What did Dobson mean by this?

What did Dobson mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Guys this fucking image
This fucking image is going to be the death of me
How is he so fucking stupid how

He thinks the ancient cartoon designs are what the characters should look like

>italian dialect
as an Italian, i'm beyond mad.

Does he fucking this the cartoons are fucking canon and the original designs or something
Oh my god


Unironically yes.

and he's right


>Zelda will also no longer be your romantic interest
You wish you fat dumbass

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>expecting any kind of honesty or accuracy from a strawman

>Thinking that some filthy gaijin designs are superior to the japanese originals


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Imagine being at computers....

Name ONE person more based than Dobson

>"please ma'am a crumb of pussy, if you will" incarnate
Dobson is great for a laugh.

Is he serious

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The guy who bullied Dobson.

Yes, Dobbys opinions are pretty warped

Who was in the wrong here?

What the fuck does Dobson even do now?

Anyone have the edit of that Link in the Gerudo outfit?

>Still making Dobson threads
I thought what needs to be said about the guy was already said

He’s a nostalgiafag that even Nintendo won’t cater to.

Attached: Dobson_Nintendo.jpg (1001x2712, 492K)

What the fuck is wrong with him

Real talk?
I'd bang that Link.

>Spare coochie? Spare coochie, ma’am?

Che dialetto parla mario?

Considering suicide hopefully.

Needs more jpeg


/ourguy/ Phil

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but he's literally custom made for bullying

Wow he’s petty

I sometimes think Dobson doesn't deserve all the hate he gets, but he's just such a raging asshole.

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>send request

>send request

He's probably NEVER been sent a friend request so that was the only thing he could screencap.

>believes he is calling out inhumane, dehumanizing, and monstrous acts
>still censors himself while doing so

Attached: apture.png (957x957, 991K)

Retard thinks those shitty cartoons are canon

>send request


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That chad bully is the only likable character Dobson has made

>companies can hire illegal immigrants
>cities can deny state authority’s request to report illegals
>states can deny federal authority’s request to report illegals
How does USA even function?

like most left wingers, he lets out his hatred from being mistreated all his life on racists etc. when he should instead be resentful towards the people who bullied him instead. And the people who bullied him were probably apolitical normies.

I miss his Skyrim videos.

>If you in any way support this... you do't deserve to see my art.
I wholeheartedly agree. Sane people shouldn't be subjected to Dobson's art.

>How does USA even function?
Don't ask questions, just eat burgers and send money to Israel.

(((someone))) is profiting greatly on undocumented labor and human trafficking

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>Metroid: Other M

I would honestly be really disappointed if he took the cowards way out. His existence is too funny for me to want it to end prematurely.

I feel like something that gets overlooked a lot in this image is Dobson claiming that Lady in the Water is his favorite Shyamalan film. The movie were M Night wrote himself as a misunderstood genius whose art is the key to saving the world and critics are all shortsighted assholes who should be killed for having the arrogance to question the artist.

Cazzo ne so.

Son of Dob is the kind of lolcow that always makes me feel better about myself

DIC cartoons good
Video games bad

Attached: Dobson_ Harassment.png (591x455, 123K)

>noooooo why is samus blonde and wears a sexy bodysuit
>change baaaaad
>yay, I love other M

Also, how hard was he bullied by jocks in school? I can practically taste the trauma
He’s right about Seinfeld though

Trust me, it's not overlooked. It's so glaringly obvious and appropriate for Dobson that no one bats an eye at the fact.


Protip: actually read out the letters instead of skimming over them and just letting your brain fill in the gaps

Jesus this guy is fucking pathetic

To this day I still don't understand why he's using a thesaurus

If you learn how to draw from right now while accepting challenge and criticism- You will be a better artist than Dobson in one year, guaranteed.


Attached: Dobson_SendRequestJournal.png (899x743, 330K)

Can't find them anywhere, does someone have a link to them ?

STOP BULLYING DOBSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: stopbullyingdobbo.jpg (550x1492, 423K)

Of course he likes Voyager, what a joke


>People are talking about you behind your back online
If I were a vindictive or sadistic person I'd shove these threads in his face every week just for kicks.

Only Skyward Sword, in TP it's Ilia and it's Malon in OoT. Rest of them they don't really have a connection.

>tries to lump his own autism about Link in with other generic WOKE complaints
based dobson

Everyone has those voices in their head telling them they're shit at everything. It's part of life.

Holy shit
Also, IS he successful?
I literally only know of him from Yea Forums. I always assumed he was Buckley-tier, but I’m not even sure if Buckley is successful or just a meme.

