DARQ devs beg to be let on EGS after their game failed on steam

Attached: Unfold Games on Twitter.png (640x577, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Man that's pathetic.


Very sad, but it is to be expected.

Such hubris... such tragedy...

Fucking samefag autist nigger

>making a non-lootbox, non-game-as-a-service, non-blindbox, non-online-multiplayer game in the year 2019 hahahahaa the game deserved to flop.

Gonna play Destiny 2 now, F suckers.

I don't think Timmyboy will take them in now.

Attached: DARQ - Steam Charts.png (741x566, 183K)

How much is Timbo paying per post these days?

Hi Timtim, how's being under China's thumb?

>pulling the game off Steam a few days after Steam release date announcement would forever ruin the credibility of my studio

Hope he can feed his family with all that credibility he still has

*sees Steam sales*

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Wasn't his original ask to Epic to be able to have his game on their storefront non exclusively? Isn't this exactly the same as before?

Kek. That's what you get for going against the chinese overlords.

It's just shitposting, don't take everything you read at face value.

yes, but that ruins the shitposting of course.

Oh I see. Carry on then

a game can't stand on morals alone, it still needs to be a good game. darq has a nice artstyle but still looks fairly boring to play, and the "manipulating physics" claim for the game seems to be exaggerated, it's just walking on walls or different transitions for going forward/back in a 2D game.

Im the one attacking the epic shill you fucking retard.

>shitty indie garbage fails



Fuck off ching chong


tiananmen square massacre


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Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15-23-05-36-488_com.android.browser.jpg (1080x1975, 361K)

>100 all time peak
>hurr durr success
it sold like 2-3k copies max. Meanwhile tim would've guaranteed 100k sales.
This is final proof that epic store> steam for indies.

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Investigate Tim's connections to Al Qaeda
Just sayin you might be surprised

Darq dev milking this so hard and yet has barely any sales. Sad!

Not that big, I would say 10k but it's perfectly fine for an indie game, not accepting the offer is sub 80iq lvl. Tim even mocks him with "heheh congratulations what a big success" ;)


That fucker, it's like the only selling point of this game is PR and nothing more.

Isn't that due to chink law when streaming from there?




lol go to bed zoomie adults are talking

Did you think this was a game?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 11.58.32 PM.png (800x567, 506K)

You fucking brainlet, nobody would deny a 2 million dollar offer, especially not a one man indie studio who got denied by everyone

>Meanwhile tim would've guaranteed 100k sales.
>This is final proof that epic store> steam for indies.
Do you really think they'd keep that up if they gain market dominance?

>Refuse to donate to charity unless an impossible condition is fufilled
How is he the good guy? A good person just donates to charity without making it a publicity thing.

China will grow larger.

Should spend more money on trees instead of video games.
At least protecting a forest is kind of based.

he didnt even get to the part where they discuss money. Just told them to make it non exclusive or fuck off.

Flipping off Valve is also extremely based. A shame they don't have a no DRM policy like GoG.

What the point if he's donating all the money?

>all these coping shills
lmao even your employer admitted in the tweet that the game was successful

>another fucking epic shill thread


Even more upvotes.

epic offers around 200k to indie games like his, not 2 million

Steamcucks BTFO again. Holy shit.

Fucking this. This guy is the first indie dev to ride the Epic Hate Wave in a way that gives him enough goodwill and support for all his future games. The guy is in for the long run and is trying very hard to become "that guy who owned ebin games" for a long time.

That comment section is pure cancer.

Attached: 1510510988816.png (571x618, 29K)

it's like an epic shill thread but instead it's anti-epic

>i bought the game solely because of your integrity

Attached: 1566258680961.jpg (249x265, 23K)

No game is entitled to sales no matter the impression you get from devs these days as they're quick to blame their customers first.

Fucking China.

>nothing happened on that particular day and time on Tiananmen square
>we'll keep autistically deleting mentions and making arrests on whoever mentions it, though

How have people not risen up and dragged the government the streets yet with this double think?

>What is unreal
Egs doesn't offer DRM, almost every game is DRM free there. Sure Dev can add DRM, not all gog games are DRM free.

The people are sub human drones. Like bees/ants but shitty and useless. You could argue that the government is trying and succeeding in making them useless.

You answered your own question.
The only ones that would do anything about it are arrested.

This. I appreciate them standing up to Epic, but if you're game is another indie side scroller with a lost child, I have no sypathy when it sells poorly. Maybe try making something unique.

Money laundry

>elect Trump as a president
>meanwhile he is a Russian puppet
How have people not risen up and dragged the government the streets yet with this double think?

EGS/Steam/GoG Galaxy is DRM.

