Why do people still give Sonic so much shit for having autistic/cringe/toxic fans when Pokémon proven to have more degenerates, horny freaks, and annoying fans than Sonic? Sonic having more bad games doesn’t make up the fact that Pokémon gets more porn and fetish art than him.
Why do people still give Sonic so much shit for having autistic/cringe/toxic fans when Pokémon proven to have more...
Why are sonichu's arms yellow?
Pokemon games are actually good and the characters are likable. Lots of good human character designs too.
Sonic is an unmitigated asshole who is only attractive to autistic people who lack the ability to perceive how much of a complete dick he is. none of his games have been good in almost 20 years. Adventure 2 was the last gasp of a dying corporate mascot.
also sonic gets way more terrible porn/fetish art holy fuck it's not even funny.
>Pokemon games are actually good
Pokemon hasn't had any good games in about 20 years either.
it's fur for sonichu movie
Played them all, huh?
Played every game from gen 1-3, and at least one game from gen 4-6. I'm done waiting for that series to evolve past the gameboy era.
Who says pokemon fans aren't retards?
If anything, they are worse, they buy the same game but with 100 more sprites than last time and have done so for the last 20 years
At least sonic tries (and often fails) to shake things up.
>also sonic gets way more terrible porn/fetish art holy fuck it's not even funny.
Do Pokémon have something that is an equivalent to Two Babies One Fox?
because Pokemon is also way too popular with normal people but I don't think Sonic has any autistic posters like Goodra and Ampharos posters.
See you in November
Search your favorite Pokémon on FurAffinity with Adult artwork enabled, you'll find PLENTY of material.
FA won't have anything like that, Inkbunny is where the pedos are.
Sonic had more notorious fuckheads in their corner like Ken Penders and Spax3.
The worse Pokémon gets are diaperfags and literal shit eaters best ignored. You can argue lewding the trainers as a stinging point of the fandom but it's either not as loud a point or it's obfuscated by either nostalgia or offset by the fact there are attractive characters of age or older than 10-12 present.
I know there's a comic of a pikachu getting stuffed up a serperior's cunt
then a dratini gets shoved in after and starts chomping on the pikachu's vaginal prolapse
Pokémon are so vague age-wise that it really doesn't matter, the pedos can hide easily in any context. They can draw a base Pokémon like Riolu and say "haha it's okay it's a riolu that's 18+ :)" and they'll get away with it.
Because one is more fun than the other and people can't stand it when others have more fun than them so they come up with all sorts of dumb reasons to tell your why the things you're interested in makes you a shitty person. It's one of the high points of their boring, depressing lives.
I struggled to enjoy gen 5 and never bothered to finish gen 6. Skipped over gen 7 (doesn't seem like I missed anything worthwhile based on how much my friends complained about them) and nothing about gen 8 looks appealing to me, so I really doubt I'll be picking it up.
>Pokemon games are actually good and the characters are likable.
Top. Fucking. LEL
>Lots of good human character designs too.
Also shit excuse. Dawn and Cynthia was the legit last well designed characters. Everyone since has been trash.
>Pokemon hasn't had any good games in about 20 years either.
Sonic should had stayed as a cute icon like in classic honestly
A shitposting comic should not be taking this seriously. Most of you zoomers likely think it was done out of real interest and not just to make Sonic look even more like a shit series out of spite.
Tailsfags and Shadowfags, to name a few
And I said this as a Shadowfag myself
>Pokemon games are actually good and the characters are likable
eh? Last time I check these games haven't evolved a bit since the Gameboy era, it's just the same and boring gameplay experience. and characters are cardboard-like with NPCs that suck your dick every now and then
>he doesn't know
There still be tons of lewd and weird fetish art of Sonic, even if he was Classic though. Cute characters are always the ones who get corrupted and drawn into a lot of lewd and fetish shit. Kirby is like the only one who doesn’t get corrupted much because he’s literally a ball with eyes and feet.
I've seen the profile of the guy who made that comic and can say with 100% confidence that it wasn't made ironically.
Im pretty sure the comic itself wasn’t a shitpost. It was just used by shitposters.
Cheeky bastard
Now weres the source
>also sonic gets way more terrible porn/fetish art holy fuck it's not even funny
Are you sure about that?
>All of those tags for a Zangoose pic
Why must it always be my favorite Pokémon that attracts a lot of degenerates?
This is the opposite of okay
I like the one with the rattata working at a brothel, but a weavil and absol make her take their shifts and her abuse just never stops until they use her as like a living circuit breaker for a month- I-I mean it was so gross and funny. Haha.
>he believes this