Looks like drama is back on the menu, boys
Jeremy Soule accused of raep
Other urls found in this thread:
>person has a cats avatar
They probably imagined it. Doesn't matter though as an accusation is all it takes to ruin someone in a post #metoo world.
so this is their next victim? when will people start calling out on their bs
This will go nowhere in court without any evidence. And the accuser will end up having to pay all the court fines if it goes that way
The guy who made Night in the Woods was also accused of sexual assault
they have a bunch of screen shots and shit
>I was raped
>Instead of going to the police, I'm gonna make a long blog-post, take time to advertise my work and of course link my Patreon
Women are a meme gender
Women are the niggers of gender
and thats why you should never be alone with a woman or straight up refuse to work with woman
>link my Patreon
Why do you just make things up?
>Implying it needs to go to court.
No one will touch him with a barge pole if he carries the baggage of rape accusations.
>During my stay in Canada, I was in the ER twice while working for this company. Once from overwork, the other was also exhaustion related. I went out of my way for this project, and sacrificed a lot for it.
Jesus fucking christ, what a soft cock.
What the fuck based
>What does a Police-Free World look like?
>Nigger Apocalypse
literally who also accused aquaria/night in the woods dev of rape twitter.com
easiest way to ruin a person's reputation is to call them out in a fake blog post
even my boy soule isnt safe from the trannies
>once thought to be innocent, blissful soundscapes, they have now been decontextualized as the sadistic hums of a rapist
I swear this guy is touching himself while writing that.
>accused of rape
What did he actually do? Accidentally roll over in his sleep and brushed the woman he had consensual sex with the other day?
It's happening already
Women have successfully managed to get their entire gender blacklisted
>zoe quinn
oh no here we go again
>not the superior GW1
I am now mad
>scared shitless
bull fucking shit, these people LOVE to do this to ruin lives
I'm suprised someone hasn't tried to meetoo Miyamoto or Kojima
>trannies are gonna take away the last good part of Elder Scrolls
Who's Jeremy Soule?
he wasn't even going to be composing for tesvi anyway. which means it's going to be fallout 4 with swords
Shit like this is why I actively do not believe anything a woman says anymore. I need them to provide evidence first, such a sad state of affairs that most women have collectively agreed to destroy their own gender.
newfags out
wow, zoe quinn attempting to get another second wind of internet fame so people will make her relevant again.
>No one will touch him with a barge pole if he carries the baggage of rape accusations
fair point.
Tf is an arg? And who cares about accusations anyways where is the proof?
An accusation of rape is essentially a death sentence to your career. Very few people get accused and still keep their jobs and work on future projects even after they prove themselves innocent, or the accuser cannot provide any evidence of the rape.
The end goal here is not to take him to court, it's to kill his career
I believe her and it’s astonishing that you guys don’t. What, just because he made some music for your childish video games, you refuse to believe a rape survivor? That’s sad and pathetic. Grow up.
>skyrim composer
This honestly irritates me the most out of the whole situation. The road most traveled anyone? Blessing of Vivec? Nerevar rising aka main theme? Judging by her knowledge of topic I assume raep accusations are fake too
I'm a bit sad there isn't a report option for falseflagging, but have a (You) instead
>go to ER for exhaustion
>but not rape
y tho
Skyrim is by far his most famous soundtrack
>the sadistic hums of a rapist
somehow that makes his compositions better!
well yeah gw2 is woke so it automatically wins
Everything is considered rape these days so who gives a shit?
she is clearly jealous that his games are more successful than hers
I got his attention. Get their attention
Successful people are usually psychos and narcissists so he probably deserves it, true or not.
This is all fine and dandy, but I'm gonna need proof or a confession from Jeremy.
Until further notice, the bitch is lying. This is how I take a woman accusing a man of rape now. She is lying until proven otherwise.
Trolling outside of Yea Forums works.
>An accusation of rape is essentially a death sentence to your career
What career?
He burnt all his professional bridges and scammed people multiple times.
Bethesda dumped him from TES well before this.
and that's a good thing!
>uuuh fuck my carreer is over and no one cares about me what do i do?
>oh i know i'll abuse the modern political climate and ruin some guys carreer for personal gain!
proof first, belief after
>remix re-release for cashgrab is more famous than og works
This world is garbage
Composer of vidya music, including:
>All the Elder Scrolls games
>Neverwinter Nights
>Dead Rising 2
>Guild Wars
And more
>not the superior Morrowind theme - no meme, I haven't even played Morrowind
where is the evidence? what happened to innocent until proven guilty
The person who is accusing of him is a known attention whore and one of the sole manipulators during the whole GamerGate shit. They actually have serious mental issues.
The other is some random ass composer that is hailed by leddit skyrim lovers as the king of music and just passively enjoyed by everyone else.
Yes I'm going to believe the accused when there is no evidence other than a retarded post
>Jeremy Soule accused of raep
DUNNN........ DUNNNN DUNNNN........
get a load of this guy
You're guilty from her world and the Twitter mob that believes it. End of story.
Every Jeremy Soule soundtrack sounds exactly the same anyway, he's the Hans Zimmer of video games
Rape isn’t a deadly interaction, you are thinking of attempted murder which is a completely different crime although it can be related. Surviving rape is as meaningless as surviving a hangover, sure you could die but you are very unlikely to die from sexual penetration.
so the lesson is to never ever work near women
they are looking for any excuse to accuse you and ruined your life
Every time this happens I lose trust in them more and more. It's getting to the point where I wouldn't even want to interact with them at all in fear of being accused of something later.
>so the lesson is to never ever work near women
you got it
>The community gets to believe in its own power again. We have the answers to heal & keep each other safe, we just need the space to do it.
I bet this person also believes citizens shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
>I believe her
On what grounds?
>zoe quinn
literally no credibility
he should sue her for slander
True though. Although I do wish new experiences like the Morrowind ost for the first time, I can respect him for the fact that he doesn't bother himself too much with the new titles. Shit's good enough for the plebs
>This image
God, my brain hurts
zoe quinn
Real banger of a thread
Wow amazing how one woman can have such bad luck all the time haha what a coincidence
All those zombified 'I'm sorry and I believe you' replies too holy shit man
So, when are we nuking america?
Does not apply to white men. White men are guilty, full stop.
The lesson is don't be a rapist lol.
Jeremy Soule was a scumbag before and his OSTs always had an a weird undertone of sexual sadism to them desu.
there is a reason Pence is never alone with a woman behind closed doors. This pray the gay away nigga had it all figured out before it was the craze
Do these people have no tact? Don't they fucking realize just throwing a simple accusation can ruin a person's life regardless if it's false? It's the same with the racism card. Can you imagine some poor sod losing a job because one fucboi on twitter said he was "racist"?
Words have power.
And I don't mean offensive words that hurt my feefees.
I mean words that can be used to destroy a person's status, image, and worst of all his livelihood.
Fuck this gay earth.
Why post it online instead of contacting the police for an investigation?
Serious question
>sadistic hums of a rapist
holy fugg lol
>The lesson is don't be a rapist lol.
Being male makes you a rapist to unhinged attention whores.
>throwing a simple accusation can ruin a person's life
Well yeah, that's the goal.
unfunny and trying too hard
That's sad and pathetic. Grow up and bait better next time.
now you see it
it's fucking zoe quinn
what do you think?
You can never play any of these games again
The best case scenario is that he did infact rape her, and he gets away with it
bait post
>his OSTs always had an a weird undertone of sexual sadism to them desu
I am 99% sure you're trolling, but just for that 1%: how does an OST have an undertone of sexual sadism? What can you point to in a track or song that suggests sexual sadism?
The only women you should ever be alone with are family members or your spouse. There is never a reason to interact with a female beyond those two roles in a private setting period. You cannot maintain a healthy relationship as friends with anyone of a different sex it is not possible, one day they will want something from you and they will destroy you for it.
