I honestly don't get why wrpg dudes look down upon jrpgs when they are vastly inferior

>dull music
can you really recall more than five tracks from any one of them

>drab art that looks dated within a console cycle
Look at any of the elder scrolls, uninspired art overall that has a brown wash over everything.

Majority of them are hyper real too.

>meaningless wolf pelt fetch-quests

>always so damn serious
INB4 the one or two memes in game, these games are usually dead serious

Despite these facts, fans of these games always feel the need to constantly shit on Jrpgs who have a vast array of art styles and protagonists.

Attached: jrpg characters.jpg (2000x1952, 1.42M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well this is new but wrpg fans generally get upset at everything because they barely have any good games . I mean look at Yea Forums here where people suck off new vegas and morrowind daily

where's the orphan medium from? looks like the game has a pleasant artstyle

Nigga you gotta be pretty stupid to think Deus Ex is dull compared to Nintendo shit that a basic child can comprehend

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she is from phantom brave

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New vegas gets sucked off only because it is the best 3d Fallout. Not because it is good. it's only used to win a pissing contest.
Pahntom Brave. a Nippon Ichi Software game where it's pretty much just Disgaea but you summon your teammates but putting thier souls into random objects on the map and thier stats alter to the object they possess.
You also move in a dome radius instead of by tiles.

>WRPG vs JRPG thread
basically a console war thread, go fucking rot

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I liked deus ex and the actual combat and exploration is pretty dull, the game's actually fun part is the dialog and meme voice acting

>make ends meat

That's his point.
He's not saying it's dull. He's saying it's nothing but serious outside of the one or two memes made out of it. Every WRPG outside of I guess Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 is played straight laced.

human revolution is where the series reaches a good balance between good gameplay and combat with a decent story

What the fuck is that book from? I want to play as a book

Makai kingdom which is basically phantom brave 2.0

And traded them for garbage piss tier aesthetics and absolutely forgettable score.

Well you have to understand what kinda of atmosphere the game is trying to go for.
Some games require a serious tone in order to be believable and engaging towards a player to pull them into a world or atmosphere they want to learn and envelop in.

And besides, even if the game is serious, it doesn't mean memes are restrictive in that game

Kys rocketslime is fucking based

>dull music
Misses the point of what a lot of WRPGS go for, the bombastic, memorable tunes you hear in games like Tales, SMT, Xenoblade, Dragon, M&L are in much less grounded scenarios, and many provide multiple options outside of just combat, which is where many of the memorable tracks in those games are being used. Why compose songs like You Will Know Our Names if you'll be sneaking around or talking your way out of most events where it isn't fitting?
>drab art that looks fated within a console cycle
Actual artwork for the games or the models used? FF7 looks pretty dated with its blocky models. Either way it doesn't matter to much because most of these examples brought up are grim stories. I don't see how Planescape would benefit from a more colorful look when it wouldn't fit at all.
>meaningless wolf pelt fetch-quests
You mean that JRPGS don't either, I love my finding items for a fox in persona, or Monastery quests in Three Houses.
>always so damn serious
Thats just a thing with western media. Most often the main mood isn't going to be changing often in anything from the west. Most usually will have some dry wit to them though, which I'd rather have over most of the comedic scenes in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. JRPGS are pretty fun, I prefer them to most WRPGS, but most of these problems aren't an issue that most JRPGS also don't have

Read the op more slowly this time

>drab art style! uninspired! easily outdated!

nigga an artstyle that is simple like what you listed in that image obviously can withstand aging because it's SIMPLE you retard

Post your Jrpg library.

didn't someone already disprove valkria being alternate history since the races and worlds are fictional?

The problem isn't that Deus Ex does it.
It's that Virtually all WRPGS do it.
WRPG take their worlds existence and character as serious as a heart attack with little to no time inbetween to just have the world be anything other and serious.

