The most powerful item in video game history

The most powerful item in video game history.

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REMINDER to not buy this shit game or change your review, the devs are still cucks

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dilate you false flagging tranny shitbag

Imagine wasting ten grands for a shampoo bottle.

OGAY buddy

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they're right though

Best tactic ever.
>be Publisher
>buy dumbshit Developer cheap at a contract that benefits them (temporarily hue hue hue)
>Developer must meet financial demands
>force Developer to act woke and apologize to woke crowd
>Developer proceeds to lose everything and fail the contract conditions, poor results
>Developer can't whine and doesn't have legal weight now, so you can freely fuck them in the ass now
>you now have the Developer's IPs in the pocket cheap AND didn't lose much while buying them
Straight from EA's handbook.

Attached: GET WOKE SHIT BLOOD.png (1500x900, 595K)

im sure resetera would prefer if voidpoint insead donating 10k to money-sink foundation would commission loli hentai

After 3DRealms apologized for pic related, officially stated that they will force the pic related dev among others to attend pro-pedophilia sensitivity training, and use money spent on their game to fund pedophilia, I'm not interested in funding their pedoshit company anymore. I am however interested in the FBI going through the computers and lives of 3DRealms staff and all ResetEra forum members who are in any case a result of NeoGAF routing and purging pedophiles and a rapist administrator.

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>green skeleton still seething
Not your personal army faggot

Yeah what cucks, donating to suicide prevention.

>bully a tranny into wanting to commit suicide
>they call the suicide prevention line
>they try to get their life back
>repeat from step 1
thanks for feeding the cycle nerds

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They aren't.
If people wanted to donate to such shit they'd do it directly to an entity they individually trust. This is misuse of public funding, misappropriation, and therefore a major loss of trust.

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Why don't they donate to a general suicide prevention hotline, why does it HAVE to be just trannys? Plenty of men commit suicide as well, yet there's fuck all resources for them.

what the fuck does ogay even mean

Can we just take a second and imagine the voices that must come through that fucking thing? Imagine the nightmares you'd have hearing all those warped voices coming through a phone speaker one after the other

Parody of olay.

It's incredible. This seemingly harmless little piece of environmental detail turned out to be the soap which began the cleansing of the gaming world. RetardEra and their ilk shrieked and hissed like cats in a bathtub as they were finally, thankfully scrubbed away.

The only game item that can contend with this bottle is the Super Crown

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>Make gay jokes, call people who turn their kids in to trans "mental".
>"Make up for it" by donating to the suicide prevention hotline, to remind them of the 41%
>They can't complain without looking bad.
Hmm ...

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i'm pretty sure they can do whatever they want with their hard earned money

Because only minorities matter user.

oh wow! Free 10 coins!

What's wrong with donating to a suicide helpline?
It's not line anybody except attention whores calls those.
A suicide assistance line on the other hand... now that would get a lot of calls

Ogay is our secret weapon in the coming Meme War 2.0.

Don't tell anybody. This will crush the leftoids.

Attached: ogay don lemon.jpg (800x600, 167K)

I honestly have no idea what the fuck you guys are arguing about but I find this these threads incredibly amusing

Sure, and face the consequences as they are now. Trust isn't a right, it's a privilege.

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How is this controversial?
I mean holy shit, even among super liberals trying to decide whether your kid is trans before they can even talk is just crazy.

what trust?
they delivered a great game, what else do you want?

>Work at trans suicide hotline
>"Make sure to point the barel of the gun upwards towards the roof of your mouth so the bullet hits your brain instead of going out the side of your neck"
>"No, taking too much paracetamol won't kill you, but if you go to a hardware store you can get a pot of cyanide, it's used for cleaning gold jewelry."

Didn't this game literally have secret rooms in it that explicitly made fun of trannies?
I think Civvie said so during his review

i hate this fatass so much

Customers don't pay for a product, they pay for future development. If future development is compromised because you are misappropriating into random shit which wasn't part of the initial contract and agreement, then there's no reason to give you money anymore.

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It's controversial because no one is in fact in favour of that and they don't like the implication that they are.

No it just had a secret room you couldn't even access via regular gameplay with a dead tranny who stabbed themself with a dildo in it

>So ... how do you feel now that your penis is gone? Ever regret it, how do you feel about never being able to go back, and even if you do, with todays medicine the nerve ending would probably not be capable of making feel anything any way ? But I'm sure you never have second thoughts about it, it's far too big of a decision for you to not be 100% sure that this is what you want for the rest of your life ... hey can you even feel anything down there anymore? They left SOME nerve endings, right?
>H-Hello ... man, they never answer my questions, and this is the only place where I get a chance to ask, ah well ... maybe the next guy-uh girl ... person?

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>Customers don't pay for a product
huh, really makes me think

What exactly is supposed to be homophobic about this?

Okay so I guess if the studio has no intention to make any more games every game should be free?

