What is the most insane bit of TES lore...

What is the most insane bit of TES lore? Do you think the mainstream appeal of skyrim will make them tone down the crazier bits of lore in TES VI?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Explain Fargoth

I have no idea. The pic is a mix of actual lore and memes, but the craziest shit is actual lore

Orsimer Talos and ORC NINJAS

That one time Argonians put one rock on top of another and accidentally almost made time flow backwards

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Whats this one?
were the hist involved in this incident?

Sleeping tree is hist, right?

This shouldnt be a gradient, it should drop right to the last tier after entering the water.

>woah dude, TES lore is so insane, lol! Fargoth lol! CHIM-nwah-Pelinal is a Terminator-lol
Meanwhile the games consistently display the most bland kind of medieval fantasy
Wiki-fanfic are not videogame, you criminal scum

There are a bunch of weird shit that i've heard of but can't confirm everything.

>Khajiit walking on the moon and building a lunar base in a collective skooma-high.
>The Imperial manonauts who work for the Elder Council with exploring the void, basically magical astronauts.
>Talos being three people who enacted the enantiomorph and folded into on who ascended and became a god
>The Hist. Are Argonians dependant on the Hist or the other way around? If the hist are controlling argonians deliberatlely, what is their end goal? Further, if the theory of memory being water is true and all water runs through Black Marsh, does that mean that the Hist has the collective memory of everyone who has ever died on Tamriel?
>Obligatory CHIM
>The Walkabout
>Yokuda and Akavir being past and future

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did you even play morrowind? You just going to ignore my question with regards to VI and continue to be a faggot.

Explain further

Yeah, the Sleeping Tree in Skyrim is a reference to one of the books written by Gregory Keyes. The story in the two books he wrote is about a part of Clavicus Viles realm separating itself and invading Tamriel as a floating island. On the Island there lives hist-like enteties. A seed is dropped when the island is floating over Skyrim.

If you're interested in the lore i'd advise you to buy them. They're a good read.

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>What is the most insane bit of TES lore?

The TES universe is mantling Evangelion's universe

the fug is the walkabout?

imagine the smell...of the person who created this.

I thought the sleeping tree came from debris after the red year

I can't, thats all I remember.

If anything they upped the weirdness for skyrim coming off of mega-bland Oblivion

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literally takes place in Japan

Can't answer for him but to my knowledge Argonians don't have the concept of time in the same sense as the men and mer races do.

The Argonians do not have the concept of "time," so their language does not have a word for it. Because of this, for some Argonians the hardest part of learning the language of the Imperials is that they make their verbs different to indicate when something happened.

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They were most assuredly on as many drug as Michael Kirkbride was when writing morrowind

are cliff racers actually extinct or are they not? One follower references having hunted them despite Jiub claiming to kill every last one of them.

The Walkabout is a thing in Yokudan/Redguard religion where the gods figured out a way to continue existing between Kalpas.

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>If you're interested in the lore i'd advise you to buy them. They're a good read.
No they fucking aren't. They a fucking boring as shit beyond some worldbuilding and character interaction with said world build.
And don't give money to Bethesda/Zenimax you fucking retard. Pirate that shit.

Dagoth ur being a dead man dreaming that he's alive always gets a chuckle out of me

Yeah well, if i remember correctly, Ysolda says she's heard different stories about how the Sleeping Tree appeared. One was that it had been grown from a seed the dropped from a floating island. The other theory is that a crater was created when the Red Mountain erupted.

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Sleepers awaken!

>Redoran Gravity Control

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So that's what numidium was about

>No they fucking aren't. They a fucking boring as shit
Remember to take your meds user. There's a lot of cool shit in there about the hist, argonian society, khajiiti culture and daedra. I'd say its nice to have if you're invested and actually interested in the lore but to each their own.

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Here's that text if anyone's interested.

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I've been longing for a smug magic using alfiq companion ever since I learned about them

Hopefully tesVI will deliver it

>There's a lot of cool shit in there about the hist, argonian society, khajiiti culture and daedra
Its mostly shit we already know.
>take you meds
Reddit is two sites down, scum.

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Honestly i wouldn't count on it but i'd love to be proven wrong. I know they exist in ESO as NPC's but i haven't played it myself.

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Yeah they're NPCs, Sheogorath manifests as one.

Argonians = Time Aliens (as opposed to space aliens)

>Do you think the mainstream appeal of skyrim will make them tone down the crazier bits of lore in TES VI?
They didn't do it in the DLCs what makes you think they would do in in TESIV?

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oh fuck i never realized this

Because they have been doing it with every fucking game since Morrowind?

It's pretty cool. The Ayleids built it in the image of Aurbis on purpose to refocus the powers of creation.

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almot all of this is based on something.
But the bit at the very bottom makes me think that whoever made this was a Middle beard.

Not Temple Zero timeline, but part of Memospore

read his post's image

it goes into great detail about just how much lore was stuffed into the dragonborn dlc that most people just wrote off as flavor details

i think this refers to the Xit Xaht tribe building a "Time machine" temple.
the hwole time part might be a metaphor for them trying to rebuild the Old Xanmeer empire tho.

Were not talking about lore inclusion were talking about the absolute weird and insane lore. Morrowind was peak alien feel. Whereas oblivion and Skyrim have been very bland and toned down.

I love that post so much and i think that even though the games become more and more "streamlined" the comunity is still amazing and can find lore and meaning in almost every inch of the elder scrolls universe.

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Can you explain the khajit lactate genetic memory bit?

The thu'um is plenty weird, it's basically reality magic you cast by speaking it into existence

You're just hand waving skyrim since it's obviously heavily inspired by real life nordic culture

If you want completely alien cultures then you're gonna have to wait till tes7 and cross your fingers it'll be in Valenwoord, Elsweyr, or Blackmarsh. Because Aldmeri Dominion is just gonna be silvermoon city x 6.

>absolute weird and insane lore
the lore in dragonborn is as "weird and insane" as morrowind

There is literally no lore behind the skyrim version dragonborn.

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>snow throat
is there any proof of that? also the stone is not "the" cave but "a" cave

Laughable statement.

How much of this is just random words taken out of context from the games? It seems like a lot of this shit is ambiguous enough to let players fill in the gaps everywhere themselves.

That is probably just an incorrect description by the guy who made the image.

The stone for Snowthroat is actually called "The Cave". Source:

Q: What are the stones of Snow-Throat, Crystal-Like-Law, Falinesti, and Orichalc?

A: The cave, a person, a fruit, and a sword.

Do you think "The cave" is a literal cave, the time-tear or an analogy for Platos "Cave"?

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Daily reminder that there will never be a good TES game.

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Sheogorath is the Deadra most related to Lorkhan and in a way is deeply connected to Nirn and humans.
Since Jyggalag was merged with Lorkhan hole in reality that left behind when Lorkhan was slain so he went mad and could not put his immense power in any direction.
However because of that Nirn and Lorkhan's Heart resonate with Sheogorath. That is most likely why Ebon-arm hated all deadra besides Sheogorath and why Shegorath flung the meteor at Vivec, because he was pissed at the Tribunal abusing the heart.

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>Guuuuhhhh CHIM?
>ummmmmmmmmMMMMM SILT STRIDERS??????????????

>Eats dragon souls
>Time travels with an elder scroll
>Enters Sovngarde
>Shouts Akatosh-equivalent to death
>Decides the outcome of a civil war
>Finds and safeguards the Eye of Magnus
>Blackmails two Daedric princes
>Adventures with a daughter of Coldharbour
>Enters the Soul Cairn
>Collects a total of three elder scrolls
>Kills one of the last two living and uncorrupted Falmer
>Kills the leader of an ancient vampire clan predating Talos' reign
>Can manipulate the light of Magnus by shooting at it
>Entered Apocrypha
>Defeated the first ever (and now second strongest) dragonborn is history
>"Ummmm, then he became Horny Mora's TENTACLE HOLE, roite???????" Nuh uh sweaty, Hermaeus essentially lets TLD use Apocrypha as a library in exchange for sharing info and not fucking up his domain.
>Learns how to force anything (sentient or not) to adhere to his will by yelling at it


The Altmer are weird though, with their baby killing and disappearing of moons.
Did you even play Morrowind?

>from the games
Dude, half of it has never appeared in any game. It's external fanfic crap. There's literally Star Wars fanfic in there.

These threads are just "lorefags" pushing their shit memes. They'll just endlessly praise Morrowind and shit on Oblivion and Skyrim regardless of anything, so actual discussions are pointless.

They also seem to be stuck in 2008 or something. They think stuff like CHIM or Molag Bal fucking Vivec are super obscure stuff nobody knows about and they're so superior for knowing them. Like 80% of things that are passed as weird and obscure in TES lore are either well-known or can easily be found by paying attention to the content in the games. And fanfics and made-up bs memes don't count as lore just because they're "weird".

