It's official "Cyberpunk 2077" is going to be shit

For months on end every piece of new info for this game has lowered expectations for everyone on Yea Forums.

It started out with so much promise but CDPReddit threw it all away for a shitty cash in.

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Other urls found in this thread:

boo hoo hoo the game is gonna have more to it than copy/pastes of the same straight white NPC over and over again.

grow the fuck up. if CDPR saying the game is going to be more "inclusive" is really such an issue for you then you need to get out of your house more.

spoiler alert, op: a stable of the cyberpunk genre is heavily diverse, melting pot cities with people of all creeds living within it. batshit crazy cybernetic enhancements are okay for you, but a transgender person existing within the same reality isn't. okay.

...the fact the game doesn't have a third person perspective is a load of shit, though.

>daily reminder that if Yea Forums hates it, it will undeniably be GOTY

they dissapointed on every front. every news or decision or developer tweet or picture or vid that came out since teaser was disapointment.

not even gona be 1 day pirate for me. im gona pass on this one bros

>t. corporate cocksucker who preordered 10 times
preorder 1 more time for me bro

Now where did I put that tortanic comic... You know, the one in which the spergs yell SINK SINK at every ship.

i dont care about cyberpunk, i just know the retards on this board

At this point I just want it to be a pretty deus ex game


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did you ever come to the idea that you don't have to be retard to dislike certain game ?

also because cdprdrones make it impossible to actually discuss bad or mediocre things about game literaly anywhere else on internet, people discuss bad stuff here. its not shitposting its just that Yea Forums is only place where u can critisize cdpr.

if u want to read how great every aaa game is go read ign

nice damage control fagot.

trannies and fags love the game. go to official twitter and see how many rainbow flags say they cannot wait for game

Eh, it will be fine, just fine, nothing special. Another generic FPS RPG.
Not a train wreck but nothing revolutionary

nobody cares

tranny pls

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The game will be a degenerate shithole. And after it flops libshits and other retarded subhumans will retardedly blame muh evil white men.

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>a bunch of shitposters who never played the game
>the guy that created this world 30 years ago, sees the game every day and says it's exactly how he imagined it
who should I believe hmmmmmmmmmm

I love how CDPR is making them so mad. Do you have more?

>dystopian cyberpunk city controlled by gangs and corporations will be a degenerate shithole
woah... cannot be... this is white genocide bros...

Why is it bad that Night City is full of degenarate shit? It's a fucking distopia

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t. falseflag tranny
Every tranny was SEETHING at the game ever since the E3 trailer. Daily reminder that this is all a shill/psyops operation from Epic and their sister companies/overlords to stop GoG Galaxy 2.0 from taking over and destroying tranny discords as well as starting the mass redpill on corporatism

lol say whatever you want muh based boy. traniies btfo right ? this is why they added trannies in game, trannies in character creation and trannies on posters.

also muh based cdpr also added niggers in game and made game full of racemixing propaganda.

nice one shill. every person with brain wont be buying this sjw shitshow

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you know why I dont care about this game?
too much marketing. too much hype.

mix it up ? blanda upp ? swedish racemixing commercial ?

I'm talking about degeneracy like faggotry and trannyism, mongoloid.

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well look at other dystopian games. you can have dystopia wihtout pandering to sjws, trannies and niggers you fucking drone

oh no how unexpected and totally alien to the genre

not that much different from "discussions" about this game on Yea Forums

tabletop system had gangs of cyber-furries in it. yeah, sexual degeneracy was always the big part of the universe. and triannies got mad because CDPR and Pondsmith treat it as degeneracy, instead of pandering to trannies

it is actually. this is only "cyberpunk" game that retardsa t cdpr actually thought punk means rock punk and made everyone with pierciengs and mohawks and other shit like that.


The shitposting surrounding this game started before we even saw the first live footage. You CDPR haters are literally insane and I'm tired of this shit, fuck off already. I'm tired of this crap, basically we have to put up with this level of retarded shitposting until the game finally comes out and actual discussion overtakes you.

no it literaly didn't. "shitposting" started after they showed how more shit the game became.

It's all Epic shills and corporate dicksuckers. They know Cyberpunk will redpill the masses on the awful future that awaits us if we don't go French Revolution on corporations

it's based on a pre existing tabletop game and universe with plenty of books and artwork. you are the retared that think cyberpunk is blade runner and nothing else.

>user imagines things that could be in the game
>starts believing they are in the game
>gets made his fan fiction was never real

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so you don't know anything about the source material got it

lol source material. even pondsmith said game is nothing like it before they paid him to say "its exactly like i imagined"

damn son moving goalposts this soon, at least try and stand your ground

mechanically, the game is vastly different than its progenitor. in terms of the world and characters within it, however... it's really not that different. perhaps you should actually, i dunno, play the tabletop game and see what it's actually like for yourself before making a fool of yourself? 2077 is quite literally the tabletop game given life, only some of the more obtuse mechanics have been replaced with aRPG run and gun elements/minigames.

nice argument

well pondsmith himself has said it at some point, don't try to shill too much now

list your source(s). i could say jesus christ himself said morrowin was getting a HD remaster, but that wouldn't make it true.

inb4 "i can't find anything related to it right now"

>he says moving goalposts like it's an argument
not gonna fuel your ever revolving goalpost bait

how is this post any different than Yea Forums = trannies

it isn't. when you boil it down, the extremes of both sides are insane hypocrites who desperately want to be correct. this is no longer about the game, it hasn't been for a long time. at this point it's a dick measuring contest, and the loudest side wins.

I've not been as hyped for a game as I have been for cyberpunk in a long time you can keep trying to focre some magical
stuff all you want but shit mate you really think repeating this same thread ad nauseam will stop it from selling gangbusters?

nice to know we the shitposters have won then, as everyone complains about us.

victory achieved

Terrible persecution complex.
If people are dismissing your criticisms it's probably because nobody believes whatever you're complaining about is a genuine concern.

Most of it is known to be
>Shitposters in it for a lark
>Genuine autists
>Competitor companies trying to disrupt the sales
3/4s of Yea Forums will buy it on day one and the rest will wait for a sale when they have nothing better to do.

>buying games
lol faggot ameritard. noone buys games anymore.

>For months on end every piece of new info for this game has lowered my expectations for Yea Forums.
>It started out with so much hype but Yea Forums threw it all away for a shitty political shitposting because they apparently have no fucking idea what a cyberpunk setting is.

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Blame the consoles, theyre the ones who have top priority. Their limited hardware sucks

You have no fucking idea what the Cyberpunk genre is user, touching on subjects like transhumanism is one of the cornerstones of the genre, its been part of Cyberpunk since before you were fucking born.

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As long as there's a decent speech system, I'm fine. I can ignore all the shit combat and play for the story.

It's going to be fun. Map is based on the 2020 RPG.
>pic related
Mutts are just seething it looks too much like their 3rd world shithole.

fucking /thread
Consoles are going to do more damage to this game than anything else.

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>over an hour ago and he never replied

Is Yea Forums even real people any more? Anons sound increasingly like cs bots talking in abandoned servers

Nothing is real.
Everything you see is a figment of your imagination.

First post best post. It's gonna be GOTY and BOTW all over again. On top of that it makes Yea Forumsirgins and SJWs seethe. Two sides of the same coin. Win win.

>Country bumpkin that's never been to a city doesn't understand that more than just straight White people live in them


I am legit having deja vu about threads made before Witcher 3 was released. Is this the same autist?


Don't bother trying to be rational on here. No one believes what they write anyway.

I dont understand why they chose sunny California as the location when the comparable open world game we've all been playing for the last 6 years did that.

It's fucking boring and barely fits the theme.

You cant just change the fucking location of the city retard


You literally can.

No one gives a shit about your shitty table top game or lore.

Have fun boring people because they get to play gta v all over again.

>No one gives a shit about your shitty table top game or lore
Apparently CDPR do care so you'll just have to deal with it I guess.

>degenerate shithole

So basically cyberpunk?

>The game will be a degenerate shithole
Game's set in murrica so yea. I'm looking forward to it famalam.

PR for this game is really bad, somehow every new info that comes out makes this game sound worse lol


I've never played GTA V because I'm not a retard

It's official, OP is a faggot.

>I dont understand why they chose sunny California
It's the part with the most lore in the pen&paper Cyberpunk 2020. The other parts of the world have less written about them. So they are working with what they've got.

you know what movie takes place in future california while also staying true to the cyberpunk atmosphere and aesthethic?

here this pic of the goose should give you a little hint

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>MC is a cute slav twink
>can make sure he’s taking the D on a regular basis
That’d all that matters to me. DESU

Jokes aside. I’ve long learned not to get my hopes up too high for news games nowadays. I prefer staying neutral to prevent disappointment.
I’ll never get over MvCi

>Trannies and Epic shills still trying to TORtanic this game


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This is the best example of why these threads are actually made by 2-3 lone virgins:
>Claim thing 1
>People actually knows claim 1 is wrong
>Shitposter diverts to claim 2
>Posters says claim 2 is wrong
>Shitposters just says that evidence showing claim 2 is wrong is actually wrong because [insert bullshit reason]
They act like conspiracy theorists at this point lol

>For months on end every piece of new info for this game has lowered expectations for everyone on Yea Forums.
Oh really? You must be new here. Everyone on Yea Forums is contrarian. But some are more contrarian than others, like you.