>dont like person
>accuse them of rape
fucking wow
After so many of these fake ass accusations i default to not believing any of this shit. Nolan Buschnell, Max Tempkin, Nick Robinson, UVA rape scandal, Mattress girl, Murphy Jones, Geoffry Rush Brett Kavanaugh and that's all i can think off the top of my head.
>I'm suprised someone hasn't tried to meetoo Miyamoto or Kojima
They know that the japs won't give a shit and going against Nintendo is just futile. They would destroy someones life trough false accusation charges.
Police are fucking useless and rarely actually help you, they're even less inclined to help for a crime that happened 11 years ago
>You cannot maintain a healthy relationship as friends with anyone of a different sex it is not possible
No, YOU cannot do that
Why not?
At times like this, I wish I was a women. I can just feel pissy one day and claim this guy raped me and ruin his career - and even better, all the snowflakes would pat me on the back.
Nothing lost.
No, without evidence it might very well go to a libel suit.
When? By whomst?
Im playing them right now, all at the exact same time
Not the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!
I'm giggling like an idiot over here.
Women are, at their core, psychopaths
They have no empathy, or even care, for anything except themselves
She isn't even THINKING about how this could hurt people, all that's on her mind is herself, and how she can benefit from this
If you played any of these games, you're a rapist, Yea Forums.
>otomedius excellent (2011)
Didn't know he made the War Thunder main theme. That's pretty cool.
Bunch of redacted meaningless bullshit. Seems like a shameless self promotion bid.
Good luck having your entire career destroyed and having your vehicle totaled because you chose to believe in a fairy tale.
I accuse OP of raping me
>I swear this guy is touching himself while writing that.
probably just touching a kid like a catholic priest knowing REEtardera
>Why post it online instead of contacting the police for an investigation?
because they are liars and know their bullshit wont hold up in court
How is this meant to not be funny
OP is this true? Did you rape this user?
You also get jail time for sending a false report.
>Otomedius Excellent
gee I wonder why the guy decided to molest women...
I knew Quidditch was a patriarchal rapist sport. The entire game revolves around forcefully stealing the virginity of the Snitch.
Because it didn't actually happen. There isn't a actual excuse for not reporting to the police because if you did get raped and didn't report it, then the rapist gets to go off and rape other people so either way, you're shit for not reporting it.
Unironically this.
I belive you user
Where is your patreon link?
Or are you selling anything?
I can't believe Jeremy Soule was injecting rape into my child ears when I was playing Pajama Sam
jesus my soul is on orbit
He did the OST for Secret of Evermore so he's pretty based, fuck retardera, that site is pure poison.
because any work that has been touched by someone who has been declared cancelled by the supreme and final authority of the Twitter Social Justice Tribunal is tainted and must be purged from memory.
I have remained silent long enough.
The user right below me raped me.
This is meant to be funny right? It's so absurd I laughed.
so its better to make some vague statements online since just looking at a woman can now be counted as harassment
i just dont get why no guy ever sues the ever living shit out of a cunt
>Once thought to be innocent, blissful soundscapes, they have now been recontextualized as the sadistic hums of a rapist
Time to load up Skyrim with sex mods.
Incels believe shit like this yet still cry themselves to sleep because they can't get a girlfriend.
So why did they not file a police report 11 years ago?
shut up you rapist
Every last user on Yea Forums has raped me.
I demand reparations.
How can you just laugh at that? You sound like a rapist yourself
You piece of shit.
why would you do this to jeremy fucking soule...
wtf bro not nice
How long until men start doing this shit to women?
>Yes I know it seemed consensual, but I was drunk and she took advantage of me
uhh uhh uhhh they was EMBARRASSED N SHIEEEEEET
Because it never fucking happened user
You're like a little baby. Watch this.
>get raped
>don't go to police
>don't say anything during the middle of the #metoo movement ages where even more people would believe you
>suddenly out of nowhere now you have to say something
>Oh and here's Zoe Quinn irrelevant ass out of nowhere
Hmmmm something seems fishy.
Now Imagine a woman that's an actual psychopath on top of that.
its enough to ruin his career and life and since it will never go to court the acuser will not face any responsiiblty financial or legal for fasle acusations
How many layers of irony is this?
>People take ownership of public spaces
No argument there
>And respect boundaries
someone already did this to Katy Perry
it didn't work
"Why go to the police when i can post it to a forum for the clout?"
>Rugrats: Totally Angelica Boredom Buster is set to the sadistic hums of a rapist
Take some time to read the post
Half of it is her just advertising her work and complaining nobody will hire her
I'm not even joking, the "rape" is about two paragraphs, the entire rest of the thing is "I'm such a great artist and can't get a job"
Yup, not only that but the socjus twitter mobs will come your aid and do the heavy lifting on doxxing the accused and everyone they know or associate with, harassing their employers until they lose their job, and colluding with like-minded people in hiring positions to not hire the accused, effectively blacklisting them from continued employment.
Yeah but what's their excuse?
They'll get laughed at for being pathetic. You won't even hear about it that's how small it will be.
just an accusation is enough to ruin people and get them fired.
Where can I get conan comics?
Well Stu is in the game (I assume)
Which is why cunts should be sued for slander
Can you take a screenshot of the part? I couldn't find it skimming over it and I ain't gonna read all of that.
>total annihilation ost
I just said it
>oh my god it was SOOOOO humiliating, that's why I let him get away with it teehee ;)
>sadistic hums of a rapist
Holy shit Jeremy Soule is /ourcomposer/
>No one will touch him with a barge pole if he carries the baggage of rape accusations.
This, just look at how all the shit against Vic Mignogna murdered his career despite not a shred of actual evidence ever being provided against him. Kevin Spacey too.
How many children have had to listen to the sadistic hums of a rapist?
In all seriousness, men cannot be raped by women.
What the fuck is a milkshake duck?
Well that's good, now Yea Forums has a new outrage culture drama to replace Ion Fury.
>pajama sam
>chamber of secrets
>neverwinter nights
I want to go back
Damn, I knew there was something rapey about "Magic School Bus explore the World of Animals"
I stand with them!
Dark Horse and Marvel
Wish I could tell you, that's the only page I have.
More important question, when will the falsely accused finally man up and rape them to death for reals?
discord poster
>Zoe Quinn thinking she has the power to make a "difference"
There's no way Kevin Spacey didn't do it.
Some psycho has already edited this pooor guys wiki page lol.
>leftist totalitarians do things that affect real people and video games/entertainment
>Yea Forums reacts
Don't be silly, user
Oh and if the case ever actually gets to court and the case gets thrown out because you're a fucking lying piece of shit, you'll get a slap on the wrist at best, and eventually be free to go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before, but you've still effectively ruined the accused's life, personal and private, and they will never recover from it. No recompense, no recourse, you are fucked
Just believe user, why can't you believe it happened to Her?
>"I was raped"
>Everyone believes the claim instantly, with no backing evidence
She does she got away with everything during gamergate and so did all the other cunts
>some psycho
We all know it's going to be her.
Ultimately it's very hard to sue someone for claiming you raped them because proving an event never happened in a court is very difficult. Even if you succeed you are still probably not going to get your job back and the accusations will follow you for the rest of your life. Vic Mignogna (anime dub actor) is currently suing his accusers but because the people lying about him are people who have worked with him for 10 years it's easier to find evidence they are liars.
>not playing video games
>not talking about video games
>always looking for a new way to make vidya games shittier
Is trannytera the new Yea Forums?
god I can hear his victims cries... this is just disgusting
I really doubt threads will be allowed to exist. If Yea Forums couldn't talk about ProJared being a pedo or GG, why would we be allowed to talk about some other person Zoe accused of rape?
