
>less than 8 months until harvesting season
>Supports 1000 troops on screen, no modding/tweaking required
>World map offering ~3X larger play area
>enhanced formations
>enhanced diplomacy
>Pre-deployment phase
>Functioning real-time siege weaponry
>Enhanced siege decisions at the world map stage

>factions are made up of clans
>Family dynasty system, you can die and play on as your offspring
>greatly enhanced management of your kingdom/regions
>A.I plays under the same rules as the player as much as possible, needs to recruit troops the same way the player does from the same pool so all the lords and the player are on an even letting field
>you need to buy horses for your cavalry troops and so does the AI, from the same pools just like the troops above
>shop locations can be bought in cities, and again these are available for the AI and the player under the same rules so there's competition
>personal horses have upgrade slots

>engine designed with modding in mind
>mod tools will release alongside 1.0
>mods can be stacked on top of each other in a load order

Attached: Mount-Blade-2-Bannerlord-4K-Wallpaper-1.jpg (3840x2160, 653K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We made it bros
Almost home

Does this shit have a release date yet

doesn't matter
everyone will just pirate the beta

march but its early acces

Hopefully it'll have a more fleshed out economic system too. Destroying caravans, attacking farmers, looting villages, etc. didn't seem to actually have an effect on enemy lords' abilities to recruit and maintain armies in the field.

It affects the prosperity of fiefs

wait bloodlines are confirmed? thats always been something ive wanted but never see inplemented well in warband. source on this claim?

How many years until full release? Two, three? Will it ever even make it that far?

Possibly 20 years

>Game releases
>Yea Forums pirate It
>Game flops
>No more M&B

2 - 4 months.

EA will be pretty much just bug testing as it will be "near to, or already feature complete".

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>>A.I plays under the same rules as the player as much as possible, needs to recruit troops the same way the player does from the same pool so all the lords and the player are on an even letting field
>>you need to buy horses for your cavalry troops and so does the AI, from the same pools just like the troops above
Do you have the blog on this?

Does anyone else see a Nord expansion/dlc coming?

its the #1 obvious guess as a DLC expansion so yes.

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this is actually a pretty good motivation for me to get a better job, so I can move out and buy a new computer to play this

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>All those border modeled lands
An Indian themed faction would be bretty cool too

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Gonna have a new comfy playthrough of Warband this winter. Still don't know what mod I should pick but maybe I'll just keep it simple and play Dickplomacy for the QoL changes and disable all the porn.

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read the blogs. all of them.

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>Erdogan executes the dev team 2 weeks before release and destroys hdds containing the 1.0 version of the game

I've become so desensitised by the eons of waiting that not even this announcement has made me excited again.
I don't think I will be able to believe Bannerlord is real until I am playing it myself.

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It won't even be feature complete desu. They simply needed more money so they shat out the early access.

you are objectively wrong hun xox.

i think it was the PC gamer weekender video and not a blog.
>"Another major change we have made is that AI lords now recruit troops in exactly the same way as players. And while, on the surface, this may appear to be a massive benefit to the player (as there are no more magically regenerating doom stacks!), it also means that you will be competing with fellow lords for fresh recruits."

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Fuck off with that wowfag shit

id love to, make at an archipelago of islands since teh main map is a boring blob of land, that way you could introduce naval stuuf and the new part of the map would fit perfectly, i hope they dont do just a bit of land over the sea with more land of map behind it

tahts a bit too far of from the setting

what if i die before i have an offspring?

Don't worry user I'm sure that even if you don't have kids Bannerlord will release before your death.

i'm talking about this
>Family dynasty system, you can die and play on as your offspring

I want to be in the beta! Seriously I played mountain blade when it first came out and they're giving out keys to fucking youtubers instead

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Then is game over

question: are there a killfeed mods for warband?

Bug testing in balance.

>Family dynasty system, you can die and play on as your offspring
I actually think this is pretty fucking cool. There could be some wild stories from players about how Chadicus Thundercock was either killed in battle or taken prisoner and executed only for his son to come in years later and crush the nation that did it. Or he had multiple children and after his death they were united like never before and gathered all their armies to swarm across the map.

I eagerly await the greentext stories.

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>what is expectation management

who knows more, a community manager or the lead dev?:-
>"We are one of the first companies who used EA. In time, most of the developers used the EA in a bad way, some of them started the EA in really early stages of the development, some of them didn't even release the game even they promised to do so. This is why people think EA is a bad thing, but EA is a tool which we can use positively, our EA will not be like those, if we force ourselves a bit later we could even launch the final product. But we don't want to do it, we don't want to remove any feature so we will release in EA and we will keep developing the game, all in all I think this will benefit the players"

>“We want to make a game that’s similar to Warband,” says Yamuz, “but we want to make it so that all the different mechanics are well fleshed-out and well-polished. We need to spend some time in early access. These features will hopefully be pretty much finished, but even if they’re not 100% there, it’s better to have them in and working, and let the balancing happen down the line”.

But of course you'll spam that shit despite actual devs completely contradicting it at Gamescom.

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wholesome roach

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Is vanilla warband playable or there are must have mods?

dickplomacy+ctt for best native experience

It's pretty boring without mods

Is it on Linux?
Please someone tell me.
Warband is.
This is the game I've been wanting to play more than any other, but if it's not on Linux like its predecessor I won't play it

very playable. I recommend go through vanilla twice, before getting mods.

First playthrough to learn how to play, second playthrough to actually enjoy it. Then get some mods.

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> No mounted plate
> No plate at all

You're able to buy your dudes new equipment, right? I think I saw that in one of the diary entries

He should install the diplomacy mod.
It adds some nice quality of life things

I think there are some elite troops not shown but I don't think anyone will have plate

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>11th century
pick one

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You're telling me they figured out how to make chainmail before plate?
What even?
Plate is way simpler in concept

They gave keys to people who went to the gamescom booth. Some people sent their keys to Youtubers. I guess more keys will be given over time.

What about auto-resolve, though?

post the waiting for bannerlord picture

>Some people sent their keys to Youtubers
Goddammit I hate youtubers so fucking much. It's not enough they get to play games early, get free games, makes tons of money they also get free beta keys from retarded fans

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i'm no armour fag so i don't know why chainmail was before plate. might be because they couldn't purify metal back then. some user might drop the right reason(s).
but i do know that chainmail was invented before plate.

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>no difference in stats between fian longbowman, Battaniian yeoman longbowman and Fiuthail Fiann

Whats the point?

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>playing turkroach games

Absolute unit

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It's like a thousand times easier to create a chainmail hauberk than to create plate mail

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>playing games

I can't wait for the mods for this game. Lord of the Rings, orcs, elves, etc

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I hope there's more to it than that, as that would be a waste.

Maybe the difference is in the bows, one will have a longer range but fire slower, another will have the lowest range but fire the fastest and the third is inbetween. For exaple the Battanian yeoman longbowman seems to have a slightly thicker/longer bow than the other two.

There could also be a difference in melee side weapon.

