Is this actually really good or just a meme?

Is this actually really good or just a meme?

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Other urls found in this thread:

in terms of mechanics it's probably the best kart racer ever
fuck the microtransactions though

Very fun racing game. The tracks, characters, and gameplay are god tier.
And yes, fuck microtransactions

It’s fucking great, fuck Activision’s microtransaction bullshit though

>Remake of a game that didn't need one
>By Activision, not the formerly old guard from Naughty Dog
No, Crashfags are numales wanting to get fucked which they were just because they settled for playing online for a while.

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cnk content makes the remake worth it tbqh

I want Crash to give me a blowjob.

No, that's when the "what's the catch?" happened. Anything besides the OG CTR is shit.

Great game held back by microtransactions and “season” bullshit. Can’t even get the bimbocoots any more.

What is the difference between red and green vials?

I'm still having fun pretty much every time. Everyone complaining about the most basic ass microtransactions ever can stay mad

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Cool but loadings are way too fucking long and no option for a custom cup like in Mario Kart, also, no online splitscreen.

Also not a fan of the blue-colored menus, looks stock and kinda souless.

they promised they'll come back

i just wish i could filter it out of my online, i never owned CnK because nu-crash sucked dick , and i dont want to race on those tracks

Are you serious?

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I am still having fun with it and I think it is pretty good.

The shilling is strong with this game .I don't get why it's so hyped when no one gave a fuck about the other Crash racing games.

Which platform is the most populated? PS4?

I just got the game and didn’t play the first one

CTR was always great zoom zoom .

CTR was literally always the best one.

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It's zoomer gen; you gotta nostalgia your products or won't have a chance to sell apparently and people will buy it even if it is shit.

>Remake of a game that didn't need one
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know the original had online play. I knew Naughty Dog were wizards who invented all sorts of new techniques to make the most of out of limited hardware but I can't believe they invented console online play in 1999!

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It's pretty fun.

>lootboxes and microtransaction filled game
Everyone who says it's good is getting payed by Activision to say so

If you hit a red vial, then your current weapon will be changed and you'll slow down until it wears off.

>Playing a game because online
>on a console
>also a multiplat
>When player count drops dramatically after the novelty wears off

Yeah, I remember that mediocre logic. The next joke you'll tell is "you can't hardly play with people on emulators".

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There's no lootboxes.


You're a retard. Even without online this still has 4x more content to offer.

The original doesn't even have fucking bots in Battle Mode.

i like mario kart better, but it's legitimately as good as mario kart

Gameplay’s fine in single player, online will make you hate it, and if that doesn’t the micro transactions will. It was a 4/5 for me at start, I dropped it when micro transactions started.

>Even without online this still has 4x more content to offer.
>"Bu-But the other Crash game's content!"
Face it; they're shit and you are settling with it just because it got a new coat of paint.

PC soon

Says you retard. CTR has been always the best kart game.

>more content bad

This post reeks poorfaggotry

>Trying to point out a deflection in my post
>when I was replying to your deflection

The original doesn't hold up to this in a lot of areas. Just face it. Quit trying to cope with being a poorfag.

I don't really get why people are making a big deal about microtransactions. You can get everything in the shop without paying a single real life penny

Literally nostalgia wank HD update with MTX. You’d do better with Mario Kart.

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because they're unacceptable in a full priced game and only serve to further normalize the absolute cancer that's killing video games.

No shit, that doesn't mean it was somehow not going to happen.

the gameplay/music/graphics are pretty great but the rest of it is shit
probably not worth a buy, bargain bin at best

>The original doesn't hold up to this in a lot of areas.
>Good things aren't good forever
Completely mediocre logic. PS1's CTR is perfect didn't need a remake, certainly because everyone with IQ would know they will fuck it up and the game itself wouldn't benefit at all.

A new installment was a better deal.

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it'll die out on PS4 unless there is a remaster of this remake on PS5

You get a little raincloud over your head too. The green one just spins you out

If it’s like the trilogy remake then July 2020 I think

Awful loading times, terrible netcode, and now has microtransactions. Don't support this garbage, I wish I hadn't.

my dude, you've gone platinum stupid
this is the first remake since REmake that actually got the "recreate the original, but better" correct
the game is fucking horrendous garbage but it's not because of the original CTR stuff, that's all there and intact

>Completely mediocre logic
It is hard fact. This does a lot of things objectively better, even mechanically at times, though the original still has slightly better physics tricks.

>PS1's CTR is perfect didn't need a remake
No it isn't.

>A new installment was a better deal
It already is. In every way except the plot itself.

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>this is the first remake since REmake that actually got the "recreate the original, but better" correct
Factually wrong; HG/SS did it before and way better than this one it puts it to shame. Also, you're bias; this one is far to be a better recreation of the original at that goes since Crash got a HD treatment.

