Why is everyone waiting in line? What is this meme

Why is everyone waiting in line? What is this meme

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It's called having respect for your fellow human beings

>It's called having respect for your fellow human beings
These are orcs and trolls not humans, user.

It's called bad gameplay.

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>Why is everyone waiting in line

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Lmao just like cut the line nigger, just like steal their mobs whats stoppin ya?

It would make more sense to just grind mobs or cut in front of the dumb fuck boomers.

it's so British

Did they add collision to WoW? Why not just run through?

Didn’t wait for shit and snatched all the quest items right in front of any group of fools camping a spawn


same what is wrong with zoomers or whoever these people are?

if you want to be on everyone's shitlist, go ahead. have fun finding a group though

Yeah dude Im sure xxpussyslayer is going to remember this for the rest of his life. Shit I might as well uninstall WoW now.
Fucking dumb zoomer.

>have fun finding a group though
>implying these queue losers will keep playing in two months

Stop meming this you retards, there is like three quests max in each starting location that needs to be queued.
And you can skip them completely if you just want to level.
You would know this if you actually played the game instead of shitposting on Yea Forums

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When they said "We're going home boys", I didn't expect we were going to Playstation Home...

>low IQ hordies waiting in line
Just go grind in the next area and snipe mobs you fucking primates.

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>fellow human beings
yeah but not pandas and orcs, or any other horde scum

so this is the power of pc gaming.............

Dont play this game but literally what is stopping me from cutting the line and mashing interact on the quest noc.


>there are people who would just wait in line because they're afraid that they might offend someone for taking their video game loot
Imagine being this much of a pansy faggot, jesus christ. I went into this thread thinking that this line was some sort of joke, not a bunch of redditors trying to be polite in a fucking MMO. Awful spineless for the horde.

Nothing ideally, but being an MMO you need other people for things sometimes and everyone who witnesses you cut in line ahead of others will probably want nothing to do with you. It's basically a matter of manners, except in an online game.

i'm in

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Who /nigger/ here?

>undead rogue
>hanging out around the scarlet crusade camp
>a dozen people fighting all the mobs
>stealth and pickpocket everything while they're fighting


now walk past everyone, post reactions

you'll get blacklisted on your realm and never get invites to anything

why dont they just group up


Who the fuck is going to remember that?
It's one thing to not swipe something immediately out from under someone's nose, but it's another to sit and wait in a fucking queue.

>wait in line to login to server
>wait in line to kill quest mob

The absolute state of wow "classic" fags.

je suis dedans



>this shit has a sticky on /vg/

wowfags are the most pathetic things I have ever seen

they pay 15 bucks a month to play a 15 year old game to wait in a queue to login to the server so they can queue up to fight a quest boss

but you got to whisper your favorite streamer and beg for an invite so it was all worth it right

>Who the fuck is going to remember that?
People are easily upset online nowadays, I couldn't tell you why sorry.


If that is soulless I am glad I don't have a soul.

Yea out of the million people doing the same thing they will remember you through 60 levels

Ignore lists exist not to just shut up soneone annoying. You effectively blacklist that person.

>everything that upsets me is a tranny

Go outside you fucking retard.


Get some sun you are killing yourself.

Blizzard listened to the no changes tards and refused to adjust spawn rates during the first few days.

Is whitemane horde or alliances dominated?

You will never be a woman

As and xiv Chad I am kind of jealous of wowfags having chat bubbles, it seems like it would make it so much easier to keep track of conversations than having it only in the message box.

>the one troll chad strolling past the que
based as fuck

What does pshome have to do with queues?

Never pretended to be a woman because I'm not mentally ill like you. You really need to go outside and interact with real people.

That's the beauty of mmos

Why are you so obsessed with trannys? Want to tell us something user?

I garuntee you people are keeping track of this shit

>imagine being so pathetic that you keep track on people that don't get in the line
You're right, they're going to keep track of it

Faggot slave mind bitch lmao

Hahah oh no! What a joke lol

I don't know a thing about WoW can you explain why it's respectful? This is a line to a quest NPC right, why can't you just go there and get the quest in a horde of filthy animals like every other MMO?

If someone keep track of anyone cutting a line in a lv1-6 and hold a grudge over literal fucking boar livers then it's someone you don't really want to play with at all, you are dealing with a literal psycho

>burning crusade
>grinding netherdragon eggs
>2 weeks later
>get kicked out of group
>one autist put me on a banned list cause i didnt see him trying to go after the same netheregg i was going after

i will never not be surprised by how long these autists will go out of their way to make sure you feel like a peasant and theyre the elite that run the game

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They don't have to remember you, the game has a shit-list as a function

>literal theme park MMO

>playing any version of wow in 2019


No one sane gives a fuck of you cut a line in Durotar retards

how long will these line last?
imagine the butthurt if some poopsock thats already level 20 came and ganked the entire line

I would rather deal with the grudge holding psycho than the asshole line cutter.

They are in starter areas where pvp is restricted.

But you are the psycho?

Sounds like you got what you deserved, egg fucker

Then why the fuck are wasting their playtime on a queue for doing a starting quest?

holy shit it actually was a tranny

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>actually waiting in line to do a fucking fetch quest

Are WoW players the most pathetic playerbase?

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Just go in the front and kill the mob. Did this several times already. Only massive SOILORDs and BETA KEK wait in some le reddit zoomer line.


Just go to the front and kill the mob.
Say you're black/female and that it's 'your turn' now.

i hate wow but this shit is gold

>another fucking dc
queue needs a grace period if this shit's going to be a regular occurrence

you are the sociopath here ignoring the wishes of dozens of people and just fucking them with no remorse
it's amazing to me how you're trying to rationalize your own douchebaggery

Children sure can't wait it seems.

>you are the sociopath here ignoring the wishes of dozens of people and just fucking them with no remorse
It's a shitty video game you inbred pleb, who gives a fuck if some retarded NPCs are standing in line to kill their brethren.

