What does Yea Forums think of GTA V in 2019?

what does Yea Forums think of GTA V in 2019?

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Bitteschon Herr Doktor.

Its unbelievable that with the biggest budget ever they managed to create a game loop more boring than what a bunch of nerds did in MTA. Grinding to buy useless shit is not fun, theres nothing fun in the game.

>theres nothing fun in the game
There is plenty fun if you have a dozen friends.
Alone it's the most horrible thing I can think of.

So what exactly do night clubs do?

the single player was okay
the online is the biggest waste of fucking time ever designed by jews
thank god its easy as fuck to cheat in millions and never grind a day in your life

Should have stuck with one protagonist (Michael)

They passively generate income based on popularity and also sellable products from the other businesses that you own.
You can also add to those products by completing Business Battles.

>Single player should have gotten DLC
>Buying houses and properties in single player is fucking pointless because you can't even go inside. Even in places you've been inside BEFORE get locked out like tequilala.
>one of the least mod friendly games out there. Can't even change the fov without fucking shit up.
Other than that it's a pretty fun game. Yea Forums of course will exaggerate and say some boomer shit like SA or Vice City was the best but I do enjoy the ragdolls and map and visuals. People will say most of the map is pointless but I like doing autistic shit like walking the nature trails in first person mode.

>Should of*

the same thing I thought about it in 2013 soon as I'm not dumb enough to play it online. It's the greatest map ever made for a videogame in search of a proper game to go with it.

The story had potential but was squandered 1/2 way through and the rest of the mechanics just aren't fun enough to stand alone. It's a play it once and forget about it affair.

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Should I buy more storage right away or save up for a Terrorbyte?

shit graphics
shit gameplay
shit online
shit game

GTA 4 for me

I bought all storage space and almost never fill it up more than 20-30% anyway before selling.
Terrorbyte is good for launching MC/bunker/air freight resupply missions anywhere on the map.

i think i should delete it to free up some space but then i'll suddenly want to play it so ill keep it for now

>thank god its easy as fuck to cheat in millions and never grind a day in your life

I haven't played GTA online in a shit load of time. I remember people were glitching to get money when it first started. Whats the easiest way to get money currently?

Watching tarantinos new movie yesterday made me remember just how fucking good gta V is in depicting LA and california. I always said it was a masterpiece and as years went by I was only proven right.

Taking up 88GB on my SSD just so I can cruise around for 30 minutes a week.

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Go to a public lobby and keep begging for a modder to give you money.

lol buy a business in single player, and you can't even enter the interior

>cant run it

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fun, but grindy. the grind is still fun though. with my MC businesses, nightclub, bunker and special/vehicle cargo i can make 3-4 million a day easy. i usually only make 1-2 million/day by sitting on my ass and letting the bunker/businesses/NC passively generate in the background because fuck cargo work.
the fact that the game still gets updates after 6 years is incredible on its own, but the fact that it still manages to dominate other games in terms of active players is even more astounding.

Almost as bad as 4

OP said GTA V not GTA O

gracias doctor

>the game still gets updates after 6 years
To the Online, because people are buying shark cards. There's nothing incredible about this.

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If you actually read the thread you'll realize a majority of the discussion taking place is about GTA O.

Regardless of that, yeah, you're right. My bad. Just been playing too much of it lately, I suppose I was over-eager to jump in a discussion about it lol

Much like all of Rockstar's post-GTA IV games, V was a masterpiece I never want to play through again. To be honest, it's a bit of a slog. The world alone deserves awards, but the game itself feels more like an interactive film than a game -- which is an issue plaguing the AAA industry as a whole, not just Rockstar. I've played through and enjoyed the main campaign three times now, but I can't help but feel that GTA games are becoming less and less GTA-ish as they progress.

GTA 4 > San Andreas > Vice City > GTA 3 > GTA 5

I've never played a GTA game before V, so I think singleplayer is pretty fun. Online is only really good when you're playing friends. Thankfully I have two friends who are always on their computers, so it's easy to get online and play with them.

