"noooooo, you cant just chop down the forest!"

>"noooooo, you cant just chop down the forest!"
>*chainsaw revving noises*

any games with this feeling?
hard mode: no minecraft

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the forest






Pretty much every minecraft clone.

fuck nature kino

How long until Brazil gets put out of its misery?

This is easily the thread winner

brazil is the chad putting nature in its place
eurocucks are the nature loving freaks

Play cities skylines and have your only industry be logging.

this is the single funniest image this board has produced in well over a year. it's so delightfully absurd and takes this site's terrible fucking memes to its most illogical conclusion. well fucking done, really.

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How old are you? Be honest.

Tropico Series
Dwarf Fortress

post a funnier image Yea Forums has made in 2019. please do.

>chad for fucking over itself
google water cycle

that isn't a Yea Forums image you massive newfag

Warcraft 3

Any of the Civilization games

>googling jewish propaganda

explain how jews benefit from making up the water cycle

I wish it had even more elements like this. chemical waste for example would be nice and neutral wildlife that would die. add in environmentalists who riot outside your gates if you start polluting too much and I'll definitely buy the game again


Jesus fuck, you may be kidding but I bet this place is full of shit eating 13 year olds who will probably think this is really epic unironically.

Irony is so 2015, boomer man.

epic but unironically

fun fact: the Amazon forest is responsible for 0% of the air we breathe and we're never going to have an oxygen crisis

I'm 31 and I think it's epic as hell bro! Actually I'm kinda glad I'm this old since I have more ways and resources to help destroy this planet than kids do

damn, this post is unironically epic.


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Literally this. You can even blow it all up


>Me and some friends are trying out Eco
>There are like four of us and we make our own little community
>Turns out we built on the most mineral rich area on the planet
>Start churning out resources
>Vastly undercut everybody else's prices just from economy of scale
>Producing massive amounts of waste but fuckit
>It gets to the point where trees won't grow near or land anymore
>"Why don't we just take all the waste... and push it somewhere else?!"
>We do just that
>We dump it all in the nearby ocean
>Pollution spreads far wider than it already was
>People start trying to pass laws against us
>We just vote them down every time and remind people that only we have the industrial output to save the world from the astroid about it hit it
>People stop passing laws
>By now we have cut down literally the entire rainforest... and every last redwood tree on earth too just for good measure
>Huge amounts of global air pollution
>Farmers complaining crops won't grow in the same hemisphere as our gigantic open faced strip mine/gigafactory due to pollution
>Tuna have gone extinct due to water pollution
>Meteor is now one day away
>Reveal that we never intended to build a laser array and instead spent all of the money we earned from our shops and all the resources we raped from the earth to build ourselves a massive, luxurious survival shelter deep under our mountain
>Meteor and meteor shower decimate everybody else and our shelter packed with gold, money, and everything else we could need is untouched
>Get banned from the server for "poor cooperative spirit and trolling the server."

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England cut down all their forests and nobody gave a shit. Stop being a bunch of Oxygen hogs.

what should I care about some burning forest thousands of kilometres away from me?
>m-muh lung of the world!!
come on, do you honestly believe this crap? there's tons of woods in my country, I don't need some rainforest whose air won't ever reach me anyway. I say let's the monkey do their thing and destroy all their land, like they did in africa. what should I care? lol

Why do people say this?

Civ 4 especially due to how important chopping is.

because leonardo dicaprio said so. that's literally it

I find it hard to believe Brazil would be stupid enough to burn down their only tourist trap. I mean you'd have to be somehow dumber than Africa or more sociopathic than China which should be theoretically impossible.