Why are this suddenly a thing? Do people only start to queue up like this today or what?

>Fetch quest for fist cave in Dun Morogh
>Get inside, walk to quest mob spawn and see line like op pic
>First time i've ever seen anything like this in wow
>"woah long line"
>A couple in the line laugh at me
>Seconds after i comment get invited to a party
>The group are already at the front of the line and we get the next spawn kill
>I leave knowing i didnt have to wait a second

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its been a thing for years, both in wow and other mmos
there were some big lines in ffxiv for the previous expansion when something was bugged and only accepted a few people at a time

WoW classic seems to have adapted the social security point system from China, if you misbehave, you get shitlisted and vilified.

I've gotten to level 12 on a Rogue and I think I've made a mistake. Vanilla rogue is not fucking fun to play at all and you're useless.

>waiting in line like a good goy
>not just cutting the line and tab-spamming to get first hit
Imagine being this much of a cuck
zoomers must not have a very high iq

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Solo rogue is boring af, find a buddy who can level with you as a pally so he can be your heal/buff slut

There's like 20 spergs there, out of thousands on the server

>tfw cutting infront of line and tagging sarkoth with instant spells and prolonging the queue for like an hour+

feels good

Everyone on my server is a dipshit, very few pleasant people partying up. What's the best solo class, I guess I just wasted the last 10 hours of my life and I'm going to re-roll.

Maybe you shouldn't waste any more of your life on this

You constantly need a good mainhand, it is worth spending 2g+ at 20ish to upgrade, it gets better at 20+, but rogue is a bit of a slog to play compared to the better lvling classes.

because they either enjoy it or are sheep that are following a guide and can't think on their feet

>someone cuts the line
>write a ticket to get him banned
just what i remember it being like in 2004

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>refuse to group for 1 (one) kill quest that wasn't even being camped hard, easily soloable for full xp
>guy goes fucking ballistic, spamming passive-aggressive yells, following me around emoting for a solid 5 minutes while i finish my quest
Whitemane's going to be fun. I've actually had a handful of pleasant groups so far since then though.

I am playing a game in my free time to play and have fun not to fucking wait in a fucking retarded nonsense line
A guy come and steal my quest mob beating me at tagging it first, i tell him "fuck you" and move on he won the prey, it's more fun than waiting in the cuck line
The guy might even "fuck you" me back and i keep going, and that might end in some chad gachi brotime

wasn't that game just a bunch of waiting in line?

Somehow no one made yet the comparison between waiting in a line at a real themepark or post office and a line for a quest in Durotar and how they are just the same


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What a fucking cuck you are
>Themepark line in a fucking videogame

remember this?


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Kill yourself wowfags

wow, people in MMOs are petty passive aggressive pieces of shit, just like people in real life!

>western """men"""


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are you a sociopath for ignoring the wishes of dozens of people for you to kill yourself?

this is why nobody likes playing with you Yea Forums
get friends



Grow a dick and get a job while you are at it

Some random person came up and gave me warrior armor because I could use it and they couldn't.

I didn't add them or anything but I know their name, if I ever see them again ill definitely give them something back. Although I did give them some small things right away.

I might never see them again, but that sort of interaction is why people play MMOs, you do have a persistent character and reputation.

Lads, how bad are retail players seething right now?

yes, that would be two good things to do alongside improving yourself and getting friends

On a scale from 1 to 10 its incalculable at their seething.

Classic is more alive than retail and will stay that way forever. Its simply the better game.

Lol what shitlist? Some autist writing down names on his little pad? Is he going to go to the classic realm forums and make a post about people who skipped in line to kill a level 8 mob? Oh no fucking save me from the shame

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>No cross server
>No rdf
>Muh persistent community
>Respawn taking ages
>Big fuckass line
>Maybe ...
>How bad could it be?
>Just this one time ...
>Be a nigger and skip line
>Everyone knows
>Everyone remembers you
>Ignored by everyone
>Boycotted from every guild
>Kicked from every pug
>Camped by other faction
>Hunted irl
I would just grind desu.

I am not the one trying to rationalize wasting his freetime and subtime in a fucking quest queue line when he could
A) tag it
B) skip and doing something else

woudnt there be plenty of people who dont give two shits and play with you anyways? just sounds like so empty threats from people with no power over you.


Remember when MMORPGs were like the wild west? Where some guy would just randomly decide to hunt you down and kill you?

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see and pic related

They're are coming with all weird mental gymnastics as to why WoW Classic had 1.2M viewers on Twitch as opposed to BfA's 600k launch.

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>implying he wasn’t a transMAN

Ha HA you validated that posters gender you FUCKED UP HAHA

I am sure waiting in a line for talk with an npc is why many friendship born

don't tell them, let zoomers fuck themselves over, it'll be entertaining watching them kick and cry on higher levels that nobody wants to group with them

Heh, just try me nerd. You're not getting in my raid, on april 28th 2019 you cut in line.

>tfw destroying lines
I seriously doubt any of these fucktards remember me.

>there's always someone organizing the line
imagine being this hungry for good boy points

>See a guy pushing loot along the road
>"touch and you're dead meat kid"
>"lol yeah OK"
>Steal the loot
>mfw that guy a 3 others find me and kill me 3 hours later

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>april 28th 2019
you ok over there lol?

Man, I did not realize there would be so many carebear retards in wow classic.
I already decided to never touch an MMO again, but god damn this is making my dick tingle. Imagine hunting those fuckers down in STV.

This is "Classic" WoW? Nobody did this shit in ANY game in the 2000s.

This is your brain on reddit.

How's the Shazzrah queue bros

if they voluntarily do this, they aren't humans. they are walking söybeans.

>I waited in line for the wrong quest
oh my fuck

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I have blacklisted you
You will see how you will never find a raid slot

This is your brain on Retail

This is the most cucked thing I've ever seen on an online game.
>paying blizzard sub for this.

imagine coming home from work only to be a fucking line cuck in your ugly shitty old as dirt garbage mmo. holy shit that is gay.