>It started out with so much promise
No it didn't.

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Does it matter?

You know the board is gonna be flooded with the same fucking shit about it for like three weeks at the bare minimum regardless, only thing you should care about is actual quality as deemed by you and you alone. Nobody else is gonna be able to tell you what you like, regardless of reviews and shit - that's just to lead you in a decent direction.

This game is too big to not be a fucking shitshow regardless of what happens at this point, the shitposting and constant garbage only make it worse.

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zoom zoom

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it's mostly just /pol/ leaking in and pretending they likes games because they're mad about trans people

You can't choose sex in character creator anymore.

ow no, in game where people have all robot parts beside brain there are also people that chose to not have pee-pees ... /pol is a joke

It's also trannies leaking fro resetra and pretending to like videogames.

Hell yeah. I am excited for all the waifus and husbandos this game will have

>western game
>waifus and husbandos

From the board that brought you "MGSV Demon Edition is being announced" comes this fucking hot take

They're definitely going to be in the game. Japan has had an outsized influence on cyberpunk (not just this game, but in general)

>respecting asian aesthetics and influences
>make attractive models
>asian models at that
get real

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you do understand that those treads will only make the game more popular and might guilt trip people into buying the game to offset your shitposting efforts ?
those shitty treads might as well be considered marketing

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cyberpunk is a dystopia you retard. Its supposed to have diversity.

>trans people

I haven't really heard anything that'd make me lower my expectations.

Poland is more East than West

Ah, so it's like Resetera and Ion Fury

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Eastern Europe is still Europe. And Europe is still western when we're comparing it to the far east.
And they're a Slavic shithole but they're wannabe westerners. Also everything we've seen so far from CP2077 isn't really appealing. The world looks like boring modern California and all the characters are fuckugly. Japanese influence is also minimalized and shoved into one area of a single district as opposed to being spread out throughout the Night City. Not to mention the whole tranny pandering.

It's a westacuck game through and through.

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>he creates an elaborate explanation on how the country that a studio is based on somehow belongs to a group to then say that this studios game is somehow bad
>he then spouts a few preferences that you cant really respond to and thinks that will somehow legitimize his statement
yeah no

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Poles have way more in common with Japan than they do with Europe

lmao I fucking wish

>wants trannys in games, hates fps..
get the fuck outta here redditfag

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> '' Oh no I won't be able to be a nazi in a cyberpunk world and kill black people ''

Fuck off cunt , no point bitching about the game . If you don't like what you're seeing , don't buy it .

Waiting for the autistic shitposter

Dont forget there are 2 people shitposting the game:
1. Trannies see
2. Autistic people see
Pic realted

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You're like the Buddha, helping the world without caring.

why do you type like that

It's troll vs actual retard vs troll
I guess everyone's been pretending to be retarded for so long, we're becoming robots

Trannys are disgusting tho

>Videogames are a safe haven for social outcasts and retards.
>"WTF why are all these conservatards in my gaming community?"
>"WTF why are all these trannies in my gaming community?"

It was inevitable.

>Waiting for the autistic shitposter
we're all waiting for him. Don't worry, he'll show eventually.

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Same. And DX here being shorthand for a good FP(S)-RPG with a good amount of player agency and ideally some immersive sim elements set in a fleshed out world, like the original DX. Looking great so far.

That's exactly what it cyberpunk is, sport.



It just refers to general lowlives, not literal punk rockers

I'm sorry, but you are mistaken. Look up some cyberpunk literature and give it a go instead of making assumptions about the genre based off desktop wallpapers you've seen online.

Oh you mean like Neuromancer

The worst thing about this game is that everyone outside of Yea Forums is excited for it. It's going to sell incredibly well and get a bunch of 10/10 dick sucking reviews and it's still going to be terrible. I wish this game would flop so hard it bankrupts the company

That would be a start, but there are countless things worth reading. If you want to quickly wrap your head around CP2077 though, I would recommend Hardwired.

nah, it's gonna be great, but /pol/ and synthwave zoomers will seethe

You are THE tranny

Hear me out fellas. Cyberpunk takes place in a dystopian future, in the worst shithole of a city in America, right? So why don't trannies belong? Look at real California, some of the most degenerate humans in the country flock there so of course trannies and niggers would be right at home.


contrarians are cancer

I mentioned Neuromancer because Gibson never said anything about punk rock

I've never seen a game being shat on before release as much as this one

What about the entire first act where the protagonists literally hire a gang of punks to cause havoc? Do you know anything about William Gibson?

>game based on a tabletop rpg
>the most roleplayable type of games
>vidya is just an action rpg with trannies and a main story where your choices don't even matter because it's all scripted
yeah, that's gonna be a YIKES from me...

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You literally beat your tiny inceloid worm to trannies.

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that dude seems based and cool

how embarrassing

Put your trip back on cuckold.

Anyone complaining about trannies in a cyberpunk setting is a certified retard that blatantly only cares about the politics.

Are you gonna bitch about Doom having too much gunviolence next?
Hoenn having too much water?
Your mom having too many dicks?

>trannies to cyberpunk are as integral as guns are to doom
Dilate. Unironically go fucking dilate. Then 40% yourself. You genre hijacking parasite.
Most popular Cyberpunk movies/anime/books have little to no trannies let alone politically correct inclusivity of them. They are not important.

Trannies are abomination and nobody willingly wants them included anywhere.

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you faggots did this exact same shit with W3 and that turned out to be great

>turned out to be trash

What a bald faced lie, you mentally ill freak.

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That sure showed him , bro.

>It's official!
>I havent played it but I know it's gonna be shit!! ARRRRRGGH

Hard pass on this garbage.

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Care to list off some examples of good Cyberpunk that you are a fan of that does not involve any themes of transhumanism?
I wouldn't be able to think of any good examples since transhumanism is one of the most prevalent themes in the genre, basically the main one, but I'd be interested in seeing how you do a cyberpunk setting without it. Not sure why it would be cyberpunk anymore at that point, but who knows,

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I mean you're probably a tranny yourself if it bothers you that much.

Castrating yourself and cross dressing is not "transhumanism".

You're a mentally ill abomination not some technological advancement of human evolution. You're a self mutilating psychopath and you will not pass your ideas or genes to the future.
Again, no Cyberepunk work that popularized the genre features your degenerated ways prominently or in a positive light. You're an irrelevant mistake.

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>haha, neat people are gene splicing themselves with other species and replacing all of their body parts with robot parts
>woah haha these girls have cat ears and tails thats kinda hot, nice, they have dicks now too but its the futa kind not the SJW kind

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>n-no u!
>if you're disgusted or annoyed by my constant faggotry being inserted everywhere that means you're the same as me!
Hang yourself. I mean it.

This can only be projection


>This level of butthurt
Yeah you're in denial


It is because the word 'trans' is in it.

they are probably trying to keep your expectations realistic so that you wont lose your shit when the game comes out and its different from what you wanted it to be
and since expectations started off unreasonably high with your talks about full on city simulation, character classes, computer generated narratives and fuck knows what else they have a long way down still
to make you understand that its just a fucking videogame and not The Bible 2: Revengence
i mean just look at how fucking dissappointed people were when RDR2 came out; the game just died, nobody wanted to talk about it because the Turbo Ram Ranch simulator turned out to be just a fucking videogame

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Even if it's GTA mod I'll still play it because CDPR has earned my money by being pro-gamer.

Man, this "controversy" really died before it even begin. Unlike vast majority of Yea Forums I hope there are actual trannies in Sunnypunk 2020.

He asked for cyberpunk settings without transhumanism, not your thoughts on trannies.

You DO like cyberpunk stuff right? You should have a few examples of good cyberpunk that never talks about these things, it'd be kinda embarassing if you were just here getting mad about trannies while pretending to have cared about cyberpunk stuff just to hide your intentions.

user, this is a setting where you can become a literal walking furry, or half alien, or a cyborg. A woman buying a penis is basically vanilla shit in these settings.

You're injecting your real world politics into a fictional setting, like a total faggot SJW.

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Your lying, you can't finish Witcher 3 in 12 hours.

GOTYs are completely meaningless, as Piss Standing will inevitably prove.

>spoiler alert, op: a stable of the cyberpunk genre is heavily diverse, melting pot cities with people of all creeds living within it. batshit crazy cybernetic enhancements are okay for you, but a transgender person existing within the same reality isn't. okay.

Retards don't realize these melting pot cities are a feature of the dystopian cyberpunk universe. A city with all the culture and personality of an international airport, but without the custodial staff. Trannies and Tranny apologists confirmed dumb fucks

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Yet full body cyborg conversion, bozos and furrfaggotry aren't possible. Not even Maelstrom face modifying is possible for the player.
But they went out of their way to include and pander to trannies despite the sensitive cunts that want them being a loud minority on twitter that don't even buy games in the first place. These virtue signaling interviews are a disgusting cherry on a shitcake.

Even back in 2013 when they released the very first concept art, pic related, you had people being excited for full cyborg conversions or robo faces. Nobody asked for fucking trannoids.

