>In her own words, "Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women"
>In her own words, "Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women"
Other urls found in this thread:
Never should have cum here.
>buttblasted SJWing mods baleeting breads
Have you heard of high impact sexual violence?
this makes me want to play morrowind again
I sleep.
I still sleep.
Rape is such an overblown crime.
>Implying he wasn't playing it on a regular basis for the last 15 years
>I was ready to do anything to stay in the industry
>he offered to help me if I sucked his dick
>so I sucked his dick
>now 10 years later when I no longer need his help I think I didn't want to suck his dick after all
Oh, it's another one of those. Classic
>Have mutual sex with someone
>10 years later they try and say you raped them
>Have your image ruined completely because of a single threat
>be raped
>whole career on the line if you come forward
>wait until your career is self-sufficient so abuser can't leverage you
>fatties on Yea Forums claimed you waited until the guy was rich to leech off him
nigga she would've came out during Skyrim, the height of his career, if so.
it was the only game I played back when I was a teenager. I played it every day for 3 years straight
and so did my friend with whom I walked home from school everyday and for the entire 20 minute walk we would only talk about this game and this game alone
I miss you christian, hope you're fine
DON'T have sex lads, this is a lesson for you
Was REEEEEaction of REEEEEshitError's REEEEEing land whales on these news was already confirmed/screencapped?
You sleep rather soundly for a sexual predatooooooor!
>my friend with whom I walked home from school everyday
>suck dick for favors
>use those favors for 10 years
>accuse of rape when favors no longer necessary
>white knight fatty on Yea Forums claims you are a victim
Nigger shut up.
did you faggots know that the i"movements" #metoo and #timeisup are registered NGOs with CEOs and shit?
Now who could be financing all this cancer that is plaguing western civilization and trying to erode it from within?
His best music was from Prey.
lol what an idiot
3D is PD you fag
He should have just jacked it to fire eyes
>he falls for such blatant bait
>Wake up, sleepyhead! Not even yesterday's anal rape with no lube whatsoever could wake you
Your first target is Rufioooooo, he makes an inn at the crossroads his home for the night. See to it that he gets silenced with that blade of woe up his rectum, and works overtime for those extra gamedev credits. Nyehehehe.
Resetera is a blight on this industry
Why couldn't Neogaf just die and that be the end of things
>Falsely accusing someone of something with absolutely zero evidence given
These are the same people that say Michael Jackson was a child molester simply because he looked weird
Fixed your mistake.
Secret of evermore is still his best work and nobody ever mentions it
Is he the guy who compared music piracy to holocaust?
...you've got to be kidding.
youve got to have shit taste
Evermore is a literal reskin and trace off of the Mother, faggot. And it's a barely playable bug mess.
>*Seiken Densetsu
The biggest takeaway is to never work with women. Always a bad idea even if it doesn't bite you in the ass for 15-20 years.
>Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women.
The mouse never loses. SUBSCRIBE TO DISNEY+
>Yoko Shimomura
>Roberta Williams
Separate the work from the artist.
Move on.
>at the same time with zoe quinn accusing some no name indie composer of abusing her
You think they are coordinating these hits?
Alec Holowka accused of abuse by Zoe Quinn
Read more at gamerevolution.com
Everyones getting metood lads
soule is not a saint but she is a lying bitch
some jew schizo liar looking for attention
I don't believe she was raped for a second
He did nwn as well right? Is the music why I fantasized about giving Aribeth and the Valsharess the Big Barbarian Cock after crushing them?
Jeremy soule can rape all the thots he wants after peace of akatosh he have that right
>being this retarded as not to see videos in OP
>he was a climate change conspiracy theorist
Nothing of value was lost
If sexual harassment is a key aspect of “Western civilization,” then Western civilization fucking sucks.
>“He’d jam his fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them when I told him it hurt.”
Imagine saying shit like this in public just to stay relevant.
He just composed the soundtrack for a documentary movie, you dipshit.
836.01Punishment for libel.—Any person convicted of the publication of a libel shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
History.—s. 15, sub-ch. 7, ch. 1637, 1868; RS 2418; GS 3256; RGS 5087; CGL 7189; s. 987, ch. 71-136.