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And if you skip the line you are nigger. And will be lynched.

What is better?
I don't fucking mind standing in queue in MMO because point of MMOs is fucking player interaction. If you can't handle it and be a decent being, please do world a favor and play single player games.

While this is going on, people are talking and making friends for life. This time will be fondly remembered even if a zoomer adhd brain can't understand

Given that this is an mmo there is a high chance guilds will be made of 'blacklist' worthy people helping each other out because they're not sensitive faggots, as well as many PUGs that just do not give a shit about who they group with. These goodboy line standers think they have so much more power than they actually do by trying to threaten a blacklist.

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>the chad troll strut
>the virgin cuck line

online "friends" lmao

that's fine if you're on an rp server, however if you're on a pvp server you need to grow a pair amigo

That's why you don't understand why vanilla was so good.

Imagine believing this
Totally was impossible to make online friends before the WoW Classic queue lines

don't you ever say that to me again you redditspacer

When did the world get so fucking stupid?

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Whats worse for a basedcuck numale classic zoomer?
Cutting his quest line or not letting a eceleb cut it?

>roll on low pop
>it's anarchy
THIS is the launch day i remember. Miss me with your gay lines

Anyone have the pic of the creepy dudes standing in line at a blackedraw convention? The smell must be similar compared to these wow queues.

people not noticing he was a good boy for standing in line

Repetition inevitably brings refinement and classification, user. That Wild West era is gone and everyone KNOWS what an MMORPG is today.

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>still at work
>it's noon soon
>friend sends me a pic of the 5k/120 min queue on our server
I'm not gonna make at it later at 5pm, am I

top kek

Dumb fucks.

>roll on low pop
which one

first image result googling 'blackedraw convention'.

I thought that was a fucking typo and was wondering "huh, what's black draw?'.
Thanks for this, pretty much exactly how I pictured BLACKED posters.

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I can't remember the last time I made a line with my classmates, was it 5th grade?

>man, I love standing in line to kill sarkoth

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It actually makes me mad how pathetic wow players are. They are willingly to get fucked in the ass and they even like it. Holy moly my duder

I don't get it. Do NPCs not allow more than one person at the same time to interact with them?

it's a boss

If they have a scripted action after a dialogue line or two, no.
Only one person/party can do the quest per time

Getting fucked in the ass is only unpleasant if you don't want it to happen

Dont talk to me.

i'm willing to buy this shit just do dab on the retards waiting in lines

The ass is not an entry point. It is pleasant when things leave your ass.

>a-a-almost home, Yea Forums-/v-ros

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It's called World of WARcraft for a reason

In war economy, all production is dictated by the state towards the war machine. Therefore, shortages in consumer commodities are commonplace, leading to long queues in front of stores.

im getting rekt by hogger

>the absolute state of classicfags

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no thanks, i'd rather smoke heroin since it's less addicting

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I have a tranny fetish! There! I said it! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!?

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Because its a themepark mmo.

That's the one about the pickaxe!

I finished that one 3 days ago lmao, I needed help from a stranger bcoz I couldn't find the fucken pickaxe (I was an undead rogue, lvling rep with those silly quests)


never played wow, but why the fuck does it need to be queued this doesn't make any sense to me? server overload or something?

or you could get a real hobby and real friends. imagine playing fucking wow in 2019 lmfao

If I had just gotten on a low pop realm instead of queuing for 6 hours I would be level 20 by now.

While I agree that it's a pussy thing not to cut in line, you DO realize that they literally just click on you and click "Block" right? And then they can just check their blocked list, and report to one another "Hey, this fucker is cutting in line, block him or w/e"

People talk to each other, you humongous retard.

yea but that'd be no fun

>tfw good chunk of this is true
at least i have a job i guess

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Nothing is going to happen if you steal the quest mob for yourself you do realize this?

Hell id do it just to see peoples reaction

>all these people calling them cuck lines and how they're total badasses who wouldn't cave to societal pressure
>no one posting webms of them skipping the lines

>Imagine being such a pussy that someone just fucks you over, and you don't take meassures to return that to them in the future.
Cuck detected. I'm pretty sure you treat Tyrone to a beer after he fucks your wife, bcoz "whos gonna remember after a hangover?"

Just put together an anti afk script that does an action at random intervals around 5 mins between. Any chance I get banned or are blizz lazy with that stuff?

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I would need to play your cuck game first, but i am not as retarded as you so i am not gonna pay a sub to cuck WoW

Recording yourself skipping a line and posting it like it's something to brag about is honestly more pathetic than any line-stander.

>missing the point of human decency so much
The NPCs paying and playing WOW classic are retarded zoomers, but you are a nother whole kind of autist.
If you base your existence on "If you disagree with me, I don't want ANYthing to do with you", you are a real IRL seether, and should probably neck yourself.

Of course they fucking keep track, because if a player screws people at the only moment they should be respectful, why won't they do it again in the future? Retard.

How does this make you feel, user?

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They are probably too busy to be banning people for stuff like that.

>posting things that are funny is trying to brag about them
calm down

>No one sane
more like no one with less than 1 self-respect.

If a fucker cuts in line, I'm gonna block him for sure. Not that I pay for shillzzard, when I could donate to private servers, but still.


based and IRL-pilled. The anons posting here have never been outside in their lives.

Lanita Hot

Is this shit happening on pvp servers? Rp? I want to ruin the grinding for these people

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>Are WoW players the most pathetic playerbase?
Answer: yes

holy fuck... that tranny i'd fuck actually

>how you're trying to rationalize your own douchebaggery
it's a troll, and you are feeding him/her/xer.

Stop replying to these fucks who never played WOW nor will they, they are just shitposting while they are at work.

>first dc in 6 hrs

I chuckled

>from China, if you misbehave, you get shitlisted and vilified.
Try cutting in line in Europe/USA, see what happens your basement dwelling neckbeard.

