Final Smash Characters

Kasumi (Dead or Alive)
Doom Slayer
Geno (Bonus like Piranha Plant)

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Other urls found in this thread:,838380

It's gonna be Kasumi & Heiechi or Jill Valentine. Your literal who shoot shoot character will never be playable

If only Smashies took a shower as often as they make rostershit threads

no one gives a shit about kasumi, please stop

> Literally the most popular Tecmo character
> Dddoesn't count because LE boomer Nostalgia
Even the Ninja Gaiden developers would rather have Kasumi than Ryu

> Literally the most popular Tecmo character

Ryu hayabusa laughs at you

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Post yfw they add an Overwatch character

After the Terminator, Spawn, and Joker reveal on MK11, I'm not sure if Smash can even build a hype around MK11's level. If you look at it, Smash has a very underwhelming DLC characters.

Its chris redfield and ninten.

Here's your last two characters.

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I'm still holding out for Maximillian Roivas so we can get some autopsy reports of the characters.

"This fat, short, disgusting creature wears human clothes and human skin but HE IS NOT ONE OF US! A mockery of man... Binging... Wahooing... 1UPPING!!!"

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> Hasn't been relevant since the NES
> Microsoft chose Kasumi instead of Ryu Hayabusa to market Xbox & Xbox 360 in Japan
> Somehow more popular because "Reasons"

>Even the Ninja Gaiden developers would rather have Kasumi than Ryu
No, KoeiTecmo wants Kasumi.
KoeiTecmo =/= Team Ninja
KoeiTecmo isn't even the same people as the original Team Ninja devs

>build a hype around MK11's level

Literally what? They're just random as shit, not hype.

Smash is the king of hype

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everyone collectively hates the joker in mk11 and the terminator even was a mixed bag. atleast they did spawn right. all in all MK hasnt remotely compared to smash in hype and e3 alone proved that although they might have fucked themselves by releasing banjo third because not much can hold up to that reveal.

> Hasn't been relevant since the NES
source: my delusional ass

> Microsoft chose Kasumi instead of Ryu Hayabusa to market Xbox & Xbox 360 in Japan
yeah, just because japan love anime-like girls, no brainer marketing move

> Somehow more popular because "Reasons"
Well, Ryu is THE videogame ninja alongside strider hiryu, fuck off waifufag

Kasumi is just a generic female ninja with a bland design, forgettable as fuck, get over it

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mad curious on how this piece came to be considering ow and touhou have absolutely zero relation to each other

fuck off kasumifag

Its gonna be Tracer you dumb fucks

Reimu, Jill, Chun Li, Morrigan, Amaterasu, Monster Hunter and even Tracer, have real chances of getting in, Kasumi is miles away of being in smash

Kasumi? Isn't that a character from a softcore porn game?

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> Best selling Xbox games in Japan
> 1. Dead or Alive 3 (216,825)
> 2. Dead or Alive Xtreme (127,576)
> 3. Halo: Combat Evolved (74,228)
> 4. Dead or Alive Ultimate (60,820)
> 5. Ninja Gaiden 2004 (56,544)
Cope more, at no point has Ninja Gaiden been more popular than Dead or Alive

> Yea Forums seething this badly
Holy shit i cannot wait for Kasumi to get in & absolutely break this board. Rulefags cannot stop seething & spamming "Muh relevancy"

What'll you do if it's not Kasumi?

copies sold = character popularity???

too bad steve got in and banjo don't

Can't wait for kasumi to be left out the game and laugh

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I don't think nintendo would allow softcore pornography in smash user

> Bayonetta

Japan literally had a poll naming their favorite games for each console, two of the top 3 xbox games were Dead or Alive. Whereas Ninja Gaiden was 4th. Cope more. And the Xbox sold like absolute shit in Japan, so the only people who care about Ryu remember him from Dead or Alive not actually because they played Ninja Gaiden

Bayonetta is from a real game.

Irrelevant in her own game.

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I'm feelin' it, brethren.

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If you're gonna choose a DOA ninja girl to best represent the franchise, at least choose the right one. Ayane has been in more crossovers than Kasumi, and she was also in more Ninja Gaidens.