Not talking about the PC but the actual world you utter peabrain. Skyrim was so bland in comparison to the weird alien vibe of Morrowind.

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set dressing isn't lore

if you're arguing that the local fauna and flora are lore then suck my mammoth's cock while I watch, 'club' in hand

What’s it like having a giant wooden dildo up your ass your entire life queer?

Actually kek'd. Thanks user

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"The cave" sound fun and abstract but I honestly would have preferred if the stone was Skyrim's people and the civil war was the attempt of the Thalmor to disable Snow-Throat.

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So what's the best way to play MW now, openMW?Any essential mods?

>no argument

Get the code patch at the very least.
If you find the graphics and short viewing distance too distracting you could get MGEXE to fix it.

All this cryptic shit that's been put in the games. I have been able to find translations for The Oghma Infinium and The Mysterium Xarxes but not for the Elder Scrolls unfortunately.

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Lads how do I get a qt dunmer wife?

It's the setting, Cyrodiil and Skyrim are very human and grounded regions full of very human problems compared to Morrowind.
It's Rome and Vikings compared to Aliens and Wizards

How do I play morrowind in widescreen? I'm tired of the black borders.

Has anybody ever bothered to compile the lore into an organized anthology?

Just because you feel that you're not having as much fun as the people in this thread doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone else.

You probably can't.

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Not really but i believe they have every literally work both in-universe and out of universe on imperial-library.info/

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Easy, like them.

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They’re all refugees now though so there’s probably a few dunmer women who wouldn’t mind

God if only Brelyna didn't have hideous hair in canon. She's better off bald than with her default hair.

Is it worth playing TESO for the lore? I tried it for a bit and it was kinda boring, but i love the setting

Dunmer are notorious fire breather whooers, why would you wanna put a ring on that

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teso will just make you bored of tes related things
it's kind of like how WoW ruins the original warcraft games since you're just sick of seeing orcs and elves

I've been lurking for a month now but still cannot figure out what the fuck is CHIM?

apotheosis through comprehension of higher concepts as defined through a state of being referred to as 'CHIM'

Neo from the Matrix movies

there was a copypasta of a guy that made an identitcal character model of Fargoth and he killed the real Fargoth and they took over his AI path and acted like him and talked to the same NPCs that he did. He said he felt that the NPCs knew but could not put their finger on what was going wrong. He continued this for thousands of ingame days and began experimenting with console commands like replacing everyone with Fargoth or creating a new fargoth to patrol the town whilst he slept of some such. For countless aeons he imitated this man and kept recreating him and reinventing him and torturing people who never could object. 10/10 pasta desu.

found it.

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What crazy stuff are you refering to?
If it is the MK stuff nothing of value was lost.

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CHIM and I pilled

post them user

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>nobody tell him his face is bees

Once an event comes to pass, the text in an Elder Scroll which predicts it becomes stable and then can never be changed, even by magic or dragon breaks.
However, I'm pretty sure that another way of changing reality/history in the Elder Scrolls is by simply convincing everybody that something happened differently than it did, and this will rewrite reality to make it so.
My question is this - will this collective, unwitting chim of sorts change the scrolls, or are they immune to that even? If they are immune, that implies that they are more powerful than even the divines or daedra, as even they are affected by what I've just described

How to be /fa/ with bonemold?

pasta is here if you wanna read it. Yeah, I jsut realised, Fargoth is CHIM af.

Ok so hold the fuck up
Nirn is dotted with tower constructs that literally "upheld" the laws of reality and universal flow?
And they're all made either from actual construction material or natural symbolic landmarks?
And their purpose is to hold the material world's helmet on lest Oblivion floods it?

What the fuck?

And only one is still functional. Wonder what would happen if it stops working....

Elder scrolls ARE more powerful than Aedra and Daedra. They're even more powerful than the (D)Aedra were back when they were Et'Ada.

The scrolls existed before even Aetherius did. None of the Et'Ada have any clue where they came from or who/what made them.

As for manipulating known history, it would have no affect on the elder scrolls aside from a note stating that such a disinformation campaign took place.

ooopps, wrong one, here is the pasta

Lucid dreaming basically. You become aware that you are in a dream but resist the urge to 'wake up' and poof out existence within the dream, and thus becoming able to manipulate the dream freely including becoming a god.

Thalmor would be elated if they all fucked off since they hate physical existence.

CHIM is the password for White Gold Tower to make you comfy.

No no no, only a couple of towers were for the purpose of maintaining the mortal worldly laws. Most are destroyed now.

Now only a bunch of towers that exist to manipulate mortal law to the benefit of said mortals exist with but a single tower attempting to preserve the natural order.

That one tower is in the Illiac Bay iirc. And TES6 is going to take place in Hammerfell.

We might get the destruction of mundus as a potential ending bros

>Do you think the mainstream appeal of skyrim will make them tone down the crazier bits of lore in TES VI?
Of course, they have already been doing this since Oblivion.

You resist poofing by rationalizing that while in fact you're dreamt up you're a part of that dreaming god's mind and thus are part of god. This means asses with huge egos tend to CHIM more instead of zero summing.

So CHIM is basically Buddhist enlightenment were once achieved, you either conclude "to be me is to be God" or "to be God is to be me" and then ascend to godhood.

Okay anons, redpill on this, what is the single most deepdive crazy ass freaky piece of cosmology/conspiracy/theology from the Elder Scrolls mythos? Stuff that is ACTUALLY part of the mythos rather than memes like Fargoth cycle or fantheories.

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TES 6 is set in BlackMarsh and involves the Hist setting the stage to survive another Kalpa.
There will be no DLC
TES 7 will come out the next year and deal with the end if the Kalpa and the rebooting of the series.

It is unclear if it will be Kuhlman or Emil who takes over when Todd retires.

not him but basically yes, except you aren't a god perse but become one with the dream of reality like actors on the stage that begin to improve or ad lib. You are the performance, not a part of it or the director of it.

Dragon break

The fanfic have Amaranth which is a more Buddhist take on cosmology. There is no god or creator just series of timelines creating more series of timelines.

miraak trying to mantle the godhead

this is the one where Tiber Septim's advent in the end of the second era lead to a time loop or some such?

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like said

Dragon Breaks are basically in-lore parallel timelines in which different events occur causing the universe to split into multiple branches which must be repaired and reunited in order to prevent universal dissolution.

Look up 'warp in the west' for a fun time

If Mundus fucks off what happens to the series then? A relaunch of TES franchise? A "return of Dwemer" asspull?
Where do you go if you raise the stakes to the fate of the material world? Mer and Men fuck off of Nirn to magicka-space-travel outside of Aetherius?

Who the fuck comes up with this stuff, then has the balls to mock Tolkien?

A dragon break is where time literally stops flowing. So everything happens at once, even things that conflict each other and don't make sense chronologically. Some people report dragon breaks "lasting" for thousands of years before time gets fixed again

>The thu'um is plenty weird, it's basically reality magic you cast by speaking it into existence
So just basic bitch D&D/Tolkien/Kalevala magic then?

There has been different dragon breaks, once at the end of Daggerfall. The numidium was activated in five different places at once, but at the same time wasn't.

The Numidium was built by the godless Dwemer who wanted to create their own god based on logic and reason. It's basically capable of noping shit out of existance.

So the Numidium was activated in five different places at once, and at the same time wasn't depending on which ending you chose when you played Daggerfall causing Akatosh to break and time became non-linear.

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Based Miraak, so many people finished the dlc and never really understood what he was doing apart from rebelling from Mora

I see, thanks user.

wasn't he just trying to become the strongest dragonborn and omnipotent with HM's help? Or was he trying to go full godhead status?

Would this mean he ascends beyond CHIM?

Dubs decides where Yea Forums was when the dragon broke

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JoJo part 7 baby

New universe
New rules

reboot the series as todd retires and emil takes over.

They broke Akatosh in two using hte Numidium? So they essentially did a half or even full Zero Sum (but somehow left behind memeories of their existence) and left the fabric of existence and this casued the space-time god governing them to shit his pants becuase they went beyond and above him? Chad Dwarves.

Why haven't any of the Aedra or Deadra CHIMed? Surely they've witnessed people doing it

Such a fuckup will cause the franchise a suicide whose magnitute won't even be able to be saved by an entire E3 stadium full of fuckers screaming WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH for a whole month straight.

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The other dragonbreak that i know of occurred when The Marukhati Selective (A sect of the Imperial order) tried to remove the Mer-ish influence of Auriel on the imperial pantheon god Akatosh. This was due to their hatred of Mer.