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I don't get why people like modding this game so much.
All the overhaul mods I've played were either incomplete / empty feeling (the japanese mod, the cowboy mod) or absurdly unbalanced (prophesy of pendor).
Like how the fuck do you even get strong in Pendor when you're fighting against demigod elves and "immortals" that come in armies of over 1000?

lol what a gay

I think someone said you get a few different choices, I think it was about multiplayer but I imagine it applies to the campaign as well. Maybe certain weapons or upgrades costs more for example
Warband wasn't ideal for modding, Bannerlord was built with mods in mind so it will be completely different.

Different bow and firing style from what I remember, also different melee weapon.

get floris

2 and you get cancer


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>Like how the fuck do you even get strong in Pendor when you're fighting against demigod elves and "immortals" that come in armies of over 1000?

You lure them into other armies, preferably Jatu warbands. Alternatively Empire/Sarleon armies.

You're not supposed to 1v1 600-strong warbands, mate.

yeah but why exactly is chainmail 1000 times easier to make than plate?

>madlads actually incorporated different heights even though they said that they tried and couldn't do it

probably because its a big single surface but i am guessing

So what is the Dhirim of Bannerlord going to be?

But how well does it run?

buttery smooth

because you can make any regular old t-shirt into a chainmail shirt. Plate is usually only a few 5-10 precisesly made individual pieces that fit only to one person, it was also expensive to commission and supply the materials for making plate armour. Why go through the trouble when you can go pick up your everyday ordinary chain links that every blacksmith has thousands of lying around

That's what I wanna know, especially for the big battles

what's wrong with it?

It's a thousand times easier because advanced furnaces retard, which they didn't have

Okay fat retard. We all know u wont

So Yea Forums, who are you playing first and who are you destroying first?

chainmail was even used by fucking ancient greeks and plate is only a late medieval thing you fucking brainlet

I don't know but i'll want to destroy the slavic not-nords first

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Lots of reasons, but you listed the most major one. Most people simply didnt have the know how to make quality iron in the quantity needed to make full plate. Aside from that, production for chain mail was much easier, just get good at making rings then get good at linking them then link enough to cover a body part and boom theres your chainmail. It was relatively cost efficient and labor efficient until the later era where metallurgy and purifying technique allowed for full plate. By the time we figured out the best of the best for plate guns were already showing up so it was back to the drawing board, but in the early days of guns plate was still king

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That fucking mead barrel

Currently, there is weird bug where the game freezes every 15 minutes or so. Happens to everyone else I've talked to. Not sure if this is just multiplayer, but it's really annoying. Other than that, it's very smooth.

>the only good vanilla overhaul mod that doesn't add tons of retarded shit is a porn mod
Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction.

>Other than that, it's very smooth
Doesn't really say anything. FPS/resolution/GPU?

i'll play as an aserai warrior poet. i'll reform the aserai first then destroy khuzaits, our ancient enemy.

I just don't feel it with early access. I know the original M&B was like that, but that was a different time. Besides, this game has been in dev for 20 years and all we get after all that is early access?

People died waiting for this.

Also there was a huge difference in plate armor quality while chainmail was generally quality controlled. A peasant buying plate was actually getting one, in rare cases two, paper thin sheets of steel only large enough to cover the center of mass, while lords and the like could commission armors consisting of 5 layers of varying density plates (typically 2 thin layers covering a thicker inner plate made of better quality steel so the outer pieces could be replaced and not damage the actual core of the armor) and to top it off they were usually curved from the center splaying out so as to deflect blows to the sides, while is effective for just about everything, was only developed to actually deflect bullets

When metallurgy isn't very advanced, It's easier to make smaller metal pieces than bigger ones and they're also easier to repair on the field than full plates which is why chainmail and lamellar armor were so common throughout history.

Tell me where the breastplate meme comes from
Like how you see conquistador types or swiss guards wearing a breastplate and no other armor

Why do people hate rhodoks? Shit units?

Rhodoks are terrifying if you're assaulting one of their holdings.
Not so good at anything else

did you saw the gamescom videos? the game is basically done

Rhodoks can beat anyone as long as they have the high ground.
Swadians get run down by everyone and their mothers so talking smack about Rhodoks is the only thing they have going for them.

Because most arrows/bullets would be aimed at your chest so chest armor was still worth it. It's way harder to hit other parts

Honestly im not a hundred percent on the conquistadors, but I know that most mercenaries would simply loot their victims and rip up their clothing so as to fit literally anyone, and the pieces of armor that didn’t fit got discarded, so they would take the breastplate, bend it a bit to size, and the pieces they couldn’t do that to were left behind, usually arm pieces and gloves and so on, extremities usually. By that logic, being out in far off land chances are your comrades would die and their gear would go to waste, but if your stuff was damaged enough youd discard it and pick up what your ally left behind. Aside from that, conquistadors existed well into the era of guns, so perhaps moving with less armor was preferable to being a walking tank that was still mostly susceptible to gunfire. So you kept your curved bullet deflecting breastplate, but ditched everything else in favor of mobility. Just winging it here though, so take it with a grain of salt.

They're disgusting rat-men that live and thrive in their castles so well, if you don't have 100+ more decently armored troops than they do when besieging you've guaranteed yourself to be picked off by what looks like THOUSANDS of crossbow bolts.
But whenever they leave their castle, with huge armies or in big warband, they become so fucking weak its laughable. Any army 1/4 the size of a Rhodok army will annihilate them easily.
Who the fuck just wants to sit in castles all day? So fucking boring, its like they don't enjoy raping and pillaging.

tower shields
pole arms
mountain maps which are also cancer in the game

It's not the Rhodoks themselves, though. It's the scenes the devs created for their castles. They're full of murderboxes.

The AI is not good enough to truly profit from a group of crossbowmen. But it's also not good enough to not be fucking shot on the back.



Sturgian of course. I'll attempt to wipe out the Khuzait probably, but Battanians might be easier, since their land is wrapped close.

In Warband you can use one mod at a time, so most of them are robust overhauls or straight up different setting.

Vanilla is playable, though once you go for mods you'll never go back, as they bring a lot of Quality of Life improvements like a battle not finishing in defeat if you get knocked out (you literally can lose a 100v1 battle in vanilla if you get knocked out) or prebattle setup

I'll play khuzait and conquer the aserai first for that pseudo Seljuk rp. Then the empire gets the arrow.

>it's a episode of 34 looters kills 2 swadian knights because I couldn't care to play it

Not him but I hope to go along with this this time the castle halls are large enough to accommodate everybody during feasts. It pisses me off when the lady I am courting is in town for a feast or tourney and I go to the castle but the room is too full to actually load everybody. It's not a big deal in the current game since you can just see them later but with the new mechanics you want to avoid delays in courtship so you can pop out a child sooner.

I assume it's possible for female pcs to get pregnant so I wonder how that will work in the game, maybe in the later stages you get locked in place for a few months.

Why wasn't the bannerlord early access announcement shown as part of the gamescom pre show
It would have been a far bigger announcement than most of what was shown and it makes me wonder if doritos pope was afraid that anything too big might take too much attention away from kojima.