Damn, he actually looks good in this picture

>GoG Galaxy is DRM.
Except you can just use the browser

Why are steam drones ill in the head

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Is this EGS counter propaganda? I mean, I don't see why this is a problem. Isn't he just pissing into egs corn flakes because if they refuse they just seem like arseholes? And even if he wants more Money I don't see the problem. It's not exclusive.

That guy gets so many responses I don't believe that he hasn't gotten a bf by now. It must be his fault. I'm sure he must be doing something to remain bf-less.

Maybe the bf was the friends we made along the way.

jesus christ could tim be any more online? maybe if that bald ratfaced fuck spent less time on twitter like a 14 year old girl his "store" would have a fucking SHOPPING CART by now.

>timmy boy can't stop buying exclusivity even offline

Attached: 1477628475436.jpg (200x200, 10K)

>Except you can just use the browser
Doesn't make GoG Galaxy not a form of DRM.

He said non-exclusivity and he wont even see a cent of it, cant you read

What exactly is your distinction between DRM and a front-end in that case?

>""""""protecting"""""" forest
>implying he isn't preparing the land for Chinese underground military bases

>That's why we contacted them to explore exclusivity.
But you said that you didn't do that, Tim.

It literally says the opposite though. To the point devs are blatently mocking EGS that they'll give 100% of the $0 revenue to charity if they were allowed in.

>I need money, that's why I'm offering to donate all money

No you don't, Tim.

That's literally been his position from the very beginning.


well he is doing it for decades now, but wow the steam drone coping lvl is really high

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Maybe it's because he's an insufferable attention whore.




You're conflating GoG Galaxy with the browser/backup copies that GoG provides.
They're two different things (owned and operated by the same company).
If a developer so chooses, they can use GoG's DRM functionality. If someone chooses not to use it, that doesn't make it not DRM for all of the other developers that do choose to use it that way.
To answer your question, DRM prevents the use of the software if you don't have it installed. Front-end is just a method of purchase. You're done wit it once you 'have' the software, althouhg in many cases you still have to install the launcher/DRM anyway.

Free Tibet and Taiwan.



Attached: b21.png (500x500, 168K)

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

Attached: epic fag store.png (471x560, 339K)

This reminds me of the time where the guy who called Keanu wonderful at E3 got offered a copy of Cyberpunk for free and he declined the offer since he wanted them to donate thousands of dollars to a children charity instead. Essentially use charity to make yourself look good and put the dev in an awkward position and if the dev declines, they are declining giving to a charity so they look bad.

It's hard to get a bf.

Attached: img_746.png (190x203, 20K)

See Dumb chink.

So what's the game like?

Attached: 1530337359015.png (670x334, 153K)

Kino atmosphere, decent puzzle gameplay, way too fucking short.

>No reviews
steam reviews are just dumb memes, read reviews online
>No voice chat
wow now i cant talk to 12 year old timmy screaming slurs on the mic
>No community forums
literaly shit
>No workshop
i agree
>No screenshot sharing
no one cares about your screenshots
>No wishlist
if you truly cared you would know what games you want
>No game tags
useless, no one uses these
>No shopping cart
buy 1 game at a time and finish it, shopping carts encourage buying a bunch of games and not playing
>No discovery queue
this is always shit
>No one-click online streaming
no one cares about your streams faggot
>No h-games
>No music category
use spotify
>No software category
use anything else
>No video category
use netflix or another streaming serice
>No linux support
no one uses linux besides nerds
>No regional pricing
no one cares about 3rd worlders
>No payment option variety
not necessary
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
what is this, myspace?
>No achievements
>No controller support
yes there is
>No family sharing
family sharing is so people dont' share 1 copy of a game, no one actually shares it with their family
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
no one likes using steam with a controller
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
you have a hard drive
>No backup feature
same thing as cloud save
>No adding third party games to your list
use your desktop
>No third party key registration

Did you even read the post?

OP is just making fun of EGS shills as the Twitter post is anything but the Darq dev begging Tim, he even says he can just put the game on EGS and give all the revenue he gets there to charity, implying he got enough money it wouldn't matter.

Actually, a suprising few amount of people seem to have even read the Twitter post.

That whole article was bullshit for anyone that cares. Literally the entire fucking TI9 people were spamming it and a lot more. Valve didn't give a fuck. Maybe some people got banned but it didn't stop it, and i definitely saw the same names.

>no bloatware

am i the only one who doesn't give a fuck about 99% of Steams "features"

i just want to click play, and play the fucking game

>I agree that it doesn't have any of those things. You are 100% correct. Now allow me to spaz out.