Fuck pozzery and fuck your tolerance of it.

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Trannies thinking that trans things are being celebrated in cyberpunk settings are just as retarded as the idiots that think trans shit doesn't belong in a cyberpunk setting.

Its a huge part of the setting but not in a good way, cyberpunk is basically a hedonistic dystopian future where everything is fucked because corporations are in control of everything and the population is too focused on shit like sexual deviancy and BTLCs to even give a fuck

>Imagine thinking of a cyberpunk future and all you can come up with is "scruffy white guy with a gun."
>vast majority of the genre's most recognizable media features scruffy white male protagonists

Trans cunts trying to take cyberpunk as their own is a really agitating thing. I think they miss the whole point that it's a dystopian world that no one wants to live in.

When the developers are constantly harping about being "inclusive" and "how nice it would be for society to accept trans folks" then yeah, the case is obvious that they're not accurately presenting the trannoids as a grotesque menace to society.

I should tell you right now that I'm not american, don't give a fuck about your stupid "identity politics", and I'm not choosing a side in your stupid political slapfight that you retards think is actually important and worth screeching about on every available social media platform that you aren't banned on.

I don't actually care that much that there are trannies in the game, it fits the setting, I don't give a fuck, I'll probably never think about it while playing because I'm not literally obsessed like some people are.

I'm just saying that anyone getting upset that they're in the game clearly doesn't know fuck all about cyberpunk because this should be fucking expected. Its stupid that you can't get robot parts, but why the fuck would that make me go "Well then, no robot parts? I DEMAND THAT ANYTHING TO DO WITH TRANS PEOPLE IS REMOVED FROM THIS SETTING WHERE ITS TOTALLY VALID AND TO BE EXPECTED, I AM NOT HAPPY THAT MY INTERESTS ARE NOT BEING REPRESENTED THEREFORE I AM ANGRY THAT PEOPLE WHO JOINED THE OPPOSING POLITICAL TEAM ARE HAPPY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE GOTTEN, THIS WILL NOT STAND!"

>I think they miss the whole point that it's a dystopian world that no one wants to live in.
You mean like the people screeching about how its disgusting pandering to focus on trans stuff in setting meant to show how hedonistic degeneracy like that is bad?

Stopped reading there.

Whats it like letting tribalism run your life?
Do you ever miss having your own personality and thoughts or is being part of a large group really that rewarding?

It's official Yea Forums is full of stupid shits

For months on end every hour of every day they post about the dumbest shit and petty nitpicks as if they had any interest in the game to begin with.

It started out with their endless bitching for years about CDPR and witcher before this game was even a rumor, and they're still at it today.

And they still expect people to take them seriously after the whole "sun" fiasco.

Tick tock, your neovagina is collapsing. Better shove something down there.

The idea of being boiled down to a genderless, colorless blob existing only for the consumption of products is pretty cyberpunk. Still, I don't think trannies being included is a necessity. Current politics demand trannys, gays, and other deviants/hedonists be depicted in a positive light. Their inclusion in this climate may force the writers to detract from negative aspects of a sex and drug fueled hell hole city.

You need to understand that those people see the dystopian nightmare setting as a wish fulfillment Utopia. You can see it in the way they cried and victimized themselves over Cyberpunk 2077 the last year.
You could go all MKULTRA and psychologically beat it into their heads that there's no such thing as a tech utopia and that cyberpunk futures are corporate nightmares where your body parts can be reacquired by companies, people can hack into your brain and turn you into a slave/ assassin bomb, and there's a chance that a cyborg Nazi and a cyborg Communists both completely unhinged on combat stims and cyber drugs bust into a populated area and open fire on one another with weapons that will mulch steel and explode flesh.

And those stupid faggots will still be like. "Ummm, no, I'm trans and I'm special ^_^. These games exist to reconfirm my wish fulfillment fantasies about being a girl XD".

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This is literally as stupid and baseless as SJWs that call anyone that disagrees with them or calls their stupid liberal bullshit stupid a "Nazi"

I miss being able to discuss this game without any talks of dickchopping degeneracy

Holy shit the absolute seethe. Just dilate already.

>people are still this much of a CDPR apologists

I miss this game not having any dickchopping degeneracy.

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>but now he has a vagina
Yep back to ResetEra with you

Isn't that why they'd be appropriate in cyberpunk? It's supposed to be a dystopia where greed, self absorption, consumerism, and narcissism are King. Degenerates are supposed to be the majority in this kind of universe.

Stupid people will always be stupid.
Trans people are going to look at it as wish fulfilment while retards on Yea Forums will seethe about it being SJW bullshit.
Meanwhile everyone else that isn't obsessed with identity politics tribalism will just see a cyberpunk setting and not hyperfocus on things related to current political issues.

Stupid people are always going to do stupid things, thats no reason for so many people to stoop down to their level and waste so much of their time paying attention to these people doing stupid things.
I kinda miss when we could just ignore this shit and I never had to talk about retarded american politics, but here we are, with our own little group of social justice warriors pretending to fight trannies on a website where everyone either doesn't care or is from their hugbox and will just reply with stock phrases like "Holy baste"

Shit went downhill even before the dickgirl poster

Well yeah?

Yes, thats cyberpunk for you. For only a $99 down payment you can buy a vagina and have it installed

Sorry, I didn't realize you were so thin skinned and easily offended. Cyberpunk settings might not be for you if the idea of a transsexual is too disturbing for you to handle. Yea Forums might not be a good place for you to hang out, there are no trigger warnings or spoilers for sensitive content, you're likely to see something here that will offend your delicate sensibilities

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Ice cream? God, I love ice cream.

That shitty shoot the nazi game was pretty damn obnoxious, so I understand why people respond negatively to the inclusion of controversial social issues

Oh no they put muh trannies in a game set in a cyberpunk city
Now I'm muh sad pls gib upvotes

>I came out as trans to my kids
>'we can go through puberty together'
What the fuck am I reading?

>Trans people
Yea Forums really went to shit

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>implying I was talking about cyberpunk and not real life genital mutilaters.

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No one gives a fuck about your political views in real life, if I wanted to hear about that I'd probably be on /pol/ instead.

Yes my fellow oldfag I remember the good old days when Yea Forums was a bastion of conservative politics. Praise KEK!


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Yea Forums is not a political mouth piece, choosing a side in the great american shitpost war is not mandatory and people are not required to subscribe to /pol/ tribalism and pretend to care about this gay shit to post here.

I don't support liberal SJW bullshit, but that sure as fuck doesn't mean I'm going to hop on over to the other end of the political extremist spectrum. Yea Forums went to shit when people like you decided that the board was for complaining about liberals on twitter/tumblr first and videogames second.

You can fuck off any time if you don't like that it isn't a reddit antiSJW hugbox like you though it was.

>h-haha you don't want to be like those mutt politicians right? b-be more respectful or else you're just as bad!
Go back to trannyera you subverting freaks

You’re the one arguing in favor of tranny jannies

Those aren't concept art for the player character, spergoid. It's the cop from the reveal teaser.

>Muh follow the new hivemind or leave

Being political is normie shit now.
If you want to actually fit in on Yea Forums its time to start telling anyone that brings up current politics to fuck off, picking a side and shitposting on twitter and facebook is what the average teenager and boomer is doing. We're entering the age of shitting on politics fags and porn addicts, we're so fucking close to going back to just talking about hobbies instead of licking armpits or political twitter screencaps.

Nice reading comprehension, robot. Learn to be human again before you talk to me.
I think it has more to do with repetition. If you chip away long enough you eventually get to the gooey center. This transvestite shit has been in the spotlight since 2011 if not much earlier, and back then even the more liberal groups were making preferred pronoun jokes. But now that shit is accepted as Dogma.
Both sides think that whatever game devs choose will set a precedence for the future, going as fuck as to freak about about a bottle of shampoo that says "Ogay" on it in a game that most people crying about it probably didn't have any interest in to begin with.
If you can get developers to remove a shampoo bottle, then it basically just opens up to more options in the future. But at the same time, attacking the developers like some kind of terrorist group was also stupid.

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>suck tranny dick! don't be like all these bigots! be a special snowflake only when I approve of it!
No. You kill yourself. Chances are you probably will in near future anyway.

There is nothing political about being disgusted by cross dressing pedophiles. And no matter how badly you want to frame it in a negative light you won't succeed.

Nice blog didn't read now dilate.

>Muh epic greentext strawmanning

>I can't refute your argument so I'll just sperg out contentiously!
No. You kill yourself. Chances are you probably will in near future anyway.

Fun fact: These people had no power before Yea Forums started throwing autistic fits and getting baited into "harassing" them so they could cry on social media with "proof"

You faggots aren't helping matters at all by sperging out like this, you're just making things worse and always have been.
I still remember back when third wave feminists weren't taken seriously by anyone and we just made fun of them for saying retarded extremist shit, thanks for making this a big problem you fucking faggots. You could have just stopped crying about feminism, but no, you just HAD to fucking obsess over it for nearly a fucking decade.

this is correct


No upvotes for your cringy diatribes here sorry Redditor

Redditors and Trannyeras are your domain you demented tourist.