The most privileged class of all--straight white women--will silence them.
Spacey fucking admitted to it
Right after people started bringing up her kickstarter scam, what a coincidence
So how do you ruin a rapist's life? I know someone who has raped someone I know, but they are getting away with it.
But I thought the dev pandered to gay shit and SJW stuff like that? Why would zoe quinn want his blood?
>I'm suprised someone hasn't tried to meetoo Miyamoto or Kojima
They're too powerful. The targets need to be people that are notable enough to gain attention, but not so notable that they can fight back.
Honestly I believe that the people behind a night in the woods are human garbage. That game is hipster trash and the creators very clearly part of "that' community which is rife with these sexual predators. No idea about the composer though.
>Sadistic hums of a rapist
Is this the beginnings of a new, epic meme?
>The most privileged class of all--straight white women
Um, don't you mean the most oppressed people in all of the world?
its difficult to understand why someone would like about it which is why i think false accusations should be taken serious and legal action needs to be taken against the accusers
it only hurts the real victims of sexual violence
I just notice now that Emmet Till ended up looking like Pepe.
>Total Annihilation
>Spyfox: Dry Ceral
No shit really? bloody hell I've been listening to Soule for longer then I thought.
why would you have to prove it didn't happen?
The accuser having no evidence that it happened should be enough/
If I ever become a public figure, I'm gonnna convert to some autistic religion and announce myself as a lifetime celibate just to have an alibi.
Finally being a virgin will be good for something.
And yet the only people to take Spacey to court gave up their case after realising they'd incriminated themselves by destroying evidence.
Even without Soule at the helm, the game has some killer tracks
When's season 2?
No I won't read the manga
Show is relevant to topic I guess
Actually read through this. She is a fucking scam artist. Wants others to hold on their end of their bargain while she ignores her end of it.
From not producing the things that were demanded from her, or meeting the minimum quality, to stealing the source files, and holding them hostage. Which again im fairly certain is illegal, as ofc its illegal to not pay her. But you don't go fucking stealing shit and then trying to portray yourself to be a victim. All in all it was a messy business situation. There is legit 0 fucking proof of any rape, and she just conviniently threw that shit in for pitty points.
Literally 0.1% of that post is about rape, just at the start and at the end sprinkled in. The rest is just:
Company A thinks i did not do job so they let me go/dont pay me
I think i did my job, so i took the shit i made while employed with me and held it hostage
Mess gets resolved over a way longer time it should have been
RAAAAPEEEEE #metoo #justbelieveherdude
I doubt that would work, considering catholic priests are supposed to be celibate but they're infamous for molesting young boys.
Are they saying Alec Holowka was part of Gamergate yet?
When will we finally put equal responsibility on both the accused AND the accuser?
This shit is a two-way road. Defamation and libel should have punishments equal to the scale of accusation proposed.
So you'll basically stay the same as you are now?
Resetera is some elaborate experiment in avant garde cringe.
I like it fine, but it's not as good as GW1
Ironically Trannys are Women's punishment for feminism and breaking the natural order.
Why should we? Rape is far more common and far more serious than false rape accusations. We don't want to discourage women outing their rapists.
>Sitting in Lions Arch doing grinding crafting
>This comes on
>Think about all the shit from the first game
His Northern Diaries stuff is great too.
But that will scare real victims from coming forward.
>When will we finally put equal responsibility on both the accused AND the accuser?
Shut the fuck up retard.
Because one destroys the livlihood of a person. The other doesn't.
t. uncle diddled him as a kid
Imagine believing everything you read on the internet.
Wiki jannies are fast.
I'm always torn on this shit because I was raped and didn't go to the police (because I was 12 and didn't know what to do), and years later I finally talked about it for the first time with my now-wife, and vented on a public forum about it as well. There'd be little point in taking it to the police now because not only has it been years since the incident, my rapist is also dead. From a psychological standpoint, it's understandable that a person, even an adult, wouldn't go to the police, either out of shame or fear, and also understandable they'd out their rapist. Problem is, false accusations are a real thing and so is attention whoring. I remember seeing a post about how rape victims would always remember every little detail about their rape but that's not always true--most victims under 15 or 16 won't remember all the details, and sometimes they won't remember it happened, period. The way we can figure out if she's bullshitting is not by asking her about too many details, but seeing how many details she gets wrong over and over, and if her story changes.
I accuse you of rape.
We need to go back, back to the past
Delete threads like this. Stop making threads like this. Do not fucking respond to threads like this. All you retards do is give these fucking whores the spotlight they so desperately crave, and by and large gain the attention of their blatantly false rape accusations.
The best thing you can ever do with retarded shit like this is just ignore it.
Sage and move on boys. OP you're a dumb cunt.
To reveal who is really the most priveledged look for who claim to be the biggest victims.
>help for a crime that happened 11 years ago
you sound like one of those teenage girls that throw tantrums after tantrums because" what I say doesn't matter you should read my mind who cares about promises and contracts, I have needs and feelings"
I skimmed through this and didn't find any rape. They had consensual sex
Legitimately crazy person, because if you've read any of the emails she posted, she's clearly in the wrong and the crazy one.
If you are suing them for damaging your reputation you have to overcome their defense of "I was telling the truth". The US has very strong free speech protections so if you are suing someone for lying about you and you have no evidence it may get thrown out of court even if the person lying has no evidence it happened.
Step 1: be female or female (severely mentally ill male)
Step 2: pick your target
Step 3: write bullshit sob story about chosen target grabbed you by the pussy/festering open wound where your dick used to be
Step 4: Let Twitter socjus mob do the hard work of doxxing, harassing and ultimately ruining the life of chosen target
Step 5: Appear in court, get called out as a total fucking liar, make bigger sob story about 'it was real in my mind' and somehow manage to come up smelling like roses while the chosen has their life, professional and private ruined forever
Step 6: ???
Step 7: Congratulate self for contributing just a little bit more to the decline of human civilization. Also, PROFIT!
>Far more serious than false rape accusations
One could argue that a false rape accusation can destroy any prospects for a decent life the accused had beforehand, while rape victims are often successfully rehabilitated through psychotherapy and engaging in loving, trusting relationships.
What I'm trying to argue is that you can bounce back from getting raped, but there's no bouncing back if you're falsely labeled a rapist.
Tbf metooing Kojima dosen't look like such a bad idea.
Both destroy lives you cretin. Women aren't fucking innocent little angels that need to be believed in every situation. Especially considering this circumstance where this "accusation" is fishy as fuck.
False accusations are way more serious and worse than actual rapes. I'm saying this as a victim.
I wouldn't say one is far more serious than the other as a rape victim myself. One inhibits your ability to live life normally or properly and damages your soul and happiness. The other does all that and also makes it hard for you to ever have friends or get a job.
There might still be time
Imagine being female and having a free gun that you can use to kill a person any time you want.
Nah, fuck Soule.
>Literally every single reply is people saying they believe her and wishing well
So Twitter is deleting every post that says otherwise, right?
Greentext the rape. I'm on noporn.
Remember, if you're famous, ugly, or bow to women in an industry that is big on the inclusive bs, you're gonna be accused of sexual harassment or rape eventually.
Yeah, just let them autistically scream until every man with semblance of talent is cancelled, it will fix itself bros :^)
You sound like a faggot. Buy a rope.
False accusations of rape also damage the whole concept of believing rape victims in the first place, which is why we should be extra careful when throwing around these claims... but for some reason that's not an option
*don't bow
You gay, nigga? I'm a dude.
Giving them a way to get noticed by the larger community - even if negative is much worse than letting them keep their retardation contained in their festering echo chamber.
no u
No fuck off, what we want is women to go to the police or a doctor after they get raped. So justice can be served. So its fucking clear cut. But hey, that never happens in these situations because its legit fucking non rapes, and an attempt at being relevant.