836.02Must give name of the party written about.—
(1)No person shall print, write, publish, circulate or distribute within this state any newspaper, magazine, periodical, pamphlet, or other publication of any character, either written or printed, wherein the alleged immoral acts of any person are stated or pretended to be stated, or wherein it is intimated that any person has been guilty of any immorality, unless such written or printed publication shall in such article publish in full the true name of the person intended to be charged with the commission of such acts of immorality.
(2)Any person convicted of any violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Any person who shall aid in any way in the writing or printing of any literature in violation of this section shall be punished in the same manner as the principal might be punished upon conviction; provided, nothing in this section shall apply to mechanical employees in printing offices, or to newsboys.
History.—ss. 1, 2, 3, ch. 4733, 1899; GS 3257; RGS 5088; CGL 7190; s. 988, ch. 71-136.
First thing to do is call a lawyer and file a suit in civil court before notifying local authorities.
Imagine still denying climate change
>In her own words, "Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women"
How is this a bad thing? Is it supposed to imply that he raped multiple other women? Otherwise there's nothing wrong with this, the fucking mental illness on this person.
Just don't date in the workplace. you know: Don't shit where you eat.
>He convinced me to let him program my game instead of the friend I had been working with, despite many protests
>He’d jam his fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them when I told him it hurt.
>ywn fingerpuppet zoe quinn
Gee, that sure helped Weinstein, Kusturica, Polanski, and Spacey a lot.
You are dismissed. Polanski is/was guilty as hell.
>doesn't help if you're guilty
Yeah, no shit.
haha this is the funniest part
Imagine believing "models" that have been repeatedly wrong over the years. Go ahead, show me a popular climate change model from 2000s that accurately predicted current temperatures. If I know for a fact those people failed to predict current situation, I have no reason to believe they can predict the future.
>inb4 you show an "adjusted" model
Doesn't matter if he's innocent or not, these accusations always ruin reputations.
>Proofs - my ass
Spacey was a legit fucking moron
>it's okay that I diddled this kid because I'm GAY!
>uploads a youtube video of him in character as Frank Underwood
Does money just make people stupid?
Not always, see the Gunn guy.
That's pretty much the point, they noticed it's piss easy to abuse the system itself as your personal army.
if climate change isn't affected by human actions
why in europe do we have snow in april and heat reaching degrees that weren't this high 50-100 years ago? before current industrialization and pollution
>gets all accusations and the case lifted by the supreme court, gets released from jail
>these accusations always ruin reputations
Well, Soule doesn't have to worry about that because he already had a reputation of being an enormous asshole.
That's why you file a lawsuit for damages.
Polanski is a motherfucking fugitive, you idiot.
snow in april isn't really that new or unusual you retard
russian nuclear experiments
>Does money just make people stupid?
I don't know that it makes them stupid but it does alter their worldview. The longer they're rich, the more out of touch they are likely to be.
>measurements show that average global temperature has been rising since the start of the industrial revolution
>still trending upwards
>"b-but these models I don't even understand were wrong, prageru told me so! you can't predict the future"
>Polanski is a fugitive
Julian Assange.avi and Edward Snowden.mkv, you idiot.
Gunn wasn't accused of sexual assault. He got in trouble for dumb jokes posted to twitter a decade ago
Google Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age, retard.
If you're going to troll, at least put some effort into it.
Dang, that so... Raven
>why in europe do we have snow in april and heat reaching degrees that weren't this high 50-100 years ago
Because climate changes all the time, user. Why do ice ages occur?
I don't think he has any reputation left as a person after his kickstarter scam.
Nice non-argumentation, kid. Not like I've expected anything better from the likes of your sore SJWing land whale ass to begin with, anyways.
Does being coerced count as rape, even if there's no actual forcing? Genuine question, I don't know the law especially in America.
I hope it isn't true either way, using coercion to get what you want is still shit regardless of if it's technically rape or not.
You've been dismissed, any further statements will only further embarrass yourself more than you already have.
yeah i am also wondering this asking for a friend haha
>measurements show that average global temperature has been rising since the start of the industrial revolution
So? It goes up and down all the time. It's not the catastrophic event they want you to think it is.
more like
>nathalie givinghead
>proceeds hijacking her story
Like pottery.