>I am playing a game in my free time to play and have fun not to fucking wait in a fucking retarded nonsense line
So play another game, retard

yes they did
learn to read, nigger

W-what happens if you cut the line?

Does a gm banned you or something?

>Your first aid skill has increased to 176.
Great game, look forward to farming those useless skills.

>roll on medium population realm to avoid big queues
>wait until like 2am to actually play
>go to bed (big mistake)
>wake up and find the server is now high population
>greeted with 7k queue
>now have to start again on a low pop realm
>same thing will happen anyway

How hard is it to just not let people access high population realms unless they already have a character there? jfc Blizz.

Err I thought the idea was that you try to convince people to queue because they are nice, so there are less people trying the quest. Nobody smart ACTUALLY queues for a minute, lmao


A zoomer might blacklist you

how do i convince my retard friends to roll alliance

Fuck this idea that most of you have that if you can get away with something then fuck everyone else and it is justified. You can actually have a sense of community and morals and do something just because you want to be a decent person. This applies irl or online. Then you wonder why your society is going to shit. Yup, keep telling yourself it's only because of sjw and foreigners you absolute fucking cretins. Thumbs up to the bros actually being bros.

this, if wanted to play queue and pay for it, i'd go to walmart or something.

When was the last time WoW had que times this bad?

how your not retard friend could convince you to not fail for Blizzard cuckery tricks?

Wont be blacklisted when he needs mt delicious tankies at max level

Girls see what an alpha you are and touch your pee pee

Wait, this isn't some meme or """protest""" about having to wait in a queue before loging in?

>when people prefer to play waiting simulation than touching Battle for azeroth

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>There is literally nothing in the undead starting area anyone would start a line for.
>Everybody just freely takes from eachother anyways, whoever gets their first gets the stuff and you pull as many as you can handle at once.
It really would have been better for me in the long run to roll alliance, but I must be with the other childish dickwads.

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You could ask the exact same question about real life

Except you'd only cut in line online and not in real life because you're a pussy

i know it's a funny meme, but why? you could just grind the xp for this quest in like 10 mobs rather than wait forever for your turn on the respawn

get in line for mobs than.

>1 person is already level 26
nice game

video games aren't real life loser. also only dicks cut in line IRL.

>attempt to log in
>in queue: 1000000 ahead of you
>get in after two hours
>attempt to do quest
>in queue again
the ABSOLUTE STATE of wowfags
do you still think you do? because I sure as fuck don't

this is the most cucked thing I've ever seen
what the fuck is wrong with blizzfags?

basically it goes like this.
everyone has a quest to kill a certain mob
certain mob has a several minute respawn timer. in live this isnt an issue because everyone can tag the same mob, and get credit.
in classic only one group of 5, or one person if not grouped, can tag a mob and get credit.
people are forming lines to queue up to kill a quest mob because people wanted to play vanilla again, and forgot how much ass it was in terms of quality of life.

They're literally retards who are wasting their time.
Just move on, grind a bit.

I don't sit in a queue in real life because i want, it's because i have to and lets be real no one wants but at the end of the line irl you have another peson thats going to sell you a service and you might have needed to take a permission to work for receiving that service so you suck it and stay in the queue
I am not gonna play a video game for sitting in a literal queue like that, i will always either ignore it and get my business done or if i can i will just skip and do something else instead
It's my free time i am using for play video games and i simply find it retarded to ever consider wasting it by waiting in a literal queue line like that where at the end of it there is an NPC

high IQ move is to just grind mobs while idiots wait their turn.

How the fuck?


By not waiting in queue lines like all the retards and NEETdom?

hahahahaha MMO niggers really all suffer from brain damage it's not just a meme

reddit: the game.

You can always play retail instead.
I mean, you already paid for your sub. Might as well do it while you wait for classic server to depopulate so you can enter.

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>retail cucks making endless lines for quests
getting ahead of the curve was never this easy lmao

t. retard with 70000 hours in league of legends playing the same map and character

People with jobs are playing BFA.

As someone who never played WoW, has standing in line always been a thing? It was never a big deal until now.

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thanks, wow that's very silly.

>The chad grinder is levelling steady as fuck while also questing when it's not a complete of time
>the virgin queue liner is stuck lv6 because he spend his entire playtime attempting to do clogged and completly optional quests

>muh community

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You stand in line in real life because a cashier can only serve one person at a time, that doesn't apply to a fucking NPC in a videogame unless you're retarded like blizzard.

well, I guess BFA can no longer be considered a game so you're right about that.

a swing and a miss friend.

>meanwhile in undead starting zone
>everyone teams up in groups of five and stands in a big circle around the spawnpoint rapidly tapping TAB and their fastest attack
Based zombie chads desu

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>night is still bright in classic
they cant do anything right

It's actually a general porn convention. They're just standing infront of a blacked advertisement.

Same as the orc zone. It's more fun to watch streamers rage that they can't tag than it is to play the game at this stage.

Post screens

>just level up my mage
>get disconnect
>estimated waiting time: 240 minutes

welp, see you in 4 hours I guess

>get 3rd position

First aid is very useful.

gf and I are already level 22. We both booked 4 weeks off of work for this.

>WoW Classic
>speedrun to 60
This is why Classc is just never going to be like Vanilla no matter how hard you try to convince yourself
If you legit loved it 15 years ago you wouldn't want to play this travesty

user this is Yea Forumseddit nobody here is over 16

You'll want all those skills, though. Cooking has great end game shit and you need fishing to support some recipes. First Aid is absolutely invaluable.

cant log back because long que but theres some random streamer playing at in game "night"

Attached: file.png (1209x680, 1.48M)

Dang bro, you just posted soi!

>that combat font addon
fuck i hate chinese people

The engine is based on retail, of course the night cycle was going to be the same

i played for like an hour and then i got disconnected for no discernible reason, thanks blizzcum

Who let you out of the cuckshed?