>dull music
I remember every track in Deus Ex and Oblivion.
>drab art that looks dated within a console cycle
True for low budget shits like Fallout 1 and 2. Gothic 2 still looks beautiful after 17 years.
>Look at any of the elder scrolls, uninspired art overall that has a brown wash over everything.
As opposed to generic colourful tumblr cartoon shit?
>Majority of them are hyper real too.
As long as they're well optimized, not a bad thing.
>always so damn serious
But the whole Deus Ex is ironic comedy about early 2000s conspiracy memes.

>vast array of art styles and protagonists

FF7 enemies and summons still hold up today though

Attached: 1526262708102.jpg (1484x2112, 470K)

>time inbetween to just have the world be anything other and serious.
Fallout 3 did it and the fundamentalist fans lost their shit.

I can't remember a single tune from any other WRPGs I've played. It's normally pan flutes or Some sort of brooding techno.

>toon fantasy

I think it also has to be more of a regional thing as well, since western media goes on the darker and serious tone of things while the Japanese do the opposite

(especially with the Japanese government having a noteworthy record of censoring shit and regulating media)

>File: 1526262708102.jpg (470 KB, 1484x2112)
>FF7 enemies and summons still hold up today though

Always bringing up FF7,
I never even mentioned it, stop being a white girl. Diablo looks like shit.

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really a jrpg made here.
Not a wrpg at all.

>low budget
Stopped reading there

modeled after SMT and earthbound (plus touhou)

Not him but
>Actual artwork for the games or the models used? FF7 looks pretty dated with its blocky models. Either way it doesn't matter to much because most of these examples brought up are grim stories. I don't see how Planescape would benefit from a more colorful look when it wouldn't fit at all.
Pretty sure you did.

how the hell do you make a Japanese Role Playing Game outside Japan?

Fallout 1 and 2 were.

You don't, He's an idiot.

The point was that they obviously look like they're from old tech.
Yeah usually its just ambiance, works for the most part though. If I'm reading some shit in planescape I'd rather not be distracted by a banger in the background.
Yeah no that's it for sure. Rapid changes in tone is most common in Japanese stuff, usually makes them lighter toned so you don't take it too seriously. Which is usually a good thing considering a lot of JRPG themes are rather undercooked.

It made in the West by a Westerner. How is it a JRPG? Because it isn't dark and edgy?
And Dragon Quest was modeled after Wizardry and Ultima.

correct, turn based = western, action = eastern. But in the specific case of undertale it emulated SMT/earthbound/touhou, not wizardry

WRPG devs and players want immersion, JRPG developers want (japanese style) escapism.

You do realize there are WRPGs that have comedic Easter eggs right?

Fallout is a major example of fun retarded moments

But if you still believe that WRPGs take themselves way too seriously, you must be a fucking brainlet that can't understand how does a story's conflict can correlate within the world around them, or how understand what tone or atmosphere is.

There are certain WRPGs that are serious at times but provide great comedic effect.

If I don't have good music to accompany my game than the boring and monotonous parts get even more boring and monotonous.

They are few and far between. Also tend to be in the only good WRPG games. Funny that.

Doesn't Stardew Valley count as toon wrpg?


I feel like overall jRPGs are probably better on average, HOWEVER, the best western RPGs are far, far above the best jRPG has to offer.

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>. Why compose songs like You Will Know Our Names if you'll be sneaking around or talking your way out of most events where it isn't fitting?

Well there could be memorable music for that, but these games fall short
>Actual artwork for the games or the models used?
Actual artwork. Drab, boring, generic .
>models used?
megaman legends still looks ok
and all of the sprite games have aged gracefully, but diablo aged like shit.

>You mean that JRPGS don't either
It's not every jrpg, but it's every wrpg


never played that one, I am saying that games like undertale were modeled directly after JRPGS with their template in mind.

Same as darksouls woudl be a wrpg correct?

We should honestly get rid of japan/western and just use


It's not where the game came from
it's the content

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How come most jrpgs have same gameplay?