Does it really matter now that we have proton

Vanilla will bore you quickly so i'd suggest something like vanilla+ or overhauls. Multiplayer itself can be fun also.

I can't believe that it's actually happening. I had almost lost hope.
Still, all the new features look great, and mod tools mean it will have even more replayability than warband. Makes me hope that the wait was worth it in this case

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>they also get free beta keys from retarded fans
Maybe they wanted to help the game be promoted to an audience who otherwise wouldn't know about it.

>plate armor in the early medieval period.
Nigger what?

Pour one out for the fallen who didn’t make it
May they ride forever beneath Calradian skies

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Imagine the star wars mods
But what would be truly amazing would be avatar (last airbender) mods.

Definitely play it before installing any mods it's still pretty fucking addicting.

Was that the city that sometimes bugged out when you tried to siege it?

Can I win the game by having a never ending supply of Khergit Lancers again?

It's the city that got fucked in the ass by every faction.

What's the best mod to play if I just want a juicer version of native.. but not too much bullshit?

>Late Armor
That actually looks fucking kino. Love it.

they're the jew faction
>they excel at fighting from behind walls but suck in open field
>they all agreed to live without a king but went back on their word
those are off the top of my head


I can't wait to play as the not byzzies and reclaim the empire.

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How does the crouching work? Can you just crouch and walk or can you, for instance, crouch and hold your shield up to protect your legs from archers? Also can you swing a weapon / fire a bow while crouched? What about bracing spears / lances?

Why is it that faggot youtubers upload videos about Bannerlord but never even experiment and demonstrate the new combat system? What the fuck is it about these braindead idiots that they just run around like it was just warband they're playing?

Dickplomacy reloaded


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Anything else to add?

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you sure marshal mechanic is gone? creating an army at the cost of influence might be a way to help the player early on

>air nomads flying into battle from over castle walls, deflecting ranged attacks and causing massive lag with dust storms to skew battlefields in fog of war
>fire nation units riding in on lizards in the field and chain climbing tanks in castle sieges, similarly causing fog of war with massive smoke plumes, air baloon siege ships roaming around
>earth nation castles filled with kill corridors and traps unlike anything else, crystal curses slowing and eventually killing units caught in the spray, controlling battlefields by raising and lowering grounds, limited flight by jumping on allies boulder tosses
>water nation field control combining freezing, snowing, hail, pushing water to create lakes and kill zones, surfing to get around quickly on shallow water, giant fish to get around near oceans where no one else can roam efficiently
All of this not even considering using bending for combat, just augmenting combat. Now imagine all that plus three unique ranged attacks for each group (mimicking throwing/bows/crossbows) as well as melee attacks mimicking each weapon type and then also augmenting actual weapons. Possibilities

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>loose prosperity
also, you recruit from notables and not towns. your relation with them determines the level of troops you're able to recruit (maybe the numbers too). there are several notables in each town/village and you can't make them all love you (balancing mechanic). doing one quest for one will make the other hate you. like in gamescom last year, there was a quest to do a trial by battle to get a relative of a notable out of execution but the one that died was a relative of the other notable so if you help the first, you'll get relations hit with the second.
also, dynamic quests. quests will be available depending on the sandbox and not the other way around. if a caravan is getting attacked, you'll get a quest to defend it.
also, you and the lords take companions and recruits from the same pool.
you can manipulate the economy of a lord by attacking his village(ers) and sources of income, then he will field smaller lower level armies.

Sounds like shit like all Western animes.

nothing, user just likes his reaction images

I guess you want some gay ninja mods instead where there would be no balance or unit cohesion at all

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>avatar (last airbender) mods
Nigga let it go the show ended 10 years ago

But, now I am going to get my hopes up and be crushingly disappointed when we don't even get anything basic in the universe.

Hopefully we will at least be able to mod in sookas boomerang even if we can only use it as a club

No comment on star wars? The 70’s was a long time ago buddy

The show ended 12 years ago man. Grow up

>tripfag is retarded
Every time

Star wars is one of the highest grossing franchises of all time and is getting a movie, a tv series and several books/comic books and video games coming out next year.

Avatar ended 12 years ago and nobody has cared since.

Do you know where the fuck you are? Smash has been around for about as long, WoW is still popular, fucking anything worth anything hasn’t been fucking made in a minimum of 10 years before now, both movies and games are getting constant reboots and spinoffs and here you are telling people to grow up. Delusional as fuck

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Star wars hasn't had anything good since the clone wars ended up 2014.

None of the new shit is worth anything, your point is fucking moot bro

I actually think star wars has not had anything good since the Phantom Menace came out, but my point still stands - The last airbender hasn't had ANYTHING in years. Korra was absolute garbage and since then there has been absolutely no new media about it. It's kill

My point is Hiro because I never said anything about the quality of the shit coming out. Star Wars is a massive franchise that keeps expanding. ATLA is dead and has been dead for 10 years


so let me get this straight
Something ending at an absolute highpoint is worth nothing just because its over, meanwhile something run straight into the ground is still hot because its new? Korra was a continuation that conceptually wasn’t too bad, but like what star wars is going through right now it got ran into the ground by garbage handling. Defending one while claiming the other is garbage and needs to be let go is peak hypocrisy and you should spend less time giving fucks about what other people want and let people have their cake you shit eater

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Discuss bannerlord you fucking retard piece of shit or return to your garbage board

>Sieges are still the same dumb ladder climbing meatgrinder
no thanks.

Dude can you seriously not fucking read? What does this have to do with quality?

The show ended. There hasn't been ANY extension to the medium at all. No expanded universe, no mini series, no film series, no video game series, literally NOTHING. The series is DEAD. It has no extension, there is nothing keeping the fanbase alive and there is literally no content to produce new discussion or interest from. I'm not saying it was bad. I'm not saying it was shit. I'm not saying star wars is better than it. I'm just saying it's gone forever and you should just move on because it's dated and you shouldn't care this much about a children's tv show that ended 12 years ago

>Something ending at an absolute high point is worth
>absolute high point

You can't be serious

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You can do it fren, world is your oyster

>Crafting your own weapons
I forgot about that, since we didn't see more of it for awhile now, and that the beta conveniently provide with predetermined archetypes
That feature is dropped, ain't it?

are you retarded? you can build siege towers, battering rams, ballistae, mangonels and trebuchets in addition to the ladders.


>consolefag 4 lyfe
>have had decent pc's but nothing capable of running anything relatively recent
>thoroughly let down by Wii U and PS4
>wii u had a nasty game drought followed by all it's decent titles going to switch
>ps4 made all kinds of 60fps claims and shit and almost never maintains it steady on any game
>get some new work friends, rocket league just got it's "play with whoever" update so i take my ps4 over to their place and we rock out
>also play through bloodborne together on our ps4s
>all the games they like to play on PC would never run on my current machine
>vow to spend my tax return on a good PC if it's over a certain amount
>tax return is 2x my expectations
>drop $2000 on a new PC hoping for decent performance on brand new games, and great running older games
>hahahahaha no, no, this thing runs new games at 120fps 1080p no problem
>absolutely fucking baffled at how good things look
>we all get edf5 and have a blast
>other games too
never pay money for consoles. it's a waste unless you NEED exclusives or all your friends play on a certain system. otherwise they are a JOKE


you can't post that without your specs, user...
custom troop trees. you make your own soldiers when you start a kingdom.
it's on /mbg/

custom troop trees

Rhodok shits

Has the Prophecy of Pendor guy said anything? Because FUCK.