Or you know what? Just fucking own up to your decisions, and if someone is being a creepy douchebag, stop working with them. That is what sane people do.
I would say 80% of the fault is with her. I can legit understand quite a few of her frustrations with getting paid, since i have to work with sleazbags who try everything to get out of paying you for the work done, and try to pile any mistake on you, and it was definitely not their fault they forgot to tell you about the plastic electric box that was in no plan fucking ever, that had to be kept pristine during major landscaping around, and you still manage to make it trough everything without damaging it, but now its dusty, and they wont pay you 2k because of that.
So yea, i legit think a big part of the issue is party A and party B not being happy with the business transaction.
>my rapist
Isn't it weird how rape creates this permanent, personal antagonistic bond?
You now have a personal rapist you know and remember. It's like having a godfather technically not a relative, but might as well be.
It doesn't really apply to other crimes. People don't say "my assaulter", or "my robber". But they do say "my rapist". It's a peculiar kind of acceptance.
Remember when Zoe Quinn was accused of being an abusive psycho by her ex and then everyone declared that it was a private matter that wasn't up for discussion. Weird how when she's accusing someone else it's apparently relevant and totally up for discussion, i'm sure the entire industry will capitulate and shield this guy from the accusahaahahha
Yeah, it's like these people who throw accusations around willy-nilly never heard the tale of the boy who cried wolf.
>tied up by ugly whale you'd never touch, she forced viagra into your system and rapes your hard dick against your will
>hur dur women can't rape
biggest load of shit ever.
>Far more common
It was 5 years ago. Now they're about equally common.
>Far more serious
Yeah, but that doesn't mean false rape accusations aren't serious. Would you rather lose an arm or a hand?
You first
I'll even help you do the knot
People already called out them out on being a website full of pedophiles, but everyone stopped giving a shit the day after.
Is this show actually good?
Unironically, first thing I'd do in a police-free world of anarchy is gun down these type of people.
Yes, hello FBI
It's about two autists.
It's because it feels extra violating. You're looking too much into it. I'm not bonded to him outside of blood relations.
This is why she just skims over the rape. The whole rape thing in her post is and i quote her.
>And then i got raped.
This is all we get on the actual rape. The rest is just fucking random business emails. With no connection to rape.
I'm not a women hating loser like you, so you have no reason to exist. You're useless.
>rapes your hard dick
If you're erect then it isn't rape.
You think he'd be okay with blunt weapons? I only have a staff.
Pretty much. Twitter has shown people like Zoe get special treatment.
Hi please tell us where you are, we have better guns for you.
god I fucking wish that were me
>tfw the steppes are polluted as fuck now and you'll never have a chance to be a mongolian herder
The police in most countries have a shit track record with rape case handling. This is why there's constant campaigns over it. Sweden is one of the few decent countries out there for it, which oh look, makes their rape statistics look bad because people have faith if they go to the police something will happen.
Women orgasm from rape all the time.
i think that blog she wrote about it is going to backfire on her, seeing as how it barely fucking mentions rape at all and instead talks about her job
>commit 85% of crime
>commit 90% of violent crime
>commit 87% of rapes
No I'm not talking about blacks, I'm talking about men.
Do better, be better.
They'll just claim that you raped them before. Kevin Spacey tried something similar with playing the gay-card and it didn't work.
LISTEN AND BELIEVE and forget about that time she very clearly faked the entire Wizardchan harassment ordeal
Yeah. That's fishy shit. When I told my wife about me being raped I didn't plug my fucking patreon or complain about how shit being forced to go to extracurricular activities was. I didn't spend too long describing the act itself, but I did spend a while talking about how it affected me.
>rape accusations instantly ruin your career!
plenty of people get off with no repercussions because they are innocent, the system works, and false allegations can be quickly discovered with cross examination (see what details they're "positive happened" get changed from retelling to retelling). see: kyle massey. don't want to lose your job? don't want to go to jail? stop saying stupid shit and stop touching girls when you shouldn't goddamn it's not rocket science.
Let's see you try to avoid getting a boner when my mouth is around your dick faggot.
Literally victim blaming
Just don't get raped lmao
I enjoyed it. Surprisingly good for a shoujo manga.
The point is, even if the police does not wrap your thing up properly. You will have it on record! You will have the date, and the first hand account on record, when it is fresh and relevant. No matter what happens down the line, you will have a chance at justice.
But hei, actual false accusations years later are more profitable, once you plug your patreon and kickstarter.
all resetera/neogaf posters are pedophiles and registered sex offenders
there's no punchline to this
This is not about justice, its a smear campaign as everything trannyera does.
Well that and they have lots of Muslims now who do the raping.
Even if you're not usually fond of romance stories? I think the only romance anime/manga I've ever been deeply interested in is Kaguya-Sama.
Now that sounds interesting.
What in the actual fuck are you on about?
>if your body responds to sexual pleasure it isn't rape
kill yourself brainlet
Real talk, how do you pronounce his name?
Holy shit, I din't know he worked on Freddy Fish and Spy Fox.
Even if a court of law declares you innocent, you will always bear the mark of having been accused of sexual assault. When a potential employer does a background check on you, do you think they will hire you over someone who has a clean record?
Jeremy "Oblivion has" Soule
>go to the police or a doctor after they get raped
If rapist wears condom police and doctor can't always find physical evidence.
>if someone is being a creepy douchebag, stop working with them
You realize almost every work place has a creepy guy somewhere working there? People wouldn't work at all if they quitted every time they saw a creepy man.
I'm scandinavian, we dont even have guns here.
Shut the fuck up, you liked it you whore !
tone down the incel talk a little user
you should be fine as long as you dont reach a position of power or a high pay grade
this is just the same old shitty crab mentality but with a new label
you will very rarely hear that broom sweeping loser at the bottom of the food chain being accused of rape
soule is a big name in vidya while that alec-night in the woods guy has surely built quite the reputation among indie devs and of course the typical "fellow indies" in his scene/circle or would want to drag him down
Shut up. You weren't raped. You're not a women.
That was meant for
I mean ResetEra accuses him of being a sex offender for putting boobs in his games so it wouldn't surprise me
Literally what the fuck are you even talking about, ESL-kun?
It's about a couple of losers being losers. The romance is very nontypical.
>so the lesson is to never ever work near women
Sad but true.
>Rape is far more common and far more serious than false rape accusations
>commit 87% of rapes
You mean 100%. Rape is a patriarchal form of submission and can't be done by women.
>tfw realize you can get any developer shut down by larping a rape accusation
Omg Todd Howard literally raped me, guess Skyrim 2 wont be coming out teehee
>What does a Police-Free world look like?
>Justice over retribution
>Community believes in its own power again.
I agree, mob justice is the way to go. It's working great in Africa so far.
Reminder that white people did this and will continue to do this to anyone not white.
>Drumpf rapes women: "bullshit no proof"
>white game dev rapes woman: "bullshit no proof"
>nfl player accused of rape: "lock that n!gger up! He's literally a danger to society!"
>emperor drumpf literally calls all Mexican immigrants rapists: "build that wall!!!"
Same thing with guns...
>white guy targets immigrants: "he was just a mentally disturbed kid, ruined by our society"
>also white people: "look at all those n**ger shootings in Chi-Raq!!!
Its all so, very tiresome.
t. nigger
>next time she sees jeremy soule irl in court
are you retarded?
this is 100% false and makes no fucking sense
Nice projection. Want to talk about your issues with women?
you're being drugged with an arousal drug against your will it's rape. Women can rape they just have to work a bit harder at it. Saying a woman cannot rape is the height of idiocy. A woman could also wear a strap-on and rape a man's anus as well.
