How would you fix Overwatch?
How would you fix Overwatch?
Let it die
Or drop competitive modes altogether
Or make it a co-op PVE game
Total re balance and rework of every hero and map so that all the new heroes they've added mesh seamlessly with the original cast and so we lose stupid shit like the first choke on paris. Add some new game modes every once in awhile.
remove esports and then remove jews so they don't put esports back in
Double everyone's health
Seriously that game mode actually makes the game somewhat playable because you're not getting 1 shot by turning a corner without a rien shield
fucking more in depth mechanics for one, like more case-by-case interactions between characters, abilities, status effects, and the environment
also hire a team of decent coders and pay them decently, the underlying engine is a disgusting mess that has historically broken utterly random shit with every update, for reasons even bethesda hasnt managed to do yet.
finally, fucking let us have more than 6v6, for fucks sakes.
throw out everything except the assets and start again basing it on ET instead of TF2
boobjob and skimpy bikini outfit for every female character
Make it Paladins
Yeah because GOATS with tripled health and armor on everyone was so much fun.
- Overhaul all heroes around barriers being the ability of Reinhardt alone. Remove all forms of autoaim aside from sentries.
- Focus working on making all heroes feel significant and necessary in some way. Mercy shouldn't be required over any other healer to win when that is frequently the case. Provide substantial buffs if necessary.
- Add a leaderboard which showed everyone's stats which would include
>damage done
>healing done
>healing received
>ult charge
>amount of times ulted
>k/d ratio
- Add global voice chat between two teams, better voice commands similar to TF2, and proper clan groups.
- Make all arcade modes available all the time, make simply playing the mode throughout the game enough to win a crate rather than needing to win the match.
- Add the option to avoid matches with parties or clans and option to hard-solo queue making it so you will not join a game that has a group in it.
- Remove the in-game report feature, people have to go to the site and fill out a form properly to report people thus reducing the chance of frivolous reporting and making individual moderation more realistic.
- Only ban for hacking, deliberately throwing, or anything that could be reasonably considered egregious griefing or harassment to teammates.
- Add limited ammo and remake the maps based on ammo as a resource. Keep ammo generally focused near objectives to encourage people playing near them.
- Remove damage falloff by range.
- Add significant rewards for playing comp, make it so you can farm a small amount of gold for playing regularly.
- Legendary dupes reroll the legendary.
- Have a significant focus put towards skin making since that holds people over to even events.
This isn't everything, but it's what would be required to keep the game alive and making money while you make significant changes to maps, mechanics, and balance to make the game even remotely viable for a long-term model.
- map voting
- expand "avoid player" list to 20~ and remove the removal timer
- remove the hero limiter and allow any amount of the same hero to be played on a team until you actually get the amount of heroes you said would be in the game back in beta
- stop focusing on movies for shit characters nobody gives a fuck about, make movies only for events to generate hype and focus on making events a more seasonal thing set up like Fortnite with them making lasting changes to the gameplay and maps.
by OW2 being a dating sim/visual novel where every character gets their own ending
It will make snipers' headshots worthless though
overwatch is for fags
Remake every character into fapbait.
Co-op story mode would be really nice
>Tf2 in it's Ombie state is still miles better and more balance than overtrash
The state of overtrash.
Thinking of coming back to overtrash just to use cheats there.
Remove all hard CC. Stuns don't belong in an FPS.
is that meant to be a bad thing?
Delete the game.
Just make porn instead.
>How would you fix Overwatch?
- ammo in no more infinite;
- remove all heroes that don't need to aim;
- ult bar goes to zero when you die;
- turn meele weapom in a real weapom, not just a buttom;
- add second weapom to everyone;
- put just one healer in the game, remove all the rest;
- remove all maps besides Hanamura. Make good maps;
- add more game modes;
- let the forced "competitive" die;
- remove waifu bait.
By adding Tracer to Smash
Unbelievably based
PVE mode similar to Boarderlands
Fuck off, antisemitic aspie
Why just one healer?
I'm honestly kinda surprised they haven't adopted Valve's community model and have curated maps to be adopted to official maps. Community made maps really help keep a game alive and people will always appreciate new maps that are good. In TF2 I would constantly try out new maps because it was cool seeing what was being made and learning new layouts.
Remove Esports
>Fuck off, antisemitic aspie
Game is casual garbage by design, so no way to fix it.
If you removed damage fall off by range hitscanners will rape everyone
Select game mode option
Avoid Map, up to three maps to avoid, option
Because just one is more than necessary and when you compare all the others with Mercy, she is always the best choice.
based retard
the core issue with overwatch balance is that healers and tanks are too good, that's literally why they added 2/2/2 lock.
