Playing an fps on European server:

Playing an fps on European server:
>Clear concise communication
>High level of coordination
>Funny banter that doesn't go too far

Playing on US server:
>Aye yo shut the fuck up white bitch come to bompton pussy ass white nigga bitch and say that shit nigga imma beat yo ass
>*12 year old starts freestyle rapping while single mother yells in the background every time he swears*

Attached: ava.jpg (1280x1024, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying both servers arent 100% quiet nowadays

>things that never happened

>having voice chat on

euro servs are all aimbotting kids and russians, the fuck are you talking about.

Playing an fps on European server:
>Nobody talks most of the time
>Unintelligible accents
>"Fuck u mom" tier banter

The second sounds much better.

>Have Americans living rent free in their head
>Have fun and enjoy playing video games

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>not muting both voice and text chat at all times

euro server:
>brit taking it far too seriously and screaming at own team
>150+ ping ruski whose only word of english is 'bitch'
>german with an open mic

Playing in 2019:
>completely quiet except for the one guy with a mic
>so few players you spend more time wandering the map than fighting
>sometimes you decide to fuck around with other players instead of doing the objective
>eventually you and some other guy are the only ones left on the server and out of kindness you don't want to leave first

>out of kindness you don't want to leave first
>not getting a kill then leaving before they can get revenge

rent free

my favourite are the open mic french muslim teenagers

Playing on Australian server
>Silence except for a few extroverted nerds talking

europeans play like pussies

Say that to my face not online see what happens

reposting from your /int/ thread

Playing an fps on an Australian server:
>Oi c

>he thinks there aren't burgers just as obsessed with Europe as there are europoors obsessed with America

Playing on Asia server:
>automated chinese cheat/hack seller broadcasting their QQ
>account boosting chinese/koreans steamrolling as low level
>indians and vietnamese players with 1/42 k/d

European server doesn't have enough Russian screaming and French whining.

OP is australian dumbass

>playing on an aussie server
Can't because the shit is fuckin dead


Playing on European server:
>russian starts screaming ([X] Mute)
>russian starts cheating
>one million ping gook starts writing in bing-bong
>your rarted
>you're mom

Despite how bad it was, I miss voice chat
When Xbox live bought in party chat, it was really convenient being able to talk to your friends across games, but it absolutely killed ingame interaction, which is how I made a lot of friends
Now I'm on PC pretty much no game uses VC and everyone is on discord

As someone who still is live that sentiment still hasn't changed. The only ones that are on mics is because they don't realize it or they are just some ESL barking in their native tongue. A lot of games on this platform are like ghost towns.

european server
>russian speaking russian
>obnoxious 10 year old british kid yelling
>two germans speaking german to eachother
>a french who thinks that if he just speaks louder everyone suddenly learns french

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Ask a few random Americans if they know who your leaders are and then ask some random Euros who’s the God Emperor of the world.

We had this exact same thread yesterday

>play on European servers
>everyone plays as a passive bitch
>play on California (West Coast) servers
>the chat is always active with people arguing over the most normalfag shit
>everyone sucks but every single person also holds down W and never lets go, so you're constantly in a 1 v x at ALL times and will probably end up dying more
>central and east servers chill and skillful but low populations
every game, you can't refute this

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sounds more like you cherry picked for british and germans, but yes usually the fact european servers are just a blend of every language, it's total anarchy sometimes.
meanwhile the only thing i learned from american servers is that everyone sounds exactly the same, like a bunch of 16 years old nerd that decided to play the same day as you.
i swear when i play any game online with only english speakers, i can't make a godamn difference when they speak on mic, at least with european server you know who's talking right away

Turks are worse than Russians desu

eu servers:
>cyka bliat! kak ti srilosh dibil! u bich giv avp >:(
>kto pl :) ? kurwa ! jebany ! ty huju daj ak! giv ak >:( ! kurwa!

This, I cant even tell you who the prime minister of England is. Anything not American isnt even worth knowing about.

He'd be 100 percent correct. Americans do not give a fuck about Euros

>American joins EU server
>everyone is like "FUCK YEAH"

Attached: USA USA USA.jpg (259x194, 11K)

>playing on faggy yuropoor server
shit ping, people saying "allo gubnah gunna nip round to da chemist for da ol dog and bone aye?"
>playing on based texas server
great ping, people saying "howdy"

I don't think I've ever met one online.
I guess maybe it's more common in southern Europe, considering I get mostly Russians, franks/germans, Anglos, and sometimes the occasional Spaniard.

