

Attached: 1566865835-unknown-1.png (841x473, 503K)

Look at all those people having fun, talking to each other and enjoying their time.

fucking losers lol

this is such a huge amount of cope i can't believe this post is even real

he says laughing at people from the sidelines, alone

Remember all the people pissing and moaning about sharding? Imagine how much worse it would be if the entire server was all together.

Tried getting a line formed for the burning blade coven quest in valley of trials. no one would listen and continued to camp the spawn in a circle. It's like on a 3 minute timer, so by the time a new one spawns, like 5 more people have shown up. Ffs

me and my friends in mumble are laughing at these people

Attached: 2f4ed62d8a2250406985b64ff8e58eee.jpg (960x340, 65K)

Attached: 1566891833469.jpg (778x580, 235K)

once the circle forms there's no chance to stop it

the first few people there need to enforce the line so people follow it

This is nothing more than the same themepark/sandbox debate that has plagued MMORPG forums for over 10 years now.

whoa dude so deep like sheep man wow dude so true

I really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?

I can't wait for the lack of global healthcare and crumbling infrastructure to kill off everyone. And by proxy- Zoomers.

i know right? its so much fun to stand in lines

It's all your my friend ;)

>waiting in a line is fun

Americans don't understand the concept of queueing.

Attached: black-friday-4.jpg (2700x1800, 2.61M)

Why do Americans and Chicks hate each other when they're exactly the same in this regard? Do NOT, EVER go to a chink-attended buffet.

Americans do queue though.. this is just the tards that show up for shitty black friday sales.

Why do I see so few of these shots where people are in a party? Things would go 5x faster if players would group up and all get kill credit simultaneously.

3 more hours untill i can get home and cut in front of all these faggots

Attached: wetqwetweq.png (176x232, 72K)

Are you two fucking serious right now? Fuck off you dumbass redditors.

is it true that gms tp you to spawn if you try to cut the line?


If it isn't kill credit it's an item, and an item only drops once.

Wouldn't be hard to test. Spawn point is about 2 minutes away.

Hon hon hon



Excellent Yea Forums approved post. Take my updoot!

No, everyone will just report you and get you banned for toxicity.