>failed on steam
>announced a free update/DLC

pick one

Watching streamdrones seeth makes my dick hard. I unironically love seeing GOG and Epic start biting at Gabes heels, Valve is fucking garbage and has been getting worse by the year, yet still has defenders because of Half Life. They treat Valve like its their best friend. Its not only a business but a shitty one, or a great one if you're looking at it with jew vision. They stopped making games the second they could sit comfortably on their 30% and income from the marketplace.

Valve is a joke, Gabe pushes whatever he can without a care about you, paid mods, shitty sales that are a joke compared to what they used to be, trash skinnerbox games like Artifact only made to sell shit on the marketplace, no creative goal behind it what so ever.

Steam is a stagnated piece of trash that has endless problems in both its design and the sheer amount of shit on the store, shit that is let through because Valve don't give a shit about quality control. 30% of an asset flip unity shitter is still 30%, and its all about the money.

When does steam improve? Only when someone bites at it. The community upgrade would have never happened without Discord, the library upgrade would have never happened the other launchers starting to make steam look like out dated trash.

Fuck Valve, and fuck the drones. I'm smiling ear to ear seeing them ironically not get to play the one game they were born for, a drone simulator.

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Why didn't he save the Amazon bros

the forest doesn't play fortnite

>Trust our paid reviews instead of reading what the people have to say, goy!
>No, you don't need these helpful features to help you troubleshoot the game and make it run on your computer!
>We don't have any games on the epic gay store, so we don't need a shopping cart! Brilliant!
>Nobody uses Linux!
>Nobody uses controllers!
>Nobody uses cloud saves!
Pathetic. They should fire you, you aren't very good at shilling your shitshow.

Attached: 1498752536390.jpg (608x395, 98K)

So pirate it, and you won't have to deal with any DRM.

Because most men aren't faggots

he is trying

do they mean "timed exclusivity" or real exclusivity?

>When does steam improve?
They've been improving things literally every single year, even while Epic was still shunning computers in favor of consoles. Your shit store has changed nothing. Kill yourself.


>>Nobody uses cloud saves!
already added, spreading lies is pretty emberassing drone
>Nobody uses Linux!
true for gaming, at least you use double boot
>Nobody uses controllers!
? egs supports controller, its a drm/steamshitworks free store

if he's willing to donate all the revenue to charity that means it isn't failing retard

EGS only supports controllers if the game itself supports controllers.

Steam is for lewd, put all the experimental artistic shit for PS babies

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-20 192553.jpg (943x571, 144K)

That Russian puppet has done nothing of consequence for or against either our country or Russia
Russians are fucking dogshit at puppeteering

>already added
Show me the API docs, Chinaman. If it has no API documentation, that means they didn't add jack shit but snowflake implementations for special cases, to allow shills like you to claim they have something they don't.

yep can confirm it burns pretty good


I never believed buying that land works. What, are these rich guys going to go down and check it out how its doing? Its easier to sell it, raze it, raise the cows, and gut shot the guy when he shows up and complains.

>Show me the API docs, Chinaman. If it has no API documentation,
kill yourself subhuman

Ironically, EGS Launcher requires more resources than Steam, despite being barebones.

you have a pc you can download second party software, steamworkshit controller support is dogshit in comprehension

"citation and proof needed"

not his 10000 hectare area, he is defending it pretty good

>donate 100% of the sales because he knows there's no money to be made on EGS aside from Tim Deal(tm)

>someone went to all the trouble to make this fucking post
>"i-it's all ironic shitposting you b-b-baaaaka"
>totally not mentally ill fucking freaks or downright shills

inb4 you were merely pretending to be of simple mind for (you)s

Attached: 1523480612630.jpg (393x354, 32K)

See this word, chinky? This word means they have no cloud save API. This means THEY themselves had to program things, in order to provide custom implementations, for all of those games. That means they don't have a cloud saving platform, they simply implemented a few snowflake cases, for morons like you to brigade imageboards with retarded claims.

Attached: asd.png (220x43, 2K)

>Mediocre game sells like shit
>This is steams fault somehow

I always knew EGS shills had no reading comprehension even before seeing this thread but holy shit.

>ITT: "I can't read"

>Yea Forums simultaneously hating on Epic store exclusives and shitting on this dev for having integrity to not taking Epic exclusivity
SJW levels of doublethink right there.

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Why are people so mad at this guy?

Other indieshitters can learn a thing or two from him. For one thing, he actually knows how to market his shit and leverage advantages. Regardless of whether his limbo ripoff is good or not, the DARQ dev has already done what all these mouthbreathing entitled devs who keep complaining haven't done.

That's because it is some web shit client.

Get the fuck off Yea Forums, Tim.

you fucking subhuman same case with steam not every steam games has cloud saves, its dev depended, they need to cooperate with the store owner, steam drone ? steam drone are you okay ?

But he did the GOOD.GUY THING why did he fail this isn't like the narrative is supposed to go

>it's an underage Rockstar zoomer that pledged allegiance to Sony
Every time.