Dude, if you actually plugged your patreon you wife might have thrown a few bucks your way, maybe get some of her friends involved as well. You could have been making bank.
But ofc its fishy, its from people with already a shady record.
Read , its not necessarily about physical evidence. Do you also report robberies and destruction of property after a few years? And yes, every workplace might have creepy people, but not rape tier creepy. Contrary to popular belief, you don't get raped in every workplace if you bend over to pick up a paperclip. But if you see someone making actual aggressive advances on you, or being an actually fucked up human being to the point it interferes with work, then you quit.
just cut your dick off lol
The guy is an actual aspie. I honestly can't remember too much with how long ago I watched it, but she probably has female autism.
The OP is a bop and I adore the ED.
>But hey, that never happens in these situations because its legit fucking non rapes
Nope. False rape accusations are less common than you think.
I don't have issues with women. I have a partner, unlike most people here.
This is why I'm gay and I hate women.
T. I'm a neonazi skinhead too busy sucking Donny's shriveled cheetodick to think of a quality reply/argument
never be alone with a women in any work context
always have a third party present
How does it not make sense? Accusations are visible in your criminal record and employers do run background checks on potential employees.
>emperor drumpf literally calls all Mexican immigrants rapists: "build that wall!!!"
Didn't happen but I'm glad you bought it
I'm not sure what you'd call "uncle puts his dick inside my 12 year old anus against my will in baseball field's tool shed" if you wouldn't call that rape but alright user. I hope you get help for your problems.
i've played well over half of these. that magic school bus game was literally the first game i ever played. am i a rapist?
fuck off
Alright fine, you were raped. Happy now?
>He burnt all his professional bridges and scammed people multiple times.
>But hey, that never happens in these situations because its legit fucking non rapes
Most of what these daisies experience is at worst sexual harassment and not rape. But to them its the same. The difference is huge tho. Talk to some actual rape victims to find out the difference.
Yeah, one of the 20 WoW Classic threads or Tracer in Smash threads died for this!
Not an argument, actually go fuck yourself. Nobody wants you here. Literally not one person. Hang yourself
>creative writing subs
How is this not video games, you idiot?
They check your criminal background, not your arrest record you fucking numpty. In most states checking someone's arrest record as an employer is not even legal. No one bats an eye at a "non-conviction" (assuming it isn't just expunged from the records) because why the fuck would you?
Well it doesn't make much sense to call someone a murder survivor.
>All those (((white male))) rapists in holywood
>All those mass shootings predomenantely done by white males
Let's glow in the dark together, brother.
I don't know much about law in the US, but at one point i did read up that you need to go trough a special process to get accusations like that removed from your record, and it rarely happens. So he might be right about it being permanent. At least in the vast majority of cases.
After years of therapy yeah.
>muh smash/wow threads
go make a general on /vg/
Total Annihilation should be renamed to Total Rape after all the raping I did back in 1997 when it first came out.
but... where's the rape?
He literally said that. Just like how he literally made fun of a disabled journalist and continues to literally copy/paste Hitler's rhetoric of how newsmedia is the enemy of the people. Why do you think there was 300 plus mass shootings last year???
lefty twitter meme
>Everyone loves Milkshake Duck, the duck that drinks milkshakes!
>We regret to inform you that Milkshake Duck is problematic
I'm retarded. What IS the difference between rape and sexual harassment?
mad nigger lmao
I was raped by Todd Howard. Several times.
You want proof, just check my Steam profile. Fallout 3, Skyrim and Skyrim SE.
She's probably normal. I was like her, without the romantic interest coming into my life obviously. She probably just doesn't give a shit enough to bother to pay attention to social shit. Picking up on social queues or keeping up appearances is tiring if you don't feel like you get anything out of it. She begins to get something out of it though and starts to actually try later.
extremely based
wouldn't it be great if united states designated california to be the liberal dream state, cordoned it off and just let the most insane liberal ideas run free? i'd watch that shit on netflix
I have talked to them, you delusional retard. Out of all rape cases, 2/3rds of them are not reported for obvious reasons. About 8% of the ones that were reported, were false.
How did you get over it?
Not him but if the accusation made it on any news articles then it'll come up in as simple as a google search of your name.
I know that if I saw that a potential employee had been on trial for murder but not convicted, I still would prefer to hire someone with a squeaky clean record.
even easier
>tied up by ugly whale you'd never touch
>she has a strapon
>she punds you ass until you bleed
but thats totally not rape
t. liberal snowflake who believes everything he sees on sjw Twitter accounts. Kill yourself, you waste of Earth's resources.
How can this fucking nerd be a long term sexual abuser? Zoe Quinn has bigger muscles than him.
>Get raped
>Don't tell the police
>Mention it years later
>No one believes you
>"This is why women are scared to speak out about their rape, because no one believes them."
No one believes you because you didn't tell the police. If you told the police as soon as it happened, people would be more inclined to believe you.
>Night In The Woods
damn, can't wait for that to get "cancelled"
Depends on where you are in the world. Usually for the act to be counted as rape it would involve penetration of some kind.
This is my fetish
That's bullshit, you can always hit back with a libel against the accuser.
Again, nice deflection. The African Americans on that list are from gang violence. Gangs wouldn't be a thing without institutionalized racism from work/school and racial profiling from pigs. Guns wouldn't be a problem in predominantly African American neighborhoods if it weren't for Republicant's pushing them into their neighborhoods
damn that's sad
Morrowind's theme song has a piano carrying the melody which is then overpowered by the brass section performing the melody which is a metaphor for Jeremy's dick overpowering my anus.
I'll try to explain it in shitty meme so you can understand
rape = benis in bagina :DDDDDDD
sexual harassemt = this dude walks in and slaps your GF's ass
>if you see someone making actual aggressive advances on you, or being an actually fucked up human being to the point it interferes with work, then you quit
Many rapists aren't aggressive on the outside and they're waiting for something like a party among workers where woman gets drunk and then they attack.
Women should not be tasked with making psychological profiles of all their co-workers. That would be fucked up.
readcomiconline . to
You read some fucking bullshit then. No one cares about non-convictions or accusations.
This is actually a fair point but the likelihood of your local papers reporting on you, a literal who cares (even as a potential rapist), are extremely low. It's news that doesn't rate unless it's a teacher or actor or someone of importance.
Then you're retarded and illogical and probably won't ever own a successful business.
Someone make a new thread, this is hilarious
But does it have Soul or Sue-Lay?
And so #metoo accomplishes the exact opposite of what it wanted to.
Mad incel that can't form a proper reply lmao
Stay mad white incel. Says the "man" who posts on a literal hivemind. *buzzzzz*, that's the hivemind noise this place makes
Gangs wouldn't be a thing without niggers. It has nothing to do with "institutionalized racism in schools," it's because niggers are just sub human.
>About 8% of the ones that were reported, were false.
Were /found to be/ false. And since you actually need to prove your innocence, rather than have presumed innocence, at a rape trial, any dude that doesn't explicitly have some kind of evidence, like text messages or an airtight alibi is found guilty on testimony alone.
So basically, rape = sex, sexual harassment = PG-13 or R shit that isn't actually sex?
You never truly "get over it", but I learned over the course of a few years and thousands of hours of processing and thinking, how to live my life without it impeding me. My wife helped a lot since she was sexually abused as a young child too and had already mostly gone through the process when I confessed. Much of the healing is just breaking the PTSD, and going through painful exposure of familiar but safe things (such as my wife wearing a black shirt with Metallica written on it, which is what my uncle was wearing) and having sex with me with it on helped break those fear bonds in my brain and re-align them to neutrality or pleasure.
In other words he doesn't live rent free in my head anymore and I can listen to Metallica without getting uncomfortable.
So resetera is looking for a win after getting blown out by a developer. Got to establish a new firm grip on the industry by destroying one of the gamer's favorite artists.What an accumulation of abhorrent scum that place is.