Why don't they just open more servers?
What's the upside of clearly overpopulating a server?

>with no power over you
this is one of the best arguments yet seen here, most are retards.

But you are wrong in that part - In the end, if you want to play for a long time, the ones who end up in positions of power (and decide if you play with their group or are excluded) are the ones who DO care, and will check you up to see if you are a niggerfag or a decent player.

So, in a way, you should really try to be a good and civic player, or else it will bite you in the ass later - Or you could avoid all this shit by not playing on release date and avoiding the queue fest.


>opened OCE with two fucking servers
>they've had to double that amount in the past 12 hours
>the original pvp server (that I rolled on) is 10k queue minimum at any given time
i want to die

waste of money
You are still paying a retail sub anyways, Classic is just an added bonus to it

But the gaming experience is clearly shit this way.
Wowcucks are pathetic if they put up with this.

>nobody wanted to get a world first in vanilla

To make sure everyone can get through the starter content in something resembling a timely manner when there are literally hundreds of people all trying to complete the same quest that, for instance, requires you kill a certain named mob (which can be completed even faster if you group up) or loot a certain item. Most people started doing it when the normal “mob over the spawn point” was getting people nowhere fast.

If you stand in line, you will get to the quest objective eventually and people will clear out. If you do the hundred-man mob, you can even see the item most of the time (if it’s an item) and no one wins.

No one wants to wait forever for one fucking quest just because some dickhead zoomer off his meds or, worse, an unironic Retail shill thinks it’s “cucked” to tackle overcrowded, bottlenecked content in an organized way to get things to go faster.

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>they are walking söybeans.
They are, but that's because of what they want to waste their time in.

Waiting in line actually IS being a decent human. What invalidates these fags is that they are waiting for worthless, virtual content.
Still, that doesn't remove the fact that any line cutter has a well-deserve ban and bite-in-the-ass coming in the future.

no one 'needs' to put up with it, there are plenty of medium pop servers that don't have horrific queue times to get into and after a day or less would have little to no chokepointing like op pic
the point is that everyone WANTS to play on the super populated servers because the game is more fun that way; plus its more insurance against the game losing popularity. the smaller servers are deserted much faster.

World First in Classic are void of meaning, the game is 15 years old and majority of people knows perfectly what to do and how to do for get raid ready as fast as possible
back then the speedrunning you can easy do now would have been insane

on alliance we are smart enough to form 5 mans and spam autoattack key near the respawn point

>I don't fucking mind standing in queue in MMO because point of MMOs is fucking player interaction. If you can't handle it and be a decent being, please do world a favor and play single player games.
Based and normal person. Thank you for your input, hope these seething cucks who actually don't even play MMOs learn a lesson.

>farming ammonite crabs in runescape for 2hrs
>some guy walks over
>"hop worlds i was here first"
>explain to him i've been here for two fucking hours
>"yes but i was here three hours ago I went to make food."
>argue back and forth about why he's being a dick
>he steals my kills so neither of us farm decent xp
>eventually hops after some other guy calls him fat
never change, MMOs.

I'm going to walk to the front of the line and there's literally nothing you can do about it little zoomzoom.

This happened to me in XI, a high level player took my mob so I said fuck you, he said sorry and gave me the drops I needed and showed me a important quest. This waiting in line faggotry is pathetic.

Ok, it's shit game design then. Players should be allowed to grind mobs offline too if they choose.

you sound chinese

That makes it all the more reason to compete, because people know what they're doing this time. Back then anyone hitting 60 first was likely just playing for days at a time on a grind-friendly class like hunter or mage, but getting to level cap first has always been a big deal in any MMO.

>be british
>don't feel the urge to join the queue
Oh fuck. I guess I'm not white after all.

You literally can't do anything to line skippers short of trying to dox them.

>sand crabs
>primo spot
>find a world with a lower level at the spot
>use main and alt to force him off the spot

All of this queing shit is because of quests and mob respawn times.
It'd be an inferior game experience, but if players could complete the quests offline too, they wouldn't have to stand in a line.

wait in line, don't let fascism win.

based and bullypilled

>tfw always just hide in that crab cave thats part of that one quest that pures don't do I guess
theres always crab spots open, its very based

These lines are only happening in the very starter zones where you have hundreds of people all trying to complete a small handful of quests in a small area, they disappear once you get out of the very beginning. In Dun Morogh, for instance, the line shit is only happening in Coldridge Valley and disappears once you get out to the rest of the area.

Forcing people in a line is facism.

only if you shoot them afterwards. Otherwise it can be any other kind of -ism you want




Attached: autism.webm (720x405, 2.05M)

>unless you're retarded like blizzard
No, Blizzard already fixed this. It's the community that wanted all of this back.
He's 100% right.

damn imagine getting diarrhea there

You thought the word themepark was just some meme?

I see a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer

Never underestimate the autism of WoW-fags. Given how fast news spread these days, if you're blacklisted, any guild that is worth a crap will not be inviting you for anything. You are throwing away long term success for a short term one.

>not making an alt and try to tag and steal as many quest items and mobs as possible
You can delete any quest item you pick up and make room for more.

Autistic raidfags will find any excuse to not invite you. Just start your own guild and outperform them.

>a zoomer would advocate common decency between people and not sperg out like the ADHD tard he is
zoomer as a word has lost all meaning due to actual zoomers like the one I'm replying to misusing it

but why? how little do you value your own time that you'd spend hours slightly inconveniencing random people?

No one fucking cares.

>says the guy waiting his turn to kill a level 3 gnoll in a 15-year-old video game

Ironic. Get back in the queue zoomy.

Can I just use my old WoW classic disk if I wanted to play? I haven't thought about it much but I do want to see if it's as good as I remember.

Only in your retarded mind

The fuck is that webm?