Nitro bar burned me up this season, but apparently you can buy rewards with wumpa coins now, so fun is back on the table.

The fact that you don't see other peoples blue fire is pretty jarring.

Look at that there goal post. Seems to have taken on a life of its own and ran away!

>HG/SS did it before
hgss is a slow, bloated, unskippable tutorial filled piece of junk compared to OG GSC
>Also, you're bias; this one is far to be a better recreation of the original at that goes since Crash got a HD treatment.
i don't know if you're having a stroke or i'm having a stroke or what the fuck is going on in this statement

>hgss is a slow, bloated, unskippable tutorial filled piece of junk compared to OG GSC
Clearly haven't played it. That's B/W

Literally identical in terms of additions to CTR. It even has slow as shit loading times just like this does.

You got online play, we got online play
You got Battle Frontier, we got all of CNK's tracks
You got new Legendaries, we got new characters

List goes on

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Its pretty cool.

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i mean that's b/w, b/w2, x/y, s/m, s/s as well but it's also hgss

HG/SS has not paid online nor microtransactions.

>You got new Legendaries
?? It didn't; it added the existing pokemon up to date. That's not new.

B2/W2 got rid of tutorials and slow pacing in comparison to its prequel.

more is bad when it isnt good content. CNK was a shit game with bad tracks, and it should just be relegated to arcade quick play

CNK's content was fine, it's just the mechanics that suck balls. Being able to play CNK tracks with a driving model that isn't terrible is reason enough for Nitro Fueled to exist.

It's not good anymore. It's literally pay to win now.

>It didn't; it added the existing pokemon up to date. That's not new.
It's literally new content. The original game didn't have Kyogre/Groudon, etc.

You didn't even have to trade with the previous games.

Cosmetics are not and will never be p2w

Getting cosmetics is not 'winning'

Not him, but didn't they make it so there's an item you can only get with wumpa fruit that makes you faster? Or did they do something about the drop rates of items? I forget what the problem was, but I remember people making a bit deal out of it.

>wumpa fruit
I meant wumpa coins.

>It's literally new content. The original game didn't have Kyogre/Groudon, etc.
Again, it's not new. Content from 2003 in a 2010 remake isn't new.

>You didn't even have to trade with the previous games.
False. You must have to get the GBA games or trade with previous games if you go for a complete dex, gen 4 has the pal park migrate for that matter.

No, literally not a thing

They added a function to the pitstop that lets you buy more coins or nitro, but that's about it. Nothing in gameplay at all.

Alot of CNKs tracks sucked dick and even still do in the remake.

i think you fell for the shitpost narrative man

>False. You must have to get the GBA games or trade with previous games if you go for a complete dex, gen 4 has the pal park migrate for that matter
I meant for the added legendaries to the game.

If they supposedly aren't 'new' content you would have no way to get them in the game normally.

Still wondering why something like that has to exist in a racing game of all things.

Because Activision.

Are you thinking of the kart stuff exlusive to America from the candy packets?

Everything is shilling to you people. Why are you even here if you get angry at other people discussing things they like?

And they're not new, they're added from already existing games. The only legit "new" thing HG/SS has is the Safari park. But then again, it was a one time thing.


They just want (you)’s.

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>drop rates of items
i can only assume you mean in-race items because there's nothing else that "drops" in the game, they did change the rate of warp orbs and clocks and people bitched about that for a few days but that had nothing to do with microtransactions or pay2win

Nope, the MTX are literally rip off bundles for wumpa coins that you could earn in a hour of play. They have no place in the game but at the same time they don't give any actual gameplay advantages.

What you heard was
>There's a daily time limit that gives you 5x the wumpa coins for a hour of in game time. Refreshes every day
>On weekends there's a constant 2x bonus that stacks meaning players get a shit ton
>Originally there was no visual for this, and it released on a weekend so people were getting a shit ton of coins right away
>After a hour the 5x goes away and people assume there's some shady shit going on and the game was somehow getting patched in real time to fuck them over
>Weekend passes so the stacked 2x vanished
>People assume holy shit they're preparing the MTX they're killing us with The Grind
>Beenox explains this isn't the case and update the game to show the 5x bonus and 2x bonus when it's activated
>Most Yea Forumstards either missed this or ignore it because shitposting is funnier

That's not even getting into the fact some maps just give you a absurdly low pay out in general. Using the bonuses it's actually fucking stupid that Crash Cove gives 250 while Electron gives 800 for first place. It just makes me want to play "high paying courses" for a hour then quit.

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It doesn't

Legit wonder why we haven't heard a damn thing about Spyro's content.