>Women should not be tasked with making psychological profiles of all their co-workers
Yet they do it anyway.
Guys think next to nothing of their coworkers, women gossip endlessly
Neither should be men. But we have too. We have to make a psychological profile of every woman at our workplace, because with some of them we cannot be in a room alone, or we are going to get accused of rape, since we make more money than them, and some want an easy slice of it. And guess what, many companies like to settle without it ever going public or to the police.
Alright Yea Forums. I'll write up a giant sob story that beats around the bush of details while framing some e-celeb for rape. I'll also need help giving it enough of a boost for the majority of twitter/reddit to catch on.
Which e-celeb should be framed for rape?
I'm not surprised, his music was always awful and women are so dumb they just don't go to the police because they think muh powerful figure in the fucking gaming industry would have any power against the fucking cops lol. She should have gone straight to the police
I really hate talking about this shit. You have to be dumb as fuck to believe this story is real or should carry any weight, especially some name
"unburnt witch" who slept with 5 journalists for a good review on a shitty ass game.
Again, no facts to prove a modicum of what you just said. Just pure, unadulterated hate and racism.
>Gangs wouldn't be a thing without niggers.
White people gangs are just called mafia, so it would still be a think. And you also had irish gangs and so on.
>Don't they fucking realize just throwing a simple accusation can ruin a person's life regardless if it's false?
Of course they do, they're just sociopaths who don't care about that at all.
Yeah I was raped by Cliff Bleszinski and John Carmack too the other night back in the 90's. I demand compensation and attention
>It's not a mass shooting unless it was a white dude
fuck off
The artstyle kinda resembles 90's Batman cartoon.
what if you become known for like always wearing a chastity cage
mine too
thats why I have done it multiple times
>women lie about rape
We need to file a class-action lawsuit against Cliff for fucking us all in the ass.
Women, as well as men, should have a basic fucking grasp of how the people they spend countless hours with act. Guess what? You can tell when people are weird and gross immediately after meeting them. Most people have the ability to make informed judgement about others. All the people who haven't been raped? They can profile people just fine. Don't act as if women simply can't be expected to do something basic everyone else does every single day.
So where are they now?
I believe you and wish you well user.
I hope your obliterated asshole healed properly.
It must be nice having absolute faith in the justice system like that, to believe that no one ever gets off scot-free even if they were the perpetrator of the crime.
My girlfriend's step father got away with it. She told the police her entire story, and nothing came out of it.
I'm a professional rapist. As rude as it may sound, to be honest, I often roll my eyes when I see topics praising some rapists/sexual assaulters. Sure they're enjoyable, they lock their office door, they tick the boxes and they fulfilled their requirements. For example, I'm a massive fan of Weinstein and R Kelly. The setup stories work. They work REALLY well. But I don't find them really that exceptional. They played their part but their rapes do not come out in their work. I know I'll ruffle feathers with that opinion, but that is my honest take on those rapists.
Jeremy Soule and his rape music though? Morrowind. Oh my god. I can hear the sadistic hums it in my head still and it's just as amazing as the first time I booted it up.
I strongly recall the intro video to Oblivion (and it must be 12 years since I played it) with the sweeping camera, credits, landscape and the perverse sexual violence of that original theme.
I literally have taught young women the Morrowind theme while coercing them into sexual favors even though both it and I am twice their age. It is GODDAMN magical. They have no idea what it is, but some of them know recognize it when I switch to Skyrim theme for climax.
Jeremy Soule is an exceptional rapist, and if he is not involved in TES6, I feel like it will be at a great loss to Bethesda and us.
>sending her father to prison as a pedophile rapist
She should be charged for attempted murder
I can't come up with a clever parody so just enjoy the music
>12 year old had sex
what the FUCK
Italians and Irish were discriminated against as well back then. Imagine that but 10 times worse for African Americans. Doesn't help when your president shits on cities working to fix themselves from white people's positioning (Baltimore). Whites love to push crack and guns in low income areas and then blame the residents for not fixing it.
___ ____ ___'_ ____
So if a women gets wet when I rape her, it's not rape?
you shoukd kill yourself and make the world better place
I have never had a more appropriate use for this image.
Ok guys, I think after the ion fury stuff we need to hold off on false-flagging as retards on resetera for a little bit.
the fuck are you talking about? I'm merely suggesting that "IT JUST TAKES ONE WOMAN ACCUSING YOU OF RAPE AND YOU'LL NEVER WORK AGAIN" is some high tier fear mongering meme bullshit. I have made no stance nor comment on the justice system itself.
You're right, I forgot about the Cosa Nostra and such, that was silly of me. But they're certainly a different breed of gang than your typical niggers with bandanas shooting each other in the streets.
four more years kiddo
According to CDAN, Pewdiepie.
>muh left-right
>muh poor niggers and wetbags are just forced to shoot each other by evil whitey
Try harder. Gangs are defenetely not a thing in mexico, africa and other places inhibited by those subhumans. There is defenetely no bias in coverage of mass shootings, (((why))) would there be.
In the late 90s John Romeraro attempted to make me his bitch. He didn't succeed but the event still haunts me to this day.
>Jeremy "soulless music is my name" Soule is a rapist
Maybe people will finally realize his music was always bland shit.
That's not how the human body works, you fucking filth.
Nah, it seems interesting but I would feel bad for all the children caught in the chaos.
The only good thing left about Elder Scrolls. ESVI is going to be so irredeemably shit.
Total Biscuit
>I'm already dead, might as well rape some bitch
They technically were, since its 4 or more deaths. But its gang violence that's essentially caused by whites. Black people don't go into white churches and shoot them up. They also don't go into Whole Foods and target white soccer moms. White people on the other hand seem to love going to Black people's places of worship and Mexican Walmarts to shoot them up.
You seem to be an underage teenager who just recently started to dabble in politics.
I will tell you that your post is not worth a refutation because it's written very poorly and is lacking in coherency.
And yet there are many such cases of this exact scenario
It was ok but it has a complete non-ending and the manga goes full retard afterwards.
Yea Forums, I'm tired of being silent. I'm coming out here RIGHT NOW to tell you all that I was RAPED by the Angry Video Game Nerd.
Oh, it was terrible. He pulled down his pants and the end of his dick had twice as much hair that he had on his head. That's how you know I'm telling the truth.
Also, visit my patreon.
its the normal age to start
you waited longer or something?
This is a good fucking post, and I hope one of those crazies takes a screenshot of it to "prove" what a cathedral of misogyny this place is.
Have a well deserved (you)
More like Jeremy Souless
>dude masuda bugs in anus lmao
same shit
Hi Jim
for high profile people who accrue so much news that the truth can be hard to ascertain in a quick and easy manner, sure. for you or me? hell the fuck no. we don't rate, man.
The Mafia is a proper criminal organization. Not some dumb street gang.
Go back to Sweden, if you love apologizing for minorities committing crimes so much
The comfy hums of a rapist
I love how people respont with "I believe in you! You are a really strong women for speaking out!"
This shit shows, how stupid humankind is
Totalbiscut or ekita
See how much damage you can do from beyond the grave.
Mike it's alright, everyone's been raped by his movie.
okay if this shit is really so common we should all know AT LEAST one (1) male who has suffered from this in the work place. I mean going off what I read here it's such a clear and ever present danger to men that we may be accused of rape falsely that it's statistically impossible that we don't all personally know someone it's happened to, right?
Just because Skyrim's theme is generic and weak doesn't discredit all his other works.
In 10 years people are going to stop taking all these accusations seriously because of all the false ones getting proven false and it'll be the perfect time to rape women.
virgin at 20 my friend
But you just did, making the sweeping generalization that no one cares about accusations, as if they all share the view that a verdict of non-guilty in a court of law is absolute proof of innocence.
