You gotta admit though, that IS a lot of water.
favourite region
At least they made the water routes more interesting than in any other Pokemon game.
I want to be able to explore on the outside areas that you’re fenced in. I want to see what’s behind bills house. I want to know what the safari zone looks like without zones. I want to know where the fuck the s.s. Anne actually sails to.
zero interest times 2 is still zero interest, user.
Hoenn... hoem...
At least it was before I fucked everything up.
Dare I say pokemon mmo when
Mauville is the comfiest place and you know it.
God I never realised how much water Gen 3 actually had
What an absolutely worthless fucking post. Go delete it and then delete yourself.
This crack only works if they mention multiplication first moron
Both Orre and Hoenn were great regions.
Ah, trumpets and water
water routes are irredeemably shit:
having to zigzag around some rocks to make it less braindead just makes you walk through the figurative tall grass for longer
water trainers are annoying to fight
picking up items that are scattered on the tiny islands makes you have to dismount and remount which wastes time
scenery is bland and monotone
I want to go back Yea Forumsroos
But what happened to that region ne t to it and why is it now an ocean?
It was based off of Arizona in the original and then they decided to add the ocean right next to the original areas.
Well, here's something that's close enough.
I never fucking got Mirage Island to spawn and it still annoys me to this day.
God, Gen 3 sucks. Which is a real shame because I liked a majority of the Pokemon introduced in Gen 3.
Tropius, Sableye, Ludicolo, Corphish to name a few.
Too much weather gimmick + worst team rocket copy + water.
What did they mean by this?
It felt enormous
Oh, god, this looks like shit
>95% of the game is indoors/caves/water
>route 113
>ash falling, going to chill in the hot spring
I wish I was 10 again, bros
>Those fucking seas of trees
The game is half water cause the legendaries have control of land and water
Literally the entire theme of the game is land v water
Unbelievably empty and soulless world. Literal fucking husk. Worst in the series IMO, worse than S/M or X/Y, even, and probably worse than Sword and Shield.
imagine having this much unused map space
>Everyone complaining about water
>Forgetting there's even underwater
It was pretty comfy going under at least
>fishing on every tile on route 119 hoping to find one of the 6 feebas tiles
Holy fuck whos idea was this? Gen III feebas may be the hardest to catch pokemon of any pokmon game ever, then evolving it is also a retarded process.
>then evolving it is also a retarded process.
Evolving it is fine, but since you can't multiplayer for the berries.... its still a chore to mix proper beauty berries
I've been replaying emerald lately, and hoenn has some of the comfiest locations of any pokemon game.
Also r8 team.
>Game is actually set after Kyogre won
Magma did nothing wrong
My negro
how the fuck Groudon sposed to get out
he creates more land
>Tall grass
Just use repels you retards. Everytime I hear someone complain about Hoenn's water routes, 9/10 times they refuse to use repels, which fix most of the problems with the routes.
We're directly next to California, and to the Gulf of California.
B2W2 Unova > Sinnoh > Hoenn > Johto > Kanto > Kalos > BW Unova > Alola
>kalos above anything
Sapphire was my first Pokemon game
Fuck I feel old now
based zoomer feeling old
Probably to play down the wasteland aspect. Now it's just an Arid area with a seaside port.
Ironic coming from you.
If I'm born in 1997 am I considered a boomer or zoomer? The end of the 90's is a bit iffy.
gen3 was the peak
So much soul.
wow..... kind of like...... the real world.....
Person who has played Pokemon from the first generation until black and white and then stopped is it me or did Pokemon games become less mysterious once 5th generation came out? And it's not just because of high speed internet. The creators just put less mysterious things and unknown things into the games as time went on I guess not to confuse players.
I don't believe it's nostalgic talkin
Will be a sapphire had a lot of mystery behind them and secrets to discover in pokemon and thats what made them so special to me at least
>tfw catching a feebas on my first try.
I never had any problem getting a feebas. Evolving wasn't as easy though.
Bitch needs a Pokeflute to get her out of bed.
>every video game map should reflect the real world
>every video game map should just be land and nothing else
>i-it’s just a coincidence that Hoenn is universally considered the worst region
7/10 too much water
Only retards that want a straight line for a map would say that. Hoenn is great and anybody that says otherwise is underage.
Yup, the newer games hand everything to you on a silver platter. I think one of them even gives you the exp share right out of the gate. But like you, I haven't played a pokemon game past BW,
You disliking it does not mean universally considered the worst region faggot.
>Hoenn is universally considered the worst region
You grew up and GF never changed their formula. That's it.