Seriously, you'd have an easier time finding popular musicians who HAVEN'T written at least one song about fucking. It's far and away the most popular topic.
here we go again
>being so fucking stupid that you risk your career just to have your dick sucked
why do they all have that same kind of disgusting look to them every single time
she looks sexually repulsive in that picture, even to desperate guys
>accepts plea bargain
>gets word that judge might actually send him to prison
You might get more traction on Yea Forums with that shit.
Typical incel.
Wait don't
The rate of change is unprecedented in recent history. Yeah sure if the sea level took 1000 years to rise who would give a fuck, and all the animals would have plenty of time to adapt etc.
>Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming
Damn, The Lone Wanderer is an extremely heavy sleeper.
no shit, if you were raped you would want to look unattractive from then on too, why risk being raped again?
Always manages to make it about herself.
Even if this cunt was raped it doesn't change the fact that she's exploiting her victim badge to promote whatever mediocre garbage she's up to nowadays. How about getting there on your own merit and hard work first?
That's what left leaning and Satan worshipping is doing to you. They're literal atheistic goblins. Dirty, hairy, sweaty, most often very fat than not, skreeching, dumb, asexual, trans and ghey, communist, drug addict, flithy, weak physically (literal s-o-y), deranged, aggressive, unable to listen and comprehend for arguments.
I only believe beautiful women, no one would waste their time raping an uggo
She's clearly making shit up
If I were raped it wouldn't warp me into a walking troglodyte living in fear and hatred towards something as natural as sex. I'd take care myself and get strong enough, through fitness or take fighting classes instead. When I said she looks repulsive I didn't mean just her looks alone, maybe she can't change that hook nose of hers but she can take care of herself like shower and grooming. Just look at her. Basement goblin.
That was a Morrowind quote
>play morrowind for the first time
>get cancer from combat
>comeback couple years later
>try starting with magic
>kill everything in 1 or 2 hits from fire touch or some shit
my eyes are open
>I'd take care myself and get strong enough, through fitness or take fighting classes instead.
yeah but I mean if you were a woman
Add rape to the list of words that've lost all meaning
>incel(is that even a real word?)
>doesn't know Jiub
GTFO off my Yea Forums, you fucking ZOOMS-O-Y.
shit like this makes me wonder what % of rape/molestation accusations are fake. there's no way that literally every higher up at every company is doing this shit
So? You dont have to be lesbian or look like a man to take fighting classes. I go to kickboxing with 6 other very beautiful and feminine chicks almost my height and I'm a decent sized dude.
At least 98.82% of them all.
Try picking agility and the lover sign next time.
and how many of them do you think would stand a chance against you in a fight?
>welcome a female co-worker to the company
>reach her my hand to go for a handshake
>take a firm but not too hard
>shake in a slight up and down motion
>day later I lost my job because of sexual assault
Warrior sign is even better for hit chance
but if he's having fun as a mage changing to a fighter will just be boring in comparison anyway
One, you only ever become aware of rape allegations against public figures either you or a quorum of society care about
Two, you obviously have no idea what business culture is like. Take all the "rape literally doesn't matter" posts here and wrap them in some plausibly deniable language and that's how this gets discussed in boardrooms.
I like video games
I don't think every single higher up is forcing themselves on someone even if some are. There's definitely just as many cases where some chick learned that she could further her own career by sucking off someone much higher up than herself. Rather than work and get overlooked for promotions or whatever all she has to do is suck a mad penis and she's in. Repeat for years until she's got all she needs and then point the finger and say she was assaulted. She reaped the benefits for years and then gets massive credit for 'outing a monster'. Win-win.
What's more possible. That Jeremy Soule raped someone or Zoe Quinn wants the spotlight again?
the up and down motion gave her vietnam flashbacks user, you should have known
Where do you think you are?
the latter
Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?
Well, not even last night's daily dose could wake you.
thanks jiubtor
How can you honestly still be heterosexual in this day and age
Definitely the latter. She already inserted herself into this story.
Gay men aren't safe either.
>not being bi and exclusively into 2d
Virtue signalers sure are on the roll again.