>why do people like meat more than candies? Candies are colorful and smell nice and have 10000 different flavors and they're sugary! I wanna eat candies all the time! Meat is boring!
I like JRPGs and I still play them, but your argument in favor of them is the shallowest most pathetic thing I've heard in a while. If you tried to argue the same way in favor of anime versus live action movies you'd be laughed out of the conversation so hard your eardrums would rupture.

The classifications genreally exist for the sake of recommendations. I mean if someone likes darkest dungeon are you gonna recommend them dungeon travelers 2?

>food analogy
Opinion discarded

Playing as literal gods and things of that nature.

Gee, it's almost like this is another thread that attempts to push "THING A GOOD, THING B BAD" like a million other things that are basically shit.
This is just a console war thread under another skin and subject matter.

>If you tried to argue the same way in favor of anime versus live action movies you'd be laughed out of the conversation so hard your eardrums would rupture.
Why? Most movies are just as trite as the average anime.

You can say the same about WRPGs. Balder's Gate, Neverwinter, Pillars, Icewindale, arcanum, planescape.
All play basically the same with slight difference. Just like JRPGs.

>persona, xenoblade and octopath all play same

Left side have more conflicts so it's obviously better.
If story does not involve engaging conflict it's not interesting, politics and conspiracy makes story even better.

The best RPGs are ones extremely light on story. Cinematics and cutscenes and all that trash are what's been bringing down the medium for a long time, but it never got too bad before because this cancer was at least contained.

Really, if you can't articulate your story in a way that doesn't bore me to death in dialogue dumps and celebrity voice acting, then your """"game"""" should probably go back to Yea Forums with the rest of the movies.

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JC never joins any terrorist organisation tho

Its more like enemy of my enemy is my friend

>I honestly don't get why wrpg dudes look down upon jrpgs
OP, you're a hypocrite. jrpg fags look down on wrpgs just as much, faggots on both side feed into this pointless vitriolic endless debate.

why are you people so fucking tribal, there are good games on both sides, both trying to achieve two totally different things. if you obsessively defend and only play jrpgs, or wrpgs, without even giving the other side a chance then you should unironically kill yourself.
>system shock 2
>space opera
star wars/anachronox/mass effect is space opera. system shock is sci-fi horror

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You're fucking retarded. This doesn't mean anything.
This way you can invent infite amount of worthless classifications
>Vampire fantasy
>Robot fantasy
>Trannie fantasy

I believe the point he was making is that while jrpgs aren't perfect wrpgs often pride themselves in being flawless when they are not.

>fictional real world

>system shock 2
>space opera

Valkyria Chronicles takes place in a fictional faux WWI, not alternate history you retard.

>High fantasy

>Toon fantasy
>Celestial fantasy

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he literally said wrpgs are "vastly inferior", he clearly wasn't simply making the point that wrpg fags think their games are perfect.

>most RPGs
>"Hmm, I'll use some cherry picked games to rebut this"
I am not arguing that JRPGs samey gameplay is shit or anything, I literally asked a question Lots of turnbased jrpg even have almost identical interface.

>Well there could be memorable music for that, but these games fall short
But why, if you would be sneaking around simple sounds that give the action tension would suffice, which they usually have.
>Actual artwork. Drab, boring, generic
If you could point out a way to make the artwork in the games in the first post not drab and generic without it ruining the games tone then enlighten me. I don't see how a game like Planescape would benefit from looking like SMT or Xenosaga. The artwork and look the game currently has fits it well.
>megaman legends still looks ok
and all of the sprite games have aged gracefully, but diablo aged like shit.
Diablo doesn't look too good, but its also a year older than Megaman Legends, which doesn't really look ok anymore, but fair enough.
>It's not every jrpg, but it's every wrpg
Its not every wrpg either, especially if you're counting Dark Souls as a WRPG.
Also JRPG and WRPG are about where its from, its the same as how Anime are animations produced in japan and Cartoons are produced in the west. There's a cultural difference between the countries so even games inspired by another culture will still feel a bit western. Undertale's writing is definitely more western than any JRPG I've played.

