Dying Light 2

Anybody looking forward to this shit?


Attached: dyinglight2.jpg (624x711, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This, Cyberpunk, and Modern Warfare are going to dominate early 2020. Good times ahead.

>award winning
What's the award?

>releases Q2 2020
It's going to get murdered by Cyberpunk and scavenged by vultures like VMB2 and FF7.

Cyberpunk will murder everything anyway. Vampire is going to be a buggy janky mess with like 1K reviews on Steam

What a boring ass demonstration

I am the first one was fucking awesome. I'm sure the gameplay will be good.
My biggest fear is them getting the "feel" wrong in terms of the environment and setting.
If someone told me the first one would be based in a fictional Turkish city I would have been like wtf but they absolutely nailed it. The level of immersion of the setting is always a big point for me.
My only complaint about the first game is that I feel like with zombie games there should be more of a beefy base-building component to it. Like even if they decided this skyscraper would be your home base, it would have at least been cool if you could get upgrades to it.
The ideal would be if you could actually choose a base location and upgrade it in customizable ways.

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I can't wait, no corporate bullshit, no appeasing to norms, it's like... the developers are making an actual VIDEO GAME!

We're going home.

I gave it award of best zombo game of 2020.

>he wants state of decays upgrade system

i kinda hope it's not too rpg oriented
it sets me off when i gotta hit a zombie 5 times with a big ass hammer

>guy walks into room full of zombies
>they all just stand still

Considering how jarring playing The Following was, I'm still not sure how the 2nd game is going to play out.
Also guns and the hunter bow were terrible additions to the game.

huh, almost like zombies.

Well here is the dark messiah successor it looks like


>RPG game
>role-playing game game

absolutely. this, doom eternal, elden ring and risk of rain 2 is what I'm looking forward to right now

I bet its going to be more guns and shit since human settlements are said to be more of factor
and the guns wont scale with rpg elements like last time so the legendary flaming zap mace axe ends up being stronger than bullet to the face

if by like zombies, you mean nothing like zombies at all, then sure

Aren't originals zombies supposed to be slow? Their biggest threats being their numbers and resilience to damage?

slow doesn't mean standing completely still

IIRC zombies are supposed to be semi-asleep in these zones, so it would wake sense that they'd be slow to react; On a gameplay level if all of them rushed you at once you would get gang raped in an instant, maybe it's a balance thing.

How many factions have they introduced? I'm definitely more interested in what shades I can paint the map in.

>mc gets shot with new gun
>nothing happens
>mc shoots enemies with new gun
>they instantly die

I think there's your crew, the colonel, raiders/bandits and a peace keeping force/control/military shit

yes. DL is one of my favorite games.

rubber harpoons

Am I the only one who likes these games simply because the protagonist is voiced by CHRIS FUCKING REDFIELD?

i dunno. the narrative parts look cool and the extra parkour is nice
but i liked how in dying light melee weapons really took pounding the hell out of someone to kill them, wheras we're getting epic fatality tier decapitations from like 1 or 2 swings. I hope theres still good co-op
also the zombies looked useless, i hope they scale into a threat or that the night time being really fucking scary remains

Why did they chose the same VA as the first game?

>cover are not finalized

the damage was probably adjusted for the demo.

>no female protagonist

RPG is it's own word now, deal with it.

Weird. I could have sworn Matt Mercer was voicing the protagonist a few months ago. What the fuck?

His new grappling hook makes him look like a fucking spider man
He can even use it offensively inside the buildings or to pull something in

By far the biggest problem of the first game was anti-human combat. It was jarring, it was awful, it was dominated with boring ass guns. Second game seems to double down on that and i don't like the look of it.

does neo Yea Forums even recognize shill advertisements anymore?

i guess
i dont have any problem with violence in vidya, but the overabundance of dismemberment and decapitation actually takes away from the brutality of it imo. I feel more like i'm in a brutal life or death fight if my blade is getting caught on bone and hacking into someone rather than just flickering through like 1000 folded nipponji steel

I guess I am gonna watch it and tell you then

The whole choice thing seems a bit dull with only two options, and one seems more action/combat focused while the other seems more story/narrative focused.
I hope they don't sacrifice game length for the replayability shit.
Although while I do kind of find the narrative choices will impact gameplay interesting, I think it really could hurt narrative cohesion as some storylines probably play better than others.

>focus more on melee
>guns being almost non-existant
That's kinda cringe, guns were the best thing about Dying Light 1 and was superior to fucking Dead Island shit guns that don't do anything.