Attached: 1538585624196.png (609x542, 197K)

>Regardless of whether his limbo ripoff is good or not, the DARQ dev has already done what all these mouthbreathing entitled devs who keep complaining haven't done.
this is a lesson in marketing

Imagine thinking everyone on Yea Forums is the same person.

>banning the weeb version of ORANGE MAN BAD NPCposting


>Using peak concurrent players to estimate single-player game sales

You people are autistic.

Attached: Concurrent players have nothing to do with sales 2.jpg (1674x1258, 434K)

uh sweatie the mujahadeen were our allies in afghanistan against the ussr, haven't you seen rambo 3

>Have to buy forests to have enough material for the Fortnite money-printing

>read reviews online
I'd rather read a meme review than something from IGN, Polygon, Kotaku or any other "journalist" website that does game reviews
>if you truly cared you would know what games you want
I do my best to not want a certain game I want since I would then do the retarded thing of buying it at full price. Some games I pirate and buy on a price drop.
>shopping carts encourage buying a bunch of games and not playing
And how do you know that someone else doesn't play all the games they buy? Not everyone is like you.
>no one cares about 3rd worlders
What about the 2nd worlders? Without regional prices Epic fucks over most of eastern yuropoor
>>No achievements
For you.
> no one actually shares it with their family
Wanna bet? I share my library with my father and brother.
>you have a hard drive
You want me to carry that everywhere I go when I want to play a specific game? And don't bs me with portables, easy to lose, easy to break.
>same thing as cloud save
same thing as what I said about portables

So you're basically saying that a game can be dogshit but don't have that stuff, so it deserves a fuckton of sales?

What a dumbass. NC forests are covered in shitty kudzu.

I'm really starting to hate this guy, he's fishing for kotaku articles so fucking hard.

>boris and natasha stole the American election

better call the moose and squirrel

>same case with steam
No, with Steam, developers of videogames can choose whether or not they want to implement cloud saves. They have extensive documentation to base their decision and their implementation on. On the Epic Faggot Store, developers can not implement cloud saves themselves. They need to ask Timmy Tencent for a custom implementation made by the epic faggot devs, because there *is* no documentation for cloud saves on the store available, because there *is* no generic cloud save platform, only a series of differently made storages, each suited only for a single game. But I don't expect a mentally retarded chinaman like you to understand the difference. Go parrot your shitty misinfo on social media, leech.

Attached: asd.png (1920x1080, 242K)

This dude threw some top banter. It's like when Sweeney says he'll "stop signing exclusivity deals" only if Valve reduces the share they take to an unsustainable low level--the cut unsustainable according to Tim Sweeney's own assessments, and he'll absolutely stop his generosity towards devs the instant he thinks he has their nuts completely trapped in his chink vice.

>No linux support

fuck off stallman

English is a hard language to learn :(

The game has almost 500 reviews already, it has easily sold over 10k.

Every single epic defender is a sonytard. It's fact.

>shows some of the bullshit hypocriticity of EGS and Tim Swiney
>abloo bloo he should just let it go and stay quite
>really stating hate this guy
Go get eaten by an escalator.

Attached: no shit games allowed.png (594x826, 206K)

Darq refused the Epic deal so they're trying especially hard to push how much it failed, to make an example out of them, you heard it here first

so it's not even about selling games anymore is it, just political posturing and you get people throwing money at you

You'll notice that no one is attempting to arrest you for saying that, and you could say it on any American website without the government interfering with you saying it.

What's with all the fucking Epic shills ITT? Fuck off back to China you soulless gooks

Not him, but you just described "Marketing 101"

It's really sonytards.

Social credit system has been very successful at motivating the bugs

Epic Games is a small indie company, they only have one intern working on the storefront.

Sorry Chang, but the game was actually a success and he's making free DLC for it. Also this developer is fucking based for making Epic look like the hypocritical faggots they are.

He's just proving how scummy EGS really is, you dumb insect worshipping chink lovers.

This is precisely what I came to post. This thread reads like a bot arguing with itself. It reminds me of Tim Sweeny's twitter account.

>Insanity ending.

The smallest one on that list is over 20 times Darq's, and it's also the only one I haven't even heard of.


>pcbros SCRAMBLING itt to fix the narrative

This is such bullshit. Tim wanted them to go egs, otherwise they would've never asked them in the first place.


Turns out v alvedrones filters to pcbros

are you literally retarded

Post >yfw you will never install the epic gay store

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He's also the russian dude who made steamspy. Alternatively a Disgaea fan. I'd bet he's a pedophile who faps to loli porn, something very illegal in russia. Wish I knew how to report him to russia authorities desu.

