Apparently Zoe Quin was abused by Alec Holowka (Night in the woods), indie scene is going to implode on itself now. What a shame, i actually liked his games, that's what you get for sticking it in crazy.
Industry cant produce anything but sequels
Other urls found in this thread:
>listening to anything this retarded cunt says
>Zoe Quin
who cares
Quinn will say anything for attention.
gamergate was about the gentrification of gaming
>night in the woods
and nothing of value was lost.
>fades from relevance
>hmm, how can I get my name back on the front page of every gaming news site...
Thread theme for relaxing while we wait for this all to be proven bullshit as usual:
can they just actually rape her to death for real? Getting tired of all those lies tbqh.
Oh really? Was Zoe Quinn by any chance having sex with Alec when this abuse occurred?
>wah wah i was silent
>wah wah scared shitless
god, this is such a assembly line drama tweet
>literally who from NitW
>industry legend
Thank fucking god the indie devs I like live in bumfuck nowhere far away from America.
What the fuck, I love Night in the Woods now
Hey now, Aquaria's soundtrack was good.
Woman accuses Jeremy Soule of rape, so sensing an opportunity to milk pity bux Zoe throws some retard under the bus. When will people wake up to the fact that women can be even more toxic than dudes.
watch this thread get put on autosage, because the mods and jannies bend the knee,
>be 'popular' gaymer gurll
>popularity is tanking
>"oh shit, who did I work with in the past? This guy will do."
>make up bullshit story with no evidence
>get the attention that you require
>repeat every couple of months
It's all so tiresome.
WHAT A """""""""""Coincidence""""""""""""
No offense to zoe, but I don't believe that she was raped.
>more Game of Thrones LARP bullshit
Didn't you get tired of this with Ion Fury?
>women never get assaulted
>no woman has ever once been assaulted in human history, and I love incel-gate so this accusation never happened
Sometimes shitty people get sexually assaulted too.
>using a tripcode in an incel thread
>literally who
>industry legend
That game is leftist darling. No other option to just pick bag of popcorn and enjoy how thing will turn out
>Male feminist who makes cringey leftie-pandering game turns out to be a predator
Oh ehm gee, who could have seen that one coming?!?!?!
She was assaulted before everything what made her famous you dingus
you must be new here.
>not recognising the king of incels
first week here?
this shit again?
why is this woman getting attention over this fake drama shit once again? wasn't the five guys burger and fries enough?
>Believing the woman whose claim to fame is faking a harassment campaign against herself
Think the point he's making is she had every opportunity to bring this up before it benefited her financially. She only seems to generate drama and come out with stories or gender changes or whatever else when her popularity is waning.
It could be true but it's a disgusting way to live.
Who the fuck cares about this cunt? She probably made this fucking thread
>zoe quinn
>starting anything with "I have been silent my entire career"
LMAO her comic bombed
What’s wrong with sequels
Why does everything have to be original to be good
>dropping your trip and posting anonymously so you can pretend that you're famous and flame people for not knowing you
Is it 2007?
Are you saying she never got death threats
Are you saying this entire thread isn’t about badmouthing her
I get that you think she’s a cunt, but every time incels like (you) start frothing at the mouth about this literally who she becomes more justified in feeling this way
Ah yes, I’m sure this was not deliberately timed to take the heat off her failed Kickstarter now that people were finally starting to put her feet to the fire about it
Gladium (Arthur to his mom) has been a tick on the ass of Yea Forums for a very long time. You're just digging the hole deeper here.
>bawww i'm irrelevant
>gibe money now!!!
>op cares about zoe quirk
>tweeter screenshot
you reached new high of faggotry op
sadly, this whoever still probably has a cult following and the legitimization she gets by threads such as these will inevitably lead to the firing of this guy.
Literal whos on xbox live get death threats. It's a normal part of internet culture. No one acts on them.
It's the equivalent of chain letters at this point.
That said, she was caught faking them, so she probably didn't get any if she had to go to those lengths to manufacture them.
>not using forced user plugs
It cant bite you if you don't know it exists
friendly reminder that it's been over a year since Literally Who posted any updates about her last kickstarter project.
Night in the Woods devs are the definition of horrible people. It wouldn't surprise me if this was actually true.
Well that's just the sensible option man. And do I look like a sensible person? I'm shitposting in a twitter thread after all.
>Zoe Quin
I think I remeber this name, sounds like a compulsive liar's name
>WE WUZ LEEGUIN threads by Eoz Nniuq
>CNN reports about anonymous Rape Legions descending on Zoe
>donation box for victims without proof
I don't think it's a good idea for Zoe Quin to become known as this woman who always cries rape about more important men that she gets involved with. Especially considering the fact that she's not attractive, making it even more unlikely
>he only seems to generate drama and come out with stories or gender changes or whatever else when her popularity is waning.