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guns made the game super easy

its not really focus on melee, honestly the game had all these mods and weapon types but its all about the gadgets and moves and parkour. melee is at its best when its hitting zombies just to move them out of your way

I afree about the enviroment feel, the idea is cool but so far it looks too "made up" compared to the first game

this game has some bizarre voice acting. The blond guy sounds like he is doing a Tim Curry impression

Wow...who would've known the apocalypse would be so hella diverse? This is epic!

judging by all the Control threads no.
It was so obviously the same shill over and over again, he even did the same quoting mistake in two different threads

best final qte

the first game was focused on melee as well, don't worry there will be guns

>guns were the best thing about Dying Light 1
I respect your opinion, but I think you're wrong on every level imaginable.
The only good "gun" was DLC crossbow. Guns in DL1 shoot like shit, sound like shit, feel like shit, they do no damage unless playing on normal or unless you grinded legend levels for hundreds of hours, they attract everyone and their dead mothers, and ammo being scarce makes them even less worthy.
I really want some good guns in sequel though. Big fucking sniper rifle would be nice.

>new game/trailer comes out
>people are talking about it on a video game board
must be shills

Looks great, actually fun gameplay unlike Cyberpunk

arguing about guns and melee when the most powerful weapon were your legs.

It's set in western europe, so it's realistic

there was something so extremely satisfying about going apeshit on someone's skull and seeing the rusty pipe you're using getting destroyed in the process

will it have the nighthunter return?

Attached: Night Hunter - Ranged.webm (889x500, 2.86M)

good thing they're not actually zombies retard

>I'm much more well read on this niche fictional lore than you
>It really does matter!!!

they looked asleep

the most important thing to me is having the scary night zombies back
the most important part of DL1 was that going out at night was rewarding but fucking scary too. The zombies looked useless in that trailer, so i hope they explain a bit about how scary the zombies are too.
Also whilst more of a developed city is nice, i hope we get a bunch of low rises and favela-y tier stuff to jump over too, i dont wanna play spiderman too much

The problem here is that even if they are a shill, they're making an identical post to what someone not being paid would make. So shut the fuck up, retard.

I don't recall seeing any nighttime gameplay yet, so i'm hoping that they have some plans on making it feel dangerous but don't want to spoil too much.

That's literally what fucking dark zone is, that's some dark quiet place where most dangerous zombies chilling before going on hunt at night. Anyone who played DL1 knows that, but Yea Forums don't play video games.

>state of decay
Not him but I always thought mixing the group survival/permadeath mechanic from SoD and implementing it with Dying Light's core gameplay would've been really awesome. Being able to do parkour scouting missions with a tag-along group member companion, scavenging for supplies while trying to make it back just before nightfall, and watching the group morale go up when you bring them food/ammo/ect would have been really awesome.

Based retard

you mean quarantine zones? they were full of active zombies, I didn't notice any sleeping zombies in the first one hiding during the day

Dark zones, with volatiles.

I can only remember the nests, and we were talking about sleeping zombies. there were no volatiles in the DL2 demo

Next time I'll make a twitter screencap/eceleb/steamvsepic thread, don't worry. Or maybe an Ion Fury controversy thread if I'm feeling funny.

Go back to your bing bing he's in thread nigger

Realy excited for this. Loved the first game so this is a definite buy for me.

I can't remember if there was any non-volatiles, but we can safely assume that zombies needs rest as well, especially now after the time has passed.

Old Town in the evening was the best

Attached: Dying-Light-Old-Town-12[1].jpg (1366x751, 367K)

Holy fucking shit. That ambient music started playing in my head, I checked google, and holy fucking shit they changed composer. Fucking why?

Nah buddy, you just got your ass handed over to you by that user.

This new one doesn't seem bad

I also have vague memories of some of Obscure tracks being very good. But DL1 soundtrack was perfectly comfy.

I absolutely loved the music that played on the radio in the clinic (dr camden's lab) and it frustrated me to no end that I couldn't find it anywhere

Looks cool, to be honest

So it's confirm Roger Craig Smith return to voice the protagonist of the second game?

>time-limit for being in the dark
>only a handful of zombies outside in the day so humans can be the main enemy
>swap from superior 80-90s corny B-movie writing/acting to inferior edgy 00-10s
Worries about Avellone sacrificing gameplay for writing already seem to be coming to fruition, but at least the core movement looks to be massively improved, especially the grappling hook not reeling in anymore.

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First game was so disappointing I don't have the strenght to bother learning about this one.
They sold it so good, and it started great as the game promised... Then it got lazier and lazier and I only kept playing to see if it was just a transition to get better at the end. But nope.

well we've yet to see the night time super zombies

Seems like it.

what are you talking about? what was disappointing?