Thank you anyways doc.
100x more safe than women
Plus you're supposed to go for a straight guy who can't deal with women anymore
I'm hetero for the 2D.
every single one has a chance
just hit me in the balls or neck or eye
as a fighter maybe I guard one, two at best but not all 3 + follow up on any hits after even a sized dude can go down
Remember what happened to Kevin Spacey?
>When you defend rapists, and bemoan the cultural loss of their work when they get called out, think about the bigger loss that could have been the contributions of their victims.
Fuck off broad, he made some of the best soundtracks the industry has seen and now you want to throw him under the bus over a decade later because of some awkward pushy sex that you didn't just say no to when you have just walked off
>sexual harassment is a key aspect of “Western civilization
Sexual harassment is a cornerstone of all important civilizations.
>Ancient Greece
>Roman Empire
>Modern Japan
>Islamic Caliphate
Yes. Notice you only have that one name. How many straight guys can you name in the same situation?
This is how I feel when I read all these articles and posts about "issues" that really are irrelevant.
The proper reaction to being accused of rape is to flip it around and accuse THEM of rape.
But Kevin is winning.
Soule hasn't responded to accusations, so he's likely consulting his lawyer to accuse her of at least fake charges.
>think about the bigger loss that could have been the contributions of their victims
Why would I ever think about that? Why think of the potential that someone could have versus the contributions that someone has actually made?
A вoт и пиздoлизы пoдтянyлиcь.
women don't know what rape is, 99.99% of them have never been raped, because they would be dead or severely depressed by cumming from it
tru fax
Hичeгo, блять, нeoбычнoгo. Taм нижe в кoммeнтaх бyквaльнo cлeдyющee:
- Пpyфoв нeт, тaщитe пpyфы.
Зaпaднoe oбщecтвo кaтитcя в пиздy.
user, if you were in a position of power, would you really not use it to fuck sluts? Be honest now.
It's just that, turns out, not all sluts liked being used.
if i were in a position of power in the game industry i'd use that power to make a good game with dozens of 2d cumsluts
Bce тaм бyдeм в кoнцe кoнцoв.
>Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women
Any source on this? The only thing I remember is that he was influenced by a car accident he had while making Oblivion's soundtrack
The man just deleted his twitter, how about that
Well I'll be damned, what do you figure?
>Зaпaднoe oбщecтвo кaтитcя в пиздy
Implying it hasn't been stuck in there since late 90s and up to this very day
>"In her own words"
>Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women
Based. No wonder I suck at music. Or at everything else for that matter.
To be fair, witchhunts were popular before the nineties.
Twitter most likely suspended him.
Usual sjw enabler tactic, can't form any statement or reply in any capacity to allegation before clearing it up with twitter first. Doesn't really do much besides buy precious time for accusers to ride on the victimhood traction.
I mean if I was getting barraged with tweets like I'd probably delete it too. Twitter isn't worth it.
That's a load of shit, twitter won't just delete your account if you're suspended. If you get suspended, they say so. This is really bad optics for twitter if they actually deleted his account.
>words that've lost all meaning
People who have to say "literally" every time they open their mouths need shooting. Those who say things like "Literally, literally, I mean literally" need to be hung drawn and quartered.
Is that literally what you think should happen?
>in recent history
Completely meaningless then.
>tfw some metoo bitch will ruin ES6 soundtrack
Top tier posts, lads.
>For all of the time that X has been happening, Y has been the result, an abnormal departure from Z!
>Yeah but that's only 100 years of data, completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Sometimes entire centuries are just way hotter for no clear reason that doesn't fall in line with any previous pattern.
Cope virgins, you don't even know what sex is
I'm honestly amazed twitter is as big as it is, it's literally filled to the brim with fucking freaks
ahem, would like a word with you
He was not hired to do it anyways. Bethesda's incompetence actually saved them from this media scandal.
Ok add me on discord
Bethesda being fucking retards as usual, also there would be no media scandal, nobody would give a fuck
>next tes won't even have soule
>In her own words, "Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women
I mean his music was so bad it sounded like it was raping my ears most of the time.
>>In her own words,
women are a mistake
Nice try.