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At least Kasumi got more than 2 games and a cock tease

> Character cannot be added because non existant rules (Kasumi, Reimu)
> Same rules i used for saying those characters cannot be added doesn't count & this characters will 100 % be in, if you don't agree your a rulefag (Hayabusa, Doomguy)
Ryu & Doomfags are subhuman autists

at least she doesn't have a bland design

Ryu is literally a generic Ninja without any memorability at all, if he wasn't in DOA nobody would know who he is

Kasumi barely qualifies as a videogame character. She was built with the intention of people jacking off to her, not as a real videogame character. She exists so that her model can be ripped from her game and inserted in the vilest imaginable SFM pornography.

Kasumi has a more iconic design than literally anyone else in DOA and most video game ninjas lol
she immediately stands out and even normies know her

>if he wasn't in DOA nobody would know who he is

ryu is literally a NES legend and one of the most popular vg ninjas, kasumi fags are pure scum

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normies don't even know what the fuck is DoA or who kasumi is, maybe they could recognize DoA Extreme because "lol, the porn volleyball game"

He's in

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cant wait to watch you get bodied when kasumi is revealed

Can I get bodied by Kasumi too?

can't wait for kasumi to not be in, and nobody noticing it, because no one cares

yes user~

I get that not knowing that Tracer is one of the final characters gives you more room to speculate but pretending that she isn't wont help ya

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She's not getting in over Ryu you delusional waifufags

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> coping this hard

> Best character lists from by mainstream journalists
> Kasumi (48)
> Hayubsa (38)

Cope more, this is Banjo levels of denial. You spam "Cero, Literal who" against Kasumi, but then whenever facts BTFO Ryu you immedietely cry "Doesn't count"

also there hasnt been any women in the fighter pass yet. If Doomguy is in (which he is) that leaves only one spot for a woman

why not the best woman


Where's Tracer?


ah yes I remember when they used Hayabusa to advertise every DoA game


> Bbbut actual indicators of popularity don't count because it goes against my made up Smash rules
Fucking kill yourself Ryufag

Where is all this confidence that Kasumi is in coming from? Has there been any sort of proof that she's in?

She's my waifu and it would be a pleasant surprise if she did get into smash but where is the proof?

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just shitposting

Ryu isn't even in my top 12 most wanted, but I'm not delusional or a waifufag to think kasumi would be in smash over hayabusa, but ok user, kasumi is in, can't wait to see that amazing reveal trailer

largely just running out of options at this point
There arent many chars left that could reasonably be DLC and shes one of the only ones that has a good chance alongside Doomguy

>shes one of the only ones that has a good chance

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I hope it's Doomguy. I'll be happy for whoever gets in (unless another FE rep takes a Pack slot) but I can only really get hyped if it's Doomguy.

> Female fighting game character with a projectile weapon, IE: Is thrown like a boomerang or Shuiruken
> Company already has a rep, via Spirits, Assist Trophy or playable character
She's basically a lock at this point since nobody else fits these leaks that people have been confirming for months

> waifufag
Opinion invalidated, i can already tell you are seething
This level of seething hasn't been seen on Yea Forums since Banjo, and we all know what happened there

She exists in many video games and is a character. What is video game to you? A vehicle to spread specific social justice warrior beliefs? Promote realistic violence but a fake female body is sick? Theres no problem with nudity fake or real socital norms are ass-backwards.

Honestly I want my boy Rance in smash.

she also has canon clothing that covers her up including her classic outfit so like even the whole "too lewd" doesnt apply to her anymore

Ryufags just make up rules as to why Kasumi cannot be in due to how irrelevant he is, their only argument is spamming buzzwords like "Waifu" & boomer nostalgia. They never provide sources on their character being relevant because none exist

>thinking kawhomi would be in smash before chun li or morrigan


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user, no one cares about your waifu or how many black cocks she takes in SFM porn parodies.