Really looking forward to the game but i dislike the protagonist. I want to play as an european with personality, not a generic hooded american named fucking Aiden

Apparently right now the VA is Jonah Scott, some no name whose work includes mostly minor appearances, like a Death Battle, stuff for Yandere Sim, and a Skyrim mod, but I agree he definitely sounded like a more strung out Roger Craig Smith. Who knows though, they completely swapped out Brecken for Crane in the past, so it's not like something like a VA is set in stone.

I didn't even fucking know he voiced the last protag and here I was wondering why he sounded sonic at a couple moments

So now we have fish zombie or zombie with batman's gauntlet?
Also what's up with the bracelet thing? Is it like health indicator?

I bet he's infected

Superior version with developer commentary.

So can we expect alpha protocol rpg shit on this? I mean in terms of path choices

Best groceries simulator

They call it a Bio-Indicator or something in the footage. If you watch during the segment where he falls into a building, it progressively decreases with a warning of Critical Immunity on the HUD. Considering how it was also shown decreasing during the night in the Reveal Trailer and that the Harran Virus is sensitive to UV, it looks like you'll turn into a biter if you stay in the dark for too long.
He outright says he's infected in the Reveal Trailer you dunce

>He outright says he's infected in the Reveal Trailer you dunce
like I'd remember that

Looking forward to watching zoomers play it on twitch like a cuck because my toaster won't be able to run it

the first one is the only game that gave me motion sickness.

tfw I ended up doing this a lot because of college
feels bad man

Let the fun begin

Attached: dying light2.jpg (1392x1471, 232K)

should have been 3rd person and not about zombies
then it would look cool

>must use buttons to play a videogame

so a completely different game?

What's with all these people in Dying Light 2 threads that haven't played the first game. You can easily nab the GOG version somewhere off the net and find out which mechanics are new and which ones aren't instead of making an ass of yourself.

I would like that if for no other reason than being able to decide which NPCs live and die.
IMO the biggest drag for replaying the first Dying Light was knowing which NPCs die and knowing there's nothing you can do to stop it.



>all those new parkour moves


Attached: rahim.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

my cheat engine tables are


Just want to save based Frank.

i was glad this stupid faggot died

annoying faggot, just like 90% of the characters

New protag but he sounds exactly the same as the old one? Are they serious?

It's funny because they have different VAs.

god I hope so

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

It's his child/brother/self from another timeline/self from alternative universe.

I'm excited for it. Dying Light was an unironically enjoyable game and the second one looks like an expanded experience. Plus, I really enjoy Avellone's writing so I actually have a lot of faith in the plot and world to be as good if not better than the first. It's probably one of the only games coming in the next year that will get a day one purchase out of me.

Dark zone scene reminded me of I Am Legend:

Yes. But story and characters are still shit just like the first game.

Looks on par with DL1, which is a good thing. Not so sure about whole "consequences" thing, but if they actually muster enough balls to lock me as player out of some areas and upgrades because of my choices, I'd be amused.

Does that VA have any range? Literally the same tone as Crane in Dying Light 1 and Mirage in Apex Legends

I couldn't give a single fuck about the story when the gameplay is that good. It's just like Carmack said.

So it seems like at this point of the game people know that there is someone sided against people who knows how to free the "butchers" which I suppose are those new volatiles.
I wonder if you can side with that faction and turn on to the survivors.

Twist, he was Crane all along.

>Release Volatiles
>Sound effect is actually a Night Hunter
See Crane's clothing on it.

Hope my 1070 can run it

it's pretty intresting that people know that they're a menace, but don't even know where or how they are supposed to come out

my bet goes to Israel

>I really enjoy Avellone's writing
>protagonists name is Aiden Caldwell
>every decision is morally grey bullshit where you lack information to make any meaningful choice except what sounds more interesting
>garbage tier characters
>exposition everywhere
Read a fucking book already and play games for fun and fun only

Parkour 2.0 looks really sweet. I thought Techland did a surprisingly good job nailing down first-person platforming in the first game, but other than looking kinda floaty (this better get fixed), this looks like a lot of fun.

These cards aren't even that old, just avoid meme features and you can crank it up until next gen.

>heavily armored Night Hunter that knows CQC because Crane still remembers

Does it still take place in turkey? Doesn't look like it.

Attached: 1566760408983.jpg (540x960, 32K)

One day developers will finally understand that everyone without exception hates those "mash the button" segments.

One day...

No, why would it?