The whole thing is rotten to the core. Its not like the game attracts toxic people, its that the game by design turns people toxic by being a team game where if a single person isn't the best player the whole team will just flat out lose.
Needs a fundamental rework back into simplicity. The amount of power creep of stuns/random barrier shit/abilities is too much. They were so focused on keeping the install base coming for more and paying for more lootboxes with adding new heroes every several months that the gameplay implications became an afterthought. The game is so blisteringly unfun that I can't even believe how fucking stupid one has to be as a developer to create such a monstrosity.
Did you not read the very first sentence?
By adding more white attractive male and female characters!
So you just wanna play TF2.
The most simple improvement
Rollback patches back to s2 or even s1.
You can't "fix" overwatch, it's bad fundamentally.
People need to accept it's a game about teamwork. Every single person I know that won't shut the fuck up about Overwatch has complaints that all stem from their inability to accept that as a game built around the concept of teamwork, it will fall apart if someone on your team is a dick or if you're not willing to accomodate your team yourself.
Yes, that sucks if you just want to play shoot shoot, but then go play a fucking shoot shoot game, there are literally thousands of them out there.
This is why they added Good Boy Points. This is why shields exist. This is why there isn't a leaderboard.
The game sure isn't perfect, the balance is god awful (though credit to them for having constantly -tried- to fix it even if they never have done successfully) and the events got boring after the first year. But "just remove shields, remove the trinity, lol turn it into TF2" is retarded. Literally go play ANY OTHER SHOOTING GAME if you want a shooting game not designed around these things.
Use the porn models from pornhub as official skins.
>b-buh it's about playing with your friends as a team
Then why not play a game that's actually fun? You can't answer that, can you.
In the short term:
- flat nerf to all shields by 50%
- teams may not have more than one shield tank
- flat nerf to all healing by 50%
- ultimate gain reduced by 50%
In the long term:
- dissolve the overwatch league and return tournaments to the community
- add real modding capability
- allow players to host their own servers
- hold contests for users to design new maps that are not chokepoint-based
Post your rank and most played heroes, redditor.
Double down on the concept of swapping heroes to counter others.
Rework every character to have a significant downside as part of their kit thats exploitable by other characters.
Allow Ult charge to be either kept between heroes fully, or have a small penalty between swapping heroes.
Make all heroes more team focused, less one shot characters. No one hero should be able to solo most of the enemy team.
More Support and Tank chars.
When people play as a team it is actually really fun. As he said though, the problems stem from people not wanting to play it as a team game.
I just don't like the concept of swapping heroes, it is kinda dumb honestly
>Have Hero X, Enemy has a counter
>Have to change to Y, enemy now has to change to counter.
it is just not fun
>Implement a metric fuckton of mechanics to prevent toxicity
>game starts getting neutered and all fun starts to disappear
>Ironically, these mechanics drive out the people who actually played the game and only the vocal minority who these changes were catered to remain
>these people will eventually stop playing too because they wont have people to play with them.
turn all heroes into girls so there is more porn
Remove Hanzo and Widowmaker and everybody would be nicer.
The biggest problem right now is from people working as a team to barrier stall with Orisa and Sigma. Playing as a team cannot fix the fact that barriers are anti-fun for all parties involved but are required to win.
>- ult bar goes to zero when you die;
It shocks me that this dosn't happen, but it would create a new problem of snow balling.
Ult shit in general was a fucking mistake in design.
I know this is going to sound obvious as hell, cause it frankly is. But, shoot the damn barriers. Use high DPS/damage chars to melt the barriers.
This honestly loops back around to people not working as a team, since barriers go down stupid fast when they're focused.
I would delete everything and replace it with Paladins
The ultimate system needs a rework entirely before anything else can be done. Some are way too strong, are obtained too fast, and are completely unavoidable for some characters.
>remove ultimates altogether
>every character gets weakened version of ult as new move like old molten core
>more moves which means less one trick pony characters
>more creativity with move combinations
>people are less stubborn when it comes to switching heroes because no more ult charge
>game is more skillful all around and more fun
I legitimately cannot see a problem with doing this.
See you can't point to any intrinsic value that overwatch has, because it concretely lacks intrinsic value.
But don't feel too bad, that's the point. To exploit stupid people like you who whale, enable whales or go to "events".
Put it on Switch
No need to remove them, Paladins proved they can be done right. Just make them charge faster and make their effects less game changing. Strong enough to sway a teamfight, but not strong enough to single-handedly win a teamfight.
