Reimu is nice

I like Reimu

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I like Shinmyoumaru, she's small

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I like the strongest fairy!

She's small and the art is cute!

Post sideboob

I like Reimu's pits

I like to see Reimu naked

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I want Reimu to shrink me and put me under her arm

Did anyone see that new touhou game on steam that's like that mario rpg game? Is it any good?

She has some delicious armpits

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Fortune teller did nothing wrong

Fortuneteller did everything wrong

that reimu sucks. purple reimu is better

Shut up idiot

PC-98 Pure and Proper Shrine Maiden > Windows shameless Miko

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I said shut up idiot.

Race traitor.

The fortune teller literally rejected his humanity

Classic Reimu has a charn i can't find in any other vidya character.

Where’s her armpits?

Back of the knee maybe

I think Reimu deserves to be burned alive for being complicit in mass murder.

Reimu did nothing wrong.

>complicit in mass murder.

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>Yukari regularly abducts outsiders to die horribly in Gensokyo.
>Reimu works for Yukari.
It's simple, really.

She doesn't work for Yukari and the Outside World is beyond Reimu's jurisdiction and the realm of Gensokyoan law. Reimu can't be held accountable, sorry.
>Using speculation from Akyu as actual fact
You shouldn't even take anything she claims to be absolute truth as fact, never mind her musings.

>She doesn't work for Yukari
She does work for Yukari, or at least the youkai sages as a whole. Like, who do you think makes the rules in Gensokyo. Because it's not the human village.

>Yukari and the Outside World is beyond Reimu's jurisdiction and the realm of Gensokyoan law.
If the law protects mass murdering monsters like Yukari, then Reimu shouldn't be following the law.

>You shouldn't even take anything she claims to be absolute truth as fact, never mind her musings.
It's not Akyuu, Yukari's PCB profile makes it pretty clear that she's a monster.

>Like, who do you think makes the rules in Gensokyo. Because it's not the human village.
The Hakurei line isn't answerable to anyone (it's even noted that the Hakurei god functionally cannot be heard because Reimu doesn't give a fuck to listen) and Reimu made the SCR herself, so yeah. The Sages made the foundation of Gensokyo but Reimu doesn't follow Yukari's orders on anything. Fuck, she barely listens to Kasen.
>If the law protects mass murdering monsters like Yukari, then Reimu shouldn't be following the law.
See above. Some youkai subsist on humans and Gensokyo is the containment site for youkai. Them's the breaks.
>It's not Akyuu, Yukari's PCB profile makes it pretty clear that she's a monster.
It just states that she's the one who's making it possible for outside humans to enter Gensokyo, the only source suggesting she eats them is Akyu.

>doesn't follow Yukari's orders on anything
Someone didn't play 11.

>Reimu literally accuses her of tricking her down there when all she wanted was a hot spring.
She promised the other youkai to "order" Reimu to sort the problem out but all she can do is manipulate.

>and Reimu made the SCR herself
Correction, she adapted pre existing rules that were written by someone else.

M8 she went through like two stages before even bothering to ask what she was doing down there. Reimu/Yukari route is basically "it's too hot here, these guys stink, my feet hurt, I wish I was home chilling in my hot spring"

It doesn't really matter when Reimu was the one who implemented them and nothing had been enforced beforehand. There was no formal system prior to EoSD.

Reminder that she has killed billions

You're thinking of Sanae

>but Reimu doesn't follow Yukari's orders on anything.
Expect for all of those times she follows Yukari's orders.

>and Reimu made the SCR herself, so yeah.
Yukari wrote the spell card rules. Reimu simply approved them.

>See above. Some youkai subsist on humans and Gensokyo is the containment site for youkai. Them's the breaks.
1: Far as we can tell, no Youkai NEED to eat humans. 2: Why should I care? Evil monsters be evil monsters, and anybody that helps keep them around deserves to die alongside them. 3: Why should Reimu care? The only reason I can think of is because the status quo benefits her. Which would make her a asshole of the highest order.

>It just states that she's the one who's making it possible for outside humans to enter Gensokyo
No, it says she's the one responsible for outsiders ending up in Gensokyo.

The worst thing Sanae has done was bully Kogasa and lord knows Eggplant deserves all bullying she gets.

I love hags

Reimu is nice but we all know that Sanae is the better shrine maiden and that the Moriya shrine is better than the Hakurei shrine. I mean, it's just facts. You can't get mad at facts.


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>Expect for all of those times in which she follows Yukari's orders.
See and >Yukari wrote the spell card rules. Reimu simply approved them.
See .
>2: Why should I care? Evil monsters be evil monsters, and anybody that helps keep them around deserves to die alongside the monsters.
Too bad, that's your problem, not hers. You don't get to judge the moral values of Gensokyo, Shikieiki has tried to discipline Reimu and failed, so what makes you think your opinion matters?
>Thus making her the reason why countless innocent people died.
Citation needed.