Nothing. In twitter world jokes don't exist and context doesn't exist.

lmao gay xD

It's honestly on the level of calling wh*toids "mayo"

Not him but this doesn't make any sense. Games don't make their budget back magically and instantly on release day, you dumb fuck, they release then cross their fingers it sells enough then some. If the game is good and has no bullshit in it, you're buying the game and rewarding the effort that went behind the development of said game.

You can argue inflated price limited editions or videogame OSTs is money you choose to spend to directly support future dev endeavours, but what you just said is fucking stupid.

Stop pretending you're black, mayo. We don't want your cuckery. Just kill yourself.

Yup, I remember when Nike went bankrupt after all those boomers burned their shoes.

So yeah, the question in the end is what's more valuable in an over-saturated market of game developers, a one-time sale or a persisting investor? A persisting investor is someone who funds a specific aspect or product and future development thereof, that's what they trust in. If you shovel their money elsewhere, don't whine when they pull out because they don't want to invest into secondary shit when they came with a specific focus.

How doesn't it make sense when it's the basis in economics and trade? I am not buying your product, i am also buying your service as you said yourself in your post.
What doesn't make sense is you arguing that people shouldn't regard their usage (wastage) of money with scrutiny and just dump it in a simple-minded manner. To that I say, suck my ass.

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My fucking sides.

Lost $8 billion after the woke ads and now officially stopping them.
Worth $1.1 billion in the past.
Sold for under $3 million after the muh objectification feminist purge of porn.
Lost $9 billion overnight since it started woke SJW pandering, this was before Disney started pulling out.
>Salon Media
Worth $1.5 billion before woke urinalists.
Sold for $5 million after woke urinalists.
What Hulk Hogan fucked in the ass because it tried to pull its woke shit on him, was bought by Fusion Media. Fusion Media is now in the pits because it turns out you don't need Hulk Hogan to be a giant failure, you just need to be woke as a publication.
>VOX Media
Walkouts, $200m injections by NBC which aren't doing shit and just disappear, just sacked some high-profile SJWs, because woke leads into broke.
>Onions Wars
People got scammed into The Woke Jedi.
Result was Solo tanking, female toys not selling anything and toy sales tanking while many industries like Avengers are instead getting profits during the time, and now the giant Star Wars Disneyland park being mired in problems because nobody wants to step a foot into that dogpile of shit, and a whistleblower coming out that Disney is making false revenue reports for their woke dogshit to scam the investors/shareholders as a cherry on top.
>Captain Marvel
See above, and as a cherry on top the DVD/BluRay reports in the month of August are showing that nobody wants to buy this dogpile of shit, lowest disk sales of all movies.
>Comicbook Industry
Had a slow death before woke woke SJWs were employed.
Death massively accelerated after woke SJWs were employed in hopes of pandering to and creating a loyal SJW following, except SJWs aren't loyal, don't buy shit, and all the old fans disgusted by SJWism moved onto Japanese manga and shit which are seeing mad upswing. So it was Get Broke, Go Woke, Get More Broke.

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>Customers don't pay for a product

Ask Chad or Tyrone what the fuck they're buying at the checkout line in Gamestop and the answer will be a fucking game ie a product. You're not just retarded, you're delusional.

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>Chad or Tyrone are are too retarded to understand the principle of buying to support, investment, and development trust
>that makes me retarded
Tyron and Chad don't buy music CD's to just listen to hip hop, they buy them to support the artist making more of that shit.

You're trying to argue that the money from a videogame's sales goes exclusively to future development, not even game development. This is simply false, and fucking blatantly retarded, games sales go first and foremost to cover the money that was spent in the first place. If a game doesn't make its budget back, then the first ones to go are the dev team, just look at Dead Space 3. The dev team doesn't call the shots when it comes to obnoxious PR or a suit decision to implement worthless cancer in their game.

If a game's good, then reward the developers by buying it. Yes, the publisher and the company, often the culprits of most cancer in videogames, will inevitably get their grubby in some of that money, but every single penny you spend will inevitably be tainted in some way or another.

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They're not retarded, they're normal. You're retarded because you're apparently incapable of understanding that. The overwhelming majority of purchases of all items, no matter the type, is to simply procure the item, not to make a statement. If you think otherwise, you are, as per my prior post, delusional.

>Customers don't pay for a product, they pay for future development

The development studio can dissolve after that tho.

>You're trying to argue that the money from a videogame's sales goes exclusively to future development, not even game development.
I'm arguing that when i paid for a product I didn't pay only for a product, i also paid for future development thereof.
If you turned into a charity organization midway when i didn't give you money for charity in the first place then don't whine when i'm pulling out and putting my money elsewhere where i know it's going to be used for what i expect it to be used. This is basic shit, don't know why you are so angered by it unless you are a low IQ scammer or a monkey who loves being scammed.

If they dissolve doing what i expect them to do then it's bad luck. If they stop doing what i expect them to do and stuff money into questionable untrustworthy shit that i can find a more trustworthy alternative myself, then they can suck my ass.