They did this by chanelling the Aurbis itself to mythically remove the aspects of Akatosh they did not want. A tower or staff appeared before them and they danced upon it until it writhed and trembled and spoke its protonymic. The tower then split into eight pieces and time broke which made time non-linear.

There's a really interesting in-universe book regarding dragonbreaks from a khajiiti perspective called "Where were you when the dragon broke". According to the book, the khajiits were aware of the dragonbreak because they are so closely intertwined with the lunar cycles.

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How did Dagoth CHIM wrong again?

He already was the strongest Dragonborn until TLD shows up, and he wasn't really being helped by hermaeus mora he was more so freeloading in Apocrypha against HM's will. They came to a compromise in order to prevent continued conflict.

Godhead would be it's own state of being. Even Amaranth can't properly describe it.
If he succeeded in mantling god head it would basically mean a hard reboot of everything ever according to Miraak's design

Miraak was a real ass nigga

Presumably the Aedra, thanks to sacrificing something to create the world, are actaully just shy of god like status?

The Daedra seem to be CHIM except they are outside of Nirn and cannot break through to it entirely. If they were resident sof our reality, they definitely would be CHIM.

It is setting based on the fact it knows it is a video game
The Tower and the Wheel 1s and 0s the language of computers
The sleeping god the devs
The Elder Scrolls The game code
Dragon breaks game saves
Kalpa the game as it ships
Hist Trees the various save states History get it
CHIM access to console commands
AMARANTH Mods a new dreamer takes over
SITHIS the nothing when the game is off.

>fargoth on the lower layer
welp so random

what's the chim quantum witness?

theoretically they all already CHIMed and just don't know it

Vivec achieved CHIM and in doing so became Mephala. However Mephala has attempted to achieve CHIM independently in the past. It's possible that all et'ada are the result of CHIM and simply aren't aware of it.

This theory would also support the Herma Mora = Entire Dwemer Race theory

>Miraak was a real ass nigga
You can say that shit again, is he the ultimate alpha? Forget CHIM, this guy is CHAD.

So to mantal godhead, if we follow the Hindu analogy, would be to make the dream of reality your very own, and become the dreamer?

He is presumably among Anu and Padomay and resides outside of the aedra and the daedra themselves?

Is this canon btw?

there are no stars or planets in the sky the "stars" are holes in the universe and the other planets and even the moons are daedric dimensions

He wasn't capable of CHIM since he was already awake

He zero summed but managed to persist since he was already dead

>Hist Trees the various save states History get it
>CHIM is console commands
>Amaranth mods
>Sithis is me goign to work or answering my email

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Can Daedra even CHIM? If you're a being whose purpose is to be the manifestation of a certain state of being, how do you ascend beyond being?
Didn't Aedra fuck off to Aetherius?

>They broke Akatosh in two using hte Numidium?

Not the Dwemer. This was in Daggerfall, so the people who used the Totem of the Numidium are either The Hero, The Underking, Mannimarco, Orsinium or the Blades.

The Dwemer mysteriously vanished before the battle of Red mountain and it is unknown why but presumed to be because of fuckery with the Tonal Architecture of Lorkhans Heart.

The Aedra lost all their power when they were tricked into creating Mundus and are now dormant. The Daedra already have CHIM-like powers but they seem to be hard-wired to serve their purpose and be personifications of different treats.

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>CHIM access to console commands
I always thought if you went the meta route it'd be more a reference to the modding tools. "The power to reshape the land" felt pretty on the nose.

As I recall that is only true for the stars and sun, and the moons are physical corpses of two lesser Aedra (albeit they are not reachable via spaceflight, they are in a quasi-dimension of their own).

I'm convinced the majority of ES lore was written by Todd and co during a massive meth/coke binge in a tin shack in a bayou somewhere.

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>The Daedra already have CHIM-like powers but they seem to be hard-wired to serve their purpose and be personifications of different treats.

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A long-ass fucking time ago in a thread, someone mentioned how time acts real wonky in 'space' but I've never found anyone who could elaborate upon it. Did I fall for a ruse?

The Hero can't use the Totem in Daggerfall. The other candidates are the kingdoms of Daggerfall, Sentinel, or Wayrest.

it depends

If Bethesda gave a fuck about lore: Yes, the best possible explanation for Miraak's actions is an attempt to mantle god-head

If Bethesda just wanted their protagonist to do spooky fantasy-cthulu stuff: Then no, we're all just retards.

what does azura's pusy taste like?

cool, thanks bro.

>He thinks azura is female

The stars are holes in aetherius
The planets are domains
The moons are Lorkhan's bisected corpse

how romantic

not far off, but it is even more trippy.... it's just fucking Hinduism.

Why did the water in the vivec canal puzzle heal you? Are Vivec's bodily discharges magical?

I think in one of MK's roleplays on a forum which i definitely don't consider canon, he even has Azura mention 'CHIM'. Molag Bal also does it in the sermons IIRC.

Yeah, that's probably it. Am a bit rusty on that lore since i haven't played through Daggerfall, only read a bunch of texts.

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she has both
a hairy pusy and a monster dong

Some at Bethesda definitely do still care. Emil isn't one of them unfortunately, but for all we know one of the ones who do handled Dragonborn. Bethesda didn't include any credits with the DLC.

The devs should be the dreamer
Works better with the AMRANTH line
The processor should be the sleeping god.

CHIM is breaking the fourthwall and realizing you are stuck in todd howards video game

A ladyboy with god's blessing

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time doesn't exist in aetherius or even most planes of oblivion

it's a concept connected to nirn
the further from nirn you are the less time exists
(in practice this would be more like the further from nirn you are the slower time moves on nirn. 1 day on nirn is equal to 10 days on the moon, not a precise example but you get the gist of it.)

>If Bethesda gave a fuck about lore
Bethesda cares about lore, they just don't care about being tied down with "canon". Todd has flat out said at Bethesda they don't like their writers to be hamstrung by something some guy wrote offhand 10 years ago. I'll never understand why this so pisses people off. Each game is still internally consist, it's just across games that things change and that's not inherently a bad thing. Well, not unless you are a lorefag, I guess.

No that would be zero summing because when that happens you uninstall.

>If Bethesda just wanted their protagonist to do spooky fantasy-cthulu stuff: Then no, we're all just retards.
this is the correct option of the two, tragically.
But would not the idea of replacing the dreamer (which is Anu at the moment iirc) not simply be Amaranth?

So heavy time dilation? Neato.

So here is my other question for you anons.

Who is literally the most powerful guy in the physical realm of Mundus? Is he/she more powerful than the Aedra or Daedra themselves?

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CHIM would be "mods will fix it"
Zero summing would be realizing you're stuck in todd howards video game

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Hard to win an argument when the game is designed to be open to interpretation

Vivec, Tiber Septim (Before ascending), Mankar Camoran, Divayth Fyr, Miraak, Dagoth Ur, Dragonborn and Nerevarine all come to mind but i'm not really into dick-swinging contests.

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Is it a coincidence that there are 5 main line games and 5 names there?

No really, literally me
Player characters are OP

Try teslore on redd*t they love the comic book tier who da stronkest debates.

I'd suck her cock

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>Tiber Septim (Before ascending)
How would he become less powerful upon ascension? He didn't sacrifice CHIM, he just moved out of the physical realm into Godhood.

Amaranth could mean different things as it isn't really explained clearly. It's defined as "Knowing how mortals become makers and how makers become mortals." It could mean mantling god-head but it could also mean creating an alternate universe either as a copy of god-head or as a new god-head. So there's the potential to create a universe without destroying an old one. Theoretically anyway. Miraak wanted to do a hard reboot with himself at the helm.

What the fuck is this picture

Yikes. Rent free.

>most powerful guy in the physical realm
>he just moved out of the physical realm

It's not really. Open to extension is a more accurate way of putting it. That's the reason the mod tools exist.

Eat muatra bitch

Well, if we are to judge from what the Marukhati Selective did, Akatosh should consist of 8 pieces.

Akatosh - Imperial
Auriel - Elven
Alkosh - Khajiiti
Alduin - Nordic
Ruptga - Yokudan

And then 3 pieces that we don't know of.
The Dunmer worship Daedra so they don't really have a name for Akatosh as far as i'm aware. The Argonians don't have the concept of time and they don't worship the regular pantheon at all so they're out as well.

I'm not sure but i think it's just a coincidence.

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Vivec was a faggot.

Fuck off elf

Yes and no. Talos and vivec are the only two Chimpilled. There’s a theory that Talos became distant because once you realize how all those mortals are illusions you kinda get detached and want to know about the “dreamer” who dreamed up existence.

Daedra can be whatever they want but the dunmer trio of good daedra are clear parallels to Lorkhan's three wives.

How the fuck are tigers=dragons?

