Find a flaw
Find a flaw
Everything past the village
the 4 is before the title
Too linear, Castle portion is pretty dull, no way fag
It engineered the future generations to think that horror = over-shoulder shooters w/ QTEs.
Yet, ironically, zoomers now find RE4 "2clunky&ugly" to play.
>4 Resident Evil
The boss fights with Salazar and Saddler are both pretty weak, which is unusual considering they're the game's primary antagonists.
Everything after the village.
>Castle portion is pretty dull
The castle is the best part though
Everything before the castle is the best part, the castle could have been the best part but it's missing something and feels too much like a shooting gallery. The island straight out sucks though.
chicago typewriter is too powerful.
the moment you unlock it the game loses all the challenge.
None. Perfect pacing and a lot of challenging parts on a first playthrough. Top notch presentation/graphics for its time and console.
>island sucks
i liked oven guy.
It's a good weapon, the plr is even more op, its just meant for messing around
I will never not hate the house defense section in 2-2 and every moment in every action horror game that has ever ripped it off.
The boss fights are memorable, but not very fun honestly. The game mechanics are made for gun combat against mooks, which makes combat against most bosses feel a bit out of place.
What are some stressful parts in the game?
>That house.
>the chainsaw sisters (imo the scariest enemy)
>garador in cage
>2 garadors
>Wrecking ball room
>water room
The part after the first garador since you have to babysit Ashley for all of it. It'd be a really good action sequence otherwise.
Ending a horror third person shooter with a jet-ski escape section feels off. The game should have ended with the final boss and the escape should have been just a cutscene if anything.
>this game is flawed because other games copied it too much
Not spooky enough
Ashley adds nothing to the game
Could have used a bit more gun variety
Dont buy it maybe?
>too linear
I too like my games filled with useless empty space and collectibles
I was always jealous of this kino boxart, NA boxart is so generic in comparison.
Luis died.
Don't forget Mike
It doesn't have Claire
ah. and QTEs
>t. Chris
Island is fucking garbage and dull i fucking loathe it actually.
Shame cause the village and castle segments are kino, i don't even mind the escort shit. Overall good game.
Imagine thinking an escort mission is the peak of gaming
Everything past the Village except the regenerators.
Not Resident Evil in the slightest outside Ada and Leon.
Not a single good boss fight other than Undertaker.
There's plenty wrong with it but that's the franchise in general once it hit over the shoulder mode.
I thought about this the other day; I wonder what the cultural impact this game would have if it had only stayed on the GameCube. Like, imagine a world where Capcom never rereleased games. RE4 stays on the GameCube. It would still have the same praise it did when it came out. But I wonder if later generations would just take that as fact or if they would actively seek out a GameCube to try for themselves.
It was too good, thus stunting the series’ future design in corporate eyes as they aim to recreate its success by emulating its surface mechanics in later games
>resident evil ever scary
>CV, 0 and Remake flop hard
>4 sells extremely well
you only have yourselves to blame for not buying the other games
>But I wonder if later generations would just take that as fact or if they would actively seek out a GameCube to try for themselves
Gamecube is chill homie, there are worse fates.
Sorry I'm drunk and I might have misrepresented why I quoted you, I'm a huge re4 fan but if someone got a gc and didn't like re4, there are still a gorillian fun games to check out. Or Dolphin.
Oh, I'm not saying that. I love the GameCube. I'm just saying RE4 definitely has an easier time staying in people's minds when you can go out and buy a fucking copy for your fridge at this point. I'm just wondering what people would think of it in terms of if it didn't have a wide release across many console generations.
Only remake is good.
You turbo faget.
but every RE game up untill 4 had releases on multiple platforms but that didnt matter because everyone thought they were playstation games, RE4 being a GC exclusive wouldnt have had an effect on its impact on people, RE4 would have stayed in peoples minds regardless as it was the biggest shift away from the usual RE formula
I said the game flopped, not that it was shit you dumb gorilla nigger, it sold poorly on the GC along with 0 which is the reason why the made RE4 so different, maybe if you bought it at release RE would still be a survival horror game
has a HUD. REmake 2 felt fantastic because it kept that shit to the bare minimum.
Every RE4 ultra weapon feels that way. Wether you are using an infinity rocket launcher, a c. Typewriter, a handcanon or the PRL whatever it all just feels like one shot shit.
RE4 sold a measly 1.6 million copies on te Gamecube. To put that in perspective RE3 sold 3.5 million copies on PS1.
>4 sells extremely well
No it fucking didn't. In fact the numbers on PS2 and Gamecube combined dont even TOUCH RE2 numbers on just the PS1 alone. All gamecube RE games sold about the same: trash.
RE4 sold more than REmake and RE0
it sold the most out of all the gamecube games, thats what matters to capcom
It sold roughly 30,000 more copies. That a fucking flop my guy. You aren't supposed to sell LESS than what you did before unless the game has a much smaller budget.
you seem to have replied to the wrong user
I don't think that was ever implied in his post
The quick time events.
Boring main villain and final boss.
QTEs and the Island is kinda boring.
The village is the best part, but the game is still consistently great
I fucking hate the wrecking ball room.
he didn't impregnate
>Boring main villain
Just played it recently on professional and it wasn’t too bad. Only real issue is during that part of the game if you play well you are going to be really low on Ammo for a while
This is the best bossfight in the game. Change my mind
Turned Resident Evil into an action game. I know it sells and horror does not.
American boxart needs angry white man with gun. Marketing figured that out a long time ago.
Capcom was outright ANGRY about the sales of Resident Evil on GameCube. They jumped back to PlayStation as soon as the contracts allowed it.
it's scary and exhilerating and intense. Fun? idk it's just quicktime events and waiting for it to walk next to a tank
it succeeded and the outbreaks didn't
Christ I sometimes forget: GAMES ONLY TOOK 2-4 YEARS TO MAKE
Nowadays its 6-8.
Go on user, tell us why Saddler was cool without memes please
That will learn them not to be faggots wont it
games still take 2-4 years to make, its just that hiring pajeets will slow down a project