>They're not retarded, they're normal.
Lack of forward thinking says otherwise.
I know user, you are butthurt about the concept of people using wallets as statements instead of mindlessly blowing it, you are a perfect bot for EA.

>Yes, the publisher and the company, often the culprits of most cancer in videogames, will inevitably get their grubby in some of that money
t. shill
It's 2019 and there's no excuse for being a Publisher slave and whore who doesn't have a direct support method among hundreds these days which doesn't get tainted.

>"I'm arguing that when i paid for a product I didn't pay only for a product"
>"Customers don't pay for a product, they pay for future development"
We call that backpedaling, son.

Do you believe everything is black and white? You remind me of people arguing communism or socialism, you seem to think that every single transaction under the free market has to be just and noble, when the absolute vast majority of it is cutting your losses and trying to go for the lesser evil. Do you reward Visceral games and their past and possible future work by buying Dead Space 3 and installing Origin, or do you stand your ground and let a dev team you've greatly enjoyed die?

You're trying to chalk up the blame to people who don't warrant it and are the first ones to suffer when sales go bad. At the same time, there's no solution, all you can do is either pull out or pull in while voicing your complaints on the PR/publisher aspect of the product while praising the dev team, which will often go unheard. We don't live in a perfect system, get the stick out of your ass. When you buy a product you're not supporting the company, you're supporting the dev team first and foremost. If said dev team has done things you don't agree with that were their decision (which is already muddy as fuck to descipher if that's the case because you know they have to save face and assume if they don't want to be in trouble), then feel free to pull out.

Work a day in your goddamn life and you'll realize that the first ones to be negatively impacted by "statements" are the little guys that make shit actually work.

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It says "OGAY" which is not inherently positive or negative.
What does this say about faggot culture?

Where's the joke?



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I've seen so many pictures of gigachad at this point that regular gigachad looks like an incel

Seething and incorrect tranny.

>We call that backpedaling, son.
How's it backepdaling when it's the original post's content? Don't use words you don't understand son.

>you seem to think that every single transaction under the free market has to be just and noble
I am clearly arguing that every transaction has a basis in selfishness.

>Do you reward Visceral games and their past and possible future work by buying Dead Space 3 and installing Origin, or do you stand your ground and let a dev team you've greatly enjoyed die?
I've already been acquainted with how EA operates by the time they bought Visceral, so there was no reason for me to fund their inevitable death that i was assured of.

>We don't live in a perfect system, get the stick out of your ass.
We do live in a perfect system.
The market is oversaturated.
Oversaturation means monopolization of long-term loyal support.
The customer being aware of this results in the customer having a filter system for how their money is spent.
If you betray the customer's expectations, you aren't entitled to their support.
It's a carrot and stick system that we live in, except now customers are finally aware of their own power and educated about how they can influence shit in larger numbers.

TL;DR You are butthurt that the philosophy of spending money selectively is pulling the ground from underneath hundreds and thousands of scammers and shitty entities who would otherwise keep being funded if nobody cared about the face behind the product and just dumped on the product mindlessly.
This is the crux of the entire debate here, you are simply a butthurt shill garbage who gets your panties in a bunch when people develop a more sophisticated mindset with regard to how they spend their money, because it's harder to take advantage of it.

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Imagine being scared of faggots.

you are getting humiliated chump, stop posting it's embarrassing

>disgusted by = scared
penis inside a poophole is degenerate desu

>people should look at the product alone, not the entity behind it
>people should look at the present alone, not the future
t. pic related
Boy, no quantity of wall of text with pseudo-intellectual wordage can smokescreen the shit you are actually arguing for.

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Okay, just to save us all some time, here's how it's going to go down:

Stage 1: obviously false and sensationalistic claim
>Trannies are mutilating newborn children!

Stage 2: moving the goalposts
>Okay, well, sure, they're waiting for children to be old enough to identify their actual gender, but it's still wrong!
>Okay well I guess they can't actually get puberty blockers until they start puberty but that's still too young!
>Okay I guess they can't get any irreversible changes until they're legally able to consent, but it's just wrong!

Stage 3: red herrings
>Look, these vegans fed their child a vegan diet which was harmful for the child! There's no limit to what bad parents won't do!
>Here's a kid at a gay pride event! Isn't that shocking to you?

Stage 4: shifting the burden of proof
>You can't prove to me that there aren't hundreds of illegal clinics where SJW doctors are performing surgeries on unwilling children RIGHT NOW

Stage 5: claim victory and start namecalling
>Look, you just can't handle all my superior arguments, I don't need to argue any more, demonic tranny pedo BTFO, day of the rope soon

>disgusted by = scared
You're a dumb idiot, hate is actually a byproduct of fear.