I need to fucking know now

How do you replace the dreamer when you are just a part of the dream? That would be like our own dreams trying to Freddy Krueger us and then become us in real life

What this user said.

He's the embodiment of duality, so i guess he was straight and a faggot at the same time.

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>Don't Player Characters have this?
CHIM is literally just Console Commands

Based Fyr, he's literally so old that he remembers when dunmer became dunmer

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>Divayth Fyr
Oh I see, I thought you were saying he is somehow giving up power to become an Aedra.

a legend died while fucking a small hill
but he came first
the hill got pregnant, growing into a mountain over the course of nine months before birthing a human destined to become emperor

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how do i grow qt daughter wives?

Yes that's called bisexual

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How many people are responsible for TES lore? Is it just one guy off his ass on drugs?

fair dos, cheers mate.

Hi its me john smith

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Which is a bit dumb considering they are as much as illusions as he is even after he achieved chim

>Is it just one guy off his ass on drugs?

At first it was

He isn't CHIM though iirc. Would he just get btfo'd by Tiber or Vivec?

That's the challenge of the Mantling, why no one has done it. It is contradictory, like Buddhists desiring to not desire.

akavir tiger people turn into dragons when they unlock super saiyan mode

>Yes and no. Talos and vivec are the only two Chimpilled

I would argue that Mankar Camoran might have achieved CHIM, he talks about it in his book at least. But i've read another theory how he used the razor to change his nymic, cutting the bond between himself and his mother and changing himself into a Dragonborn so that he could wear the Amulet of Kings as well as "breathe fire".

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that's cool as shit

Dozens of people. Most we don't know. Kirkbride is just the guy who gets the most credit because he's contributed a lot of weird shit, the fans love him and he's really fucking passionate about it. He's still writing and talking about TES lore even though he doesn't even work for Bethesda anymore.

Interesting. I feel like no matter how much tes lore I read I've only just scratched the surface. I'll definitely give the Marukhati Selective lore page a read.

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> Open to extension
Found the C0DAfag. No your head canon isn't hard canon no matter how much you like it.
Well until it makes it in game that is.


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When they aren't debating Vivecs pro nouns they take up the strongest debate.
Yea Forums is better for discussing lore./pol/ actually has top tier TES discussion as well.

>No your head canon isn't hard canon no matter how much you like it.
No, it isn't. But game canon isn't really canon either because they might just change it later. That's the point. Both Todd and Kirkbride has talked about how if you get hung up on TES canon then you don't really get the point of TES. It's literally a sandbox designed to be the starting point for fanfics.

A fuckton of people are. Many you've never heard of. Of the ones you HAVE heard of:
Ted Peterson created the world and gave it life through his stories, Michael Kirkbride and Kurt Kuhlmann made it unique in Redguard (specifically the pocket guide), and the former added a lot of the religious/metaphyiscal stuff come Morrowind. Ken Rolston handled the main quests of Morrowind and Oblivion. Emil handled the main quest of Skyrim and did the Arena and Dark Brotherhood storylines of Oblivion.
All of these people were instrumental to TES lore, yes even Emil whether you love him or hate him, but even if you added up all of their contributions together I doubt you'd account for more than half of all the lore to be found across the games. It's an old series with a lot of writers and designers over the years.

You can read more here


Akavir is awesome but i doubt we'll ever get a single ounce of content set in it

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Stereotypical European medieval settings are boring.

Is it still entirely impossible for people from Akavir to come and settle in tamriel?

Try telling that to C0DAfags.
They argue hard canon more than anyone when the stated goal is to be a free form exploration of TES lore.
It's freeform as long as you don't stray to far off the dogmatic path.

They are convinced they know what happened with the dwemer when the devs have repeatedly stated they will keep it a mystery because they like it that way.

Whoever can use console commands

they all want to conquer Tamriel but are too busy killing each other

if one side wins it'd mean they could potentially launch an invasion but it would also mean we will never see the losing sides in a game as it would require them to be extinct or near-extinct since all wars on Akavir tend to end with complete genocide

What happens in my game is canon to my game. Vivec is dead , Sheo is not the CoC , and Paarth is dead.

I too, love playing dated RPGs that have extensive storylines so I can suffer through hundreds of hours through their cancer inducing gameplay and controls. Because not only does it enforce my self-declared intellectual superiority, it also clicks with my severe autism and reaffirms me through the various (You)s I get from other anons.

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>Not Might & Magic lore

I doubt Bethesda would take any such risks even though it'd be rad slaying snake vampires and meeting a tiger dragon. Maybe we'll get lucky with the next one...

But it says there's quite literally only one
Why are you talking as if there are more

Damn, tiger dragons are much cooler than drakes

The story of the dark elf princess berenziah getting dicked down by a kajit with a spikey cock and how it went into detail how it hurt her pussy.

>Can become a dragon
>Tosh Raka


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I guess the reason why we dont see random Akavirian NPCs in Tamriel is Bez's laziness in creating new race models

I know, I read it. That's why I said "meeting a tiger dragon" instead of "meeting tiger dragons".

Maybe the new game could be about helping another tiger dude obtain his final form

Why was one of them able to do it?
Even dragonborn can only take on their aspect.
So why was a tiger able to will himself into being a dragon?
The idea is that there's something about the tigers that allows them to become tiger dragons so long as certain conditions are met.

I could see an ultra-nationalist warband doing a blitzkrieg through Tamriel, to acquire a power source that could give them effective dragon transformation as a means of conquest over other clans.

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Yall just want (you)s your basically asking for it

Does the orsimer or orcs have no interesting lore? They truly are a trash race in the TES universe they dont even have their own province and are literally shitted out

Sure but still doesnt excuse a group of explorers from every faction to appearn in each game much iirc

It's literally the same shit expect the aliens are technological instead of having a fantasy magical spin

Heres your you now fuck off

Pete please this isnt twitter

Their lore is just altmer lore up until their god got vored*


>He thinks Jyggalag is even real
>There are people who even now, in an completely seperate universe, were japed by the madgod.

What a play, what a caper!

Neither reddit

(You) fishing is a pathetic hobby
Go get a girlfriend you semi-sentient mound of dried semen

>That would be like our own dreams trying to Freddy Krueger us and then become us in real life
Who's to say it hasn't already happened, user?
Who's to say it won't happen again?

>A bunch of jackasses dismissed by the wise and reasonable Glarthir.
Wow next you'll be telling me its the mythic dawn who know what's up. If you want to join the real cult's table, see me at my neighbours house, 3am, her pantaloon drawer.

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Thanks now heres a (You)

Talos and Vivec fucked off because once you CHIM you realize physical existence and mortals are meaningless and get bored extremely fast. It’s better to continue dreaming and just be an old and powerful nigga

Tiber Septim transformed fully into an Orc with magic, once, in some dubiously canon OOG lore.

>were the hist involved

Hist are intimately involved in everything Argonians do.

From in game sources
Morrowind sermons CHIM is a secret syllable that means royalty
Skyrim Tiber used CHIM to change the jungle into temperate forest.
ESO The White Gold Tower is a metaphysic tool to make the occupant comfy.

So from in game sources we can deduce CHIM is the password to the WGT.

Meanwhile on Redd*t
CHIM is some sort of zen knockoff

Why do the fanfics not even bother to try to pay lip service to in game lore?

I mean, I guess I see why someone like Miraak would want to mantle the god head - he wants to bring meaning to his "existence," and existence to his life
Assuming he managed to become the dreamer, youd think he would become aware that he himself could be toppled and wake up (but if you become the god head, then I'd assume waking up would no longer result in a zero-sum)

If you're the dreamer and you wake up, what colour is your duvet cover?

Are the Hist CHIM?
They survived the previous "waking up" - they're older than nirn

whatever color your successor wants it to be

TES lore is great, but the games itself hide all the lore in books. The actual games are just generic fetch quests; even Morrowind displays but a fraction of the entire TES lore.

Contrast with Fallout, where what you see is what you get.

What happens when I uninstall the game/s?

What would happen if there were no remaining installed copies of the game/s?

What happens when the last person forgets about TES?

I love the part where Tiber Septim traveled through time and space in his man-made god-like mecha that warped reality in his close proximity where ever it appeared.

Yeah, Fallout 76 is so lore-heavy. I love it

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Yeah, that bit was sweet

The answer to all of these is "Todd comes for you".

What if TES is actually just Todd's own method of mantling our God.

Has Todd achieved Chim?

Todd is what you become when you CHIM

That's the kinda thinkin' that gets you zero-summed

>Do you think the mainstream appeal of skyrim will make them tone down the crazier bits of lore in TES VI?
Bethesda can't even remember their own lore, I 100% guarantee they just ignore all this shit in the next game.

