I’m already 3 hours into classic and I don’t wanna play anymore

I’m already 3 hours into classic and I don’t wanna play anymore.

It’s not even fun. Everything is so tedious. The difficulty is fun but the slow leveling, the slow questing, the constant need to run from point a to point b then back again consumes 20 min alone.

>inb4 wrathbabby
i’ve been playing since 06

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K, thanks for sharing.

Ok, I didn't ask though

K, thanx.

>t.losers trying to relive their high school years

August 26th, 2019:
I jerked off 7 times today. The anal fisting really helped me push for the last 3.

okey, thanks dude

the game literally doesn't start until you can at least get into a dungeon you fucking zoomer

but you said you were playing back then, so how does that apply more to them than you?

appreciate the comment, thanx, bye

yeah waiting for everyone to get online while your undergeared tank pulls one mob, then your healer and casters have to take 30 seconds between each mob to drink. So fun!

gut comment, thanx, see ya

Man that image is a prime example of how much blizzard sucks these days

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enjoy it for what it is since you already spent the money
listening to music is a must and you can watch movies and shows while leveling, it'll slow you down but it'll soothe the pain
as the other user said, dungeons are the best part of the game

niiicee... thank you, have a nice day

no one cares

How is anything you just listed not fun? Have you ever turned your powers of perception inward and thought about what a zoomer faggot you are? Constant uptime is boring, having downtime heightens the satisfaction when you do get into a fight.

yeah i'd much prefer to just wear heirlooms and solo the dungeon

I'm making it fun by taking detailed notes about levelling so that I can write a novel tracking a few characters progressing through the entire WoW questline from level 1 to 60. It'll probably never happen but it's letting me use my imagination.

>twitch views dropped from 1.5 mil to 500k in a matter of hours
Sad, it really was empty hype.

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You didn't start a thread. You just started complaining and thought it was good enough for a post. ITS NOT. Think of a reason why the game is boring now and post that in the form of a question. Leave your shitty fucking opinions off the internet and converse with others about why they agree or disagree with your statement

It’s bedtime for the only country on earth that matters so shut your communist fuckface and go jerk off to Stalin again Igor.

>don't reply to me, jerks, this is a bully free thread

>basing your judgment off twitch
>basing your judgment off [insert current popular streamer here]'s opinion

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the asmon layer is always full

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This is literally what happened to most realms in the last hour or so.
Went from being full to having to actually look for people.
In a month or so these realms will all be empty once the e-celebs start seeing declining views.

>12 hours from the start and mentally ill addicts are already trying to rationalize on how to "soothe the pain"
MMOfaggots deserve nothing but to be robbed and mocked by soulless companies like actizzard and sqeenix

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ok, thanks for the read

Because I’ve done it before autist. How many times can you kill the same boring bosses and trash mobs before it becomes boring? You’re basically saying you enjoy the boring parts of a movie you’ve seen 20 times

The end goal is end game. Crawling on the ground when you can walk doesn’t make you any cooler faggot

Welcome to 2019 bro
There are streamers streaming "Speedrunning to 60!" right now and they are around lv 30

no but struggling to complete content intended for your level or higher with your friends is definitely fun as fuck

maybe if you're retarded, which i assume most classiccucks are. that game sucks nuts.

wake me up BC gets launched

im with you OP, imo even osrs is better than classic, feels like less of an absolute slog. At least retail feels like a game, despite not being
"good" either.

its not new or exciting though, it was fun when you didn’t know the boss, it was fun when you got new gear, it was fun when it was a new growing experience.

Sitting in a 2 hour queue to smack wolves and troggs for 4 hours isn’t fun.

BC is just slightly improved vanilla. The ride is over lads, time to move on

>only half a million

Unbelievably low IQ. That's 5 times any other game.

ik you're probably trolling but even basic leveling can be fun if you're chilling with friends on ts or w/e, fuck even retail leveling which is absolutely ez mode can be fun with mates, add a little bit of strategy and difficulty into the mix, which classic provides and it's very enjoyable, I don't see how you can genuinely argue against that unless you're just trying to be obtuse intentionally

the queues won't last forever, we're talking about release day which is ALWAYS full of problems. it's a little disingenuous to pretend that's the entire game or that it's a long term issue

and Yea Forums how are you liking being back home?

I totally agree, they should boost up health and man's regen cause leveling now is ridiculous

It's going to be an issue for a while. You must be forgetting the company you're giving money to.

Dont talk like that about asmongoloid

on the super high pop servers im sure it will be an issue for a little while but we all know it will calm down eventually and realistically is it really worth getting onto the asmonmeme server ?

post your face when you didnt fall for the hype

If it's anything like Warlords of Draenor shit release, the queues will be around for 2 weeks or so. I don't know which had more people at release though, WoD was supposed to be the xpac that saved WoW

>Yea Forums tries to rekindle the days of jerking off to scene girls and playing WoW

>emo is coming back into style
>classic just released
>im no longer a teenage sperg afraid to talk to hot goth girls
I can't think of a more perfect timeline.

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>implying i still dont jerk it to scene

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oh no no no...
it's starting bros

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Perhaps turn your own perception inwards and realise that being opposed to instant gratification is not the same as being in favour of tedious, grindy and fundamentally shit gameplay.

I never understood MMOs:
>game is deliberately slow to keep you paying for subscription
>combat is just spamming spells
>quests are generic and repetitive "kill x mobs" or fetch quests.
I could never get into one, they're like weaker RPGs. The raids do seem cool tho.
t. Zoomer


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>MMOfaggots deserve nothing but to be robbed and mocked by soulless companies like actizzard and sqeenix

Fucking agreed. MMOs are pure cancer. They haven't progressed at all in 20 years. Overly complicated, boring, horribly optimized, shit UIs, layers of garbage on top of garbage, repetitive and grindy. The whole genre is SHIT. SHIT i say.