Name even a single thing that Kogasa did wrong. That's right, you can't.

Rules written by youkai. In other words Yukari.

What are your ten desires, Sanae?

Very good

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Why is Ran so angry?
Why is Suwako not in this image, given that she is a mother?

She was a shit babysitter and threatened to vandalize the Moriya shrine.

Meant for

She spooked Sanae

Suwako is clearly a young maiden

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Agreed. The power of DORK is strong with this one.

Trying and failing to scare people. For fuck's sake, if it's all you're good for at least be good at it.

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If Suwako is a young maiden they why does she have a kid?

You're using common sense, and there is no such thing as common sense in Gensokyo.

Someone clearly spurted their babybatter on her eggs

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Mayumi is literally made of clay and can be remodeled to have big boobs!

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Inb4 someone posts that one Suwako pic.
You know the one.

Reimu pretty much being tricked into going down there only goes to show how much control Yukari has over Reimu. And again, who do you think came up with the rules that Reimu follows? Because it sure as fuck isn't the human villagers.

>It doesn't really matter when Reimu was the one who implemented them and nothing had been enforced beforehand. There was no formal system prior to EoSD.
How is Reimu enforcing rules she didn't come up with anything other than proof that she's little more than Yukari's personal enforcer?

>so what makes you think your opinion matters?
Nothing, obviously. She isn't real after all. She's still a selfish bitch though, and I still think she deserves to be burned alive by a angry mob. She's a terrible person through and through.

>Citation needed.
Yukari brings humans to Gensokyo.

Humans from the outside world get eaten by youkai.

Neither one of these facts are speculation. And both make it pretty obvious that Yukari has a massive body count.

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>Calling Byakuren a hag
How dare you.

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>it's even noted that the Hakurei god functionally cannot be heard because Reimu doesn't give a fuck to listen
absolutely based and red maiden pilled


It's a question of intent. Yukari doesn't employ Reimu, Reimu just ends up doing her dirty work (although most of the time it's shit Reimu ought to be doing as the Hakurei miko anyway).
>She's still a selfish bitch though, and I still think she deserves to be burned alive by a angry mob. She's a terrible person through and through.
Consider the life a person has to lead having done little more than exterminate creatures who for all the world look like underaged girls with similar mindsets simply because if she doesn't there's a chance they might be a threat. That's what life was like for Reimu in the pre-SCR era, what it was like for her since she was an infant all the way into adolescence. And quite possibly she had to kill humans too.
Someone raised by that standard isn't going to have comparable morals to those held by people outside of that kind of fictional scenario.
You're entitled to your opinion, but it's inane and clouded. And frankly uninteresting.
It's also stupid, because whether you like her or not, Reimu is a necessary force in Gensokyo and the alternative doesn't bare considering.
>Humans from the outside world get eaten by youkai.
There aren't even that many human-eating youkai on record to begin with. There are records of outsiders bringing things into Gensokyo, not so much of them being murdered.
>Neither one of these facts are speculation
Akyu """facts""" aren't worth shit.

The absolute madwoman

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Hijiri-sama is so wonderful.

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I like Reimu's feet

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I love Mamizou

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Based and Tanuki-pilled

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Fate raccoon has a really nice theme.

*Fat raccoon, even.

Be careful, those coon are wily tricksters.

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How do I into Touhou?

NEVER trust a trickster's boobs

Play the games, listen to the music and fap to the characters

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Hold shift for focused movement

How about a totally-innocent human's boobs?

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Fucking beat me to it.

What's going to happen, they going to go *Pichuun* and turn into little blue squares?

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>It's a question of intent
I would argue the results are more important. But even ignoring that, Reimu's intentions are no less selfish than if she was simply willfully following Yukari's orders. She's either complicit in mass murder on purpose, or she's manipulated into being complicit in mass murder due to her selfishness and stupidity. Either way, she's a unlikeable bitch.

>That's what life was like for Reimu in the pre-SCR era, what it was like for her since she was an infant all the way into adolescence
There is nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, to imply that Reimu had a even remotely difficult childhood. It's possible that her parents died young, but even that is pure speculation. And going by the PC-98 games, for as much value as one can give those games storywise, she seems to have pretty much been a carefree little hellspawn from the moment go.

>Reimu is a necessary force in Gensokyo and the alternative doesn't bare considering.
I would say the alternative of "Gensokyo disappears" is well worth considering. It's far more preferable to the current status quo, and the only reason i'm not explicitly rooting for it because it would kill quite a few decent people as well and there is enough hope that a better ending is possible.

