Why do people still give Sonic so much shit for having autistic/cringe/toxic fans when Pokémon proven to have more degenerates, horny freaks, and annoying fans than Sonic? Sonic having more bad games doesn’t make up the fact that Pokémon gets more porn and fetish art than him.
Why do people still give Sonic so much shit for having autistic/cringe/toxic fans when Pokémon proven to have more...
Why are sonichu's arms yellow?
Pokemon games are actually good and the characters are likable. Lots of good human character designs too.
Sonic is an unmitigated asshole who is only attractive to autistic people who lack the ability to perceive how much of a complete dick he is. none of his games have been good in almost 20 years. Adventure 2 was the last gasp of a dying corporate mascot.
also sonic gets way more terrible porn/fetish art holy fuck it's not even funny.
>Pokemon games are actually good
Pokemon hasn't had any good games in about 20 years either.
it's fur for sonichu movie
Played them all, huh?
Played every game from gen 1-3, and at least one game from gen 4-6. I'm done waiting for that series to evolve past the gameboy era.
Who says pokemon fans aren't retards?
If anything, they are worse, they buy the same game but with 100 more sprites than last time and have done so for the last 20 years
At least sonic tries (and often fails) to shake things up.
>also sonic gets way more terrible porn/fetish art holy fuck it's not even funny.
Do Pokémon have something that is an equivalent to Two Babies One Fox?
because Pokemon is also way too popular with normal people but I don't think Sonic has any autistic posters like Goodra and Ampharos posters.