Chun li has a spirit and capcom already has 3 fighters and more

>Right now the team and I are working on the DLC. This includes the already announced Joker from Persona 5, fighter #2, fighter #3 and one more thing (translation note: literally ???, something). Please look forward to the DLC!
While the tweet is from May 1st, Pushdustin states it was sent on Ultimate's release date so
December 7th 2018
Earliest claim that a female character was spotted by the Nip leaker is December 14th
While he didn't mention the details of the character until months later in June, the fact stands that he claims that his source stated that a female character will be DLC.
He didn't know the name but he knew the gender, that points to him seeing a model all the way back in December and we were only given updates about in June.
Now before you make your argument saying the actual details didn't come until June let me say this.
Correct me if I'm wrong but given the amount of time between December and June, shouldn't the female model have enough detail to be properly recognized by him if lets say he revisited Nintendo and saw the female model again.
We know Hero and Banjo are the second and third fighters but do you really think they'd begin work on the fourth fighter long before the other two are even near being finished while being under a deadline and seven days after Sakurai's post saying they were only working on two more fighters and "something else" (likely Stage Builder) at the time?
We can interpret this in the following
>The Japanese twitter user's source mistook the model for something else
>He's flat out lying and got lucky
>Smash's DLC development cycle is a bigger mess than we thought
>visited Nintendo
>Which is located in Kyoto
>When Smash is developed by Sora LTD
>Which is in Tokyo

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As nice as Kasumi would be I would still prefer the Ryu AND Doomguy to be in, solely for the reason that I want 4/5 Fighter Pack characters to be 30 yr old boomers picks

technically Kasumi is a boomer pick too

Fatal Frame was bought by Nintendo, it isn't a KT IP anymore

Is 1996 a boomer year? It's weird because Quake and OoT are from the same year, but Quake is firmly in boomer territory and OoT is almost certainly for millenials

it was over 20 years ago user

Top google searches & related topics for Ryu Hayabusa worldwide in 2018-2019
> 1. Erdrick
> 2. Doomguy - Fictional character
> 3. Erdrick - Dragon Quest
> 4. Doom - Video game series
> 5. Super Smash Bros Ultimate
> 6. Doom - 2016 Video Game
> 7. Ryu Hayabusa - Smash
> 8. Doom - 1993 Video Game
> 9. Ryu Hayabusa - Super Smash Bros
> 10. Ultimate - Smash Bros
Top google searches & related topics for Kasumi worldwide in 2018-2019
> 1. Kasumi
> 2. Dead or Alive - Franchise
> 3. Dead or Alive "DOA"
> 4. Dead or Alive - Arcade Game
> 5. Kasumi - Dead or Alive
> 6. Hentai - Topic
> 7. Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
> 8. Dead or Alive - Kasumi
> 9. DOA Kasumi
> 10. Dead or Alive Dimensions

What exactly are you trying to prove here?

he has nothing to prove Ryu nerds just do whatever they can to discredit kasumi

The only people that give a shit about Ryu are Smashfags from Yea Forums, all of his popularity came from America. He peaked in December during the 2chan leak & when Banjo was announced, other than that nobody searches for him except Smash autists

I'm neutral when it comes to Kasumi but I highly doubt searches for Piranha Plant pulled up anything relevant to SSBU before his reveal.
The reason Hayabusa pulls up Doom and Smash stuff is only because of the leak that was disproven (iirc it was the first major leak after the joker reveal)

nak gonna be character 4

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same goes for joker and hero if were being honest

Why are Tecmochads turning on each other? Either Kasumi or Ryu would be sweet.

Whats her trailer gonna be?

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A care deeply about the black cocks you're thinking of while missing my point entirely.

Wasn't there a post sometime ago stating that a fire emblem character would come in as dlc separate from the fighters pass?

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T. Rulefag autist

>Classic NES Ninja Gaiden opening as two ninjas jump in the air
>But the characters are just silhouettes
>One ninja lands, and the music swells before they turn around, revealing who they are
> a fighter!!

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"Kasumi takes hold!"

want to see some shit like travis touchdown, viewtiful joe or okamis wolf ame. to be perfectly honest. Kasumi would also be fine.