The last few have been really bad about it. I mean Unova looks like a theme park with it's seperated aras and Kalos is just a fucking mess that somehow manages to ape the basic "Two big circles" shape of Unova.
it fixes one of the four problems I listed, and buying repels and keeping them on (especially pre-gen 5 where you didn't get a prompt to use another one after your current one ran out) is a minor annoyance in itself
haha benis :DDDD
fuck yeah dude
You're not wrong. The games have absolutely gotten "easier", in the sense that they have less faith in the player to be able to rub two brain cells together.
I'll never forget the hedge maze "puzzle" in X and Y where not 20 seconds into pondering what a solution might be, an NPC screams a speech bubble containing the solution at you and then the game compels you to do it. Say what you want about nostalgia but RBY never fucking did that.
The overabundance of water in the second half was SO bad. Especially considering you often had to keep like four or five HMs on deck just to get through some of the side dungeons in that gen. I swear there was a dungeon that made you have surf, dive, strength, rock smash, and one more move to complete.
The best route in any Pokemon game was in X and Y where you had to try to navigate the desert steppe where Digletts with Arena Trap would spawn if you touched one of the roving dirt piles. The game gave you a way of avoiding encounters that was engaging and fun, and punished failure with a fight you couldn't just mash run to escape.
Honestly overworld pokemon has been needed for so fucking long at this point.
Yeah but the problem is there's nothing in that water.
There's more to find on Hoenn's water routes than on most Pokemon games' land routes.
Bidoof, Starly and Zubat (at night) on every single route.
>Hoenn is universally considered the worst region
One thing I hated about Hoenn, and pokemon maps in general, is that the horizontal maps all go from down to up, because of the stupid hopping shortcut gimmick.
>hopping shortcut gimmick.
More info please?
i remember catching a lot of feebas by this lake
ALL *clap emoji* SINGLE *clap emoji* PLAYER *clap emoji* POKEMON *clap emoji* GAMES *clap emoji* ARE *clap emoji* SHIT!
>too much water becomes an epic meme about why game reviewers are retards
>there is objectively too much water
hoenn is kind of shit
Can't be the whole explanation there. A town doesn't need to have ledges, does it?
God I love how areas in Ruby and Sapphire are way bigger than would logically fit on your tiny gba screen. I don't think you'd even be able to see that top row of trees up against the leftmost mountian.
comfiest pokemon ost ever, stops my depression instantly
>tentecurul hell
>enemies ever 5 steps
>those forced waves that make you have to start all over again
They where hell
you can influence what tile it'll appear on by manipulating the secret phrase in dewford town
This is something I noticed when I played gen 3 the very first time. A huge number of new pokemon with lots of type diversity right before the first gym. In stark contrast to gen 2 where practically the only new pokemon on my team was Cyndaquil.
CLASSIC gen 3 picks. Is that a legit milotic? What a nuisance
Kalos is not a mess, is a very generic region with only 1 big city as the main area of the game. Granted, it's the most complete city ever in a pokemon game, but it's still just 1 city, after you beat the gym leader, you leave.
The best region is still Johto. The "ancient traditions and legends" theme mixes perfectly with the forest landscape and many of its pokemon (hoot hoot, stantler, pineco, celebi appearing in the forest, ho-oh). It's a very complete region, with Ecruteak as the most iconic town in the game.
Imagine what ORAS could've been...
Play at least one Pokémon game, dude
>i remember catching a lot of feebas by this lake
are you retarded you can't catch feebas there
Hoenn is like a doujin that starts off nice and hot but then devolves into degenerate scat and the exact page where the girl starts squatting for the upcoming mess is Fortree.
if you plannet to go for breloom why didnt you get torchick? Hoen has literalli zero good fire mons except him
how is it possible that not a single romhack did it
Cope, hoenncel.
You seem like a completely insufferable faggot. Probably underage too. I hope you die.
Hoenn has ninetails who is pretty good.
>tentacruel hell
Every game.
>enemies every 5 steps
Every game.
>those forced waves
Intentional to make getting that regi more of a challenge (though it is bullshit trial and error).
dicke and balle torture
you are weak
As long as the thread is about games, and not furryshit, anime, trading cards or pokegirls its allowed on Yea Forums and always has been.
/vp/ is not /mlp/, pokemon is allowed on other boards as long as the conversation is relevant to that board's topic.
>a new DPPt pokemon
I want to have sex with Hoenn
I remember seeing the open, connected area on the sea and being really excited for it. On the map it looked like an open world, without the usual rocks and bushes limiting your movement.