The rainforest is SHIT full of giant spiders and niggers i hope they cut it all down. I give 0 fucks about you cucks defend something where you would literally die lmao

normies are hilariously easy to manipulate. even mainstream sites like BBC confirm that the net gain of oxygen from the amazon is zero, they just need a blue checkmark to tell them

>brazil wants to burn down the rainforests to grow more söy


but monkys are cool

brazil should demand money from the rest of the planet for their clean air made by the rainforest. i mean it's thousands of acres of unused land that could be used for other things. brazil has not obligation to keep it as a forest shy of some ridiculous high horse moral stuff. the world is a capitalist dog eat dog world. why should brazil give in and play whiteknight while the rest of the world exploits the ressources available to them?
It's only fair to introduce something like a rainforest tax or at least have governments/institutions like USA, EU, ASIA pay some sort of fee or support to Brazil.

to put into stupid terms so that americans can understand how important it is

>their clean air made by the forest
why do you talk about shit you don't understand? keep your retarded, uneducated mouth shut

shut up spic

we need those trees so there's oxygen to breathe, asshole

yuro here, I unironically agree with this. brazil doesnt owe us anything

The ongoing climate disaster is legitimately why I have depression
And there's fuckheads like you who don't care
Kill yourself
Waste of oxygen

>Kill yourself
but you're the one with depression, it's easier for you. same amount of resources would be freed if either of us die

Nazis were environmentalists, judaism hates nature and the forests.

They are LITERALLY wasting the oxygen.

Dilate it will help your depression. No real man cares about this shit

Butthurt commie subhumans crying about muh trees when Brazil is on the verge of finally becoming a First World Country

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Why should I care? My people will be practically extinct in the next three centuries anyway.

BREAKING NEWS: Yea Forums, a website that's been astroturfed to Hell and back by the republican party, doesn't believe in climate change and the devastating effect that this could have on our planet!

More tonight at 11:00.

Yeah right
As if USA would ever let another china grow up on its backyard

If you don't care why are you arguing?

Hang yourself from the tallest tree hippie

>Brazil is on the verge of finally becoming a First World Country

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Let's be real we could easily fix the climate issues if we just flooded the oceans with a bunch of single celled phosynthetic organisms, we just need to get to the point where the governments are desperate enough and they'll do it and everything will be cool within a decade or two.

In fact, elect me, I'll put the framework in place to have it started by 2050.

Ballsacknigger is an israeli puppet, Brazil will be first world when its not a racially mixed hellscape.

>if bees go extinct then humans will die out after 50 years
Okay, is this another lie?

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the argument for most people is not if the climate is changing but why. and there's no data showing that humans have caused this.

>have the ability to destroy the whole planet
>its not our problem because of sovereignity
Holy fuck you are so goddamn retarded. This is why humanity will fall.

NNNNNNO!!! .bb...but POL good..?!?! joos BAD... wait.. no!! trumpf like joo?? joo bad!!! israel bad. palestine good... BUT THATS MUSLIMS?NO!!!!
GUGH!!! GUNS ARE IMPORTANT!! noo?? school shooting?? HELP ME DRUMPFY

Dominions as any popkill nation.

I'm not arguing. I'm stating my apathy. Climate change may be real, it may not be. It doesn't matter either way to me.

Newfag neocon teens think this way to be contrarian, because teenagers think thats what Yea Forums is about.

>stating my apathy
That's a contradiction.

>destroy the whole planet
Taking your opinions from actors and other entertainers is not a good idea. kinda like going into business with a career criminal, why would you trust them

>first world

you people are literally, non ironically retarded and at the very best comparable with a fucking orangutan.

how do you plan to have a literal shithole like that become anything other than a cesspool of cockroaches?

>tfw climate change will destroys the libertarianism permanently and whole planet will turn to statism
The tears will be delicious

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For the past 12 years it has. The new president is just too dumb to keep applying it.




Have you ever tried to do any research yourself or...?
fyi we've known about the greenhouse effect since the 19th century, it's not something Al Gore invented

It comes from science you retarded lunatic.
>muh jews, muh paid shills, muh actors

You're the one that doesn't fucking care
Grab your oh so precious guns and shoot yourself

>No real man
Your toxic version of masculinity is dead
Grow up

>Muh race tribalism

The time for action was 2 decades ago
Now there's nothing but drastic long shot straw grasping

If it’s such a big deal why don’t they just make a new one???