Have you actually played against this at all? It’s an endless cycle of anti-fun even with team play. Orisa puts it up, it gets destroyed, Sigma puts his up until Orisa gets it back, then Mei puts up an ice wall if both go down to reset it. It’s not fun to play and not fun to watch either. Smart players shut down high DPS characters before they can even get close enough to break through.
>See you can't point to any intrinsic value that overwatch has, because it concretely lacks intrinsic value.
You didn't ask for a reason or to point to any "value" all you said was the game wasn't fun. To which I replied it was fun when people worked together as a team.
And ironically, that alone is something that OW has over the competition. Its a game designed with solid roles which people are meant to play together.
this unironically would save the game
No more ultimates/no abilities reducing your opponent movement/speed, no more giant hitboxes and make everyone run faster.
And no more chat moderation, if you don't want to see me type in the n word just don't read you fucking nigger.
There, fixed it.
I honestly can't imagine it being too much of a problem for something like Bastion + another DPS in all honesty.
This just in, overwatch is literally the only game with teams and roles
What rank are you? Bastion is never a problem for anyone because it’s ironically incredibly easy for the barrier stall team to work together to focus a stationary target. Even so, the other team would also use barriers to protect the Bastion which leads to the problem of the game as a whole being a barrier fuckfest.
>remove barriers except Rein's
>also remove damage falloff
Retarded as fuck.
TPS co-op looter shooter. King me.
> Bastion is never a problem for anyone because it’s ironically incredibly easy for the barrier stall team to work together to focus a stationary target. Even so, the other team would also use barriers to protect the Bastion which leads to the problem of the game as a whole being a barrier fuckfest.
You're suppose to have your DPS behind a barrier unless you're playing Dive/flankers regardless, so it should be assumed the bastion is with his team and using cover not standing out in the open like an idiot.
Let the community make mods and custom game modes
They have the workshop but haven’t added any of the community modes to the arcade since the week it came out, it’s upsetting.
That's a cute sombra
I do play other shooting games when I don't want OWs brand of teamplay, though. And when I want a teamwork based game, I play OW.
What other answer do I need?
there is no "good boy meter" and literally no one plays the game if you believe this
>I always leave matches so my good boy rank stays at 3
>Always getting lootboxes cause you dont derank so it pretends you ranked up again
>- Legendary dupes reroll the legendary.
When did you lost play the game? You can't get dupes at all unless you already have every item of the rarity it rolled.
Lootboxes in OW, for like at least a year now, will roll for rarity for each item, and then force all of them to be new. If any can't be new (aka you have everything of that rarity) it will just dupe and give you credits.
Don't need to fix this trash
Just stop playing it. Problem fixed.
Delete Paris
You don't even like overwatch, that's just bumming me out duded.
make it f2p like it blatantly is
and then let brs and chinks run it into the ground
remove widow, remove brig, remove bastion
game fixed, no more sniper meta, no more goats, no more bunker.
literally abandon the game and put all devs on creating 3d porn
Overwatch porn is so old at this point, just like Elizabeth was before. Makes the characters unattractive
Add mana, reduce cooldown.
>Decrease healing.
>Decrease shields.
>Increase damage.
I don't know dude, the artstyle they chose gives them longevity imo
if they went for hyperrealism I could see what you mean but they didn't
All I see every fucking thread. Just talk shit about this dumpster fire of a game and move on
Please just leave it to die, it's basically on life support right now anyway.
this guy knows OW better than the devs lmao
>When did you lost play the game? You can't get dupes at all unless you already have every item of the rarity it rolled.
>Focus working on making all heroes feel significant and necessary in some way
There will always be good and bad heroes in a game with characters having such disparate abilities
It's a 6v6 game where success is 100% dependent on teamwork and team unity so the usual gamer thing of coming into a server and unleashing your autistic racist wrath on everyone just ruins the game for 5 other people
It's not like TF2 where someone can be mic-spamming alabama nigger and not change the game for everyone else. In OW you need all 6 people on the same page.
The other team cant hear you anyways so you're just fucking your own team and own competitive SR over if you wanna be an epic gamer, so that system in particular is helpful to filter out people who do that shit. It's not about keeping the game PC, it's about keeping the game functional because being locked into a 20 minute comp match with someone who is purposefully throwing the match out of rage is not fun.
Now go ahead and tell me I'm a cuck you goddamn virgins
>t.western game journalist
>How would you fix Overwatch?