The Thalmor finally win.

Even if every person alive forgets, it is still remembered. The existence of TES and the contents of all our playthroughs - along with everything we thought and felt during them - are permanently encoded in the future state of the universe.

Does the godhead make conscious decisions? He's just dreaming, right? Does he exert control over how the wheel spins, or is it his subconscious?

Look at the far left cover of Arena. That is actually a char in game. That characters files are corrupted but still exists in the code.
That char achieved CHIM.
That char IS Todd Howard.
Ever notice how he didn't age until someone pointed it out before Fallout 76? He didn't realize he was supposed to.
People don't understand how far down the rabbit hole this goes.

>TES VI legitimately might be Todd's last game

Attached: todd.gif (540x540, 272K)

Isn't it the opposite?

Yes then Emil takes over.

no way to know
consciousness/unconsciousness may not even be things at that level of existence

If it's his last game, that's only because it's the final step of his transformation.

No, you see Emil will “take over” for Todd until he wakes up and looks into the mirror and he sees Todd staring back at him. There is only Todd

There is no god, there is none of these things you are all talking about. All of it is lies and nonsense. No sleeping, no dreaming, no wheels and towers.

The ruins are just that, ruins.
The myths are just that, myths.
The mysterious far away lands aren't there, they don't exist. And whenever someone tries going there to prove it it's all "Oh well you can't get there by BOAT, obviously!"

All nonsense, all made up, fools.

What are the thalmors endgame?


>The mysterious far away lands aren't there, they don't exist. And whenever someone tries going there to prove it it's all "Oh well you can't get there by BOAT, obviously!"

What about the disaster at Ionith? Is that just made up?

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Unmake reality and return to their original state as god-like beings.
In their ideology, they are the only race that "Exist" in the real sense as they were originally these divine beings. All Men were created within the dream (except the Redguard, who came as refugees from the last Kalpa) and all other races of Mer have become corrupted by Nirn/Lorkhan and have lost their divine souls. So in their minds, if they make the dream collapse, all other races will simply stop existing and the Altmeri will return to being eternal souls.
Why don't you go fucking science yourself out of existence like the Dwemer you fedora tipping nerd.

>(except the Redguard, who came as refugees from the last Kalpa)

Wait.. so..

so you sayin...

wait wait wait
so you sayin.. you saying we wuz

so you sayin we wuz sum kinda..

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The deeper you dive into the crazy lore the dumber it gets.
Just don't.

You wuz some kinda niggers on a dying world who came crying to Nirn.
Then you decided that land that someone else's land and things belonged to you and stole it like the niggers you were and became pirates to continue stealing shit that doesn't belong to you.

Fucking niggers.

I'd assume that if he were conscious, or became conscious, everything would zero sum.
Then he'd rub his eyes and get up for the day, muse about his weird dream, and go to work. An entire universe - gone

Post some crazy lore pls

Have you ever been so good at swords that you can make a nuclear explosion just by swinging it but you don't even know what a nuclear is?

t. Dwemer

>(except the Redguard, who came as refugees from the last Kalpa)

Not true.
They came frost the last Kalpa but not as refugees. They came as warriors and easily cut out a piece of Tamriel for themselves.

From UESP:

The Ra Gada (sometimes spelled Ra' Gada[1] or Ra'Gada[2]) was the name given to the Yokudan "Warrior Wave" that left the doomed continent of Yokuda and sailed towards Tamriel.

The name redguard literally came from mispronounciation of their warrior name.

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What neutered them? I mean, couldn't they have easily just taken everything? If not immediately then surely all these years later, why did they settle down with what they have?

>The mass colonization occurred in four successive waves during the eighth and ninth centuries of the First Era, and spanned approximately twenty eight years. The native Orcs, Nedes and Bretons fell to them quickly, as did the various creatures and beasts farther inland. Eventually, they claimed the entire province after only a few major battles and established a new home for the Yokudan people called Hammerfell.

Probably didn't have enough time to breed more warriors in 28 years. The fuck if i know. Maybe they were content with what they got.

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Like the vast majority of races in TES they fell into decline and most of their most powerful techniques and abilities were lost to time.

The only races this doesn't apply to in the setting are the ones who were always shit like Orcs and Argonians.

>be dwemer
>tip your fedoras all day, every day
>tip your fedoras at the gods, they aren't really what they seem
>build numidium
>become gods
>still tipping fedoras
>how can we be real if gods aren't real?
>alt+f4 on existence.exe
Psssh....Nothin' Personnel....Kid....

I want a game that focuses on High Rock, I want to see their official interpretations of european myth interwoven with elder scrolls lore and world building.
Also Bretons are my faves :3

So are Akavir species more powerful on a baseline level than Tamriel species?

>he doesn't know

That's ominous, what don't I know?
They're okay, yeah? They're doing good back there in High Rock?

Elder Scrolls is the definition of 10/10 lore with 2/10 representation. You 'hear' about all this fantastical shit that you will never interact with. Then when you do its a bunch of mud huts or draugr because bethesda wants to make the game as casual friendly as possible.

He's probably going to mention that Breton are the products of Elves raping Nedic women for centuries.

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why is every fantasy setting always a civilization in decline/zenith?
just for once cant we see one of these places at the peak of their golden age and walk among the greatest heroes?

damn i meant to say nadir not zenith, fucking brainlet

Daggerfall takes place in high rock

It's extremely difficult to write civilizations at their peak because when the power levels are high enough (See; Nuclear fucking sword dancing) what interesting challenge can be written about?

The redguards chose to settle in the Alik'r because anything that can be obtained without effort is not worth having. Ergo, civilization is a meme unless you earn every day you live and
everyone else is weak for wanting things like fertile soil and readily-available sources of water.
We wuz indeed.

makes as much sense as

its fine that 90% of the game doesnt deal with it, after all 99% of the population has no clue about any of this and it doesnt effect their lives at all (at least, not in a way they can percieve)
but i agree, they should have some balls and put it in somewhere besides hidden in 1 book in a corner of a dungeon, like when you talk with hermaeus mora for example, would have been a great opportunity for it, instead he just drones on and on about "le yur soul is mine dragonburn XDDD"


It's also really hard to make a game around.
Can you imagine trying to render all that shit on screen if every TES race had all of their crazy OP super powers that they had at their peaks?
Every Redguard becomes a sword dancing nuke machine, every Nord becomes a reality warping user of the voice, the magical power of the Elf races goes to fucking DBZ levels of bullshit. It would just be a constant cluster-fuck of overpowered nonsense.

it gives you the opportunity to write very powerful enemies
when everybody is shit, the villians have to be shit too because otherwise theyd just steamroll everyone
decline or lowest point, ok?

Dude like... crazy magicky metaphysics lmao!
Woah this is hella based and epic and WEIRD!.
Okay this is deep...
Jamie pull up that video of Vivec using console commands to get Azura to suck his dick.

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I think it's some kind of dual/triple-consciousness, both Vivec and Talos are made up of constituent individuals

The best part of rebooting the series and starting over... no Redguards or Bretons in the first game.

In elf pusy

Personally I believe that "Zero-summing" is a step above Chim. Chim isn't all it is cracked up to be, it's just the last position you can be in without taking your piece off the board.

It is fine as background/flavor but to make a game based on the weird stuff just no.

Akaviri are all shapeshifters
>tigers become dragons
>men become snakes

So if Dagoth Ur was killed in his dream state, would that not mean that he is awake in the Dreamsleeve and could simply return by dreaming again?

How close to canon is Vigilant? There's a lot of content about what the Marukhati selective and maruhk himself did, the Alessian empire, and the reforms to religion and knowledge.

Also there're some very interesting applications of mantling in some of the endings where you are unravelling a Daedric Prince by undoing everything he's ever done through history, and he realizes it and freaks the fuck out.

What do you take zero-summing to really be? Nirvana? A return to being one with the universe?

They already tried a blitzkrieg and got wasted once they reached the Cyrodillic Jeralls.

They've invaded like twice or thrice, and everytime they get beaten to subservience.

If Akavirans are shapeshifting stronk fucks, how does Tamriel keep beating them away?

Mge XE

I love those threads because they make me grasp the lore, but i never understand the lore.
Whenever i have one of those "i get it" moments, something next level turns up.

Why are Telvanni's so based?

mudcrabs are fiercer than them

Khajiit penis index complete with level of barbedness. It's somewhere and I'm pretty sure it's real.

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The only Lore you need.

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>Elves just killed all the sinister abominations.
No lefties left, what an enlightened people.

No men they were drank by the snake vampires

>Todd will die in your lifetime

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My favorite is when Vivec and the underking btfo of the Kamal.