If Kasumi happened to be in that "leak" instead, would you claim the same thing? Of course a character would have inflated search results in a certain time period when something blows up as big as that did. I don't care for either of these characters, and it's not a bad guess to assume that neither of them are in at all, but using Google trends as an indicator for popularity is pants-on-head retarded.

ryu hayabusa?

and who got in smash in the end waifufag? ,':^)

you just defeated yourself

How the fuck do relevancyniggers like you still exist after Banjo?

Banjo, continue spamming buzzwords autist. Doomguy & Ryu are the new Stevefags

Ryu fags are literally the same people spamming made up rules & relevancy fagging against Kasumi whenever she’s mentioned. And then you faggots play the victim card when you always get BTFO’d, It’s honestly pathetic

so is the new meme
Doomguy/Kasumi vs Tracer/Hayabusa

Why don't people like the idea of Kasumi getting in? There's some cool things you could do with her moves. Incorporating teleports or disappearing between attacks, making clones of herself, her katana and Ninja Gaiden moveset, using DOA holds like a special counter that throws the opponent.

cause theyre quick to shout "waifu fag" and want their hayabusa

No it’s Reimu/Kasumi vs Hayabusa/Tracer/Doomguy

Doombros seem chill tho

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Because I don't play waifu games and have no idea who she is.

Hey, I got Banjo, that's all I care about. It's perfect to me now. Honestly, anyone can be added at this point.

> Spamming buzzwords
Every time

What's a buzzword?

> Waifu
Literally a buzzword trannies spam whenever a popular game has a female protagonist.

If they are going to add a character from a 3D fighter it will be Heihachi, not from a game that was a massive bomb


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Why do doomfags like twitter so much?

Heiechi was deconfirmed in Smash 4 by Sakurai, cope more Tecmo needs a rep & every Japanese third party was the company mascot (Mega Man) or the best selling franchise. Kasumi is both for Tecmo

>pathetic DOOMlets coping this hard

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>Heiechi was deconfirmed in Smash 4 by Sakurai
so was ridley

We said softcore porn wouldn’t be in not straight up porn idiot

>spamming buzzwords

oh boy karate guy number 3 how exciting

First Party Characters follow no criteria & adding them is easy as fuck and requires no effort. Kill yourself if you unironically compare them to third parties

>people are now unironically pushing for bayonetta 2
i fucking hate rosterfags so much

mad because your "argument" is bunk?

Makes no sense how Sakurai disqulified Tekken and SolCal cause 3d based fighter yet fucking DOA is fine

> Literal facts don’t count because made up Smash rules

Tecmo is responsible for Fire emblem games from now on, Kasumi is Tecmo’s favorite Character & Nintendo loves DOA because of how much money their DLC makes. So it’s inevitable

God, I can't believe doomfags have the fucking nerve to act so smug when they have practically nothing going for their character. Fucking bandwagoners, I swear. Can't wait for them to be btfo.

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literal facts that only belong inside your tranny head since there is nothing keeping him from reconsidering a character

kasumi fags haven't BTFO's anyone

>Nintendo loves DOA because of how much money their DLC makes
>despite their being only one doa title on nintendo platforms
>with no dlc

DoA is such a low selling kusoge that it went free to play months after release

Doomguy/Hayabusa or any good character vs Tracer/Kasumi other shit characters

She's just too bland and boring, she would be a corrin level waste of a slot

The absolute state of Ryufags

Kasuminiggers never played her source game, the same for Maifag (might be the same autist) that admitted it.

> He says when the only people searching for Ryu are Smash rosterfags

>imaginary rivalries
seek help

The only people searching for fapbait dead or alive girl are pervs, same for tracer

Why are Yea Forums so obsessed with Avatar fagging? It never happens with Yea Forums approved literal who’s but anyone else & this board is desperate to claim that nobody except one person is allowed to like a character.