Are you that faggot who got BTFO when you stated that illegal clinics of activist doctors performing on prepubescents didn't exist?
Funny you talk about backpeddaling and moving goalposts. First 1 was impossible, and when that happend now you believe there should be hudnreds, and when hundreds happen you will shift the goal post into thousands.
LMAO at your life dumbshit, all the fallacies apply to yourself.
Take a walk brainlet trannypedo trash.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-23 Doctor gave sex-change hormones to 12-year-olds at illegal transgender clinic.p (644x917, 432K)

You forgot the escape hatch in every stage: Claim the opponent's facts are bullshit.
>Uh actually puberty blockers fuck you up forever because you don't get horny at the proper age
>vegan diets result in cancer you fucking mong
>gay pride has leather though! WHY DO YOU WANT TO RAPE YOUR KID
>look at this fake chart I made up
And, of course
>I bet you're a tranny too, go dilate HAHAHA MOM I SAID THE WORD AGAIN
I knew when gamergate started that we'd devolve into a /pol/ hate mob.

>Buzzwords and insults
Cool. And I'm the one that's supposed to be mad? Damn, got me.
>"Customers don't pay for a product, they pay for future development"
A rotund negative like that doesn't allow for wiggle room later my friend, should've foreseen that coming, your foresight seems to be pretty good, or at least you're trying to convince me that it is.

You're applying basic buyer/seller dynamics to a gigantic machinery, this is not your local, home-grown vegetables shop my guy. While I believe the principle of your stance to be correct and respectable, I believe it's reductive and naive to a fault, and the way you defend it to be petulant. By your way of doing things, most everyone loses and very few actually succeed. You're not punishing the people you think deserve to be punished, but at least you're rewarding those that really deserve it (if your ability to surmise the backdrop of a game's development is as flawless as you claim it is, of course). Plenty of good devs will be lost, but you do you. Just don't pretend your stance isn't morally grey at best or the end-all solution.


kill all trannies!

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Some of these enemies turn into bullet sponges. The guy with no dick takes like half a dozen explosive rounds.

Never said that retard, I'm saying it's a mental illness and should not be endorsed like it's a normal thing

Your autism means you're mentally ill and I can ignore you freely.

"mtf" trannies are men though


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>A rotund negative like that doesn't allow for wiggle room later my friend, should've foreseen that coming, your foresight seems to be pretty good, or at least you're trying to convince me that it is.
Make a point instead of trying to use sophistry to compensate for your lack of argument.

>You're applying basic buyer/seller dynamics to a gigantic machinery
No, i am applying what has cost certain entities billions of dollars and changed their inner company politics as a result.
Also what has forced this entity in this thread to backtrack.
Now you are making appeals to hypothetical vagueness instead of case-in-point facts that tell the tale for themselves now.
Your pseud-talk as an attempt to smokescreen is comedic, i'll give you that.

>You're not punishing the people you think deserve to be punished, but at least you're rewarding those that really deserve it
The moment there was $60 available to be spent on only 3 out of 9 developers, punishment was an inevitable concept.
The only question is which of the 9 will deserve the money and which 6 will fuck off and die because by the end of those 3 games being played another 9 have been shat out and a new cycle of filter and purge and support begins. Ergo there is no moral grey ground, there is only foresight, awareness, realism, and educated buying (like not supporting anything EA and instead supporting their competition).

Wow, you got one (1). I guess that makes it a genuine issue to be concerned about.

Also it conveniently doesn't say whether it was the parents or the children who approached her.

>hate is actually a byproduct of fear.
If hate is a byproduct of fear then where does hate come from when a fear source is extinguished?
For example, when your source of fear is someone dying and you hatred is pushing you to defend them, and they are killed which extinguishes any notion of fear anymore leaving you with pure hatred and rage which now isn't a byproduct of fear but a byproduct of it being extinguished.

The same people that are inciting these moral panic campaigns of economic terrorism against a case of wrongthink'as innocuous as "Ogay," think they're perfectly justified celebrating your political disenfranchisement, racial displacement, and cultural erasure in your own country while their existence is fully subsidized by the surpluses gained from the very same ancestry they are trying to destroy, which is rightfully your inheritance; instead you are denied self-determination and your consent is fabricated by a unilateral, incurable govenment-media-economic overclass which follow a set of rules acutely opposed to the set of rules they pronounce for the bodies they govern.

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How many 12 year olds or older who aren't the victims of molestation do you see saying "I wanna be the other sex!"

quiet bigot. Step aside for history or be purged.

Here, let me upscale that for you.

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Here we go, the faggot trips over his own fallacies. All mountains start with 1 grain pedotranny. Since you can't be trusted to regulate your own collective from grooming children like that fucking clinic, and you just brush it off with an arrogant laugh because that's how garbage of a human you are, then it is up to general society to do the regulation for you.

You have absolutely no facts to back up the insinuations in this loaded question and I will not humour you by deigning to answer it.

Maybe you can ponder this, though: how many people who aren't suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect do you see rejecting the medical consensus based on nothing but their own propaganda-induced panic?

The best would be to extract from the actual *.art files but I just took it from the screenshot.

>Muh slippery slope
I guess since violence against trans people is indeed a thing, everyone who thinks like you needs to be pre-emptively locked up. Far more common than one (1) occurrence, in fact, so I'd say it's closer to an actual concern. Also, several people who very loudly condemned pedophiles later turned out to be pedophiles themselves. I think the FBI ought to have a look at your hard drive.