I still play GTA Online, it sucks in many ways but no other game lets me dick around in a similar way. I just want a lowlife criminal simulator and this is the closest to that. So I do the occasional car theft job for money, tune interesting cars and mess around

And something I've been thinking about is that the mission structure offers much more freedom compared to the single player portions in modern Rockstar games. You'll get the basic recycled objective, ie. go here, get a thing, kill someone etc., but you're free to do it how you want. Drive there with a bike, bomb it with a jet or whatever. The biggest hassle is that so many people have the flying bikes now which might disrupt you, but people seem to generally leave you alone in free aim lobbies

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>played gta v about halfway through on my xbox 360
>never finished after I got an xbox one and started playing halo:mcc
>got it gta v on pc
>just been playing online, haven't touched multiplayer
that's my same reason to. it's fun to play it for the first time, but when I think about how long it took to get where I was, especially with all the dialouge, I just really don't want to replay it.

Ah, my daily dose.

thanks doc

I never got around to playing it. For some reason GTA just died for me after San Andreas.

the oppressor mk2 took it too fucking far

that a slamvan custom? if so, guess i'm dropping the money on it 'cause i need a capped truck that doesn't look like dogshit

>GTA games are becoming less and less GTA-ish as they progress
That's Houser injecting his terrible movie scripts into all their new games

Yosemite, actually.

kys retard

no u faggot

Unironically, why do people enjoy these games? In my opinion, these games are basically videogame equivalent of the "summer comedy movie" or top 40 radio hits. It lacks any serious substance, skill to be acquired, or even gameplay loops and systems that can create novel situations, but they are still popular because "I can just turn off my brain and shoot people".

I was 18 when GTA SA came out. It was the perfect game to conclude my vidya hobby and go out and get a real life. Get a decent job, a girl, build a home, start a family. Well I didn't.

Yeah it's really ridiculous. People act so weird with it too. Yesterday I was driving past the casino and there happened to be someone there with a MK2. He was on his way into the casino but then he decided to fly to me and blow me up. I expected him to stick around but he just went back to the casino after that. It's like Tourette's in a physical form

Yeah a Yosemite, people usually go with a flatbed race look, so I decided to go full meme just to be different with it. It's one of the fastest muscle cars too so if I'm racing, it's pretty funny rocketing past people with that shitbox

This isn't mine but it shows another interesting car they've added. Now you can add ridiculous camber to some of these new cars, they're really stepping up the tuning and ricing stuff

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sometimes mindless fun is good, its not that complicated

Go play dmc you plebtard

this is nu/v/. you'll be shot, hanged, and drawn and quartered for suggesting such a thing. even if the game in question is fun, games are SERIOUS ART and need SERIOUS SUBSTANCE or else they're TRASH

I appreciated that little anecdote fellow boomer

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I haven't even played it lmao


They're always the loudest, the most obnoxious and worst players.

>so I decided to go full meme just to be different with it
Different from other players sure but pretty much the vehicle it was based on, still a trip seeing it in action.

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It's the GOAT

>online players



Is that the truck from when it races a lambo and smokes it?


>Open world
>Linear progression and storyline
Why is every AAA dev is following this damn train, CJ!

It's also a defensive weapon with missiles and drones, the drones are a bit of a joke but they do exist, but not like you imagine, they're basically just bug zappers to harass people with, and it carries the MK2 and serves as a mobile base.

at any rate, a full storage, every floor, and every business, will take you about 2 days non stop, you can't turn off your ps4 or leave the game, to generate a little over 1 million 600 thousand then when you deliver it you lose 100 thousand leaving you with a little over 1 million 500 thousand

I always get stoners, naggers, and squeakers

>Alone it's the most horrible thing I can think of.
I play alone and it's fun, I use the AI teams to help me in dealing with people

They still haven't made the next one?

actually downloading right now, since i actually have a rig which can run it
only played the launch ps3 version

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Do yourselves a favor and turn off chat audio. There is nothing of worth to be heard

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Prepare for 60+ fps, greater view distance and virtually no pop-in

>PS3, online lobby, rainy weather
RIP framerate

best open world game rockstar ever created,gta online has its fault but its pretty fun too nothing like it

I just wish they had put half as much effort into their knockoff of Stubby Bob.