He has a legitimate point with the Nintendo stuff. There were a lot of cool regional tie-in materials and lore in the 80s/90s that unfortunately got swept away in the advent of the internet and presenting a standard global image. He just presents it in such an awful, Dobson way that it invalidates his position. It's such a shame since I feel there's a great discussion to be had about the topic but it gets buried by "WII GAME" memes.

He doesn't even get it. People don't hate his art nearly as much as his insane opinions

why's he got a thesaurus?
all the words Cloud is using are pretty short and common.

>Not being able to appreciate fucking Seinfeld

Dobson is beyond help.

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>That time Dobson called a trans person a nazi on tumblr and almost outed another one to their family on Facebook

>He just presents it in such an awful, Dobson way that it invalidates his position.
That's the thing about Dobson. Even when you agree with his opinion, you end up thinking "maybe that obvious straw man has a point".

He's not. He's far from it and always will be

Unfortunately he took them down, which is a shame cause its not only the 5-10fps Skyrim Let's Play but also the topics he would drone on about like Internet Harassment or his list of Gametrailer Forum User's who wronged him.

why is the twilight guy saying "sex is evil"?

B^Uckley is at least known

Dobson is just a petty autist that refuses any and all criticism and gets like 5$ a month on his patreon. He's also incredibly, INCREDIBLY incompetent in literally everything he does.

This doesn't seem very faithful to the source material.

>dobson has had a gf
>dobson has had sex

>you're a nearly 30 year old khv

Who am I to judge really?

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>Dobson Successful.

Attached: Dobson_Patreon.png (289x325, 24K)

Dobson is forever, even when he's 6 feet under people will still shit on his comics

Still higher than Sinfest

>sixteen united states dollars

But that comic is one of the very few where he’s actually correct.

i love Link

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Are you High?

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>pride flag
>puritan pilgrim hat
What did he mean by this?

It's starting to dip.

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>sports players are dumbasses who don't know science and therefore I'm better than them
>btw I also don't know shit about science and have problems with basic math

fuck off inflation bear

Yeah, but at least he’s not all big and muscly

Dobson threads are comfy. Bullying him is like rereading a good book. You already know the story but it's just such a classic it's fun anyway.

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>Le Cloud is emo

BotW Link is 100% continuing the royal lineage.

I don’t believe Dobson paid anymore attention in chemistry/science than he did to his art professors. Putting himself on a pedestal above a football player while holding a periodic table is very suspect

Why did this get deleted?

To falseflag


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Seems he switched to making comics with some gay OCs, rather than a self insert, it’s getting harder to find stuff that is funny rather than just gay

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Ine can only hope this is true. But also imagine getting in trouble over a god damn peice of plastic. Thank god i dont live in that shit hole.


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>don't have the privileged

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I'm starting to doubt dobson's claims that he's not a furry

>illegally immigrants by definition are committing a crime
>they aren't even being imprisoned in the US, just being deported back to their countries
It's all so tiring

On top of that:
>hurrr i can't understand math why does X+Y=Z
Then how the fuck would know why Na+H+C+O3 add up?


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I still don't understand the jalapeños joke.

>the only way to deal with ignorant stupid people who don't know better is to violently attack them
Spoken like a true leftist

That's pretty sexist of him.

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I actually like his early female character designs

*blocks your path*

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>we don’t smell bad
Dobson’s a virgin, isn’t he?

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why is Speedwagon asking models about gay marriage?

Why are you gay?

I got lesbian kicked

What has Dobson made as of late? All this stuff is from years ago.

I think he's still doing blue bear comics but I may be wrong

From what I know he's just chugged the leftie koolaid and is literally just a mouthpiece for progressive talking points now. No real personal identity, just a verbal mirror.

That fat fuck isn't allowed to enjoy Brett Era Holmes

Attached: Dobson_Approval.jpg (1180x877, 265K)

I mean, dobson is so bad it is hard to say anything new about how bad he is. But that was very clearly a joke, or atleast not a reliable narrator. It wasn't funny, no, but the intention of that sequence of panels was pretty clear.

From what I can tell, that’s the only place he posts.
Mostly it’s just some gay webcomic and twitter activism in comic form, the only bear comics are about insecure whitey not liking marvel movies because of their frail masculinity

Why not?

I think he still uses Facebook and Tumblr.
He got banned from Twitter twice.

>muh separating families
What exactly do drooling retards like Dobbo think happens to families who are citizens when the parents commit crimes? Do they suddenly not go to jail because they have a kid and it would be cruel to separate them?

It's just Captain Syrup from Wario Land.

Attached: WLSSyrup.png (1446x1030, 1.68M)

When citizens are in jail, the kids don't go to kid prison.

>needs a thesaurus to comprehend basic english
>can't do math
>can't paint with oil on canvas
>can't or won't search for deeper insight through analysis
>doesn't drink and will make a scene if offered
>impatient and disruptive
>has quite possibly the shittiest tastes known to man
What a travesty of a human being.