>>High fantasy
Your first party member is a floating skull and another is a guy perpetually on fucking fire

The most recent and well known games count as cherry picking?

>Lots of turnbased jrpg even have almost identical interface
So do FPS games, fighting games and RTS games.

>there are good games on both sides
Sure, but there is innumerable amount of absolute dogshit JRPGs. Best JRPGs don't even come close to best WRPGs.

>The best RPGs are ones extremely light on story.
isn't story necessary for meaningful roleplaying, as in, playing a character with a moral alignment and making decisions beyond simply gameplay?

or are you simply complaining about overly cinematic games. ps;t is basically dependent on exposition and dialogue, but of course it's written.

The Nameless One is infinitely better designed than that generic crap on the right.

Because you haven't played very many

Stop replying to ACfag.

>Balder's Gate, Neverwinter, Pillars, Icewindale, arcanum, planescape
Also, persona is very popular around the world exactly because it is different from majority JRPGs. Which is cherry picking.

I wasn't even that guy and merely pointed out how even very well known titles have big differences or would comparing ffxv, dragon quest and pokemon be more appropriate?

fuck I didn't even realise that might be him

I don't see why you need to argue about it. Can't we enjoy WRPGs for what they offer, and JRPGs for what they offer? Theyre obviously two similar yet wildly different genres. I don't see why one needs to feign superiority over the other one

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I just can't play JRPGs because of absurd protags and lack of ROLE playing. Why they are even called rpgs? They are closer to adventure games.

News flash: Jrpgs have different goals than wrpgs.


>two similar yet wildly different genres
In one of them you can actually roleplay.

why call them rgps then?

Because they originated from sort of copying old titles like wizardry and the rpg term just stuck.

RPG probably has a connotation that refers to the feel of the game and it's mechanics (RNG, leveled enemies, specs, etc) more than the literal meaning of RPG

see and I still don't see the reason to shitfling about it. You people are almost as bad as consolewar fags I swear

Then why the FUCK we are comparing them itt? Fucking 4channers got me trolled again, fags.

we shouldn't be, but because the two genres are named similarly Yea Forums of course has to split into sides and defend it with all their autistic might, even though one genre has little to no real effect on the other one

Last I recall, I don't need a game with the cinematic flow of Uncharted to be able to roleplay as someone, or make decisions.

>Be me
>Like rpgs
>Some west only fag asks me what my first rpg was
>say super mario rpg legend of the 7 stars
>faggot gets confused and thinks I like JRPGs exclusively
>ask what part of rpgs don't you get
>n-na-name me 1 wrpg
>Sounds like a JRPG and shits on his diapers

The problem in the west is the same issue you see with leftists.
1.) They will never support anything but claim it needs to exists
2.) They don't want an array of titles such as 50 great wrpgs all in amazing in their own right because these idiots only want that 1 name brand that they can brag to everyone by default like a cult.
3.) Because of 1 and 2 the genre as a whole suffers.
This shit translates to comics and cartoons as well.

How hard is it to have sneaking music
even non jrpgs have it. Listen to this ost from digimon xros wars



memorable arrangements of the bad guys main theme, taylored for sneaking around enemy territory.

>Actual artwork. Drab, boring, generic

maybe not make everything Hyper real or have a brown/grey wash over them. Almost every damn wrpg is hyperreal and they look dreadful after a couple of years.

>Diablo doesn't look too good, but its also a year older than Megaman Legends, which doesn't really look ok anymore, but fair enough.

alright then Arc the Lad 2, Secret of man, and the Lunar remakes look great .
> Undertale's writing is definitely more western than any JRPG I've played.
How so? It feels rather animated, nothing you wouldn't see in an older game.