No it's some unnamed fictional west european city
I also noticed the diversity in the demo. Did Dying Light 1 even have black characters? I don't really remember any

Europe. Considering how effective the military quarantine was in the first game, I’m led to believe the bad ending of The Following is canon and Crane caused a global outbreak.

There were some. There's Spike, who acts like he's 30 but apparently he's pushing his 50s.
There was some diversity in Harran due to some version of the Olympics happening there along with concerts and fighting sports all happening at once.

I guess Techland is respecting the whole "Black guy dies first in horror/zombie movies" thing.

the black scientist?

They talk about pumps in video, but at the end you can see that they open a dam, wtf?

I thought the first one took place in turkey didn't it?
Thanks, makes sense

Attached: 1566000839345.png (468x702, 314K)

It was a ruse.

yes it had a shit ton of black zombies and one of the 2 doctors looking for a cure was black.

>Crane cures himself, but it turns him into a sticc teenager that dresses like the Hunter from L4D

>26 min gameplay
>like minute of zombies
Thanks Avellone. Can't wait for my meaningful choices™.

thought the same thing. I would just play a proper rpg if that's what I wanted, dying light was great for it's gameplay

any details on specs for this game at all?

What if at some point in the plot the infection will turn you into super zombie and you will have to play in this form for another chunk of the game?

>Did Dying Light 1 even have black characters? I don't really remember any
literally the first quest in the game
are you mentally impaired?

i liked the first one so i'll give this one a try as well

Same this is my #1 anticipated game besides Cyberpunk. The first game is easily my favourite FPS with dope freedom of movement and I have a feeling this game will blow it out of the water. I want it to be out already so bad.

They said they've really overhauled the combat and modding so yeah I'm interested to see how that works out. I don't really want a weapon tier system like the first game, I hope most non trash weapons that aren't wood planks and pipes are viable and can separate limbs with one swing. I think they shouldn't make it like the sane where a really good weapon can one shot a zombie anywhere (it would make sense for mods though because you seem to need to turn them on and the effects seem more juiced up). They're a zombie, you should have to take off their head or cut them all the way down the middle to kill them.

I know it looks so fucking cool! I've been wanting to play more games with fun swinging grapples and this game seems to incorporate it in a fun unrestricted way

This, although I hope the branching story paths give you a lot of different options and content.

There's nothing wrong with Avellone's morally grey writing tropes intrinsically. He may be fixated on that perspective, but he's good with it. You also have 25 minutes of footage to form an opinion on the characters, which was not indicative of the previous game which featured several underrated characters with subtle and endearing traits that transcended the shlock of the genre. If you don't like Avellone or his writing, go play something else and stop ruining it for other people. Video games don't present works on the level of Dovstoyevsky or McCarthy, so I'll accept the infrequent and welcome parallels to middle of the road contemporaries.

Hang yourself in Minecraft, you gatekeeping shitheel, and take your "intellectual" snobbery to Resetera or Plebbit where you can jerk off your elitist peers.

>Be The Zombie pack gets announced
>invade a player
>his world state is so fucked up, you have an easy time raping him

>invade a different player
>his world state is a fucking utopia
>get gunned down by NPCs before you can even get near the players

What are some free running games you guys like besides dying light? I can't think of any besides Ass's Creed and Mirror's Edge.

I hope Techland makes more IPs with the freerunning, some of the most fun I had with a game

Kek calm down you actual sperg. The story was the most forgettable thing in the game

Did you not finish the first one? That's literally the ending.

>>invade a different player
>>his world state is a fucking utopia
>>get gunned down by NPCs before you can even get near the players
Just give the chance to ravage the outposts like a real incursion and have the game world suffer from it, so that with several invasions it gets easier. Or just nerf npc damage to invaders

Maybe. First one had a lot of room for improvement in my opinion.

Yeah, but if I remember we never get to play as zombie in the singleplayer story and I think that could be interesting.

crane deserved better :'(

Many veteran writers/designers from CDPR bled into Techland, so I'm hoping this time around it will actually have some compelling narrative moments.

This, Cyberpunk and Outer Worlds are the three games I'm looking forward to

not that user but I found the nuke key near the helicopter wreckage in the sea before reachin the end of the game and blow myself up
I also found the Plant vs Zombie Easter egg

>repeating the same answer 3 anons have already said
Are you mentally impaired?

Whats the name of this voice actor again? I swear he is in every game.

It looks good, however I don't trust scripted ass videos like these at all. I'll pirate it when it comes out and make my judgement then

where the fuck is the gameplay?