For the shitass babies we had a few preview streams and clips and the Grand Prix breakdown by now. I just want to see who/what's getting in.

I'm also hoping that characters that don't make it get some reference costumes.
>Penta getting Byrd's outfit

Pretty much this

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Well likely be getting it today.

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It's a meme game that desperate Crash fans clinged onto, purely because either
>muh nostalgia
or the fact that it used one of the best kart racer's controls and mechanics.

You can only go so and so far with that however.
>terrible item rotation/distribution
>items themselves are either unbalanced or broken
>online is honestly unplayable
>more than plenty of glitches related to the Grand Prix'
>tracks' collision can fuck you up, due to being too large in many areas (invisible walls are ass as well)
>voice acting took a hit, plethora of characters don't sound like themselves
>self destructing save files
>micro transactions 1.5 month after release date
>pit stop
>baby coco and baby crash
>a lot of the remade music sounds very flat and/or dull
>quantity over quality mentality
>requirement of selecting N.Tropy/Oxide's ghosts in order to beat them, despite of your best time already being ahead of them
>adventure mode didn't expand into CNK, despite having most assets to do so
>anti-grav removed

Go play the original CTR and CNK, they still hold up pretty well, especially CTR.

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oh boy the dreamcast days sure we're amazing!!

CNK is crap my dude.

This game is literally all I need it to be. Every online victory I get from 20 years of practice is well worth the price of admission for this remake and I'll die on this hill after the many thousands of races I get in. Stay mad.

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Tic toc, Bandicoot. Your days are numbered.
Are you afraid? Can't you handle the speed of this baby?
BAM! It's Dreamcast baby!
Bringing your sorry ass online before the year 2000.

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>unironically telling someone to touch CNK

You're really grasping at straws my man, half of these are literally nothing, some shit like anti-grav being removed is a positive as it didn't add anything in the original game and you outright lie saying online is unplayable as I've played it literally every day with friends for the past month+

I'm not even saying it's perfect either. It sucks that I have to back up my save almost daily because I have no idea if shit is fixed yet or not, and there is some stupid choices like Tropy and Oxide but holy shit get over yourself. This game is miles better than CTR original and especially CNK's garbage ass gameplay.

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>and I'll die on this hill after the many thousands of races I get in.
Congratulations on being the king of the mountain of shit.

This could be you.

Take your shit opinion there too then.

>Go play the original CTR and CNK, they still hold up pretty well
I don't get this mentality. The biggest draw of a modern remake is that you can play it online, and I'm supposed to just go and play the original on an emulator by myself instead?

>Go play the original CTR and CNK
>and CNK
How about no?

I only remember a leaked trailer for the babbies and it only came out 2 days before the release itself

Sorry, I'm not CNF.

Yes, they're free of shit.

I'm just waiting for the stat reveals and the inevitable shitposting that will occur when we figure out which characters get stuck with balanced/handling.

It had been over a decade since i played both CTR and CNK. Never really cared for CNK and overall im not much into kart racing games but its nonsensical for anyone to go back to these old games when theres no online like there is now. Not to mention the graphics and artstyle for the original CTR cast.

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Unless you're a time trial enthusiast or speedrunner racing against braindead AI by yourself is only fun for so long.

>He doesn't have friends

>none can defeat my stand, 「Crocodile Rock」!

CTR gets framedrops in multiplayer and STILL has bad item balance. It's just less noticeable with only 4 people.

There were a few small snipits of gameplay they showed and a handful of screenshots. We got the roadmap 2 days before the thing actually came out with the leaked stuff right around then as well.

I mean is there any doubt Spyro is going to be anything other than Balanced?

>superb art direction
>brought back Charles Zembillas and Joe Pearson
>track designs either above, or improve CTR's
>great soundtrack composed by Ashif Hakik (Tomba 2, Sly Cooper, Twisted Metal and Bloody Roar)
>gameplay is still fun, though a bit heavier and slower (this point doesn't seem to matter for Mario Kart tough)
>Velo is a way more interesting antagonist
>separate endings for both team Cortex and Crash
>all of the loading screen artwork

The only thing that is genuinely bad about the game is the team power-up mechanic, which is broken and ends up being useless.
I suppose you wouldn't know without playing the game, and not listening to some e-celeb on youtube.

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>the biggest draw of a modern remake is that you can play online
>the online is shit

CNK's gameplay is absolute shit, i don't know how you could play both CNK and CTR and not realize that. literally night and day difference

It's significantly worse than CTR for sure, but it's totally fine on its own. Hard to beat CTR when it mastered and perfected kart racer controls.

