>20 WoW threads up on Yea Forums
>sticky on /vg/
>any other mmo thread gets 404'd 100 posts in
20 WoW threads up on Yea Forums
Brought to you by Blizzard Entertainment!
It's legitimately disruptive even in comparison to the rampant shitposting that's everywhere. It's disgusting.
I know you guys are excited but please, for the love of god, calm down a little. We can barely talk about video games.
Mods are on Blizzards payroll, didn't you know that?
I mean, there was a FFXIV thread that hit 30 over post limit a few hours ago, but okay.
There's no way this could ever get worse than Smashfaggotry though.
You doubt the power of autists with infinite time and numbers on their side?
>xiv thread at like 100 posts
>gets 404'd
>check catalog
>200 WoW threads WHILE they have a sticky on /vg/
would it kill them to not be this blatant
Name game XIV bros.
>Game that just released
>Game that released a while ago and is shilled nonstop
Mods sound pretty based to me.
>Game that released a while ago and is shilled nonstop
user pls
XIV threads got deleted while Shadowbringers was still early release window.
how does your own medicine taste smash fags?
At least they talk about the game unlike Smashtrannies
I wonder why the biggest game in the last 20 years getting a re-release is super popular? the world may never know.
>being this delusional
>or being an unironic marketer
Cause you had multiple threads up shitting up the catalog
>talking about games here
Nobody do this
I play wow and laugh at faggot tryharding to shitpost it so ahrd for months only to fail, but this is shit spam comparable to smash threads month ago. JUst delete any thread about classic wow past 5 threads for christ sake. I remember goddamn nintendro threads where smash threads were 89% of all threads
5 xiv threads bad 20 classic threads good
Because the hot pocket huffing faggot who has an autistic vendetta against it kept deleting them
What's so good about wow anyway
it was easier than everquest and warcraft brand, other mmos were too hard for casuals brains at the time so blizzard made one for mouthbreathers and it took off. Its most peoples first because of this and thats why every retard when asked what an mmo should be like they spew WoW when its the game that ruined mmos for being so accessible.
Recommend me a mobile mmo.
Maybe if you talked about a mmo that's actually good it wouldn't get 404'd
Stay mad FF trannies
jannies got to get paid too
This is literally just like Smash threads but I guess that's okay like usual because it's okay when Nintendo does it.
There are like 8 threads alone that talk about the fucking queues in game
>smashstinkers start rambling off about Tracer due to another shitty "leak"
>now this
What's with this place and Blizzard?
>sticky on /vg/
jesus christ
A Smash thread died for this.
>sticky on /vg/
What the fuck it's fucking real. From being hated with a burning passion on Yea Forums for being the casual MMO along with the dregs it attracted, to an ongoing viral marketing campaign for classic WoW by activision-blizzard along with the extremely low standards of their so called 'fans' or should I mention their most popular denomination 'Blizzdrones'.
nobody hated WoW for being casual MMO until cataclysm after which it became a casual mmo
oh yeah, brilliant observation
the problem is we don't have more MMO threads! Only twenty? pah!
Contrary to the annoying and forever persisting smash threads, this shit will die out pretty soon.
>only after cata it was casual
how to spot an underage who has literally never touched an mmo before WoW
Yeah Hiro's definitely getting paid to promote this shit and shitcan all other MMO discussion.
the resembalance is uncanny
>Anybody that finds our repeated threads annoying MUST be a WoWfag
You’re such a sad, sad specimen. It’s like some sort of coping mechanism, the mere thought that you’re just a faggot can’t register so instead you delude yourself into thinking everyone that disagrees with you is doing it to defend another game. Sad!
It's 5:30am eat and servers are literally still full with a 2k que
>2 or maybe 3 threads over the course of a day ANNOYING 404'd
>20 threads (at the same time) ok because its blizzshit
>no they're not wowfags I swear!!
Whenever a new game is released the catalog is always flooded with threads about it, the mods usually give it a couple days before they start cracking down hard. I was here when ShB released and they afforded you the same custom, saying otherwise is blatant revisionist history.
yea I remember the /vg/ sticky and the threads not getting 404'd day one oh wait
XIV threads only happen maybe once a day, unless the mod who has a vendetta against it is on then it's a few hours of deletions and reposts while the mod causes problems for everyone else because he is a sperg and can't tolerate people talking about a game he doesn't like.
WoW threads are at least 10 a day as a low estimate and constantly rolling. Yet nothing gets done about them, just like Smash threads.
ShB threads didn’t get 404’d day one.
>Yet nothing gets done about them, just like Smash threads.
Something does get done about them I’ve been in many WoW Classic threads that get 404’d. Smash legitimately is a cancer on this board though. Point is you guys aren’t some special snowflake victims.
>ShB threads didn’t get 404’d day one.
Yes they fucking did, saying otherwise is blatant revisionist history.
>ShB threads didn’t get 404’d day one.
Yeah they did.
Nah, they didn’t. I was in them, suck my dick
People were getting banned due to posting "Offtopic garbage" for even posting in FFXIV threads
that mod was doing THREADBANS for XIV threads
fucking sperg piece of shit
>”S-S-See these other guys do this annoying thing so we should be able to do the annoying thing too”
This is why I’ll never have sympathy for you faggots, you’re worse than the Smashtards. The mod who deletes your shit is based.
Good, you discord trannies all need to be banned from this fucking site. Only the mentally ill play MMOs.
they can't make any real life friends, and its not nice to pick on kids like that.
hidden threads: 12
Normalfags swarmed every single piece of media in existence. There's nothing to discuss anymore but old shit.
>classic comes out
>all the actual gamers play it instead of talking about videogames
>Yea Forums is left with nothing but /pol/ spam
this is the worst of every world
you are actually blind. maybe thats why you play a game with two keys.