ITT: describe your favorite MOBA character as poorly as you can
>an obese man who violently shits himself to deal damage
ITT: describe your favorite MOBA character as poorly as you can
>an obese man who violently shits himself to deal damage
>a fatter hooker than your mom
>The fattest basketball player
>A MtF that misses her (his) moustache.
It's funny to me how shamelessly blizzard was robbed by these folks
worst default skin, his animations are hilariously bad, especially the movement speed buff animations
>A lady with big boobs and a big ass. also, she's tough
It's funny to me how Games Workshop was robbed by Blizzard.
It's their fault tho for not hiring Icefrog and thinking that mobas are just a passing fad
Why the fuck is Dota 2 devoid of cool characters like League of Legends
>LoL has swordmasters, killers and such
>hurr fat ugly guy with hook
>pudge player
I hate you
Some angry russian that loses one of her abilities in 1v1
>no argument
eh it's not on the same level at all
>falling for bait that obvious
Nothing cooler than generic looking anime character with a sword right? Fuck you probably love sword art
keep wanking to obese guys with hooks, faggot.
imagine unironically playing smite lmao
>that's a cool spell faggot, mind if i have it?
He'll fuck you up with a lamp post.
Throw, Catch, ???, profit
The best porn to come out of the entire genre.
All MOBAs are garbage, and the people who play them are even worse.
Nice copying word for word from a Reddit post, faggot
You would know
Why are dota fags so defensive from what I've seen in these shitty threads
First he fights
Then he eats.
Also, his shield is his sword.
Can farm the entire map. Still gets kills by a single support.
Screaming slut
To be fair most of GWs content aren't exactly original.
>Tight wooden ass
>A literal green glowing stealing nigger who almost has the same name as a cube.
>Large grumpy ocean man that makes the enemy stop playing for 5 seconds
it baffles me that pudge is the most picked dota hero even with his terrible character design.
Because he has a fun kit.
yet characters with almost the same kit never got the highest pick rate in there respective games.
I think pudge just rode off the dendi train for... how many years now since fountain hooking? Regardless, I think that one ukranian made all the difference.
>5 rats
to be fair nothing is really original
>Gigantic retarded yeti child
hon hon hon lady
Other games have characters that are even more fun
Dota doesn't.
Short girl who should sit on my face
That is the key word.
Because they fucking suck dick. Pudge can hook AND kill people long range, that's the important part.
>in another timeline blizzard did hire icefraud and balance the game like they do with the other ones they own
we all dodge a bullet
some stupid bitch with a hat on
dwayne johnson but literal
angry lizard
>MOBA anything
SAO is unironically great entertainment though
a bunch of snakes with a big snake attached to it
Kratos ripoff with a spear
My favorite MOBA character is a slut.
>an obese man who violently shits himself to deal damage
isn't that any MOBA player though?
The three little pigs, but they're building their house out of salt.
Fucking love playing that hero, but i hate myself whenever i pick it, and i hate whenever someone else picks it. Its like tinker. Makes games a fucking drag.
Nothing is better than a salty carry that chase you for the forth time and leaves the game right after exploding like a moron
Exactly, or baiting the shittalker into your mines for the xth time. But then having the game drag out by an extra 20 minutes because its hard to find teams to play around your mines during pushes is frustrating as fuck.
Gee, i duno.
Mario? Like from "Brothers 2"?
nice horse
blitzcrank and butcher in HotS arent even 40% as fun as pudge
I play all 3 games a ton and play all 3 hookers in them, pudge is by far the most fun
What i usually do is get the exp perk and get the +251 dmg, then i build for dps. This way i just don't have the mana to keep spamming. If the game is particulary good, you can go for midas and reach it under 30 min.
Do you even need the mines movement when you can put a green mine every 6 seconds?
But if you are a bad person go stack red mines like the good old times.
i'm just a crabba with a rocket launcher
Illaoi ?
i miss gigantic
I want to stay behind him...
>Crits lmao
WTF boom
I hate the mine movement perk. I also hate games that drag on so long that i can pick up the 251 dmg perk.
Realistically i should be able to push with my team, mining behind us, and punishing the enemy if they ever try to push into us. But allies like to overextend and die. And it turns into a pendulum game of you knockingo n their base, then them counterpushing and dying to your mines.
But yea 251 > movement every single time.
She's evil but not really.
She will NOT save (you)
A tooting skeleton meme, except fat instead of skeleton
You can also do the exact opposite.
Play alone and force the enemy to react against you.
After you are done with the t1 keep pushing, the current map has few choke points to reach the lane, with 3-4 green mines you can spot them before they reach you.
Build a safe spot with a red and a blue behind some tree.
If they ignore you keep using red on towers and green on your favorite spots, if they react either suicide or tp after they triggered the blue.
At this point hopefully your carry isn't antimage sucking jungle creeps' dicks and realize that if he has vision over the whole enemy team he can push safely.
Honestly, not that big of an issue anymore, i quit after the que change they had a few weeks ago. I had 0 fun games since that change and i decided to just uninstall.
I swear to go, i can deal with mouthbreathers, but those dota games were utter garbage, it was like playing with 10IQ players, and i don't even talk about winning vs losing, legit the games were just fucking bad. It either felt like bullying a special classes kid, or as if you were a autist wrangler, where i had games of supports ending teamfights on full hp full mana, to warlocks using their ults twice in a 50 minute game. Like nothing made sense anymore. And im talking about ancient+immortal que.