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>you can't post that without your specs, user
sure i can. nobody posts their specs without someone insisting some alternate build is better. i'm happy with my purchase and need zero validation

I cant wait for the day before release, Yea Forums will be actually be a joyful place. I've been on this dumb since 2006 and it's not often that this place is actually happy. But on that day, there will be nice feels.

Its been an honor to post warband/bannerlord threads at least once a week or more for the past couple years as interest faltered, we made it lads

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Are spears useable now?
Having spear become a shit tier weapon other than on horse back in warband really triggered my autism
Watching the the AI trying to poke you from melee range was fun tough

It was fun to against a whole army of spearmen with shields and solo them with just a cheap one handed sword simply because you blocked center and were completely immune to all of them.

>Yea Forumslandia

It had comics for both korra and the original although I can't comment on the quality of either. Apparently the korra one took the last second gayness and made their first arc about a homopbobe villain instead of doing something sensible and trying to justify the relationship itself.

because you don't care about people, post specs and don't read replies. i need to see what's good because i'm out of the loop on hardware since 2015.

>A.I plays under the same rules as the player as much as possible
This is always pure design kino

Vlandia shall be purged on sight. For without Vlandia, the filthy Rhodoks can never come into existence. Mankind can be saved from their cowardly manlet tactics, even if it means losing the honorable Swadians.

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they were usable ever since VC added upstab and all mods followed suit

what for?
Once you reach them they can't hit you worth a shit, all the AI does is hug you and try to kill you with 0-2 dmg pokes if your armor is in the upper end


You can try bitch but you have to go through hundreds of crossbow bolts, your armies will melt

a dev stated in the official forums that it will not be feature complete. Another dev said it'll be like 80% done...

>>mod tools will release alongside 1.0
Does that mean mod tools will come with the early access, or we have to wait for full release before getting out hands on them?

How is the economy in this game? Can I get rich off of being a merchant?

My dude that is bronze and pieces like those were reserved only for those with the biggest of dick, a chainmail would give you more protection then the antique bronze chestplate's

No, a *community manager* said it will not be feature complete on the forum. He has been consistently wrong about things and now hes just being extremely cautious.

Two actual devs, including the lead dev at gamescom, implied it would either be feature complete, or extremely close to being feature complete in EA with it only being there for bug fixing/balance feedback. Lead dev said it they even waited just a little while longer they could go straight to 1.0 and not bother with EA, that's how "complete" it will be by March 2020.

full release, but that shouldn't be too long afterwards.

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>full release, but that shouldn't be too long afterwards.
fuck my life, it's going to be another 10 years before it gets out of EA

can you quote that "implication"?

FUCK indeed

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I already spent $5 on warband so I will pirate this.
They owe me.

>haven't read up on features and factions because I thought this shit was literally never coming out
any recommendations to get me up to date?

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>He forgot about Korra
>He forgot avatar is getting a new Netflix series

I guess we'll just have to Deus Vult that roach if it comes to that.

Live action though. You know it's going to be shit.

>" We need to spend some time in early access. These features will hopefully be pretty much finished, but even if they’re not 100% there, it’s better to have them in and working, and let the balancing happen down the line"

and (lead dev)
>"We are one of the first companies who used EA. In time, most of the developers used the EA in a bad way, some of them started the EA in really early stages of the development, some of them didn't even release the game even they promised to do so. This is why people think EA is a bad thing, but EA is a tool which we can use positively, our EA will not be like those, if we force ourselves a bit later we could even launch the final product. But we don't want to do it, we don't want to remove any feature so we will release in EA and we will keep developing the game, all in all I think this will benefit the players"

He says there if they waited just a little longer they could go straight to full release, but don't want to. They want an EA but its clearly going to be pretty much "complete" with things just needing ironed out.

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>Massive empire that ruled over everything is now passing out of living memory
>Remnants of the Calradic Empire remain somewhere in the east
>Battania is Britain inspired by Midlands England and Wales
Thats everything significant you need to know.

Sturgians rule, Battanians drool.


sounds to me, like there likely won't be all the features in yet...

>>Massive empire that ruled over everything is now passing out of living memory

Lol what, it's still massive and there but split into three factions, there's no "passing out of living memory" when its parts still take up the entire center of the map

>people ACTUALLY believed the never ever meme

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How do I get into this game? 3 hours in and the gameplay consists of entering identical towns and villages, talking to randomly generated people and doing their fetch quests. Literally the only fun thing about it is battles and but the mechanics are too clunky of maybe I'm just shit. It's boring as fuck.

Northern, Southern, or Western Empire?

Seeing the amount of shows with asian cast like warrior or the terror second season makes it seem like this trend is over. It's only RICED now.

For features As for factions, basically you've got the same ones with different names, and then they've added a big not!roman empire in the center that's currently divided between three factions in a civil war for succession after the murder of the previous emperor. One faction is his widow trying to get her daughter to be crowned by right of succession, one faction is a general that was popular with the army, last faction is the senate trying to reinstate "democracy".

Whichever has the general.

Well I mean when the Empire wasn't in massive decline and not split into three separate entities and had not lost pretty much most of their territory,

Bannerlord will never truly be finished.


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When was this? I just dropped 2k on a pc and a 2k monitor and im running shit at 120fps 2k

>we are at a point where we can actually have bannerlord threads
oh man it feels so good to not get swindled by other shit like cyberpunk and scam citizen

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Guess I'll curbstomp the dunces fighting each other and take the crown
maybe I'll even take the princess for myself (after I'm already emperor)
now the question is, if should I start as a lesser noble, a (((merchant))) or a lowborn
god damn the hype is real

Actual civil war would happen
You know how turks are

GoT mod when

>Not playing the dynasty game
>Not marrying your son to a noble when your lowborn
>Not going through seven generations into your Emperor

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There has always been bannerlord threads kept going by the butterlord faithful, only pathetic specimens doubted its release

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Lowborn of course. Build a mercenary warband, get into good renown, marry yourself up the ranks and grab all the land you can, then eventually have one of your heirs rebel and claim the throne.

don't do quests for anyone. choose a couple of villages that have the troops that you like and only do quests for them so you can recruit large numbers quickly in the end game. fight looters then forest bandits then mountain bandits then sea raiders then become mercenary for a faction then become a lord then make your own kingdom. all while doing trade runs in between. and bust out prisoners whenever you come across any for free relations.
and if you have to raid, choose a couple of far off villages owned by shitty personality lords and raid them till the end of time.

I dont think anyone doubted its release, people just thought it was stuck in development hell and the meme was that we'd never live to see it.

I am going to go full Conan on this shit. Start as a lowborn in shit village #5234 and slow work, fight and fuck my way to rulership.