You realize all those previous peaks coincide with previous extinction events, right?
>his music inspired by sex
>morrowind is sex
What kickstarter scam?
You sure do get fucked over a lot in Morrowind.
I expected decent combat and got fucked.
I thought exploring would be enjoyable until but got fucked when the walking speed turned out to be glacial.
It is a veritable orgy of getting fucked.
well maybe he hit a womans car
did anyone look at her projects? Do people actually like that epileptic cancer?
It had estimated delivery of 2013 and he still haven't delivered all of his promises, supposedly he was travelling around the world with that money to get inspiration. On top of that he has patreon.
Why would they hire a composer 2-3 years before they even start to make the game? People got confused because they announced the game so far in advance which is highly unusual for Bethesda, but the fact that Soule wasn't on yet didn't make it any less likely that he would eventually compose it.
This news, however, does make it less likely.
It will say if he got suspended. He deleted it.
Yes, it's great. It's an artistic expression of pain and suffering so why shouldn't it look like that? This one is worth a download:
jesus christ that is fucking awful lmao
What if he actually is a rapist though?
Why do you think that?
i wouldn't care
Looks like some edgy garbage you'd see on newgrounds 15 years ago, except this time it's "ironic"
That says a lot about you.
i don't care
so there was pussy in the cloud district after all?
Yup, I imagine you dont care about anything. Probably emotionally numb after life didnt work out the way you wanted.
Well guys Soule had a good run not gonna lie
What soundtrack is your favorite now that his career is virtually over (even if he combats this no company will ever wanna work with him because its the current year)
Zoe Quinn already proved she was a massive slut who sleeps around and cultivates outrage to further her career, when has Soule proven himself to be a racist?
>armchair psychology
>Personal insults over a difference in worldview
Yep, typical liberal rhetoric, everything checks out
I thought you didnt care bro
I get what you're saying and was initially put off by it for similar reasons but there's more to the experience than just the aesthetic. I wouldn't call the experience itself edgy. I'd say it's more edgy to write off something for its aesthetic than to laugh at someone's honest attempt at communicating.
Saying you dont care about rape is an incel worldview, sorry user.
Shut the fuck up faggot
I'm not sorry though
I guess the next TES game is gonna be truly souless
Is she that bitch which stirred the GaymerGate controversy? If she is, fuck, we HAVE to let all the largest Gaygators know.
she's clearly lying to get her goal, whichever it may be at the moment
maybe this dude has stood on her way to something
She just found out exodus-chan is down and decided now is the time to strike.
I kinda have a feeling they were just gonna have Inon Zur do the TESVI score anyway
Inon Zur's better anyways
Has he made anything as good as the Morrowind theme?
I believe that's also why they start identifying as non-binary etc
I like his stuff. While 76 is a shit game his score in it is phenomenal.
Did he know?
He helped.
Maybe thats why he isnt in ES6. Like she threatened to come out and Bethesda tried stop her but in the end decided it was still too risky
Dragon Age: Origins theme, Mage Pride, In Uthenera/Leliana's Song
Dragon's Dogma theme, Coils of Light
Imagine believing any of these "accusations" in the current year. The horrifying thing is that this tactic still works and is used to ruin people's careers.
The bitch that fucked this guy over (he made Honest Trailers and Screen Junkies and shit) was all like "my truth is different, I want to move forward from this" and didn't suffer any consequences, while the guy lost his business and any reputation he had as a media person. Why don't people punish false allegations like these?
Well you are an incel.
None of those are anywhere near as good
His lawyer probably advised him to do so, having a bunch of landwhales comment on every post with OMG U RAPIS isn't a good look and anything he posts could be used against him
Tumblr refugees
Incel angry
Zoe Quinn is Ms. Five Guys herself yes
Bitch, please.
Guild Wars 1 and Skyrim both in my top 10 games of all time. Reminded GW1 is the best mmorpg ever conceived and that WoW has worse graphics and confusing disjointed lore. They still charge the same price for you to play WoW even though its 15 years old ! greedy grabblers ! also WoW players would not be able to complete this quest because there is no guide for it, they would be like 'which addon do I need to install to play the game for me ' ? must continue grinding so I can only play 1 class forever with 1 skillbar. GW2 devs are charr lickers by the way. God speed to you soule senpai.