>>gameplay is still fun, though a bit heavier and slower
and stiffer and with shitty boosting mechanics. it's not different from CTR it's a straight downgrade and a significant one too.
>(this point doesn't seem to matter for Mario Kart tough)
yeah it does that's why we liked CTR over Mario Kart in the first place

For me the artstyle didnt translate well into the overall game. And just because some old guard were on it doesnt mean its automatically good or without scrutiny. Hell I still dont care for most or almost all things CNK in both iterations. And half the time the OST was drowned out by the other sound effects. Weve all played it.

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Yeah, everything is "great" on paper except the gameplay that is pretty much a bootleg version of its prequel.... the most important thing!

I'm sorry, but I beat all of Velo's Ghost in CNK and I still think it's pretty bad. It's fun, yes. The cinematics are great, the soundtrack amazing, some of the tracks are cool but the gameplay... not so much, it's very sluggish and sometimes you lose all of your speed because you hit invisible walls. (Yes, VV did it first) Driving in the antigrav sections feels even slower. The best thing I could say about CNK is that once you get to the point where you master all the tracks (it has some very interesting slide mechanics) and archieve true speed then the game is alright. But getting to that point is a pain in the ass and gameplay wise CTR is better anyway.

>And just because some old guard were on it doesnt mean its automatically good or without scrutiny
those two artists created and shaped Crash's initial artistic direction, CNK is the most spot on game so far.
Could you elaborate why you think it didn't translate well into the overall game
>its nonsensical for anyone to go back to these old games when theres no online like there is now. Not to mention the graphics and artstyle for the original CTR cast.
the original's controls are much tighter and polished, as well as the visuals striking a balance between detail and simplicity, making the tracks much clearer than a lot of the useless clutter in the remake
and again, who cares about online when it's trash?
the game doesn't have dedicated servers, it's peer to peer. My internet is not the problem either. Not lying for shit.
>This game is literally all I need it to be
you like juvenile Radical era crash content don't you?

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its a lot of fun with friends

>those two artists created and shaped Crash's initial artistic direction, CNK is the most spot on game so far.
Thats true they did alot of great things for Crash during the ND days and the concept art looks cool in some areas of CNK but the translation just didnt come out as good as it did with CTR. Tracks are less memorable some worlds just outright suck like Terra or Barin and most of Technee. They either resemble something from a prior game but with a downgrade.

>the original's controls are much tighter and polished, as well as the visuals striking a balance between detail and simplicity, making the tracks much clearer than a lot of the useless clutter in the remake
and again, who cares about online when it's trash?
Id have to go back to the original CTR for reference controls wise but it was made in 1999. Obviously its going to look more simplistic when compared 20 years later and they have the tech to implement more stuff. And what makes the online trash?

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Reminder to use the official feedback page to report bugs, talk about item/class balance and to ask for Yaya Panda

She's an original character from the only decent Mobile games, and she's pretty much guaranteed to be speed class since she's canonically a speedfreak.

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I'm gonna jerk off to Tawna.

Just because you have the tech, doesn't mean you need to fill the screen up with garbage. Less is more sometimes. Especially in a high speed kart racer like CTR, having a clear track is a must.
Even something as fundamental as color choice/palette is much better in the original. Something must've happened mid development, because most of the concept art is fantastic.
The point you made about many CNK tracks feeling like CTR rip-offs is valid, but sad in its own way. From what I've heard, the game was planned to have new tracks alongside remakes of all CTR tracks. Though do to possibly being rushed, they fused the new with the old into a Frankenstein's monster of sorts. On another note, I think the tracks look fantastic. Some are less memorable than other's, but when the game shines, it shines really bright.
You should go back to the original CTR, in all honesty, it is way more polished and consistent.

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Good reminder user, I like you.

Post pics of the aftermath


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>Liking gremlin Coco
CNK had a better looking Coco for fuck sake.

CNK's Coco design is like the second best one. Everything else is inferior.
N.Sane and Nitro-Fueled is just Jimmy Neutron with phone addiction.

People still post these? That's news to me.

Ive played the remake and the original and honestly being able to manually maintain your blue fire anywhere you please along with 3x times as many tracks and characters just trumps the classic too much for me to prefer it. It will always hold a special place in my heart though.

Making Isabella a mother. Spyro trailer when?

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Speaking of MTX, I've seen they added some 'Nitro Fill Up' option in the Pit Stop, where you can just dump coins to unlock GP Nitro rewards.
The server bugged a bit and didn't acknowledge my progress so it would seem the cost to use it is 14k coins. However I am unsure how much would that give you, maybe just one full tier.

>Remake of a game that didn't need one
No game needs a remake unless it's broken. I didn't see you complaining about N. Sane Trilogy despite the originals being perfectly enjoyable.

Yes, by far.

it's a meh racer and only good for the new porn it spawned

You forgot about me.

