Other urls found in this thread:
>titania will never laugh at your miserably small futa miqo'te cock
Excuse me user, this isnt a Classic WoW thread.
>you will never be sandwiched by LW Titania and Feo Ul Titania
Why even live
This year rising is pretty damn fun and touching
Dammit, why do I wish this was me as my Miqo'te.
is that the trainer or
Just released an hour ago.
Maybe you find it hot to imagine being a cute catgirl with your weight in milk sloshing around inside of you.
The worst part is perhaps that they won't do it hard and relentlessly while occasionally going "falalalalala" like the huge fairies they are
K-kind of.
It also sounds really embarrassing and that's a turn on for me.
It would be embarrassing, especially when the constant movement of so much liquid starts making you belch uncontrollably.
DAMMIT, why do I actually want that too?!
>WHEN YOU PLAY WITH FIRE...............
What did she mean by this?
I dunno but I kinda want it to. Especially if it leads to much bigger things.
What kind of bigger things...
The kind that involves growing giant and repeating the same thing only with literal silos worth of milk.
She was giving you a hint...as if WET WET WEEEET wasn't a big enough one already.
>* This head gear applies a unique, dyeable hairstyle
I wanted that hairstyle as a look I could use on anything and to see what it looks like under the hood. This sucks.
Sadly growing giant is where my fetish ends... silos of milk don't sound bad though.
Fuck me I want this to happen.
please just go to /trash/
Having a removable hood and separate hair is too much work for an outfit that costs the same as a month of your sub.
Are you sure you're a cat because you eat like a fucking pig.
ok that's it this thread needs to be 404'd.
Fuck off
You got discord my nigga...
do people who like this shit get all hot and bothered by the cu chulain type boss in the game?
is that why my dungeon runs take so long?
I don't like that pic as much because of the art style, and I don't like that stuff just because of how it looks anyway. There's other elements in it that I enjoy, Cu Chulain has none of them.
Plus I only like it on girls.
As if your fat ass could even fit in a chat room. Enjoy this instead you flabby pig.
Dang, just wanted to maybe chat some more! Good links though, good stuff.
This is why XIV threads get deleted. Go away.
This isn't anywhere close to why. We could be talking about story or raids for 400 posts and be deleted.
Fuck stop teasing me
were you retards dropped on your heads as a child or were you already brain damaged when you were born
Keep eating fatass.
jesus christ it's not even thursday yet
Fine! ...Just keep feeding me.
You're nothing but an obese embarrassment, completely and utterly incapable of self control.
I know, I legitimately just can't help it. Everything tastes too good, I have to eat all I can! So what if I'm an embarrassing fat cat afterwards...
Did they seriously not bother fixing the damn hair?
No, wait... Is this one of those shitty coats like from 1.0 and 2.0 where the hood is integrated into the body part? Disgusting.
The hood is separate.
are they actually selling it?
i thought that was just a datamined outfit that was in the game ever since Krile was introduced
>american thread
You will never waddle again, much less even think about walking. You will forever be enslaved to your burgeoning blob of a belly, too consumed with hunger to ever attempt anything beyond satiating your boundless appetite. You are simply too much of a depraved gluttonous sow to control yourself you obese excuse for a feline.
It just came out.
>not better
I know, I'm not just a fat cat, I'm obese. I just want to snack all day... even if that snack is a full large pizza. I'm going to give up adventuring just to eat all I can!
Y'shtola says: The bees are trans
no sauce for my burger :(
oh lol nvm, found it
>fatfags taking up a siginficant amount of the thread
>it's ok because our posts are spoilered
fuck off already
Who cares, seriously
You will never stop eating, you will never stop growing fatter, and much like your insatiable appetiteI'm going to leave you wanting for more you corpulent cat.
Found the sauce by searching tifa and blender (software) on sankaku, but thanks
And I dislike the obese fetish or what it's properly called so thanks for spoiler-ing that too.
Pretty sure it's the spammer from the other day
I already want more...
Nah, that was some other fat fag.
>be me
>have someone that would play with me
>they're on faerie server
>heard that it's the gay server
>don't really want to be on the gay server
>i'm on mateus
>don't know how much they would even play with me
would it be worth it to transfer to their server or should I just stay where i'm at?
She looks absolutely disgusted
If you really want to play with them (and you'll continue to for a while) I don't see why not.
Why do you have no one to play with on your server though?
That's even hotter.
>Why do you have no one to play with on your server though?
I'm a sprout that's still doing HW MSQ. I asked /vg/ what server to start on. I've been playing solo there this entire time. I thought I could probably make friends once I get to current content. Now someone I know plays on a different server that wants to play with me.