>French whining
Why? Why are they all like this?!
I've never met an [eternal] online without massive fucking bitching.

some american joined EU server by mistake and played america fuck yeah for the rest of the match, good lad that one

the Guile theme is the real America theme

I never use voice chat because I'm too self conscious about my accent

>play on EU server
>get raped by t*rks
>play on US server
>get raped by b*acks

yes, inferior races are rapey scum. what's new?

>playing an FPS server on an european server is better
what in the absolute fuck are you on? all that happens is some third world east europe keeps shouting down the microphone incoherent gibberish that ends up in you losing your ranked match because the team didn't want to cooperate, literally had to switch to NA servers for a while to play OW back in 2016 to play with decent people

>Play on SEA sever
>every variety of Asian speaking their own respective language
>some Aussie calling them all gooks
Asians can be pretty funny to be fair but I fucking hate playing multiplayer vidya in Asia

I fucking hated this shit in MWO.
t. slav but played mostly with americans because piggy's netcode shenanigans make no difference between 200 and 50 ping


people are scared since they may get banned for offending some soj boj

Dota 2 all-chat

>jajajajaja ctmr mierda tmr
>you fucking mongoloid niggers kill yourselves
>傻逼 草你吗

>cyкa блять
>god i hate russians so much
>lanet ruslar onlardan çok hasta

>kill all indogs
>pignoys best maid world
>putang ina mo bobo ako mid

Attached: 1364062641502.png (337x337, 123K)

>log in to European server
>"hi lad"
>"hi m8"

White people be all like "hello"
Black people be all like "hi"

What game do you play? CSGO is full of turks

I fucking miss A.V.A so much...

>Clear concise communication
>High level of coordination
>Funny banter that doesn't go too far

Бypгepы cocaть.

>Government fucks them into submission

Americans aren't free by a long shot, but there's a reason "free people" in media tend to be more rowdy and undisciplined. Europeans are essentially slaves to their government. It removes the "fight" from the human spirit.

>play with euros
>broken and terrible English
>but generally good players
>play with angloids
>terrible skills

>being that obsessed guy who don't even want to discuss games

As a fucking Anglo-Bonger, I can't stand playing with fucking Europoors. If I could play with yanks I would take it any fuckind day. Playing MP games on Euro servers has basically turned from ironic racist into an actual racist. I hate Turks, Frenchies and Germs. ITS SO FUCKING BAD I ACTUALLY PREFER SLAVS.

>EU server
>muslim languages

so, English?

Ah, right.
I play mostly co-op games like Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead, Insurgency, and Space Hulk.

Germans are ok, at least they can speak English. The French are intolerable though, they refuse to speak anything other than their baguette talk and have the temper of a 6 year old.


north american voice chat is always fun, it's one reason I like living here

whenever there are more than 1 german, they just speak to each other and no longer speak english.

I wish I learnt Spanish instead of French. It's seems like such a funny language.


This is my human interaction for the month

You sound like a Stockholm syndrome fagget

>Play in SA servers
>algem br?
>Chileans trigger Argentinians over the falklands
>Argentinians trigger Chileans over some football shit
>Furries ERP in the chat

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Join Australian server:
>Top tier banter
>Enjoyable dialogue

Join American server:
>Some edgy child saying Nigger over thinking they're hilarious
>Rude and aggressive behaviour for no reason

European Server
>no one speaks the same language
>if it's an FPS game, you better speak French/German
>Russian screeching
>One obviously English guy who talks a lot but plays like shit

its not really that, its more of the fact that basically anyone either duo, or group queued, will inevitably be in a discord call with eachother

peruvians and colombians are pure cancer
whoever complains about brs never played with those shitheads

do you say that every time someone has a different opinion than you? what exactly is desirable about euro/aussie vc anyways?

>play on European server
>12yo kid singing in russian
>parents fighting in background
>dog barking
>static noise
>eats chips every 20seconds

""""Top tier banter""""" for intellectually stunted 14 years old, sure

>Be American
>See post
>Go straight to insults
Why is America so agro for no reason?

>be European
>join American server
>sing The Star Spangled Banner
>receive angry responses

>Playing an fps on European server:
>everyone either silent or cursing in french, german, or slav

>>Rude and aggressive behaviour for no reason
You just described most Australians