I was really disappointed when I got there, and everything was segmented by the regular rocks, and you couldn't surf freely on the open ocean.
You don't have to have a fire type. It's actually a bit weird that people always think that way, myself included. For some reason, having a fire type pokemon on the team seems mandatory. Is it because of the starter types?
Anyway, you don't go for minmaxing pokemon in a game playthrough. Camerupt is a "proper" fire type pokemon, and "proper" is what you should go for. A pokemon with real movepool and not meme stats and ability to attack and a nice design.
There was a long time that pokemon was banned on Yea Forums, at least in practice. They've probably changed that rule though.
>pokemon was banned on Yea Forums, at least in practice
/vp/ was never a containment board. pokemon is too big of a multimedia franchise to effectively work on other boards as a whole, but aspects of that multimedia franchise have always been allowed on boards they are relevant to.
anons who tell people to go to are retards that don't understand that when the board was founded this direction was to increase awareness of the existence of the board to drive traffic towards it. Nothing was ever banned to /vp/
i want to get off mr bone's flume ride
For a long time pokemon threads on Yea Forums were deleted and I think even moot at one point said that pokemon wasn't welcome on Yea Forums.
Maybe because the reason /vp/ exists at all is because of Yea Forumss complaints so it was assumed that all pokemon content would be too triggering?
this but for smash when
>10/10 would train
i read that as bang and smiled like a retard. god i loved this game
also it had
>and celebi if you were in japan
on top of all that you also had the latias and latios choice because i ike that they let you choose and get the other with an event
>There was a long time that pokemon was banned on Yea Forums, at least in practice.
No there wasn't, I've fucking been here since long before /vp/ and /vg/ existed and it was never, not once, for any period of time banned full stop on any board.
/vp/ literally only exists because /vg/ didn't yet, I'm still fucking shocked it wasn't deleted once they made /vg/ but whatever, it has its own weird little niche userbase.
The only bad thing to come out of /vp/ is nerds like you that get butthurt when people that aren't autistic about pokemon try to talk about it on Yea Forums. Pokemon is hugely popular, but we aren't all so into it that we want to hang out with the literal autistic manchildren on /vp/ that basically have the opposite of good taste.
If you want to hop into pokegirl or furshit pokemon threads and tell them to either fuck off or go back to /vp/ thats fine, but leave the poor dudes just trying to talk about the games alone.
Reminder that Yea Forums is shit at Pokemon
Are you racist by any chance?
1v1 me UU anytime
No, I'm just asking. Would you describe yourself as a racist person?
>bragging about being good at one of the simplest RPG's ever made
Would you describe yourself as shit at Pokemon?
Nearly every fire type mon that's a starter is absolute trash. Fire is a terrible defensive typing when everything uses Earthquake and Surf.
>HMs are needed to traverse the world but no longer use move slots
>player is now passively incentivised to collect and raise a diverse team instead of actively encouraged to use HM slaves to avoid gimping themselves with garbage like cut/rocksmash or a water pokemon who exclusively knows water attacks
how is it the most dirt simple obvious solution has evaded gamefeak for 20+ years?
He's talking about competitive Pokemon aka the only competitive game with a community more autistic than Smash.
Nah, I win a fair amount when I play online. Not the best but certainly not a n00b. I've put in plenty of hours in the series. Now can you answer my question please.
nice! I didnt know repels made it so you don't have to re-surf every single time you touch land repeatedly dive and un-dive to navigate areas
HMs haven't been an issue since Sun and Moon. Very strange you don't know that considering the image you posted.
1v1 me faggot UU anytime
>Not OU
Skilless faggot.
Pokemon Let's go Pikachu/Eevee are shit games just like sonic mania.
>been replaying recently
>planning out team
>first 5 mons cover all types, sixth can be whatever
>fuck it shedinja
Hes really odd to play with. Its either all or nothing. That being said, protect is an absolute must. Cant count the number of faints due to an unexpected rollout, leechseed, supersonic, etc.
We need remakes of diamond and pearl. Sonic adventure needs to be ported to nintendo switch.
OU is for faggots with totems all over the place
Breeding IV's isn't a skill
I want all my legendary pokemon from omega ruby to be available on pokemon shield plus yveltal and lunala.
>He plays gen 7 competitive
>You can only encounter like 3 Pokémon species while surfing
It was shit design.