Not if i die first

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If I’m not mistaken they have a hardon for Dragonborns and worship them

based high IQ poster

Pretty certain this is very misleading

But the Snake boys completely cut through Skyrim and the Snow demons sacked Windhelm. Both separate invasions were stopped one province over.

How is Yokuda a Kalpa, not a simple continent?

>Todd leaves
>Suddenly the Gamebryo engine, after 20 years of being held in "It's still usable/we'll just rename it!/What's gamebryo? This is the CREATION ENGINE!" stasis over all TES games suddenly comes crashing down, devastating all clipped bookcases, tram-heads and "diagonally walking" elves.
>Nervous panic from Bethesda studios as they realise their era has ended and a new one started.
>Panic and attempt to turn the Vulkan engine into gamebryo 2.0
>The entire of Maryland just vanishes off the face of the earth.

cap this, it'll happen. The shirtless man puffing on my crack pipe told me.

I thought it was recently established that the men are the snake people who can shift into various snake forms. I still don't know if ESO is canon

This is wrong in so many areas that it's laughable.
For one thing, it's an established fact that the Falmer were descended from the Snow Elves, who became the Falmer after the Dwemer force-fed them some fucked up shrooms for decades.

Yep, pic related is better but probably not 100% correct either since it makes some assumptions.

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Lets be honest, if they don't dragonbreak ESO when they eventually shut down the servers and just take every bit of ESO lore they like as canon to the break I'll be fucking stunned.

Why did you let Kirkbride into your house?

Falmer literally means snow elf.

Man, Watch the Sky was such a good creepy pasta. Until weird spider-demon got involved then the story took a steep downcurve in quality.

Theory is that Tamriel is the present, Yokuda was/is a previous Kalpa and Akavir is a future Kalpa. I'm not sure it should be taken that literally though.

The idea that west=past east=future comes from MK.
The idea that Akavir is the next Amaranth comes from MK.
The idea that Yokuda was the previous Kalpa comes from ESO.

So as i said, take it with a grain of salt.

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Well when a man knocks on your door and tells you straight out he's found a way to make crack from the moon but we'd need to drink beer made from fermented cat while climbing an oak tree a man has to listen. Plus I think the fumes had reached me by this point.

i devote so much of my spare time to the lore and characters of TES that it prevents me from writing anything halfway decent of my own. characters like Sotha Sil are so inspiring to me that it's hard to step away from their character motives and such and contaminates anything i attempt as near-plagiarism. at least that's what it looks like to me whenever i read it over myself. i hate this feeling so much

It's a cruel failing of a lot of the good ones, there's some insatiable need to break credibility towards the end of a story. It's not supernatural unless something supernatural happens: Actually its way fucking more supernatural if an entirely plausible and mundane concept can be spooky.

ESO is explicitly canon as stated by all their official twitters. more canon than Oblivion and Skyrim combined. but because it has so much effort poured into it, I can see them pulling a Fallout 4 and not making a single reference to it in VI.

>Theory is that Tamriel is the present, Yokuda was/is a previous Kalpa and Akavir is a future Kalpa
Not him but I thought Yokuda (or West of Tamriel, I suppose) was literally the past while Akavir was literally the future, if that makes any sense at all. First I've heard of the Kalpa addendum.

Mudcarbs run world economy?
What the fuck?

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Sounds like you need some amphetamine in your life.

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that's from his music video

Talos, Vivec, and Hoonding in that order if I recall. MK did a tier list a while ago

did the men of tamriel also descend from the ehlnofey?

its just the elf part, i cant find the one on men

Yes, but there are two distinct lineages of ehlnofey

>First I've heard of the Kalpa addendum.
Yeah, it's sort of weird because "The past" and "The previous Kalpa" is sometimes used interchangably. I'm not sure what to believe my self but it's part of the charm with TES. When you have a source saying one thing and then an unreliable narrator saying something else.

To add to this, i've also read that Atmora might not be "frozen" as in a huge continent filled with ice but that it's actually frozen in time and that's why the nedic people fled to Tamriel.

Just like past/future thing, an interesting idea for sure but i wouldn't bet my money on it.

Attached: Talos_farewells_the_king_of_atmora.jpg (624x799, 62K)

It is such a clusterfuck at this point they will pull a Fallout Tactics and say the high level event is canon and nothing else.

oh cool, so they were a different family line or something?

Yeah, there were two types of Ehlnofey. The wandering Ehlnofey and the old Ehlnofey. The Old became the elves and the wandering became the men.


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Why the fuck does Skyrim have some pretty well done quests with interesting characters and locations as side quests and gives you a main story that's just meh?

>tfw most people don't even know that Todd used to be very active in the writing front before being shoehorned as the company mascot and that he, Kuhlmann and Kirkbride are all responsible for the cosmology of the setting, not just Kirkbride

Attached: Todd.jpg (350x350, 17K)

There's a ton of ice floating south from it
If other continents, east and west, represent future and past, then it's neat to consider that atmora, being that it is north of it all, is "above" or outside time

Cats are descendants of khajit?
how did that happen?

>"The past" and "The previous Kalpa" is sometimes used interchangably
Are there other major iterations of this I should be aware of? Literally new information, please disperse the dark clouds in my sky.

>Why, yes, I am a god, of course. What gave it away ?

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Cheers for clarification. What I'd like to see is some real political stuff in a TES game about this. Rather than the basic stuff we got in Skyrim about Evil Thalmor vs Men. Maybe a faction that wants to reunite the bloodlines, like some Breton supremacists or something. And ones that want to do archeological digs to disprove Elven propaganda about men being descended from insects or some such.

Felines did not originally exist as natural animals on Tamriel.
The elves became the first felines, Kajhit. Then some Kajhit degenerated into actual cats.

Did you know that Menhures Dagon is an artificial Daedric Prince built by crab people in an alternate dimension to reconquer their lost kingdom? He's the prince of the spurned, revolution, and bloody scourge because he's made out of the Hope of Oblivion.

the major things that ESO adds (the warring factions for the throne, coldharbour invasion, daedric fingers trying to grab what they can, etc) are already a part of lore and can be found in books like the Remanada, 2920 and anything else that mentions the Interregnum. the stuff that REALLY determines if Bethesda takes note of ESO's superior writing is stuff like how much more fleshed out regions we haven't seen much of in previous games are now, as well how obscure pantheons have been expanded on. that and more metaphysical concepts being addressed on such as Tower lore and aspects of the Nu-Mantia Intercept being canonized.

it's really just going to come down to how lazy Bethesda is and if they're going to make the writing a complete afterthought like they did in Skyrim. it's so light. it honestly feels like a cereal box game at some points.

Attached: ON-place-Statue_of_Syrabane.jpg (1800x1350, 629K)

The elonfhey stuff is SO far in the past that almost nobody in the setting remembers it. Even those that do don't remember it properly.

But how can cat people degenerate that hard?
Even the smol Khajit are just strictly better cats

Those proto Kahjiits also hunted to extinction the race of Bird-like elves that originally inhabited Cyrodiil, before the Ayleids built their kingdom.
There was another race of fox-like elves that inhabited the lands where the Hist fell from space and the Argonians also extinguished them.

Drugs. Lots of drugs.

more of this is addressed in ESO, as well as his huge presence in Valenwood. the concept of Mantling is also namedropped with the Wilderking, a god that is continuously rotated through as time goes by. really adds a lot to how Mankar would know of these concepts growing up in the area, and how it would inspire his plans in Oblivion.

I thought the house cat forms of the Khajiit are still perfectly capable of speech and are in fact very accomplished mages when they choose to pursue the magical arts. Or are Alfiq khajiit separate from actual housecats?

Attached: Alfiq merchant.jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

>Are there other major iterations of this I should be aware of?

Not that i know off. All i've read about the previous kalpa has been regarding the Leaper Demon King who was king of the Dreughs before being cursed to become Mehrunes Dagon in the current Kalpa.

What i'm saying is "The past" and the "previous Kalpa" is used very interchangably by the community, i can't really back it up with any in game books unfortunately.

Attached: mehrunes-dagon-statue.jpg (1920x1386, 537K)

what the fuck is that?

They're connected in that some alfiq downgraded into being literal cats with normal cat intelligence.

Separate. The sentient Khajit aren't the same as the cats but rather the wild cats are degenerate forms of each of those Khajit races that have lost their intelligence similar to the difference between Snow Elves and modern Falmer.

>Jeremy Soule is a rapist
Truly the DEEPEST lore

My gripe with ESO when I tried it ages ago during the beta was how bland and generic everything looked and felt. Even mundane shit like Colovia and Whiterun had touches of strangeness or things out of the ordinary when you looked around, yet this felt like the most generic fantasy.
The moment the game killed my hopes was when I translated the Daedric runes all over the end of the tutorial and it's just spouting nonsense, such a disregard for details. Then I saw the screencaps about "fancyful portrayals" and how the outlandish and exotic provinces we've never seen but are described as weird fantasy things (like the moving cities of the Bosmer, the cities of light of Summerset Isles, the ruins of Yokuda sticking out of the water and so on) being retrofitted as generic medieval towns. And then the game has the audacity to throw you a book penned by a fourth era author telling you that the retcons are the truth and everything else was translation errors.