> There are records of outsiders bringing things into Gensokyo, not so much of them being murdered.
Outsiders being eaten by youkai is more than just Akyuu "speculation." The few outsiders that do not become youkai food end up in the human village, their tales of escaping almost certain death quickly becoming popular.

>I would argue the results are more important.
No, the premise was that Reimu is willingly complicit in Yukari's supposed massacring of outside humans, that was your stipulation. The fact of the matter is that Reimu does what is expected of the Hakurei shrine maiden and occasionally that overlaps with what Yukari wants. The actual result is that Reimu does good for Gensokyo because the incidents cannot and should not be ignored.
You're essentially whining that Reimu is doing her job (which is actually a good thing) just because someone morally questionable benefits from it. This is like saying you shouldn't do the morally right thing because Hitler might agree with it or something equally stupid.
>There is nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, to imply that Reimu had a even remotely difficult childhood.
There's nothing normal about a girl who can barely control her powers having to venture literally into the depths of hell to risk her life killing monsters. If you want to cite that the games are colourful and upbeat then you shouldn't have started your argument down the grimdark side of Gensokyo in the first place. These are the same games where the planet being blown up is played off as comic relief, so that doesn't mean shit.
>I would say the alternative of "Gensokyo disappears" is well worth considering.
It means everything returns back to the Outer World, so no, it would not be for the best. Idiot.
>Outsiders being eaten by youkai is more than just Akyuu "speculation."
Once again, citation needed.

You wouldn't NTR ZUN's wife.

No, but I'd NTR ZUN

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>No, the premise was that Reimu is willingly complicit in Yukari's supposed massacring of outside humans, that was your stipulation.
Again, she is either willfully complicit or is manipulated into being complicit by Yukari. In both cases, she's a terrible person. The only question if her main flaw is selfishness or sociopathy.

>You're essentially whining that Reimu is doing her job
Reimu's job is evil. Maintaining the barrier, executing humans that turn into youkai, and helping to maintain the status quo of Gensokyo are all activities that screw over thousands of innocent humans for the sake of basically irredeemably evil monsters.

>There's nothing normal about a girl who can barely control her powers having to venture literally into the depths of hell to risk her life killing monsters.
It's not normal. But it's also not a tragic and unfortunate circumstances. Again, going by the PC-98 games Reimu does not give a fuck. She pretty much never seems even remotely troubled.

>It means everything returns back to the Outer World, so no, it would not be for the best
Which would result in Youkai going extinct, the human villagers being freed, and thousands of lives being saved. The only downside is that decent people like Keine, Kasen, and Kogasa would also almost certainly perish.

>Once again, citation needed.
Akyuu can't lie about outsiders ending up in the human village. Since, you know, the human villagers would realize that it's a lie.

>Akyuu can't lie about outsiders ending up in the human village.
Are there even documented cases about outside world humans who end living in Gensokyo? Because that would surely become a huge topic of discussion yet as far as I know no game or manga has ever acknowledged it. Same with Yukari bringing humans as youkai food, when the main premise is that youkai don't even need to eat humans, their main source of "food" is the beliefs and fear humans have about them.

>Are there even documented cases about outside world humans who end living in Gensokyo?
Sanae, obviously. Outside of that, there are mentions of it happening in every major lorebook. Something that would be pretty hard to lie about. Yukari bringing humans as food meanwhile is mentioned in one of the manga.

>Again, she is either willfully complicit or is manipulated into being complicit by Yukari. In both cases, she's a terrible person. The only question if her main flaw is selfishness or sociopathy.
As I already mentioned, it's incidental and ultimately meaningless since it's her job regardless.
>Reimu's job is evil. Maintaining the barrier, executing humans that turn into youkai, and helping to maintain the status quo of Gensokyo are all activities that screw over thousands of innocent humans for the sake of basically irredeemably evil monsters.
And yet it's sanctioned by beings of higher moral authority than you. So no.
> Again, going by the PC-98 games Reimu does not give a fuck. She pretty much never seems even remotely troubled.
She has virtually no speaking lines in HRtP. And again, this is an issue of environment and upbringing. When the standard of what is morally right precludes the extermination of those necessary to kill, the perceived immorality of murder becomes thin to immaterial.
It's less about a tragic life and more about what it standard life in Gensokyo. You didn't live there, so you don't know shit. And you have no right to pass judgement.
>Which would result in Youkai going extinct, the human villagers being freed, and thousands of lives being saved
After incredibly damage to the outside world such that humanity itself may not survive when the SCR are no longer in effect. It takes a very long time for youkai to disappear and if anything a sudden and massive influx of them could easily cause a strong enough spike in belief to keep them going for years or more.
There's a reason the barrier was established in the first place.
>Akyuu can't lie about outsiders ending up in the human village. Since, you know, the human villagers would realize that it's a lie.
Akyu also doesn't state that the ones who make it to the human village are survivors with stories to tell about almost being eaten, so yeah.