>Non exclusively
Which is what they wanted in the first place but EGS said no retard.

Vanquish is a cult classic at this point. It has sold over 200k on Steam, and even though peak concurrent players don't tell about sales, if you want to go with that, DARQ has still sold at least around 20k.

What is there to fix here, thought.
This guy is literally dabbing on EGS by saying he doesn't even want any money from them if it means more people might be able to play his games.

>admitting you care more about protecting valve than playing good vidya
That's so sad

What, does Tencent Timmy hate charity? Down syndrome Scrooge McDuck?

>When does steam improve?

>installing EGS

Attached: screenshot-mangadex.org-2019.04.26-00-05-29.png (325x296, 6K)

fuck off furfag

>good vidya
Name one that isn't coming to Steam anyway in a few months while I finish my backlog.

How does steam need to improve?

Hes literally begging EGS to take his shitty game and being mogged by based tim. Epic only wanted his game to dab on steam but now its worthless to them.

>be offered deal
>reject deal
>don't get deal




Sonyfags are the Canada of Yea Forums

Don't you have highschool to attend?

You said you will NEVER install it which means even if good vidya came out in it you would avoid it out of loyalty to gaben

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Attached: Observation.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Now who is trying to fix the narrative here?
My mistake for humoring you instead of seeing that you were projecting all along.

observer is better.

I avoid installing spyware whenever I can, yes. If an actual good videogame releases on that shitheap, I will pirate it.

For the love of whatever deity you like, why can't people read the freaking image that the OP put there!?

You see the exact opposite, Darq's dev is mocking EGS, isn't begging at all and heavily implies the game is selling well, did people only read the title and then start making fun of a guy for making a "failure" of a game when everything about the image indicates the opposite!?

>Movie game with minigames

Congrats on your .02 steambucks for that post

>also on consoles
Nice exclusive

It's shitposting, both ironic and post-ironic


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I make more steam cents from the free trading cards they give me every week, than you do shilling the epic gay store every single day of your pathetic life.

You committed the ultimate cardinal sin, you got personal. You, as a team of professionals trying to make money, got personal. You got personal and decided to insult your playbase. Not a wise move.

We won't forget this. You've set a new tone for the kind of interaction we'll be having with you. It's a cold one. One where there aren't any illusions about the reality of the situation. Previous notions of "family" are dead. We are mere consumers to you, and that is obvious.

You have chosen to bring in a new era of hostility and bitterness. Well done. Great PR move.

all this because of an indie shitter game that didn't even sell 1000 copies?

if i was Timmy i wouldn't want that trash on my game store

Reminder that EGS is LITERALLY a chinese mining botnet

Actually reading the screencap in OP means you are trying to fix the real narrative of the dev begging EGS because he's starving for money.

I see a touched a nerve under your flab

>if i was Timmy i wouldn't want that trash on my game store
He literally tried to buy that trash game you retard.

>abloo bloo he should just let it go and stay quite
Let what go? A store doesn't have to sell your game you retard, that's their personal choice. He keeps doubling down on his victimhood to sell the game, that's a major yikes for me. Hope his next game fails when he can't find the victim points to get featured on Kotaku

like clockwork. retard dev should've taken the money, lmao

yeah but now that he sees that its garbage he doesn't want it anymore

Tim dodged a bullet


>I'm so disgusted and unhappy with the offer of exclusivity
>But I still want you to sell my game please take my game
EGS wins even when they lose

>Darq's dev is mocking EGS
He's trying to use this non-issue "controversy" to sell more of his shit game. That's the only thing he's trying to do

Steamcels trying to correct the record, many such cases, very sad!

>The grapes were sour anyway

And stop seething

>Tim declining charity work
>EGS winning
No winning here, he just looks like scum.

You touch nothing except for your own dick, thinking about president Xi.

Attached: 1501161508414.jpg (1080x1078, 101K)

Learn english esl retard.

>i will donate all my earning to charity

so how will 100$ help any charity?

Nobody is going to give a shit and anyone with half a brain sees through the charade

what's the point of selling more of the game if he's giving all the money to charity

He's never claimed to be the victim here, he turned down EGS's deal, showed Tim Sweeney up for being a hypocrite (yet again) and has done well even without selling out.

Get a fucking grip.

Sweet tears of the seething drones

We've got $100 here from the devs of DARQ, saying "Greetings from Germany, long time viewer first time donater, let's kick EGS' butt and save the animals! Steam HOIPE!"

Uh, DARQ has been trending on Steam for the last week. What makes you think they are having bad sales?

Why does Tim Sweeney hate charity so much? What's this fucking creep's problem?

He doesn't want to sell it, thought.