Let me be clear that I believe that the vast majority of court cases land on the correct verdict, but that most people are almost hardwired to see the worst in strangers. So when they see that they were accused of some heinous act, a small (sometimes big) part of them will think twice about engaging in whatever social interaction it is they are about to engage in with them.
I believe the woman because no one would joke about rape.
I swear she's done this several times before. Where she supposedly knew a rapist, abuser, or whatever for years, and suddenly makes a big dramatic announcement about finally being brave enough to speak out about them.
>whites love to push crack
Nah, drug lords love to push crack, who pushes it and where it ends up is of little or no concern to them.
Also irish were discriminated against, but italians? What? Also pretty much any kind of people had a mafia at some point.
As a man you get completely different image of male workers than women do, because they act differently around you because they aren't sexually interested in you. Rapists always pretend near other men because they know other men could kill them.
You could see the most squeky clean unconvicted worker ever as a man, but when he gets alone time with a woman he could turn into a rapist out of nowhere.
based and redpilled
In your dreams, you fucking loser.
I don't have a job
or know any people
Now you're posting antisemitic shit? Fuck off to /pol/ dude. Yea Forums board culture was prominently left of center before you assholes showed up. Storm front is one door down to the left, you inbred hick.
500 posts of incels
Anyone who's good at wiki editing wanna fix this page?
Also could someone with a resetera account tell these mentally-ill freaks to stop vandalising Wikipedia?
based i wish you coud teach me on how to be good rapist
have sex
No, I said employers are more likely to not notice or care about a non-conviction. It's a NON-CONVICTION. If anything you're projecting your own lack of faith in the justice system on everyone else.
t. nigger
I suspect most people on Yea Forums who espouse such opinions are in the same boat as you.
So now his music is rape-infused?
That's true, but at least you will hire the person with the knowledge that they haven't done or been accused of anything at that point in time which is, more often than not, a mark of a decent person. Someone who has rapey tendencies probably would have something in his records, unless it was literally his first job that he was applying for.
I mean yea, there were plenty of organized crime type of things from all races and creeds, generally tho it was civilized. Honestly, tho, in the US it wasnt even the nigs that made it that bad. It was south america, since the gangs there formed during war, and came from literal warzones, they had little issues chopping people up on the streets, and once they got into the US they kinda escalated things with their brutality. From the old only involved people should get involved and civvies should not be touched(mostly), to we fucking kill anyone who isnt with us.
Fucking asshole. Seems to be your incel wet dream.
And you added one more.
>chamber of secrets
So that's why that OST was so fucking amazing.
The dude gave an answer and you just say they sound like a girl? I understand wanting to have fun being a pol-tard but christ almighty, the white race you love so much really will die out if you can't even handle an answer to a question
Absolute bollocks
It's incredibly common for completely innocent men to spend months or years in jail without a shred of evidence based solely on the testimony of one emotional girl
Imagine if she had a single fact to back her accusation up, that man would already be gone
again with this bullshit go back....
Pretty much, yeah.
The skyrim main theme raped my mind with how awesome it was.
No. I don't. When I see the fat neckbeards on my school campus who can't control their volume telling about the localizations problems in One Piece, I get *exactly* the same perspective on them that a woman gets. Same for the people who talk to them and take them seriously.
Italians were definitely discriminated against. Also druglords are white. CIA is full of them...
>bully anons for not having sex
>they go out and have sex one way or another
>come back and complain about how they did it
This is the future you chose.
I'd buy a collection of rape-infused soundscapes
>Black people don't go into white churches and shoot them up
>someone at your workplace is threatening to conspire to get you fired if you don't have sex with them
>you go "I guess my hands are tied and I will have sex with them"
>you never mention it for years until you suddenly write a massive blog post, which actually goes more into details about your work stress and the difficulties you had with your job itself, than the actual rape
>although you do go into great lengths to emphasize the repercussions of the rape and how it nearly destroyed your entire person, whilst adding that many would have just ended up in suicide in your situation
Am I dumb to think that a normal, well-adjusted person does not trade a life-shattering experience that will have such devastating effects it may push one into suicide, for the singular purpose of preventing the POSSIBILITY of losing your job (since it wasn't even a clear guaranty Jeremy could get her fired, just a threat).
It is absolutely baffling to me, I can't understand or conceive why you would go ahead or feel your hands tied over such a situation. Literally decline his advances, or attempt to get proof of them, so that if you do get fired you can attempt some kind of legal action maybe. Or you could instead just pretend there was nothing you could do, have sex with him and then proceed to have ptsd and almost end your life. Sure was worth it.
It's simple, she's either lying, or a complete idiot who isn't capable of handling her very own existence.
My gripe with his is the uninspired Morrowind music that doesn't reflect the setting in the tinniest bit. Then followed by the bland Oblivion music that's literally indistinguishable from Morrowind.
Why because it was romanticized? Same with gangs, they need guns, they need money. Its a proper criminal organization, with plenty of footmen on the streets. And plenty people behind the scenes pulling the strings.
>gamergate wo-
jesus christ
>no one would joke about rape.
stay away from females on their period user.
Omg it was right in front of us the whole time
Are you suggesting white people cannot be in gangs? We quite literally invented organized crime. Are you suggesting we don't cover other shootings? Because I see at least one report of a minor shooting on the news every other night featuring perpetrators of all race and gender. Are you soft in the head?
Seethe, cope, and have sex incel
>no one would joke about rape
Jeremy Soule's compositions are fairly boring desu, not a big loss.
Cia, is the middle man. Drug lords are sometimes white, when it comes to mdma and shit imported from the EU, LSD was white druglords as well iirc. Cocaine and shit like that that comes from south america tho? Probably not white. Again, race does not matter in that business.
I don't know about going through familiar things, but like I said before, my girlfriend was raped 1 year ago by her step dad. I don't want to just bring it up, but when it is brought up, she can't help but cry and throw up. Says she feels ultra ashamed about it and I don't know what to do. I know the man as "Atiq Kahan" or "Atiq Butt". He just got out of jail, for holding various firearms in the home. It's given me somewhat of a PTSD too as well, because while I work my mind is flooded with images and situations that align with what she said about what happened to her when he raped her. I have to hold back my tears. Ultimately, I want to get this guy in jail. I would kill him, if I could.
>if a men is erect during non consensual sex it's not rape
>but if a women gets wet during non consensual sex, it's rape
What you think an erection is literally a proof of consentment? It's literally no different than the mechanisms of female arousal, you can get random fucking erections, you wake up with erections, you can have erections in your sleep, you can even get erections from stress.
You are a fucking retard.
>women lie about everything
Just go to France and ask about paternity test.
He made this, he can rape.
Antisemetism = noticing. Thanks for confirmation buddy. So what about complete lack of coverage of mass shooting committed in disproporionate ammount by non-whites in media and hysteria around ones commited by whites eh? Go back to your dialationera cuckshed if you have nothing to say but muh ist and isms.
rape can be fun tho
This user raped me.
What, you don't believe me just because he made some Yea Forums post that for a bunch of (You)s? That's sad and pathetic. Grow up. My patreon is linked in my bio.
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
I've never seen so much shit taste in one post.
Eye for an eye. White people have been genociding people of color since Africans were building the pyramids. For every 1 black guy that attacks whites, there's 5 white guys attacking blacks
I cope by having sex with women against their will
Thanks for the advice
My pops was in organized crime and it wasn't discrimination or anything.
It's just money lol.
You have a lot of faith in your fellow man if you think that they'd rather trust a stranger than doubt them, especially when it comes to serious crimes, convicted or not.