I know you're full of shit because you clearly didn't give any of them a listen in that amount of time, and if you had, or had any previous experience with them, you would at LEAST admit that his Dragon's Dogma work is comparable
the dragons dogma theme is far worse than dragon age's though.
Okay so you're just full shit taste mode, got it
how the fuck can you even compare it to morrowind's theme?
the honest answer is its a hole in the us legal system that no one thought would be abused so hard its getting to the point where judges are getting pissed about it now at least
Because Morrowind's theme is only just good, as opposed to the greatness that is Inon Zur's work and Aubrey Ashburn's heavenly vocals
The far left has made rape a meaningless word. They consider any negative action towards women rape now that actual rape isn't taken seriously.
we're in an ice right now!
Im a composer and i do have the urges to molest, but not at work.
I'm glad at least one of you can keep your composure.
>Jeremy "Piracy is literally a second Holocaust" Soulle
Wew lass, I can smell the roast beef from here
I abandoned Twitter after the election. It brings out the worst in everyone and encourages groupthink bullshit and over the top reactions. Hell, I abandoned my Facebook back in 2011. I don't understand how people can continue to use social media with how big it's become.
>random Kaneko in an unrelated thread
Here we go again.
I would honestly boycott ESVI if Bethesda wasn't already fucking retarded and dropped him anyway. It's better knowing that than that they dropped him over a habitual liar saying she was raped by him.
And that's not just a believie of mine, Elder Scrolls is easy as piss to boycott anyway because it's never going to get any better, debating on not even buying it anyway knowing they're still basing their engine off one from 1997 full of limitations.
You know how few accusations aren't true right? It's very few. Odds are it's true, and she came out with a ton of evidence calling out the company for poor behavior as well.
You know what Jeremy being #metoo'd means, bros?
>Left, Soule
>Right, Souleless
Correlation != causation.
You realize just because it isn't following a previous pattern does not mean it is not naturally occurring, correct?
Cum Nerevar, friend or raper, cum. Cum and look upon the Head and Kamasutra, and bring lube, I have need of it. Cum to the sex chamber, I wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago.
Shut the fuck up Carl
Inshallah we real gamers rape because it's just an innocent and natural thing to do.
i found myself funny and that's all that matters
>Supposed to be released in 2013
>2019 and it hasn't been released
Fuck Jeremy Soule, he conned everyone with the Northerner
Sure, but we have more reason to believe it's unnatural than reason to believe it's natural
That lumpy, multicolored mole on your knee COULD be benign, but why not have it removed and assessed?
>I don't understand how people can continue to use social media with how big it's become.
The basic human need to be watched was once satisfied by God. Now, the same functionality can be replicated with data-mining algorithms.
Spacey is free now no?
>yet the career and personal life is ruined
yikes incel...
Rapes women and rapes his backers' wallets.
Looks like the nintendofaggot got BTFO to me bro.
Back to REEEEshitError, fag whale.
can't gofundme reimburse the backers for failure to deliver product?
Why is twitter so full of literal mentally ill people?
dilate incel
well this is one of the more horrific things I've read in a while
ruining your life
to have sex with THIS
The Dust Bowl never happened if you listen to globowarmthinkerists because it wasn't that hot back then.
It's all in the eyes.
>immediately accuses him of pro rape
Fucking Twitter subhumans
>Niggers goes crazy for this
Since when a minor tugjob started being considered as "having sex"?
it's so fucking weird
go play weeb games with underage schoolgirl protags some more pedophile
Yes, literal. Who in their right mind would go out of their way to replace all the music in a game simply because the composer was ACCUSED of rape?
>using a rational approach is now considered to be incel
Is he fucking serious?
You seriously have to tryhard way more than just that, land whale.
It's his fault for just taking it and not suing. Who else is going to stand up for you?
