Imagine how it feels to be so completely and unequivocally wrong.
Imagine everyone telling you for years and years that the direction you're taking your game is shit, so much that you start inventing mental gymnastics for why you're actually right.
Imagine having the fucking nerve to smugly announce to your entire fan base that they will not be getting the game they want, because you've convinced yourself you can't possibly be wrong, your millions of fans who've been trying to save you from your own mistakes for years is wrong.
Imagine eating your own words when the relaunch of your old game turns out to be one of the biggest launches in history, completely blowing all modern expansions out of the water.
Imagine how it must feel to be presented with such undeniable evidence that you were wrong all this time, and that you have been fucking up your own product for years.
Imagine having to go to work the next day, with everyone there knowing beyond any doubt that you are an incompetent tool who almost destroyed a multimillion dollar franchise because your ego couldn't handle the possibility that you may have made a mistake.
Imagine being J Allen Brack.
Imagine how it feels to be so completely and unequivocally wrong
Ego is why retail WoW sucks, the devs don't want to admit shit like titanforging doesn't work
blizzard has been out of touch for years user, this is nothing new. and it didnt even start with diablo immortal either, even as early as d3 launch the d3 dev team showed utter disdain for predecessors they mooched off of.
We don't know yet, wait 2~3 months
While undeniably sad for Blizzard, WoW Classic being a huge fucking deal is sad for the entire industry.
Same happens on films as well, what gives? When will creativity come back?
Shiteating blizzdrone wowfag thread.
Imagine how after off this you were actually correct the entire time.
True, it's not just Brack, he just happened to be the unfortunate talking head who happened to announce to the world that Blizzard is incapable of considering the possibility that maybe people actually don't like the direction their games have taken.
He's the face of Blizz's out of touch nature.
Video game are still a kinda new thing, and way too profitable for the benefit of its own development
Blizz is a bunch of assholes who can't code and can't understand gaming since 2007.
Keep in mind that most of the people who made vanilla for exemple left right after the launch of the game.
>most of the people who made vanilla for exemple left right after the launch of the game
Really? Well that would explain how quickly it went to shit.
The entertainment business as a whole, movies, games, music... they are so creatively bankrupt that the only way for them to carry on is to stand on the shoulders of their more accomplished betters.
guys remember mordhau?
Imagine being such an uninformed faggot you pretend he's not the head of the Classic team.
How about Overwatch? They ruined a fun arcadey shooter by trying to force ESPORTS into it
esports are truly the most cancerous of the cancers
for fucks sake
Overwatch was in it's most enjoyable state in beta/at launch. It's a shame how quickly they turned it around and took it down a dark path.
cucktainment. only good thing they did since wotlk is classic imho
>wotlk to cata: 11mil to 8mil
>it's okay it was just the minority who didnt like the game
>cata to mop: 8mil to 7mil
>it's okay it was just the minority who didnt like the game
>mop to wod: 8mil to 5mil
>it's okay it was just the minority who didnt like the game
>wod to legion: 5mil to 4mil
>it's okay it was just the minority who didnt like the game
>legion to bfa: 4mil to 2mil
>it's okay it was just the minority who didnt like the game
yeah retard, i still play it to this day. what's your point
Imagine still not having phones.
who cares
you only need 20 person to do a mythic raid
they TRIPLED the OCE PVP servers today because of the demand, fucking TRIPLED
this little turd is just itching for the day the playbase dips even a little to jump out of the shadows and go "AHAAA! I told you so!".
How about you hold your horses fuckboy? The game's been out for a single day, an MMO's success is not defined on it's release day but sustained over time. BFA is one of the worst games I've played in a while, keep in mind the same person are overseeing Classic.
He's still getting 6-7 figures for ruining your favorite games since 1999
WOW was always a revolving door, but the WOTLK leveling nerfs and cataclysm revamp made the game fucking garbage to play as a new player.
Vanilla's leveling was an adventure from level 1, and the only people playing the game now only say otherwise because they autistically grind the same boss week after week for pointless ilvl that will become worthless in 6 months.
Further proof that the more women you have working on something, the worse it will be.
Literally incapable of soul
blizzard already made millions just with the current vanilla pop subs. Keeping the subs would be another success entirely.
Considering how activision blizzard views 'success' if they're not making 500x return on their investment, then its was a failure.
It feels so good. Imagine all the money retarded goyim pay for 15 years old game with little to no maintenance cost.
It's to early to decide if classic is a success or not, wait until phase 2 and check the server populations before making any judgements
leveling blew ass in classic, period, it was not a fun experience and it sure as fuck wasn't that great an adventure, it was a chunky slog that only managed to be better than EQ's by virtue of being easier to solo, few quest lines were memorable, but the zones were good so at least you had that