Only he can decide who lives and dies.


fuck of dev

I'm pretty sure the dev wants to sell his game lmao

Reminder that DARQ was only offered money to be exclusive to EGS because of a rogue Epic employee trying to ruin the stores reputation by sneaking shovel ware in.
Reminder that Tim Sweeney intervened at the last minute and kept EGS quality to high curation stasndard, unlike Steam.

Attached: 1564957749599.jpg (2048x1536, 264K)

The pathetic panhandling to timmy gives it away

>fucking asshole why did he sell out to EGS
>fucking idiot, why didn't he sell out to EGS

It would have been better if he just never developed a game at all.

Man, Tim's such a cunt. Can't believe DARQDev is stunting on him this hard.

Tim Sweeney reminds me of Jeffrey Dahmer.

Fuckin based Tim singlehandedly saving pc gaming from the indie shitwave

And? This is not an AAA game. The fact that it's on the top-10 trending list for Steam means it's moving product. If you read the reviews and look at the commenters profiles, you see a lot of people that have bought the game out of principle and didn't even play it. Those charts don't say anything about sales. I have at least 400 games in my Steam library that I've never even installed, yet alone played. A sale is a sale, though.

Yes, we all see through Epic's "dev-friendly" charade, Chang.

Huh, people still use Steam ? Get in the times Grandpa. Steam is DEAD

darq isnt much of a game anyway

>haha I am taking your statement about one thing and I am applying it to support the opposite
Steam needs to up the pay for you guys dont they

They don't know how Steam works beyond seeing the hgames getting added to it. Please be patient

What panhandling? The devs original offer was to put the game on Epic without exclusive status. He's actually made them an even worse offer (for themselves) by fore-going all profits just to see what Epic would do. Will they be shitbags and deny charitable donations just to avoid putting the game on their store? He specifically said NOT EXCLUSIVE in the OP comment. It's the same offer as before, only the profits are going to charity. He's basically mocking Epic and calling them out for being selfish shitbags.

OP is just shitposting, it's exactly the same as before. I have to give it to the DARQ dev though, not bowing down to exclusivity deals but still fighting hard to give consumers as many options as possible for purchasing the game. A true hero, if he succeeds in getting the game put on EGS without exclusivity, then this will both mean a huge victory for consumer rights and might just be a sign things might even get better when it comes to Epic's stance on exclusivity deals, if we're lucky.

>name my band

This would be EPIC if it was true :^)

>you see a lot of people that have bought the game out of principle and didn't even play it

Imagine doing this unironically just to stick it to a studio you don't like.

What do you mean "IF"? It's right there in the fucking OP. Read it again.

>Imagine having principles and supporting a company for making decisions based on what the consumer wants.
Heaven forbid.

He'll also sell more elsewhere from all the free publicity. So it doesn't matter if the EGS sales don't earn him anything.

Gotta hand it to the guy, he sure knows how to generate PR.


>Game dev says he'll give all of his game profits to charity with zero benefit to himself
>This is somehow 'caving' EGS, even though there is nothing to be gained from it for himself, only a charity of the gaming community's choice.
The Epic shills are out in force this morning.

Or just don't spend the money?


Peak players isn't sales Sergey. Sorry Valve cut off your SteamDB revenue but trying to disparage Steam doesn't make you any better.

My apologies, I meant SteamSpy revenue.

>game was actually a success
>a lot of people that have bought the game out of principle and didn't even play it
fucking social media powered clown world
if the game had been put into egs it would not even sell at all and both him and epic would get nothing
20$ for a 1 hour walking simulator is not a good game at all

so how many copies of darq have you bought, Yea Forums?
we should rise up against china!

If he doesn't accept it he is actively showing that he doesn't give two shits about charity and he doesn't want the game to succeed as much as he just wants the exclusivity deal to take it away from Steam.

>pRiNcIpLeS lmao

imagine being so deluded, so hubristic

a sad affliction

>people still unironically getting upset about what program you use to launch games
>t-they're selling muh data!

A majority of programs and apps you use collect your data anons, it's literally how they know what to sell you in the future.

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That asshole is still raking in $14k a month for performing what is essentially corporate espionage.

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I don't like tim but he shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.

>choosing CHinese spyware

Epics store is still manually curated. They literally can't add to many games at once otherwise the games already there can't be updated on time. Yes they're that incompetent.

>a handful of gimmicks
>entire client is still a broken piece of shit after 15 years

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Darq has literally already flopped, he's trying a pathetic attempt at bluffing.

DARQ has sold at least 20000 copies at $20 a copy in 2 weeks of being on the store. If you think this is a flop then you don't know what you're talking about.

name 3 ways it's a broken piece of shit

>meanwhile dev already has plans for putting in more free content in the game

I can't believe one indie dev who made a trashy limbo/inside rip-off has made people SEETHE this much.