Borderline Personality Disorder.
Raping Zoe is like pissing into ocean of piss.
All you do is adding another sperm to the arena where victor can create another future abortion.
According to this Holowka is the one who’s fucking crazy
This is how women get made into these permanent victim types. Some overemotional fuckwit dates them and traps them into an abusive relationship. He does it because he’s got problems and he’s stupid, and she stays because she’s got problems and she’s stupid
Why are all these indie guys such massive cunts
No she got a boob job so it’s fine now
Can someone give me a quick rundown of what she is accusing him of. I cannot begin to parse what the fuck she’s saying it doesn’t make sense
>industry legend
This guy is even more of a literal who than fucking Zoe Quinn.
time for ethics
This is why you should convert to homosexuality.
I'll get the facepaint, you round up the committee.
You mean, "blame the GAMERS, not the game"?
>Yeah she's untrustworthy because she's lied in the past and faked harassment
>Fucking incels literally frothing at the mouth...
Why so hostile?
Sorry, i follow lots of unity devs for tips and code snippets, but for some unknown reason most of them are trannies\sjw\cucks, so i get tweets like that from time to time.
I just really liked Aquaria back in the day, NitW was mostly ok too, i just cant stop thinnikg - just how many guys she fucked? Did she just had a booth at PAX where they could run a train on her? Is it just her tactic: "Fuck as many guys as i could in the industry, use their influence for myself, dump and cry rape for publicity when they become useless"?
Just WTF is USA indie gamedev scene?
Guess that little gamer did rise up.
If you got a bunch of very detailed death threats actually aimed at your specific location I bet you'd shit your pants, too. I would.
I didn't
If they do not show in person, they do not have the guts to do it.
In the end I live.
>woman who traded sexual favors for industry cred throws rape allegations around
Fucking. Really.
>guy who made this might be a predator
>He'd jam his fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them when I told him it hurt
My little commie can't possibly be this BASED
I don't really get how you can post among the perma-pissed delusional morons here and doubt that people get harassed occasionally.
Oh boy...
wrong guy moron, scott made this not alec
>Zoe Quinn
She hasnt an hero yet? Damn!
I'd have problems getting that too, considering it's the opposite of what he said.
>white people eating their own
I guess the problem just solves itself
This is really a "game"???
Ah, the classic: "I was raped in the past and decided a boob job was the logical next step for me in life"
It never solves itself. This "eating their own" thing only ever leads to the extremely crazy devouring the moderately crazy, becoming stronger as a result.
>i just cant stop thinnikg - just how many guys she fucked?
that's the virus talking. what does that have to do with you? why is it important for you to know/think about these things? what is the significance?
The whole point of this social politics insanity is to train you to think in ways/about things that don't matter, to distract you from the behemoth that is slowly eating you
BASED, another one bites the dust. Will woke lefty men ever learn? Making MUH DEPRESSION games just isn't good enough anymore.
Holding out hope Schrier is next
>never heard of the game
>never heard of the dev
>only one i do know is the fat prostitute who was tapped to spearhead a culture revolution that backfired (OR DID IT)
I wouldn't be surprised if all of Phil Fish's dirty little SJW cartel pals were a bunch of rapists, though.
There's not an indie dev that said anything against this lying psychopath.
They deserve her, it's their problem.
Zoe Quin is a sociopath that engineers her own harassment "tragedies" for profit
>y-yeah just let them off the hook and defend them
Nope, reap what you sow
Didn't she say she was transitioning to a man a few years ago for attention?
How did that go?
>white people
That stunning lady is gonna eat him, isn't she?
Cant wait for islam to take over
Progressives arent even humans.
That's according to Zoe Quinn, though, and she's not exactly the most stable individual around.
I'd be surprised if Phil turned out to be a rapist only because he looks like a rapist so anyone who allowed themselves to get into a situation where they're alone with him knew what was about to happen.
I thought we already did this with the gamer gate thing
>How did that go?
didn't go well, she's still a bitch
>transitioning to a man a few years ago
I've seen her nudes, she already looked like a dude back then.
Six Guys
Burgers and Fries
>Gamergate is back
You said "eating their own" is a bad cycle, I disagree. I meant "you" in the general sense, not you specifically
Came here to post this.
>industry legend
>some indie game dev
How is zoe quinn not a professional victim again? Shes released 1 free Twine game, and her entire career has just been writing sob stories about her life. Even that shitty twine game was just about how depressed she was.
U wot m8?
>>commies eating their own
>industry legend
Kek, on an unrelated note does any even give a shit about Zoe Quinn anymore?