It's been ages though, has this been the staple of the game's expansions or has it improved?

A kalpa refers to a cycle of existence/reality. As the great dream of goes from one cycle to the next the world is unmade and then remade.
In the case of the Redguard's previous Kalpa, their continent sunk and dissappeared and they escaped to the new Kalpa (Tamriel).

Kalpa means a sword in FInnish

But the meta physics are boring. Like CSPAN boring.
Take a lesson from Tolkien and by all means have an in depth cosmology but don't let it over power the story.
I want the Hobbit/ LotR you want the Silmarillion.

so they travelled an entire cycle into the "future"?

How does he use the quill?

The theory is based on (among other things) this letter found in one of the dungeons.

You know how for example you're dreaming and you're sitting in a bar having a good time in your dream right?

Suddenly your dream shifts and you're at a mall shopping.

A Kalpa is that shift of a new "Dream" the sleeping God is having, basically a reset.

One note however is certain things can follow the next dream like the Just/Argonians and the Redguard Walkabout.

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What all did the new ESO expansion add to the lore? Granted I haven't played since shortly after the recent-ish elf expansion went live so I'm out of the loop.

Telepathically. Alfiq are very skilled in magic

Attached: khajiit.jpg (746x1280, 1.11M)

Magic. Tiny khajiit niggas are altmer tier wizards.


i would have to say you are in the minority in that regard. even turbonormies love the Nu-Mantia Intercept and Tower lore, as they'd have no way to equate the Thalmor as the big bad without it. i'm sure there are probably Game Theory videos on the matter to popularize it even more. you are entitled to your opinion though

No worries, I understand what you mean. Just a communal idiosyncrasy. Thanks user. I did learn something today.

Well, sort of. They didn't travel "into the future", they just escaped to the next cycle just as the previous one was ending.

How exactly they accomplished this feat is not made clear in the lore, though it's stated to involve the use of their ancient art/power of Sword Singing, which allows one to use a sword to basically slice through reality itself and is something that they can no longer do (much like the Nords and the voice/shouts, it's considered a lost art).

I thought it was super cool how they explain why every single quest leads you to a cave full of draugr. Neat bit of lore there. Turns out the god "todd" is a lazy cunt.

So those guys basically escaped the dream? Big God lost control over his dream?

not possible to condense that stuff, youre better off asking specific questions

The adamantine tower is Anu's penis

Sotha Sil's Clockwork City is controlled by an AI made out of his dead sister's soul.

Elements maintain from one scene to the next.

this goes with the entire Reality is a Song lore i read a few threads ago

Are you familiar with the Big Bang theory? Imagine everything occurring after the Big Bang as the current Kalpa, and anything before the Big Bang (perhaps a Big Bang -> ??? -> Big Crunch/Rip/etc. universe ending event) as a previous Kalpa.

The only thing more mysterious than TES lore is the lorefags themselves

Why isn't Kinmune in the dungeon? Or any trace of her if she'd already left by then? Or, wait, fuck, am I extremely retarded?

Wait, fuck wait. Was the Eye actually Kinmune?

No, but it is unironically Akatosh's space ship.

Attached: Akatosh_Kynareth_Zenithar.jpg (1920x1080, 725K)

and i'm gonna lick it

The two are not mutually exclusive. Akatosh is a wee sperm in Anu's "godhead", if you know what I mean, huh huh...

>even turbonormies love the Nu-Mantia Intercept and Tower lore

Nigga your average elder scrolls player doesn't even know what these things are.

The other user is right, the metaphysics stuff is pretty much drivel for the most part.

I did Clockwork City but don't remember that part. The ending discussion with Sotha Sil was neat.

>Escaping the dream
Oh no, that's Amaranth, ENTIRELY DIFFERENT and lengthy subject.

Say you wore a red t-shirt at that bar I mentioned and in the dream at the mall, you have that same shirt.

Kalpas have leftovers of that dream.
Some figures are aware of kalpas and try and survive the reset

So when the Altmer manage to topple the last tower does that mean it'll be the end of the current Kalpa, the series gets a soft reboot and we start in the new Kalpa?

I have played hundreds of hours of Morrowin, Oblivion and Skyrim and I don't even know what the Elder Scrolls themselves are

Yokuda was part of the Current Kalpa, same as Atmora and Pyandonea. The Hist and the Argonians are the only things from a different reality since they literally crashlanded a piece of their world into the current one when Nir put together the current Kalpa out of the broken pieces of Anu and Padomay's fight.

Based Speedreader

>he doesn't know

>> I wonder if anyone knows of the dark god Ernesto of the Bethesda forum of old yore.
Now that’s some deep lore.

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Actually most of the most broken and overpowered things in TES lore are related to sound.
The Dwemer used 'tonal architecture', which manipulated sound to influence reality and was how the Tribunal achieved their pseudo-godhood.
The Nords use the voice, which is shouting/speaking, using sound to alter reality
The Redguards use 'sword singing' though this is the most unclear of the three as no accurate descriptions were given as to how it works

Sound in general seems to be key to unraveling and manipulating the reality of the TES universe.

The metaphysics are the only thing that salvages the story. Morrowind was a bit light on the details but any good side narrative is a result of psilocybin and hinduism.

>Different Kalpas
Are these spawning from the same dreamer?

Of course sound is important, it's how you wake someone up.

"HEY, DICKHEAD, WAKE UP" comes before the poke.

You are painting a rosy picture of your side of the case.
Most TES fans don't have a dog in this fight. If threads on Yea Forums are any indication the split is fairly even between those that do.

dont forget Akaviri K'iai. and yes, manipulating the song was how the Numidium came to be, after they'd discovered the "divine tones" of the gods and intended to force their own into the song.

I do not
Please inform me

Attached: i_happen_to_be_a_retard_on_this_topic.jpg (680x660, 61K)

i got as far as bug jar inscriptions

The Para-trishika vivarana goes into that, some other texts as well.

oh god what if it really were /this simple/


I can't wait to play settlement construction in Skyrim 2 High Rock Boogaloo.

>Jagar Tharn is Tscaei
Made me lol.
Also, the God text box should show him talking about Solstheim.

If the next TES game has Fallout 4 building mechanics I'm gonna punch Todd

>Toddhead that low
Fake chart.

Do you really think it is that difficult to portray elves as the bad guys in TES?
They have been the big bad in every game since Arena.

Lorkhans heart is the heart of the world and its beating can be heard in the Morrowind main theme, and then throughout all the Elder Scrolls themes really. By manipulating the beat of the heart of the world, the Tribunal became gods.

There's probably more examples of Tonal architecture if you looks closely enough.

Attached: heartoflorkhan.jpg (736x981, 190K)

In Morrowind the richest vendor is a mudcrab. It's a secret easter egg, but he's got an absurd amount of cash.

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Why do people post that pic? A single house was able to reconquer everything.

I desire Peryite lore.

If Peryite is so low in the power rankings of princes, why does his role overlap with all of theirs? His influence is even over them in maintaining the "order".
If Peryite is so weak then how come not even the most powerful of oblivion-fuckers can get into his pits without an invitation?
Why does he manifest as as a straight-up Wyrm, if he were trying to project power through his appearance then surely a dragon would imply more.
His diseases are a very real, very visible aspect of his power in the mortal world, he's messed with more lives than anyone else through illness.

I am genuinely hungry for this dude's info.

Maybe it is because a loud noise is very effective in waking up someone who is asleep?

Hist lickers get bored kicking the rubble around and go home.
Dungmer count this as a great military victory.
I know it has been 4000 years since the dungmer won a fight but show some pride.

Even house dagoth had those bells that always rang in your dreams and caused ash zombies to spawn when you slept.

The "order" that he is in charge of is the ordering of the realms. He's like the janitor of oblivion and keeps the realms in check and probably settles any disputes between the other princes if their realms happen to intersect.

He is weak when compared to the other princes, but being the weakest of literal gods does not make him weak from the mortal perspective, which is very much demonstrated by his lordship over plague and pestilence, as you yourself mentioned.

No one mentioned Fallout 76, but since you did, I'll take the bait: the point isn't that Fallout is lore heavy. The point is that Fallout's lore is visible, and TES', for the most part, isn't.
>yeah well this moon is ackstually the remains of some God
Yeah, sorry, all I see is a moon copy-pasted out of a Mars screenshot.

