ALRIGHT FUCKWITS It's time to decide...
Which mainline Final Fantasy had the best combat system?
Vote and Discuss!
My bet is on FFXII
inb4 XV-kun gets defensive
ALRIGHT FUCKWITS It's time to decide...
Which mainline Final Fantasy had the best combat system?
Vote and Discuss!
My bet is on FFXII
inb4 XV-kun gets defensive
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Nigger they are all the exact same except for the NES ones, X, XIII and XV.
>All the same
>the MMOs
>says X isn't
Just the combat system or are you including stat progression. If the former then 1,2,3 are nearly identical and 4,5,6,7,8,9 are nearly identical.
>12 is not a final fantasy game
Nope nice try though
Lightning Returns
Which is not even on the list.
>inb4 it says mainline, you moron
And sequels are mainlines, too.
>Lightning Returns
>yet another user who gave up on FF XIII after 8 hours and never touched sequels
The post.
10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit
I get it. You voted for FF X
Because no ATB and you can see the order of attacking characters.
Not him but I hated LR, never beat it, I don't remember why, in fact I remember almost nothing about the game. The only thing that stuck with me was the time limit which stressed me the fuck out.
That's because anything past 10 is utter hot garbage!
10 is worse than most of what follows. 13 for example is just a better 10.
>13 for example is just a better 10
Best girl
Best combat
Post kino tracks
Thread theme:
Yep. Both have shit characters, 13 has a better ost and combat.
Define "Combat System"
Would have voted for pic but OP was too scared to include it because it would win by a landslide.
The game's combat. The systems in action when engaging an enemy in said game.
Pretty basic stuff user. Here is your (You)
It wasn't bait, it was a genuine request, because I want to know what parts of the game does OP consider part of the combat system.
There are two ways that are both equally possible. The first is that purely what happens in a fight, e.g. does it use ATB or turns?
The second is that it includes other mechanics that influence combat, e.g. character progression and equipment.
Cuck returns
I'm sick...
best combat goes to ffx. that battle system was the best one. i don't love atb system, and the first three games' turn based system didn't feel great. xii had an alright system i guess. xv is a confused mess. never played xiii
I think both are applicable. Anything that effects the combat- be it before in preparation or during.
To be fair I don't think it's so much that X had a better combat system since it's the same menuing. What it did have was fucking sick bosses with interesting mechanics.
Best combat goes to 1-10 fuck off and zoom zoom far away zoomers back to HELL!
In that case, I vote V. I love the job system in that game.
This. What made each classic ff game unique was the stat progression, otherwise most are just the same atb combat, but stat progression really isn t part of the combat. I'm assuming OP meant to include stat progression, since everyone voting for 5 is voting for the class system while everyone voting for 7 is voting for the discount esper system. Combat wise they're pretty much identical.
X is pretty shit dude. I'm not even claiming 13 is great, just that it's better than shitty X.
1 5 and 9 are my favourites.
IX and X have the slowest combat in the series, so I understand why people like them. No pressure, no stress, pleanty of time to think about your next move: should I pick attack command or heal? Because, what else is there? Oh, right. Kojimbo summon.
you may call me based now
>X is pretty shit dude
Oh I recognize you. Big X fanboy, 0 arguments, just post shitty images.
All i need.
You know on some level X is indefensible. But it was probably your first and you have the big gay.
I declare victory.
>Anyone who hates the cancerous abomination that is FF13 just didn't play it enough!
I beat it, it's an awful, awful video game. "It ""opens up"" at Gran Pulse" is one of the most misleading statements in video games, because the game is a hallway sim until then and now WOW you can move around in a big field and fight random battles and level every job on everyone now! That shit should have been in from the start and doesn't even begin to make up for the bafflingly obtuse storytelling or the flat uninteresting characters. And no, the OST is bland too.
Basically fuck off defending 13 because it was your childhood first FF had when you were 11.
I declare victory.
I consider FFX a mediocre game but it isn't going to lose for battle systems. It is the most in-depth of the turn based games ATB is turn based so get the fuck over yourselves....