It's from /int/, we're a GigaChad-Sóyjak larping board

The problem is that even if a hundred people know this is just dumb memeing, there's still going to be that one douchebag who takes this seriously and genuinely believes that climate change isn't happening.

stop phoneposting

Ye this is straight bs.
Bees are invasive species in most parts of the world, those parts had plenty of pollinators before bees, interestingly, a lot of those pollinators have been pushed to the brink of extinction to leave more food for the bees. We could bring their numbers back if need bee.

I think the bee topic is just a bunch of scared bee farmers afraid of losing their literal and figurative honeypot 2bqh.

I'm in the mood for some dumb youtube documentaries regarding stuff like flat earth, climate change and other hoaxes. anyone got a good one? the more ridiculous and conspiracy theory-like, the better

The thing is that most people understand the situation. Most countries understand the situation. The problem is political corruption. The Brazilian government is corrupt and the American government is corrupt.

Learn english you stupid nigger
These dumb fucks only believe if it if you blame jews. They have literal facebook fake news boomer tier brains. Theres is about 2 billion of them and we are all dragged down by them.


>fucking my air up to trigger the libs

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They're helping us retard
>le meem
t. Kike projecting
Brazil was almost First World up until the commies took power, then it immediately turned to shit. Go back to leftypol

>The ongoing climate disaster is legitimately why I have depression
thats why support burning the amazon
fuck you faggot

There are some people that don't see that multiculturalism will lead to western society dissolving into ethnic violence within 20 years. We are just fucked huh?

you have a pretty weak understanding of science if you think humans are anywhere near capable of affecting the climate. It's ok, most people who don't work in related fields do not have the sense of scale we are talking here.
>Grab your oh so precious guns and shoot yourself
no I enjoy wasting the resources this planet has

>fucking my air up
retard detected

The absolute PROJECTION on this lad.

kill yourself

All of trumps base thinks this btw. Around 30% of the US thinks its out right fake. a lot more think it isnt so bad or dont want the goverment to do anyrhing because "they believe in small goverment"

Until we find a lucrative competitior for Bee Vomit we're stuck with them.

Okay you chimp, you trust him like we did Trump, to make ANY change happen. You'll see how little he cares soon enough, if you have any perception.

>You guys have a pretty weak understanding of science

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you are trying too hard to act like an american. you're a third worlder and you'll always be

>I think the bee topic is just a bunch of scared bee farmers afraid of losing their literal and figurative honeypot 2bqh.

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>muh niggers
You realize you're just a useful idiot right? If your counter to people bringing up real-world problems is always "muh niggers", you're not actually getting anything done. Even if you legitimately believe that all non-whites are subhuman and should be exterminated, that shouldn't affect your opinion of climate change at all. Yet it does. Have you ever asked yourself why that is? Go down that rabbit hole and see where you end up.

Science has known about the green house effect since the fucking late 19th century. Is pollution all made up? Drink fucking flint water than you moron.
Humans could literally destroy every species on earth. Fucking retard

>itt uneducated people being contrarian

>helping us
Yeah china also helped a lot in the 90s and early 2000s

>The ongoing climate disaster is legitimately why I have depression
kill yourself tranny

I bet you retards unironically listen to Nick Fuentes.

He is finally putting an end to the crime the commies had ties to
Americans are some of the Greatest People on Earth, who help stop communism from spreading on our continent like the plague it is
That was back when commies ruled over us

Pretty sure Brazilians posters would let bolsonarro fuck their wives to trigger the libs at this point.

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I didn't say anything like that, I said large numbers of different people cannot, and will not, get along long term. We can see it happening before our eyes, and you are projecting, it seems.