Yea Forumseddit is so fucking stupid and cares more about politics rather than video games
also, post another tianamen square copypaste please

Imagine clinging to an outdated concept like principles, in this day and age.

>trashy game sells well because of kotaku pushing it due to it fitting a narrative they like
Do you though

Weekly maintenance on Tuesday
Inventories time out 100% of the time
URL bar is still broken after all those years

What do I win?

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These shit threads became even less fun when you find out it's just one autist.

Idiot. The guy still proved EGS and Sweeney's hypocricy with this shit, and that doesn't change with how many copies the game sells. The only difference is that if the media outlets didn't give this attention, less people would be aware of Tim's hypocricy.

You're talking about a clown world, but you're perfectly fine with Tim's hypocricy just because people bought this game because of the publicity.

so 20k*70%*20=280k?

it's literally almost 1/10th of what epic was offering

Right, because Steam prices are the same across the world. Try 10$ average at most. Then weigh against production costs and compare to what Epic was offering.

his "success" is literally caused only by epic refusing to sell his game on egs
tim was not involved at all in that exchange

>fitting a narrative they like
Yeah sure buddy.


Reminder fortnite is crashing as we speak. Look at twitter.

I've never experience the first two and never tried to use steam as a browser


>all this Steamcel cope

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Where does he say that the game failed tho?


a lot of epic shills here, i am sure that if this game was epic exclusive they would make 20 threads a hour claiming that they won because they have it and gabe doesn't.

Because his videogame is terrible. That's why companies instead of focussing to pandering should be focussed only on delivering a good game.

>the media outlets
The absolute state of this post. I bet you buy games because they get 11/10 on IGN as well.

Attached: valves merry band of game journalists.png (244x294, 9K)

that's not worse than the current situation

Just search for epic game on twitter. Nobody talk about the store its all about them fucking up fortnite.

epic offers 200k for indie games like his, i dont know where people are thinking indie games are getting millions of dollars for epic exclusivity

hes a single dev. production costs for single devs are generally zero because they either have a job and do the game on the side or live with family or gf/bf

>DARQ dev has minor success and is coy with Tim
Pisses me off desu. About time for someone to find something vaguely transphobic in the game.

I'm sure Kotaku would have an article up if they actually played games

>Tim Sweeney and Epic games store turn down charity work due to corporate greed
Wow. WOW

>chinkie says the game failed while dev himself already stated the game was successful and there's free DLC coming out
The absolute state of dog eating chinks.

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Oh you mean like when the Satisfactory devs said they sold 500k units but steamcels won't accept it?


We need proof ;)

>Epic is clearly anti-consumer and horrible for the industry as a whole
>pointing this out gets you labeled as a Steam/Valveshill by a bunch of shitposters that saw "NEW CONTROVERSY TO BE CONTRARIAN ABOUT" and latched on like parasites for (You)s
Not that different from """"games journalism"""" kek

I don't give a fuck about Steam, what I give a fuck about is a store that provides me with what I want with the minimal amount of bullshit and Big Timmy can't even manage that

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>he's still coping
Don't you have a dog to eat and escalator to die in?

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and you don't give a fuck about video games either because darq is a piece of shit and you advocated more pieces of shits as long as they shit on epic

>pointing out that Valve is literally the same as Epic but they did it 10 years earlier gets you labeled as chinese
Hello kettle.

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How do you know it's shit, did you play it? Oh wait you didn't, because Tim didn't let it on EGS

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>DARQ dev mocks Sweeny by saying he will give away all the money he gets if it goes on EGS to charity
>EOP chink shills consider this begging to get on his platform

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Other way around OP. tim's tweet is seething they couldnt get it

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>Steam didn't have everything it has now ten years ago!
That's not an argument, Chang, lmao.

>DARQ [L] [RUS + ENG + 17] (2019) (1.0) [GOG]

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Smells like sour grapes ;)

>chinese shills think that their store being an antiquated piece of shit is a good defense

I'm talking about "buying" exclusives, brainlet. Buying in """" because you don't have to offer plain cash to "buy" exclusivity.

>begs to get access to the ebin games store
>this isn't begging to get access to the ebin games store
Did you post that image for yourself?

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You're great, loliposter.

Are you a sub 80 iq monkey? Epic refusing the game being sold on their store solely because they can't get exclusivity of it proves that Epic are hypocrites, and that move doesn't suddenly become a good thing because the game becomes a top seller on the competitor as a result, quite the opposite actually. It just cements Epic's position as the clowns of the PC gaming market for caring so much about exclusivity of some shitty indie walking simulator. They only have themselves to blame for the game selling well on Steam, and if anything you should be mocking Epic for this, not the consumers who bought this game. Because really, Epic could really use the good publicity of actually presenting itself as an option to Steam to buy the same games on rather than trying so hard to be the ONLY place to get certain third-party games on.