Also, I have a question for people picking XII. Have you ever gotten gambits to play the game for you without your own effort required anymore? I got my platinum this way and stopped updating gambits for maybe the last 10 hours of playing, except when I reached like the last few optional bosses where I had to throw in some reverse damage shit.
>X, XII and V in the top 3
Proud of you, Yea Forums.
My first was 1 in the early 90s. 13 is better than X. Other than the 20 hour tutorial it had a good battle system.
X had the foundation for a good battle system and squandered it on simon says boring as fuck battles.
Nobody says you must like FFX. I was point out that LR has the best combat but user who finds that claim funny never actually played the game and, obviously, is not qualified to talk about the COMBAT system. Which, again, is the point of this thread.
But, long story short, you are a fucking idiot. Try reading the whole thread before writing a reply.
13-3 is shit
Why the fuck would anyone play LR after experiencing 13? Masochism?
>Nobody says you must like FFX
See, you made me so mad I even wrote the name of the game wrong. Or did I? X and XIII are basically the same thing in terms of ''progression'', but of course, X fans are mad when you compare XIII to it.
It's the closest we'll ever get to Valkyrie Profile 3
I don't know. To see the conclusion, maybe?
>My bet is on FFXII
>game plays itself
>best combat system
>quick hit
based retard
>XII first place
I like some aspects of it like no transitions but every fight is basically a matter of setting the right gambits and letting the characters go to work. It's lacking that extra something to make it interesting, it feels unfinished like the rest of the game. Also the lack of control over positioning is annoying and the summons are underwhelming.
Hardest content in base FFX, wow such riveting gameplay, quick hit and limit.
Wow they actually use status buffs debuffs etc. Crazy, they're even using more than one ability. Unheard of.
>squandered it on simon says boring as fuck battles
Too bad for you, that isn't OP's poll. I'd have a hard time picking mainline for best boss battles. It would probably be between VI, VIII, and IX for me.
>it had a good battle system
It was auto-battle with job class changes every now and then. Why do people love auto-battle games like XII, XIII, and XV? Do you guys have legit ADD/ADHD or something?
13 is one of the only games in the series where status debuffs etc are useful. In X you swap to the character the game says then one shot the mob. Until late game where you spam quick hit.
I should wipe the dust off my X360 and replay the whole trilogy again. But after playing DQ11 S
This is a bit of an odd thing to decide as 1-3, 4-9 all have pretty much the same battle systems throughout. Character growth would've been a better poll and 8 would certainly be the winner.
This is a bit of a foolish statement. 1 2 and 3 have almost nothing in common battle wise.
>X is bad because it tries to persuade you which characters to use
>XIII is good because it doesn't give you a choice
>X is bad because you swap characters during battle
>XIII is good because you swap classes during battle
>X doesn't have useful debuffs because I didn't use them, especially those ones given to the most useful character until late game
>XIII has useful debuffs because I used them
Yep, way to not show favoritism for your piece of shit auto-win game.
FFX not only has the best combat in the series, FFX has some of the best turn based combat in the entire JRPG genre.
Ashame its just so easy.
I like XIII's combat (though it has issues) but you're being disingenuous about X. Quick hit spam only applies to the late-game, there's a ton of story fights where you actually have to employ a strategy. The Seymour fights and Yunalesca being a highlight. X also deserves a ton of credit for making summons satisfying to use, they're not glorified nukes like previous games and they're not dead weight like XII/XIII.
And really, the crux of XIII's combat is switching to the right roles (in sets of paradigms) to fit the situation. Use SYN and SAB at the beginning to get the buffs/debuffs set, and then reapply them when they run out. Use MED to heal. Use SEN when a boss uses a powerful move. Use RAV to build up meter and COM to maintain it and deal damage when the enemy breaks. It's easy to generalize turn-based combat, it's all about picking the right tool for the situation.
Does more than persuade dude. Swapping characters was fine, the way they "encouraged" it was stupid. X doesn't have debuffs that are even remotely required, 13's are practically mandatory and yes that's a good thing.
Yes and simon says covers most of the rest of that. You're right that seymour and yunalesca were great fights, so why was there only two fights like that when the battle system was built to accomodate puzzle bosses like that? The encounter design was lazy as fuck.