Fuck WoW too.

Complicated? Dude wat

>deliberately slow
I wouldn't say that, people get to 60 in less than week now.
>combat is just spamming spells
maybe if your a shitter or a meta-cum drinking autist that only plays one way. The game has simple mechanics and animations as to not be over-complicated and ruin the fun
>quests are generic
Yeah i agree with you there
The point of an mmo is to give you a easy world to understand and enjoy with others or by yourself if thats your style. The other people in the game are your friends, competitors, and/or enemies. Its the same reason, Second Life is still popular too after all these years. Some people crave an escape and WoW offers a grand level escape

yeah i'm having the same reaction to it. i don't even find it that difficult, just really slow.

>all this fucking walking in Elwyn Forest
Jesus fucking christ. I keep having to walk back and forth across the entire fucking map. This forest isn't comfy anymore.

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Enjoy walking everywhere until 40 you impatient zoomer, you deserve it

>even getting into the game
how the fuck do blizzard STILL fuck up launches
every single wow expansion launch was fucked every hearthstone launch was fucked and now classic is fucked too

used to be about the social aspect, now I don't even know why I still play desu, I don't care about the social aspect at all anymore, I barely type in game and just do my own thing

>he doesn't know how to plan his quest route
nice job admitting you're a brainlet, you can finish Elwynn by going in a circle if your know what you're doing and ending up at the westfall border at level 11-12 everytime

this, you pretty much only walk to one place and back one time, elwynn is pretty based in that regard

Anal fisting is the hottest thing ever.
Prove me wrong.

It was the opposite for me.
Didn't think I would have had this fun leveling up again.

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the sun exists

>if you know what you are doing
Yeah. The point is I haven't been in this pre cata zone in so many fucking years I forgot about stuff.

Also I refuse to look at wikis and guides since that shit didn't really exist back in the day. Sorry I don't arbitrarily remember shit from like 10 years ago.

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>i’ve been playing since 06
sure you have zoomzoom

Good false flag, I like that you phoneposted this despite seemingly having just finished a round of Classic

>i’ve been playing since 06
I'm surprised you still want to play at all.
I started '06 as well, but by 2010 I was just done.
I gave Cataclysm a shot, but that was just too much of one game.

I have friends who started with vanilla and are still playing now, they just want to raid with their guild and that's it
they dont care about classic because they know it was a chore and the gameplay doesn't hold up

I'm sorry, but your friends have a terminal case of shit taste if they gobble down retail's excrement but think Classic doesn't hold up

yeah if only they had flying mounts so you can skip all the content like retail does

vanilla raiding was shit and doing slow and tedious leveling to get into shit raiding is not worth it

Yep, your brain is fried by Tigole's kikery

>I pay $15 per months to talk in a chat box
whatever floats your boat, but the majority wants to do actual content

>I have friends who started with vanilla and are still playing now
I can't comprehend this.
Regardless of the changes they make, how can anyone play the same core game for more than a decade straight?
More than three thousand fucking days of the same shit.

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why not?
you aren't stuck with a single game, you can play other shit too
and the game keeps getting updated so theres always something to do

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>needing to know everything you have to do beforehand is expected and if you dont you're a brainlet

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denialfags on full force

>mfw never ever got into wow not without trying
just saw how garbage tab targeting and cast timers are
its not fun
they make your time expemsive
not only do you pay to play their game, they make you waste that paid for time by having you stand in place hoping you dont get interrupted because maybe you get that chaos bolt off in time

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This kills the zoomer

If you didn't expect it to be slow as fuck you went in with the wrong mindset.

Unlike you OP, I started in 2005.
And it just took me a fucking week to see how full of shit is the gameplay, and how Blizzard just want to makes things last to maintain your subscription.

Eat shit.

Are there any day 1 rewards? Dont feel like getting out of bed to download it


I played with friends which had me playing from 2005 til 2010. I probably shaved 10 years off my life from sitting in the dark masturbating while waiting for raids to start while spraying my room with bug killer to kill the ants all over my room from the food i had spilled at the keyboard. My mother crying "please user come out" and me telling her off. The 60 pounds I gained. Im not going back

So... don't play it?

>game is deliberately slow
Before T1 came along when the cap was level 60 blues and occasional random purples any non bulky class could literally get 1-2 shot by the glass cannons. In fact given the way vanilla scaled, the only reason people even survived long enough to have a real duel was because of PvP gear that gave bucket loads of stamina. You play with pure PvE shit and your class doesn't have much CC? Fights will be damn quick win or lose, with lose being the more likely result since stamina is what allows you to last long enough to even pull off moves in the first place.

Or do you mean PvE? Cause instance shit is anti-MMO to begin with, so naturally it's slow. Everything in the overworld is fine cause you can just bring more people.

>you aren't stuck with a single game, you can play other shit too
That's how I made it 4+ years, but there's gotta be a limit.
Are these people taking multiple long breaks from the game and then just glossing over it to say they've been playing for the game's entire lifespan or something?

my friends just like raiding with their guild, they raid like 3 times per week, thats pretty much what keep them in the game

also they dont log every days, unless there's new content

but i didn't spend any money, i played for 2 hours on a friend's account when he went to sleep



You've become a zoomer.

Do i need to fucking install 60 gigs of nu-wow to play classic?

C-can i go back to being a boomer somehow?