DP has cave mons and the route above the museum
BW has munna
>that time /vp/ all got their shit pushed in by brennan williams
I think BW2 are the best games in the series, but I really liked Gen VI quality of life upgrades. Like pokemon with baby moves, good ivs, and different abilities being possible to find.
I probably spent the first 5 hours before the first badge in ORAS just hunting for rare combinations of pokemon.
Just dive lol
Yes, why?
hoenn really is just a giant fucking fish. I do like it though, gen3 was the last good gen.
This map would be a lot better if it showed the playable space. For instance, there's a lot of rock you can't even walk on, same with the trees.
You could just get Alpha Saphire/Omega Ruby. They are not identical, but very close to the original gen 3.
Sun and Moon's solution is the most inelegant non-flavorful way of implementing what I just said, and it took Gamefreak a decade of making HMs completely intolerable, followed by a decade of almost entirely stripping them from the game. By X and Y the only ones required are surf and waterfall and they give you a free Lapras directly before they give you surf just to be safe.
>post-game area
fuck off
I have never played Pokémon past Gen III, but I always thought Hoenn was wonderful in its diversity and how it introduced its Pokémon. But it's worth mentioning that Johto really feels like an extension of Kanto, which is why you can find Johto Pokémon in Kanto as well.
it is but at the same time it was also nice to have a larger more open area in a pokemon game
One of the things I have always disliked about pokemon is that the world is a bit too corridor like which Hoenn still is very much like that but the ocean area plus the diving at least was a small improvement
but then they continued to make corridor maps for the next 10 years anyway
I really hope SnS will break this trend for good
>R/S/E needs more main-game content
Sapphire was the first game I played on my own without having to annoy my older sister for help (I was ten). I miss that game.
Tried the remakes on an emulator a few months ago and it was garbage, though.
you mean a lot of CRUMMY water
Is your sister hot?
Still impresses me that you go from Littleroot to Victory Road without a loading screen.
That's literally impossible. You would inevitably run into multiple wild pokemon which cause loading screens and if you open the menu to use repels thats also a loading screen.
definitely. I'm not a giant Hoenn fan but the shipwreck and diving spots alone easily make its water routes the best in pokemon
Nintendo played a dangerous game when they tried to mix pokemon creatures with water. Those fanbases do not get along.
That's not what he meant and you know it.
I know what you meant, and its wrong. I'm here to correct you.
I'm not him, and you are still wrong even if you accuse me of samefag.
A loading screen is literally transitioning from one place to another. To say getting into a fight is entering a "load screen" is stupid, same with opening a menu.
You are fucking retarded. Are you seriously trying to say the the transition into a battle or the bag menu isnt a loading screen? Fuck off. Both of those cause a black screen where the game is quite literally loading data during those instances.
I think the point was in a theoretical situation where you had no battles or anything you could just walk from point a to b without having to load the area.
>use a no encounter cheat
>go through walls in gen 4
>skip a loading zone
>zone doesn't load
>open bag
>close bag
>zone is still not loaded
Not only are you wrong but you're a sperg for trying to argue this.
imagine the smell tho
>Tried to get back into USUM recently
Fuck it, give me a different mainline game to play.
But opening the bag menu does reload the zone in gen 4 you fucking dumbass. I know because I had an action replay for my DS and i would use the walk through walls cheat code all the time. It is 100% a fucking load screen.
Something must have gone wrong with mine because I remember doing the same and it did not load after closing the bag.
>post-game area
I sleep.
This. The point of loading screens is that they are necessary, they are UNAVOIDABLE by design. If you use a cheat for no encounters, then the Elite Four will load just fine.
No Random Battles
>they made them more interesting!
>who cares if there are tentacruel and wingull every 5 steps? it's like that in every game
retarded hoennfag
Something must have gone wrong with your fucking brain because I can literally boot up my old ds and action replay right now and confirm it with my diamond heartgold or platinum version.
You 100% have to go through a loading screen to get to the elite 4 when you walk through the doors of the pokemon league even if youre cheating.
I know this sounds weird when talking about a fucking turn-based rpg but I cannot stand playing these games anymore at 30 fps. I have no problem playing console games like Bloodborne or God of War at 30 or sub30 fps but for some reason I have no tolerance for it in Pokemon. That's why I stopped playing after Platinum.
Only surf is required. Waterfall is just for optional goodies.
I don't understand why they didn't just give you an axe, rowboat, hammer, etc. instead of forcing HM moves on you. If it's about "using your pokemon" for traversing the world then why not make pokemon of appropriate type, ability, or appearance able to do them naturally (after beating the connected Gym if they want to lock you out of areas)?