Then he'll tell his sons ruling is fucking shit and he'd much rather go back to the life of high adventure.

northern if you're a fag
western if you're a bootlicker
southern if you want pussy and legitimacy

The economy game looks cool as hell, it will be way more fun to play as a merchant this time

b-but I want to marry the princess
but playing the long game sound pretty fucking cool too

Yes, finally time to get my Gallowglass on

600 hours on one character in vanilla, dont listen to the retards


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Same. I sincerely hope you guys are with the empire and not the other meme factions

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How are the RPG mechanics now? Some skills were clearly worse than others in Warband but all cost the same, but in any case it was still foolish to not totally invest in military traits for your character.

western or the one with the imperial pussy, can't decide

>being anyone other than big dick battania

Y'all gonna get FORESTED

Attached: Battania_concept_art.jpg (1920x1024, 605K)

>reddit frog poster
Good thing they don't give jobs to braindead retards.

>Vlandia - Normans
>Empire - Rome
>Sturgia - Danes
>Battania - Celts
>Aserai - Arabs

Batannian women belongs to the Empire

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Sturgia are Slavic, not vikings. They only have a couple viking-like troops.

>inb4 some obtuse cunt "but early slavs are basically vikings"
fuck off, we know. They're Slavs. Most of their design influence is slavic, The devs have said they're slavic. They're Slavic.

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>protects its borders with night-time raids on enemies, forest ambushes and deadly longbows fired from behind the walls of a hill fort.
>Big dick Rhodoks

Empire > everything else. It's just fact

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The "Empire" are nothing but pretender mongrels dressed in the stole riches of the true, slain emperors.

The people's of the east are the true Romani, they will make the empire whole again.

>no coop
>multiplayer a carbon copy of warband

I'm going to get it and enjoy it but to be real, for how long the wait was, this game is going to be a disappointment.

lmao who gives a shit all of them will go extinct in 200 years anyways

Yeah but will it launch with dickplomacy?

They'll realease the full version but call it beta, so that the meme will live on.

I can't larp as Cuchulainn in the Empire

In the lore, Battania are the true Calradian Natives and theyxpanded across much of it before being pushed back by outsiders.

All land is rightfully Battanian clay.

Vanilla Bannerlord is like Dickplomacy++++ but without the degeneracy

Attached: Battania_cavalry.jpg (1920x1080, 826K)

>but without the degeneracy
That's the worst part.

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Praying i don't have to upgrade for this game.

Can you rape people in dickplomacy?

Dickplomacy 2 is going to be great

All penetrative sex is rape user get with the times.

Sturgia is Kievan Rus. Slavs, Finnic tribes, Scandinavian rulers and some "vikings". It's not just purely Slavic by any means.

Guess I'm going to Aserai to get me a fast horse.

Elder Scrolls, Warhammer fantasy some OC fantasy mods

>that pic

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Unless I'm full of shit (I may well be), wasn't PoP the fulfillment of some guy's Tolkien-esque world building exercise, and he died from cancer or something?

does size play in any way aside from aesthetics?

>>multiplayer a carbon copy of warband
I wish that were true

Hopefully the multiplayer will enter an open beta before the single player ea

>curbstomp the dunces fighting each other and take the crown
>maybe I'll even take the princess for myself
I like the way you think and I am gonna be pissed if there is no way to marry her.

The 6 v 6 test is just a new mode that happens to be perfect for testing. The big modes with 200 man servers will be there in the full version.

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>Go into Battania
>Gets arrowed from trees
How can outlanders even compete?

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can't fucking wait for the Game of Thrones, LOTR and Warhammer mods

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>replacing patrician historical setting to gay fantasy shit

pleb detected

>less than 8 months

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>mountain blade
U wot m8

>Early access

>not enjoying vanilla and then jumping into the mods

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>game of thrones
fuck off already

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>want to play Warband again
>remember how retarded the 1 ladder sieges are
>would rather just wait for Bannerlord
Are there any mods that unfuck sieges?

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I've literally never installed a mod and it's one of my favourite games

What should I set lance and block control to? And what is battle size?

>try to besiege rhodok castle
>in vanilla
>gates are open and there’s a suicide bridge
>get sprayed with bolts till death
No, it’s meatgrinder or uninstall for vanilla.
I think floris fixed that.

gekokujo has the best sieges


you get to actually play the game

I haven't heard anything about it but in mods it would be easy to fix

do we have any confirmed screenshots of t he emeperor's daughter, the empress is a shitskin and too ugly to marry.

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What will the Napoleanic Wars expansion of Bannerlord be? I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say ||US Civil War||

>Turkish dev
>US civil war
No, English civil war would make the most sense game-play wise seeing, but most likely we'll get Napoleonic wars 2.

probably a year and a half, simply because the games gonna release feature complete in early access and they might add extra features, but the EA is mostly for bug fixes.

thats dumb, those were spear units, the AI should be smart enough to brace for impact.

Do you play in third or first person?


How can you even hit anything in 3rd

its a wait and see kind of thing then, either they have most of their features in or half the games done, either way we'll only know in march.

By not being forest bandits

>Like how the fuck do you even get strong in Pendor when you're fighting against demigod elves and "immortals" that come in armies of over 1000?
You're supposed to befriend the elves, not fight them. As for the 1000+ armies, you rally up your vassals and tackle them head on, or ask your fellow lords to follow you. That or lure them into another army.
I really enjoy Prophecy of Pendor personally. I might be biased in that regard but I find it way more enjoyable than vanilla.

>You're telling me they figured out how to make chainmail before plate?
>What even?
>Plate is way simpler in concept
On the one hand you could use you diy shack of a forge to smelt tiny lumps of metal and make a tiny rings, and link them together into super good protection.
Or you can go for your high-industrial big estate mega forge and very high quality ore and experienced men you need to fashion a huge coherent piece of metal into a good shape.

Bronze and copper are much softer metals, owned only by the very richest, and providing inferior protection to good chainmail.

By using a good, solid Vlandian Manufactured shield™
You'll be the first on my road to conquest, tree nigger

Pray for those who didn't make it so far.
I hope in vidya hell they can finally rest in peace, and when the time comes, play Bannerlord (when?)

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It's been over six years. This game won't be able to keep all its promises. But despite me being against early access, I'll still buy it because it's the only game I want at this point.

Honestly even the gameplay we have seen was beyond my expectations.

I got a spare gamescom beta key, post a screencap of your warband playtime and make a pw protected emailadress at spambog to send it too
also tell me what is the single best game ever created for bonus points (bonus points only apply to the single right answer and add 600h playtime) good luck, I'll give you 30 minutes
if the thread dies, I'll make a new one with the same pic

these guys in armor were pretty nice, I felt so sry for them, it they must have melted in there

Attached: beta key.jpg (3264x1840, 1001K)

I'm a simpleton about mods, but I will probably play a lot of Custom Battles.
Do you guys think it'll be possible to create a mode allowing you to have different troops from different factions in one army?

