What's your favorite game Yea Forums?

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Not this heap of fetid bile, that's for sure.

>ywn have a fuzzy lesbian cat gf

hehe i'm such meme trash

im like, so quirky and i want to die!

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Obese mentally unstable lesbian cat haha.

Definitely not a game the soundtrack of which was composed by a rapist.

What is this from?

Fuck off Zoe

ugh i'm trash ugh

I think it's from porn user.


Ugh i was made by a rapist ugh im trash

I've heard good things about the creators of that game.

>furfaggot is a sex offender
In other news, water is wet

fallout 2, KoTOR II, deus ex, shovel knight, megaman 10, destroy all humans...

Very based I might say.

I feel like if you're going to rape someone, you should set your standards far, far higher than some ugly trash cunt.
But other than that it's a shit game.

UGH waffles, *rapes*, like it is such a drag you know?

I'm glad these shitty threads will be constantly ruined now. The game probably has the worst writing I've ever seen, it really is like a VN for autistic 30 year old men who instead of anime idolise the whole cool hipster kids.

the only person who ever tried to adamantly get me to play this """game""" was a 24 year old obese chick with dyed hair and "i literally can't??" self diagnosed BPD who legit smelled like she hadn't showered or wiped her ass properly in over 24 hours. disgusting

>I feel like if you're going to rape someone, you should set your standards far, far higher than some ugly trash cunt.
yeah I don't get it
the skyrim composer guy's vicitim isn't exactly a catch either

Spoiler alert!

they're both lying whores, along with 70% of women.

doubtful, but zoe quinn isn't even accusing this guy of rape, just "he was an asshole"

Only good thing about this game is the porn

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Prove it. Substantiate your claims.