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They do if they have no one else to take care of them. You think You’d just be left on your own in the house to pay the bills if your parents got locked up?

He also has an Instagram.

The kids go to the next of kin or a foster home. But the reason the children are detained at the border is because we have absolutely no way of knowing if they're actually related to the "parents" at all. Child trafficking is rampant, it only makes sense to actually make sure they're related and hold them in a center with food, water, and games for a couple of days

Sounds like racism to me

No, when citizen's are in prison and no one's there to take care of the kids, the kids get send to a children's home. The illegals get their kids send to what is essentially prison.

>hold them in a center with food, water, and games for a couple of days
They are literally put in cages. I agree with your sentiment. But the treatment of the kids is needlessly cruel.

Illegal immigrants aren’t a race

>be football player
>this is the big game
>whole family came out to see me play
>grab ball for the kickoff
>some nerd walks up to me and hold up a periodic table
>"Periodic table?" he asks
>that's not a question
>yes, that's a periodic table
>have no idea what he wants
>mouthguard already in
>don't have time for this shit
>dismiss him with a grunt

it's a sort of theme in the fourth book. look up fil crit hulk's analysis of the series for more info

Holding them in a safe, secure area with supervision and adequate food, water and recreation is well and good. Holding them in cages where they're left to fend for themselves with bare minimum water and shitty food is monstrous.

They aren't in "cages" it's a fenced in area

>the kids get send to a children's home
>They are literally put in cages.
The “home” literally has bars on windows and is filled with psychopathic little miscreants. It’s kid prison.

He really needs to see a psychiatrist.

>fil crit hulk
Hasn't he abandoned his gimmick now and just become a regular account?

Isn't a cage just a fence with a roof?

Aren't houses just unlocked prisons?

>It's not a cage, it's literally a cage


Isn’t a wall just a house without a roof?
I guess Trump was just building a big home for all Americans all along!

depends who has the key

What right has he lost to racists sexists homophobic nazis ?

Super Show Peach was pretty hot though, ngl.

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But he never built a wall around America.

the right to not act like a complete ass

no, prisons are much larger than houses and designed to hold more people also prisons have cells which houses don't

They are not put in cages. Would you call a baseball field a cage because it's surrounded by a fence?

Malon is best girl. OoT Link is best boy.

So it's a hotel?

more like a hostel

no, hotels don't have cells or a yard

Unironically this. It's akin to LotR threads on Yea Forums.

Gated community?

Don't you mean caged community?

Because you home wreckers won’t let him because you hate the idea of a strong, safe America

but it's free and you're not allowed to leave until a set amount of time determined by a court of law


Aren’t cells just undecorated rooms and yards just unorganised parking lots?

No, I mean, he never intended to build a wall at Canada's border or at the coasts. One wall is not a house.

no, cells are specifically designed for a purpose and yards and parking lots aren't related at all

He deserves to be bellow Dobson.

Aren’t walls just man made natural borders?

He's becoming some sort of radical feminist singularity.

Attached: 2019-06-09.gif (740x1359, 513K)

The videos were asmr crack to me. His voice is so monotone and calm.

but he hates trannies so doesn't that make him based?

>that comic he made shitting on young artists for taking inspiration from anime when his early style was just him ripping off Rumiko Takahashi badly

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The US doesn't really have a continuous natural border to Canada or Mexico, other than the lakes and the desert for a bit.

Cells are literally just rooms, retard.
>A yard is an area of land immediately adjacent to a building or a group of buildings. It may be either enclosed or open.[1]
A parking lot is literally called a parking yard, retard.

there's nothing of value that the americans or europeans have ever produced to enhance/expand a foreign IP.

Hasn't this been going on for literally years though?

It's only become super clear to twitter in the past couple months

Aren’t open fields just natural borders with a better view distance?


It's a bit like he was at 90% some time ago, but he sure is stacking up those 1%s on a mad dash to true female utopia

you can't park your car in a yard that doesn't have car parks painted on to it, being designed for a different purpose goes beyond being "unorganized"

>fat chance
I get it because Dobson is fat

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If you look at that graph it says he's losing fairweather mid tier supporters while retaining the bigger spenders

That's not so bad

>you can't park your car in a yard that doesn't have car parks painted on to it
Watch me

>y-you can’t
lol cuck

How is it possible to misunderstand Mario's scenario? Is he retarded?

>you can't park your car in a yard
Sounds like someone hasn't been to Bawstahn

>manages to be a radical centrist while also a radical feminist
Gotta say, I'm impressed.

All his recent comics look the same to me so I didn't realize at first what was being said in it. Nothing like being a terf or whatever to make twitter come after your balls.

I don’t get it