Imagine if skyrim was called “fantasy 1278” or some shit
Or if mario was called “platformer 1989”
Cyber punk 2077 has a dumb name
In a future where actually changing your genetalia is possible there would be more trans people as they could actually deal with gender dysphoria in a healthy way

Seething cringe with zero cope. How yikes.

Fuck off back to twitter tribalist, Yea Forums isn't an echo chamber.

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>says the twitter tranny sperging out for 6 posts in a row because somebody wasn't politically correct
Dilate your wound hole and fasten your rope.

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being apolitical is cooler nowadays grandpa
nobody wants to walk around assblasted all the time anymore
trannies are all dying super fast anway

>forcing political perspective again
It's not gonna work, trannoid. You're being too obvious.

>if you are not right wing you are a tranny
now how is this any different from “if you are not left wing you are a nazi” again

>Muh tranny boogyman
Peak projection

>because somebody wasn't politically correct
Literally no one said anything about this. Everyone else is telling you they don't give a fuck about the politics and trannies are literally a big part of cyberpunk settings.

You're the one sperging out because you perceived something to be politically correct but no one else cares and is telling you to fuck off.
How the fuck do you think you're any better than the obnoxious SJWs on twitter that you spend all day talking about when you do the same fucking shit with your time. You probably don't actually give a fuck about half the shit you get outraged over, you're just there to stick it to those pesky liberals and SJWs.

Its cringe and bluepilled when they do it, and it goes against your moral values for them to force devs to pander to their political views.
But apparently its based and redpilled when you do it, and devs MUST be cucked trannies if they don't remove anything from their game that offends your political views by pandering to SJWs in any way at all.

Personally I'm just fucking sick to death of americans that don't actually give a fuck about politics screaming at each other for no fucking reason everywhere I go. I don't give a fuck anymore, go away. I don't give a fuck that a game has a black dude in it, I don't give a fuck if some devs throw trannies a bone to make them shut the fuck up, at least the trannies stop shitposting when they get what they want, you retards are never satisfied with anything and only give a fuck when you have something to be 'outraged' over.

You're a bunch of fucking prattling retards crying about shit you don't even understand because you were told to, christ.

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>Muh mutt politics boogeyman
Peak dilation

I'm not reading your wall of actual autism you cringy eunuch.

So, you don't even care about politics but are just obsessed with trannies? That's even worse

>n-no u!
Obsessed are the spineless cuckolds shoving them everywhere. You fucking clown.

Also, I'd just like to add
What the FUCK does calling someone a liberal have to do with videogames?
Its been years now, fucking YEARS of this stupid shit.


I don't know how the fuck this retarded shit lasted for so long, but its so fucking stupid. "Haha, ur leftwing xD" has NOTHING to do with video games. If I want to make fun of someone on Yea Forums its because they have shit taste in games and I want them to know it, saying their taste is bad because they're probably a liberal is not funny, it has nothing to do with anything. I'd rather make fun of him because the mechanics of that game are borderline banal, I want to shit on him for being bad at games or having entry level taste. If I want to make someone feel bad on Yea Forums I want to do it by flexing my autistic game knowledge and implying that they don't know as much about vidya as I do. I have not once, ever, been actually insulted or offended by one of you retards calling me a SJW or a cuck or a liberal or whatever, because it has nothing to do with anything. They're just fucking buzzwords for "thing I don't like", they're completely void of any substance and aren't even vaguely related to games at all.

You might as well say people who like the Playstation probably buy their shoes at wal-mart, at least that hasn't been posted ten billion times before and has just as much to do with their taste in videogames as calling them a cuck.

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Shoving it where? Did CDPR put a tranny in your face? No, you came seeking it yourself because you're OBSESSED.

You say this shit when people have been calling gamers alt-right and nazis for a longer frame of time. It's obvious backlash from bullshit perpetrated by people who don't even play games.

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A world built around about human decadence and the dangers of liberalism is filled with degenerate shit c-can you believe it?

>You say this shit when people have been calling gamers alt-right and nazis for a longer frame of time.
No they haven't you retard, this shit started with the election when all the retards from reddit that came to /pol/ for the memes got told to fuck off so they all went to Yea Forums.

People are calling "Gamers" "alt-right nazis" because autistic faggots from here took memes seriously and go around on every social media platform actually saying /pol/ shit at normies thinking they're being based, when really they're just giving SJWs ammunition.

Any chance they get the faggot kids from reddit will mass spam things with nazi shit to try and trigger people, except unlike 2006 Yea Forums its ACTUALLY politically motivated because it always targets liberals and shit.

Its not "for the lulz" anymore when you have a fucking clear and open political agenda behind it. Also why the fuck do you care what retards on twitter are saying?
Why do you give a fuck if stupid people that fall for clickbait headlines literally think "Gamers are alt-right nazis", if you don't go around shitposting about politics this doesn't fucking affect you at all.
If you don't go around LOOKING for shit to get mad about with SJWs you wouldn't be mad about it all the time.

For how often you faggots laugh at Reset Era for seemingly going out of their way to get pissed off about literally nothing, I sure see it happen on Yea Forums all the fucking time. Every 10 minutes a new thread crying about some literal who on twitter saying something liberal pops up for people to seethe at.

Play some fucking videogames and stop obsessing over this stupid shit.
You say "Obvious backlash from people who don't even play games" but this describes all of the "Backlash" from the political retards on this website too.
How many of those little faggots that got swept up in the Ion Maiden drama do you think ACTUALLY had planned on paying for and playing a doom.wad before finding out that there was tranny drama?

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Well said user. Anyone that can't tell Yea Forums's changed for the worse is fucking retarded.

Why cant western dev get combat right?

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Dont speak on my behalf you subhuman failure

This, except I like licking armpits. Being anti-porn is political. Your "porn addicts" comment directly contradicts the rest of your post.

>Being anti-porn is political. Your "porn addicts" comment directly contradicts the rest of your post.
No it fucking doesn't, you can like armpits without telling everyone about it all the time, christ.
This is why no one likes furries, and its why perpetually horny autists are starting to see backlash. No one fucking likes it when entire franchises become off limits for discussion because large groups of horny autists automatically start jerking off together and describing their boners or what they're imagining doing to a drawing.

I don't want to have to sift through 14 posts of fat autists telling each other about how their jerk off session is going to find the one other guy in the thread that has actually played the game and wants to talk about it.

You like porn? Thats fine, I do too. You like jerking off? Same here, we all do.
But I don't fucking need to hear about it, no one does. Not only are lewd threads/posters the gayest shit on this website, you can ACTUALLY have those threads without getting pruned on one of the many relevant NSFW boards made expressly for that purpose.

I'm not saying you can't like porn, I'm saying you don't need to constantly talk about it because no one gives a fuck outside of other fat guys with their cocks out. You can look at those images without posting them, you can jerk off to videogame characters without coming here to let everyone know that you're about to do it.
EVERYONE likes porn and jerking off, it doesn't make you special, and having stupid fetishes doesn't make you somehow better than the fratbros that won't shut the fuck up about Meagan Fox or whatever. Jerking off is jerking off, its the same shit, everyone does it, there is nothing to talk about. No one cares how hard your dick is or what you would do to a cartoon character with it. Just keep it to yourself and try to have actual conversations.

Have some self control instead of just living on autopilot with your Id at the wheel

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>Witcher 3's world is too empty! You just ride your horse around an empty plain!
>Cyberpunk 2077's map is smaller, and more densely packed
>WTF?! 0/10! I want to drive around empty highways!
Why the hypocrisy? Pick one or the other.

So NOW we're listening to Resetera?

>riding a horse around the countryside = boring but relaxing
>riding a bike in a hostile gang filled neighborhood with vehicle combat = fun
>riding an elevator (loading screens) fucking everywhere = boring and infuriating

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Actual full-on porn threads are relatively uncommon. I can only imaging you're just talking about OP images being sexy fan art. People post sexy girl pictures because they like them. They are nice to look at. It really isn't as deep as you seem to believe. Not everyone who posts a picture of a butt is furiously whacking off to it.

>riding an elevator (loading screens) fucking everywhere = boring and infuriating
Good thing they seem to be kept to a minimum.

You're being disingenuous and you know it, horny posts attract more horny posters, and it doesn't take long for threads to basically devolve into ERP shit with just barely technically SFW off model fan art being posted at a higher frequency than actual posts

You don't know that. We saw a masked elevator loading screen in the 40 minute demo. I don't need another Mass Effect 1.

There was one and it lasted like ten seconds. Anyway, a masked loading screen is better than a regular loading screen.

>dog shit is better than human shit
Both are shit no need to defend one because it's superior to the other one.

>post-apocalyptic wasteland of degeneracy
>has things you don't like
Oh wow! How unexpected!

What, would you rather spend two minutes walking up stairs then?

>There was one
Because there was another one but scripted and cut short for the demo. When the mission completes it fades to black in an elevator and it goes into a cutscene the next day. In-game you'll be riding that elevator loading screen. Also the demo starts from an elevator which is going to be another loading screen.

>Anyway, a masked loading screen is better than a regular loading screen.
It's the same shit but more slower. At least when you're riding outdoors you're watching the scenery as the level loads in the distance. When you're in an elevator you get to suck dick until you arrive there. Go play Mass Effect 1 to see what I mean.