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With this user, have they talked about characte leveling stuff yet?

well, I guess it's gonna be easy to get this...
I didn't expect this
but I don'T really want to make a new thread for this, only people actually reading the bannerlord thread should get it, not some random, who looks at all threads


Not gonna guess the game because i'm most likely gonna get it wrong
[email protected]
Forgot to choose screencap sorry

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isn't the empress a khuzait? i remember that he wifed a daughter of a petty king in the east

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I am adding 30 min on top, this is sad

You guys think this'll run on a 970 + 4690k build?
I don't want to upgrade just for bannerlord.
I'm only interested on it and maybe Halo 3/Reach.

Definitely, it's just a matter of enabling Y units in X army.

That is a cool thing you are doing man, got my beta key tho.

not too bad, just make a guess, there is no penalties

Dungeon Keeper (not him BTW)

Maybe with a load of stutters and at lower settings, but yeah it should


If that's true, then he did a shit job, because he didn't even bother to change the names of half the stuff after stealing them from other fantasy. The mod is well made tho.

good games though, but they stink compared to the king, the holy grail, the single best piece of media ever created

Ultima Online




I think with some detective work, you guys could actually figure it out, especially as people visiting Yea Forums from time to time...

Well, this looks fun. I'm gonna lean towards... fuck it, Devil May Cry 3, why not? That's some good shit.
[email protected]

Attached: if only i could count my non-warband hours.png (361x140, 61K)


true, but is it the best of the best?

you are just helping the next person btw, since the answer is only worth sth with the original post, because I cannot identify you...

Right, right. Now I'm thinking of Metal Gear Rising - but wait, maybe it's not a Cuhrazeh game after all, but now that I'm thinking of Metal Gear, then MGS3? Fuck it, Snake Eater. Double nigga votes for Snake Eater.

I have a key dude, we probably brushed against each other and shared a moment of eye contact before parting forever.

ok, I guess, if you quote your op, it can still count
no, mgs was not the best game in any point in time hinthint

thursday morning? I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and waited for my friend to come at the end of the line for like 30 minutes

(accidental double hint)

I don't remember seeing anyone in a Hawaiian shirt sadly, I had a green shirt, glasses and a shit unkempt beard.

>Snake Eater isn't it >Metal Gear in general isn't eliminated
...MGS1? Gah, you're playing a tricky fuckin' game here.

>we probably brushed against each other and shared a moment of eye contact before parting forever
my little Yea Forums can't be this gay

>Yea Forums can't be this gay

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I-im playing Khuzaits f-for the uhm....the... thing

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I was more relating to release time

since there is so little participation I will just wait till this thread dies and look at the people who send there stuff and guesses and send it to them, I have to go for now, good luck, don'T be afraid, I won't forget, I'll leave this open

Yea Forums is just as gay as the rest of this site

Can you still go independent?

MGS3 came out in 2004...

...Ace Combat 5 also came out in 2004, but geez, it's been a while since I've played that. Yet the release date doesn't necessarily have to be 2004 - and because of that, I'm willing to range out a few years and say Ace Combat Zero. God, so many fun playthroughs of that until the disc stopped working properly.

Anyone else sign up for the beta? I never got any conformation email or anything. Do they send one out or leave you in the dark? I did the google form but pressed enter in the place where you put the keys (because I thought it would expand to the next line) and it completed it for me. I had everything filled in I was just doing the optional bit at the end. Now I'm paranoid that I had a typo in my email address because I didn't get to double check it.

I got a newsletter but no conformation letter.

Okay cool I'll wait a couple weeks to see if I get the newsletter. Thanks senpai

am in my last year of uni
want to finish my ACOK game and Morrowind for this autumn and then take a break for games for awhile
don't have a proper computer for bannerlord and also just feel a bit burnt out on video games even though I rarely play, was burnt out on M&B years back and stopped for a long time
I'll do the same I guess for bannerlord might not buy it until 2021 or so

Fallout 2? Came out the same year as mgs1. I enjoyed that game

No ladders for the most part, the openings are wide enough for a thick group of soldiers to go in at once.
This is balanced for defense by lack of shields and many, many archer emplacements spread out throughout the base. But once you get your army through the initial killzone or two, it turns into a big team battle.

I wish the game was constant 3rd person, no overworld map

If you're thinking 2004, it could be World of Warcraft, Half-life 2, GTA: San Andreas uuuh fucking VTM:B or am I getting that wrong

are there any warband victorian or steampunk mods?

>I wish the game was shit
A bit odd to be honest.

I'm gonna throw in Thief as well, because i like that game too

Vlandia Patriarchy Slapping around BattCucks

>tfw export/import my endgame character everytime I play now
Do people actually start fresh everytime they make a new save? After the first few times, the only time I ever enjoyed starting fresh was for mods that changed it enough like Freelancer. But now even that shit is boring, so I just jump straight to my uber character.

You don't understand my vision

your vision is crap and done by everyone else

But the engagement phase of battles would follow the sandbox narration, instead of being a match setup
Ambushes, buffering tactics, crossing the Rubicon
Napoleon carefully chose the location for the battle of Austerlitz, why should i be forced into a random boxing ring to create my masterpiece?

>bannerlord with Elder scrolls maps, factions, & lore

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>based on the lore as of skyrim
>morrowind is a complete shithole, cant even protect its own southern lands
>ready for being DP'd by Big Nord Dick and Barbed Scalie Dick at any time

Sounds fantastic.

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maybe in the far future, or when devs/publishers finally realize that gameplay/ai/simulation/number of troops>>>>>graphics
but until then, I think it's just not feasible with the amount of troops/stuff going on in m&bl

Bannerlord Amazon mod, here we go

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[email protected]

Pretty shit playtime but most of it was on a non-steam version that I lost in a harddrive failure. Best singleplayer game of all time? Other than Warband? Not that it's what you'll be thinking of but I'd probably say Morrowind.

Attached: warbandtime.jpg (303x118, 8K)

yes, just imagine all the shiny lotr armor
I hope they change their decision and release mod support with the open beta so the kingdom of arda guys and start their magic

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does it make me gay that this Lossarnach redesign makes my dick hard?

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desu I played for several years on a pirated version of the game and only later bought it on steam.
Fav game I guess is DD:DA

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I'm a fucking retard
[email protected]

hobo phase is best phase. do you enjoy warband sieges that much?

Scrounging for scraps from the low tier bandits and trade idling for the millionth time is pretty shit, it's almost as boring as one-ladder sieges.

Is it me or is persuasion fucking broken, and not in a good sense?
>King tell me to go to this lord and convince him to pay his debt
>Fag tell me he already settled him
>Cannot persuade him no matter what
I even went ahead and cheated my stats, just to give it a try and see what his dialogue would be, and even despite my character making the heavens and angels wheep at his magnificient speak the fucking jew still do not want to pay his debt

>winning a one-ladder siege
>with khergits
>against rhodoks
Name one thing that can beat this feeling

>Ride into battle as the only cavalry unit
>Dash towards the enemy in a straight line
>Block/Dodge all their arrows
>One hit kill almost all the army whilst circling them/maneuvering and slashing
>Your forces arrive to deliver the killing blow

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I've got hundreds in m&b and pirate warband but whatever.