>be me
>shaman on stalagg
>only line if for the pick, rest is a clusterfuck of mashing instant attacks to tag it
>walk up to the pick, take it, walk away
>7-8 people start going SHAME and yell for everyone to blacklist me
>mfw literally 0 people in that line are going to be playing in 48 hours

Attached: 1495671705332.gif (360x270, 1.85M)

I know this game is stingy with on-quest xp but surely it's better to just start farming literally anything instead of waiting around at this point.

Can't they just group up, I've done it several times in other mmorpgs.

They are grouped up.


>Never underestimate
Never overestimate either
There are thousands of different people playing daily, 95% of them aren't going to care

now THAT was an mmorpg
you could spent 400 hours grinding the character and if some top guild decided to hunt you you couldnt play anymore because they could find you whenever you appeared online, and there werent any server transfers so you were stuck.

It's só €€oyman's reaction to new [product] #3837376.

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>Does a gm banned you or something?
Nope, it's just the other players that ban you.
At the mid-end game, when all quests are group-based, you won't find anyone to play and it will be another instance of your highschool experience, but in a virtual world.

that's why you play on no-pvp
autists can't hunt you if there's no pvp. though they still were able to try to block you when you're hunting which was almost as bad

based and redpilled

Getting tired of waiting in lines to wait in lines? Buy a realm fast pass and skip it! Be sure to buy a level boost too once the wait to level up becomes too long!

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holy shit coping so hard it bends reality

I don't think even Anthony Burch would want to be that guy

>you won't find anyone to play
Oh year, I'm sure every one of those people posting "LFG/LFM X" every minute daily are going to have him blacklisted.
How delusional can you get?

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Never underestimate the delusion of autism or else

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He seems to be happy with his life.
I'm genuinely jealous of him.
Ignorance is bliss.


>encounted one of those queue line things
>ran straight to the front because fuck you lmao
>people start to seethe and others start to run to the front too
>devolves into fucking chaos

>You call throwing dynamite around a rogue ability?
>Hey, as long as it works

what's this waiting in line crap you guys are talking about?

Attached: WoWScrnShot_082619_213336.jpg (2560x1440, 414K)

To my knowledge some quests involve interacting with an NPC that then turns hostile or spawns a hostile mob required to kill. It’s not just a free roaming mob but something scripted to an extent

Rationalise it however you want, that guy is real.

I unironically love Classic questing.

Attached: World Of Warcraft Screenshot 2019.08.27 - (1920x1080, 3.4M)

Whatever you say guy from video


Is there really nothing they could have done to prevent this


>see queue of literal fucking linecucks autists waiting in line for their 200 xp quest
>stroll through the line, slap at least 3 night orc thots right on the ass and one on the face
>loot the chest right as it comes up and swan dive off the barracks while the limp-wristed onions all complain
see you at 60 you fags

Attached: 1546555221414.png (3316x1896, 228K)

>see a group of guys fighting off a small gang of monsters right next to a chest of loot
>walk up and take it while they're fighting
who here /up to no good/

Attached: me.png (360x351, 193K)

Even the most up to date version of the game couldn't handle it, and this is the barebones version. They would've had to drastically change stuff and that'd defeat the purpose.
But it'll be back to normal in a few days.

>But it'll be back to normal in a few days.
Yeah after people get sick of waiting in virtual lines and go back to private servers

that's how i normally play.

>make a female tauren
>have to masturbate every 2 minutes

No. thats why this queue shit is funny you retard. Use your brain

Sounds like awful design. FFXIV solved this issue by making quest mobs/bosses spawn individually for players when interacting with an object.
Why are people so excited for this again?

except its been a thing for years both in previous wow expansions and in other mmos
fuck I remember people doing this in MoP (7 years ago btw) and more recently in ffxiv stormblood

>muh anime game
kill yourself only fucking trannies play your shit game god you are fucking autistic

You are a very bad poster

>Propose a way to make it so players don’t have to wait in line like an autist
>Autist lashes out

i know this feel, i remember seeing a 4-panel comic of a human male in a tavern getting eyes from a nelf and draenei i think but he goes with a female tauren with huge milkers, i really need to find that comic

>15k queue

Maybe if you are a cuck. Ive never done that shit and i played vanilla thru wotlk and legion.

>not camping quest mobs to ruin other people's time
I have a character devoted to dabbing on zoomer faggots and a dorf rogue I'm going to camp streamers and lowbies on.

>bring up a valid criticism and point out how other games have solved the issue
>starts screeching over trannies
Is this the power of WoWcels?

>starts talking about a dead game that the normal person has never heard of, fucking phatetic

All the raid/guild equipment advantages they get from acting like gud goys can be balanced by going further ahead to grind quests and spending more time on the game.
Even if you're banned from all guilds, it's still doable.

Once egeryone goes through the contentn what then? We're going to be playing all the expansions again? Is this going to turn into wow but 10 expansions behind?

Why do you propose in game changes when your not a dev? you are literally talking to a wall with your shit ideas

it doesn't need to be queued, retards are just doing it for the meme

i've said this once and i will say it again, going out of your way to make people upset in online games is the embodiment of the word based

>never bothered with crafting professions in retail, just gathered and sold
>start engineering in Classic
>it's somehow fun to just stand around and make shit with stuff that you find
why is it so appealing all of a sudden

Attached: 1544035579240.png (250x418, 121K)

Yes, but this time the nostalgia goggles will make it good somehow.
Even the fucking pandas.

>wowtards wait in a que to play
>then wait in another que to play
k e k

All I know is that I haven't had to sit in line for 3 hours to complete a single quest in Shadowbringers, so clearly the XIV team figured something out here.

I can already imagine all the future nu-zoomers going "BFA, now THAT was a good expansion"

who the fuck gives a shit about what autist retards think?

What are the odds this is just brilliant stealth satire and that guy is laughing to the bank every time people link to his bugman videos?

every expansion ever

Why yes, I do play BFA and not the barebone Classic version, ho could you tell?

