So this is the best MMO the world has to offer...
So this is the best MMO the world has to offer
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This looks great
Modern "MMO" games would just have you go in, kill your instanced mob that no one else can see and basically play as if other people don't exist
I unironically miss doing stuff like that in games
ill take this over memenite and league of retards any day
that's not osrs tho
Autism and it's great
>retailcucks and FFfags are still buttblasted about Classic's success
Nah you're just in denial classic is anything other then nostalgia wanking.
>on grobbulus
>can't even find a group to do the elite quest in NELF starting zone
and they told me this server's pop would be just fine
Anyone else here that didn't buy it and has the login screen music on repeat instead?
ironically this is the reason classic is sought out
Oh FUCK it's The Division all over again
Thanks for standing there doing nothing while I run past and get my kill, fags.
>login queues and quest queues
>tens of thousands of people willing to wait hours to play the game
>not successful
WoW is literally the blueprint for what garbage modern MMOs are. "Modern MMO" is just a synonym for WoW-clone.
wow that looks like a lot of fun.... im missing out
Modern MMOs are WoW clones if you only took all the WoW's innovations and removed anything WoW took from UO and EQ
all those "people" were already paying for WoW because they're addicted
Why would WoWcucks be mad about more WoW shit?
>I miss bad game design
You're part of the problem.
>MMO game makes it so the other players can actually impact the world, if even for a few minutes or so
>this is somehow a bad thing
If you don't want the other players to affect your gameplay don't play an MMO.
>pretty much all warriors and rogues
Hmmmm, i wonder why they stand in a line like that, and i wonde lr why there aren't any hunters for example
why are people pretending classic is just a nostalgia wank when people have been playing on shitty private servers for years? just face it that some people prefer the old game to bfa.
>killing a monster that respawns in under a minute
>impacting the world
>playing on shitty private servers for years?
Only hardcore autists have done this. Your average normie can't do this.
>if even for a few minutes or so
>Wow retards calling out wow retards
The absolute fucking state.
Boredom is actually really important for an MMO, that's what creates a community, but not this level of it.
Why yes, I do play a Holy Priest. How did you know?
I can only assume that and severe nostalgia is the only thing fueling this. Think my coworkers are only going to last a month as I think it's still subscription based too right?
why would you wait in line when you can just go first?
Because you're not a cunt and also have played an MMO before?
>actiblizzard shill
Don't know sitting hours in queue and it's not even the prime time yet.
Your homosexual whiskers gave it away.
Yeah thats why the blizzard payment site went down. Because of all the people already paying for the game.
>Not exalted with timbermaw hold.
this happened in FFXIV 2.0 and The Division too
>that one guy actually organizing the line
So what the fuck happens with this game?
Are they going to rewrite the timeline and add expansions that dont ruin everything?
If you're serious about wanting to play this game reroll now to one of the mega servers with a billion hour queue to get in. In two weeks queues will be virtually gone. The two or three big servers will occasionally have small queues at peak hours, every other realm will be a wasteland.
It's how literally every mmo ever has worked, including original vanilla wow.
No, its literally just the final build of WoW vanilla, no further expansions, arguably no updates either since balancing and fixes could change it from vanilla experience.
>people are paying a sub fee for this
>millions of people are
Great, theyll take that money and continue to support the main game, nothing changes.
Why do this when you can grind mobs enough for 8 quests in the time you wait in line? And then be ahead of all these people?
What if I just tag every mob? Can they kill me?
No but they can send you mean whispers and fart and spit on you.
what exactly am i looking at here?
are these people queuing to kill some quest monster or what?
I say do it, if you want to be me that is.
they have purposely cut up content in phases because the average wow playing cretin churns content like a mong and then bitches about having nothing to do
You want to stand in line for hours and do nothing for a game you pay to play? Is this the power of Blizzcuck retardation?
Runescape 3 > Nu-WoW > OSRS > Classic WoW
weird how these things topsy turvy over time, innit?
Downside is runescape is a grindfes,t upside is that it atleast makes you feel powerful and not like a fucking peon like Cl*ssic wow.
Daily reminder that medium = a full 2004 vanilla server
>complain that rs3 is a grindfest
>literally 40 stats
Jesus Christ what a fucking shit tier list
Classic = OSRS = EvE before it went shit > Literally nothing else here is worth playing
I’ve been playing since 2006 and I’m still a cunt. See you at the finish line, faggot
>See people acting in an orderly and civilized fashion
>lol disgusting
underage b&
classictards don't understand game design - sure, OSRS has more soul but the balancing was horrid (I played RS2 and vanilla wow) vanilla wow? you felt like a fucking peasant and mounts were timegated behind a giant goldpile for you to pay more sub.
a real chad makes a sniping macro and takes what he wants.
Since when did what the average normie does matter here?
You could farm 50g in an hour solo'ing SM once you got into the 50s.
Now or then? Blizzard didn't even archive old versions and had to remake classic, wasn't it?
Nice guys finish last, just like losers.
this is reddit and unnecessary
Don't think I don't see you anons begging for subscriptions on Yea Forums.
Shut the fuck up, stop making good points.
the disgusting is in the game design that necessitates such things to begin with. Modern MMO's have QOL improvements like open tagging. So people can quest without seeing every other player as just another nigger trying to rob them.
Like Retail? You forget, this is what people WANTED
WoW is why every modern MMO went wrong. If this was Ultima Online, everyone would slaughter each other until people learn to discover uncrowded areas to farm shit. Ultima Online was the greatest MMO to be offered. WoW killed every potential MMO
the ingame queues are based and player made
the realm queues are blizzard fucking up yet again, surprising absolutely nobody
Why aren't you playing Ultima Online then? I wish it wasn't so dead.
this queueing shit will be over within a week or so right?
That's it
im getting ma mallet
what i don't get is why have all these huge queues when layering was supposed to fix this?
There more people than layers can handle
You can't layer the login server. It's a bottleneck
Oh I dropped WoW over a decade ago, and have just been waiting for the wave of disappointment as all these stupid niggers and their "we're going home bros" threads realize their nostalgia doesn't match with the real thing.
What made WoW good the first time around was NOT the game design itself which was nothing special outside of some decently scripted raid mechanics, but rather the people you played it with and that time in your life, having been younger. You can't recapture that.