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>turn based = western, action = eastern
ah yes, morrowind is my favourite eastern rpg

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it's not just Yea Forums that conflates the two, the whole industry does, and this probably has some dire consequences. when you put a supposed rpg on a pedestal as the best of a genre where the said game doesn't really meet the actual standards of the term "rpg", you end up confusing everyone and confusing people as to what they ought to be making.
last I recall, I asked why you think rpgs ought to be light on story, or if you were merely speaking of story in regards to cutscenes.

What's that gif from?

Phantom Brave

Also, unlike what OPs picture suggests, she doesn't turn things into meat.

if valkyria chronicles doesnt fit alternate history will this do

Attached: 237139-operation-darkness-xbox-360-front-cover.jpg (800x1144, 154K)

>WRPGs mad they're as irrelevant as RTS are

>How hard is it to have sneaking music
even non jrpgs have it. Listen to this ost from digimon xros wars
in wrpgs, "stealth" sections are typically emergent and optional. if have to manually either press the crouch button or press the stealth ability, and be stealthy. so instead wrpgs opt to have a general ambient or area theme which can be conducive to any play style, and then a combat theme.

if a game goes to the effort to have "sneaking music", that almost always is because the developers intend for you to be sneaking in that specific area.

One of the things I hate about Wrpgs especially shit like Diablo is "muh rng drop rate weapons" gotta farm the boss a trillion times for that lucky RNG roll.
At least grinding levels for the actual weapon is more rewarding for it's time than some RNG shenanigans hidding behind some retarded ass boss shooting 50 abilities out of its ass.

Attached: grinding.jpg (494x359, 74K)

>all of the WRPG examples are over a decade old

erry time

>erry time
Just like the last time one was in development.

A lot of it is that whenever I criticize JRPGs as a collective I get called a seething WRPG cuck. If everyone who doesn't like your genre is automatically this one thing, then of course it seems like that group looks down on you.

Attached: WRPG dialogue options.jpg (1920x1080, 423K)

I feel like the majority of wrpgs don't demand you grind for anything, except like Diablo and I guess mmorpgs though I could be wrong. what other ones can you list?

Not that guy but Darkest dungeon is a good example

>JA2 is fictional real world in the same sense as Earthbound
What the fuck?

I guess so but aren't we kind of begging the question when citing only grinding in roguelike esque rpgs like Darkest Dungeon and Diablo? user complained about Wrpgs in general for grinding for gear/loot, etc.

Parasite eve would have been a better choice

>I feel like the majority of wrpgs don't demand you grind for anything
Some aren't as punishing as others but you got the runescape type grind games where it's really going out of your way to level skills/abilities/etc.
Games like Skyrim and Morrowind come to mind, though these games were just bits and pieces I saw a friend play.
Then you have the rng nonsense that comes mainly from blizzard games.
Be it intentionally or not it's even as a joke in games like fallout.
Thing is after summoner I stopped caring about wrpgs in general because my catalogue of jrpgs is way more massive in comparison and the west isn't really doing anything to stay in the limelight.
Hell we don't even see games like rock n roll racing, blitz, nba jam, anymore it's just halo and gears. At least Dead Rising 3 was kind of okay.

Fallout 2, Fable, Divinity OS 1&2, Bards tale are some Western RPGs that have a lot of humor and less than serious moments that I can name just off the top of my head. Kys you lying shitty weeb

If you were the person to define genres in video games, what would you call diablo clones and other stat based """"""rpg"""""" games and jrpgs?

Even serious drama rpgs have humor. Even fucking Mass Effect has it.

you don't have to grind in tes games nor should you have to in any Fallout, and complaining about grinding in a game like Runescape/Diablo/mmorpgs is really begging the question, much like complaining about grinding in something like Pokemon. Diablo, mmorpgs, roguelikes, etc, are by their nature for the sake of grinding.

the one thing most wrpgs have in common is usually you don't have to grind for anything at all, but you certainly have the option to. I don't really recall doing it in kotor, planescape, deus ex, etc.