The best game in the world is Heroes of Might and Magic 3

[email protected]

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Fuck... I just realized I have been LARPing as a Rhodok for no reason at all, I used to Larp as one because I thought they were the MED BVLLS of Calradia, but I guess that title belongs to the Empire, well at least I know which faction I will join now


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Best game: UT2K4
Got more hours with the Warsword mod but they didn't register in Steam
[email protected]

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you know there's cRPG for Warband right? Bannerlord is going to have higher player counts and we can only assume larger map sizes
so in essence you'll have that
I want to see how far they'll push it
blogpost mentions
>225 sq. km.
even a portion of that is insane and reaching MMO sized maps

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I remember the very first time I saw that pic I actually burst out laughing. For some reason that just got me in particular.

>225 sq. km
>those modding possibilities

>those pauldrons

What will be the system specs? I want to get a new comp and gotta make sure that it rans good

you're crazy
post pic of pauldrons you like pls

I just hope they kept combat mostly the same with maybe some slight editions and they didn't dumb anything down
Can't wait for MP servers to be alive and poppin again and stomp some pubs

it feels prety much the same
but while most people like the way the bow feels now, I strongly disagree, maybe I am just used to the exact way it works in warband, after countless hours playing it, I can do the most insane shots, but in the alpha I suck at it, I generally suck there though, I never played m&b mp...

Maybe it's a bit presumptuous but I feel that The Last Days has basically perfected the depiction of Tolkien in M&B

Attached: Gon01.jpg (870x653, 131K)

I am a fan of Tolkien, but I gotta give the movies that they had some great design, I prefer TLD Overhaul, it also adds alot more content

My first playthrough of Bannerlord will be 50% getting giddy over imagining the modding possibilities

you could essentially create an MMO out of that, was thinking about a game mode that could work pretty well
>large map
>divided into farmlands, castles, towns, villages, wild areas
>certain amounts of farmland controlled by a small holdfast ruled over by a knight, larger fiefs being villages, then towns, and then castles
>descending order of nobles ruling over one another ultimately controlled by two or more kings
>each fief can raise a certain amount of AI troops of certain quality, has a certain amount of gold, food, supplies, horses, etc.
>peasants who it takes a long time to respawn that work the fields
so sort of a commander battle in a large map with some roleplay. Can loot and burn villages, destroy farmland, besiege and conquer castles and area
it's probably possible judging from how they've spoken about modding but it might be too intensive for the vast majority of computers, not to mention it would need a proper dedicated server

literally a 2018 world cup sp for its coming home to england thing. let me know if its even older

Putin was in Turkey today proposing arms sales to the Turks.
The Turks have been warned if they go ahead with the purchases they will be out of NATO.
The Turks replied if they are out of NATO they will suspend trade with the west.
The sales are set to go through APR 2020.

I'm the opposite. I like the movies but I somewhat resent that they have such a stranglehold on the popular image of Tolkien. That's why I'm so glad that TLD explicitly created its own aesthetic interpretation separate from Jackson's. For that reason I don't play with the overhaul mod

>Trade is suspended week before release
>Can't even pirate it beyond shitty beta versions
>No servers for MP anyway
How many people would kill themselves if Bannerlord was pulled from them that close to an early access date?

that's a bummer, it got so much more content, the ogers are much better and does the normal TLD still have those goofy ass horse nazgul? ^^

well I like it and I don't think it's too far from the alan lee illustrations, what I absouluetly despise is erverything to do with shadow of mordor, Tolkien would be horrified

wait, no, I think those were in the other lotr mod
they were pretty funny though

I hope the new modkit allows new animations etc for elephants and the like
does someone know?

It's not so much the movies but Alan Lee's illustrations/interpretations of Tolkien, and his work is A+ as anyone who owned an illustrated edition of LOTR will attest to. It's clear that Peter Jackson was familiar with his work.

Attached: AL.jpg (614x1000, 518K)

Can't wait to play as a loli.

They better improve troop balance. All you need to win in warband is a horde of Swadian knights and a few Rhodock sharpshooters. Spearmen are useless against cavalry.

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Jackson wasn't just familiar, Alan Lee and John Howe were artistic advisors during the making of the films. I think they're both very good artists, I just don't think their style by way of Jackson needs to be used in every adaptation

when you say lotr, that's what by far most people think of today, so I doubt it will change

>dies the fire
>mackenzie archers
>bearkiller a-listers and infantrymen
>CORA-boy scouts
>all those minor sherriff-feifs
>portland-pritective association knights and men at arms
cant wait tbqhfam

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I know, but it's nice that the big M&B LotR mod is made by purists like me instead of moviefags like very other LotR mod

who is this kazakh qt

So you will be able to use multiple mods at once in bannerlord? I always wanted to bone Galadriel and maybe a few Uruk


>Family dynasty system, you can die and play on as your offspring
This is the only one that genuinely got me. That's a quality feature if done right.

what about sieges that aren't shit?

They basically revamped sieges. They aren't shit anymore.

I'll believe it when I see it.

baheshtur ate too many redberries


have we seen quests yet? that was the worst part of warband, hope they fixed that shit

You're going to deliver messages to the princess and you're gonna like it.

So since Lords can die this time around is there a more in depth negotiation system for holding a dude hostage? And if the other side upsets me and I execute him will his heirs flip out?

No clue. but I am 100% certain killing lord his family/heirs will be upset along with some others. Maybe not if relations between them are bad?

holy fuck lads we are going to make it

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>reputation with X has decreased Y amount

A bunch of that sounds like bullshit to me.

You can pretty much ignore "X BIGGER THAN THE PREVIOUS TITLE" for pretty much any game, because if they haven't fixed fundamental things about how the game works, or added features that make the space worth it, then it's just empty space for no reason.

Stupid sexy Steve

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floris is a pretty good overhaul to keep the core elements but it doesn't change enough imo

is this series worth a read?
sort of liked the 1632 series but it was also shit in a lot of ways

like what, all of these are confirmed and were explained in blogposts
I don't need a bigger map though, I think that is silly

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 14 game years solely so she can go and get mounted&bladed by another Bannerlord™. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - showing her executions at bedtime, making her go to joust practice, making sure she had a healthy diet of butter and wine, training her, pillaging with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the Bannerlord™ that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, King Harlaus who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a Bannerlord™ who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 14 years of your game life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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[email protected]
I mean the the best game would be Warband or the Expeditions series.

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Different user but that's objectively wrong. Korra came out a few years ago and there's a new Netflix show in the works

And if you have a son, one day he will fuck a girl that you could have potentially fucked, cucking you too.
Clearly the way to go is to not produce offspring until you are so old you're sure you'll die before they reach puberty.

-son might be gay or might be a failure with the ladies
-doesn't preclude the potential to fuck the girl anyhow
checkmate, now go play some Bannerlord

>Claiming the right of prima nocta on your own son's wedding.
>Claiming the right of prima nocta on your own daughter.

Absolutely devilish.