Damn I guess every online store in the current day should have no shopping, cart, no security,, and no regional pricing. 10 years ago they didn't have it so why should anyone have it now lmao?

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sounds like you just got pwned
now post tianamen square copypasta

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Now let's be fair here. Epic actually overtook Steam when it comes to regional pricing.

>Proposing something is begging
>Exposing your newfaggotry so hard by not knowing that pic's been posted for fucking years now too
This is peak retard right here.

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If Steam was an objective piece of shit that hardly worked and wasted money on taking games as "exclusives" instead of making the store better you might actually have a point retard

Don't you have a Hong Kong Protests or a Tianamen Square Massacre to get back to?

without the controversy nobody would have even heard about this game and nobody would have bought it without the "principles"
and no, whatever the cause buying stuff you're not interested in just to prove a point is stupid

The people aren't united because of the whole backstabbing ideology there. Ther government does that on purpose with shit like the retarded health care laws that make you responsible for someone's bills of youh help them when they're injured.

>politely states that if Timmy boy ever changes his mind he's always welcome to accommodate
>this is considered begging
Jesus christ you stupid chinks get dumber everyday

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Shitaku and co love the egs. They go against anyone who doesn't support it.

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You're fucking late cunnybro.

Where were you?

well epic clearly isn't paying you enough so you're putting minimal shitpost effort

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I hear the name and I just think of a young upstart trying to take on the Blacked.com empire.

What is the game really?

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You post it first from a free Hong Kong lad ;)

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>Half the posting rate dies once lolibro steps in
>Meanwhile I have an erection
This is a good day already.

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planing his suicide :=)


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Collecting data on other programs without user consent violates GDPR, even if it is done locally and never sent anywhere.

You guys have to stop

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I wanna stick my dick in Abigail's keyhole.

>i can not read but here's my shitpost anyway

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Well, the thread sure got very cute and funny all of a sudden.

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She's a big girl.

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>Based cunnyposter crashing this shit thread

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>as long as there is loli left to see on the internet

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>centuries ago cavemen live in caves and eat shit hurr
>why is everyone live in houses durr

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I am to understand that an indie game being not particularly popular is some kind of massive victory foe Epic Lame Store?

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Sound like a good reason not to touch EGS for the next decade until they get their shit together.

their government is quick to imprison those types of people, when it comes to criticism towards the CCP, all you're left with are the truly indoctrinated and the ones who are smart enough to keep their mouths zipped.

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Can you imagine being brainwashed by your government to fear one of God's few gifts he left straight from Eden? What a bunch of faggots.

Samefag OP outs himself because only he failed to read his own epic twitter cap.
He's saying he wants to donate all the money to charity. It's a dare; he's daring EGS to either stop exclusively using exclusives, or admit they'd rather use exclusives than let a game use their store for charity. He's (trying to) prove his dick's bigger than Sweeny's.

I haven't read the whole thread, but just so everyone understands, this is publicity pressure. If Tim doesn't accept DARQ onto the EGS, it looks like he's denying money to a charity.

By doing this, he's exposing Epic. If they really cared about devs and the health of the gaming industry, they'd be more than happy to give money to a charitable cause chosen by the industry, and so they'd be happy to have another game on their store AND money in a charity. But since all Epic cares about is gaining 100% control of the market and strong-arming devs into exclusivity by giving them ridiculously lucrative, completely unsustainable deals, Epic will not want to put DARQ on their store.

By forcing Epic to choose between good publicity and their actual goals, the dev will either expose Epic's true nature to the public or get his game on the EGS non-exclusively and strike a devastating blow to the whole exclusivity paradigm. Either way, he wins.

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It's the fact that the game IS popular that is making Epicdrones seethe. Check the Steam top seller list, them rejecting this game is ironically the reason why the game became a great success in the first place. Epic Fail Store really shot themselves in the foot for rejecting this game solely because the guy denied exclusivity. If they had just accepted the game, it would have blissfully passed below the radar without much of a blip.

Well he's objectively correct anyway

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How tf is that a success

>charity picked by the gaming community
Uh - guys? What's a good gay conversion therapy charity?

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>good publicity
literally who is defending Epic aside from shitposters trying too hard to bait for attention, everyone knows they're a bunch of cunts already

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That's a pretty good way to put it. Imagine being Darq's dev right now and publicly exposing an entire company through your Big Chad Indie Cock.

Epic is owned by TenCent, a huge chinese conglomerate.

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If you understand that much then you really shouldn't read this thread, it might give you brain damage.

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fucking hilarious

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>Can't even shitpost properly without fucking up

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