Well, Mateus is a pretty big (unofficial) RP server, so it shouldn't be hard to meet people, but I think they lack the social focus of other servers (I'm on Balmung, where social stuff is everywhere). I've never been there myself so I'm not sure.
Still, if you think you'd play with them for a while, go ahead and jump over. Hell anywhere on the Aether data center works unless you want to be in the same FC
Did anybody else think she kinda sounded like Ruby Rose from RWBY? No? Just me?
I don’t watch rwby so idk user. She kinda sounded like Will Smith from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air to me.
Literally me
Thanks user.
Threads like these make me think the janny might be right.
what a cutey
So when are they gonna sell me the Lyse outfit? My character has the baps to fill out that top appropriately.
They really just gave up didn't they?
To think that there are people who want to kill themselves slowly over the course of several decades and want debilitating pain and immobility just for a few seconds of sexual pleasure. When I see shit like this it make me think that the puritans were right and women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Disgusting waste of oxygen and carbon.
Just play with me, I’m on Brynhildr
>dyeable hair
This is just embarrassing. This and the half-assed anniversary and summer events are souring how good Shadowbringers was for me. Well that and how miserable tanks and healers are to play now. I've abandoned both after maining them since ARR. They're just not fun anymore.
? Did you forget to take your meds because you are typing shit that doesn’t make any sense. You need more sleep me boomer.
Paladin is more fun than it has ever been what are you talking about.
>This fucking thread
Yeah, we already know that the English localization is shit@reddit maymay.
>but muh English and Japanese versions written at the same time
Keep deluding yourself.
fucking cuckshit
seethe more
Feo is for bbc only
Ummm guys one of the 20 WoW Classic threads died for this one, be careful the mods will soon delete this thread to make room for more WoW threads.
Is he gone yet ?
cant believe bbcs love getting their peehole fisted
>outfit isn't dyable
>the hood imposes a hairstyle on you
>the hair itself is dyable
holy shit that's fucking hilarious, they couldn't even just make it work with the other hairstyles
>tfw the british broadcasting company is keeping Feo from you
its not fair
Kill yourselves or stop posting those disgusting images. You have five more posts to make this decision.
Is there a priority for Swiftcast on RDM? I just use it on Veraero or Verthunder if I have no proc.
You don't have loicense for that onahole m8
That's really the only reason you'd use it.
God I want Krile to bully my peepee
FINALLY I got her cute outfit.
As a tank doing savage, but still inexperience is there a time I would use my other cds other than for tank busters? It just irks me that I have these cds that are just waiting but never get used.
Oh excuse me Mr. Janny, I forgot this was exclusively a WoW and Smash Board
>swap to mael for easier time with frontline so i don't have to grind as long for garo gear
>mael turns out to be even worse then the team that i was on prior
What data center you on?
Sounds like the only consistent factor between your failures is you, user.
Just use them? As long as you have one set aside for a tankbuster it's okay to use them.
strange, I'm almost always mael in frontlines and we tend to mop up everyone like nobodies business
then again, we tend to get people who suck shit at PVP coming to mael because of the memes, bringing our performance down a lot
there's too many players for it to be my only fault.
all the shitters from flames and adders flooded to mael following garo collab ending annoucment. getting my last 20 wins last week was absolute nightmare, and I doubt its gonna get better anytime soon.
Do I set two aside, because I've been seeing streams of people double popping cds for tankbusters?
The problem is that you are not the only one who was thinking of this. And really if you want to grind for garo you're better off doing the feast training matches. Pops relatively quick, especially as tank/healer, and last like 4 minutes or so tops.
>can't marry Feo Ul after she becomes the new Titania
>This thread
>double popping cds
Yeah don't do this please. It might look like a good idea but really nothing in this game hits that hard to warrant it and even then all this means is that the next tankbuster you have nothing instead.
Just visit their server. You wont have access to your retainers but you can do much of everything else. Go to any of the 3 main city Aetherytes and select visit another world
Does this mean my healer sucked because in E2S sometimes I'm 25% of my health popping raw intuition for the tank buster.
The only time I've had to double CD a buster is Titania and the other tank can't be fucked to slide to the side and absorb some of the damage with me.
Yes, yes it is.
Most likely. Healers looking to get a good parse and neglect their job, fucking healing, is a real thing in this game.
never mind it seemed that the one mountain in the middle gamemode just was too complex for some people. the other mode is just a mael sweep everytime
you mnks are gonna get what's coming to you when 5.08 hits
yours in christ