So then why are all of her top searches specifically about Dead or Alive games? Whereas Ryu is solely about Erdrick & Doomguy

dead or alive sells thanks to sex appeal, almost no one plays it seriously, ony has been in evo(2004) 1 time since 1996


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> Coping & pulling statistics out of your ass

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Just found the last DLC fighters

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Why are people literally overwhemingly against any female character? I don't even think their is one liked here

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stay mad

It’s not that they’re female you faggot it’s that they’re all shitty characters. Lara Croft would be liked, for instance, but isn’t particularly likely so nobody talks about her.

I didn't pull statistics, just said a fact, probably the franchise hasn't enough dedicated players to justify a place in EVO since 1996 (2006 was the first and last time DOA was in it)

I'd be ok with Lara Croft, Joanna Dark, Nakoruru or 2B

>he doesn't know

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Chun Li, Morrigan, Lara, 2B, Joanna Dark, Amaterasu, Jill Valentine and Reimu are great 3rd party female picks, unlike fucking kasumi

Except I’m not against female characters. I’d be fine with, Ivy, Amaterasu, Lara Croft, 2B, Morrigan and Chun-li for example. But shitty characters that are purely just for fap bait or pedo shit like Mai, Kasumi, and Reimu can be trashed.

Cause le evil waifufags, gotta add more buff or furry males cause no one jerks it to them


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>Transercucks using Reimu as a shield

Reimu wants nothing to do with Kasumi fuck off
Why are waifufags always including Reimubros in their autism? Ashley did it, Shantae did it, now Tracer and Kasumi, seriously fuck off


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Sure, we'll believe you, totally not a falseflagging Mai/Kasumi fag

OP knows that Kasumi is a literal who, that's why he had to put the title of the game next to her

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>Mai/Kasumi fag
>Shits on them in the very same post
Are you retarded?

Nobody wants you Reimushits, fuck off back to your containment board and dilate

I disagree about MK. I think Smash DLC has been underwhelming. No one was clamoring for Plant or Joker. I’m sure Hero is popular in Japan, but people wanted Slime. Banjo feels proper. Literally no one asked for Tracer, if true. Do they think Persona, DQ and OW fans will make a $400 purchase to play as their 1 fav character?

I'm out of the loop. Why is there this certainty of the next DLC character being female?

Literally speculation

>One minute apart

Paranoid brain damaged autist. Damn we need IDs for you schizo fucks.

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She's in

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Jill is my dream pick. I hope her chances are good. Interesting Nintendo has been promoting RE so much lately.

Indistinguishable from any FE character.

I’m not opposed to one but I don’t get why there NEEDS to be a female FP character

Damn, I want Phoenix Wright so bad.

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Maybe some day, my man.

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I guarantee that Kasumifag is the same user that was posting sourceless lists of the most popular franchises in Japan and using it to shitpost against Banjo a couple of months ago

>All this infighting between Tecmo fand
>Inb4 Koei Tecmo does end up with a DLC character but it's from the Koei side

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I remember when everyone thought she was getting in. Would be cool. More Miyuki Sawashiro is always a good thing.

If we do, it will be Nobunyaga.

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God I hope

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Why as for a phone gatcha game character? What would they even do?

>genofags still can’t let it go

Wasn't the leak says one character is a woman? Ryu is a man.

His Ninja gaiden outfit is pretty iconic. His old ninja suit in the old game sure isn't.

Hey guys Francis here,
Kasumi is the next character.
Her name is buzzing around all the leaker/ insider circles.
I'm hearing rumors her trailer continues the Incinaroar trailer. She is the female fighting game character that was leaked before. She does have a prominent thrown weapon as her windmill shuriken. She's being added to show the relationship between Nintendo and Tecmo. I'm also hearing DOA6 definitive edition for switch will release early next year.

Thanks Epik XD


That the tracerfags are new bandwagon

JP twitter is talking about a new leak that tells character 4 is female and uses a kimono

I honestly don't mind if it's Ayane as long as they do half of the costumes to be Kasumi so you can pick either Ayane or Kasumi for more character representation (and different voices too). Even better if one turns out to be an echo with altered moves, but highly unlikely.

Wouldn't even be mad.

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Reimufags need to be taken to a hospice.

Dante (DMC)
Geno (Bonus like Piranha Plant)

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I want the following characters:

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