Attached: 1555190799159.png (394x590, 546K)

like fuckin clockwork


Attached: 1560724819332.png (1673x2160, 1.26M)

I was so disappointed more wasn't done with dark zones in the first game. When I found that underwater entrance to the volatile cave I was ecstatic over the thought of finding more obscenely dangerous death pits
Aaaaaand then it turns out that was the only one. Didn't play the following though, maybe they rectified the problem

>ravage the outposts
>becomes a pre-invasion sort of preparation
>you get 10 volatiles acting as 10 lives
>use the volatiles to destroy power sources in order to whittle down traps, UV lights, and automated sentries
>spit acid on the armories so the NPCs get poor equipment
>destroy the water supply to degrade the Stamina of players and NPCs
>infect the food so NPC health gets degraded
>destroy certain props in order to give the Night Hunter more points of entry/verticality

How about you deal with it?

>sequel to a decent game that managed to feel good even after the saturated zombie shit
>now we have CHOICES
>Avellone writing
Can't wait for this.

Friendly reminder that The Following isn't canon.


It's one of those games that'll creep up on me and I'll play it.

nice, we understand each other but
>you get 10 volatiles acting as 10 lives
how about making this multiplayer too

You going to provide a source on that or do you like coughing up bullshit?

it is
get owned pussy

>help I'm alive used as one of the e3 trailer songs
>help I'm alive is used multiple times in the demo including as a general action theme
unbelievably based

Attached: 1536605003490.gif (216x155, 1.27M)

Sounded way more like Troy Baker. Plus Crane pretty much died and became a hivemind infected at the end of the dlc

I have a very hard time believing they will actually treat players like they're not a total idiots by having a minimalist hud like this and no flashy USE ME lights on every object you can interact with (like duct entrances)

Looks good. I like the area aesthetic of the first game more than this one but its got potential.

Not sure how big I am on the focus being put on people as opposed to primarily just zombies though.

Also, I want Hellraid.

Is there anything more brainlet than these zombie games with ridiculous amounts of silly ass looking gore?

hello fellow swashbuckling chad, because of how much I liked the first game personally I'll be supporting techland and buy it for real. Also so I can still do coop. I hope there is crossplay

The people who are too brainlet to enjoy raw gameplay.

Shit, according to my research Hellraid's protag was supposed to be named Aiden too...

Maybe after they stop supporting Dying Light 1 and 2. It's gotta be in some shelf somewhere.

That, or it's Bad Blood. The whole thing about a black helicopter kidnapping a bunch of outsiders and telling them to harvest zombie samples is a little suspect.

The first dying light was pretty forgettable outside coop, gameplay at night and objectives, DLC was pretty good.

crane was a fucking moron, becoming a super zombie is the best thing that could happen to him besides dead.

By that point they will need to start over completely. Which I guess is fine. As long as they do it.

Attached: 1496390453845.gif (250x188, 2.4M)

Nigga, crane becomes the night hunter if you choose to get the "cure", the be the zombie DLC is a literal follow up to that.

This is basically a glimpse of Hell. Which could be very interesting, as this sort of chaos means that every NH invasion will be completely random instead of a single Volatile acting like he's Solid Snake, methodically dismantling the world by himself.

I never played dying light 1 cuz I have no friends. This looks fun but I doubt it's for me.

Well, the first one was fun, but I don't know if I'd be invested in a sequel.

Confirmed for not playing the fucking game. Crane was an idealist who thought he could be a superhero. He was a fucking great character because his outlook was brutally flawed in the reality of the game. He made bad calls because he wanted to save people. That makes him flawed, not a moron.

The invasions on the first game were a complete shit show, completely unbalanced, if you invade a starting player they freak out and panic which makes them easy pray even with pals, if you invade a late game player you get completely rekt cause they will keep spamming flares and UV light while destroying the nests.

The first game was fucking amazing. I loved just fucking around at night. crafting felt alright. fuck that DLC in the buggy tho

>gets a box of meds people need
>"burn them, Crane!"
>burns them
>keeps one bottle
>never uses it

No female lead, no buy

Don't forget that main campaign was fucking trash, crane basically fucks everyone and the villain is some cheap ripoff of vaas. coop, crafting, world, parkour were good tho.

Fucking retarded I know, me and my friend were like seriously, are we really playing as this moron.

I did have a third of my playtime with other people but it's still a great game solo. Really awesome with friends but still amazing on your own. Plus you can do random matchmaking for whatever mission you're trying to do if you do want to find someone.

honestly idk how they would have known if he just took all that shit and then went to rais anyways

cause crane is fucking retarded.