Delete it make blizzard think about what they've done
I used to say that it can be saved.
I have abandoned that hope. Just trash it.
fpbp tho
>It's a 6v6 game where success is 100% dependent on teamwork and team unity
Not like there exists heroes with 2 lives, a combined healthpool of 750, 3 abilities and an OP ult.
>How would you fix Overwatch?
Nerf every fucking ability, your skill in clicking on heads should be far more useful and more deadly than simply pressing Q.
you realize that noone actually plays this piece of shit?
what else are we going to talk about?
Very untrue. Unless this is a brand new change I’m just hearing about, you absolutely can get duplicates. Currently, they get turned into gold based on the rarity, but he’s saying basically what you imagined should be reality.
Xev Bellringer unlocks once you have max good boy points
>rewarding good behaviour BAD
>not forcing your players to be good because it's such a toxic cesspool BAD
OW is a first person MOBA, not counter strike.
>developer that layed off 800 employees after their best year is judging others for being rude
Imagine actually thinking Tracer is in Smash. A single game, not even a franchise, and it's already dead and stale.
every pvp team-based games are a "toxic cesspool"
Either double all dps damage or cut all shield hp in half. Severely reduce all tank damage except for Reins melee, to compensate make tank attacks debuff enemies they shoot, for example Orissa could be like the Natascha from tf2 but do almost no damage. Reduce all healing by a large amount, the real core of all the balance issues is how powerful healing is in this game. There's way too much aoe burst healing that just completely resets team fights and essentially forces certain comps. Lastly, Mei needs some serious nerfs. She shouldn't be able to 1v1 literally anyone within 10 yards of her. Just something like nerfing her icicle damage(maybe take away its ability to headshot) or putting strong diminishing returns on her freezing would be a good start.
12v12 maps.
Remove competitive mode and matchmaking.
Add dedicated servers.
I say to hell with balance and just release a hero every month. Heroes of the Storm pulled this off for a while. I think it's about time Overwatch just got a ton of new heroes
Delete it
What's wrong with being nice?
>every pvp team-based games are a "toxic cesspool"
not tf2
It's not edgy, also the endorsement level has nothing to do with being nice. I have been level 5 for a long time and never say anything positive, not even gg. It's just about not ragequitting and playing well enough to get commended.
Lower divisions in comp leagues are
People spam click the commends because you get bonus xp, not because you were a nice guy. Blizzard literally has to bribe people to be nice to each other.
comp TF2 basically doesn't exist and I've always ignored it out of principle because they are faggots who inadvertently want to ruin TF2.
I should have said COMPETITIVE pvp team-based games
if there's mmr or rank involved in losing, it will be toxic because people are going to get mad
I’d play it
Shooters are only popular because kids can stomp other kids or "adults" and call them faggots afterwards.
My main problem is a mixture of things.
Healers and tanks being to good which causes the TTK to go from being 1HKO the moment you turn a corner, to no one ever dying due to all high healing outputs and barriers everywhere.
The outcome of the game being to tied to your teammates(aka it's very hard to carry causing the game to not reward individual performance).
Ults are to high reward, low skill/risk.
If they were to fix these problems it would be a way better game. And before you say it, yes I already know about Paladins and I already play it on the regular.
what is the context of michael from vsauce telling somebody to stop and fuck off
By removing it from existence.
People are probably finding that shit patronizing and report people for being patronizing. The vicious cycle never ends.
Add slutty skins for everyone
Make Mei not disgusting to look at
you gonna fug de hamsta?
Looks like he was trying to tell someone to stop recording him.
Wow, what a classy, classy guy. Sitting on the ground giving middle fingers to people. This is a streamer that a lot of people like?
There is a leaderboard you moron
Most people enjoy OW porn. Almost every OW player either started playing because of the porn, or started looking at the porn religiously after they started playing it.
A better ranking system
>endorsements and %medals earned also impacts your SR
In other words, you can lose a game thanks to a bunch of brain dead shitters, but if it's quite obvious from the medals that it wasn't your fault, your SR drop for losing a gaming isn't anywhere near as bad as your teammates.
Problem with Overwatch is that once you are in a certain bracket, its very hard to get out of said bracket.
fire all the current staff
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
Can't have people making custom textures user, they'll make toxic things like pic related
Ow is just as alive as TF2. None of them are going anywhere any time soon.
But it wasn't about textures, he was talking about maps. And on top of that, that's a custom model. There's a reason the workshop exists.
They have though, they added gun game, though that's technically just a port gamemode from a different game. It's call hero gauntlet and is in the arcade right now.
