Destiny 2

Now that bungie fixed their mess of a game and the complete edition (100$) is on sale for 39.99 on battlenet are you going to be getting into LITERALLY THE GREATEST VIDEO GAME EXPERIENCE OF ALL TIME?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>buying on bnet when its coming to steam

I am tempted to buy it on steam as it's only £30. But do I have to play through the entire base-game to experience Shadowkeep? Because I don't want to slog through D2 for the fifth time.

No you get boosted right to the end game, where it's really boring and everything has to be done in fireteams and looked up online for guides, it feels like Bungie purposely made it so the game functions as a way for there paid community members to profit of making guides at this point.

it transfers

if you buy it on bnet and go to and link your bnet and steam accounts the purchase will transfer to steam come oct 1st when destiny 2 will be kicked off of bnet and permanently move to steam

i had my steam linked to my bungie account before i bought it but im pretty sure it will still transfer for me as well, if not im suing bungie and getting my 30 bucks back

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u can boost to the end game immediatly if you buy the complete collection
1. you will never be able to go back and play the old campaign missions from vanilla and the first 2 expansions
2. you will probably be missing out on a lot of gear if you are into collecting shit now that theres a collection tab

The re-release steam version lets you play whichever campaign you want in any order.

>Destiny Ever
>All this totally normal gamer talk

Bungie drones unironically need to neck themselves. Thanks for ruining gaming for the rest of us by supporting a shut company tards.

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wasn't it free on BN some time ago?

I lub bungo heheheheh, I likeded shood ayy-leee-ens *Suckles thumb and drools on his wife's boyfriend's controller*

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Only the base game, and it'll be free again once the steam version is out, along with its first two DLCs

it's still shit. it's popular because there's a lack of competition.

>posting soijacks in 2019 for thing I don't like
Not cool bro, pretty yikes. I think you should probably have some sex.

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I've bought it on sale yeah as I'm never buying Bungie product full price ever

>Destiny Tards in a nutshell
Do you need your sippy bottle? A big new dipey for your poopies? Awwww, look, the Bungie boi made a big poopoo! Good boy, very good goy!

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>Paying Bungie at all
Nice waste of money right there. You could have gotten literally anything else for that money, but you chose a shit game that literally everyone mocks. Congratulations, you played yourself.

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It's good futuristic flick that me and my mate played for 3 weeks every day. That's a lot of content for $30 and there're no good coop futuristic games around anyway

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Do i have to buy forsaken if i get the bundle on steam?

>0/10 Gambit matches

>have to

I'm steamwaiting.

You don't actually save destiny specific soi pictures, do you user? That would certainly be rather strange.

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>0/50 bounties

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the game is absolute reddit cancer. I guess if you're obsessed with funkos and marvel movies it might be up your alley

Greatest video game? Hardly. Super fun game with tons of content. Yep. Certainly worth $60 at this point.

>getting into a thread of a game you don't like and creating memes just to vent your teenage rage
Seriously, get your life together.

This, I got the complete edition and played it non-stop for 3 weeks straight, did pretty much everything there was to do and moved on. I've made worse purchases.
Still, for a game that you're supposed to keep playing forever, it doesn't have much content, I'm not sure I'll get Shadowkeep if it's just one more small map and a bunch of strikes and raids, as someone coming from GW2 and getting that same amount of content every 3-4 months for free, it's really not much.

Is loot calculated for everyone separately or do you have o fight over it? I want a chilled dude bro shooter to play with friends.


separate. Something does seem off though. Playing with my bros I get A SHIT TON more exotic drops than them. Like very weirdly high rate of drop for me and only me. This won't mean dick to anyone who doesn't currently play, but me and my two bros ran BForge many times to get us all Jotunn. I have had 4 drop for me alone, and neither of my friends have seen it yet.

Something seems fucky about it.

After Forsaken I vowed to never buy a Bungie game again. Bungie is dead at this point and was only being kept alive by Activision and now Redditors.

RNG is a fickle bitch

you mean random drops are...random?

Buying Shadowkeep on release is a bad idea anyway - a year later with all the content and on sale - why not

>Borderlands 1/2/Presequal, Star Wars battlefront 1/2 (The good ones,) Warframe, Deep Rock Galactic, KOTOR, Halo (for the underage of you,) Sven Co-Op, L4D2 With mods, Space Engineers, Rainbow Six Series, Anthem (for your brain damaged friends,) Doom, Quake, The Division, Farcry series, TF2, The other TF2, Killing floor 1/2, the list goes fucking on. But no, you HAD to choose the most expensive, most mind numbing, shallow, braindead game of the past decade. Get a grip, you are fucking retarded. Please jump off a bridge and post your suicide vid on Reddit you cancers of society.

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an actual autist

Wow, you can't even describe how a game is shit without resorting to Yea Forums memeing
>Do I fit in yet guys?

Are character transfers happening already? I played up to the second DLC on PS4 then switched to PC for Forsaken. I wanted to “merge” both of my inventories, is that even possible?


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i've been playing the free version, got to level 30 and nearly finished the red war while doing whatever side activities i can. what am i missing out on by only playing the free version?

cross save is up,but you have to choose

you can sign up for the transfer right now on bungie's site but the actual transfer to steam doesn't happen til october 1.

Wow, you can't even hide how much of a shill you are.
>Hey guys I'm at the objective! Dude can't wait to kill this sick boss so I can fill up my Engram Meter(tm)

>you can only play one game
I'm not a consolefag, I've already played most of the ones worth playing in that list (most aren't), there's a reason I'm only playing Destiny 2 now.

It has an ok amount of content it's just that a lot of it fuckin sucks and is a chore to play. I got to a point where I got decent in pvp and actually started enjoying it but quit for like half a year. Now it's just full stacked teams in cruci/gambit while at least 2 of your teammates are afk. Collecting all the new glowy armor shit just feels annoying.

Either this is a bait reply which went too far and beyond thick layers of idiocy or you have severe brain damage.

>get Destiny 2
>play until I hit the level 20 level cap
>have to buy the Forsaken pack so I can actually do endgame content and get good gear
>hit level 50 and finish Forsaken story
>have to grind out light levels to do endgame content
>finally get there and realize I'm too socially autistic to LFG for raids and shit, and none of my Destiny-playing friends play on PC.
>Black Armory comes out a week later and I'm too poor to afford it
>quit because I'll never be able to do fun shit without grinding for weeks on end and spending 60 fucking dollars on 2 hours of story and more bullshit grinding isn't worth it
>fastforward to now and find out that pretty much everything before Black Armory is free (minus the campaigns for the DLC)
I fucking hate games as a service, although I hope that Bungie can make shit actually worth the money than the fucking kikes at Activishition can.

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No shit faggot, it's a fucking scam. Learned your lesson yet? HMMMMMMMMMM

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