The sad fact is that there are alot of people out there who are just cunts, the police and governmnet suppress this. These people have never stepped outside of their economic class full of polite college students and think that the world is that pleasant the world over, and that everyone gets alone when you take away guns, police, law and governments. Its just such a fucking deaf mindset that its hard to grasp, the whole reason you are safe is BECAUSE those things exist.
Its like those middle class white women that go to 3rd world countries to take selfies and get hacked apart because they were naive and think everywhere is like white suburban america where everyones parents buys their kid a car for their birthday. It infuriates me.
>Im not violent or a criminal, that means noone around me is
Probably fake but I would seriously be seconds away from killing myself if I was that son
Dude literally fuck off. Quit defending your casual racism
>then, I'll be free on the inside
Huh, it is consistent with user's earlier post about women as psychopaths. Even this shit is all about HER guild and HER being free and finding closure. Holy motherfucking shitballs, why does this redpill hurts so much going down.
The fuck are you even talking about m8?
Gangs legit exist fucking everywhere.
What about this Jew?
He said if she gets wet, then it's okay. I'm saying that isn't how it works, because women or man will get sexually aroused from anyone touching their genitals. That does not mean "oh i want to be raped dur hur". Fucking idiots.
Give me more buzzwords next time asshole. /pol/ is that way dude. Go be a tryhard racist with them and maybe they'll accept into their club. Fucking incel
What casual racism? Saying that everyone is equally as involved in drug trade and organised crime, and you find people from all religion, race, creed, whatever in it is racist now?
Fucking hell, truly a clown world.
They know.
Depends on your work enviroment. If you work in pozed field like IT forget about ever getting decent job if you were ever accused of sexual assault/harrassment. It doesn't even matter if it was disproven in court because "believe all wamen".
because people who get caught up in terrible shit tell themselves terrible lies to make the terrible feelings of regret, anger, shame, pain, sadness, etc less sharp. it's literally cognitive dissonance as a form of self protection.
>imagine defending a composer that made music that doesn't feature a single of the instruments that are physically present in the game.
Let's pretend that ashalnder camps weren't full of instruments and that strings perfectly reflect the volcanic setting of vvardenfell.
so you replied to his post without reading or acknowledging he was replying to someone else? yep, you are a retard. He was making a point similar to the one you made, you were just too fucking stupid to even check who he was replying to.
Ha! This is actually funny. I only know his "It will rip your dick off" scatch
Now you throw out a white supremacist dogwhistle.
dude, don't shoot up a school or anything
>that selfown
you really believe this? do you work in IT?
I do, and you're 100% wrong. Don't believe everything you read on the internet kid.
based and institutionalizedracismpilled
You should hook me up with your dad's contacts.
And from you just non arguments and falacies. Honk honk
Because Zoe Quinn is a fucking psycho.
You have a lot of faith on strangers online to take their word that everyone is losing their careers left and right due to false accusations instead of just fucking looking around yourself irl and judging for yourself.
you mean your Soule right?
You "working in IT" as a bottom-of-the-rung bitch boy doesn't give you insight into human resources or hiring managers practices and trains of thought.
I work as a NOC sysadmin and have a lot of other sysadmin friends. We spend more time alone in front of monitors than around other people (including our own families). How the fuck are we gonna be accused for rape when most of us don't even SEE females on a daily basis? A data center is a lifeless place. Use your goddamn fucking brain please I beg you.
So much that it's come full circle.
>used to think Muslims were insane for demanding a male witness to confirm female rape victim accusations
>now...now I’m not so sure
I remember my friend saying Trump supporters raped her on the street at night is what made me turn every single interaction with a girl into just fucking them. Their bullshit is so consistent among girls unlike the individuality guys have.
Good shit that ost was pretty fucking great. wtf I love rapists!
>Am I dumb to think that a normal, well-adjusted person does not trade a life-shattering experience that will have such devastating effects it may push one into suicide, for the singular purpose of preventing the POSSIBILITY of losing your job
in case you haven't realized yet, women seek victimhood constantly. It IS a form of power to them. She's lying and emphasizing the trauma of her experience in order to appear as a greater victim than she is (because she truly is just a victim of her own poor choices here, no one forced her to do anything) in order to get attention, power and whatnot. But in the process she doesn't realize that she's also picturing herself in an incompetent and irresponsible light. All that matters is that it makes her look like a victim.
Why do you even come on Yea Forums of all places? Do you enjoy seething? Do you think you'll learn something from fighting internet Nazis?
these are the kind of creatures you have to deal with in game development for an american company.
Why is it that any time such a case gets featured in the media, the accused loses their job and, in the worst cases, ends up killing themselves? You claim that this only happens to people in positions of power, but how can you claim to know it doesn't happen at the grassroots level as well if the cases are not brought into the public eye?
Why is it that liberals want to bring Muslims in and conservatives want to keep them out when the Muslim belief system is a lot closer to usual conservative values than liberal ones?
It's not about you being accused of rape on your job. It's about not being able to get a job after the accusation has already happened. Maybe you should understand things like how one event happens before the other before you tell people to use their brains.
>that pepe
Is "censored for its sinister nature" a meme I missed out on?
>he can't see a plain "chicken or egg" paradox when it's laid right out in front of him
you're actually retarded huh?
Women are evil to their very core
The less you interact with them, the better
You got triggered responses, but I really do think this could be possible if it backfires that badly. It would be entirely the fault of the power hungry false accusers too.
i started asking the question myself maybe we would be better off if we just let it happen
I'll never rape a woman. I don't want STDs.
You're a complete and utter moron.
This pretty much. Even if you decide to completely buy into her account of what happened, it's still not rape, just her being fucking retarded.
>Its ok when they do it
In other words you don't operate on morality and have no say in this discussion aight
>Can't read and has to try to change the original situation to fit his contrived bullshit. Someone call this nigger's tard Wrangler, he thinks he's a person.
Which PS2 game did this guy jump out of?
>i just dont get why no guy ever sues the ever living shit out of a cunt
Vic is doing it now.
>It's simple, she's either lying, or a complete idiot who isn't capable of handling her very own existence.
She's both user
The issue is they conflate rape with touching. There REALLY needs to be some kind of distinction, they are absolutely not the same thing and they should not be punished and ridiculed like they are
>name is smeared for being a rapists
>the rape in question is over touching a girls ass, not actually forcing sex on a woman
Even getting as far as kissing isnt rape, sames as if you are BOTH drunk, there should be another name for this too, where you decide 4 years later that it was rape. Calling these things rape is making a hurricane out of a fart. Its bad but its making it sound life changingly catastrophic. In all seriousness there are very few fake rape accusations, the entire issue is that they call literally anything involving touch fucking rape, and its not right.
I've never seen so much newfaggotry in a thread ever in my life. Complete lack of understanding of satire, easily being baited and general faggotry.
I'm glad this thread will die.
>he raped me
Where did this happen? How did both get in a place to do such a thing? In what way did things escalate to that?
Zero details because zero truth.
Shut the fuck up dude. If the man is touching the women in any way without her consent, he should be jailed regardless.
All I see are goblinos. How the fuck can you tell which ones are white?
seething newfag
Yes okay you're definitely retarded then.
You're friends with Jussie Smollett?
That's a horse, and it's black.
These people aren't even Jewish, two-thirds of them don't even have Jewish names. Find another place that will serve as the fucking echo chamber that your depressed, impressionable, room-temperature IQ husk craves.
>10 pages describing her shitty job and incapacity to handle the stress of it
>literally one sentence to do with the rape
>it just says "he raped me".
>zero details, zero description, no implications he used violence or forced himself, it literally goes from he was telling me about his past relationships to "and that's how I was raped"
>screenshots are ALL to do with completely unrelated job stuff, not a single text or anything to even back up her initial friendship with Jeremy
Yeeeeeeep. Very, very believable.
>They're ALL goblinos.
Women don't lie.