>In-game you'll be riding that elevator loading screen. Also the demo starts from an elevator which is going to be another loading screen.
>Go play Mass Effect 1 to see what I mean.
Loading times of five minutes, which is a bit more then the ten seconds from the cyberdemo.

What you're asking for is not possible. If you want interiors, you're going to have loading screens of some kind.

>At least when you're riding outdoors you're watching the scenery as the level loads in the distance
That's sort of what you're doing in the elevator present in the demo. It's open air.

>years in development with a "when it's done" release date
>a shitty cash in
please, try harder. this is just pathetic

Seems mostly like tortanic pushing honestly.
Everyone seemed to have some dream game idea about what CP2077 and are now acting as though they've been betrayed or that the game is absolutely garbage because it doesn't match the game they created in their head.
The only lesson to take away from this is stop being an idiot that gets absorbed with hype trains.

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literally the only difference between the trailer years ago and screenshots now is day vs. night, and obviously the game will have both day and night. this is standard Yea Forums, the game is going to receive awards for years after it comes out, everyone besides Yea Forums will love it.

what's the point of threads like this? why don't you simply kill yourself OP?

you DO have to be a retard to hate on any game enough to make threads dedicated to how much you hate it on a ukranian tai chi practice zaibatsu.
For games that I don't like, or I think will be shit: I don't think about them, I don't open threads about them, and I certainly don't MAKE threads about them. Like WoW classic. I played back in 2005 and most of the intervening expansions, and I have no interest in classic. I also think it'll be severely depopulated in 2-3 months after the zoomers realize it isn't their cup of fortnite. But why begrudge those who wish to have the nostalgia their fun? Let them enjoy themselves, I have no need to piss in their cornflakes.

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this. i actually suspect that Yea Forums is going to end up loving it, though

being a mentally ill tranny has nothing to do with transhumanism, you stupid fuck. is chopping of your leg because you have dementia also a transhumanist action? ROFLMAO

An inside-out dick skin is not a vagina. Its mental illness. Get a load at this faggot lmao.

I think the options will be a little more sophisticated by 2077

Why is going to be shit? because the "journalists" that saw the footage at gamescom said it looked boring? Why would you trust them when all of their summaries opened up with talk about cyberpunks world of trans unfriendly ads and CDPRs history of sating white cis males?

I would have said that about old Yea Forums but I'm not so sure anymore, I hope you're right

they won't be, this mental illness will be cured through medicine.

Meh, we'll see at friday when they release the gameplay clip.

Why are you so obsessed with trannies?
You're most certainly mentally ill yourself, why do you act like saying it over and over again makes your weird obsessive hatred of trannies reasonable?

You just come off as an angry autist, trying to shame people into agreeing with you by insulting them when they challenge your opinions and political beliefs will go about as well for you as it did for the trannies and SJWs.

Protip: Acting like an extremist faggot and shoving your politics down our throats, while also sperging out whenever people tell you they don't care or think you're being a faggot will only make people disagree with you harder. The only people that won't tell you to fuck off already agree with you anyway and are basically just trying to help you protect their gay little hugbox backpat echo chamber where you pretend to have actual opinions to fit in with the autistic hivemind that took laughing at feminists to a retarded extreme that only people with aspergers could think makes sense.

Do you even remember why you hate liberals and trannies so much?
Why does this one particular brand of mental illness and delusion trigger you so hard?
When did you become such a huge faggot obsessed with american identity politics?

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The cure is to get the genitals you want.

So I heard it's going to be based

So I'll be able to create my cyber fluffy character?

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>thread about how cyberpunk will be shit
Oh, has something new come out about the story or gameplay that I should be worried about?
>irrelevant social politics

>being trans has nothing to with transhumanism
Your IQ is lower than your age.

or pic related

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u shills need a reality check from a veteran video game critic :


no one wants to watch your shitty video

>staying true to the cyberpunk atmosphere and aesthethic?
It doesn't though? It's cybernoir, not cyberpunk.

With technology you could take your brain out of your body and put it in a woman’s body you grew in a tube. That’s transhumanism and trans.

>I hope you're right
I don't think what Yea Forums likes really matters at all

What's with the hate campaign against this game? Did the devs step on some SJW journalists toes or something?

that was mostly just so I can have a place to talk about it, but /vg/ will be fine once it comes out regardless

Kids that thought the game would just be cool people with robot parts didn’t realize that cyberpunk settings are almost always toned towards anti-capitalist and socially progressive ideas.

Feeding into your delusions isn't dealing with gender dysphoria in a healthy way.
Going through hormone replacement therapy and major genital surgery isn't healthy, user.

Why do any of that when you can just pay to see a psychiatrist and/or start taking some antipsychotic medication or something every so often?

What if you just literally transplant your brain into a body of the opposite gender?

You're disgusting

>Why do any of that when you can just pay to see a psychiatrist
They'll tell you to transition.
>start taking some antipsychotic medication
Those don't work, since they aren't psychotic. Like how Anti-Depressants don't work on things that aren't Depression.

>every tranny is a retard too invested in the internet on twitter
just like how every person scared of trannies is a retard on Yea Forums like you

Or get a mental fix and remove the need to get the opposite genitals that you already have. That's truly cyberpunk right there

When the game comes out will you kill yourself?

Stop calling every vaguely moody sci-fi property cyberpunk.

>Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

My child in school is forced to learn about tranny garbage and lgbt freaks. Luckily she's redpilled enough even at 9yo. Gee, I wonder why I would hate those abominations.

That's not any more Cyberpunk than a bodyswap. Maybe an evil Megacorp that is changing people's orientation to farm more customers, that's pretty Cyberpunk. Make a side quest about stopping them. Maybe punish the corpos by turning them into breeders, or changing their orientation?

Your son is gonna rebel and grow up to be a wonderful man and it's a shame he has a shitty father like you

>My child in school is forced to learn about tranny garbage and lgbt freaks.
No, they aren't. You mean sex-ed? At nine years old? Or history class, maybe? Either way, it doesm't make sense.

Welcome to Canada.

But can I kill John wick

>the place that still slaughters Natives like there is still no tomorrow
Makes sense they'd produce something like you.

Remember on the news some faggots dressed in drag going to some school in Canada to teach kids about being a homo? And some of them ended up being registered sex offenders not allowed to be around kids? Yea, that happened in my town.

He is a hologram in your head, just unplug him.

The natives slaughter themselves in drunken or drug fueled rages. Stop watching so much Fox News and CNN, its bad for you.

Okay? Sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood, just move.

Fox news is anti native, what are you smoking? I'll give you CNN though.

>comes up with an Epstein-tier conspiracy to explain why people aren't hyped about Deus Ex but without anything of the elements that made Deus Ex fun

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I wonder how lewd the protagonist will be, will there finally be a game where the underwear is a removable item

We know their will be naked cutscenes, but not sure about regular gameplay.

Guaranteed 90+ metascore



and COPE.

Why palm trees? Who the fuck though it was a good idea to put fucking palm trees fucking everywhere? I don't mind the sun and I even don't mind the rednecks that much, but the fucking palm trees look so shit jesus christ


I doubt it would be that simple.
But maybe. Certainly a better alternative to mutilation.
But if the root of this mental condition is believing you're in the wrong body, than how will switching to another body fully alleviate that feeling? The body will be even less personal than the one that came before it.
Will you be able to customize the body? Like a character creator in a game?

No, I seriously doubt that they'll jump to that conclusion.
And, well, many medications don't work in the sense that they'll absolutely cure whatever they're designed to combat.
The most they'll probably do is help you stay relatively mentally stable for as long as you take them, which is better than nothing, or mutilating yourself forever.

>Yea Forums says a game is gonna flop
>It ends up succeeding
>Months of damage control until the next big game they hate gets announced

Don't you ever get tired of doing this dance?

How is Epstein not a conspiracy?

You would grow the body in a tube. Also if your brain thinks you are in the wrong body, switching to the correct body seems like the obvious solution.

No one ever said the game was going to flop. A game can be successful and still disappointing.

Fox News is corporatist propoganda just like msnbc or cnn. They just say things to get you mad about meaningless social issues so that you vote for the guy that keeps their masters rich.

>It's official
>claims anonymous for the 239th time this year

It's southern california

Lol where did op mention anything about that?

You trannys really are shotgunned you spout off the same shit on command.

Why does southern california have them?

Trannies are mentally ill people, depict them as such.

Normal people look at tyrannies in disgust

Na white genocide is letting a steady stream of niggers into your country.

fuggin rich assholes and they can grow in the climate

>No, I seriously doubt that they'll jump to that conclusion
Many do.
>The most they'll probably do is help you stay relatively mentally stable for as long as you take them
Not if you aren't psychotic, then'll just make you unstable if yoh take them then. Might as well use tranquilizers at that point, less side effects and they get just as much done in this scenario, which is nothing.
>mutilating yourself forever.
It's not mutilating if it makes you feel better. Plastic surgery has some real uses, it's just that you only care about the one in a million horror shows.

Epstein is a conspiracy, that's the point. An "Epstein-tier conspiracy" is a very high level complex one.

Yes, that's what I'm saying. Fox says Native are bad. You are saying they are defending Natives to an unnecessary extreme, like CNN.