Imagine being a part of the sub 80iq race of mongrels that brings about the end of the human race.

Oh yeah and I should mention, I believe in climate change. You are making assumptions, chum.

I can't wait till billions die from this shit. I hope I live long enough to see it. Imagine the hundreds of millions of climate refugees that will come in the next 50 years. Gonna be so great watching you fat fucks get your arms torn off by angry mobs.

Age of Empires.

Who cares about some savages that live in the forest?

Huh? Is this some vague word salad peterstein shit?

Yea Forums, why do you lack basic empathy? This question isn't directed at people just memeing, I'm talking about the people who are genuinely happy over the suffering of others.

>Drink fucking flint water than you moron.
No I'd rather drink this glass of cold Finnish water (the cleanest water on this planet by the way)
Just know that I have more fulfilling and comfortable life than any of you wild climate revolutionaries out there, while also wasting shitload of resources and dumping waste to your countries

Yeah sure edgelord.

Face it nerds, unless you can convince every single person to go back to living like it is the middle ages this planet is doomed,I say we should enjoy life while we still can

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Never watched him in my life, you are making more assumptions.

Your fat family is gonna be raped and everything you own will be taken, either by immigrants forcefully or by your own police state.

Nigga, if we all just ate less red meat and stopped driving cars we'd be fine.

Bolsonaro is the literal fucking devil but he got to power by pretending to be christian. His followers are the dumbest fucking people.

That has literally nothing to do with you claiming pollution has no affect on the earth, its actually contrary.
So this is the fingolian brain at work.

>defeatist mindset

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By that point it will just be brown people slaughtering brown people so who cares?

the fuck do you even care about it? we're long overdue for an extinction and it's mostly third worlders that will suffer the most anyway

Because it's really not that hard to at least mitigate some of the damage we're doing. Invest in electric cars, recycle more often, take a walk instead of driving if you can afford it. It's really not that hard to turn this around if we started now.

Whites already don't exist, mudblood.

nothing we do affects the planet. it only affects our habitat. we can deal with the habitat issue just fine through technology. you just want a clean and nice place to live, that's why you're so up in arms about this. fuck your spiritual shit

In that case than it REALLY doesn't matter.

And you are going to be fine?

there's a lot of dumb people browsing this board

More like 20%

based brazil turning the amazon into a literal desert

People are too fat, too greedy, and too dumb. Wont happen.

It isnt spiritual fingolian fuck, its literally science. Atmospheric science. How goddamn stupid are you?

>buy less meat (beef)
>buy electric cars
>invest in nuclear energy
Truly the middle ages.

>trees burn down
>more trees grow

but no muh oxygen muh ecosystem

Ironically enough, a climate crisis might be the best thing that could happen for the environment by culling the human population.

brazil can never be a real country, it's a balkanized, mixed race shithole and your gang problems will never go away because the behavior is hard coded into your monkey genes

no it isn't you dumb fuck

>How goddamn stupid are you?
not stupid enough to get my opinions from movie stars

What do you expect from chimp savages? Even the chink rice farmer isnt as stupid as a br

Jesus christ

The ONLY way, LITERALLY THE ONLY WAY to stop this is to kill people like these posters.
It should have started 20 years ago. Instead these people are thriving.

I really, really like this image

>nothing we do affects the planet. it only affects our habitat.

This might be the most sincere post in all of Yea Forums. It's just so honest. It just screams, "I am a literal retard, and I need a nurse to chew my food for me so I don't accidentally swallow my tongue". Congratulations, user.

Honestly, it's like you listened to that one George Carlin joke about climate change and took it literally.

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Brazil and most of SA is just like africa
>portugal sets shit up and runs it with order
>leave and leave behind all their shit too
>brazilian apes trash everything, breed like rabbits and kill each other quicker than even the niggiest area of baltimore

>there's no data showing that humans have caused this.
china caused it
oh, right...