Damn, that's so obvious and i love it

I get that, but how is his realm so secure? The only ones that have been there without permission are other Princes, nobody else has managed to enter the pits and that's surprising to me as all the other princes' realms can, if you want to, be forced into. And then the story with the sword, you know the one, kind of implies that a realm's security is down to the power of the prince so it just makes me wonder is all.

>enslaved for 4000 years
>entire army BTFO by a single house that was raped by a volcano eruption

>how is his realm so secure?
He's the janitor so he holds all the keys

>Yokudan's descended from wandering Ehlnofey

Wrong. They're trans-kaplaic and fucked their previous kapla so hard they jumped to the next one. Yokuda is no more a physical plance on the face of Nirn than Aldmeris.

>King and the Rebel
They also to both be the only direct representations of Anu and Padomay in the Daedric pantheon
He exists he was just doomed to never exist.

>Implying all daedras arent padomaic in their nature

My god, it's so simple.
You're probably right.

I still want to know more about him though, he's my favourite.

It could be that The Pits are not a realm at all (in the way that the other princes realms are), but exist in a pocket of Oblivion between the realms. Or that they only exist in Oblivion when Peryite so wishes, like a metaphysical mobile home. Due to this nature, there would be no fixed point in oblivion to tether a portal in mundus to, and the only way to get there would be by Peryite's admission when they are "up".

Do you really think anyone but the dungmer have anything to cope with regarding their recent history?
They are either refugees living on handouts from their betters or cock sleeves for their Hist licker overlords now.

A vast majority of it can be summarized as "Dragonbreak LMAO" that the Marukhati carried into Coldharbour when Molags version of Azura's Star on drugs absorbed their souls.

I think Molag was pretty much in constant PANIC mode after ol Jygg decided to come back and choke a bitch. I really like how the mod characterized Molag Bal without making him even remotely dindu.

>Turd Helmets
>Thalmor UFOs
>Moon Cum Vaults
Can I get a quick rundown on any of these?

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I think there's more going on with Peryite myself, there's a strange duality at work there.

Weakest of the lot, but the one that the other princes turn to when one of them is getting out of line.
In charge of "Order" and appears as a dragon but also in charge of "Disease" and appears as a rat/rats
The prince who is the least known of yet the one who has had the most direct influence on the most mortals.
Also, hear me out on this, but the name Peryite is close to Pyrite, which we all know can be called "Fools Gold", because it is not what it first appears to be...

Choose your fighter

Attached: Daedric Princes.jpg (997x3507, 425K)

Same goes for Atmora, that froze over because of the encroaching darkness of the end of their world. I remember there's a book that name drops a daedric prince engineering the darkness to spread in the first place and some hero fighting against it.

Only know of TalOS. MK wrote it like that once and people were wondering if he meant OS as in operating system. If TES universe is built on towers and wheels (1's and 0's) then couldn't TalOS be the OS that keeps the Hardware Mundus running smoothly.

The more probable reason MK wrote TalOS is that the OS stands for oversoul. Since he's the oversoul of Zurin, Hjalti and Ysmir.

Attached: TALOS.png (800x600, 70K)

Mommy Meridia.
I got to touch beacons.

>tfw nord
>ate empire
>ate banana elves
>ate just about everyone
>tfw no dunmer wife to make any dunmer babies with
My cousin is out there fighting dragons and what do I get? Suffering.

perfidious breton.

Attached: tiber_septim_is_a_douchebag_by_ysmirstormcrown_d6dzqys.png (966x1204, 248K)

>could've been born as a Cathay-Raht giga chad and wandered Tamriel, having all these sloots moaning on my 12" barbed cock
>instead born as Tojay khajiit-let, even Bosmer women look down on and bully me, perpetual SS tier

>no argument
cope more scaliecuck

wtf is Thalmor ufos?

Is ESO fun
Might get the standard edition, how's it when starting out?

I swear every dunmer girl in ESO is an absolute cutie.

Scalies and Nords won this round.
We good.

It is having a free weekend soon.
Save your money. It won't take long.


Sheo and Jyg are unique as is their relationship. Those two are the definitive sub-divisions of Anu and Padomay within the pantheon.

I thought it was forbidden instead of forgotten considering how fucking dangerous it was even at the hands of experts with being able to accidentally destroy everything

>one dunmer slept around
>means every one of them does it
Make no sense. Are nord women now all sluts because Haelga slept around?
Some dunmer qts in skyrim were wife material.

Could democracy work in TES?

not sound specifically
The Voice is based on the power of speech, not sound, even a quiet "shout" from the greybeards could kill a man, many cultures IRL through history reference the power of speech, like how in the Old Testament God "spoke" the world into existence, or the song of creation from Tolkien's Silmarilion
The other two reference music specifically, and I think sword "singing" is just a euphamism, there's no actual music involved

Peryite's playing the long con. As the other user rightly states, Peryite is the universe's janitor. He does the dirty jobs that no one else is willing to do. If not prestigious, his importance cannot be understated. One way or another, cosmic matters trickle down to him. Which is to say, Peryite has a firmer understanding of how the world works than most. Enough of an understanding to know about the concept of Mantling.
The universe is flying blind. It has no idea who important figures are, it just has an idea of what they're like. It's how Tiber Septim became Talos by impersonating Lorkhan, and how the Champion of Cyrodiil breaks the curse of Sheogorath/Jyggalag by becoming Sheogorath so Jyggalag didn't have to.
Peryite, mild-mannered daedric janitor, wants to cosplay as Akatosh so that he can usurp Akatosh's position when the next kalpa comes around (though Akatosh/Alduin ruined or at least postponed Peryite's plan through the events of Skyrim).

>If TES universe is built on towers and wheels (1's and 0's)
Motherfucker I never thought of that.
This goddamn thing is never ending.

Could communism work in TES?
I think I do death to all the kings

>tfw a nibba takes his sword singing to the next level, breaking and sinking the entire fucking continent in the process

God damnit, Tyrone

Attached: Breaking of Yokuda.jpg (1280x964, 672K)

>Peryite has a firmer understanding of how the world works than most
Why is that though?It's not like the rest are idiots or they do not care about information or one upping each other in general
Hell, information is the deal of another prince as well

Molag Ballin

Probably in its current state, but not at all before Skyrim.
The Septims weren't just Emperor by divine mandate, it was imperative that they were in charge or else the world would literally end, see oblivion.

only small scale

>communism can only work in a dream-like existence where there are no consistent laws of reality

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Someone post the dwemer magiks with chicken and the watermelon

Both the man and mer darkies end up destroying their homelands by messing with things beyond their understanding.

What did Todd mean by this?

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Attached: grafit-studio-sheogorath-logos[1].jpg (1920x1920, 685K)

> Could communism work in a fantasy setting?
It is the only place it would work.

Didnt some piece of lore say that Peryite is going to replace Akatosh in the next Kalpa?

>not posting the whole album

Why would I post the whole album when ZOOMIN gets my point across?

>missed a comfy TES lore thread

Great question. Peryite is knowledgeable just by virtue of experience. His business is to get involved in everyone's business. Think of it like this, Hermaeus Mora is the daedric prince of knowledge, right? But his pursuit of knowledge is aimless and often focused on the big picture--there are things that fall through the cracks such as the knowledge of the Skald elders.
Peryite is also looking for the big picture, but his picture is made from millions of smaller pictures accrued throughout his career. Every time Peryite needs to do population control on Nirn, every time he has to settle a dispute between fellow princes, every time he ensures a conjurer isn't swept up in dremora clan feuds whenever they summon a daedra, Peryite is learning more and more about how the world works.
Big daddy Mora digs through the sand with a shovel. Peryite picks through it with a pair of tweezers. Things that are lost in the shuffle are more easily seen by Peryite and he is constantly looking for ways to use that to his advantage. Creating new diseases, getting fellow daedra caught up in bureaucracy, and yes, learning how to make sure he's the first "dragon" in line when the universe comes looking for Akatosh.

>I bet you can't split an atom, my dude
>Oh yeah? Watch this...

You just know

For me it's Aranea, Jenassa, Serana and Valerica. All at once.

But how much of that kind of work does a prince do themselves?I thought such stuff was mostly handled by their champions and regular followers and shit and if that was the case that wouldnt make much sense for him to know more than everyone else

Now you're starting to understand why Peryite is considered so "weak." He doesn't care about followers all that much (because he's playing the long con), and he does most of his own work. Understandably, this means he's very overextended, he can't focus his power the way other Princes who have legions of minions and hosts of mortal followers to delegate.
Ironic, the Taskmaster is good for organizing others, but is far too focused on his work of organizing others to get organized himself.

Quick someone post that story about the ape men dancing on top of a tower so hard they changed reality.