>absolutely no facts

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Anyway, since this is unfolding predictably and I really meant it when I said I'd rather save some time, I'm going to leave you now.

Slippery Slope doesn't apply to numbers but to notion-skipping. At least learn your buzzwords before you use them dumb trannypedo.

>Also, several people who very loudly condemned pedophiles later turned out to be pedophiles themselves.
And 90% of them were SJWs, which shifts the focus onto you yet again.

so what's offensive about that? I don't get it

What's predictable is you arguing that everyone should ignore illegal transgender clinics operating on prepubescent children because the transgender church image is more important than the little collateral here and there of children being fucked up. Says plenty about you really, funny how you give legitimacy to people murdering trannies if it's child-grooming apologists such as yourself.

>I guess since violence against trans people is indeed a thing, everyone who thinks like you needs to be pre-emptively locked up.
Why would you want to stop people from harming pedotrannies?

>"This doesn't happen, this happens"
>"Okay this actually happens, but more of this happens"
That's what you did. I cannot put it in simpler terms. There's no argument, I was pointing out a contradiction.

I've already explained development teams are separate entities from publishers, companies and their PR teams. "Gigantic machinery" isn't a vague statement, it's shortening what has already been established while accomodating other possible variables that are unique to each product (such as advisors or voice acting). All of these entities feed from the money you spend in the prodct. I'm arguing, and have been doing so since my first post, that first and foremost this money you've spent goes to cover the dev team's asses. I'd argue that the money you spend after the original sale, outside of worthwhile DLC (again, I don't want to be vague here, but I think you and I both know how to tell apart when DLC is lazy and when it's not) does indeed go to feed the scum you and I both hate.

I'm trying to be as concise as possible. It's good to be educated when buying, but there are factors that are simply impossible to know of or know for certain unless you have an inside scoop of the studio. Your understanding of the situation, in most cases, is simply impossible to be deep enough to make such an absolute judgement.

Vote with your wallet doesn't mean "refuse to buy everything unless the virgin Mary itself proof-checked the virtue of their product". There's no need to be so reductive and condescending when people disagree with you and I'm aware that I've just done the same to you and it's probably not the case, but you've done the same to me. We're even now, let's keep it that way.

I still don't get why it's offensive

Pretty sure that hotline's been around for a while, mostly helping out gays. Long before trannies became so prevalent. I can imagine things going that way now though.

It IS a general hotline for teens

Most fear is not rational to begin with.

>That's what you did.
If you can't spell it out properly don't bother with your pseud-talk.
From the beginning it was said that people don't pay for products alone but also for service and future-proofing (support) because people have finally learned their own purchasing power and how to differentiate between being a sheep and being an investor.

It all goes back to the simple which enrages you like a thousand Suns exploding, to quote.
>people should look at the product alone, not the entity behind it
>people should look at the present alone, not the future
And of course all your arguments hinging on those companies who lost billions due to this pay-to-support-not-just-for-the-product mentality.
The power is with the people faggot, and when there's more than 1 people like myself making it clear that we don't invest in charity unless we want to, especially when charities are mired in so many scandals and require extreme scrutiny, then you can just eat a bag of dogturd, or continue pesudo-intellectualizing smokescreen into infinity.

At the end of the day, Ion Fury recognized what you obviously don't user, don't misuse public funds and trust, or at least not so openly, otherwise you will lose it. As for you liking this or not? Nobody gives a shit.

Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's wholesome.

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Vagina. You would have known if you ever tried one.

>9 year old that's mentally too young to understand what he's shilling
I'm sorry schlomo but that's not wholesome that's horror.

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How is that homophobic?

It's not. But in the current year you cannot say certain words if you're not part of that specific group. Like "gay", "black", "transsexual", etc.
It's now considered a hatecrime to use old definitions, as they want to push their newspeak on everyone. Like the whole colored -> people of color schtick.

I still think you contradicted yourself. You've not convinced me one bit. Lack of specificity is something to be wary of.

>To quote
Quote who? Me? Why are you arguing against words I've never said? Why do you insist on painting an image of me that's easier for you to step on? That's low man.

I've said that the product's sales are what decides the present of the dev team first, their future second and the company's third. Sometimes companies are aware of this, and sadly I don't always have the heart to say no. I did so with Dead Space 3, to bring that back, and that call was ultimately useless. But sometimes it pays off, like with VTMB, but goddamn let's not get into that myre of disappointment. I don't claim you should be blind to everything that goes behind game development, but that sometimes you have to overlook certain things in an attempt to support what you enjoy. It won't always work though, but neither will your approach.

>especially when charities are mired in so many scandals and require extreme scrutiny
Especially when so many are misunderstandings or scandals provoked and fueled by third-parties who just want to see shit burn. Looking at Yea Forums and ResetEra here.

