The Xbox 360 was and currently is more powerful than what many of you would consider a "high-end" gaming PC. Sorry, not sorry.
The Xbox 360 was and currently is more powerful than what many of you would consider a "high-end" gaming PC. Sorry...
This migga really shaved his head in atonement for the channel awesome document ?
he is literally a fag
Wait, is this Doug Walker? I have completely forgotten that he exists.
Nah it was because he was going bald, which was shortly before that dumb document came out.
which channel awesome member would you adapt into a game and how would you do it?
You mean shorty after he turned 15.
> why yes, I do believe that faith in religion is a sign of a weak personality. How can you tell?
This nigga looking like a beta Stalker mugshot
the ps3 can run any game but sony is greedy and tricked everyone into buying the less powerful ps4
Stalkers eat onions sausage for breakfast, lunch, and dinner after all.
Yea Forums remembers him so you don't have to!
While that's a shitpost, it's a fact that the cell was a beast and is actually better than the cancerous amd jaguar cpu in the ps4. It was the dogshit gpu that held the ps3 back.
shit thread
Tb-h powerful cpu with weak gpu is useless. Atari Jaguar was more powerful and cheaper than PS1 which came 3 years after it, but it couldn't play any 3D game so it was dogshit.
> that dumb document
The Not So Awesome google doc that started the ChangetheChannel movement and led to almost everyone leaving Channel Awesome
eat shit doug
you are retarded, jaguar is a shitpile, but it still flattens the cell.
>can’t run anything over 30fps
Imagine being this fucking retarded
Aight. Do kids still say that? Aight? It was pretty sick back in the day when we were drinking Pepsi listening to Lincoln Park and playing Halo 2 on Xbox which was the bomb.
What was it all about?
allegations of poor treatment of the contributors by the management
I hate niggers.
Watched one of his videos over a decade ago and recently checked him out again to see what the fuss is about.
I've been on youtube since late 2005 and this has to be one of the most unappealing internet personalities I've encountered. Everything about him and his mannerism makes me to commit a genocide (in fortnite)
It was a different time
>going bald
>go full Lex Luthor and shave off what's left
Smart move.
Why does he look so old? Isn't this dude like 35
Would do the same desu. Balding hair is fucking disgusting and looks like you are trying to cling on to something that is no more.
unironically a good move, nothing sadder than watching someone who is obviously balding trying to hold onto it, might as well shave it off and hope to god you look good without it
Yeah but some people have weird fucking shaped heads.
Probably the wife
Mostly a bunch of whining nonsense mixed in with fair claims about mismanagement. But mostly just whining. Lead to most remaining contributors leaving.
The really funny part was that CA then released a bunch of documents and chat logs to debunk the allegations only for the internet to look through them and discover that they contained evidence that JewWario (who had committed suicide several years prior) was a rapist. This also kinda proves that CA's management is incompetent just like the ChangeTheChannel shit had said. But still much of it was entitled winging by manchildren and womanchildren who review kids cartoons from the 80s for a living.
Seriously, I fucking hate niggers. And trannies. Maybe even jannies.