>boy I hope they get rid of the shitty grappling hook
>not only it still has the grappling hook, it has FUCKING PARACHUTE AS WELL
Why the fuck did every games has those nowadays?

Attached: 1557426344689.jpg (434x575, 161K)

Just 'cause.

Just don't use it retard

It looks like it took some thing from Dishonored

you retard they made the grapple looks 100x more fun than the first game, did you not watch the gameplay?
parachute sounds dope hopefully you can have a gliding suit like the first game

Vs. Nighthunter mode is so goddamn underrated. Like getting stalked by an actual player controlled character who can and will fuck your shit up is so fucking intense. I can't say many games have actually created that feeling for me. And then you get the point where you, yourself, have become incredibly efficient, experienced, and you know what tactics to use against certain types of players, allowing you to hunt down the Nighthunter and basically reversing the roles. Makes you feel like fucking Blade or some shit.


yep or he could have just stashed it somewhere

What the fuck is Bad Blood?
>check on dying light for the first time in like a year
>they been releasing content for fucking years
>they even have even more dlc in early access
oh wait they are tryting to capitalize in on battle royale

actually looked fun, I'll probably pirate it and pick it up if I really like it.

ikr, and i fucking love games with level design like that

>he makes another bait post after the first one didn't get any replies
>this time he asks a retarded question and waits for somebody to answer him so he can go autistically go "LOL CALM DOWN SPERGO" in a really mediocre and boring manner
wow you are really bad at this

That will never not make me mad
>confirmed to have an INCURABLE VIRUS
>the ONLY MEDICINE to keep you from turning into a zombie is incredibly rare
>stumble upon a crate of the stuff
>GRE: destroy it lol
>Crane: OK lol
The GRE is equally as stupid. What good is your asset on the ground if he becomes a shambler 3 days into his mission? Shit, he could have just given half the fucking antizen to Rais, at least then he'd curry some fucking favor.

Pretty sure Rais would just kill him after handing it over.

Dead Island 2

>half now, half later
Not that it mattered, since Rais already knew Crane was a GRE agent. The entire first half of the game is pointless because of this.

It was a half-baked plan by the GRW, made even worse by the lazy writing.

>bro just gimp yourself

played the first game years ago with a buddy and it was really fun at first because of the parkour an actually needing to work together to take down big bosses. getting to the second act though the guns trivialized the entire game and it got really boring. hopefully its not to that effect this timea round

Now that you mention it, some of the character models are very Arkane-esque

Attached: dying.jpg (1364x1082, 368K)

Why do so many people on here have sticks up their asses over things that are so incredibly insignificant and literally do not matter whatsoever?
All you have to do is not equip it buddy, you'll obviously be able to skill roll or land on the cars just like the first game. So no you aren't gimping yourself. You'd have other mobility tools anyways. I don't get what your issue is with having them in the first place. They're fun and give variety.

I hope guns are single use and you don't reload them, it would make finding and using them feel a lot more special.

Well, it's been a lot longer since things went to hell. I imagine people are getting pretty dry on bullets and usable gun parts.

>the following makes everything in the game worthless
if i wanted hopelessness, id go outside

Attached: 1534981473723.jpg (240x240, 8K)

So, I can pick Dying Light 1 complete, or Observer + Remothered
What do anons recommend?

Attached: 1544611764665.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

dying light 1 complete is so worth it theres a huge sale rn

>get mega-lixer
>better save this
>99 megalixers at the end of the game
i understand what you are trying to say but no.

Meh, I only used guns as a last resort, beating the shit out of something will always be more satisfying.

>he makes another bait post after the first one didn't get any replies
What the fuck are you even talking about lmfao
Go seethe some more sperg

which one? this is some jew shit

prove isn't you
not that it is any less embarrassing and BTFO'ing since apparently is you
seethe cope have sex incel tranny resetera red dit discord rent free

Enhanced, the 18$ will give you all relevant DLC with the game.

Don't worry nothing in the Ultimate Collection matters, you can get the first one. The only good packs are the ones with the Ranger Bow and Marksman Rifle but there are perfectly fine alternatives to those you can find ingame.

you forgot dilate

it says the season pass includes:

so isn't that bundle kinda buying these twice? what the fuck

The only difference with the ultimate collection is you get the small DLC packs released afterwards. They have costumes, weapons and buggy skins.

I think the ultimate collection is before they bundled everything together as a sort of GOTY version(enhanced edition).

no no, I mean the enhanced edition, it includes those separate dlcs AND the season pass (which already is supposed to include those separate dlcs)

It's just how I said. The ultimate survivor bundle doesn't include the ones underlined here, I was confused by that too and thought I was supposed to be getting them already.