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I sure did, who even are you

The only reason to use N. Gin.

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You plainly don't like racers, then.

how do you maintain blue flame for that long?
mine sometimes just randomly turned off in the middle of a jump

Make sure you always do Perfect boosts.

Always be doing perfect boosts. The more perfect boosts you pull off, the more reserves you add to your current boost. Any time you're not boosting, you're losing blue flame. That goes for going straight or jumping.

it's weird how you can fall off the track multiple times and just fuck around and still beat oxide on most tracks

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Is he easier than in the original? I didn't try too hard, I just unlocked Tropy and was done with it. I annihilated most of the Oxide ghosts without even trying, only Dragon Mines gave me any trouble. I even got Crash Cove on the first try even though people hyped how hard it was.

just a bad meme, the only good characters in the entire roster are crash and cortex

I'd say the overall difficulty is easier, just because the driving is smoother. Original ctr obviously has certain tricks that make some tracks easymode

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yo dudes i missed the last 3 ranks in the nitro bar
what now?
btw next grand prix when and its going to be spyro?

tricks to beat ntrophy on oxide station? I have all the tracks beaten but this one cmon, I cant even unlock his ghost

The unlock time is very close both to tropy and oxide time. I think the time is like 3.30 or something. You have to manage through the last part at least partly with USF

you just gotta keep blue flame a tiny bit longer. Practice taking the first couple of u turns towards the end of the track. Even if you lose the flame immediately afterwards you'll have gained enough time.

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should I stop using speed characters?

If you can't make the turns, try another class. Keeping that blue flame is the most important thing.

You pay coins to fill up your bar now that the gp is over
Yes, that's an option now, check the pitstop
Shit starts sometime soon, very soon and it will be spyro

it is really fucking good but it has a few flaws.

>Mechanics like reserves and U-turning are not thought to you in game, you need to find about them yourself.
>It has some wonky hitboxes
>speed and accel are the only classes worth a damn, playing balanced and turn characters is basically playing with a handicap
>Some items feel unreliable as hell
>microtransactions added post launch

Besides that it is a really good game and i've been laying it almost daily. shit is great.

>Constant boost simulator
Yeah no thanks. At least Mario kart is fun.

it takes skill to maintain usf

the only bad thing about the cnk tracks is the transition from anti gravity parts to regular parts of the track. shit like deep sea diving and hyper spaceway are way harder because you don't have that much room to maneuver anymore and hazards can lag the fuck out.

perfect boost at all times. if you dont you kill your reserves and your boost ends much sooner.

practice that in crash cove's time trial.

I enjoy mario kart a ton, but you just hit a ceiling in it immediately. It's very obvious where/how to drift and the only real difference in how you take a lap is if you get a speed item.

CTR has more rewarding mechanics of actually maintaining speed and getting a feel for timing perfect drifts. The online/framerate are dogshit though. It's ridiculous how much better mario kart performs in both of those aspects.

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i guess it is because you go a little faster on the remake.

also the cnk track times are absolute ass. some times the difference between oxide and trophy's time is like 5 seconds and in other tracks the difference is 20 seconds. oxide is super easy on the majority of them.

i bought it and tried playing it. too hard. can't even beat the first race. i shouldn't have sold team sonic racing because i think i liked that more, just wasnt worth 40

meme. Racing games are for retards. Faggots on v hyoing this turd cuz there's nothing new to play this summer besides this on PS4 (and PC yes)

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>Racing games are for retards.
please enlighten us as to your superior taste

The actual racing feels awful. Karts feel like they're just gliding across the ground and everything is so bouncy, it has no impact. Not to mention boosting is unsatisfying as fuck thanks to said bounciness and shit audio mixing.

shut up, bydlo. Anyone knows that sport games and racing gamesa are for brain dead normie shit

>implying drifting around at the speed of sound isn't fun


>buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe over 2 years ago
>over 40 characters
>over 40 tracks
>battle mode that works properly
>you get everything that is advertised for $60, no more no less
>online is only slightly less active than it was at its peak

I truly don't understand what makes shit like this game and Apex Legends and Destiny appealing to people. These games have control over you, you don't have control over the game. STOP PLAYING THESE GAMES or else the business model will continue shifting further and further anti-consumer.

Ya'll a bunch of fucking cancer. Sorry

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>Is this actually really good or just a meme?
it's a good meme

>buying the complete version of the game released after all the DLC is done is comparable to a game that's still getting content
I'm all for waiting for GOTY editions or whatever but you're just being dumb.

fucking niggerfaggot

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>buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe over 2 years ago
>buying a lazy game + DLC bundle ported over to Switch for a quick buck
Stop supporting laziness.