Sorry, that's not what I meant at all. I just think that the sentiment of any retarded group eating (and thereby significantly damaging) itself is baselessly optimistic. When crazy ideologues fight among themselves, the whole thing rarely ever collapses. Instead, the craziest and most extreme rise to the top. It's literally what happened when feminists started to disagree among themselves regarding trans rights. Now the anti-trannies are ousted as pariahs and the "get your kid on puberty blockers" crowd reigns supreme.
Even if it's true, it's not a big surprise really. Liberal woke men turn out to be creeps and predators as much as family values preachers turn out to be closeted faggots.
A quintet of gentlemen, hamburgers and French-fried potatoes.
>nig in the woods dev is a hardcore male feminist lefty
why are always like this
>Pretentiuous indie game
Nothing of value was lost
How does she survive? What is her source of income?
Both Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian kinda outlived their relevancy. The left is all about trannies and brown people these days, social justice for women is so 2014 and doesn't really generate likes and retweet in Twitter like "issues" of current year do.
Here's what's been baffling me every since the start of Gamergate - Zoe Quinn isn't very attractive.
Why the fuck would so many guys fuck her? Would would this Holowka fellow confine her like some sort of prize to keep?
Were they desperate?
>get "abused"
>instead of raising this to proper authorities they whine in twatter
Every fucking time
Don't think anyone interested in games would give a fuck, but she's been a bit of a nuisance in comics recently.
People overreact to her there too, though, since her unreadable garbage gets cancelled all by itself anyway.
>zoomer can't talk normally and think it's dad's fault
to nobody's surprise
I'm saying I want someone to actually go through with those threats.
It is time for you to understand and accept that beta males enabling those women are the biggest part of problem.
Sex drive is a powerful thing. Even really ugly people have no problem getting laid as long as they manage to behave more or less normally for a few hours at least.
Women have a hard life, with many obstacles to overc-
Women can pretty much always get sex easily, they live life on easy mode
Eh she's pretty fugly. She looks like a man
I would never do anything for her but I'd still do her.
>fuck Zoe Quinn
>forget to write an article praising Depression Quest after
>get accused of rape
I think she's a comic book writer now
You think she enjoys anal sex?
>they live life on easy mode
sure if sex is your lives main objective
There was a guy who got $55,000 via Kickstarter for a potato salad. Some people just want to throw away their money.
She's the new spokeswoman for Five Guys Burgers And Fries.
you'd have to teach her
You can use sex to manipulate people. Like those good reviews she got for her shitty game.
>Zoe Quinn
So I guess once again she was fading into obscurity and needed something to get attention again.
As always.
>I think she's a comic book writer now
She killed Vertigo though.
>He stuck is fingers in me and walked me around the house
What the fuck does this even look like?
Like just squeeze and push his fingers out nigga.
Unless she just means her mouth and trying to make it sounded rapey
Why is the western games industry so fucking insufferable?
They censor everything, they get involved in pointless e-drama and all of the males are sex offenders and paedophiles disguised as feminist allies.
If I wrote those threats myself I wouldn't be too fearful.
DC killed Vertigo. Their entire new lineup including Quinn's shit was... can't even put it into words. It was like they wanted it all to go up in flames.
>entire Vertigo line died a horrible death last year
man, that was a riot to watch
California is the reason
At least he delivered that salad unlike quinwhore.
>proper authorities
lmao, spoken with the confidence of a straight white man.
she's ripping off other SJWs in the vido game industry
if you remember, before gamergate shit she was Yea Forums-famous for inventing a story of being robbed with her rent in her wallet and begging for money on twitter
I want to get into it but hate normal people, these ones would be hell. Apparently Japan is shit to work in unless you have that asian autism though so I guess I just have to do everything myself.
I really wish someone would just finish her off for good, because this is so fucking tiresome.
You are 100% correct and Zoe should be shot in the street like the street like the dog she is. However, you should unironically kill yourself, Sid.
She was Yea Forums-famous for getting harassed by incels and the incels claiming she obviously made it up because they're too scared to talk to girls so how could they have harassed her
>a few months into making video games
that's how you know she's lying
she wrote a Twine story in an afternoon, that was the only time she was anywhere near developing games
Shut up you fucking down syndrome beaver.
She was never harassed by anyone.
But it's a good thing the burden of proof never lies on the accuser when it's a woman.
As if you wouldn't have called her an attention whore trying to deflect if she'd come out with it then. She literally can't do anything right in the eyes of gamergaters.
holy sh*t
is this picure real ?
what's going on in california?
You have no idea how hard it is to find a good potato salad.
Oh, is Zoe playing the #metoo card now as well? I figured she’d eventually hop on that bandwagon, guess her book sales and movie deal for being a #gamergate victim must have died off, bitch needs more attention to stay relevant.
If she had ever actually pointed fingers at a specific person you might have a point but the pattern of "incels notice woman, get mad at her for some reason, proceed to harass her anonymously" is so predictable you could set your clock to it.