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You needed to get your hunter upgraded, i've played some versus games against really good players UV spam is annoying but you can disable flares with stomps, spits etc, it's a pain to level up tho at first
Loved the song in 11:30 if anyones is interested its this
Replayed first dl with dlc like 7 times, pirated it in 2015 bought it in 2017 propably my favorite game, will buy it day one

The game with just the season pass is $23, whereas the bundle with the game, season pass, and all that other shit is $18.

again, I meant the enhanced edition, not the ultimate collection
not here apparently

Attached: same shit twice.png (950x891, 471K)

Was I just extremely lucky or was I accidentally abusing some mechanic I was unaware of? I only ever found weapons stronger than the last I found, so after like 30 minutes I could one to two shot any non giant or night time zombie for the rest of the game.

No problem
now stop acting like a retard

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nevermind, I looked at the wrong total price field, wew I'm stupid

Dying Light is a 3D Platformer.

damn this looks good
I wouldve been fine with more of the same but those improvements look really nice
whats up with the polish and making games with consequences again?


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Why is the world gone to shit? Don't nukes drop on Haran wiping the whole place clean?

Are you Team Colonel or Team Matt?

Team Peacekeepers.

how is that even a choice?
>are you team good guy or team nignog?

none of the extra individual dlcs matter anyways you'll get all the good shit in the enhanced edition
look up dying light dockets to find the code that lets you use the broken sign weapon from the second game, it happens to be the most damaging weapon if you use a two handed pick to craft it and put a good mod

>make decision
>miss 20% of the content
great game design

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probably some other buzzwords i forgot too

It's meant to be replayed. When I played the first game I replayed it to death so I would love to see different paths.

I think it's pretty solid if you add dilate and cuck, I'm saving it for later

It follows on from the other ending of The Following

The Following was them trying something new and it sucked. I want them to stay as far away from vehicles as possible unless it takes place on the city streets itself. The empty spaces of Following was abysmal.

I played on hard which fucked you over with guns. Easy and nightmare let you buy guns and ammo, easy and nightmare had unlimited battery life and I think unlimited stamina. Hard did not let you buy guns and ammo and did not have unlimited battery or stamina. They were so jewish with ammo I had to finish off the TV Center interior with all those gun-armed commandos with a fucking bow and arrow.

The time limit in the dark is my biggest "Fuck no". It should be a reaction to close quarters and lots of zombies causing some hot-box effect. Instead it's going to make darkness play require you to constantly run and hustle from UV spot to UV spot or force you to pop flares. Then again this means everyone has to sleep under UV lamps or they'd turn. I'm really not thrilled with it because it'll mean you have to have enough UV Spots in the world to not turn.

Then again they also said in an earlier promo (I think an article) that the protagonist may actually benefit from some powers when he's closer to turning. vg247.com/2019/06/11/dying-light-2-e3-2019-interview/

>According to Albinet, the higher your infection level, the more powerful you’ll become in terms of speed, power, and stamina, but if you reach a certain level, you turn into a zombie.
>This might not mean game over, though. We asked if that means “game over,” to which Albinet replied, “Close to… yes.”
>“So it’s not game over?” we asked.
>“No, let’s say it’s game over.”

so I was right, what a shocker
seethe cope have sex incel dilate tranny resetera red dit discord rent free


If I had to bet it might be some pureblooded uninfected people who are using the butchers to clean up the infected people.

that sounds really interesting, infection level could be awesome as a gameplay mechanic instead of just coming up during the story
wonder what happens when you turn and if there will be multiple playable zombies in btz

>Chris Avellone

Attached: Chris Avellone soylent.png (463x840, 352K)

preorder cancelled

>shitty gameplay with a shitty story and a shitty generic villain
You sure showed me. BUT MUH GORE AND ZOMBIES!

Could be cool I guess

most of the kids who post those buzzwords weren't even here for when cuck was popular
on second thought dont wanna prepetuate dilate because I don't know what it is and when it was half and jokingly explained by some obsessed degenerate autist i was too disgusted to further google it, also do not see the point

This looks almost exactly like the first game

Dilate implies they are male-to-female transexuals, whose post operation treatment involves manually making sure their “vaginal hole” doesn’t seal until it scars over.

It’s just a dumber way of calling someone a tranny.

>taking 2 hours to come up with a "comeback"
Really showing us who the brainlet is.

Has Techland ever made a good game?