>I'm honestly kinda surprised they haven't adopted Valve's community model and exploit the work of the community to pass off as genuine content
Every problem comes from the game modes.
Remove matchmaking,, remoke ranking, remove 6v6, make larger maps that can handle up to 12v12 or 16v16, instantaneous drop in and drop out without punishment. Let people play and enjoy THE GAME, not supplemental bullshit such as rankings and MMR.
Then you balance the characters around that.
OP's pic comes from the fact that league kiddies moved onto Overwatch and brought their vindictive blame-shifting attitude with them, and the devs being too sheepish to go against their whims because they're afraid it'll kill their manufactured e-sports scene. That's why you see ridiculous shit like banning people for picking their favorite character too many times, banning people for shit that didn't even happen in the game, banning people who don't even play the game, etc.
more porn
Overwatch is a game for gamers, prove me wrong
>The absolute state of Overwatch
>The absolute state of modern masculinity/society
The problem is the pussies playing games nowadays thinking every is "Toxic". God I hate that fucking word.
Do what tf2 does to avoid feeling its own shit class balance. Double the amount of players, remove ults trim down the cast to like 9 or so "heroes" 3 of each type. Boom fixed overwatch for you. Remove cancer ass e sports comp shit too it never helped tf2 either and was always pure fagbait.
How do you explain 20+ minute match queus copefag?
Make Tracer canonically straight like she should be.
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>I literally waited 20 minutes to join a match! Don't question me!
How do you know any of this?
You're an expert on OW players?
Snipers are shit and only shitters play them.
Reset MMR, remake whole math behind the game and focus on more fps based heroes
Making the game specifically PVE would actually be a really good idea. It would remove all the restrictions that PVP has and create a stronger sense of cooperation
Stun and shield mechanics in an FPS is absolute garbage
Increase team sizes to 12 each and make bigger maps to accommodate
goats is 100% removed from the game user. that's the other problem. they couldn't balance their game so now you MUST play 2-2-2
Never understood why this is a bad thing. People just give you endorsements mostly if you are a valuable asset to the team comp OR they just want the 75xp that comes along with endorsing someone so they can rank up and get loot boxes. It's pretty harmless.
>Yes, that sucks if you just want to play shoot shoot, but then go play a fucking shoot shoot game
Tell that to the people on my team. I quit OW long ago because almost every competitive match had someone who just went for kills and didn't play with the team. You can't make a game where every team member has to work together to win AND base it on a matchmaking system, there are just too many idiots out there
That cosmetic is exclusive to Notch. No one else has it. Not sure what your argument was.
8 v 8
2 tanks 2 healers 4 dps
Rework the maps.
It’s the only way because the barrier problem is a sleeping giant yet again.
Also reset ult percentages to zero upon death
If they're going to do forced role queues, make the queue 1 tank, 1 heal, 4 dps
If people are being dicks to each other its probably because they are frustrated. From there they have to look at what makes the game annoying to play, this post has some changes that would probably work, the game currently feels alright to win and hopeless when you're losing because unless you're by leaps and bounds the best player in the lobby, there is little chance to solo carry of any sort. The entire idea of expecting potentially six random people from the internet getting along and working together, while remaining somewhat anonymous, is just fucking retarded. They should also tone down or remove hard CC, any stun might as well be an instant kill with how much damage you can take in a second.
Who gives a shit about people who only queue DPS solo in comp.
If they were a good DPS they'd have friends to queue with.
kill the community and the people who take care of it
So they can bully one tank? Are you stupid or what?
The issue is that Blizzard flaunts it as people being nice, when in reality people just endorse to get more cosmetics.
True user.
But Overwatch isn't fucking Dota. Its far lesser, with even less variety.
The development time isn't on esports and competitive, it's on combating player toxicity.
increase hp across the board by like 50/100 (except maybe on mobility characters)
cut all healing sources in half if a character has taken damage in the past x seconds
remove stuns, replace them with actual deliberate utility, ie if mccrees flashbang is supposed to stop people from moving to give him free headshots, then the ability itself needs to be a skillshot with a root, not a fucking splash projectile with auto-detonation and a stun effect
its not really that difficult
the hard part would be fixing the maps, im sure the heatmaps for their fucking chokepoint killboxes on literally EVERY POINT IN THE GAME look like a fucking nightmare, and there isnt an easy solution to that
But user, people online are big meanies and need to be stopped
Add more complexity to the gameplay. As it is now, it's very shallow and sterile.
the map design in OW is atrocious
>be nice
Pick one.