Legion is a comedy goldmine
>geth do not intentionally infiltrate

>deus ex
>super serious
have you even played it?

Fells weird how people sometimes claim jrpgs require grinding when it really isn't necessary at all.

>the one thing most wrpgs have in common is usually you don't have to grind for anything at all, but you certainly have the option to. I don't really recall doing it in kotor, planescape, deus ex, etc.
The primary issue is that wrpgs want to give this image of being open world and immersive to anything you think of which is an impossibility. So some rely on rng or excessive grinding in particular area for whatever reason.
In the end wrpgs are falling behind jrpgs because instead of creating and having fun they have to make some statement somewhere. The big open world. The next best graphics. All this crap you can do. And my favorite Fables 4D nonsense about a tree growing as you play the game.
They oversell themselves and they offer less than GTA

I never played fallout 1 and 2 till this year, because I never enjoyed post apoc. I decided to make a semi-purist run in 1st game, no savescam and no reloading unless I died in a fight. I stopped playing after I got stuck in a battle I couldn't win. I got pretty far, it was amazing experience.

>isn't story necessary for meaningful roleplaying, as in, playing a character with a moral alignment and making decisions beyond simply gameplay?
No, Wizardry is engaging without a story. I was way more immersed with my Wiz 1-3 playthrough than I ever was with FF, Persona, or DQ.

He didn't say that and JRPGfags swear up and down their games are god's gift

>what a rotten way to die
My fucking sides every time.

Jrpg "lore" is pretty cringe and bad.

Attached: 1565339792278m.jpg (946x1024, 255K)

>check out wrpg thread
>check out a jrpg thread

This is an ironic image right?

Lmao what is this kiddie autism shit? My rpg's actually had enemies. Thank god I grew up with Elder Scrolls and Gothic and not cringey jrpg's.

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>you're the chosen one teenager that defeats big bad that adults can't deal with for some reason
What game am I describing?

>The primary issue is that wrpgs want to give this image of being open world and immersive to anything you think of which is an impossibility. So some rely on rng or excessive grinding in particular area for whatever reason.
I can't really think of what you're describing at the end here, which ones rely on it? I've never played Summoner, maybe that game did.
>In the end wrpgs are falling behind jrpgs because instead of creating and having fun they have to make some statement somewhere.
it really depends what you mean by "falling behind", bethesda games, witcher, kingdom come, they're all best selling blockbusters. I personally do not think they are as good as their predecessors like infinity engine rpgs because they have forsaken their rpg roots.
>They oversell themselves and they offer less than GTA
it once again really depends on what wrpgs you're talking about.

Chrono Trigger or Final Fagtasy or maybe Dragon Quest. They all play the exact same. It's sad actually weebs don't see anything wrong with this.

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>your the chosen one adult that solves basic problems an entire nation can't deal with for some reason

Bruh moment.
>The big open world. The next best graphics
I see you have absolutely no fucking idea what are you talking about.
>So some rely on rng or excessive grinding in particular area for whatever reason.
You just described jrpg. Grinding games are not RPGs. They are called like this because of older association of character customization. You can literally call most of the games as ROLE PLAYING. As you are PLAYING under a certain ROLE. Strategy? You are role-playing as a commander. Call of duty? You role-play as soldier, etc. etc. We don't do that. So what's so distinct in a real rpg game?

I was speaking about meaningful roleplaying requiring some kind of narrative/story, whether you find an experience immersive or engaging is something else.

Yes, because bringing morrowind isn't fair.

The series well known for extensive lore that isn't well executed or expressed?

How is it not fair? Morrowind is the shining example of wrpg that shits on modern day jrpgs to this day.

Attached: 1564853692884.jpg (600x868, 98K)

I think none is better than the other, they are just different.
However, I haven't seen any jrpg as good as Ultima Underworld

>that isn't well executed or expressed
Would help if you could read more than half assed Dork Souls "lore" item descriptions.