I absolutely do believe the devs behind Ion Fury did the right thing by the way. They would've been even more right if they told everyone to fuck off from day one, but hey.

Dressing as a woman is not innately sexual. Sounds like you are bestowing properties onto banal things like clothes

Now user, don't be a biggot. Kids are mentall 25 once they're past age 5 everyone knows that. Kappa

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>He doesn't let his pre-teen son wear makeup and orally pleasure older men in alleys.
Raising a failure I see.

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Based, baser and basest, also redpilled

>That pic

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>Quote who? Me?
No, to quote
There's nothing to overlook about that fact that since the dawn of time the success of business wasn't dictated by products being sold but by trust being earned and maintained between customer and producer which secondarily leads to product sales. The customer isn't paying for products but for service and development, which is one of the reasons brands exist as a concept and why marketing was invented. Trust is more valuable than money, not a single book in business or economics or management fails to repeat this, though some entities seem to like to forget it and they get buttfucker for it like they deserve.

If you specialize in a field and that field's product is something i am buying, i am paying for your specialization which you've proven yourself at, and not some fucking sideline dogshit. Sames goes for Tyrone and Chad, despite your fallacious description of them, they too are not buying because they like something but because they want to see more of it. If more of it doesn't come because the dumbshit put money elsewhere, Tyrone and Chad won't give a shit as many musicians have learned and will put their limited waste-fund elsewhere. To avoid this happening is the essence of trust-over-money. Trust that you are putting money where your hands work.

The ultimate core of this entire debate is that it never was about morals, it's about people valuing their own money more than they do your own brand of morals. Money is people's children and when you are stuffing that child into some pedotranny child-grooming den of a charity where 60% of charity goes into the upper administration and barely a tenth of it ends up where it was originally destined, instead of the intended destination of the developer's development fund, then don't go crying when the shit starts flying.

Why is Ogay even considered offensive? It there some hidden meaning I'm missing, or is it literally just because it has 'gay' in it?

Date only women (male). You don't wanna be a biggots do you anons?

Attached: Wow biggots.png (500x505, 79K)

Just because it has gay in it.

I wonder if the trannies will ever have a moment where they all realize that the only reason people hate them, is because they're a bunch of obnoxious cunts. Before the SJW wave of trannies, no one gave a shit outside of religious nuts or extreme closet cases. D I L A T E

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holy shit, stop BTFOing them so much. they're like 15 and just want to lul on 4chanz, no need to completely destroy them.

OGAY more like NOGAYS rofl

How's he BTFO of anyone if his entire argument is that children being abused is acceptable for the greater good of trannies, much akin to Catholic priests? Anyone who sidelines victims for PR unveils themselves as a corrupt person with no moral authority whatsoever in a conversation.

Are you OGAY?

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>Customers don't pay for a product, they pay for future development
This is what hello nigger, EA, Ubi consumer believes

based. Im gonna crop this post

Dead topic

Thank you mods for deleting this, our space is safe once more

On the contrary, if EA or Ubisoft consumers had any notion of investment they wouldn't be buying EA and Ubisoft products without regards for the entities behind those products.

everything you just posted supports his post as well. white boomers don't buy nikes. it's literally the same thing. the most vocal dissenters are never the ones who consume the product en masse.

Dude it's a samefag.

Wish dumbfuck companies worked more on who their actual audience is as opposed to working off the notion of creating specific audiences out of thin air.
This is called Bolshevik Marketing, and it's the most low IQ dumbshit retarded phenomena that has hit the business world in the last 50 fucking years.

>the medical consensus
way to show you know nothing about the subject

Based devs calling Trump a cocksucking prostitute.

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>losing against a cocksucking prostitute

Normies get out.

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I would've just named it OBAY.
like it sounds like Obey which is like subliminal cyberpunk shit maybe.
I know nothing about this game btw.

It's not a bug though. What a retarded tranny fucker.


anime posting loser
go outside

Deal with it.

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you know what to do

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It was hilarious seeing the right lose their minds over a soap bottle.

So you admit you're brainwashing children.

... Is that it? Is this what caused the shitstorm that's been lasting for two weeks?

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>the right

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Is the game even [s]fun[/s]

Homophobic? Nothing. But it's pretty rude. Olay is considered a more feminine branded soap. So by using it, you are considered gay. So Ogay. It's a dumb stereotype.
It would be like branding a watermelon as "tryones melons"

I can't say I blame the gays for getting upset. It must suck to be constantly ridiculed, to the point where it just becomes background noise to everyone else.


>i got nuthin

>Olay is considered a more feminine branded soap. So by using it, you are considered gay. So Ogay.
What a leap in logic

Making kids into trannies is fucked up but equating it with pedophilia is absurd.

Olay is a feminine brand of products. That's the whole joke.

Gay are literally fine with getting fucked in the ass like a woman, no fucking shit they are closer to a woman than a man.

>gay soap in video game is stripping away my civil rights & dignity!
>jail all the comedians!put their heads on the guillotine!