It's a solid game.
Gameplay wise, it's on par with the original. It's not an exact replica but it's still fun and manages to improve some aspect of the original despite some few setbacks.

Regarding with the microtransaction, while I'm not surprised about it since the fact that coins can only be obtained online is a dead give away (I don't care about Beenox saying they aren't implementing it. It's either Activision themselves are saying it or bust), It's not exactly a pure hassle. Obviously it makes all the things you want in the store to be unlocked quicker but at the same time, if you played the game on release day, you noticed that you can get the same amount of things the MTX does. Besides, everything in the store is PURE COSMETICS. There's not a single thing that affects gameplay there and I need to stress this out.

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Thats not even what he says, it's "I came HERE to laugh at you"

Just so anyone doesn't misunderstand
You only need an internet connection to connect to their servers
You don't need to pay for the online service to get coins
You do earn more coins with the services though

>using Turn character
I love when people do this. It's a free win.

>Pushing microtransactions on kids
Imagine being this much of a soulless piece of shit. Imagine being Jewish

>buying a lazy port full price
>half the characters are just reskins
Spotted the actual retard

At least it isn't pushing expensive map/character packs like Mario Kart

>B-but think of the children!
Yeah, fuck off

It's probably my game of the year and easily my favorite kart racer ever

The mtx aren't really enough to bother me. The way I see it, it gives Activision insentive to keep supporting the game even if they suck

A free win indeed

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>over 40 characters
Which are mostly reskins, baby characters or DLC
>over 40 tracks
A fifth of which were DLC
>battle mode that works properly
Which was a fix to what was quite possibly the worst Battle Mode of all time in the original release
>you get everything that is advertised for $60, no more no less
yeah now

>Any concern for the well-being of children make you a puritan suburban mom from the 80s
You need to fuck off, degenerate

>that new ultra shortcut in Thunder Struck that lets you complete the track in less than 15 seconds
This is such a stupid oversight I'm starting to think Beenox does it on purpose to silently fight the microtransactions. I've been abusing it offline for a couple hours and it lets you grind faster than playing online with the x10 bonus.

There's a new one?
I've been grinding N. Gin Labs and been getting a nice haul

Against plebs.

This gives the same amount of coins in less than 20% of the time:

These guys were pretty competent. Especially considering the memes around balance.

1v1 me on Electron Avenue and I'll show you why turn is trash.

>1v1 me bro

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Give me Nina!

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Im waging atm friend.

I mean yes? Why else would you care about some random snot nosed shitkid that can't control his spending urges? Fucking roastie

Those tracks are actually fun though. Most of them are anyway. Why wouldn't you want more variety

October is the only GP that matters

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>"I hate kids, look at how much of an edgy faggot I am"
Not sure how you got off the reddit plantation, but you really need to go back

>Le reddit boogeyman
Who says I hate kids? Project more fag

Speedniggers are pathetic.

Why? Because it's the best class?

Mario Kart 8 is 5 YEARS OLD who the fuck wants to keep playing that same old shit?

If you can manage to unlock tropy, you've probably already beaten oxides time. The annoying thing is that you still have to do it twice more

Time to learn this

It really isn't.

Coco and her boyfriend Dingodile

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She lost. It wasn't her turn. Go back.

It takes some practice, but after a while you start getting consistent and it's pretty simple.

Hating children is peak reddit. You're clearly hurting

Dingodile is too wholesome for a degenerate like Coco.

Attached: hello_there_by_kempferzero-davisdw.png (832x765, 67K)

I don't get the context of this image. Is the muffin poisoned or something?

Coco stalks disfigured midgets.

Attached: weirdos.png (336x263, 79K)

New coco is cute but I miss her ambivalent indifference during warped and ctr on ps1

The OST sucked ass, even now with 350 hours in NF I can only remember Electron Avenue and Thunderstruck and that is only because the remastered music gave them more personality.

CNKs main theme was also pretentious as fuck, sounded as if it was gonna be a good game and ended up sucking as soon as I raced on inferno island, returned to play MK Double Dash and Kirby Air ride soon after.

The fucking sound effects sucked and the ugly ass WoW-looking characters were shit.