Attached: file.png (1080x1331, 755K)

>he thinks private servers don't have queues because ???

Do they really put up bulletins with names every thousands or so players should blacklist?

>not going to mulgore and questing in comfy bliss with no lines

>Blizzard warned numerous times that these realms would have long queue times
>Blizzard mentioned several times they weren’t expanding server size because they needed it to be small to fit everyone on one layer eventually
>Blizzards solution to queue times has been opening up realms which works perfectly fine
>Retards would rather go to a massively over saturated realm and wait hours to get in instead of doing the smart thing of going on one of the other servers to help spread the population more evenly
>People have this idea that in a month everyone’s going to stop playing for some reason so they’re just going to deal with the hour long queues for the next month
>The low/medium pop servers will actually become the most competitive because it’s full of non retards who saw the problem and worked around it, played the game, and didn’t wait in queues all day.

Honestly feels good. Keep waiting for Herod, I’ll get in my realm and actually play the game

I dunno, he was definitely for real in his first video and he seems like the kind of perfect slave who's too far gone to change, no matter how many people bully him.
I'd love to throw him into boot camp to see if he could be fixed.

you'll see, child

whenever the general public started using twitter/facebook instead of just teenagers/college students

He gets at most 4k views on the thousands of videos he uploads.

Im playing classic for the first time, in fact im playing wow for the first time. My thoughts are that the interface is very well made but its easy af. Does this get harder? Im not an mmo guy

Only retail trannies do this. You don't want to play with them anyway. Cut in line

how long until nostalgia wears off and people realize mmo's have moved on from 2004?

>MMO's have moved on

MMO's have been dead for a while now. People are revisiting WoW's ghost to find out what was ever good about them.

its not hard
only autists who thinks having to pull one mob at a time makes a game hard would say this

it's already happening

It's hard in raid instances.
If your team fucks up the strategy even once, most likely your entire team will die.
Bosses also take 20-60 minutes to kill on average. Sometimes more.
But the difficulty isn't that high in that scenario either and everybody's job is always obvious.

In a sense. You will notice the grind wall by the time you want to buy your first mount, at about level 40. But, if you didn't know, WoW Vanilla was one of the most casual and streamlined MMOs back in the day.

Why exactly do they stand in line though?
Can only one guy at a time speak with him?

Pretty based by blizzard.
Nobody would give a fuck if it was smooth sailing.
Now everyone thinks this game is popular as hell.
Anyone who thinks this is an accident is fucking stupid.

Its only a thing on meme servers for one or two quests, where the population is retarded already. None of those quests are breadcrumb quests that are going to gimp your progression more than 10 minutes worth of walking outside and grinding board instead, but for some reason people are so autistic they refuse to just grind mobs for 10 minutes and walk past these quests. And then the discord trannies meme loudly about it.

he's been making vids for years and he barely gets any views
it's kinda depressing, literally hundreds and hundreds of vids, at least one a day and he struggles to get over 10k

It's not about being hard it's about not fucking up basic tasks and an MMO is about discovering how people can somehow manage to fail these basic things.

go back to /pol/ you fucking bigot

>All these retards that havent played WoW with mob tagging for years that think that tabtarget tagging vs literally dozens of players is a viable strat

There is nothing classic about these zoomer lines

haha fuck that cuck line shit, in oceanic servers there's a 100 people sitting on quest mobs, the way it should be

Any Devilsaur and Black Lotus Mafia Chads here?

what the heck is going on in that picture

Yeah. They don't even get half the numbers classic has gotten in this release.

Instead of skipping the shit . Fucking dumb cunts

Chad here, Im subbing in 1 month and Ill hit 60 within a week.
>but you'll be camped!!!11!
I leveled 3 60s on Nostalrius Ill be fine. You fucking morons that are playing this shit on launch are a bunch of fools. Have fun with Molten Core raid logging for 2 months

Red chocobo

Haha he said le meme word

I cut in line last night, and /danced on them. People were crying "dont be that guy"

>Paying to wait in line
I mean yeah this is made for incels who can't move on from the time they had online friends for once but damn this is sad

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3 days ago wow classic wasn't online

rip servers
i was planning on play all day to fix my sleep schedule but i might go to bed now

>half the servers are already dead

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Yeah or just kill the mob for shits and giggles, then reroll next week when the autismal queue spergs have left

Boomers have to work.

So if I'm playing with friends in a large guild I can just not give a single fuck?

cringe and fagpilled

>go there through an alternate path
>start killing the mobs
>"HOLD UP! You need to be in line like everyone else!"
>"Oh, sorry... I came from X and didn't see you guys there :)"


I'm lvl 15 and thsi game is so fucking boring holy shit it was truly just nostalgi

no, really?

meanwhile I do agree on the social part and makes me smile seeing actual human behavior it doesn't excuse this retards giving t money to SMALL INDIE COMPANY blizzard with all the bullshit they came out in the last years

>The game will still be there tonight after work
Basically what the entire guild was saying last night when I told them I took the week off. /Gquit right after because Im not staying to fuck around with casuals Im clearing ony next week and rag the week after and nobody but NOBODY who isnt with me is worth my time


>retards giving t money to SMALL INDIE COMPANY blizzard with all the bullshit they came out in the last years
Based myself not playing WoW since WotLK, couldn't care less about how they fucked up shit after that as long as they give me the raids I never got to do with 40 players.