>thinking too hard
>me want smash things
I just knew Dagoth was Nerevar's wifey.
what the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard, that's not true at all
the majority of court cases don't end up with convictions
as soon as she talks about anything relating to shit Jeremy might have done wrong she gets super vauge
>at this point it sounded more like he did things to these women instead of the other way around.
literally doesn't even cite one thing he said in this regard
> He raped me.
literally doesn't even describe the encounter at all. No mention of physical force or threats of retribution. Just a vague sense of "i did it because i was concerned about my career if I didn't"
>told literally nobody and sat on this for 8 years.
Why are foids such shitty liars?
Dumb indie dev gets taken advantage of and plays the victim in a wall of passive aggressive emails with her former boss. Makes a ton of claims about Jeremy Soule without substantiating a single one of them, all the while shitting on her bosses for 90% of the essay.
They're literally taking the soule out of games, now...
An actual screen of her "game" btw.
So it's another case where the gal just talks shit on Twitter instead of going to court but somehow, in civilised society, everybody takes that shit talking as a real and valid accusation?
Would you, Yea Forums ?
Pretty much, look at
For clarification if you're confused.
I think Inon Zur could make a pretty good TESVI soundtrack. His Blades stuff is pretty good and was probably with a lower budget, and some of his 76 work sounds very Elder Scrolls-ish
The wall hit this bitch at the speed of light, god damn.
It's like taking what peoole say on Yea Forums at face value
oh wait they do that too
That somewhat calms me down, the man who desont have the sense to stay away from eyes like this has only himself to blame.
> taking things on Yea Forums at face value
How fucking new are you?
Well you should, cause if it's true, then he won't make music anymore.
Do you just not read entire posts or
>Implying this didn't happen because of The Boys TV show, using it as "plausible" because she probably has some sort of beef with him.
Fucking hell women are entirely controlled by mainstream narratives.
Why are white women like this? Or she a s(he)? In which case, why are white men like this?
why do white people live in your head?
Rip soule. Liked your work
>I will also acknowledge that during this time one of my therapy writing exercises was sent to Jeremy. Not on purpose, but I don’t apologize for it. I was fighting with trying to pick myself up again, get paid, and move on.
Ahaha what the fuck kind of excuse is this?
Dumb slut clearly sent him a hateful letter and is covering in case he makes it public.
I'm another person but I'll add the circumstances of the rape and Polanski's personal life in the few months leading up to it paint him as heavily medicated and mentally unsound. He committed a crime, but it seems it was also meant to happen to him, like hosting it at Nicholson's house.
Fun fact: both Nathalie and Chelsay are "nonbinary", not women, so we don't have to believe them.
The unfortunate downfall of MeToo is that it's entirely about celebrities now, rather than the many women in poor areas of the world who are abused by powerful higher ups, who lack visibility.
You know your average shoemaker in a factory is getting raped, but you never see a narrative about it.
I wonder why she didnt show that email in this giant autistic block of text.
that's how it started you dumb fuck
is this real or meme american /pol/ shit?
Absolutely is rael.
you could be truthful for once, fucking yank
meme american /pol/ shit has been real since 2016
У мeня лoмaющиe нoвocти для тeбя, cocyнoк.
Too bad I don't give a fuck about it, I just want to know if it's a real accusation OR some amerimutt feminist bollocks
>a real accusation OR some amerimutt feminist
>and she came out with a ton of evidence calling out the company for poor behavior as well
And? That has nothing to do with Jeremy Soule. Her allegation goes "Jeremy Soule was an evil misogynist. I know this because he said that men are beholden to women who put out. And by the way he raped me, but I'm not going to provide any context, circumstances or evidence for that, I'm just going to assert it; it must be true because I've just characterised his views toward sex as sexist."
If you see it on twitter, it's the latter.
Holy shit
Can't read it but cyrillic is ok in my book
Welp fuck then...still going to listen to his music
That same person is calling out her own rapist
Hmmm...not making enough money writing for Vertigo?
>think about the bigger loss that could have been the contributions of their victims
Making assumptions here but despite this heavy pro-life rhetoric, I bet she's still staunchy pro-choice
They'll just having blogs quoting twitter, bottom rung "news" quoting blogs and news sites reporting on those "news" to then write it in as wiki-truth.
Used to be the village idiots were consigned to only their immediate surroundings and their ideas came only from their own mouth to which everyone could recognise their retarded speech as the delusions of one man.