Cool user, this will suffice

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Crash team racing nitro fueled is better than team sonic racing because I hate big the cat and omochao. I wanted Amy to team up with cream the rabbit and the water guy from sonic adventure called chaos zero. #DamnYouBigTheCat #FuckOmochao

In CTTR, Coco comments on how she finds NGin's waddling cute. In the same game, when getting a weapon, NGin will occasionally say, "aw, I wanted a muffin"
I love Nolan North's performance but I really didnt like the direction that NGin as a character was written

coco is the best and the absolute cutest even if her head is twice the size of all the other bandicutes

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>no nina
>shit asthetics that ruin the look, feel and bloat the filesize of the game
>unlocking shit through in game currency, which can also be bought with real money
>season events
>shit tier online play, bugs and glitches out the ass

>A victory well earned

Attached: 1563229074793.png (572x496, 26K)

Mechanic wise it's good, online is horrible though. Game suffers from immense class imbalance, two classes utterly outshine the others in just about every way. The item balance in this game is also absolutely horrible. This game heavily favors the player in 1st place and shits on everyone else. The Warp Orb is practically worthless and is a slight inconvenience to 1st place at best. Any 1st place racer worth their salt can prolong the travel time of Warp Orb by keeping USF, making it even more worthless than it already is. Beenox initially tried to remedy this by making Warp Orbs be given out more often in addition to the Clock item. However both of these items fuck over everyone else and not just 1st place. Now they toned down Warp Orbs (while not addressing their terrible function) and Clocks non existent while 1st place can still regularly get Shields and Masks.

To put it this way, take these two racers both of equal skill. Racer 1 by sheer RNG luck does not get hit with an item in the initial roulette pool, Racer 2 is hit by one missile. Both racers than play the map perfectly, Racer 2 is legitimately NEVER going to catch Racer 1. Racer 1 is also free to leave traps at every shortcut while Racer 2 has to deal with those and any other racer possibly fucking him over with items while Racer 1 has to deal with absolutely nothing. And even if they did the worst thing would be a Clock that hits everyone, not just himself. The item rate was legitimately better at launch. They skewed too far in one direction and instead of being moderate skewed to far in the other.

>Against plebs

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She makes you shoot a lot, just be prepared

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holy shit, has anyone done that in multiplayer yet?

That's not even accounting for tracks that have exploits (like N.Gin Labs and the old Thunderstruck skip) where you can end the "high paying course" faster than intended and in turn earn even more wumpa coins in said one hour.
While it sucks that microtransactions got added into the game and how they're a bad practice in paid games, this situation's WAY too overblown for something that is simply cosmetic and lacks lootboxes in the first place, even going as far as having people like making shit up .

Ask for Yaya, don't you want cute girls in Speed?

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Post your times

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Ami is cute.

This exploit is complete bullshit. I've been trying for half an hour now and it just isn't clicking, I can do it every so often but not at any speed, hell my current run is sitting at 5mins right now and I haven't done it once in this race. I just can't get up enough speed for it consistently so I think I'm just going to give up.

Give nina

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>Wanting even MORE post PS1 characters from shitty souless cashgrabs.

Shit taste, my semi-zoomer user.

Sorry to hear that, it can definitely be tough, but it's possible to get good at it. I've been doing it using Crash though, it didn't feel as tight using accel characters.

>souless cashgrab
>le zoomer XDD
wanna know how i know you were born this decade?

I think the item balance was perfect before they fucked it this past weekend
Lots of orbs but not a ton of clocks
No useless super engine
It was actually possible to catch 1st

More than half the time I go untouched in a race and the other time I'm just sitting in the top 3 basically running online time trials while battling it out with 2nd/3rd sometimes when the game is throwing me engine after engine or bomb after bomb

Twinsanity had the longest dev cycle of any Crash game and still turned out unfinished shit.

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Glad you showed me this and mentioned using Crash
My best time with an accel character was like 50 seconds and my worst was almost the normal time for completing the track normally
Switched to a turning character and did it in 21 seconds

Switched to Crash, another 6 mins of endlessly falling off the edge. This just isn't working. Certainly dosn't help when that vid dosn't even explain anything like it seems you've got to use air break due to how sharp the turn is but that just kicks me out further, normal jump isn't working, nothing is fucking working and it's stressing me out now. I miss the old exploits at least those could be done easily. I could have earned 10k coins legit in the time it's taken to do this so far.

because some fags actually care about cosmetics for some reason

It's shit is what it is


Turning didn't sit too well with me either, ultimately how much you turn in the air doesn't matter too much if you line yourself up properly, it's much more about that and the jump's timing.

The most important tip I can give you is that you have to jump as you're basically falling, you don't need to do a mid-air turn. The spike jutting out to the right of the starting line has some collision, you can jump from it and be able to land back on the iron block with the next spike. Don't do it too late though or the lap won't count.

Based and Lizpilled

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Post the full image please

>muh art style
>muh mechanics
>muh MK hateboner
CTR is furfag bait.

Notice how nobody here mentions MK unless you do?

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>muh goomy

Attached: meg.png (333x319, 228K)

The art style was a better turnout than I hoped to be fair.

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it looks like some kids unreal engine 4 remake

Honestly don't disagree. I don't think it's awful or inoperable but it's not where I'd like at all.