Ehh, at least the OST is bangin'

/pol/ amd Yea Forums incels and/or neets never understood Cyberpunk as a RPG, let alone as a genre where people regularly cyborg themselves with cybernetics is the norm, but apparently swapping biological parts is excessive, and missed the memo where society is incredibly hedonistic, degenerate and rife with debauchery.

Studies time and time again have shown fox to be the most balanced of all the cable news networks

No, no it doesn't.
Unless your body is literally physically rejecting your entire fucking brain somehow, you should at least TRY to get some psychiatric help FIRST.

Because changing your brain is a whole hell of a lot simpler than changing the entire rest of your body.
And what if you could find help? What if the doctors actually help you understand something about yourself that would've took you years of your limited life of hormones, surgery, and heartache to figure out?
You'd feel really stupid if you just got over your dysphoria after you already lived multiple years as an obviously fake man or woman, who went through voluntary genital mutilation and everything. All the money spent. All the time losing friends, making new friends, coming out to family and all of this shit. What if it's all just a phase, and you don't realize it until it's over?

Yea Forums is and always has been /pol/ you Reddit invaders aren’t going to change that.

Go back to plebbit

Yea Forums is /pol/ and every sane person who understands biology hates trannies.

Trans people shouldn’t be normalized.

>you should at least TRY to get some psychiatric help FIRST.
And they tell you to change your body, because that's how Dysphoria works.
>Because changing your brain is a whole hell of a lot simpler than changing the entire rest of your body.
Not in my OC Cyberpunk universe, where brains can be plug and play.
>You'd feel really stupid if you just got over your dysphoria
Good thing the only known cure for Dysphoria is is changing your body to look more like you want.
>What if? What if? What if?
What if you regret never transitioning? What if you hate your body for the rest of your life? What if you die of a heart attack in the next two minutes? What if the sun blows up early? See how easy it is to spiral when you start asking "what if-"s?

>actually deal with gender dysphoria in a healthy way
It’s a mental issues that needs to be dealt with psychologically.

What is it about this game that triggers both resetera trannies and /pol/tards?

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Kill yourself tranny

Hello R eddit

>Good thing the only known cure for Dysphoria is is changing your body to look more like you want.
Science and reality disagree. The rest of us shouldn’t have to enable your delusions.

You are reddit>your brain thinks you are in the wrong body, switching to the correct body seems like the obvious solution.
That’s false.

>Yea Forums is and always has been /pol/ you Reddit invaders aren’t going to change that.
you realize you have to be 18 to post here, right?

Mental Health has a physical component. A therapist can help you mentally, but you still need to physically change your life to avoid situations that make your mental health worse. Anti-Depressants, and other medication, fixing your sleep schedule, eating better, and exercising more are all examples of physical changes you can make in your life to improve your mental health. Transitioning can be too.

>It's not mutilating
It is mutilating you moron.
It just gives the illusion. That’s why enabling that mental dellusuion is both unethical and dangerous. Should be outlawed.

>Science and reality disagree. The rest of us shouldn’t have to enable your delusions.
Got any sources? Because I say science agrees with me. You gotta get evidence to refute a claim.

>They'll tell you to transition
Which is wrong.

horseshoe theory is real

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>That’s false.

>That’s why enabling that mental dellusuion is both unethical and dangerous. Should be outlawed
It's literally encouraged by therapists.

Like how RDR2 would flop, right? Kek, can't wait for launch day.

It's not wrong, that second post only adds to my point.

Kill me, Pete

There's many different kinds of medications.
This is why you discuss them with your doctor, and see what'll work for you. If it's not working for you, you can stop taking it and try another.

Mutilation is mutilation. Just because you kidnap a guy, pump him full of ecstasy and meth, and then cut off his arm, doesn't mean you aren't mutilating him.
If you have a son or a daughter, and you catch them cutting themselves, and they tell you they do it to feel better, what are you gonna do? Hand them a set of razor blades, tell them to make sure they're always sanitized before use, tell them to have fun and then walk away from them?

Plastic surgery does have some uses, it also has bad uses.
It's not the only answer.
The monkey victim that had his cheek bit off should absolutely get surgery done to mask and alleviate it if they wish.
The gender dysphoria patient who simply wants to have more feminine facial features, but only "needs" them because they just really really badly want them to the point of thinking they need them. They should try talking to some mental health experts first and wearing out less extreme options until surgery is literally the final option, AT LEAST.


What therapists?
Shitty ones that give up right away and take your money just so they can tell you what you want to hear?

>initial promising reveal seems too good to be true
>devs realize they don't have time and resources to deliver
>game comes out okay, nothing revolutionary
That's like every single hyped up product. If you drool over what devs tell you, but don't show, you're a retard.

>There's many different kinds of medications. This is why you discuss them with your doctor, and see what'll work for you. If it's not working for you, you can stop taking it and try another.
Yes, which is why doctors reccomend trans people take hormone medicine, instead of of anti-psychotics.
>Mutilation is mutilation. Just because you kidnap a guy, pump him full of ecstasy and meth, and then cut off his arm, doesn't mean you aren't mutilating him.
That is mutilation, but a transperson willingly transitioning isn't like your fucked up scenario.
>If you have a son or a daughter, and you catch them cutting themselves, and they tell you they do it to feel better, what are you gonna do? Hand them a set of razor blades, tell them to make sure they're always sanitized before use, tell them to have fun and then walk away from them?
Take them to a therapist to be properly diagnosed. Then support whatever mental health plan they need to follow, like how doctors trans people plan out their transition.
>The monkey victim that had his cheek bit off should absolutely get surgery done to mask and alleviate it if they wish
>The gender dysphoria patient who simply wants to have more feminine facial features, but only "needs" them because they just really really badly want them to the point of thinking they need them
Monkey guy just wants his face back because he really really wants it, he doesn't need it. Why does one person get what they want, but not the other?
>They should try talking to some mental health experts first and wearing out less extreme options until surgery is literally the final option, AT LEAST
Yes, I agree. They should go to a doctor, who will then help them plan their transition.

No, good ones that diagnose an issue and help you manage it.


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Honestly based. Come on in mods.

I'm happy to view it as purely a work of art, but only if there was no political motives and messages being pushed in the creation of it.. which is really hard to tell in this day and age, especially when its clear that the left will treat the game as being propaganda for their side, if it happens to feature something which overlaps with their lifestyle or beliefs.

Shut up nigger

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Based loli poster

That’s code These days for forcing things like trans and gays into games.

> (You)
>>you should at least TRY to get some psychiatric help FIRST.
>And they tell you to change your body, because that's how Dysphoria works.


>>Because changing your brain is a whole hell of a lot simpler than changing the entire rest of your body.
>Not in my OC Cyberpunk universe, where brains can be plug and play.

Not an answer.

>>You'd feel really stupid if you just got over your dysphoria
>Good thing the only known cure for Dysphoria is is changing your body to look more like you want.


>>What if? What if? What if?
>What if you regret never transitioning? What if you hate your body for the rest of your life? What if you die of a heart attack in the next two minutes? What if the sun blows up early? See how easy it is to spiral when you start asking "what if-"s?

It'd be better to regret not transitioning than to regret transitioning.
Try changing your body in a healthy way first. Eat better, exercise. That kind of stuff helps mentally just as much as it does physically. If you do all that, talk to mental health experts and exhaust all your options, and it comes down deciding whether to get surgery or live the rest of your life in torment, than I guess it's your body to do with what you please. Just don't act like it's the only/best option for every one with a similar issue.

There. I answered your questions. Wasn't so hard.
Don't write mine off as "what if?"s.
At least be honest and say that you refuse to answer if you don't want to answer. That's fine. But don't act like they aren't legitimate questions.

I mean, I can see a few ways to naturally fit LGBT topics in a cyberpunk setting.

You really are comparing the guy who lost his face to some mentally ill tranny that thing mutilatung their body is a “cure”?

>having a serious conversation about trannies

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transhumanism is improving the human body and mind.
Taking your brain into a female body is the opposite.

And that’s the problem.

Based, suicide statistics are seething.

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Because you use pseudoscience that detached gender from sex.

Basic biology shows us if you are born a male your genetics are as such and can’t be changed. Cosmetics won’t change that. Just because you “brain” thinks something doesn’t Make it your bodies reality.

You're a pedophile, no different to trannies.

>Dude thought crimes are bad

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Seriously, was trannies a thing in Cyberpunk? I can't imagine the writers in the 80's thinking about men wanting to become women or that it would be cool to write about it.

>Not an answer.
Not an argument.
>It'd be better to regret not transitioning than to regret transitioning.
Says you.
>Try changing your body in a healthy way first.
Transitioning can be healthy, when done by professionals.
>Just don't act like it's the only/best option for every one with a similar issue.
I'm bot saying it is, and I never did. Just that you're unnecessarily shitting on it.
>Don't write mine off as "what if?"s.
At least be honest and say that you refuse to answer if you don't want to answer. That's fine. But don't act like they aren't legitimate questions.
They're baseless, so there isn't anything to discuss.


No, you are, when you brought them up and compared them. I'm just telling you they are both cosmetic surgeries.

That doesn't seem like what they're doing if all they do is act like yes men.