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I am not a weeb fag, but I don't see anything wrong with this. Wouldn't you be happy for having like 20 more similiar in gameplay to Bloodlines game if they were all good and of the same value?

See Golden Sun: The Lost Age for an example of a JRPG Where you uncover the truth about the side you've been fighting against, end up teaming up with them even though they are regarded es evil/terrorists

Anyone can do reductio ad absurdum

>I haven't seen any jrpg as good as Ultima Underworld
Play King's Field. It's better than Ultima Underworld in every way.

That's what I meant, morrowind is too good to be even compared to best of jrpg games.

Attached: images.jpg (267x189, 16K)

>King's Field
>better than UW
I didn't get past the shitty PS1 controls and crappy visuals.

>King's Field is better than ultima underworld
not in a million years, the amount of options, freedom, factions and dialogue way surpasses king's field.

Uhhhhhhh, I think you didn't understood OP post as a whole.
>Anyone can do reductio ad absurdum
Anyone can use words to look smart.

>Wesetern Elves: Deserve genocide
>Japanese Elves: Don't deserve genocide
I think the Japs win here.

Why can't japs write up proper gods that aren't evil becuz MUH DARKNESS HAHA.

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RPGs in general suck. You unironically have no life if you play them on a regular basis

Yeah but the things that actually matter, namely the gameplay and level design is way worse.

Japanese understand that whoring part of your race to the enemy is a valid survival strategy

Because wrpgs are actually fun and inspired.

Also that being obnoxious hippies is not an endearing racial traits.

>More info

king's field was dreadfully slow, awkward and stiff though compared to ultima , you couldn't even looking up or down until 4, or jump. It had I guess better art direction though, which is what I reckon you're actually talking about and more concerned about.

My main issues with WPRGs is I often think they fail as games. JRPGs usually offer much better music, control, gameplay and graphics/art style, etc. I can play Yakuza for the gameplay, final fantasy for the music, Dragon Quest for the style, or any one for any of those reasons. While in WRPGs, sure, I can roleplay a lot more, but I find them to be dated on release. A lot of action rpgs can feel as good as normal action games, Yakuza and Ys are super fun, not quite DMC, but fun enough. New Vegas is nowhere close to Doom, nor is The Wither 3 even as close to as fun as DMC.
That, and also, JRPGs come out far more frequently, with bigger and more notable games.

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I have a better way to settle this, who's worse Gamefreak or Bethesda?

>you couldn't even looking up or down until 4
Did you even play them for more than five seconds? And hell no are they more stiff or awkward than Ultima Underworld, you can't even circle strafe in UU.

Attached: King's Field 3 fire.webm (640x480, 2.94M)

Bethesda games can at least be mod engines for good things, Pokemon just gives you porn.

What if I like serious, believable stuff over cringy childish shit like in most jrpgs?

Don't play any video games ever then.

Read a fantasy book then for a more enjoyable experience.

I like the interactive aspects of rpgs, which wrpgs offer more than jrpgs.

Then I guess you play shit like football manager and not rpgs

It takes a little time to get used to, but UW's controls are actually pretty good, especially if you use the mouse to navigate the environments.

The Nameless One is one of the most hideous looking MCs in video game history.

Japs can't write a good and complicated plot for shit. Yeah, westerners can't either, but the best written western games did pull it off and win by a mile.

Attached: Planescape vs Xenogears.png (1880x330, 64K)

>best written
That is a really low bar

It's still the best one we've ever gotten in a video game. Besides, it's not a low bar. It's up there with mid to high tier fantasy literature.

I'm being less impressed by every post

Who is trying to impress you? Are you pretending to be a visitor from Yea Forums, please don't larp an insufferable ass user. But if you want it that way, sure, lets discuss Severian and if it really was rape.

>meaningless wolf pelt fetch-quests
This is how we know you don't play wrpgs nigga.