>this is what those classic wow fags have been defending all this time
>waiting in line to turn in a fucking quest
holy shit

There's a bit more to the game than the first 7 levels

>waiting in line
Im willing to bet my left nut the people who were waiting in line are going to drop by 25. It was an enforced thing on some private servers but a shitload of yesterdays players were retail subs that had nothing to do. Joined a guild and saw 20+ people over a few hours say they werent having fun and were going back to bfa

I'm a heal slut and everyone treats me nice. I cannot help wanting to help people. Must be in my nature. Beware of incels and autists thou. They are spoiled anti-social parasites.

my man

>Playing shaman
>Fags said theyd blacklist me for stealing mobs and quest items
Do they really think in a month when I roll up to their strat UD group people are going to accept "B-But he cut in line for Thrazz'rils Pick™! Hes b-blacklisted!" as a reason to wait another 20 minutes for a healer?

those replies are what makes trolls synapses fire like a pinball machine, user. you should know better! you gave him leepic winz xD

Attached: 1566763205141.png (452x376, 61K)

get a fucking live you incel

When will I get to play on Whitemane?

just play a better game

>implying I'm not RPing a fucking orc and stealing shit from everyone

Such as?

>Boring simulator of waiting in line
Why do people play this crap

Id toss you in a firepit for being weak you pathetic faggot. Disgusting troglodyte onions animal. I bet you have to ask women for help reaching the top shelf at the grocery store.

There aren't any. It's all micro transactions and lootboxes. I've been playing Squad for the last three years so I'm ready for something new.

>people paid money to stay in queues
This is beyond me.

Attached: 1230674009685.jpg (600x733, 225K)

Wait so why would you go on a high pop server and not a medium?


m-muh streamers


Attached: 1566764720906.jpg (208x326, 10K)

Last night sucked ass but itll balance out to a decent pop and community in a few months. Medium servers were fine last night but theyll be dead (dead dead, not Yea Forums dead) in a few months

>only pleasurable when things leave
guess what literally half of getting assfucked is?

I'm thinking male troll hunter. What do you say, lads?

Attached: 1566781343878.jpg (849x565, 309K)

I fear there will be a huge drop off in a couple of months and I think high pop servers will become medium pop servers, mediums will become low and lows will become dead. That's why I'm suffering through high pop now.

sims 3 > WoW

They said they'd let people migrate if this happened

Console kiddies will never experience the comfiness by being in lines and socializing with other high iq people.
It's why they're furious

>why is it so appealing all of a sudden
Because between Vanilla & Classic you have grown up, got a job and now know how good it feels to be a valuable member of society.

So you want to replicate that feeling in the virtual world, by using the tools at your disposition to create worthier items and auction them for the gentry to purchase.

I literally don't want to group with faggots like that anyways, so that's two birds for one stone.

Some have their old guilds/communities/countries on that server so it is hard to give all that up for another server

>a couple months
try a couple weeks

The ones who actually want to play the content after level 40, you dumb fucking retard.
This isn't about opinion, it's about getting ostracized from the compulsory dungeon groups that you will want to do at higher levels.

I wish they would.

lol enjoy your line

Any game in which you have FUN, if you haven't forgotten what that is.

>H-he took the pick from me at level 3!
Yes, this will most definitely be a thing. It most assuredly will. I will never get to raid or join 5 mans and will live as an untouchable caste hermit because I ignored your linelmao fgt

I won't because I play in private Kronos WOW server.
Doesn't remove the fact that any retard that believes they should act like a motherfucker just because it's a virtual world should get it's due punishment.
>be a troll
>expect people to cry and do jack shit
>get banned
>complain on Yea Forums
>don't profit because you are a literal brainlet
literally you

Care to try again without the buzzwords?

Who has the fucking time to do this stupid shit
That's not a game


True, go back to watching cute girls doing cute things garbage while being depressed that there are no games to play

not really, sorry.

Saw it, read it, dont care. Its not like Im out there stealing ironfoe for D/E, its the first quests of the first hour of the game you queer 80% of these people will be gone by saturday

The dumb fucking system makes it so that the "npc", in case of one of the pics it was a PICKAXE, dissapears when someone picks it up - Having a set time to "reappear".
So people are waiting in line for it to reapear, so they can in turn pick it up and continue the quest.

I literally can't get immersed with this bullshit. Can someone let me know when I can play the stupid game normally?

just play retail, clicking mobs is still exactly the same

THIS is the experience boomers were waiting for? Over at FFXIV we don't have to worry about that shit because Squeenix had enough sense to let multiple mobs spawn LMAO

they are affraid their favorite streamer will report them on his stream if they DARE to play the game as intended. Must follow his script, he knows better how to have fun.

quests also require significantly less kills but the mobs dont die in 2 hits so that doesn't matter. i'd rather do a quest that takes 5 minutes where i kill 3 mobs than a quest that takes 5 minutes where i kill 15 mobs

Well I fucking hate retail
I also hate ff14
I guess I'm done with mmos

>waiting in line for an NPC
>paying for the privilege
Stupid fucking dicks

be glad you're still capable of running

Maybe you werent around for Vanilla but every time a new server came out there was a race to 60

Which EST servers aren't filled with spics or streamers?

>yelling SHAME
I used to think NPCs were just an overused meme, but...

Attached: jews fear the samurai.png (615x694, 317K)

This is probably on a rp server, yesterday I waited in no line to loot crates on dun morogh

man, MMORPG is a weird genre. I mean, what is fantastical and "RPG" like about BOTH methods (dungeon finder and giant lines)?

Same lol me and my squad walked right to the front of multiple lines and laughed in their faces when they all complained.


This can only lead to a stable beta Male inspired fair and reasonable auction house economy.

Good goys

>giant 40 man raids waiting in lines to kill nightmare dragons that have ling spawn timers.
Keep me posted

Yea Forums used to celebrate this behavior because muh nostalgia and muh "we used to do this" but now that is replicated again is hated

Yea Forums is a runescape board, not WoW shit, which is for SA goons

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2

>it's called...
>wow, it's almost like....
>this....so much this.....
>it's :clap: 20 :clap: 19 :clap: you :clap: bigots! :clap:

Yeah but im telling you what I read, all those nostalgia threads always said the same things about wow


it isnt actual Yea Forumsirigns posting, its blizzcuck shills trying to hype up the game, same with gaylo shills and COD shillls with the le going home meme, all it took was for a wojak with a cap with some game logo to shill effectively