>mage class is not allowed to do ANY melee
>melee class isn't allowed to have ANY magic
who made these
Mage class is not allowed to do ANY melee
Faggots who don't know how Spellswords and Paladins work.
Why? I don't fucking know. They don't want you to make a Jack-of-all-trades. They don't like it when you have fun. There's a good reason why mods exist at all.
>spellsword niggers
Literal fence sitters who always have to tell us they like both. The equivalent of that kid on the playground that had the super bulletproof unbreakable cloak.
kingdom of amalur has everything
When I roll a warrior I expect none of that earth splitting bullshit, I just want to whack things in the head with a big stick.
>mage class is not allowed to do ANY melee
Hate that fucking gay shit. There is no "LORE" reason why wizard can beat people to death with fucking stick. Albeit less experience then warrior when it comes to mele.
>monk is a melee class with some spells
I'll take it
I want a game where I can play as a boxing mage. Buff dude that casts fire around his hands to make his punches even more deadly.
Magic requires great levels of focus. Meatheads who swing hammers cannot acheive this.
Yeah i'm pretty sure a mage would learn something like, concentrating all his magical energy into his staff to hit someone with it at one point. You never know when you might need to do that
Tensor's Transformation.
Though that's d&d
Play your class.
>Magic class does magic
>Melee class does melee
>play paladin class
>can do both melee and magic at the same time
>misunderstanding on purpose
>putting normalfag twitter/instagram meme onto based shiggy diggy man
Why do you think you have any right to post here?
Oh my bad, I forgot i'm suppose to say
seethe, dilate, tranny, cunny
>sub 80 IQ club wielding ape
>casting magic
justify this shit
rage mage
>only way to do unarmed coombat is with one class and very specific buffs
>there's a class that can do both melee and magic and easily dominates the game
Why do they do this?
>hybrid classes uses SOME magic
Because all these RPG's are based around the world perception of fucking nerds who thought you couldn't be Smart while also being fit. That's why every class has a strict role and can't deviate from the norm.
Fuck you cocksucker i want a flaming sword and no other classes do flaming swords
>suck ass at both
>be almost completely useless
Just play as thief by dnd standards rertard
This isn't a multiclass
The best combo is melee for fights and magic for support and exploration. Not this sword in one hand and fireball in the other bullshit.
Jack of all trades dorks are scum. Luckily most games just make them useless at everything.
>another thread where people compare effectiveness in d&d standards
>Diablo 1
>everyone can use magic and all weapons, assuming they have the required stats
>mage ends up becomming the best class by far because you can just wear the heaviest armor while also having the best spells
Meanwhile in FFXIV and GW2 EVERYONE is a wizard.
What about clerics then huh
>Arcane Warriors in DA: Origins
>spellswords in Elder Scrolls
Just 3 of many examples of you being wrong, nigga
and in a lot of other games it still stands