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> can't name one!!
heres this one
>OH WOW ONLY ONE, doesn't count
add to that 40% already

>Wants to censor other people
>Complains about his civil rights being stripped away when he fails to do so
I bet he's a jew.

Clown world ain't just a meme.

Virtual bottle of shampoo.

Google Olay. No self respecting straight man would be caught purchasing those products, unless he had some kind of unique condition that only Olay could solve.

What do watermelons have to do with the Irish?

Yeah, no shit, because it's marketed to WOMEN. It's not in any way associated with gay men. It's like calling Tampax Tamfags and going "OOOOH I GET IT BECAUSE GAY MEN R LIEK WIMMEN"
It's a tongue in cheek joke about calling anything you don't like gay, or replacing syllables in words of things you don't like with gay. Nothing more.

I've noticed something all this this trans stuff is most likely for attention, since the gays got their way a few years ago with gay marriage being legal and more companies supporting gays now all of a sudden everything is about trans this trans trans that, trans abuse this, you're a bigot etc.. it's their turn to get special treatment now, or so they want

Systematic pedophilia is not absurd.
Systematic means the presence of a component within a system which leads to the inflation of a phenomena above the average turnout rate.
Within the Catholic Church for instance that component is banning priests from marrying women or fornicating with them which leads into dark paths of priests taking it out on altar boys and such who have feminine qualities to compensate.

In the same manner you have systematic racism.
In the same manner, advocating for trans prepubescent children is also systematic pedophilia, or in other words a system of thought which introduces components of inflating the rates of abuse of children which would otherwise be based on an even average without the presence of such a system of thought.

It is intellectually dishonest to call absurdism on the philosophies of systematic oppression by cherry picking them when they have the same common grounds.
Child, Sex, Gender, don't belong in the same sentence unless there is a sexual agenda behind it. You shouldn't think about a child's gender or sex in any way or capacity unless you are a pervert or associate with perverts and subconsciously project their mentality, the healthy mindset is to let the child develop their own sense without any of your input in a sterile manner, or in other words gender-neutral (which isn't transgenderism, there's very stark differences).

No, it's the grade school humor of mocking feminine things as gay. It doesn't have to make sense. That's how those jokes work. You see a pink shirt, "that's gay". You see rainbows, "that's gay". You see ponies, "that's gay".

But you're wrong. Those things are only ever referred to as gay in the context of a man making use of them.

Twitter trannies trying to review bomb the game as we speak.

Attached: ThepowerofResetera.png (514x377, 13K)

Not necessarily. Calling something gay, is the rejection of the feminine, regardless if it's in use or not. you don't have to see a man wearing the pink shirt before calling it gay. Someone could just point it out to you on the clothing rack, and merely imply its use.

Likewise, a man tasked with crafting a feminine product, isn't truly using it. He's only making it. But the mere fact that he's crafting it might spur the urge to call it gay.

This is the sprite they were planning to replace it with

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>red and white pill
I god damn fucking hate this fucking shit. Doom 1 and 2 BFG Edition and Duke 3D World Tour can god damn burn in hell for changing the medkit sprites.

Stop spreading bullshit user, that was just a funny joke in the devs discord. These were the actual planned replacements, posted by a dev on the steam forums.

Attached: 9Ue0DFe.png (456x192, 7K)

Red Cross is the one to blame here, BTW. They've been after small devs, even hospital marketing campaigns, for using "their logo".

should have been skub

Should have been ogay. Majority of women are disgusted by gays and since this game is about giving women representation it fits perfectly.

>being an anti-skub faggot

>being a skub-fucker
Go rest your hands in dry ice.

how can the red cross even do that? every place I know either uses a blue or green cross instead of red

I know nothing about the game other than some fabricated controversy, and it looks like a shitty Duke nukem mod.
I'm thinking of pulling some shit like this when I finish my first game. Which controversies can I pull on a farm Sim? I'm thinking a character saying something against gays and then revert it

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Because some literal boomer CEO woke up one day a few years ago to the realization that "their ""logo"" " is being used on every single thing referring to healthcare, got triggered, and started jewing on people.

It's extra cancerous seeing how here in Europe, the red-cross on a white background is the street sign and map-symbol for hospitals and major healtcare centers. It's also been the "first aid" symbol on army medkits and shit for 100+ years.

It gets even more bonkers if you consider the idea of some "non profit" corporation suddenly protecting what's practically a Christian symbol, painted in one of the major primitive colors. FYI, they use red crescent moon in Arab countries.

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Who else here harassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?

Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.

If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.

I'm all in for Operation Mass LARP, where we larp as a transgenders and attack as many of these devs in the industry as possible with bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.

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hes not wrong
>no one is buying game
>create outrage
>fix it
>sell it to le redpilled faggots because you said no to trannies


• Replaced controversial texture.

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Didn't they already decide not to remove the soap sprite and just remove the debug message that you literally can't see unless you noclip outside one of the maps? How the fuck is that even any issue?

That's fucking great.

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Social media was a mistake. These people live such horrid lives.