Aaaalright anons, only because you asked nicely.

But remember to ask for Yaya right?
I don't want this to be the only art we get of her.

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Man, I just can't beat my own time no matter how hard I try, this is just pathetic

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>The owner has restricted this submission to members.

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what a fag

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Imagine actually giving Activision $40 and then being surprised and angry that they added microtransactions. Anyone who bought this is mentally retarded.


>You can buy every nitro reward after the grand prix for a ridiculously low amount of Wumpa coins.
>Which means you're no longer forced to grind those boring challenges.
>which means a grand prix per month won't be a burnout after all just more content for free.
>Far less orbs and clocks.
Devs are monitoring their game and experience with balance.
>This is still a 40$ game.
They literally solved every major issues I had. with the game.

Beenox are fucking beasts.

Jeez, do I gotta do everything for you?

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>back in time didnt bother telling the story about fake crash fucking with Tropy and then fucking dinosaurs
>spyro GP intro will be generic sports casting rather than trying to tell a story about the crossover or even having Stew pull the guhnasty guhnorc gag
So much wasted potential

I love how after the item balance change literally every single cunt and their mother has missiles no matter what constantly. If you move in front of absolutely anyone it's just instant fucking missile.

>I don't want this to be the only art we get of her.

Do your own art and stop being dependent on others, stupid.

fuck crossposters more like

Thanks for the tip I was able to do it far more often and beat the Oxide time but I can't get it consistant and it seems to change the position with every jump. I'm just going to stop now as it's taken up an hour just to earn 250 coins. As far as exploits go, this is the worst one yet.

>Far less orbs and clocks
This isn't a good thing as they've nerfed them too much now. Me and my bro do multiplayer every day until the bonus runs out and no joke he's only got 2 warp orbs from Friday to today and no clocks. It's made winning against him braindead.

I don't actually understand why and how people are saying the items are "better" now when Warp Orbs and Clocks don't exist anymore but 1st place can still get Shields and Masks. It's actual lunacy.
>The actually new Mario Kart game not only has the same microtransactions as Nitro Fueled, but also implemented it worse than CTR (brought back the character-exclusive items from Double Dash but behind paywalls)

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You dont want to see my art. Theres a reason I'm in a tech field rather than a creative one

At least Beenox is trying. Make your voice heard enough and eventually they will get item balance right

>Do your own art and stop being dependent on others, stupid.
Who said I wasn't?

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I'm surprised the latency didnt say you hit the beaker when you didnt.

Really? I havent gotten a single shield or mask in first place its always bombs. I dont even get beakers or tnts that much

>new FREE TO PLAY mobile game
lmao nice equivalence faglet

What's the matter tough guy, weren't you against the MTX boogeyman?
I did it let's go

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Cause CNK was meh, and compared to even the PS1 version was lifeless.
CTTR was trash and easy trash because you can merge with racers and have the CPU do the entire race for you while you just sit there and shoot anybody that comes.

The game took all the good parts and mashed them together you dork.


they fixed the online mode a few days ago, unlocking characters and cosmetics is still a grind but its fun, for the most part, get it when its 25 bucks or something

Daddy Rubin doesn't love you anymore. Play the game or go outside.

Half the time online it feels like I'd get the same results if I just repeatedly smashed the controller off my face. Spend more time getting hit by items than racing after the update anyways.

goodnight sweet prince

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>items "update"
>everything I get is a single Bomb
>everyone behind me is Triple Missiles

RNG gonna RNG I guess, I am 'usually' in the top 4 and I see first place get Shields all the time. Even in first place I get shields more often than I do when I'm in second or third. Yesterday on Prehistoric Playground I was in first and got two shields back to back while having 10 Wumpa Fruit. Not a single Warp Orb or Clock the entire race.

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I hate how narrow the passageway is here so I'm content with uturning in the spiral

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I played and enjoyed Mario Kart 8.

Five years ago.

People want something new.

Good enough to win every online race

This happens to me more often than I'd like to admit. I think I just get too cocky and don't maintain control.

This is why I will play Speed whenever I feel like and never main the jankiest class

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>Free to play has free to play mechanics
Do you seriously STILL don't understand the real problem with microtransactions?

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>We will never get that smug Tiny icon ever again

>look ma no u-turn!

I love that icon

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I love how Crash racing games -always- have weird beta/proto icons for the characters

Literally a shittier Mario Kart with micro transactions.

>no PC
It's shit

this was the webm that solidified Yea Forumss approval of the remake

In some ways, a look at when things were better

Attached: Papu.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Literally a shittier Mario Kart with micro transactions.

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So why is expansions of maps and characters that you have to pay for better than expansions of maps and characters that you don't have to pay for but you have the option to pay to get shit without playing?