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explain, please
Take that to the Fortress of Regret for a shitton of XP
not him but it seems like he got both his hands fucked so they replaced them with nigger hands
Yea Forums leaking out
The MC of the anime made in abyss gets her hand fucked up like the pic related and almost gets it amputated
Furry fell asleep with hands in dry ice. Woke up to that. Hands have since been amputated and he plans to put paws in his nubs. Has a bf/husband too or whatever who is also a furry.
looks like she's still horny
Referencing the anime/manga "Made in Abyss" watch it, don't really wanna spoil it only like 12 eps.
No, not sure what is really going on in the actual image.
I can fap to this
How do you fall asleep in dry ice. Doesnt it hurt to touch?
>Furry fell asleep with hands in dry ice
It was something sexual, right? it always is with those degenerates.
Wait a second, how did he type it?
By having a mental illness. Yeah it hurts to touch
nah, he hurt his wrists and hands in an accident which caused chronic pain for a long time. idiot self medicated with pain meds and sticking hands in dry ice for 15 mins. one day the tard fell asleep for 6 fucking hours and now he has no hands
eh, i'd still fuck it
Obviously. Now he gets to be the dog he's always wanted to be.
got someone else to probably
The mouth still look like a vagina.
"accidentally" fell asleep
Thanks for the answers.
I dont know what to think right now...
Bloated body parts always makes me feel uneasy
Some user said there was a pic if him using a stylus in his mouth, but idk
oh thank god ill never be this dumb.
Damn that sucks. I have chronic finger aches because I'm always on the keyboard. Turns out bottoming your keycaps fucks you up in the long run if you use mechanical keyboards because they don't have rubber domes to stop the impact.
Heh, better not see my penis then
He's a furry though, so don't lose sleep over it
>tfw you will never be this retarded
i may be a fuckup but at least i've got 2 hands
retard does something retarded and now faggots here think they have a good excuse to spam off topic threads about how bad furries are.
Dry ice is -109deg F, what he did is like being in antarctica with no clothes
t. zoophile with persecution complex
JuSt CoNtRoL tHe SpReAd
Anons, I'm scared. I was seeing this thread and decided to open spotify. look at the ad that appeared to me: what good is having both hands if you will not click here
stop posting off topic garbage
kill yourself you disgusting furfag
Chemical plant explosion in the hive.
At least try to deny it, user. Jesus
This is the reason people arnt buying the story.
I don't have to deny anything faggot.
Posting off topic twitter garbage and attaching "what are some games" doesn't make your thread video games related.
what am i looking at?
But he's not the OP, nor is "what are some games?" anywhere. I hate twitter shit as much as the next guy but you just made it funny because you clearly showed you're a goddamn furry for complaining about that one in particular.
Yiff in hell
One of my testicles.
nigger my first post fucking mocks the furfaggot in question.
you faggots and your mindless bitching about furries does nothing but rub salt in the wound as they continue to come here and have even hijacked several boards.
bowel movement billiard ball
I don't get it.
I am amused
Make-a this record
>handless faggot has a bf
>haven't touched a dick in 2 years
Dude, wash your penish, 2 years is a long time without cleaning it.
Is this a game? I don't recognize it.
was some kind of factory explosion
>that blinking
so fucking adorable
If you got enough time to shitpost you have enough time to let me touch your cock fag
even blacks are scared of blacks
Wheelman, main character is Vin Diesel.
>sticking hands in dry ice
How the actual fuck does someone think this is a good idea under any circumstances?
literally me
What is this from? A game cut-scene? A movie?
That sounds pretty gay, bro. It would also ruin your 2 year long straight run. No no no, can't have that.
fuck you
Considering what bugs taste like, bug paddies fried in grease might actually taste pretty nice. Though since it's Africa the other ingredients are probably something disgusting not meant for consumption. Like "add equal amount of your own shit" or something
It looks like one of those fake games that appear on movies.
bloodborne is incredibly unpolished
I've seen frame dips down to the single digits
Quake 3 Arena Intro
>yfw you played games older than some of Yea Forums userbase
What's wrong user?
Why do they slowly turn into ET?
Why would he do something so mean?
Raccoon was attacking his dog. He protected his friend.
Bitch ass raccoon was attacking his faggot dog.
>you faggots
Confirmed for dilating furry transfaggot dumb retard nigger loving spic sucking trash of a subhuman
Please read article 1 of how to kill yourself
I hate you, you ruin my fucking website with your trash and stupid retarded shit
Have a fucking rotten day, and I hate you
Is that actually a great white tho
Seems a bit small for one. Those cunts are massive.
Fuck I thought it looked familiar.
I was hoping it was from some gem I missed.
Are you implying you're a woman
why the FUCK am I now looking at iCarly ships now
every ship page is this long holy shit
Oh goddammit. That's clever. I hate myself not getting it.
>check his twitter
>"see my dog again"
Someone needs to take that dog away ASAP.
No, should have said "touched another dick" I'm just a lonely cocksucker
That's definitely not a great white. It looks more like a mako or tiger.
fuck you
I was just curious about your use of the word faggot and was trying to imagine some legbeard femcel posting it while seething at all the Stacey insta thots
That's because you're an idiot.
Nice reference.
Isn't made in abyss an anime? What does it have to do with videogames
Was the person who lost their hands some sort of video game personality?
>Being gay and wanting sex in current year.
Get with the times old man, it's all about teaching kids to be gay now!
>dating, marriage, and then divorce.webm
This is a good webm
>falling asleep with your hands in dry ice
Yeah that is not actually possible anyone falling for this shit still need to get the fuck out.
> Wake up
> Still not Antony Burch
Every day is a good day
Like, involuntarily? How the fuck do you not get laid constantly as a faggot?
Took me a moment
wait is this the guy that was openly talking about fucking his dog? what the fuck
It's a fucking crime that she pulls back the mask.
This was in the movie??
I don't believe it. Even 5 minutes will freeze them off; dry ice is -110 degrees. No-one has ever "put their hands in dry ice for 15 mins at a time for years" because you won't have any hands after the first time.
Not to mention that, even if your hands did survive the first time, the cold burns would be much much more painful than arthritis could possibly ever be.
In conclusion: this was definitly some perverse furfaggotry that went wrong, not an accident in long-running self-medication.
t. Biologist
why did you cut it off, tranny?
oh god oh fuck...
Watch it and see what happens
Anime only fags are going to be upset at the movie
Nah, he's just a harmless generic furry idiot and user is being edgy.
inb4 "All furries fuck dogs."