>virtually every person i know of 0.06% of Humanity plays video games
>i do not understand why these devs are appealing to the other 99.94% of Humanity
>surely this will hit their bottom line especially among mentally retarded trannies who spend all their money on drugs and are on social welfare for the good part
Trannies like to LARP financial power, when in fact they live off gofund(mytransition) schemes, camwhoring for middle-aged perverts, and begging.

well, at least le redpilled faggots buy games in the first place

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>We could easily cause just as much, if not more damage.
Seems to be working.

Twitter especially somehow attracts the worst people, and then manages to do a good job of insulating them.

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no they dont

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>opinions beamed into my head bt space lizards
atleast "he's" being honest

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Imagine not appealing to over 6 billion tranny-hating people outside of the tiny 600 million strong West, who are all capable these days of buying your games, at the expense of a handful of trannies who are poverty ridden beggars, drug addicts, and welfare whores, who have a 41% chance of evicting themselves from your consumerbase.
You'd have to hate money with a passion to pull such a mental tactic.

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would ofag make more sense?

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why did they revert the censorship then?

Why do you spend so much time browsing twitter for shit to repost on Yea Forums? Cant you leave their bullshit there instead?

It's called saving and sharing.

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It really is. Hence the reason I deleted my Facebook account five years ago and never even bothered making a Twitter account.

Yea Forums - Twitter Screencaps From People With Less Than 50 Followers And Never More Than 20 Retweets

to appease cucks that sperged out about how they arent buying it

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The funny thing is that there was no reversion, the game is still in its release build.

if they weren't buying it and le woke leftists were buying it instead, i'm pretty sure the devs would have left the censorship in it.

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Being able to disregard minority demographics instead of being at their beck and call pretty much is a triumph of free speech, one such demographic minority were the monarchies and nobles for example who got their heads cut off :3

That's it for me. Stay safe, Yea Forums.

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>i'm pretty sure the devs would have left the censorship in it.
but they didnt censor it at all, they were GOING to censor it but didnt, and you fags too the bait, i dont get why people still buy games when you can easily pirate

They didn't you fucking retard. OGAY is still in the game. The only thing they removed was the fag bag debug message that wasn't even supposed to be in the game in the first place which you would never see unless you noclipped outside of one of the levels. The only way you'd see it in the first place is if you're a fucking casual fag who uses cheats.

>when you can easily pirate
Not all the time. Find me a reliable torrent for Starcrawlers.
You can't because nobody's seeding that shit on Piratebay and it doesn't seem to up on any other torrent site

>The only thing they removed was the fag bag debug message
are going to remove*
Better get moving with that noclip if anyone still wants to feel mad about pointless shit.

Why do you post bullshit?

>in 2019
Do you still use utorrent too like a faggot?

Literally fucking who? why are you even following these people?
Let it go, retard. You've been doing this shit for a year and nothing happened. They didn't even patch the bottle to begin with.

How do you know so much about trannies, user?

that's not the point i'm trying to make you low iq retard so here let me explain it to you real easy so you can understand
>make silly joke that uses a bad word
>faggotera niggers that weren't going to buy the game in the first place get triggered
>devs appeal to faggots
>actual people who bought the game review bomb/refund
sjws don't buy/play games, they just complain in social media

alt-kikes dont buy games either, they only complain on social media, how is your virtue signalling any different from theirs?

>alt-kikes dont buy games either
the review bomb proves this to be false.

you dense motherfucker

Why is every western country filled with neo marxist/SJW ppl like this?
Why is it only in the west?

based devs dabbing on sluts

Cope mutts

>actual people who bought the game review bomb/refund
Golly gee wiz, I wonder why so many of those people had less than an hour of play time for the game. Could it be they bought it, review bombed it, and then immediately refunded it?

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Freedom of speech coupled with better healthcare and standard of living has allowed retards to not only survive to reproduce but to actually gain some measure of political/finacial/cultural power.

Normal people in the west honestly dont give a shit either way and just want to continue with their lives and want these degenerates to get gulagged.

what the fuck? i thought they were /ourguys/? so despite all our efforts there's STILL sjw cringe in this? meh whatever ima refund this fuckin' trash now
fuck all ya'll

btw Im not saying freedom of speech is as its certainly not but a side effect is you get retards grouping up and are allowed to be ignorant even to meaning of free speech.

stop making sense fag

>yet another tranny thread under the guise of muh video games
holy shit just go to /lgbt/ if you want to bitch about them, shut the fuck up

Honestly after scrolling through the reviews, I feel like it could go either way.

Because going through the posting history of any trannies who utter this shit reveals their poorfaggotry and fraudulent human garbage nature.

I think you just got owned, bro

RC got all jew post 2006

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Why do you go through the post history of trannies, user? Looking for a special someone?

Yes, a special tranny who isn't a financial failure and a beggar so trannies can have at least one respectable representative. Still searching for this phoenix feather :3

I hope you find your other half, friend! keep reaching for that rainbow!