>flexing on people with my rare Blista Compact which nobody cares about and it's a slow piece of shit anyway

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Damn, that screenshot is cyberpunk as fuck.

Absolutely shit without the realistic handling mod

Thanks for admitting you're autistic so I don't have to deconstruct each autistic thing you said and explain why you're opinion is wrong

it's... not cyberpunk at all, user. i don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. the only thing that could possibly be interpreted as cyberpunk here is the fact that the gentleman is riding a motorcycle. it's an average, combustion-engine powered motorcycle in a 2013 cityscape.

The whole casino thing was pretty hilarious. People were making money too easily, so they just patched it so that nobody wins there anymore. Now it's just another pointless dead relic that nobody goes to

V has too many aggressive niggers and spics in it.
Everywhere you go, unless it's in Blaine County, you'll be shot at for driving the wrong way or looking at someone wrong. Which, to be honest, is a very accurate representation of both Los Angeles and niggers/spics. But it's so.. unsavory. It is nigh impossible for a gentleman of my stature to go for a peaceful evening jaunt through the streets of LS. A thoroughly unpleasant experience!

They seemed to stop giving a fuck about the balance around the time gunrunning was introduced.

The online is fun, but it's plagued by people who are so obsessed with KDR that they'll start fights with AFK people, run away from fights with active people and have a macro for killing themselves to avoid getting a player-caused death on their record. With the inclusion of the Mk.II, it's got worse.

It's fascinating watching those people. I just kept getting blown up by some guy, and going by his moniker he's almost 30 years old. Must be some kind of autism. Though that guy seems to be a turkroach so maybe I'm expecting too much

The perfect GTA:
>70-80s theme
>San Fierro
>You play as a howaito male
>You start at the bottom, and slowly build up a crime syndicate
>Gang territory is back, and better
>Buying businesses is back, and requires missions to unlock earning potential like in Vice City
>Side missions/jobs are back. Take a break from the story and work as a cop/medic/cab driver/pilot/whatever rock people fuck you
>Multiplayer is not cluttered bullshit trying to sell you microtransactions
>Multiplayer is less of a console port
Feel free to add, and please don't remind me that GTA 6 is going to be a beanerfest.

Have you noticed that some of them don't know how to react to passive mode? They either keep shooting forever, or they freak out and crash into things. That's in my experiences, at least.

I don't get the hate in this thread. GTAV is objectively a good game that can be enjoyed in numerous different ways. I really think there is a little bit of something in there for everyone.

>everyone shit talks gta online because of the "grind" being unreasonable and the vehicles being unrealistic
>I just started playing it again 2 weeks ago and went from only owning maybe 5 properties (mc club, bunker, hangar, apartment, and a garage) to having them all plus the fun cars/bikes
>literally all I had to do was gamble in the casino for enough money to get a terrorbyte for the easy 33k client jobs and ez crate buying
>no threat of losing any product because of public private sessions
>now all i have to do is sit on my ass and do what I think is fun while my nightclub makes me millions

Literally the only people who complain about the "grind" are people who are too stubborn to do the stuff that gives you good cash. 33k/22k for 5 minutes of work in my Tampa or deluxo adds up fast if you weave in other work to beat the cooldowns. Yeah not everyone has a deluxo, but everyone should have a buzzard, and that's literally all you need to be as efficient. I'm solo 95% of the time and the other 5% of the time is me playing contact missions for fun, so saying you have no friends who play the game is no excuse.

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It's a fucking game all right

I've never played a multiplayer game in my life so I don't care about Online but singleplayer was shit. GTA IV is much better.

Nice shit opinion. The story was better, the gameplay was not.

Thanks Doc