighborhood warezplace
Copy paste the Steamworks fix so you can play online with other piratefags
Get fed up with the lack of piraterooms and wait for the game to get on sale to play with the buyfrogs
>EDF5 on steam
hmm this may be a problem. might have to do that
thank you lads. wishlisting this
Earth Defense Force 5 on Steam. Don't worry about the huge DLC list. It's low-tier joke weapons that get out-classed 10 missions in. The only DLC that you should consider are the mission packs.
other than the mission packs and maybe the dancing decoys, you can ignore all that other crap. it's just reskins and low level gear from the deluxe edition
Don't bother with any DLC other than the mission packs. The DLC are just joke weapons that get superseded a couple missions in.
$60 for full price EDF on steam, probably won't go lower till holidays. Most of us are on PC because there was a recent port, but there are a handful of PS4 lobbies too
Pirate version can do MP, but there are fewer lobbies
It's a nice fun shootman game with tons of numbers and needless complexity and it's dumb enthusiastic fun
DLC is basically just donations to Sandlot, you don't need them at all. Mission packs are only for psychos who want more than 200 hours of gameplay
well then
Mission Packs are endgame, like once you've nearly 100%'d the game you can dab on them. Wait until then incase you burn out beforehand.
All those other weapons and whatnot become useless about 20% into the game
thx bros ill pirate first to see if i like then scan for sales
I wish you lukkuuu
it's ok -- i PLAYED bullet girls; bought it in nipland. it was just okay
Thanks for these posts. They’ve helped give me a better idea how to play Wing Diver. I appreciate the detailed answers and info.
Is it still worth buying on PC? Is anyone going to be online in a few months?
people have been online for a month and a half. don't worry about it
ill grab it, thanks
>Is anyone going to be online in a few months
yes -- and 4.1 is still going. it's on consoles where most of the communities die quickly
Updated the pastebin with newcomer's concerns and what other anons suggested
What are we, a general
If you want to answer the same questions over and over, go right ahead and simply ignore the pastebin.
>Pirate it, the MP works. You can only play with other piratefags, but there are some in here. Saves can be transfered to a legit copy, if you ever buy the game
And if you want edf threads over and over go right ahead and dont post that pastebin in future threads.
Risk of Rain threads get by with a million infographics. It'll be fine, I promise you.
please do not post a pastebin into the thread
this is not a general
/vg/ is where games go to die
do not kill EDF
Nah what kills the threads are you faggots who don't host.
lots of games are forgotten and almost never posted about on Yea Forums at all while /vg/ has people posting about them
for example, 4.1 could have used a general because there was MAYBE one thread a month after the initial honeymoon when it came out. and seeing how much a lot of you newcomers like 5, you would have LOVED 4.1 as well. but no -- /vg/ is the boogeyman where games go to "die" when they are actively talked about. this isn't about you're feelings, people
thanks for joining me lads. we played 21 missions
>see some questions popping around
>see some people not knowing some stuff about the game
>"hey let's put all the info in one place"
>p-please don't do it! I want others to keep answering the same questions while I masturbate to tranny porn!
>vg is where games goes to die
>stalker threads are still posted after years
Okay faggot.
fun times
sure was
Posting actual best booty in the game.
I'd like to keep this thread on Yea Forums because it's great to hook in new people who have no idea what EDF looks/plays like. It's a niche game that relies entire only on multiplayer, so getting fresh blood in is really important. Nobody is casually browsing /vg/ looking for new games to play, so that source of fresh new players will dry up. Not necessarily against pastebins, but I am against a copypasted OP, that's the kind of thing that marks a general. Maybe instead of posting a pastebin, just save the textfile to your computer and post it whenever someone asks a question from it?
Keep this as a recruitment thread. Don't make it a general just yet.
>Finally reach hardest
>Play 7 or 8 missions
>Still no upgrades to my latest plasma cores
I just wanna fly around with the biggest Dragoon Lance without needing to land so often come the fuck on game.
Higher difficulties don't drop new gear until around mission 50
>enter looking for rooms
>there is none
pretty sure highest level hard mission is a few steps above in the level loot table from the earliest hardest missions
I don't need no gear I just need upgrades to my Sky High Core and shit.
The thing is the shit is DROPPING, I see them in the damn items acquired screen, but apparently it's not enough to warrant an upgrade.
In case you dont know how upgrades work it literally just pulls the highest level piece from something new you get into your current thing, if all the crap you get is lower stared it won't upgrade.
in EDF 5 saves are not transferrable anymore
yes you can
if you are talking about them being tied to steam ids thing you can literally use cheat engine to fix that lmao
The Steam ID thing? That's been remedied.
long air raider is long
neat, didn't know. thx bros.
After running through DLC2M11 so many times, Erginius is definetly more lethal than Archelus.
Archelus is just a big stun lock target. That and Erginius can potentially kill and stun a Barga while Archelus just faffs around. Archelus is just like Phobos actually, big flashy explosions which just shuffles the people around.
so how's hosting work on this thing? i bet it's only direct p/p? in that case i can host some pirate rooms since i have full control of my net.
>looking through internal game names for things
neat. it'll be like that risk of rain hosting i did every day. see you bros soon
Fellow Risky host here. The lack of updates dried me out. Been on EDF for a few weeks.
You trying to say EDF is like Overwatch? My favorite shooter.
The only good WD is a non-civvy WD.
Civvy WD is the best looking civilian skin by far, probably the only good looking.
>That and Erginius can potentially kill and stun a Barga while Archelus just faffs around.
I hope you are not actually calling and using Barga in that DLC mission lol.
I actually want to take this moment to rant about something, using Barga/Balam in missions for fighting the Kaijus is a massive meme maneuver at higher difficulties. You can be doing so much better shit on the ground, just call a mech or Proteus to sit by and jump in when they get close. They do pretty much nonexistant damage to them. Thats why they purposely give the EMCs like 1/10 of their health as NPCs instead of the usual boosting of health for NPCs and give the Kaijus a massive damage bonus modifier on Balam/Barga.
Yep Archelus is super easy to stun while Erginus is basically impossible to stun. Also if Erginus hits Barga with a breath attack and lands all of it it does like 600k damage.
That being said one tempest can nearly one shot the Erginus on that mission but only does around half health of the Archelus.
It is the only good civ skin, but still shit compared to the EDF outfit. I have yet to see anyone using the civ skin not look like an autistic tryhard in their webm.
>I have yet to see anyone using the civ skin not look like an autistic tryhard in their webm.
imagine being this autistic
Hear us as we shout at the top of our lungs
Barga works perfectly fine there on inferno.
I cant beat that mission on inferno with anything other than wd with phalanx zat
i'd like to do it with ranger so i can farm the blazer quicker but that seems unlikely
now these are real, unscripted CINEMATICS
>Father, what was Iraq like?
How many players does EDF 5 support?
Up to 4 players per game.
Go farm DLC 1 for Buster Shot. Mission 3 or 4, the initial Base 226 one works.