[ ] agree
[x] disagree

Dying Light and Call of Juarez Gunslinger. I heard one of the older Call of Juarez games is also good but I haven't tried them myself.

seethe cope have sex resetera red dit rent free incel oh no no no no obsessed

Dying Light doesn't look any good.
Gunslinger was ok but nothing special.

I just told you I don't want to constantly think about it goddammit

What do you mean it doesnt look any good, have you played it? I've played 70 hours and I think despite some flaws it's extremely fun.

The funniest thing about this is that i have never ever used one of those buzzwords on this site except seethe
I just used that one because i knew it would probably make you mad

god imagine painfully sticking a dildo up an open wound for hours, all bloody, infected and hairy
I could almost throw up on my keyboard right now

Yes I've watched gameplay of it, I don't see the appeal.

I'm very excited i loved the first game

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I need my (You)’s somehow. I am behind this month.

Same here, I played it solo back in 2015 and coop twice with two different friends. Always great fun.

Yeah, I enjoyed the first one and hope they don't fuck this one up

Who was in the wrong here?

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I'll just wait for the inevitable enhanced edition.

but you don't know that, and it didn't
and I know why you did it, that's why I did the same thing to hopefully make you realize how retarded you seem
that's the problem with this board, people like you

definitely crane this guy doesn't seem like a mercenary at all just a guard

I hope The Following is rendered not Canon. It's so fucking bad

This board has already largely gone to shit. There are some okay threads every now and then though, like this one. But there's no point trying to turn it around anymore

You don't know the side quest's story. That guy is a corrupt bereaucrat that actually promised to let you keep the content inside and had you fetch the Mayor's Seal and keycard from a monstrous zombie (pic related).

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Kyle Crane and Aiden sound very similar despite different VAs.

I seriously hope they don't make the game 80% muh humans are the real monster bullshit
I just wanna explore fucked up locations , fight and flight volatilesand zombie hoards man

I thought the exact same thing I thought it was the same voice too

It's the video game white american male voice

her sister was 10/10

I'd say the dumb shit who thought he could bully two dudes with automatic rifles.

Gonna play it with my bro just like I played Dead Island and DYEL 1.

That being said: Dead Island was the best.
God damn, that Paradise Island setting was just too good. Playing the game was like going on a dream island vacation murder spree.

>her sister

It'll be a 7/10 FPS like the first. I will play it and enjoy it, then forget it exists.

General obviously. Order must be maintained

I am, Boneworks and M&B Bannerlord.
I really just want to swing around with the grappling hook

Don't review games you haven't played.

>tfw you'll never receive another rahim job

As someone who enjoyed the first and probably finished aboit 80 percent of it, is it worth playing the following?


I'm playing through the first game on nightmare right now
Damn it's hard, but kinda more fun than the normal playthrough I did years ago. It's actually tense now, just wish I didn't have to cheese human enemies as they're too op in the beginning

I play all games on hard. It's been ages since I played this but I remember having to look online if it was bugged when zombies were taking 30 hits. That's something I hope is fixed. It wasnt fun or implemented well

Right there with you, bud.

"european with personality" lmao

It's crossplatform, right?
My 680 could probably run it.


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I'll look forward to playing this if isn't set in an arab shithole with grating accents

Is it really going to be ready though?

I think we should be asking will it ever fuckin come out

>no steam logo
Yeah, Im thinking its an epic exclusive.

the gameplay looks superior to any other FPS what bothers me is this "choices" thing i mean why so many devs think that having choices is a good thing? as far as i can remember the only game thas has done this in a good way was dead rising because depending on who you save you unlocked new bosses or new items and saving people was kinda hard so making this type of choices were actually a challenge

Another free game? Thanks Tim!

there is a difference between actively trying to "cure" a board when you're not even a moderator or janitor and simply calling out one autist on his spergout

kids say the darndest things

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Seemed to me you were the one sperging out bruv. You literally just got called a sperg and freaked out about baiting

i wasn't the one he initially called a sperg. nor did i ever freak out
you making another pass at it when he failed is just gonna waste time at this point

it cross plat
but im getting some absurd system requirements
game looks the same as the older one tho

probably getting ye ol' shaft because "hurr who cares about pc" ala' watch dogs.

I'm looking forward to spacewar

shit that's not good

Just a speculation user.
Dying Light (1) ran great even on low end rigs despite having good fidelity.
It's just easy getting pessimistic about things in this rotten industry.

>people talking about upcoming games without relentlessnessly shitting on them are shills
No user, you are the neo-Yea Forums


The gameplay more than enough allows me to judge it.

I never played the first one, but I am looking forward to DL2.