Because the whole point is the conflict between groudon and kyogre. Plus exploring the sea was awesome. Finding the sky pillar, the regi tomb, kyogre's cave, etc felt like finding an ancient treasure. I always brought repel with me so the massiveness of the sea never bothered me.
Kanto is more open than Hoenn though.
After going through the Rock Tunnel you can go pretty much everywhere except the league.
*ruins your game*
>by making it the featured region in the best remake in the entire series
It always irks me how square this looks
Is there video of that or something?
>Ever Grande City
Literally just one PC
Anybody who defends, likes, or supports ORAS should be rendered into eunuchs
whats so bad about post-game content?
Gen 3 was the last gen with SOUL
I'm still mad
>all that void
Pokemon was made to go open world.
gen5 competitive best competitive
Had to do it
because that would take actual effort to change from HMs
>Best remake
Get your eyes checked user
>best remake
>Locking off areas of the game until you beat it
Pokemon ends when I become champion. Post-game content indicates that the main content could have been better.
what a stupid thing to think
>zoomer kid says Hoenn is better when it's endless wingulls in the water
Fucking Zoomers were a mistake.
>battle frontier
I'm still angry
How tf do you beat her altaria?
rock her like a hurricane
>All Pokemon regions should be generic grassy plains with no mountainous terrains or water
remember that one trainer with milotic?
its not perfect, but its pretty dang good
i think it was fine, shame they removed battle frontier, what didn't you like about it?
I actually do
Underrated post
Guess you never went to Kanto in G/S/C/HG/SS or beat Red
Deoxys is my wife
Unova is comfy as fuck, people shit on it for looking like a circle (when the other regions corridor you into a squiggly line anyway) but it feels like the biggest of them all
>finish BW
>still like 4 full cities left to visit
>BW2 adds even more
who are you quoting you subhuman w*jakposter
literally the peak of this shitty remake
ORAS could've been so good bros
>controls are a hot touchscreen
just get a used 3DS and homebrew it you fool
>I need ultra responsive controls to hit A every ~10-20 seconds
>I WANT to be uncomfortable, shut up!
Here ya go op. A fully colorized, no-bounds Gameboy Kanto I did years ago.
Say what you will but this part is kino
>tfw discovering the secret area in the top left
>Smash has 8 selectable Pokemon fighters
>none from Hoenn
Maybe it was just me getting older, but the sense of discovery felt less and less with each generation.
No, the devs intentionally put less and less secret areas in each new generation. Gen 7 has nothing like the Regi cave or other secrets, it's just pure handholding all the way.
Mine did, I just never finished
I was also 13 at the time and was failing most of my classes
oh yea let me just bring my 3ds to my fucking job
And you would never think to go back there upon getting Surf, it's only something you would discover from going back through Rustboro again for the sake of it.
ORAS screwed a lot of thing but DexNav was fucking great. Shame about GF ditching things.
It's a shame that the devs have taken that direction, it's as if they're trying to remove everything that made the games special.
I really enjoyed the time I spent on the regi puzzles with my friends before we managed to solve it. That said, remembering there was a braille dictionary in the back of the instructions wasn't really solving
Play Temtem it's fun.
completely agree. Its idiotic and cheap they didnt include battle frontier, but ignoring emerald the games were completely fun, charming even
>tfw lost my copy of Emerald 8 years ago
>gave my copy away because i figured i never play it
?start replaying soul silver and find out pal park exists in-game
>can't transfer my pokemon from emerald
fuck paying 15 bucks for emerald again
i added to the kickstarter but I hate betas, Ill wait for my free switch version
>there are people in this thread complaining about prevalence of random water encounters
>in a game where there is literally an item that prevents random encounter and money is no object
caves are only annoying early on, once you get going ocean/dungeon areas are the most fun to explore.
Was the map really this small?
I'd like to see it up against the Sinnoh and Kanto/Johto maps.
exactly. needing to use your pokemon is flavorful, and was clearly in their original vision of HMs. Just decoupling the HM moves from the in combat attacks has every single benefit of the old HM system, none of the downsides. The Sun/moon pokemon call system is lazy and thoughtless. The only upside is you only have to design around a single pokemon model, and you can be extremely lazy about your implementation. Oh, this is the route where the impassible rocks are? Don't worry about when the player gets the HM, if it's not going to disrupt the power progression of the game, the pokemon available that can use it, just have an NPC walk on screen and give you Mudsdale on the call button 5 feet before you use it.
nah but if you just google brennan williams vp you can find archived threads