>at work all day
>most of my hours were from my pirated account
>only a few hours on steam

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post anyway and I will triple the hours for you, if you guess the game, read everything, it's actually guessable if you think about what you know about me, this board and the clues I gave, which weren't interpreted right yet

triple the 600, I mean

>only multiplayer beta
>no co-op at launch
>been in dev hell for nearly 10 years
shit game.

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Basically they copy pasted celticism as lore for battanians.

AI still looks like trash that will just lemming it's way up a single ladder

If theres not a way to marry and consummate with 9 year olds I'm going to pissed, even your own daughter.

>muh co op

Normie faggot

Is there any word on weather effects? I want heavy fog / rain in the Japanese highlands

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Even better
>close battle against sand bastards
>last few mamlukes vs you
>they kill your horse
>stand alone in the desert as they take turns trying to finish you off
>kill their horse and then them
>one by one wittle them down until you hopfully win
This has happened to me too often, I love the great axe.

Im 100% going polearm this time, swiping and killing 5 men dynasty warrior style.

there is no bracing for impact when a Heavy Cav each weighing 300+ rocks into you. Especially since that spear unit had wooden shields and light armor. Just asking to be knocked over and broken through

Who the fuck wants co-op? It's a stupid gimmick. The multiplayer modes are adequate for multiplayer and the story mode should stand on its own beyond "XD ITS FUN WITH FRIENDS!!!!".

agreed, but you can see that there was no attempt, and no feature allowing for such. maybe one day with mods where there will be bracing against cav and in turn brace failure or success depending on the cav unit and spear unit.

I'm looking forward to it, but I don't buy any game on release anymore. It's always smarter to just wait at least 3 months for it to get patched.

>Not wanting to have the giant battles of AI with your honor guard of horse mounted bros

It wouldn't require a major redesign of the game play, just keep the host as the designate "main person" and have the other players as other knights/nobles/ect. Like having them as non npc pary members of your army,

Cringe co op normie

I guess that is one of the issues with implementing cavalry in games like this, especially with players.

One of the main reasons pike or spear formations are so effective against cavalry when well formed by disciplined troops is simply that horses get spooked and will bend away from the lines or just freak out.

It all falls apart when the troops in formation are untrained or just worn down and start to waver or break formation.

I would like that very much as well user. With the new formations and hopefully improved physics engine it'll be possible with native bannerlord. I'm guessing a heavier infantry maybe with all kite or tower shields could slow down that heavy cav somewhat. Even in that webm they unit didnt entirely buckle and some cav stopped. Just hope that wasnt a bug lol

Maybe if a special type of hitbox was added at the end of a pike or spear that blocks cav from moving forward. Kinda like in Warband where cav will outright stop when hitting a unit sometimes. Turn the bug into a feature

>cringe cope dilate ect
What and original and well formed point of view.

I don't think many normal fags even care about, or remember coop is a thing. I don't see how adding a the ability to play the campaign/single game mode with other people would be difficult to implement or would somehow lessen the rest of the game.

Just allow people to host it like any other server, just as a different game mode / mission. It would be pretty cool. and could lay out the ground work for interesting mods.

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its probably not a bug but rather the physics engine being worked a bit hard and some physics failure seeping through the cracks, would probably get ironed out in the early access with more physics optimizations.

Some dude unlocked singleplayer menu on the beta and people were speculating you could potential unlock the game by making simple files to bring the start game back. Sadly tho devs are aware of it.

There was a co-op mod for warband, Bannerlord will get the same no doubt.

Co op games are the only things normies care about and other multiplayer. You are a normie.

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I feel like the only natural and worthwhile way to implement an imitation of said real life behavior and tactics is well developed AI.

You would need to make it not only clear when a bunch of dudes with specific weapons are "in formation" as opposed to just milling about, you would need to make it clear when cavalry are formed up and charging, the moral and conditions of troops, IE are the dudes with pikes all fucked up in scared or are the holding strong. You might even want to imperilment such a system down to individual units.

I am doubt it would be easy or perfect but it would be pretty awesome, and things like formations, moral, and the states of individual units in groups have all been implanted and connected to one another in plenty of games before.

Mainly RTS games.

One thing people should remember that was spotted in the MP footage - no more magnet shields. You can shoot a motherfucker in the legs now if that little bitch is approaching with a shield up thinking anything but a kite shield will save his ass.

Can only hope. I have faith in the devs so the future is bright. The physics engine is working a lot better than warband if that is the case too. And if thats the extent of the combat bugs in bannerlord, i'd be estatic. Now, to see how projectiles have changed, and if powerful longbows or crossbows can damage through shields. The morale mechanic in battles will be interesting too. And if units break all at once or do individual soldiers waver

>empire - Gr*ek Empire

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Perhaps the new AI will be up to speed. That particular cav charge in the webm is the only charge scenario I've seen so far. And the defending unit had only short spears with few kite and mostly round shields. So them breaking to a heavy cav charge is very likely considering realistic conditions.
I can't speak from experience since ive never made a game but translating rts mechanics to a nearly rts game doesnt seem that difficult. If you dont included the hero unit as a character and just manage battles with unit commands from behind your troops.
The new moral and physics in bannerlord seems like a step in the right direction. And with early access bug fixes and future mod development, I can almost say this is going to be the new staple for military strategy games. The inclusion of rpg mechanics to a real time army managment is genius.

The Byzantines were the last true Romans
Charlemange "Not holy not roman, not an empire" is not my Emperor
He is a pretender and dare I say an offspring of gaulic savages

Greek language and imperium
not feudalism and papal schisms
ok praise Jesus

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it looks super modular too so thats the most impressive thing, and from what i've seen of the multiplayer beta, they have things to iron out on a lot of fronts but it looks feature complete on the combat end for the most part, just needs more and more optimization which should take at most a year and a half if they are working with 90 people.

The Byzantine state was nothing but a bunch of bickering backstabbing Greeks for it's entire existance, they call themselves Romans but do not possess the eternal city of Rome itself? The Venetians did nothing wrong, Istanbull deserved to burn

>I'd actually agree with that to a point once Justinian was gone the east kind of became its own thing. But I think it did have a chance to survive and carry on the Wests legacy rather than slowly decline like it did.

I'd also argue that it had more rights to anything roman that the groups of people that invaded and then ran around yelling about how holy and roman they were for the next 500 plus years.

Fuck I didn't mean to green text lmao
I'm retared.

Steppe qt

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Justinian looks like an ancient version of Rene "Give her the dick" Descartes

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Are slave soldiers a unique way of pressing people or are they regional special troops ala Warband's mercenaries?

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Huh, I can kind of see it now. It might just be the odd perspective.

empire women are good for one thing only

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my brother

That reminds me that I really need to catch up with this series. Cute slice of life AND interesting historical setting.

The Eastern Roman empire was as Roman as the western Roman empire. Byzantium was literally just the half of the Roman empire that survived. East and West were seen as the same empire but with two rulers controlling different parts. Even before the split, the emperor changed the capital to Constantinople. Rome wasn't even the capital of the West for the last hundred years before the fall iirc.

mo dheartháir... I'm gonna rp the shit out of this

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