People walk into their offices hating their bodies and wanting to get unnecessary, life changing surgeries, and they seemingly walk out of their offices hating their bodies and wanting to get unnecessary, life changing surgeries.

Looks to me like they're doing literally nothing for you. And you should try other, more reputable physicians.

Body modification for the purpose of fetishes certainly was, as evidenced by exotics (basically cyberfurries) so I don't think trannies/futas are a far stretch. But I don't think it was ever specifically said that trannies are a thing, probably because it doesn't matter that much. This is a world where you can completely replace you body, no shit people are going to do all sorts of kinky stuff with it.

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>this is still here
I guess Yea Forums really is full of pedophiles

>Because you use pseudoscience
Any proof of that? You are still unable to defend yourself.
>Basic biology shows us if you are born a male your genetics are as such and can’t be changed.
Yes and? We're talking about the mind, which is usually not logical.
>Just because you “brain” thinks something doesn’t Make it your bodies reality.
Why is brain in quotation marks? Are you doubting the existence of a brain? You might be missing one, but most people do have them. Also, your brain can determine your reality, since it your body's processor.

Why are lolis always masterbating?

I used to think the discord tranny thing was a meme but there’s literally people arguing in favor of the junk science used to justify genital mutilation in this thread. SMDH

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nah you're just mad about trannies because you're an obsessed culture warrior who should kys

>Any proof of that? You are still unable to defend yourself.
It’s biology vs. psychology.
You argue from a psychology and I From biology.

You can change gender. It’s not possible. That is basic science.

Trannies arguing over trannies, it's great.


same user that spammed dmc threads for months before dmc5's release, im sure of it.

Most people hate trannies.
Luckily they kill themselves

>pretending they like games

>Transitioning can be healthy,
No it’s never healthy.

>That doesn't seem like what they're doing if all they do is act like yes men
Did I say they are yes men? No. They diagnose an issue, and if they think you are trans, they help you transition.
>People walk into their offices hating their bodies and wanting to get unnecessary, life changing surgeries, and they seemingly walk out of their offices hating their bodies and wanting to get unnecessary, life changing surgeries.
Got any proof of that? Also, it is a long proccess, it doesn't happen over a single session. Many trans people do feel better about their bodies after seeing a therapist, and start transitioning.
>Looks to me like they're doing literally nothing for you. And you should try other, more reputable physicians.
Just because your therapist doesn't work for you, doesn't mean they're all bad. There are reputable trans friendly therapists.

What is the long term stat for those who regret tranny conversations late in life?

Why can't they work together? Biologically, you'll always be XX or XY, and mentally can be male or female, and these two don't always overlap.

Literally false.

it's interesting: every movie and game that triggers /pol/incels is the worst game/movie ever and literally white male genocide according to them, yet everyone else loves it and it's always a huge success critically and financially
aren't you sad little losers tired of getting BTFO constantly and about everything. get a life lmao

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>most people = just me and my brainwashed incel gamer cult

user, the medical industry's top priority is to make money. Your health comes second.
Why do you think you have to pay for everything doctors do to you?
If a doctor has two options he can suggest to you, one of them is simply taking some meds and getting a little counseling, and the other is a path littered with expensive surgeries and life long treatments, he's always going to pick the latter for you. Whatever's the best option for you be damned.
It's up to you to have the common sense to pick the healthier, and less expensive options.

The kidnap victim will presumably be so high, that he'd welcome getting his arm cut off. Maybe to the point of thinking that he NEEDS it cut off. At that point, does it stop being mutilation and turn into simply "transitioning" until the victim becomes sober and changes their mind?

What if the doctor that wants to treat your emo kid tells you that they should cut themselves until their whole body is scarred? What if they just feed into whatever delusions your child has, and tell you that's the best option?

So you agree that they should try every possible option that they can BEFORE deciding to transition, right?


>user, the medical industry's top priority is to make money
As an American, Americans get out.

If we can attack civilians, it means we can kill trannys on-sight. That's would be rather based.

Yea Forums really is a place of shit opinions, shilling, and contrarianism. At least other boards don’t get so faggy about their content. Like you never really see Yea Forums bitch and whine about a cartoon for having a gay in it (at least not nearly as much as you fags do). Why don’t you all get a life?

>The kidnap victim will presumably be so high, that he'd welcome getting his arm cut off. Maybe to the point of thinking that he NEEDS it cut off. At that point, does it stop being mutilation and turn into simply "transitioning" until the victim becomes sober and changes their mind?
No, since the trans person wants to transition when they are sober, not high on meth.
>What if the doctor that wants to treat your emo kid tells you that they should cut themselves until their whole body is scarred? What if they just feed into whatever delusions your child has, and tell you that's the best option?
Self harm in a school bathroom and transitioning in a clean hospital are two different things.
>So you agree that they should try every possible option that they can BEFORE deciding to transition, right?
Yes, but they should still transition if it comes to that. You are saying transitioning is like meth addiction, or wrist cutting. That's just not true.

This is a sci-fi setting. If everyone is passing, how will you be able to tell?

Please keep all Transgender games in the board they belong in.
Thank you.

I don't even know if we can slaughter civilians. They've been vague about it.

You can engineer a female body to be stronger than a mans with cybernetics. This is sci fi you moron.

Yea Forums and Yea Forums are /pol/. You can't do anything about it but cry lol

Until sjw trannies cry about it and cdpr caves and not only makes them unkillable, but forces you to join their side.
They caved once, they will cave again.

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I wasn’t that guy. I was just clarifying that the news can’t be trusted.

Only the shitty threads such as this one. You shouldn't boast about being from Reddit by the way.

Exactly. Most people will be weird bio/tech cyborg weirdos. Who cares at that point if someone is trans.

I never go on reddit, I mostly post on Yea Forums. You can keep bitching through, it only makes you look more retarded.

/pol/ is less whiny than Yea Forums and has better, more intelligent discussions, to be fully honest.

>soiboy calling Yea Forums Yea Forums and /pol/ reddit
lol so cute how you newfags try playing pretend.

>Yea Forums is /pol/
what the fuck does that even mean?

The reaction of the Russian brothers:

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It means they want this website to be their safe space when it has never been that to begin with.

go back to retardera cretin

How can you be so retarded and misread his post like that faggot? He didn’t say Yea Forums, Yea Forums, or /pol/ were reddit. He said Yea Forums and Yea Forums ARE /pol/. You must be some sort of autist or just fishing for (you)s, fucking cuck faggot

Problem is that starting a massacre in the middle of town would get the police to send a cyber psycho squad after you and rip you to shreds.

/pol/ is the best board on Yea Forums. They single handedly made Yea Forums a conservative website. It's honestly great.

/pol/ and everywhere they creep into are literally old lady boomers from Reddit, like yourself.

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And all you've achieved is shootings and threads like these where literally no intelligent discussion happens

I can sense your seeth from here user.

> (You)

Oh, good, wikipedia.
Also, where does it say that changing your body is the definitive way of alleviating gender dysphoria?
All I see is this "The term is often used to refer togender dysphoria[1], experienced by people whosegender identitydoes not align with theirbiological sex, and who may undergosex reassignment surgery."

MAY. They MAY undergo sex reassignment surgery. Not MUST.

>>Not an answer.
>Not an argument.

Ok, let me reword it.
If you have an illness, and you have to choose whether to change your brain a little or change your entire body drastically, changing your brain may not be the most satisfying way to alleviate it, but it's by far the HEALTHIEST way.

>>It'd be better to regret not transitioning than to regret transitioning.
>Says you.

Many people who regret transitioning, kill themselves, user.
They can't just go back if they change their mind after all the surgery and hormones and shit. They permanently lose tons of money, tons of time, and their bodies are ruined forever.

>>Try changing your body in a healthy way first.
>Transitioning can be healthy, when done by professionals.
>>Just don't act like it's the only/best option for every one with a similar issue.
>I'm bot saying it is, and I never did. Just that you're unnecessarily shitting on it.

I am absolutely rightfully shitting on it. It's extremely dangerous.
You're the one unnecessarily putting it on a pedestal. Like all roads leading from gender dysphoria inevitably lead to transitioning.

>>Don't write mine off as "what if?"s.
>At least be honest and say that you refuse to answer if you don't want to answer. That's fine. But don't act like they aren't legitimate questions.
>They're baseless, so there isn't anything to discuss.

Practically everything you're saying is baseless, but you and your people won't stop discussing it all everywhere endlessly. So here we are.

>He doesnt live and die for his family

Pretty much yeah, when you talk to people from /pol/ it actually feels like you're talking to a normal well adjusted individual, and not some screeching autist or outsider like the ones that flock Yea Forums.


The best thing they've achieved is making Yea Forums so unironically racist that it acts as a pleb filter

>unironic racism
Yea Forums was always racially conscious.

Name one game.

Just because I say nigger, mudslime etc doesn't mean I don't want equal rights for these people, it doesn't mean I want them out of my country and/or dead. Unless you're a jew, fuck off and die jews.

> to hate on any game enough to make threads dedicated to how much you hate it on a ukranian tai chi practice zaibatsu.

Do you honestly think all negative discussion is retarded? People want to communicate that they dislike something, and others that feel the same wish to feel like they're not the only ones.