Yes 13 had a formula to the combat, but that's more interesting than "hit hard and heal" in my opinion. You needed a small paragraph to sum it up. And atb refresh lends itself to a more frenetic pace.
>offline mmo
>game literally plays itself
Matsuno fanboys are the worst
>Matsuno fanboys are the worst
>went from FFT and Vagrant Story to XIIturd
What happened?
Yes, was expecting cancerous 6fags and 9fags, but even they can't defend the combat.
Kingdom Hearts
FF Tactics
FF Crystal Chronicles
===MEH TIER===
from FF1 to FF9
===BAD TIER===
>Kingdom Hearts
FFX is objectively the most tactical out of all the mainline games. You get tools to deal with any situation, and it doesn't break until you get access to Omega Ruins and learn Quick Hit/get retarded Strength and Magic to deal 99999 damage and so on.
KH is not only the best combat in any FF-related game, but the absolute best combat in ANY jrpg period.
Any action combat's quality could be measured on the basis of how much it comes close to KH
>ITT people fail to understand good video game design
FFX is one of the only games in which you actually have reason to use every character the game gives you (save for Kimhari).
People literally just hate X because it's popular. It's the probably the best final fantasy hands down, they all have stupid plots and shit combat even if I enjoy playing them. FFXII international is decent as it also gives you a reason to use more than three character for the whole game. FFIX railroads you into using all of the characters for a good chunk of the game by breaking up the party but half the cast are shit outside of personal preference and there's very little reason to not use Zidane, Vivi, Garnet and Steiner.
Not even close. Go play Ys: The Oath in Felghana. That's the best action combat system in a JRPG.
X-2, and you're a faggot.
Oath (and Origin) is amazing but it's barely even a JRPG, it's pretty much full on action, like Zelda, Beyond Oasis or Alundra. Seven, Celceta and VIII are more like JRPGs.
Why did you divide it into so many different answers when most of those use the same systems?
I would be more angry at him for excluding the sequels, because their combat systems are more refined and I would've voted for LRXIII (I voted for V). However there are differences between the games that use similar systems. Either it for example deals with the speed of ATB and if you can control it, the enemies that you fight or what abilities and tactics you have access to and how fast. Every single FF game feels distinct to fight in this way.
You change minor details but it's still ATB. FFIV to FFIX feels pretty much like the same game, the differences are minor and the core tenets remain the same throughout. Where as FFX, FFXI, FFXII, and FFXIII are totally different, because they each use a different combat system.
The OP asks "Best FF combat system" and then breaks up the results for the same combat system across multiple slots making the results of poll meaningless.
It should have looked something like this
But there's a strong distinction between IV's, IX' and the others' ATB. Even further you can split that "others" in half by 3- or 4-member parties. Yet further V is faster than VI and VII is faster than VIII (unless you min-max, in which case it's the other way around.). VIII also has limited combat action slots.
You may say it dilutes, but there are distinctions even among them. If you don't care for that, then add up the ones you think are the same manually to get your own results.
I'm gonna say XII
Currently playing it and I like that it doesn't waste my time with random battles, and the gambit set-up schemes allow for full control of the party and experimentation with some interesting combos and strategies on tougher fights, while at the same time allowing easy trash fights to be automated. Takes the frustration out of exploring the world and makes boss battles more exciting
Now if they replaced Vaan and Penelo with a Bangaa and a Moogle, the game would be perfect
Honestly? I reckon FFXI has the best battle system. Having to react to your party members that are controlled by actual humans is way more satisfying than doing anything with AI controlled members, or controlling each member 1 by 1.
>Inb4 XIV
Yeah, it's sort of similar but it's nowhere near as deep in party mechanics as XI. It's way more solo player oriented.
That would be XI
>pick "suggestions"
>game picks all commands and plays them out for you
Anyone who has played 5 will pick it.
FF16 feels so far away.
What Blizzard shit is he going to copy for that one?
This is based
Dude, FFX is shit. At the very least everything BUT the combat is straight doo-doo
You didn't even get to shitting on IX's which is the worst ATB implementation in the series by far and probably why they gave up on it and went full turn-based for X.
Why did SquareEnix decide to kill the mainline series?
>No Taste: The Postening
I said it was distinct from the other ATBs. I implied it.