Now with social media, the village idiots can gather in likeminded circlejerks and give the illusion of power and influence via the "X amount of people can't be wrong" fallacy. Cue the tribalistic warfare between internet groups where they only become more polarized and delusional over time. Twitter is especially well suited as a megaphone for slogan shouting morons incapable of deeper thought.
CON not turning out to be profitable enough? What happened to all the money Patreons threw at you? Oh, yes, it never existed. Maybe your family for more money, it's not like they're a bunch of street urchins.
I'd be okay with Soule raping ten thousand women, as long as he continued composing. If rape creates beautiful music than by all means, keep doing it.
lol sounds like pol
>TESVI will be Souleless
Guess I can finally drop the series now.
After shit like Duke Lacrosse, the UVA rape hoax, Brett Kavanaugh witch hunt trial, the many MeToo backfires... doesn't a rational person have to admit that the rate of false accusations is significantly higher than they wanted to believe?
Just wait and see what evidence there is. If its her word alone, its nearly worthless. And from what I've heard the guy is a prick, but that doesn't make him a rapist.
at least they could say it's all done ALLEGEDLY
More like separate the artist from his job
If this is true, fuck him
This is the part that even people in the fucking me too movement should care about. Even forgetting aside all of the damage that fake rape claims do to the accused, every single fake claim makes it that much more difficult to take real rape claims seriously. It's the boy who cried wolf, except people who were actually raped are being drowned out by all the others who falsely claim they were raped.
That's what Concealed Carry is for.
10 years? Can anything even be done by this point?
Nah just never interact with them outside of work. This includes social media.
How the fuck? Unless her bits are on her belly he'd have to be crab walking
They can kill his career. Just like that. Showing those incels from the chans who's boss.
>overwhelming scientific consensus
>there are still some dunning-kruger effect-riddled faggots who think they know better
b-but muh conspiracy!
I don't think he needs a lot of killing, did he even worked on anything relevant these years apart from kickstarter scam?
>Not a single fact
>Everything is just what the victim CLAIM
>People gob it up regardless
It's all so tiresome.
bugs-in-anus tier accusation. how can anyone believe this shit?
She looks exactly like the kind of person to accuse you of rape. Like you couldn't make a parody character more spot on.
An old woman touched my penis when i was younger, i still have erotic dreams about it.
WTF are those superman shield frames?
Old Elder Scrolls: Soule
New Elder Scrolls: Souleless
It's symbolic. Seeing things clearly is her kryptonite.
lets be glad that they still around otherwise they would poisoned other sites
Will Bethesda go full paranoid about the Machine and preemptively distance themselves from Soule?
Looks like orcrist86 needs to get some accusations
Therana: How do I know that skirt isn't cursed, put it on
Also Therana: NOW YOU DIE
give me fucking break Climate changed many times during the existence of this planet or did people already forgot about small ice age? it did happened many times in history
Where AntonioBoro at he's a weeb who'd like this guy
>What's that? Facts? Innocent until proven guilty? Not in MY world!
Yes... And then Trump got elected for a second term.
>Nobody ever mention Total Annihilation OST
And so the First Rape Accuser meets the Last Rape Acuser at the summit of Apocrypha
>inon zur will compose tes6 instead of soule
literally fucking soulless game
>TES gets an upgrade
If you got raped you’d be so mentally fucked up the last thing on your mind would be shit posting on v
>women made me write music
Whew never been done before
Lol if you want to be able to pwn everything in melee on any difficulty from the beginning just pick Redguard with spear and longblade, pick the Lady sign (Steed for the impatient, Atronach if you suck at dodging spells), and adrenaline rush your way to vicotry
You do know that men victim of rape are even less likely to report the crime than women because the trauma they bear is literally tearing them apart?
I know this is Yea Forums but I guarantee that if any of you had a dick forcibly shoved in your ass you wouldn't act as the internet tough guy you currently are.
Why did the hottest temperatures in US history happen in the 1930s? Stop being a tard.
You can't be THIS retarded, can you?
Already did. Toad Coward at his worst.
Global warming is so bad it's opening blackholes and seeping into the past
>durrr what does global mean
Look at the post I responded to, you absolutely brainless mongoloid.