They just saturated it with more plebs
Boy I love nu Yea Forums

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I want niggers to go back and build wakanda desu.

See, even that kind of attitude is unacceptable to the average person. It's not stormfront level, but just being okay with calling people niggers and hating jews (although that's been getting traction) is too much for most.
>the_donald shut down
Well fuck, that might actually be a problem. Although most of /pol/ doesn't like Trump for being a zionist puppet, so maybe they'll be able to not get overrun.

get aids

Seriously, why do you people keep arguing about trannies?

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I almost feel like it's a false flag so people don't discuss other potential problems with the game.

Because instead of cute catgirls they're shoving in trannies

Because they're unironically obsessed

How many literal tranny niggers were on the VMAs last night?

You're dodging the point of the hypotheticals.
The drugs are irrelevant, the different natures of the situations are irrelevant.

The kidnap victim, while high, thinks that he needs his arm cut off to feel normal.
Forget about him turning sober later. Forget that the drugs are responsible for making him feel the way he does about his arm.
Currently, he is an individual that thinks he needs his arm gone. Would it be wrong to strap him down, and keep him from removing his arm until the drugs wear off? Would it be wrong to force him to keep his arm, even though you believe he probably should keep it, and would keep it in the long run?

The point is to question your logic on what and what is not mutilation.

As for the kid.
The doctor should know exactly what to do about him cutting himself, but he tells you that you should just let em cut themselves whenever they want until their whole body is deformed.
He tells you that this is what would best for the mental state of your child.

The point is to question your logic on trusting doctors as deeply as you seem to do.

I never said meth addiction or self harm were akin to transitioning. That's not the point I'm trying to make here.

Witcher 3, God of War

What the fuck are the VMAs?

>but uhhh cyberpunk is degenerate and also transhumanism so it makes sense to have trannies
Name one non-literally-who cyberpunk game/book/movie that features trannies. Not drag queens, not cybercocks for turbofucking, and not body swapping. Actual trannies.

Music video awards. It was set up to make niggers feel special because they never win actual awards for their music.

Body swapping is tranny

>For months on end every piece of new info for this game has lowered expectations for everyone on Yea Forums.
>It started out with so much promise but CDPReddit threw it all away for a shitty cash in.
This is what qualifies as an opening post nowadays?

If you take your male brain and put it in a female cybernetic body, that's a tranny. Ghost in the Shell covered this, but I'll be fucked if I can remember what episodes.

Uhh no. There is a big difference in that they are freaks with mutilated bodies and we are not. We are literally fighting against entropy.

Stop posting this shit, retard, and fuck off back to your shithole. And stay there, forever, sucking that monkey cock.

Funny word. Kinda reminds me of the word train, trainnees.

>Early days: Yea Forums is not your personal army and it's not your hugbox.
>2016-present: HURR DURR Yea Forums IS /pol/ THE ENTIRE SITE IS FOR US.

How the fuck did this happen? I know how it happened. It's a rhetorical question.

Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I think even Fallout 4 won some awards.Not even New Vegas got GOTY and that was one that Yea Forums loves to shill, despite it being absolute shit.

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gender dysphoria is a fucking meme
anyone with two brain cells would realize that

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Yea Forums was the only place that cared about witcher 3, and outside of the downgrades most were excited and thought it was good on release.

>God of war
Lol well walking simulators always win awards, that doesn't mean shit like gone home is good.

>anti-normie shit that blew up after release
>Yea Forums hates persona
Since when?

>boo hoo hoo

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I never had high hopes for this game

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Utter fucking retards. Triple niggers with severe brain damage.
You know what "tranny" means? Nothing, actually. All they do is delude themselves into thinking they're of the opposite gender, and try to force everyone else to play along. That's what it is, and that's what people have an issue with.
Even "picking a body type" is a massive red flag and retarded pandering, because V's body is initially fully organic.

Anyone with two brain cells knows that the brain is extremely complex and that we don’t have enough information to come to that conclusion yet.

I love how the idiot part of Yea Forums gets so buttblasted by this game. If the part of Yea Forums that judges everything by how much it aligns with its personal stupid views hate a game, then it is a good game.

When something becomes popular/accessible, it attracts retards.

Fuck. Yea Forums.
Whether or not this game will be shit or god tier or anywhere in between, I want everyone on Yea Forums to know they’re pathetic incel faggots that make the worst of /pol/ look like saints. You make all the fucking belly inflation, reverse pregnancy, and guro faggots on /d/ look sane. You guys make Yea Forums look like scholars, and /trash/ look like a respectable board.
Once again: FUCK. Yea Forums.

I did before I realised cdproyect got bought out by Warner brothers.

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077


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So instead of studying it further, we just assume the mental illness is right based off the old gender studies off a child didilling doctor?

>because V's body is initially fully organic
V already has basic cybernetics, that's why she doesn't die from one bullet, and already has a receiver for chips behind her ear.

I don't even know where to begin with the rest of that drivel. Yeah, transexuals are a hot political topic that is basically an ideology that stands for nothing, gotcha, but you're a fucking idiot if you think exploring the idea of changing genders in a piece of science fiction has never happened.

Go back to co-opting Yea Forums with your tranny fag shit

You will NEVER erase the trans from transhumanism

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They are on the same tier as those people that watch a movie that makes them sad and then claim it is bad. No, you being sad means the writing was successful. It’s just a bunch of emotionally driven retards that live their entire lives as reactionary jackasses.

>echo chambers look better than discourse


Wait I think you misread his post. It sounds like you're attacking trannies.

Nothing you said is wrong. The game doesn’t need those things.

We allow the individuals to treat the situation the way they want to because we live in a free society. Once the brain is completely understood we can come up with a clear method of treatment.

Do you hate trannies for religious reasons?

>For games that I don't like, or I think will be shit: I don't think about them
Pretty much /thread

John Money is hugely discredited. No psychiatrist uses his "research"

That sounds sketchy

Not him, but the idiot part of Yea Forums are equally mentally unstable, fragile and easily offended as trannies, just at the other extreme.

>We allow the individuals to treat the situation the way they want to because we live in a free society.
No we don't, suicide is illegal.

>just like how every person scared of trannies is a retard on Yea Forums like you
Way to out yourself faggot

>V already has basic cybernetics
It's been said that the only mandatory augs which you install AFTER starting the game are:
>hacking interface, whatever that entails
That's it. Not a full synthetic body for fucking sure.
>if you think exploring the idea of changing genders in a piece of science fiction has never happened
Never said anything of sorts. You can actually change genders. Trannies are irrelevant.

>They act like conspiracy theorists at this point lol
They act like bad shills which they are

People that live their lives parroting social political meme opinions on either side are nothing more than livestock. They exist for no other reason than to consume products and elect corporatist politicians. Anyone that pays more than the smallest passing thought to social politics is an NPC acting against their own self interest because it’s easier to live as a self victimizing drone than to actually think.

>it's mostly just /leftypol/

That's what happens every time. If you think a company is bad, look at who owns them.

V also technically has shit like the jack to plug into people and a slot for data shards.

STFU leftist trannie.

only when the west does it. and they work their political agendas into every setting, not just cyberpunk.

>blurring the lines between species
This is OK
>blurring the line between man and machine
This is OK
>blurring the line between genders

Accept it, fags, transgenderism is part and parcel of transhumanism and cyberpunk

Well, yes, hacking and other regular cyberbullshit, I'm just vaguely basing it off what the devs said. The actual point stand either way.

>third person fag is retarded
no surprise

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>Stop posting this shit, retard, and fuck off back to your shithole. And stay there, forever, sucking that monkey cock.
Fuck you, american cock

This post is a perfect example of DC shilling
Faggots first shit on Cyber Punk for some out of ass reasons and then they try to pose as the other side in order to further divert the discussion away from things like gameplay or story.
nu/v/ bites the bait and wastes time on pointless discussions about non-issues and identity politics
This is exactly why this board is so shit
You cunts care to little about games and too much about some small groups of shitposters starting pointless discussions about pointless topics

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>Stop posting this shit, retard, and fuck off back to your shithole. And stay there, forever, sucking that monkey cock.

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oh my fucking god, just no.

Is Uma-hunter here?

Attached: 15608038106510.png (900x675, 852K)

He близкo дaжe. Cъeбитe нaхyй.

Go to slavistan, faggot


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Trans aren't people. You have to go back.

Well we know the gameplay will be shit. This is cdproyect were talking about. All that's left is the setting and story.


What's hilarious is how retards defend her by saying, "but she worked on the witcher games". But then you look it up, and she only joined two years after TW2's release. What a fucking coincidence.

>It's official "Cyberpunk 2077" is going to be shit
...aaand your arguments are?

According to Yea Forums this character is acceptable because of a flimsy justification for future body modification.

>Yea Forums is now on tranny board
AHAHAHAHA. I fucking love this game even more. It make assblasted Yea Forums and trannys.

>Cyberpunk makes a fuckload of money

/d/ickheads rise up

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There's nothing WOKE about shoehorned low effort tranny pandering added because they're afraid of "gaming" "journalists" calling them "transphobic".
Normalfags will still eat that trash heap up, call the devs based and honest, and ask for more.