Not a Yea Forums fag but calling planescape on the level of high tier fantasy literature feels a little pretentious

OP is retarded. It should be JRPG vs CRPG. RPGs can't be regionally classified because both regions have made both genres. Japanese RPGs of the early 80s were indistinguishable from early Ultima games. Starting the late 90s, western devs have started making JRPGs such as Secret of Evermore.

>never played that one, I am saying that games like undertale were modeled directly after JRPGS with their template in mind
Stardew Valley has both the elements of JRPG and WRPG.

>western jrpg
Stop forcing this meme

>feels a little pretentious
Then you're insecure. Writing's pretty good, the plot is both well written and nuanced. It touches some of the prerequisite themes for a classic like hell and redemption which touch the soul. Quite telling that it's not your run of the mill trash is that the story is personal rather than plot driven. Basically, Planescape ticks all the boxes to be considered serious literature. And most importantly, for a video game, it uses the plot in various meta ways that affect the gameplay. It's a classic, all right.

Unlike something like Book of Malazar which uses introspective stories only as small parts of a large, epic tapestry or GoT which is just pulp fiction. It's no Gene Wolfe, but it's no Robert Jordan either.

Fair enough I guess

What is it then, weebRPG?

It would describe something like undertale perfectly

don't mind me, just posting the greatest rpg of all time

Attached: 1557498312829.jpg (1235x695, 472K)

Believable doesn't mean hyperrealistic you weeb nigger. It means that the setting has internal rules and follows them without ridiculous shit like you see in most jrpgs.

Beleive it or not lots of jrpgs can be pretty consistent with their rules

Yes. Western games that try to imitate Japanese ones are the only ones that can be called weeb.

>image doesn't insult or belittle either side of the spectrum

hell yes this is what i crave

JRPGs are literally the cinematic movie-game of RPGs. You don’t even roleplay in them, you get a pre-defined character with a pre-defined look, pre-defined skills and classes in a pre-defined story. And half the time the protagonist is silent, completely defeating the advantage of even having a predefined character

>I played final fantasy once

If the japs made a game like this but it took place in Japan and you played as a cute immigrant girl and she could get fat and insulted for being fat and just cause all kinds of chaos id hop on team nip dick immediately.

>Yea Forums
Temper your expectations
Even though its been so many years, Yea Forums users will never grow up; they’ll either leave, not change, or have younger ones coming in

>proceeds not to list Jrpgs that meet ROLE playing game options

Aside from a few outliers he's absolutely right though.

Split story paths based on your decison?
Tactics ogre
Party members living and dying for real from your choices?
Devil Survivor
Choosing an ideology to side with?
Shin megami tensei
Text heavy strategy where you can choose how to expand your territory and manage tropps, commanders and finances?
Sengoku rance
Open roguelike where you can get npcs drunk steal their stuff and nuke a town?

Whats "JRPG"? Does it stand for "RPG made in Japan"? Do you call The Witcher 3 "PRPG" or something? Or do you think that "JRPG" is some kind of "character driven role-playing game with emphasis on storytelling and character development" shit, and that according to this logic The Witcher 3 is a Polish "JRPG" then?

Attached: hish.jpg (500x281, 38K)

Japan alone has its own industry while Poland doesn’t

>videogame """roleplaying"""
just play a tabletop fag

>Temper your expectations
What do you mean by this?

>Another falseflag thread for reddit shitposting
Stay in your fucking shithole if you want upboats

Do JRPGers fucking understand how some want to be an immersed in a world with a deep atmosphere, a serious tone, and a story thats worthwhile to explore and change in?

I don't like the cliche's and sometimes whoring of JRPG's, but simply saying something serious means it's bad shows how big of a brainlet you are with the inability to comprehend a topic simply because it's too serious

Bruh, video games at times are an art form, and there will be times a game will be serious and also be good at the same time.

Attached: FB_IMG_1566623305830.jpg (490x490, 37K)

Yeah thats how you do it.

Pillars is recent. There is a recent Planescape game. The others are the quintessential WRPGs.