>mfw the planet is fine
>mfw the people are fucked

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B-uh-th-they uh... they get money!! wow I you got BTFO

>Kill yourself
the planet will do that just fine desu

go away, murrlogic

Anyone who thinks it's good that the habitat of millions of animals be destroyed leading to their death for the good of THE ECONONY need to be disposessed of all their goods and be industrially turned into grain for pigs to eat

Does that fuck even comission shit anymore? I haven't seen him around in forever

This is unironically epic desu

Your right user. We should have continued stricter state regulated schooling. We should have protected the santicity of our colleges. We should have enforced child limitations on retards with 88 kids. We should have enforced eugenics based on inteligence.
We also should have worked on protecting our ebvirobment 100 years ago, and not using cheap trash by the quadrillions of pounds every year, wasting tons of fuel burnt into the air and destroying the oceans and land water.
The boomers are to blame most of all

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No retard, we should have shot people in the mouth like grumpf and his followers that openly deny science


you guys are pathetic


Intelligence has nothing to do with being an evil egoistical motherfucker

14 year olds will always be edgy
The problem is that some people remain mental 14 year olds

do tell the advantages of biodiversity. what do we gain from this oh so important thing you and cnn talking head love to talk about

You wanna fix "da climate", go complain to India and China. The West is already doing basically everything it can now, but China and India are still pumping waste into the environment while carrying over a third of the world's population.

you've posted this a hilarious amount of times now, are you just trying to get responses? you already know we don't get air from the amazon, I explained it last time you posted this

Hands off, frog

like this dude and his entire family should be outright murdered

>Waste of oxygen
Just like the fire

Co2 levels have actually stabilized . it's the methane levels that are a massive issuel atm. We need to plant trees and invest in geo engineering. Reducing dependence on meat would also help

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Indiana is reasonable, the problem is trying to get China to stop. China is literally preparing for world war 3 against us right now, so I doubt they're going to care about a few forests.

instead i'm thriving and living in great comfort, makes you mad huh?

You'd be surprised how little we're actually doing here aside from a couple of european countries. Until recently people in Australia thought their recycling was going to recycling plants but we've been sending our trash to Indonesia for years now. China's actually doing better on envrinomental stuff than we are.

>realize the impact our species has in polluting the planet
>realize that, while the planet will be JUST FINE for another couple of millions of years before the sun goes supernova, we should work towards making our atmosphere and environment stable and liveable for as long as possible
>tfw I look around me and see just how fucking dumb people are and how little of a shit they give about this
>tfw any bit of effort I put into spreading awareness is completely drowned out by hordes of high functioning subhumans
>mfw became a defeatist and stopped giving a shit

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let's be real here. we're not gonna procreate, we're the last of our line (except for those that have siblings, may your families' hope rest in them).
what should WE care about climate change, burning forests or even a looming war over ressources like water and oil? there's an idiom in german that goes like this
>Nach mir die Sintflut
which basically means "whatever happens after I'm gone, I don't give a shit"
This should be the maxim to live by. we made it bros, we're gonna have a grand old time on this earth still. who cares what happens after you drop dead?


Ya, i already pointed that out. You even copied my wording and used "thriving" like I already said because you are a lemming.

I don't even bother reading your posts

a sustainable ecosystem with potential for new discoveries that can contribute to human technology

a lot of the things we know we learned from studying plants and animals or just using them directly. more evolutionary pathways means more discovery

>Co2 levels have actually stabilized
you wot

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Women will never understand what it's like to be circumcised?

It's really easy to lose hope in times like this, user. Trust me, it's happened to me too. But it's really not too late for us to change, you know. Call me naive, but I think there's still some good within people. I think folks want to do the right thing, they're just being manipulated by outside forces that only serve their financial interests.

Keep spreading awareness, man. Even if it makes people stop liking you.

You are so fat and retarded you pretend you can't read, even though you copied what I said. Jesus christ, this is why you NEED to die.