>it's incidental and ultimately meaningless since it's her job regardless.
I don't think somebody "incidentally" having a job that helps to kill thousands of people would fly for most people.

>And yet it's sanctioned by beings of higher moral authority than you.
Who? Yukari? Okina?

>She has virtually no speaking lines in HRtP
She talks in the prologue, in the utterly carefree manner she always do.

>It's less about a tragic life and more about what it standard life in Gensokyo. You didn't live there, so you don't know shit. And you have no right to pass judgement.
Reimu doesn't have a standard life either. The Hakurei Shrine Maidens are pretty much the most privileged and powerful humans in Gensokyo. Standard life in Gensokyo is more similar to what the human villagers have.

>It takes a very long time for youkai to disappear and if anything a sudden and massive influx of them could easily cause a strong enough spike in belief to keep them going for years or more.
Humanity would wipe them out in secondes. Youkai are tough, but their weakness to things like faith and fire means that their defeat in a war of annihilation is pretty much assured.

>Akyu also doesn't state that the ones who make it to the human village are survivors with stories to tell about almost being eaten, so yeah.
They do almost certainly have stories to tell, considering they tend to become minor celebrities overnight. And since they do seem to be her main source of information when it comes to outsiders and the way they are treated in Gensokyo, I don't doubt that she is speaking the truth.

>Byakuren: humans and youkai can be friends
>Makizou: if youkai become friends with humans then they cease to be youkai and disappear
Who was in the wrong here?

Makizou, on account of talking complete nonsense. Youkai have been shown to change their nature depending on what kind of a relationship they have with humans. And plenty of youkai are friends with humans.

Well yes, the Moriya crew is a given, along visitors like Renko, Maribel and Sumireko.

>Yukari bringing humans as food meanwhile is mentioned in one of the manga.
Which one? So far I've read Forbidden Scrollery and all the Three Fairies of Light manga and there was no mention of outside world humans brought as youkai food.

In WaHH.

Just took a glance at it. It's probably ok but personally I'd want way more characters than 8. I'll stick to Labyrinth 2.

I want to drink sake with Yuugi.

Mamizou believes that youkai can only exist by being feared by humans as the fear of the unknown is what allows them to exist, but I'm sure that the Gensokyo ecosystem is so well known already by almost everyone that it would be incredibly hard for youkai to disappear if they ever start living with humans. Yukari has a similar fear, that she hopes modern technology becomes nothing but an occasional anecdote as that would allow humans to see the "light" behind youkai legends, which is ironic considering the Kappa are adapting very fast, while Kanako still has plans to modernize Gensokyo.

>I don't think somebody "incidentally" having a job that helps to kill thousands of people would fly for most people.
Again, Gensokyo cannot be judged by external moral standards. And thousands is a fucking exaggeration and you know it, most humans live in Gensokyo without being killed just fine.
>Who? Yukari? Okina?
Literally every deity and moral authority figure? Shikieiki for one thing. It's even implied Buddha is involved on some level.
>She talks in the prologue, in the utterly carefree manner she always do.
Before she goes down into literal hell and almost dies multiple times, not least of which being the fucking orb she can't control properly but can easily kill her.
>The Hakurei Shrine Maidens are pretty much the most privileged and powerful humans in Gensokyo. Standard life in Gensokyo is more similar to what the human villagers have.
Standard humans villagers don't have to exterminate youkai as part of their daily life and haven't had to do it since they were an infant. And even if they had to, the average human villager is stronger than the average youkai.
>Humanity would wipe them out in secondes. Youkai are tough, but their weakness to things like faith and fire means that their defeat in a war of annihilation is pretty much assured.
If Usami, Merry, etc. are anything to go by? Hell no. There may be some amazing people like Okazaki but on average they have fuck all spiritual awareness or power and youkai are fucking abominations with absurd powers and superhuman physique. The SCR are the only things that keep them in check, in an actual war things will end up like what happened to Pandaemonium, only humans won't have Reimu on their side.
>They do almost certainly have stories to tell, considering they tend to become minor celebrities overnight.
Yeah, because they can talk about stuff from the outside world and bring interesting technology with them, which is what Akyu talks about, not them talking about almost being eaten.

Youkai rely on faith to give them form and power. The faith given not just to any specific youkai, but to youkai in general, as something "mysterious and unknown", is vital to the formation of new youkai- they're the explanation for the unknown, so if youkai stop being unknown, that's a major source of new youkai gone.
But I doubt existing youkai would just become puffs of smoke or something just from specifically becoming friends with humans.
It's mildly likely that as they're perceived to be less dangerous, they lose fighting strength, though.

Shou is living proof that Byakuren's theory works, youkai can be repurposed to feed off of faith rather than fear, all they need is some kind of belief.